type 2 alex davis-isaac, samantha reis, libby pelt&maya sproelich

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Type 2

Alex Davis-Isaac, Samantha Reis, Libby Pelt&Maya Sproelich

• Type II Diabetes is the most common form of diabetes

•  In Type II Diabetes, either the cells in the body ignore the insulin, OR the body doesn't produce enough insulin

•  You are not born with Type II Diabetes, you gradually get it over time

• Insulin makes it possible for the body to use gluecose as energy

 • 90- 95% of diabetes cases are type II

What is Type II Diabetes?

Origin of Type II Diabetes

• Diabetes has been around for a long time, but different types of diabetes wasn't recognized til the 20th century

•  The history of Type II Diabetes really begins in 1935 after a distinction was made

• The distinction was that one kind of diabetes was sensitive to insulin, (type 1) while the other was not (type 2)


•   Understanding of Type II Diabetes incresesed greatly after the discovery of insulin

• Type II Diabetes treatment began in the 1950's

• Urine strips were invented in the 1960's

• Syringes and pumps were also created

• Controlling diabetes has come along way and people think one day Type 2 diabetes will be gone

Signs & Symptoms

• Some examples of symptoms are having blurry vision, getting infections often, having cuts or bruises heal slowly.

• Sometimes people who may be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes never even had any symptoms at all.

• If you have reacurring infections, acquire blurry vision, or numbness/ tingling in the hands and feet, you may want to ask your doctor about type 2 diabetes.

• Type 2 diabetes is hereditary.  


Insulin:  natural hormone that helps the body’s cells use bloods cell for energy. In the form of an injection or pump. Pills:  there are many different kinds of pills but they have a common purpose ; to maintain your blood sugar levels For Example - alpha-glucosidase inhibitors prevent the breakdown of starches and slow the breakdown of some sugars. Slow the rise in blood glucose levels after a meal. However, pills only work for those who need little to no insulin to mantain blood sugar levels.

Role of  Diet   and

Diet:  • Making changes slowly makes

changing the way you eat easier.

• Adding fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables may help stop spikes in blood sugar.

• It’s also a good idea eat less meat and fewer sweets.

Exercise:  • Regular physical activity can

reduce your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

• Can lower blood sugar by decreasing insulin resistance.

• Helps with losing and maintaining weight.

• Lose weight do it slowly. As little as one pound a week may lower your blood sugar and make you feel better.

Role of                       and

Medicine:  • Important because people

with type 2 diabetes need to watch their blood sugar levels and medicine is very important in maintaining a healthy level.

• Medicine allows more freedom. 

Family Support• Family support can help with

setting goals, overcoming obstacles and solving problems by motivating you.

• The best thing to do is to inform those in your family, that don’t already know, about type 2 diabetes.


Management of Problems

Short Term • Regularly check blood

sugar levels and take medicine as needed.

 • Eat healthier


Long Term • Exercise regularly and the

disease could possibly go away.

 • Lower blood pressure and

cholesterol level. 

Impact of Disease

On Individual •  Must be responsible about

checking blood sugar, taking insulin, and eating when appropriate.

 •  Responsible for adjusting

diet and exercising regularly.

On Family • Family must understand

certain complications of the disease.

 • Family should understand

that purchasing insulin and other medicines needs to become a top priority.


Tons of Americans are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and lots of

people don't even realize they are at risk of getting type 2 diabetes!



Pills don’t work for everyone. The chances are good that they will work for you if you

developed diabetes recently or have needed little or no insulin to keep your blood glucose

levels near normal!


Some scientist think that a child’s risk of getting Diabetes type 2 is

greater when the parent with type 2 diabetes is the mother!

Bibliography and Sources • No , Author. History of Type II

Diabetes. Defeatingdiabetes.com. 9/2/11 <http://www.     defeatingdiabetes.com/type-2-diabetes/history.htm>.  • No Author, Diabetes Basics: Type 2. American Diabetes

Association. 9/1/11 http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/type-2/. 

 •  Bronson, Mary. Glencoe Health. The McGraw- Hill Companies,

Inc., 2009.  •  No Author, Diabetes Medicines and Healthy Eating & Physical

Activity. Diabetes.com. 9/2/11 <http://www.diabetes.com/healthy-eating-and-physical-activity/diabetes-lifestyle.html>.

More Sources

No Author, Type 2 Symptoms. dlife.com. 9/1/11 <http://www.dlife.com/diabetes/type-2/symptoms>. 

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