tygerburger durbanville 20160224

Post on 26-Jul-2016






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  • Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016 | T




















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    Centre of controversy




    heWestern Cape Department of Educa-

    tion is investigating a tutor centre in

    Durbanville, which parents and a

    former facilitator claim is run as a school,

    but not registered as such with the depart-


    The Study Xpress tutor centre, which

    opened in January last year on the corner

    of De Villiers and Wellington roads, caters

    for about 80 children fromGrade R tomatric

    all children who are home-schooled and

    cannot be accommodated in public schools.

    The centremakes use of the private Impak

    curriculum and is accredited as an Impak

    centre. The cost for a Grade 10 learner is

    around R3200 per month.

    However, according to the School Act,

    home-schooling must take place primarily

    at the childs home, or the centremust regis-

    ter as an independent schoolwith thedepart-

    ment and adhere to a whole lot of require-

    ments regarding space, design and facilities.

    The managing director of Study Xpress,

    Ivan Grobler, told TygerBurger the centre

    was not operating as a school and no formal

    classes were presented.

    He said the learners were following a

    home-schooling programme and only attend

    the centre every day between 08:30 and 13:00

    for assistance by facilitators.

    This is not true, said Natasha Rheeders,

    a parent who also worked as a facilitator at

    the centre.

    She took herGrade 10 son out of the centre

    in the first week of February. At least seven

    more learners left the centre in the first

    week of February.

    You can walk in at any time and find

    foundation phase children being taught in

    a classroom set-up. Lessons are worked out.

    We also received letters that the hours

    are 08:00 to 13:00 and there are even two

    breaks. Of course this is formal teaching,

    she said. Parents who enrol their children

    there, are already desperate. When I moved

    to Cape Town in the middle of last year, we

    applied to four high schools, but they were

    all full, said Rheeders.

    V To page 2.

    Tel: 021 910 6500 | epos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za

    Tyger Valley centre will host

    its Cansa Shavathon this

    coming weekend from 09:00

    to 15:00 and is inviting the

    public to support this worthy

    initiative. Cancer has affected

    many of our lives in one way

    or another, and this is your

    opportunity to make a change

    and contribute to the Cancer

    Foundation of South Africa

    (Cansa) to increase the

    opportunities for further

    research and care to patients,

    says Ashleigh Fontini of the

    centre. Shoppers can either

    spray or shave their hair for

    R50 (adults) and R25 (children

    under the age of 12). Televi

    sion presenter and singer

    Amor Vittone had lots of fun

    when she was asked to spray

    paint singer and actor Pedro

    Krugers head for the Shava

    thon. Pedro said if he had hair,

    he would have shaved it off

    for Cansa... PHOTO: CARINA ROUX

    Take it off or

    add colour at


  • 2 TYGERBURGER Durbanville Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016NUUS

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    Fax: 021 9755511 Email: tony@aapaints.co.za




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    By die oorhandiging Vrydag is (van links) Kristen Krige, Tinus Melim, dr. Danny Titus (ATKV),

    Winnie Viljoen, David Jantjies (skoolhoof), Kirsten Koopman, Inge Veldsman, Tinamore Marashe,

    Grace Ngwenya en Edward Kennedy.

    Skole wen kompetisie




    wee Kraaifontein-skole het koning ge-

    kraai in dieATKVsenasionaleHande-

    vat-kompetisie vir 2015 en weer eens

    daardeur bewys dat Suid-Afrika se ren-

    boogstorie nog lank nie sy kleur verloor het


    Die Horskool Monumentpark en die Pri-

    mre Skool AME Kraaifontein is Vrydag

    amptelik aangewys as die nasionale kampi-

    oene vir 2015 en het prysgeld van R30 000

    elk ontvang.

    Di projek se naam beskryf sy doelstel-

    lings perfek: dat n bevoorregte skool, in di

    geval Horskool Monumentpark, hande

    vat met n minderbevoorregte skool om

    laasgenoemde se omstandighede volhou-

    baar te verander.

    Winnie Viljoen, n onderwyser by die Ho-

    erskool Monument Park en die projekleier,

    vertel meer. Nadat ons twee skole aan die

    begin van 2015 besluit het om aan die kom-

    petisie deel te neem, moes ons eerstens be-

    paal waar die behoefte l om n projekplan

    uiteen te sit en aan die ATKV voor te l.

    Maatskaplike dienste, met die fokus op

    kindermishandeling, is as die grootste be-

    hoefte by AME gedentifiseer.

    OmdatMonumentpark oor hul eiemaat-

    skaplike werker beskik wat deur die skool

    self besoldig word, het ons besluit dat daar

    s n verskil gemaak kan word, s Viljoen.

    Die ATKV het die groen lig gegee en vin-

    nig is n span bymekaar gebring, wat lede

    van die leerlingraad en die horskool se ge-

    meenskapsdiensorganisasie, #HeroesRoar,

    ingesluit het. In die daaropvolgende jaarhet

    uiteenlopende programme en aksies groot

    verandering meegebring in die gemeen-

    skappe. Onderwysers en leerderleiers het

    opleiding ontvang oor bewusmaking van

    kindermishandeling, terwyl gemeenskaps-

    betrokkenheid aangemoedig is.

    Op 16 Junie het tien omliggende skole n

    optog gehounadieKraaifontein-polisiekan-

    toor en n drama wat mishandeling uit-

    beeld, is aan die hele Primre Skool AME

    Kraaifontein opgevoer. Verder is pamflette

    met inligting oor mishandeling en kontak-

    nommers aan leerders by AME uitgedeel,

    s Viljoen.

    Daar is selfs n traumahoekie en trauma-

    fonds by die skool geskep. Hiervoor het die

    ATKV R3 000 beskikbaar gestel.

    Viljoen s die projekte het beide skole

    deur die loop van die jaar baie besig gehou

    om groot suksesse te behaal.

    Op 19 Januarie het die finale beoordeling

    plaasgevind. Die wonderlike nuus oor die

    wenvennootskap is kort daarna ontvang.

    Join theFriends of TygerbergHills for

    an interesting talk with an even more

    interesting title, namely: Meerkat

    motivation for the marketplace.

    This motivational talk will be host-

    ed by Estienne de Beer and illustrated

    with inspiring wildlife photographs,

    with the emphasis on meerkats and

    how they outsmart rivals and preda-

    tors to ensure their survival.

    Interested parties can attend at the

    Kristo Pienaar Centre at the Tyger-

    berg Nature Reserve on Tuesday 1

    March at 19:30.

    Entry is free for members, but visi-

    tors pay a R20 fee.

    V Contact Diane on 083 270 8546 or

    021 975 5660 for more information.


    rivals likemeerkats


    I had no alternative but to consider home-

    schooling. I came across Study Xpress who

    advertised themselves as a school on their

    Facebook page brochures and in their corre-

    spondence to me.

    Their mandate says they can facilitate

    any of the subjects on the list offered by the

    Impak curriculum. They further invited me

    to a meeting to explain to me that my son

    will be getting better than private school ed-


    So, I ended up at Study Xpress not only

    as a parent, but also as one of their facilita-

    tors. I attended a two-week training session

    together with other facilitators, and already

    during this time I had my doubts.

    During the training it was hammered in-

    to the heads of facilitators that Study Xpress

    was merely a facilitator and children must

    learn to work on their own.

    Whilst this is the basis of home-school-

    ing, it is not what they offer and charge for.

    Parents are told that they are getting one-on-

    one tutoring with facilities that have state

    of the art equipment and qualified tutors in

    each subject area. This is not true.

    There areno tutors that can facilitate any

    technical subjects.

    According to Rheeders the building holds

    more children and adults than the health de-

    partment would allow and does not have

    enough ventilation. There are also only two

    toilets on the premises.

    This facility is also catering for children

    with medical needs, such as those being on

    medication for ADD and ADHD. There is al-

    so a special needs child in Grade 1, with no-

    body at the centre being qualified or trained

    to deal with such children, she said.

    Rheeders said she decided to take her son

    out and resigned as facilitator after she real-

    ised that the level of teaching was not up to


    Another former parent at the centre, Rene

    Herbst, said she took her son out of a public

    school in August 2015 as she was impressed

    with the Study Xpress offer and wanted the

    best for her son. They later told me that I

    misunderstood the part about them ever tu-

    toring they merely offer facilitation.

    Two weeks into the first term, my son

    still didnt have certain subjects, there was

    no teacher for EGD, a brand new subject,

    there was no mobile physics unit as prom-

    ised, and with this all being brand new sub-

    jects for Grade 10, I once again understood

    the horror that was unfolding.

    When his facilitator left, it was the last

    strawandwithin two days I removedmy son

    and enrolled him in Abbotts. He had to

    catch up and had extra lessons every day

    since he started, because he was so far be-


    Study Xpress continues to sell this tutor-

    ing service to many parents. They some-

    times have students overseeing the chil-

    dren, and to the best of my knowledge there

    are very few qualified actual teachers on

    site, she said.

    Grobler said hewas busywith a legal proc-

    ess with both the parents. Not everybody

    will fit in with our centre. We cannot keep

    everybody happy, he said.

    He added the foundation phase will move

    to a new building opposite the centre on

    1 April.

    . At the time of going to press, TygerBur-

    ger was still waiting for formal comment

    from the Western Cape education depart-


  • Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Durbanville 3

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    e aware your wallet and cellphone

    are not yet safe once you have reached

    the pay point at a supermarket with-

    out being the victim of a theft.

    A wallet was stolen out of a customers

    trolley at a pay point in Checkers Durban-

    ville lastWednesdayaround16:50 byawom-

    an who pushed through the rather narrow

    till point behind her back.

    I was unpacking my groceries out of the

    trolley baskets when this woman rudely

    pushed through the pay point behind my

    back. Shortly after I noticed my wallet was


    Two ofmy cardswere found lying on the

    floor close to where my trolley was. It must

    have fallen outwhen she grabbedmywallet

    from the basket of my trolley, the victim


    I had my cellphone in the pocket of my

    pants and claspedmywallet undermy arm,

    but had to put it down in a basket at the

    pay point to free my hands to unpack my

    groceries, she said.

    Video footage

    On the video footage one can clearly see

    that the suspect is holding my wallet in her

    left hand and also walks through the till

    point with a strip of chocolate sweets in her

    right hand held up for all to see.

    This she puts downat the end of the adja-

    cent till (where the plastic bags are kept)

    and walks off with my wallet.

    It struck me immediately after the inci-

    dent that under circumstances the cashier

    acted rather strangely and I suspect that

    she as involved as well.

    Firstly, how could she not see that the

    woman was walking through the pay point

    withanunpaid item (the strip of chocolates)

    in her hand, and why did she not attempt

    to stop her?

    Secondly, it seemedshe tried todelay the

    discovery of my stolen wallet. She made no

    attempt to assist or try to assist packingmy

    groceries, which would have been normal

    under circumstances as I was then already

    searching for my wallet.

    I also suspect that the cashier has some-

    thing to dowith theKinder Joy sweetwhich

    endedupamongmygroceries to furtherdis-

    tract me. The Kinder Joy sweets were dis-

    played on the till counter, but my groceries

    were far away enough not to get mixed up.

    She was also the only one close enough to

    push one of the sweets amongmy groceries,

    as I was on the other side of my trolley.

    Investigation started

    While I was then frantically searching

    for mywallet, she ignoredmy distress com-

    pletely, calling the supervisor to void the

    Kinder Joy from the invoice, she said.

    She said the manager at the time, Lour-

    ens Botha, said people walk through the

    pay point past customers all the time.

    Why is this allowed where customers

    are at their most vulnerable packing out

    their groceries on the counter? I have never

    experienced this at any other supermarket

    in Durbanville, she asked.

    Sarita van Wyk, spokesperson for Shop-

    rite Checkers, said they have started an in-

    vestigation and looked at the video footage,

    but have at that stage no reason to suspect

    the involvement of the cashier.

    Unfortunately it is a reality today that

    such incidents happen in supermarkets,

    restaurants and theatres. It is not possible

    to keep an eye on all people, she said.

    Van Wyk did not answer questions on

    how many cases of theft were recently re-

    ported at Checkers Durbanville, or why the

    supermarket allowspeople to pushpast cus-

    tomers at the till point to exit.

    According to Colonel Theo Fisher of the

    Durbanville police, not many cases of theft

    inside supermarkets are reported. Howev-

    er, hewarned people tomake sure they lock

    their vehicles as remote jamming is rife in

    parking areas at supermarkets in the town


    V If you were also a victim of theft in a similar man

    ner, send an email to briewe@tygerburger.co.za.

    Alarm raised over

    supermarket theft



    Durbanville has been allocated another

    ward for the upcoming municipal elections

    later this year.

    The date of the election is yet to be an-

    nounced by the president.

    Besides wards 105, 21 and 103, another

    ward, ward 112, has been announced by the

    Independent Electoral Commission (IEC).

    Ward 112 will include the voting stations

    at Kids Kingdom Pre-primary School, Al-

    pha Primary School in Morningstar (both

    previously ward 103), Durbanville Metho-

    dist Church, Durbanville High School, Dur-

    banville Primary School (all previously

    ward 21) and Chesterhouse School (previ-

    ously ward 105).

    Only South African citizens over the age

    of 18 with a green bar coded ID book or a

    Smart Card and who are registered on the

    voters rollmayvote. Residents have to vote

    at the voting station where they are regis-

    tered. To register as a new voter or to

    change your voting station if you have

    moved to anewaddress, registration events

    will be held next weekend on 5 and 6March

    from 09:00 until 17:00 at voting stations na-

    tionwide. You will need your ID or Smart

    Card and proof of address when you regis-

    ter. SMS your ID number to 32810 for your

    voter status.

    VSend enquiries to Theresa.Uys@capetown.gov.za.

    Durbanville gets newward for local elections

  • 4 TYGERBURGER Durbanville Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016NUUS

    Tyger 20 x 4 / 009


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    proposal to see vagrants across the

    broader Tygerberg area concentrated

    into one safe haven,will come into fru-

    ition before the onset of winter.

    So says local ward councillor Ruan Ben-

    eke, who is at the helm of a project called

    Safe Spaces, with which he and local social

    development partners hope to bring digni-

    fied relief to the often unwelcome vagrants

    of the northern suburbs.

    Having the constitutional right to roam

    freely, vagrants are often at the receiving

    end from their roofedneighbours, because

    of criminals lurking in theirmidst and caus-

    ing havoc in their surrounds.

    As if to emphasise the need for such an al-

    ternative for street people, a group of at least

    72 vagrants were evicted from their tempo-

    rary safe sleeping space in front of the Bell-

    ville police station last Saturdayon the orders

    of a visiting police general. This came after

    theywere given the right to sleep there by the

    local police commander.

    The Safe Spaces idea was first introduced

    in December of 2014.

    A Joint Operations Committee (JOC) com-

    prised of role players to deal with the street

    people issue, has since been established and

    mandated to coordinate all joint efforts re-

    garding street people in the northern suburbs

    especially Bellville and Parow, but also

    Goodwood, Durbanville, Kenridge and sur-

    rounding areas.

    Beneke and the social development arm of

    the local city improvement district of Bell-

    ville and Parow, the VRCID, as well as a local

    Bellville charitable organisation, the Metro

    Evangelical Services (MES), are steering the

    Safe Spaces project. MES officially applied to

    create Safe Spaces in July 2015.

    But getting the Safe Spaces proposal before

    subcouncil has been riddled with delays,

    including a hold-up with advertising, fol-

    lowed by a rezoning issue, then a problem

    with the fact that the proposal was not ta-

    bled in three official languages.

    But Beneke is adamant that all these

    problemswouldbe ironedoutby thewinter

    of 2016. It is important to note that the first

    application for a safe space was made by

    MES for AJ West Street in July 2015.

    The Tygerberg Property Management

    office which serves the areas of subcoun-

    cils 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 and portions of subcoun-

    cils 2, 5 and 15 went through very trying

    times, he said. Not only did they lose

    their departmental head, but staff numbers

    were also affected

    by retirements, res-

    ignations and ma-

    ternity leave. The

    newly appointed

    applicant then also

    withdrew at a very

    late stage and the

    process had to be

    started all over.

    Beneke added the

    report to be pre-

    sented to subcoun-

    cil has been drafted

    and will serve on the agenda of 14 March.

    This leaves us three and a half months

    of the financial year to do some upgrades

    to the building (proposed to be at the old

    Scouts building in AJ West Street, behind

    Bellville Library). We should have the

    building operating well before the coldest

    winter months.

    The Citys Mayco member for social de-

    velopment and early childhood develop-

    ment, Suzette Little, said they would sup-

    port an initiative like this.

    The City works very closely with non-

    profit organisations that provide the same

    basket of services outlined in ourmandate,

    including interventions for street people.

    We would thus be more than willing to en-

    gage the organisation on its objectives and

    see how we can create partnerships that

    will benefit street people in this area once

    the centre is up and running, she toldTyg-


    Bellville police also strongly support this


    Thiswould definitely bring some sort of

    relief concerning the street people issue.

    The sooner the building is operational, the

    better, said Major Fienie Nimb, spokes-

    person of this police station.

    In their draft report, the JOC touted the

    proposed safe space as a space where digni-

    ty is restored, positive values are nurtured,

    human potential is developed and hope is

    possible ...

    In practical terms, the space will mean

    that the insufficient space available at night

    shelters and street peoples ability to pay for

    these services will be addressed.

    There are more or less 500 street people

    in the VRCID area and evenmore in the sur-

    rounding northern suburbs. Bellville Night

    Shelter can accommodate 54 people and

    Elim Night Shelter can accommodate 70,

    according to a statement issued by the JOC.

    Another challenge to be tackled is the lack

    of safe ablution servi-

    ces for the chronic

    homeless person who

    is not interested in a

    shelter accommoda-

    tion, but who needs

    protection from the

    criminal elements,

    as well as daytime job


    Visitorswill also be

    given an opportunity

    to integrate into

    MESs God Restores

    OurWorld (GROW)work rehabilitation pro-

    gramme and other initiatives.

    The proposed solution and motivation

    for MES to create safe spaces within the

    boundaries of the Northern suburbs, where

    street people can sleep safe, is that they have

    access to ablution facilities and social relief

    and enter the development cycle.

    Oneof ourmaingoalswouldbe to involve

    each street person in a mentorship pro-

    gramme with the initial aim of harm reduc-

    tion and creating a sense of belonging and

    the will or ability to respond to opportuni-

    ties in a responsible way.

    Visitors to the safe spacewill also have ac-

    cess to storage facilities of their personal

    documents, for instance their identification

    document, any social grant cards and other

    personal effects, on an ongoing basis.

    The Safe Spaces building will also mean

    a central point from which meals, blankets,

    clothing and toiletries can be distributed re-

    sponsibly, and fromwhere street people can

    access crisis intervention, primary health

    care and developmental services, according

    to the JOC statement.

    It will also mean a safe haven where day-

    time street people can participate in work-

    shops and other activities.

    Homeless to sleep safe bywinter

    Aspacewhere digni

    ty is restored, posi

    tive values are nur

    tured, humanpoten

    tial is developed and

    hope is possible ...

  • Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Durbanville 5

    Roslyn Street was a hive of activity on Monday morning from where the cyclists and their

    support crew started their journey.

    Cycling for a cause



    n Monday morning seven robust cy-

    clists took to the road in Brackenfell

    to end in Oudtshoorn next week after

    a gruelling 470km journey.

    Joining the cyclists from the Mountain

    View Cycling Club from Goodwood Correc-

    tional Services is JodyAdams, a youngman

    with Down Syndrome.

    Their mission: to raise money for the

    cause and celebrate 40 years of awareness

    of this condition in the Western Cape.

    The Down Syndrome Association West-

    ern Cape (DSAWC) was formed in 1976 to

    provide support and services to people with

    Down Syndrome (DS) and other similar in-

    tellectual disabilities, as well as their fami-


    Our programmes are aimed at improv-

    ing their quality of life in order to help them

    find their purpose in life. We want people

    with DS to develop to their full potential to

    take their rightful place in society as inde-

    pendent and valued citizens, says organi-

    sation spokesperson Liza Rossouw.

    For the past 16 yearsDSAWChas been the

    beneficiary of the money raised by the

    MountainViewCyclingClub on their annu-

    al cycle tour to Oudtshoorn.

    The group of 10, which includes support

    staff, will stop at various towns along the

    route to create awareness for DS. An aspir-

    ing singer in his own right, Jody will be

    singing at some of the schools they visit.

    This year is a very special year for

    DSAWC as we are celebrating our 40th

    birthday. The cycle tour will be the first of

    many events during the year. We want to

    thank all the schools, businesses and indi-

    viduals who have participated over the past

    16 years. .

    Rossouw invites the public to participate

    and join in the 40-year celebrations

    throughout this year.

    A small financial contribution has a

    huge impact on our work.

    V If you would like to follow the cycle tour please

    like the Cycling 4 Down Syndrome Facebook

    page. Formore informationpleasevisit theirwebsite

    on www.downwc.co.za or our Facebook page or

    contact their offices on 021 919 8533.

  • 6 TYGERBURGER Durbanville Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016NUUS

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    ie beplande rehabilitasiekli-

    niek in AmandaGlen gaan n

    topklas-fasiliteit wees, ge-

    skoei op die Betty Ford-kliniek in

    Los Angeles.

    S s Pieter (Pine) Pienaar, eie-

    naar vandie stukgrondwaaropdie

    kliniek van meer as R25,8 miljoen

    beoog word. Hy het verlede week

    die vrese van inwoners probeer be-

    sweer dat dit ondermeer n toeloop

    van tikverslaafdes na die woon-

    buurt sal meebring.

    TygerBurger het verlede week

    berig oor die bure se besware teen

    die beplande kliniek op drie erwe

    begrens deur Swan- en Soeteweide-

    straat in Amanda Glen (Inwoners

    teen kliniek in stil buurt, Tyger-

    Burger 17 Februarie). Dit sal 15 pa-

    sinte kan huisves.

    n Aansoek om hersonering van

    enkelresidensieel tot gemeen-

    skapsone, asook konsolidasie en

    regulasie-afwykings, om s n kli-

    niek op die grond met n totale

    grootte van 6 740 m toe te laat,

    word tans deur die Stad Kaapstad

    oorweeg. Die sluitingsdatum vir

    kommentaar was Maandag.

    Inwoners van die Hebronpark-

    kompleks, waarvan byna al 19 in-

    woners teen die kliniek gekant is,

    het beswaar aangeteken.

    Hulle en ander bure se besware

    behels dat die kliniek nie geskik is

    naby die Laerskool Gene Louw,

    asook die pre-primre skool en na-

    sorgsentrum Pikkie Paradys nie.

    Hulle was ook bekommerd dat

    daar n toeloop van die kliniek na

    die nabygele superette en drank-

    winkel sou wees. Nog n buurman

    was bang dat die mense wat ont-

    trekkingssimptome kry en selfs

    selfmoord oorweeg, die rustig-

    heid van die buurt sou skend.

    Maar, s Pienaar, hul vrese is on-

    gegrond. Geen detoksifikasie sal

    op die perseel plaasvind nie, maar

    elders, in plekke soos die Karl Bre-

    mer-hospitaal, wat daarin spesiali-

    seer, s hy.

    Eers n vier tot sewe dae van de-

    toksifikasie sal pasinte tot die kli-

    niek toegelaat word vir n 28 dae-

    program,wat gegrond is op die pro-

    gram van die Alkoholiste


    Geen pasint sal toegelaat word

    om die kliniek te verlaat sonder sy

    psigiater se toestemming nie, en

    streng sekerheid sal geld. Die be-

    staande heining om die perseel is

    gelektrifiseer en daar sal voltydse

    wagte op die perseel diens doen.

    Pasinte sal ook nie oor hul eie

    vervoer beskik nie, maar met n

    minibus vervoer word, s hy.

    Pasinte sal nie toegelaat word

    om musiektoestelle, selfone, voer-

    tuie of geld by hulle te h nie.

    Besoektye sal ook net oor nawe-

    ke wees as daar min verkeer is. El-

    ke pasint sal maksimum twee be-

    soekers mag ontvang.

    Om sy bure vrese te besweer, het

    Pienaar het aangebied om hulle op

    sy koste met n bus na n soortgely-

    kekliniek inKommetjie teneemen

    vir hul middagete te koop sodat

    hulle self kan waarneemsien hoe

    s n kliniek bedryf word.

    Volgens Pienaar het hy vasgestel

    daar is n groot behoefte in die

    noordelike voorstede aan n luukse

    kliniek vir die behandeling van lig-

    te depressie en middelafhanklik-

    heid. Daar is baie families wat ge-

    buk gaan onder die afhanklikheid

    van n gesinslid, maar die opsies

    vir behandeling is beperk.

    Sulke families wil ook die iden-

    titeit van diegene beskerm, en

    waar mense uit die noordelike

    voorstede verkies om n kliniek

    soos Stepping Stones inKommetjie

    in die suidelike voorstede te be-

    soek, sal di kliniek waarskynlik

    weer mense uit ander voorstede

    lok, meen hy.

    Dit is ook ons hooffokus om ons

    pasinte se privaatheid te verse-

    ker, en sal die bure so min as

    moontlik van die pasinte op die

    perseel bewus wees.

    Pienaar het volgens hom intense

    plaaslike en oorsese navorsing ge-

    doenen talle sulkekliniekebesoek,

    ook in Switserland.

    Die intreevlakprogram van 28

    dae sal sowat R100 000 kos. Hierdie

    sentrum sal meebring dat daar in

    goedkoper sentrums beddens be-

    skikbaar raak vir pasinte opwag-

    lyste, s hy.

    Volgens Pienaar het hy talle op-

    roepe en boodskappe op Facebook

    ter ondersteuning van sy aansoek


    Ek het begrip vir die bure se

    kommer, maar die meeste van hul

    besware is gegrond op n wanin-

    druk vanwat ons gaan bied enwat-

    ter mark ons voor voorsiening

    gaan maak.

    Die bestaande woonhuis sal die

    grootste deel van die kliniek huis-

    ves.Daar sal nog vier geboue opdie

    grond, elk met drie eenhede, opge-

    rig word.

    Dit sal almal enkelverdieping

    wees,met hul rugkante namybure

    om so min as moontlik op hul pri-

    vaatheid inbreuk te maak, s hy.

    Kliniek gaan soos Betty Fordwees

    Pieter (Pine) Pienaar staan hier by die swembad en pragtige tuin, waarop die pasinte n uitsig sal h vanaf die

    gesamentlike stoep. FOTO: ESM ERASMUS

  • Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Durbanville 7

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    ome 52 000 counterfeit DVDs and CDs

    were destroyed in Brackenfell on Fri-

    day by the Films and Publication

    Board (FPB).

    The confiscated goods, connected to 46

    criminal cases, were accumulated in the

    Western Cape over a period of about four

    months. Piles of counterfeit goods were

    manually fed into a heavy duty shredder at

    an industrial premises in Brackengate In-

    dustrial Park.

    In an interview with TygerBurger, the

    FPB regional coordinator for Cape Town,

    Clive Borman, explained the detrimental

    affect the counterfeit market has on the

    film and entertainment industry.

    The industry loses millions of rand an-


    The goods being destroyed here today

    accounts for a R5 million loss; we do this

    quarterly, he said.

    Take for instance the latest Leon Schu-

    ster film, Schuks! Pay Back The Money!

    Before the movie was released in 2015,

    there were literally hundreds of pirated

    copies available on street corners in Cape

    Town for between R10 and R20 a copy. Due

    to the extent of the big scale piracy, local

    producers, actors, artists and employees in-

    volved in the production of this film suf-

    fered losses, he says.

    Why would consumers pay R200 for the

    movie at say Musica or up to R55 to view

    the movie only once at the cinema?

    As long as there is a demand, the unend-

    ing supply will continue, costing the indus-

    try billions. The same applies to the count-

    less video shops that have closed down in

    Cape Town in recent years.

    Consumers wont pay to hire it if they

    can own it for half the price.

    Sadly, the economic ramifications on the

    country in terms of job losses are devastat-

    ing. In recent years, says Borman, the ma-

    jority of perpetrators selling pirated mate-

    rial were foreigners coming into South Af-

    rica looking to make a quick buck.

    Although the FPB has its own compli-

    ance unit, they dont have arresting rights,

    and have to work with the police and Cape

    Town law enforcement units.

    Counterfeiters will download the movie

    from the internet and go into mass produc-

    tion at so-called counterfeit production

    houses around the city. Its during clamp-

    down operations at such houses where the

    counterfeit items are confiscated.

    In terms of the Counterfeit Goods Act,

    perpetrators are fined up to R5000 per item

    or a prison term for three years, or both.

    In the event of a second or third convic-

    tion, the fine in respect of each item can be

    increased to up to R10 000 or five years im-


    Pirate goodsworth


    Reginald September shredding counterfeit


  • 8 TYGERBURGER Durbanville Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016NUUS

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    Officers remembered: Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Durbanville police joined in prayer at

    the Holy Mass on 31 January in remembrance of the police officers who lost their lives in the line

    of duty. The Durbanville Community Police Forum (CPF) as well as members of neighbourhood

    watcheswere represented. From left are Denzil Smerdon (CPF chairperson), Lieutenant Colonel Theo

    Fisher (commander of support services), Lieutenant Colonel Marius Swanepoel (commander of visi

    ble policing), Jujena Engelbrecht (Durbanville police), ColonelMary Cupido (Durbanville police station

    commander), Deacon Des Eyden, Sergeant Mabusetsa Rabohome, Maritha Roukema (CPF projects),

    Captain Jannie Dempers (commander of the community service centre) and Father Michael van

    Heerden. The event was an initiative by the SA Catholic Bishops Council.


    s jy nog nie die pantomime, Liewe

    Heksie: Flower Power, gekyk het nie

    of dalk weer wil kyk omdat dit een-

    voudig fantastiese vermaak is, is dit nou jou

    kans! Dit word in Maart as deel van die

    Woordfees op Stellenbosch opgevoer en dit

    beloof om joumet n glimlag te laat wat van

    oor tot oor strek.

    Toe dit verlede jaar vir die eerste keer op

    die planke gebring is, is die akteurs elke

    aand met n staande ovasie toegejuig.

    Lof het uit alle oorde ingestroom, ook van

    mede-akteurs en kunstenaars. Die produk-

    sie is ook vir vier Fista-toekennings be-

    noem. Liewe Heksie: Flower Power was

    amazing! Soos om na n produksie in Lon-

    den te kyk in die West End, maar in Afri-

    kaans! Die show het die kind binne my, die

    grootmens buitemy en die performer inmy,

    alles bymekaar gebring. Ek het lanklaas so

    happy by n show uitgestap! 10 uit 10, het

    die sanger Jak de Priester ges. Die aktrise

    en komediant Marion Holm het die volgen-

    de kwytgeraak: Ek het s lekker gelag en

    myself s geniet dat ek vanoggend sommer

    in n spesiale goeie buiwakker gewordhet.

    Volgens Margit Meyer-Rdenbeck, wat

    die rol van Liewe Heksie vertolk, was die

    publiek se terugvoer oor die pantomime n

    riem onder die hart. Partymense het weer

    enweer teruggekom. nMens sien elke keer

    iets anders raak en lag opnuut vir die slim

    teks en lawwe karakters.

    Die geselskap van Liewe Heksie: Flower

    Power is Margit Meyer-Rdenbeck (alias

    Dowwe Dolla) in die titelrol; Chris van Nie-

    kerk (mees onlangs in die kykNET-pro-

    grammeVlug na Egipte enDie Boekklub) as

    Karel Kat; Loukmaan Adams (saam met sy

    broerEmoAdams sing endanshulle diew-

    reld aan die brand in produksies soos Bro-

    ther Love enMy Broertjie my Bra) as Geral-

    dina die Geelheks; Crystal Donna Roberts

    (Vallei van die Sluiers, Getroud met Rugby

    en ook onlangs genomineer vir beste aktri-

    se by die Goue Leeu-filmfees in Venesi

    saam met Juliette Binoche en Kirsten Ste-

    wardt as Kwaaitjie Kabouter en ander ka-

    rakters; De Klerk Oelofse (beste akteur by

    Aardklop 2014; genomineer vir etlike tea-

    terpryse) as Blommie Kabouter, Kerrie en

    Borrie en nog ander; Emile Minnie (kaba-

    retis en ook die musikale regisseur van die

    produksie) as die koninklike pianis; en Lu-

    ca Human (Margit se sesjarige dogter) as


    Anna Davel het die rol van die Fekonin-

    gin oorgeneem by Zanne Stapelberg en Ca-

    rel Nel het die rol van Koning Rosekrans

    oorgeneem by Hannes van Wyk.

    V Liewe Heksie: Flower Power word op 5 Maart om

    09:00 en 12:00, 12 Maart om 09:00 en 12:00 en 13

    Maart om 11:00 in die Stellenboschstadsaal opge

    voer. Bespreek by Computicket.

    Heksie weer kykwerd

    Geraldina die Geelheks, gespeel deur Louk

    maan Adams, was een van die groot treffers

    tydens die vorige speelvak ... en wie kan nou

    nie lief wees vir ons eie Liewe Heksie (Margit

    MeyerRdenbeck) nie.

  • Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Durbanville 9




    ie vermeende moordenaar wat die

    tienervriendinne, Nikita Holly en

    Keshia Manuel, verlede jaar koel-

    bloedig doodgeskiet het, is Donderdag-

    aand deur die Kraaifontein-polisie in

    Bellville aangekeer.

    Hy het Vrydagoggend in die Kuilsri-

    vier-landdroshof verskyn waar sy borg-

    aansoek uitgestel is na 26 Februarie.

    Volgens brig. Gerda van Niekerk, sta-

    siebevelvoerder van die Kraaifontein-

    polisie, staan hy tereg op twee aanklagte

    vanmoord en drie van poging totmoord.


    Meer besonderhede sal tydens die

    borgaansoek bekend gemaak word, s

    Van Niekerk.

    Die polisie gaan borgtog teenstaan.

    VanNiekerkhet egter ges dat die inheg-

    tenisneming met behulp van inligting

    uit die gemeenskap moontlik was.

    Holly en Manuel, albei leerlinge van

    dieHorskool Scottsdene, is in Petunias-

    traat afgemaai waar hulle saam met an-

    der vriende langs n kragboks in die

    straat gestaan het.


    Drie van die vriende is ook gewond in

    n aanval wat die gemeenskap tot stil-

    stand geruk het.

    Die verdagte het van die toneel ge-

    vlug en die polisie tot gisteraand ont-

    duik, toe ons speurders hom ingehaal

    het, het lt. kol. Andr Traut van die pro-

    vinsiale polisiekantoor ges.

    Man aangekeer oormoord

  • 10 TYGERBURGER Durbanville Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016HOOFARTIKELBLAD

    Daar trek ons dak! n Skielike rukwind lig een van die gazebos uit sy penne in die middel van die veld tydens

    die BDPTinterskoleatletiekbyeenkoms Vrydagnamiddag in die Bellvillestadion. FOTO: CARINA ROUX


    briewe@tygerburger.co.za|Faks: 021 910 6501|Posbus 747, Bellville 7535|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woorde

    nie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00

    I refer to the recent article

    referring to trimmed gumtrees

    along Durbanville roads as

    ongeskeerde mofskape

    (Bome ene mofskape, TB, 17

    February). This is really a silly

    article and TygerBurger should

    rather give space to many good

    or needy initiatives in our


    These old trees were really

    dangerous with falling bran-

    ches and very good action was

    taken to rectify it as it was

    really not viable or safe to

    come back to cut back odd

    trees. Any pruning operation

    results in regrowth and for

    these trees three years as

    quoted by the Mayco member

    is a realistic time frame. We

    can be fortunate to live in such

    a well-managed city.



    Very fortunate

    to live here

    Einde verlede jaar gradeer ek

    my ADSL-lyn op by CapeGate

    se Telkom-tak. Terwyl ek

    gehelp word, merk ek op hoe

    die bestuurder klinte met

    klagtes en navrae help.

    Hierdie man bendruk my

    dadelik met sy optrede en

    hantering van klinte, wat

    soms ook maar onnodig

    moeilik kan wees. Daar word

    nougeset geluister en op n

    kalm en bedaarde manier

    gekommunikeer en klokslag

    word die dispuut opgelos of die

    onderneming gegee dat daad-

    werklike aandag aan die

    probleem geskenk gaan word.

    Vroeg vanjaar ontvang ek n

    astronomiese rekening waarby

    n kontrakbreukboete van

    oor die R900 gevoeg is. Ek en

    die tannie by 10210 verstaan

    mekaar nie mooi nie, want hoe

    meer ek verduidelik dat ek as

    n bestaande Telkom-ADSL-ge-

    bruiker nou meer van Telkom

    se diens gebruik gaan maak

    Di Telkomman se

    soort is dun gesaai

    On 19 January between 8:00 and

    8:30, my son was travelling

    from Bellville to Durbanville.

    He must have dropped his

    wallet in the taxi without

    realising it.

    Mavis Billy noticed it on the

    seat and decided not to give it

    to the taxi driver or the sliding

    door operator, saying she didnt

    know in whose hands it may

    end up.

    His ID book, two bank cards

    and motorbike licence together

    with some cash (not a lot) were

    in his wallet. She took the

    initiative to call the bank and

    quote the number on the card.

    Someone from ABSA found

    my information on the system

    as his guardian and called me.

    I was shocked when she

    asked me whether I knew him,

    because immediately I thought

    something must have happened

    to my son.

    She gave me Mrs Billys

    number and we fetched the

    wallet in Nyanga the afternoon

    with everything still in there.

    We really want to thank Mrs

    Billy for her honesty.

    Wallet found: There

    is still hope for us

    Ons is besig met familieregis-

    ters, en teken alles aan sover

    ons kan. Die rede vir my

    skrywe is dat daar destyds in

    Parow in die 1940s tot laat

    1950s n kraaminrigting met

    die naam van Amoria Nursing

    Home was. In watter straat en

    omgewing dit was, weet ons

    nie. Ek (1949) en my neef,

    Johan (1950), is daar gebore.

    Nog iemand het na vore

    gekom en ges hy is in 1955 ook

    daar gebore. Hy het nog die

    koerantberiggie van sy geboorte

    wat sy ouers geplaas het.

    Ons sal dit hoog op prys stel

    as een van die lesers vir ons

    meer inligting oor die kraamin-

    rigting kan verskaf.



    Soekmeer inligting

    oor kraaminrigting

    Ek is baie bly om te sien dat

    die jong skrywer van Thinking

    out loud die woord koesis-

    ter gebruik, want dit verwys

    na die Hollandse woord koe

    (koei) en hoe jy die deeg vleg,

    wat amper dieselfde is soos

    wanneer jy n koei melk.

    Die Moslemse koeksister was

    nie gevleg nie en was meestal

    in klapper gerol. Op dieselfde

    trant: Die woord bakkie is

    nie eg Afrikaans nie. Dit kom

    van Amerikaans: buck-key.

    Buck is duidelik die dooie

    bok wat jy geskiet het enkey

    op Amerikaans beteken plat

    gedeelte soos in Florida Keys,

    met ander woorde die plat

    gedeelte van die voertuig waar

    jy die dooie bok neerl. Net

    jammer die Amerikaners het

    nooit geleer om biltong te maak



    Table View

    Woord bakkie van

    Amerika afkomstig


    Maak jou hart

    kalm oor jou



    aar is n sekere groep mense wat

    diegene wat aan hul genade oorgele-

    wer is, telkens reg bo-op die sny-

    kant van die swaard laat, sonder dat jy

    daar wil afklim. Di spesie het n naam;

    hulle heet skoonmense.

    Dis nie die oorneem van ouerlike pligte

    in die teenwoordigheid van genoemde

    ouer/s as dit by hul kleinkinders kom,

    wat n mens moedeloos laat nie. Dis ook

    nie die inmenging in besluite (wat hulle

    eintlik op gn manier benvloed nie) wat

    jou wrokkig laat nie.

    Ja, jy kn seker vir skoonma vergewe

    dat sy die heeldag suur gelyk het op jul

    troudag; jy s die beter mens, oortuig jy


    Jys die een wat n werkbare, blywende

    oplossing soek wat almal sal pas, en

    sonder enige leedgevoelens sal laat. (Ook

    die kleinkinders j kinders wat glo

    hulle kan met moord wegkom en jy kan

    nks daaromtrent doen nie, want Ouma

    en Oupa gaan jou

    besluite in elk

    geval veto.)

    Maar as jy dit

    ontken, maak dit

    jou briesend kwaad

    as jy oor jou

    frustrasie wil

    praat, en hulle

    bloot stilbly en

    eenkant toe kyk as

    jy die onderwerp

    probeer ophaal.

    Dan, kort daarna,

    kla jy oor nog n


    teenoor n kollega.

    Die gesprek raak n algemene een waar jy

    en die kollega vir die ander kollegas sit

    en wag om jul weeklikse vergadering

    klaar te kry. Dan hoor di kollegas die

    trant van die gesprek, en kort voor lank

    begin jou perspektief spreukbeurt vir

    spreukbeurt te verander...

    Daar is n stel skoonouers wat leef,

    hoor ons, wat hul kleinkind ses jaar laas

    gesien het. Di kleinkind is agt jaar oud,

    en sy ouma het sy hare n oomblik lank

    deurmekaar gevryf by n begrafnis waar

    sy hom toevallig raakgeloop het.

    n Ander vertel van geld wat elke

    maand aan een of ander skoonouerprojek

    deurgestuur moet word. Die een wat

    binnekort gaan trou, vertel hoe haar

    toekomstige skoonma vir haar klere vir

    n familietroue kom uitkies het, want sy

    mag niks aantrek wat haar pragtige

    tatoes sou afwys nie. Daar is ook die

    skoonouer wat haar mishandelende seun

    bygestaan het toe di haar skoondogter

    verneuk het mt die skoondogter se

    suster. En soos jy luister, dink jy: Bly

    stil. Maak jou hart kalm. J skoonouers

    is engeltjies. Michelle Linnert.

    Wat die hart van vol is


    V Op Vrydag 29 Januarie was baie treine

    laat of gekanselleer. Metrorail het nie ge-

    weet wanneer daar treine gaan wees toe

    ek in die oggend bel nie. Honderdemense

    was laat vir werk. Metrorail kan gerus in

    sulke tye busse rel. Anoniem

    V I sent an e-mail to JP Smith at the City

    of Cape Town complaining about all the

    problems we have with horses and carts

    in Summer Greens.We as residents dont

    want them in our suburb. I also ques-

    tioned why they were allowed on public


    have a licence to be on the road, but not

    them. Those carts are not even roadwor-

    thy. I traced where the e-mail ended up,

    and just as I thought, it was a question of

    how quick can I pass the buck. It ended

    up at Law Enforcement Big Bay. All the

    questions and complaints should have

    been sorted out at the Civic Centre, and

    not passed down. T.C, Summer Greens

    ) SMSe kos R1,50 elk en kan gestuur word

    na 45527.

    South Africa, there is still

    hope for us with honest people

    like her in our country.



    Ja, jy kn

    seker vir



    sy die heeldag

    suur gelyk het

    op jul trou

    dag ...

    Kan jy dit


    teen n ander tarief, hou sy voet

    by stuk dat ek kontrakbreuk

    gepleeg het om op te gradeer

    binne n sekere tydperk.

    Dis toe dat ek onthou van die

    heer by CapeGate se Telkom.

    Hoewel hulle n tegniese

    dienspunt is wat nie op reke-

    ningnavrae hoef te reageer nie,

    gee hy my gelyk en noem dat

    hy werk sal maak van die

    geval. Hy hanteer my op so n

    menswaardige manier dat ek

    eintlik klein voel. Skaars twee

    weke later laat weet Telkom my

    dat ek met die bedrag, sowel as

    my rente, gekrediteer is.

    Aan die bestuurder by

    CapeGate se Telkom, Riaan van

    der Westhuizen, wil ek net s:

    Bravo, jou soort is dun gesaai.

    Jy dien jou organisasie, maar

    meer belangrik, jou medemens

    met absolute eerbied en profes-




    Jy het die reg om

    teweet. Skakel


    in jou gebied.

    Desiree Rorke

    Die kalmste van

    alles is nou dat

    almal belangrik

    moet bly. Ben


    Dit breekmy hart

    wanneer be-

    jaardes uitgebuit

    word. Sassamoet

    hul huis in orde kry

    Marita Meyer

    Die Kuilsrivier-poli-

    sie beplanmeer

    klopjagte by

    onwettige sje-

    biens. Hopelik help

    dit dat die aan-

    randing op veral

    vroue en kinders


    Richard Ro-



    mens pre-season

    Challenge Cup is a

    massive boost for

    local soccer and a

    great initiative.

    Stehan Schoe-


    Everyone is

    responsible for

    their environment.

    Government could

    domore to help

    Table View resi-

    dents. Monique


    Aan die einde van

    die geld is daar

    altyd nmaand oor

    Brenden Ruiter

    Wanneer dit by

    kinders kom, kom

    mense se kloue uit

    ongeag ras of

    geloof. Michelle


    V Die bostaandemenings is di van

    die betrokke joernalis, en reflekteer

    nie noodwendig die opinie(s) van

    die TygerBurgerhandelsnaam nie.

    Small acts of

    kindness every day

    go a longway


    ourworld a better

    place Louisa


  • Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Durbanville 11

    Specials and in-store competition throughout the day.

    Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under theAge of 18. Drink Responsibly.






















    Liquor not for sale on Sundays at Malmesbury or Wellington Liquor Stores. Promotional stocks

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    Visit www.picknpay.co.za, or call 0800 11 22 88. Cellphone rates apply.



    threeyears ina row






    Castle Lite


    Bottles 8 x 440ml

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    Scotch Whisky 750ml

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    Southern Comfort Lime &

    Soda Spirit Cooler 4 x 275ml

    Hill & Dale Sauvignon

    Blanc 750ml

    VA illustrated talk on the topic

    The Heritage Conservation Ef-

    fort in Paarlwill be presentedat

    the meeting of the Durbanville

    Heritage Society today

    (Wednesday) in the Durbanville

    library hall from 18:30 for 19:00.

    The speaker is Len Raymond.

    Entry is R20 per person, includ-

    ing refreshments. Contact Lynn

    on 072 133 0541 or Pam on

    084 504 0540 with enquiries.

    V A book salewill be held at the

    Durbanville Childrens Home on

    Thursday 25 February from

    10:00 to 13:00. Contact Johanna

    Strauss on 021 975 6822 or send

    an email to jstrauss@durbanvil-


    V The usual month-end book

    sale of the Friends of Durban-

    ville Library will be held in the

    foyer of the library on Friday 26

    February from 10:00 to 16:00. A

    wide selection of books, CDs

    and LPs will be sold. Donations

    of books are welcome. Contact

    Joy on 083 306 0594 with en-


    VCake and teawill be served on

    Sunday 28 February from 14:30

    to 17:00 at the Durbanville Rose

    Garden by the Durbanville Gar-

    den Club at R25 per person.

    Contact Liz Howard on

    082 595 4207 with enquiries or

    for more information.

    V Ondersteuningsvriende, n

    groep vir mans en vroue wat hul

    geliefdes verloor het, vergader

    Woensdag 2 Maart om 10:00 in

    die Kenridge-tennisklub in De

    Villiersstraat. Toegang is gratis.

    Die groep vergader elke eerste

    Woensdag van die maand om

    mekaar te ondersteun, om in

    mekaar se verlies te deel en nu-

    we vriende te maak. Skakel Ma-

    rina Mayne by 072 199 4982.

    Dagboek | Diary


    Caitlyn Douman

    (links) van die


    Welgemoed en

    Karla Kotze van

    die Laerskool

    Kenridge is op

    Unisa se ererol

    vir hul teorie


    geplaas. Beide

    het 96% in die



    men behaal.

    Karla het ook

    die voorgraad 1klaviereksamen afgel en 88% (lof) gekry. Hulle

    was slegs sewe jaar oud toe hulle die eksamens afgel het. Hulle

    neem musiek by die Martie Rosenstrauchakademie vir musiek.

  • 12 TYGERBURGER Durbanville Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016NUUS

    Groupmoves to library

    Are you a parent of a child with an

    autism spectrum disorder?

    Support, camaraderie and understand-

    ing is offered at Aspergers Support

    Group meetings.

    The venue of the next meeting on

    Saturday 27 February from 10:00 has

    changed it is no longer at the Chocolat

    Restaurant in Oxford Street in Durban-

    ville, but at the Durbanville library.

    V Phone Theresa on 082 702 2144 or Anne on

    083 290 7465 with enquiries.

    The Sunflower Fund will soon host a

    Tour of Light Cycle tour, which starts

    in Johannesburg and ends in Cape


    The tourwill culminate inagaladin-

    ner on 4March to be held at the Cassia

    Restaurant on the Nitida wine estate.

    The group of cyclists will be paying

    tribute to all stem cell donors and the

    event will celebrate their arrival.

    Guests will be treated to a three-

    course dinnerwithwine included, and

    they can look forward to being enter-

    tained by MC and local celebrity doc-

    tor Darren Green.

    The cost for the dinner is R600 per

    person and it includes all wines. There

    will also be two packages up for auc-

    tion on the night.

    The evening promises to be loads of

    fun and all funds raised will be used

    to pay to register stem cell donors. The

    Sunflower Funds vision is that no-one

    should die because there is no match.

    V To book tickets or to find out more about

    the event, contact Janine le Roux on

    021 701 0661 or email her at janine@sunflow


    Tour of Light ends

    in delightful dinner


    nyone can learn a thing or two about

    social responsibility from the seven-

    year-old Hannah Joubert of Eversdal


    Hannahsmother,Angela, saysher daugh-

    ter was listening to the news on the way to

    school when they heard that animals and

    people were dying of thirst.

    Hannah turned to look at Angela with a

    horrified lookonher face and said: Wehave

    to help, Mommy! Angela says.

    It was in that moment that Hannahs wa-

    ter collection project, Tear2Water,was born.

    Her idea was to start by requesting each

    child in her school to bring a sealed bottle

    of water on a specific day, and thereafter to

    move on to the next school.

    Angela says the Pick n Pay supermarket

    in the Tyger Valley Shopping Centre was

    willing to collect any water collected at the


    Eversdal principal Henk Arangies gave

    the go-ahead that the learners could leave

    sealed bottles of water in front of the school

    hall between 07:00 and 11:30 on Tuesday 16


    The Petals Express couriers in Parow

    sponsored peak caps with Hannahs project

    name printed on it, and they offered extra

    trucks to remain on standby.

    The Tears2Water project was truly bless-

    ed, Angela adds.

    Well, on 16 February the five-litre bottles

    were stacked up all over in the front of the

    school. The kindness of the parents was

    overwhelming and the excitement of the

    children infectious, butwhen the Spar truck

    pulled in and started off-loading water, the

    tears piled up, she said.

    This was followed by another donation de-

    livered per truck this time by Barlow


    Not long after, the Aquilla Water truck

    pulled up to also off-load a very generouswa-

    ter contribution all for the little seven-

    year-old with the big heart, the proudmom


    As if to top off such a wonderful day, Glen-

    garry Shopping Centres Pick n Pay deliv-

    ereda truck loadofEaster eggs one for each

    child in the school.

    Angela calls this the perfect wrap-up.

    Through her efforts, the little girl and all

    the people and companies who helped her,

    managed to gather 5 200 litres of water.

    This will be delivered by Pick n Pay Tyger

    Valley to the area designated as being most

    in need.

    What a lovely story of changing a thought

    of compassion into a reality and how a sev-

    en-year-old can lead all those grownups to


    Hannah holds high ground

    Little Hannah (7) with some of the bottles of water she collected through her campaign of

    compassion, Tears2Water.

  • Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016 ADVERTISEMENT TYGERBURGER Durbanville 13

  • 14 TYGERBURGER Durbanville Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016NUUS

    Tick bite fever running high

    days after being bitten.

    Unfortunately, people

    sometimes dont notice the

    symptomsor dont even real-

    ise their dog has had a tick.

    We cannot overempha-

    sise the importance of seek-

    ing medical care quickly if

    you suspect yourpethasbili-

    ary fever, she warns.

    FAW runs a basic dipping

    and bathing programme in

    Fisantekraal for township

    dogs from the area. This

    helps combat the problem

    and makes the dogs feel

    much more comfortable.

    Andmost of the dogs real-

    ly enjoy the attention, Da-

    vies added.

    She says the correctway to

    remove a tick is to use a pair

    of tweezers, grasp it behind

    the head and carefully pull it

    off without twisting, making

    sure the head does not stay


    Do not cover it with pe-

    troleum jelly, used motor oil

    or paraffin to smother it,

    squeeze it or try to burn it off

    with a match and do not

    wash your dog in jeyes fluid.

    This just causes the tick to

    regurgitate the contents of

    its stomach transmitting

    whatever disease it may be

    carrying straight into you or

    the animal.

    Once youve removed it,

    clean the bite area and your hands

    and kill the tick by placing it in al-

    cohol or tick dip, or wrapping it in

    tape and flushing it down the toilet.

    Do not crush it with your fingers

    if the tick is carrying rickettsia

    (very small bacteria) and you have

    any open skin, you could get sick,

    Terra Bombela, a matric learner who lives in

    the Fisantekraal informal settlement, is one

    of the unpaid volunteers who assists with

    dipping every weekend and in school

    holidays. He is indispensable as he

    basically runs the bathing container for us,

    Jennifer Davies of FAW says.


    n exponential growth in the

    number of ticks, tick-infest-

    ed animals and dogs suffer-

    ing from biliary fever (commonly

    known as tick bite fever) has

    been reported recently.

    Jennifer Davies, spokesperson

    for Fisantekraal Animal Welfare

    (FAW), says ticks are particularly

    bad this year, probably due to heat.

    Dogs are coming in with their

    ears literally full of swollen ticks

    and clumps of ticks on their bodies;

    it is extremelyunpleasant for these

    poor animals.

    Some animals, especially pup-

    pies, become anaemic if they have

    severe infestations. Even just one

    tick can cause biliary fever, which

    is a potentially fatal illness. It is

    caused by a tick-borne parasite,

    which causes red blood cell de-

    struction and damages organs like

    the liver and kidneys.

    Biliary cannot infect people so

    you wont catch it from a sick dog,

    but people can get a bacterial ill-

    ness from ticks, she says.

    Another illness called ehrlichia

    can infect both animals andpeople,

    but this seems to be less common.

    Keep your pet free of ticks, and

    check yourself and your pets after

    walking in long grass, bushy areas

    or farmlands. Also ensure the area

    around your home and pets bed-

    ding is tick free.

    Signs of biliary in dogs include

    lethargy, lack of appetite, pale or

    yellowish gums and inner eyelids,

    reddish urine and yellow faeces.

    Symptoms usually appear 10 to 28

    Davies warns.

    V If youd like to volunteer with FAW to


    mornings from 09:00 to 12:00, or would

    like to assist them in any other way, send

    an email to info@faw.za.org, phone 074

    688 1153 or visit FAW on Facebook or on

    www.faw.za.org.A group of children patiently waiting for their dogs bath.

  • Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Durbanville 15



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  • 16 TYGERBURGER Durbanville Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016NUUS


    Heerlike pretmiddag

    by LS Durbanville

    Die nuwe gr. 4-leerders van

    die Laerskool Durbanville het

    onlangs n heerlike pretmid-

    dag saam met hul onderwy-

    sers gehou. Daarna het hulle

    lekker op die sportveld ge-

    speel, terwyl hul ouers om die

    piekniekmandjies gekuier het.

    Die skool se leerders het ook

    die skoolhoof, J.C. Swart, se

    verjaardag op n jolige manier


    Mia Henn (links) en Julia Lowe het gou

    agtergekom dat n goeie ritme die wenresep

    in driebeenresies is.

    J.C. Swart, die skoolhoof van Laerskool Durbanville, is op sy verjaarsdag op 11 Februarie bederf

    met n bootrit deur die strate van Durbanville. Hy is vergesel van die oulike dirigente van die

    Bloemendalatletiekspan, wat almal volgens n seetema kon aantrek. Hier by Swart (middel) is

    (van links) Marno Yzelle, Nicholas Post, Geta van Huyssteen, Heike van Schalkwyk, Mian

    Reynolds, Storm van den Berg, Katrien van Eeden en Michaela Sieberts.

    Hierdie swemmers

    van die Laerskool

    Durbanville het

    trofees gewen as

    die beste

    swemmers in hul


    kategorie tydens

    die skool se

    jaarlikse interhuis

    gala. Hulle is

    (voor van links)

    Johan Malan, Van

    Dyk Engelbrecht,

    Ruard van Renen,

    Alz Kotz en

    Issabelle Alves.

    Agter is Oliva

    Penfold, Adriaan

    den Haan en

    Tinke Brink.

    Hierdie atlete het trofees gewen by die jaarlikse interhuisatletiekbyeenkoms van die Laerskool

    Durbanville. Hulle is (voor van links) Cilliers Louw (1 200m, seuns o.10), JeanHenri Smit (hoogste

    punt, seuns o.11; beste hoogspring en verspringatleet; victor ludorum), Carmen le Grange (beste

    senior naelloper, meisies o.12 en o.13), Alisa Jacobs (hoogste punt, meisies o.12; beste prestasie

    meisies; beste hekkiesatleet; victrix ludorum), Am Jansen van Vuuren (meeste punte, meisies

    o.13; 1500 m meisies; 800 m), Joshua Acker (beste prestasie van die dag, seuns; beste prestasie

    in gewigstoot) en Ruard van Renen (meeste punte behaal, seuns o.13; 1 500 m; 800m). In die

    middel is Monja Neethling (beste junior naelloper, meisies o.10 en o.11), Minette Erasmus (meeste

    punte behaal, meisies o.11), An le Roux (beste prestasie in spiesgooi), Corn Oliphant (meeste

    punte in ope afdeling, seuns), Sarah Howard (meeste punte in ope afdeling, meisies), Carla

    Janse van Rensburg (1 200 m, meisies o.12) en Mke Mostert (1 200 m, meisies o.10). Agter is

    Christiaan Wege (beste prestasie, seuns o.10), Olivia Penfold (1 200 m, meisies o.11), Theodor

    Andrag (1 200 m, seuns o.11), Charl Laubscher (1 200 m seuns, o.12), Paul Senekal (hoogste punt

    behaal, seuns o.12), Inge Reddering (beste prestasie, meisies o.10) en Johan Wege (beste

    naelloper, seuns).

    Wiskundesending: Maria

    Schmidt (links), wiskundeon

    derwyser en vakhoof by die

    Privaatskool Curro in Durbanville,

    is een van ses onderwysers wat

    gekies is om saam met die

    Vereniging vir Afrikaanse

    wiskundeonderwysers die

    kongres van die National Council

    of Teachers of Mathematics in

    San Francisco by te woon van

    13 tot 16 April. Schmidt is hier

    by Dirk van Zyl, uitvoerende

    hoof van die skool. Sy gaan by

    die kongres in meetkunde,

    probleemoplossing en die

    gebruik van tegnologie in die

    klaskamer spesialiseer. Hulle

    gaan ook die Universiteit van

    Georgia besoek, asook skole, om

    te sien wat die nuutste

    tegnologie en metodes is wat in

    die VSA gebruik word.

    The ace of Curro:

    Robbie Arends, a Grade

    9 learner at Curro

    Private School in

    Durbanville, participated

    in the WP Mini 1

    tournament at the WP

    tennis headquarters on

    Sunday 14 February. He

    won the u.16 singles

    title, only dropping two

    games in the entire

    tournament. He and his

    partner also won the

    doubles title.

  • Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016 ADVERTISEMENT TYGERBURGER Durbanville 17


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  • 18 TYGERBURGER Durbanville Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016NUUS

    Mercedes-Benz Century City have selected World Car Of The Year C-Class units with R50 000 Trade-In Assistance.

    Please contact Mercedes-Benz Century City on 021 528 0400.

    Mercedes-Benz Finance and *Insurance, a division of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services South Africa (Pty.) Ltd., is an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP Licence no. 18 604) and Credit Provider (NCR Licence no. NCRCP80).

    *Underwritten by either Regent Insurance Company (FSP Licence no. 25 511), Regent Life Assurance Company (FSP Licence no. 18 146) or Alexander Forbes Insurance Company (FSP Licence no. 30 414) (E&OE)

    The C 180 Auto Avantgarde.

    The best time is now.

    Mercedes-Benz Century City, Century Blvd, Cape Town, 7441, 8001. Tel: 021 528 0400.

    As woorde soos bollemakiesie, ver-

    fomfaai, wildewragtig en klipkog-

    gelmander jou tone laat krul, is Reli-

    ance se Velddraf met Woorde net vir


    Dit vind Saterdag 5Maart op Stellen-

    bosch plaas as deel van die Universi-

    teit Stellenbosch se Woordfees.

    In plaas van n registrasienommer,

    kry deelnemers n woord om Afri-

    kaans se behoud te vier. Volgens die

    organiseerders spits die Velddraf met

    Woorde hom daarop toe om mense op-

    nuut bewus te maak van die wonderli-

    ke woorde wat Afrikaans so bekkig

    maak. So, springop joubergfiets of stof

    die hardloopskoene af daar is iets vir

    elke graad van fiksheid, van die agter-

    os tot die spoedvraat. Dit beloof om n

    heerlike familiedag te wees n die

    Veldtrap met Woorde kan deelnemers

    ontspan met ietsie te ete en te drinke

    by die Coetzenburg-stadium.

    Daar is n 6 km-japtrap en n 12 km-

    sweettap. Deelnemers kan draf, stap of

    selfs die roete net gemaklik wandel. Al

    die roetes kronkel deur die pragtige

    natuurskoon rondom Coetzenberg.

    Bergfietsryers kan kies tussen n

    18 km-vinnigtrap of n meer uitdagen-

    de 35 km-saalseer. Die bergfietsroetes

    begin by die Coetzenberg-sokkerstadi-

    on en klim teen die Stellenbosse berge

    se hange uit. Deelnemers kry by die

    einde n spekboom, geborg deur die

    Miljoen Bome-projek en Stellenbosch-

    munisipaliteit, n glasie wyn, n hand-

    gemaakte draadmedalje, n energiesta-

    fie en n sportdrankie. Daar is ook n

    prysuitdeling en gelukkige trekking.

    V Vir meer inligting en om in te skryf, besoek


    Wip saam

    met woorde




    here seems to be no satisfactory an-

    swers when it comes to money simply

    disappearing from the accounts of Sas-

    sa beneficiaries.

    Every week TygerBurger and our sister

    publications receive numerous complaints

    from the public about money that mysteri-

    ously finds its way out of their accounts.

    While the amounts that disappear might

    not sound likemuch, they are certainly a big

    chunk out of the budgets of the elderly and

    other vulnerable people who receive these


    In one of themost recent cases, R280 disap-

    peared from the account of an elderly man

    from Bellville. He and his wife are in their

    70s. Hiswife phonedTygerBurger in a panic,

    as this amount was part of their meagre

    monthly grocery budget.

    The woman complained that, not only

    were they treated poorly by the staff at the

    Sassa branch in Bellville, but they were also

    questioned about the probability that the

    money might have gone to airtime purchas-

    es. The couple do not own cellphones.

    My husband sat there from 08:00 that

    morning until 15:00, but they could not give

    him any answers. They treated him like a

    pig as if he were uneducated and poverty-

    stricken, she said.

    The woman behind the counter asked

    him if he had bought airtime. He said no, he

    didnt own a cellphone. Then she wanted to

    know if he had bought electricity, and he

    said no. We do not buy electricity using our

    Sassa cards.

    Every month we draw our full pension

    and put the money into a little bag. Then we

    work from that bag as we needmoney. I can-

    not believe people would steal from us like


    Bellville police confirmed fraud cases

    were being opened against Sassa.

    Yes, there is money disappearing from

    Sassa accounts. Yesterday (last Thursday) we

    opened three cases of fraud made by elderly

    people, said Bellville police spokesperson

    Major Fienie Nimb.

    The allegation is that money had been tak-

    en from their Sassa account that they had not

    given permission for, such as for airtime,

    she said.

    Any person who has received confirma-

    tion from Sassa that money had been taken

    from their account, without their permission,

    can open a case at their nearest police station

    for investigation.

    No control

    Sassa Western Cape spokesperson Shivani

    Wahab said they were aware of money being

    taken via electronic fund transfers (EFTs),

    but that they had no control over what hap-

    pens to grants once deposited.

    Contractor Cash Paymaster Services (CPS)

    handles these deposits.

    Once themoney is deposited into the card,

    Sassa has no control over how the money is


    She said that the card system meant EFT

    debits could take place, but that these could

    technically only take place after the money

    has left Sassas hands, and payment has al-

    ready occurred.

    The only deduction which can take place

    before the social grant is paid, is a deduction

    for funeral policy premiums, on request of the

    beneficiary, in terms of Regulation 26A of the

    Social Assistance Act, 2004, she said.

    Sassa is aware of the numerousEFTdebits

    which are taking place, and has instituted a

    number of actions, together with the Depart-

    ment of Social Development (DSD), she said.

    This includes a task team to investigate

    how to protect beneficiaries from being ex-


    Many of the EFT debits are in fact not ille-

    gal if itwere so, itwouldbe relatively easy

    to stop the activity. However, the actions

    are certainly immoral andnot supported in

    any way by either the DSD or Sassa, Wa-

    hab said.

    She added there was a dispute resolution

    mechanism in place to deal with the proc-

    esses Sassa staff can follow to help grantees

    when unauthorised EFT debits occur.

    All social grant beneficiaries are sus-

    ceptible to ... marketing of financial prod-

    ucts, not only the elderly.Wehave received

    numerous complaints fromcaregiverswho

    receive the child support grant who have

    also experienced this challenge, she said.

    Sassa is doing everything it can to en-

    sure that any social grant beneficiary who

    complains about EFT debits off their social

    grant is promptly assisted.

    She said beneficiaries should not make

    any financial commitments by responding

    to cellphone marketing that encourages

    them to key in numbers, or to agree tele-

    phonically for the purchase of products.

    Beneficiaries should also avoid taking

    loans or policies, especially where they do

    not understand the terms of the repay-

    ments, she said.

    Call Sassa helpline

    She added beneficiaries should not use

    their Sassa card as security to loans, re-

    spond to cellphone SMSes offering prod-

    ucts such as airtime, electricity and other

    financial products, or authorise any deduc-

    tions except for the single legislative and

    Sassa approved funeral policy that

    shouldnt exceed 10% of the entire grant


    To see the money being eroded through

    financial service providers whose purpose

    is financial gain, is extremely concerning.

    V Beneficiaries can call the Sassa helpline on

    0800 60 10 11, and should not go directly to CPS

    or Grindrod Bank.

    Finance sharks the culprits

  • Woensdag, 24 Februarie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Durbanville 19

    Dis weer basaartyd vir die NG

    Kerk Sonstraal op Saterdag 27


    Dit word by die Privaatskool

    Curro in Momento-rylaan, Dur-

    banville aangebied en begin om

    09:00. Daar sal heerlike eetgoed

    soos pannekoek, basaarpoe-

    ding, boereworsrolle, kerrie-en-

    rys, hoendersosaties, braaivleis

    en roosterkoek, hamburgers, ja-

    fels en n koektafel vol verras-

    sings wees.

    Daar is ook n wit olifanttafel

    met baie winskopies. n Nuutjie

    vanjaar is n vintage-tafel met

    oulike geskenke wat van her-

    winbare materiaal gemaak is.

    Geniet n koppie tee of koffie

    in die groot saal saam met n

    muffin of stuk koek.

    Vir die kinders is daar spring-

    kastele, win-n-spin, verfbal,

    sandkuns, haarspuit, gesigverf

    en nog vele meer. Hulle kan ook

    smul aan die hope lekkergoed

    en kolwyntjies. Oulike speel-

    goed word verkoop.

    V Bel die kerkkantoor by 021 976 1236

    met navrae.

    Basaartyd vir NGKerk Sonstraal




    n era of Sunday afternoon

    teas is coming to an end

    this Sunday when the last

    ever tea and cake event is pre-

    sented at the Durbanville rose


    This tea will quite suitably be

    hosted by the Durbanville Gar-

    den Club from 14:00 at a cost of

    R25 per person.

    After so many years of vari-

    ous non-profitable organisa-

    tions presenting Sunday after-

    noon teas at the rose garden, an

    internationally acclaimed tour-

    ist attraction, it has now come

    to an end after more than thirty

    years as a result of the Western

    CapeRoseSocietys leasenot be-

    ing renewed by the City of Cape


    The lease expires in May this


    The rose society started the

    rose garden more than 33 years

    ago in 1979 and rented the club-

    house at a nominal fee per year.

    The clubhousewas rented out to

    several organisations, which

    was administrated by the rose


    The rose garden one of only

    two rose trial sites in the

    southern hemisphere was

    founded and laid out by the late

    Linda Lindner, also known as

    the rose queen of Durbanville,

    and her husband, Dick, the then

    chairperson of the Western

    Cape Rose Society for many

    years, in a joint venture by the

    Western Cape Rose Society and

    the Durbanville municipality.

    According to Gordon Webb of

    the Western Cape Rose Society,

    also a member of the Durban-

    ville Garden Club, the tradition

    of Sunday afternoon teas will

    now come to an end.

    Rose garden

    wilts and dies

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