types of promotional cooler bags wholesale

Post on 16-Feb-2021






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Cooler bags, also known as passive refrigerator, have the property of high insulation and thermostatic effect. This is very useful for people who are travelling, are on vacations or going for a picnic. Promotional custom cooler bags in Australia give a thermal effect which keeps warm things warm and cold things cool.


Cooler bags, also known as passive refrigerator, have the property of high insulation and thermostatic effect. This is very useful for people who are travelling, are on vacations or going for a picnic. Promotional custom cooler bags Australia give a thermal effect which keeps warm things warm and cold things cool.

Promotional Cooler Bags Australia

● Polyvinyl Chloride Foam-

PVC is an affordable and durable materials found in soft and hard forms. However, the soft ones are very commonand they are the best choices for manufacturing insulated delivery bags. With these soft PVC bags, you can find plasticizer of a higher concentration level. The most notable fact is that they are resistant to chemical and oil.

Based On Type Of Insulation

● Polyurethane Foam

PU is another foam material with high resiliency and versatility. As it is a PVC-free material, it has become highly popular option. Moreover, due to the open-cell design, polyurethaneis mildew-resistant and it does not trap odors. You can choose these lightweight models for your food delivery professionals.

● Polyester Foam Insulation

It has drawn attention for its high tensile strength and breathability. The foam insulation does not add weight to your bags.

● Backpack- Insulated backpack cooler bags Australia can be the right choice for those who are active backpackers. They have a bulky design with two shoulder straps and foam interiors. These backpacks hold lots of things, as they have spacious compartments. For hands-free operations, you can prefer these insulated models

● Shopping bags- The square shaped insulated shopping bags Australia are best for storing your groceries. With a number of zippered compartments, these bags are convenient for your use. You may also take these bags to a picnic spot.

Insulated bags are available in two major styles-

Top-loading- The insulated bag with top loading design helps you in stacking your products for delivery. You can stack your trays, beverage bottles, foods pans, and some other items in these bags.

End-loading- When you like to slide something into your insulated bag from the front side, you can choose this model.

Types of insulated bags based on the loading style-

It is another way in which we can classify insulated cooler bags.

Hook-and-loop closure-

The loop refers to the soft side of a closure, while the hook indicates the rough side. With the connection of a hook and a look, we get a solid closure.

Types of closures used for insulated bags

Zipper closure-

You can find a Y-shaped channel to open and close the bag. They are very handy to use and keep the products inside. For commercial use by food delivery companies, zipper closer is one of the preferred models as it allows quick access to the products.

Side-release buckle-

This buckle enables you to make single-handed adjustment to use the bag. By compressing two sides, you can open the connection. For keeping heavy objects or delicate objects inside and accessing the whole at once, side release buckle is a good option as it allows the top portion to be opened easily.

Benefits of Promotional Custom Cooler Bags


Cooler bags are not only used by adults and kids, but they are also used by businesses in the food industry for the supply or delivery of products. Using personalized cooler bags or designer cooler shopping tote bags for the promotion of your brand can go a long way in creating high visibility of your name. some of the occasion when you can use these bags are mentioned below.

● Present to your employees and earn their loyalty.

Every time your employee go out for a picnic, camping, or relaxing on the beach, they would use your custom-printed cooler bags giving it a wider exposure across the location.


● Present small cooler carrier to your shoppers. On special days, festive days, and other occasions, you can present these bags to the people shopping with you. For the convenience of use and its high usability, the shoppers will use it again and again and would be loyal to your shop for any of their needs.


● A gift to school or college children: There are many occasions when you can surprise the kids in your organization by presenting them with a cooler bag for carrying the lunch and make them happier. This way your organization name will be promoted across various locations covering a wide number of people.

A Gift

● Use as a giveaway: If you are hosting any party or an event, you can present a personalized cooler bag with a message to your invitees and guests. This is a good way of earning goodwill and loyalty of the others. Giveaway

How businesses can use cooler bags for their promotion?

If you are a brand marketer and looking for some really cool stuff that can speak on behalf of your brand, then try considering promotional custom cooler bags, Australia. There are many options open to you if you are seriously looking into marketing through a product which is popular. So why not consider something which is innovative and interesting? Well, using cooler bag can stand out as an option, as it will gain you attention of not only the users but also others around the product. Below are a few more points that make cooler bags a wise option for you.

Different product to get noticed: Common product might cost you less, but the effect you will get with a unique and highly useful product like it is tremendous. Every time someone sips the cool drink outside in hot outdoor ambience, they would look at the custom brand and remember you with respect. Its usefulness is what makes it special and this is what makes your brand appear special.

A thing to be borrowed: Cooler bags are so useful and usually people don’t have them in different sizes. If you are presenting a cooler bag to your people which is good enough in size, it is possible that others also come borrowing for the bag and carrying them outside to new locations garnering more attention. It will get you brand exposure among new people and new location.

Customization adds to the style: Now a plain cooler bag is already important, but if you customize it properly, it will look more special. Also your brand name or logo will be easily visible to the people getting eyeballs and a brand recall. It not only adds to your purpose of advertising, but it also adds up to the look of the make. You can be really more creative in the way of customization by considering different style of customization like printing, rubber printing, thread work, engraving etc.

Delight at the right time: When you are done with all the planning of having a cooler bag as your brand ambassador, make sure when to present them to your people for greater impact. In the summer season, when people mostly like to stay outdoors and have fun, presenting a custom cooler bag can really be helpful. It will be used more and frequently. This could be the best way to reach out to your customers and generate awareness among new prospects.

Best Applications Of Cooler Bags For Home Us

There are a number of occasions in your home when you might feel the need of some kind of storage that can keep your food fresh and beverages cool. Especially during your busy days at home when you don’t have enough time for cooking, proper storage of food helps a lot in saving time. Also, when someone visits your home for party and you do not have time to cook instantly, the stored fresh food comes to rescue. You can buy a large size printed cooler bag for your personal needs. However, having a set of cooler bags in different sizes can aid you in multiple ways.

● Using the cooler bags as fish storage boxes-

Fishing enthusiasts have a habit of catching fishing regularly. You think that you will store your fishing in your refrigerator to keep them fresh. However, where will you preserve your fish when you need some additional storage options? This cooler bag can be the best choice for you. As it is a compact, portable bag, some fishermen carry it with them to their fishing spots. Cooler bags can keep your fish fresh for a longer period. Thus, you can choose these bags for indoor and outdoor uses.

● Cooler bag as an emergency freezer-

Your freezer needs electricity to maintain its operation. What will you do when power goes off? To store your foods in a proper temperature, you can buy beautifully printed cooler bags. Milk, yogurt, cheese, and several other perishable items will remain intact in these cooler bags.

The best cooler bags have thermal lock systems with high insulating qualities. That is why they can preserve your foods for long hours.

● Storing towels and wet clothes in cooler bags-

It is one of the common usages of cooler bags. Sometimes, you cannot find a place to store your wet clothes and towels. Until you let them dry, you can store those towels in your cooler bags.

The specially designed cooler bags have watertight models and they have ample space to store your garments. Water will not come out of it, as your cooler bag has a leak-proof design.

● Other domestic uses-

Lot of homeowners find out the creative ways of using cooler bags. As cooler bags are insulated items, they can keep up the warmth of your foods. For instance, hot soups can cool down very fast under the room temperature. Thus, to get the best taste from your soup, you may use these insulated bags.

PHONE NUMBER - 1300 22 47 48

Email - sales@promotions247.com.au

HEADQUARTERS123 Anywhere St.,L27, South Rialto Towers, 525 Collins St, Mel,3000,








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