type of shot presentation

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Type of Shot UsedBy Emily Withell

Medium Shot

On the front of these magazines a medium shot is being used. The medium shot shows some part of the subject in more detail, whilst still showing enough for the audience to feel as if they were looking at the whole subject. This shot is commonly used for individual artists but also it can be used for groups, usually 3 or more in a group. In this shot the artist is not always looking directly at the camera as we can see above.

Long Shot

On these magazines we can see that a long shot is being used. It is rare that you have a long shot being used on the front cover but it has been used well by all of the above magazines and it is very effective and attracts the readers attention . Long shots are normally used to show the whole of an individual artist or of a band all together so they all fit into the shot. It displays their clothing and their body language which would give indications to the genre.

Group Shot

Here are some examples of group shots that are used. The shot type is usually a medium shot but it can vary. The lead artist in the band tends to be in the foreground creating the medium shot and the other band members behind them. It normally gives an indication of body language and facial expression but the artist or artists aren't always looking directly at the camera.Furthermore, they are usually used in groups a minimum of about 5 and group shots are commonly used on the front of the ‘NME’ magazine.

Close Up

Here we have some examples of close up shots. A close up allows more involvement for the audience and also it puts emphasis on that particular artist on show. When there is only one artist on the cover of the magazine a close up is normally used. This makes them the clear focus of the shot. It is the most common type of shot used when displaying one person who is usually the lead from a band or a solo artist. The back ground tends to be simple and a contrasting colour to what the artist is wearing or their hair colour so that they stand out. The shot normally concentrated on their face showing their expression and they are always looking at the camera so they have eye contact with the reader.

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