tying offline and online worlds together

Post on 27-Jan-2015






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Connecting the dots - tying the offline and online worlds togetherBy: Jim Hazen, Analytics Director Capstrat


Connecting the dots:tying the offline and online worlds together

Jim Hazen, capstrat

The narcissist slide

Twitter: @hazenj


1.Measuring offline tactics

using online tools

2.Measuring online tactics

that drive to offline



How do I measure my offline marketing efforts using web analytics?

Why is this important?


Issue #1

You’ve launched a fabulous print ad campaign and can’t determine the impact.

Was it worth it?

Forrester estimates that $917 billion worth of retail sales last year were “web-influenced,” with online and web-influenced offline sales combined accounting for 42% of total retail sales.

That percentage will grow to 53% by 2014, when the web will influence $1.4 billion worth of in-store sales.

Issue #2

Why do we need to do this?

• Take out the guesswork of impact

• Optimize across all tactics

• Attempt to put tactics on level playing field

• Segment these visitors and understand what interests them

• Understand differences between other marketing channels

1. Unique Phone Numbers2. Isolation3. Regression/Factor Analysis4. Surveys5. Guessing/Voodoo Magic

Old ways to track offline tactics

1. Acts as a proxy, though might not be a direct indicator.

2. Most people use the web for information gathering even for offline


3. Easier, cheaper and faster to get data.

Why use web analytics for tracking offline tactics?

What are some ways to track offline tactics using web analytics tools?

Use vanity URLs and redirect with tracking codes.



Vanity URLs can be your friend

Problem is a majority of visitors aren’t going to use your fantastic vanity URL, unless they have to.

Instead they search in Google.

Use Google Insights/Trends and your web analytics data to see changes.

But most folks don’t use your Vanities…they search

Geographic isolation tests are a good way to determine impact of marketing.

My huge print campaign in Mountain Home worked wonders!

Isolate your web analytics by geography

1. Unique coupon codes to

use only online.

2. Rebates for purchases that

have to be applied online.

3. Unique codes to unlock


4. Loyalty programs where

customers have to go

online to redeem.

Coupons, codes, rebates, oh my!

Look for spikes in your traffic (particularly from SEO and Direct) and when they occurred to see if correlation exists.

In October, Capstrat’s traffic spiked which coincided with my hiring! Correlation?

Changes in visits to your site

• Look for changes in your mix of traffic.

• Typically, you’d see a shift towards Direct and SEO.

Shifts in mix of traffic sources

Before After

Did your share of traffic compared to competitors change during the campaign period? Or were the spikes throughout the industry?

Use tools like:• Hitwise• Compete• Google Trends

Your share of traffic…did it change?

1. Track Product Level detail on your website for changes in interest for particular products/services, such as Model Details, Additions to Carts, etc

2. Track changes in internal search keywords

3. Do you see an uplift in New Visitors coming to your site?

4. Changes in conversions based on timing

Behavioral changes:

Visitor behaviors…did they change?

Want to know how they got there? Ask them!

While not always 100% accurate, ask visitors how they heard about you via onsite surveys. Looks for changes based on timing.

QR codes…the future or a gimmick?

Embed tracking codes inside of the QR code to tell you which ads are being scanned.

Somewhat limited awareness and adoption so far. But interesting promise.

Big in Japan.

Location-based services - future or a gimmick?

Measure check-ins as a way to monitor upticks if you mention checking-in in your ads. Give away some discount through check-ins to incent action.

• Holds promise, especially if becomes a virtual loyalty card.

• Still not mainstream, limited adoption by businesses.

Real world example: Gregory Ng’s biz card

The greatest example I could find

Gregory created 6 different business cards and each of the URLs goes to a landing page with unique tracking parameters, telling him which events/conferences/etc are driving traffic to his site.

The QR code also is trackable via web analytics. Genius.


Recap of tracking offline campaigns online

Measuring offline tactics using the web:

• Vanity urls

• Spikes in certain keywords

• Geography isolation

• Unique coupon codes

• Unique phone numbers

• Uplift in conversions tied to particular product or content

• QR codes

• Ask people how they got there

• Changes in mix of traffic (did Organic search or Direct change)?


How do I measure my online efforts that convert in the offline world?

Issue with online efforts


My conversion actually happens outside of the web. Whether it’s a lead form, phone call, or something in the physical world.

What are some ways to track my online efforts that convert offline?


Unique phone numbers

Use scripts on your website to create unique phone numbers for web visitors based on referring source. Pass those unique phone numbers into your CRM.



Passing information to your CRM

Create a unique identifier on your lead form/order confirmation that is passed to your web analytics vendor as well as your CRM system.

Lead form

pageTracker._setCustomVar( 1, “Lead-ID", “LEADID-123456", 3

Set a Custom Variable for your web analytics:


CRM record with LEADID-123456


Passing information to your CRM

The common identifier (primary key) allows you to link the 2 data sources together to understand:

• What happens to the lead once it goes into the backend?

• What are the touch points that leads to a sale?

• Do these visitors purchase more in the long run?

• What sources of traffic/tactics generate the best customers?

• What content leads to better leads?

Instant chat


Track interactions that happen online via chat agents and the results of those chats. Tie it back to sources of traffic and activities on the website through a primary key.

Online forms, mobile codes or rebates that have to be printed


Companies are using the web to embed traffic sources, keywords used and other visitor activities in barcodes to be scanned in person.

Correlate online activities to in-store sales


Look at behaviors such as visitors looking for retailers/resellers and correlate to in-store sales.

Geographic isolation


Run your online advertising in selected markets and measure uplift in sales/inquiries in those geos compared to those without online advertising.

Bonus – change the online media mix in some to isolate which mediums are the biggest influencers.


Recap of tracking online campaigns offline

Measuring online tactics using offline mechanisms:

• Using unique phone numbers on the web

• Linking to your CRM with online forms

• Printable coupons embedded with tracking codes

• Geographic isolation

• Correlation of online activities to in-store sales

Mega summary


• Don’t get lazy, measure your offline just like you would online


• It’s important to understand all your tactics (online or offline) in

order to optimize.

• Segment, segment, segment

• Find those common linkage points.

• Don’t worry about absolutes, you are looking for directionally

correct correlations.


Questions & Potentially Answers

Thanks and enjoy your day!

Twitter: @hazenjEmail: jhazen@capstrat.comGoogle: “Jim Hazen”

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