twyman compiled by william twyman...

Post on 26-May-2018






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CHAPTER I Mrs. Paul A. Klayder (nee Mary Twyman) 1

CHAPTER II The Mary Twyman Klayder Collection: Selected Letters and Memoranda Written by Persons with the Surname Twyman 25

CHAPTER III The Mary Twyman Klayder Collection: Selected Letters and Memoranda Written by Persons with Surnames other than Twyman 190

CHAPTER IV Twyman's M i l l , Madison County, Virginia 276

CHAPTER V Twyman and Several Related Families: Perrot, Buford, Cowherd, Montague, Travis, Mallory, Kirtley and Garnett 296

CHAPTER VI The Twyman Doctors of Independence, Missouri .. 379

CHAPTER VII Captain Reuben Twyman and His Descendants, and Related Families of Kavanaugh and Yancey 39^

CHAPTER VIII Miscellany ^62

APPENDIX Wills, Inventories, Deeds and other Legal Paters: Inventory of George Twyman I; Will of George Twyman I I ; Will of William Twyman I (Sr.); Will of William Twyman II (Jr.); Will of Captain Reuben Twyman; Survey of 7,537 acres, Bourbon County, Kentucky; Will of Peter Montague, the immigrant; Will of Richard Perrot; Will of Philemon Cavanaugh (Kavan­augh); Will of Lewis Davis Yancey; Will of Thomas Garnett; Will of James Garnett ^83








William TVtjman

<.MM*. I*. A.) M A MY T W Y M A N K I . A * I»KM




I am deerly grateful to many persons who provided invaluable

assistance i n the compilation of Twyman; to name a few:

Dr. Susan R. Grutchfield

Mrs. V i r g i n i a G. Durand

Miss Adela E. Ferguson

Mrs. Vera Glenn

Mrs. Betty Morrin

Mrs. Barbara Potter

Mrs. J. N e i l Smith, J r .

Mr. James F. Smith

Professor Brig^s L. Twyman

Mr. Frank Twyman

Mr. Lee Twyman

4? / _L,

/ <3 c7*7

I l l

By the way—

Dr. Eddie W. Twyman—he surely had the sod of the Virginia planter in his soul. Just ask Doc i f you wanted any information about the Twyman family. Born in October 1853 f Doc lived almost a l l of his l i f e at Twyman*s M i l l located in Madison County, Virginia. Twymans had lived at the homeplace since George Twyman the second and his wife, Agatha Beauford, f i r s t settled there shortly be­fore 173^. It was Spotsylvania County then—Essex County earlier s t i l l . Be­fore the C i v i l War, Twyman's M i l l (also Twyman Mills) encompassed several thousand acres of land. That was in "Old Doc" Horace Twyman's time. The post office, one of the oldest in Virginia, dated from 1868,

During Doctor Eddie's lifetime, mint juleps were hoisted at Twyman's M i l l (Dr. Twyman always wrote "Twyman's M i l l " at the ton of his letters) with regularity and much gusto. No question about i t , Doc wa~ the undisputed chief of the Twyman tribe. He was a first-class physician, a fox hunter un­excelled, a peerless judge of men, a true gentleman of the old South, and a free s p i r i t to boot. He once said that Twymans lived their lives to the fullest and died young.

Just about more than anything in l i f e , Doc wanted to live long enough to see to completion the Twyman book which his relative, Mary (Twyman) Klayder, was compiling. He supplied her with a great deal of information. But those two—the good doctor and Mary Klayder—just plain wore out and departed this earth before the book could take f i n a l shape. Mary Klayder had spent thirty-odd years collecting data which bulked un to some nine hundred pages of notes and l e t t e r s — l e t t e r s by, to, from and about Twymans and their kinfolk. Here's where I come into the picture.

My name i s William Twyman Lockett. "Your Great-grandfather Twyman always wore a t a l l s i l k hat when he went on business from his farm to Independence (Missouri)." Ever since I was a wee lad my mother had dr i l l e d into me the fact that Great-grandpa was special, a graduate of Transylvania College at Lexington, Kentucky, and a fine Latin and Greek scholar. "You can always be proud," my mother would continue, "that you were named for him. The Twymans were thri f t y , conservative in their tastes and proud. Above a l l , they were well behaved." At this juncture I would get a piercing look. "There was no nonsense about them. You look like the Twymans." By the time I started to school I was Twyman imprinted. But what got me was Great-grandpa's t a l l s i l k hat. Deep down in my heart I wondered i f he was a magician, or maybe some kind of scary old guy who might cast a spell upon me i f I misbehaved. Every time I was bad, i t gave me quite a turn wondering whether the ghost of Great-grandpa would take out after me. And I figured that the fright I f e l t did no good to my l i t t l e body chemistry.


The Twymans had dark complexions and they were small of stature," my mother would intone. Now these st a t i s t i c s did not apply to our branch of the family— Great-grandpa's branch—because Great-grandpa married a beautiful, languid redhead. My brothers were big guys, and I was no midget. One of my brothers had red hair. My other brother, my sister and I a l l had light-brown hair. A l l four of us had blue-gray eyes. Being of tender years and no way a child prodigy, I conjured up in my mind that the Twymans must have been puckish, oversized dwarfs not worthy of my sustained attention. Not to worry! One day, a l l that changed.

If my memory serves me correctly, some seventy-years ago, when I was six years old, I came happily skipping and hopping home from school f u l l of beans, my batteries recharged. I had mostly recovered from a recent f a l l from grace. (Some few days before, I had had an accident. The teacher ordered me home. Nor w i l l I soon forget that as I raced to the exit, bawling, loud snickers and other rude noises issued from the roomful of l i t t l e bastards.) Triumphant­ly I thrust into the hands of my mother a paper with some great oaste-ons done by me that very day, and at the top of the pater the teacher had stamced a brownie signifying a lesson well done. At f i r s t , my mother beamed with pleasure; then she espied my name which I had scrawled at the bottom of the paper—William Twiman Lockett. Like storm clouds, consternation and bitter disappointment spread over her countenance. "Don't l e t me ever again catch you spelling Twyman with an i instead of a y_." I f she had beaten me which, of course, she never Would have done, i t couldn't have hurt worse, seeing as how the teacher had given me a brownie and a l l . The upshot was that I wailed my loudest possible until my l i t t l e s e lf, purple in the face, was at the point of death. My mother, however, was unmoved which convinced me that Great-grandpa's ghost had cast a spell on the both of us and what's more had made me misspell Twyman—a double whammy.

Twyman, spelled with a y_, i t would be forever more. I'm s t i l l doing penance, and that is why I have reaved up my typewriter and beaten the l i v i n g stuffings out of i t — t h e x-key, the x-ing-out key, is now as f l a t as yesterday's glass of beer—editing and reproducing copies, of copies, of a portion of the voluminous Klayder papers—a small portion, to be sure. And the non-vintage Twyman penmanship did not benefit from a copying machine, s k i t t i s h in the presence of ink.

God bless 'em a l l , the Twymans. They're a good bunch. But I doff my hat to F. W. Twyman, of Charlottesville, Virginia—an exemplary citizen; Mary (Twyman) Klayder, a crackerjack of a genealogist with real staying power; Doc Eddie Twyman, the eritosie of the country squire; apH John A. Twyman, private, Co. H, 3rd U. S. Volunteers who fought in the C i v i l War. John belonged to a small detachment of soldiers which was waylaid by a band of marauding Pawnee Indians. It happened on May 2, I865 in the Nebraska Territory. Before the soldiers could make their escape, two were murdered, and John was scalped. He lived to t e l l about i t , and two comrades-in-arms corroborated


his account of the incident . Last but not l eas t , my hat 's o f f to Great-grandpa. He had a l o t of sa.vvy. He worked his magic, but good, at the C a l i f o r n i a Gold Rush of *^9. He struck i t r i c h . Here's to you, Great-grandpa. You d id i t . ' You did i t !

By the way, I'm proud as punch that my rriddle name i s Twyman.




Some Twyman Descendants of Reuben Parks Briggs and Mary (Thome) Briggs • 21

Tverson Lewis Twyman 31 Genealogy of Charles Thruston Twyman (b. IB55) of

L o u i s v i l l e , Kentucky 36 Family Data - John Thomas Twyman of Monroe, Kentucky 129 The Family of Captain Joseph H. Twyman, J r . , U.S. Army .... 146 Twyman - Austin - S p i l l e r - Kyle 1̂ 9 Ancestry of Paul Twyman (Washington, D.C. 1925) I63 Ancestry of Samuel Rogers Twyman (b. I858) 170 Genealogy of Mrs. A. J. Bush (nee Sarah Benham) of Waco,

Texas 187 Ancestry of William T. Twyman (born 1866) of Marshall,

Texas I89 Robert Davis Twyman, son of Anthony Twyman, married

E l i z a Walker Booton 205 Anthony Twyman - The Family of Fannie (Twyman) C a l l 210 Some Descendants of Anthony Twyman 211 Twyman Connections of Susan H i l l (Twyman) Claycomb of

Hy a t t s v i l l e , Maryland 215 H i l l , Twyman and Related Families of V i r g i n i a 216 Wood - Twyman - Garnett 231 The Genealogy of Frank Twyman Gilbert of Burnley's, V i r ­

ginia ; 233 Genealogy of Mrs. L. W. Harry (nee Elizabeth " L i z z i e " Toyman)

of Hopkinsville, Kentucky 236 Ancestry of Mrs. L i z z i e W. Harry (born 185*0 of Hopkinsville,

Kentucky 2^7 Ancestry of Edwin Davis Shepherd of Philadelphia, Pennsyl­

vania 266 Descendants of Anthony Twyman of Twyman's M i l l , Va 285 George Twyman I (l676-17r>3) from England to MWlesex

County, V i r g i n i a , married Catherine Montague 301 Ancestry of George Twyman I I I 308 Cowherd and Related Families 335 William Twyman, Sr. married Winifred Cowherd, daughter of James Travis Cowherd and Elizabeth Mallory 338

Ancestry of William Twyman I (Sr.) 339 Montague 3^8 Montague of Boveney and Dorney of Buckinghamshire,

England 350


- 2 -


Montague of Boveney and Dorney of Buckinghamshire, England (, Montague-WarfieId-Windsor) 350

Montague - Twyman - Noland - Lockett 351 Colonel Edward Travis of Jamestown, Virginia 361 Mallory 366 Mallory (Scottish Succession) 367 Twyman - Garnett - Willis - Gordon 374 The Six Twyman Doctors of Jackson County, Missouri 384 Two Twyman Families of Independence (Jackson County),

Missouri 393 Preston - Patton - Twyman 481 Thornton - Twyman - Garnett (Virginia) 482




(Mrs. P. A.) Mary Twyman Klayder, Armstrong, Missouri 1 Mr. Briggs L. Twyman 24 Cadet Joseph Henry Twyman, J r . , U.S. M i l i t a r y Academy 136 Midshipman Edward Clinton Folger I I I , U.S. Naval Academy 165 Lieutenant-General Ambrose Powell H i l l 173 Boyhood home of Confederate General Ambrose Powell H i l l ,

Culpeper, V i r g i n i a 174 A portion of a Map of V i r g i n i a 277 Map of Southern Half of Madison County, V i r g i n i a 278 Twyman's M i l l , Madison County, V i r g i n i a 286 One of the residences at Twyman's M i l l , V i r g i n i a 287 C l i f t o n Farm. Twyman's M i l l , V i r g i n i a , 1790, the residence

of Mrs. V i r g i n i a C. Durand 288 C l i f t o n Farm. Other views of the residence of Mrs. V i r g i n i a C, Durand, Twyman's M i l l , V i r g i n i a 289

The Old Granary and farmland, C l i f t o n Farm, residence of Mrs. V i r g i n i a C. Durand, Twyman's M i l l , V i r g i n i a 290

Pasture, C l i f t o n Farm, residence of Mrs. V i r g i n i a C. Durand, Twyman's M i l l , V i r g i n i a 291

Windsor. Twyman's M i l l , V i r g i n i a , b u i l t i n early lBOO's 292 Greenway. Madison M i l l s , V i r g i n i a , b u i l t i n late 1700's 293 Indian Trace, b u i l t c i r c a 1830, located near Locust Dale,

V i r g i n i a 294 Madison Farm, b u i l t c i r c a 1835» Locust Dale, V i r g i n i a 295 Alexander Spotswood, Governor of V i r g i n i a 296 John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States 297 Colonel William Randolph of Turkey Island. Henrico County, Va. .. 298 State of V i r g i n i a 300 General Abraham Buford, C.S.A 324 Major General John Buford 325 Major General John Buford 326 Buford coat of arms 327 Major General Napoleon Bonaparte Buford and Mrs. Buford 328 Oak H i l l . Orange County, V i r g i n i a , 336 Monteith. Orange County, V i r g i n i a 337 Horseshoe, Culpeper County, V i r g i n i a 340 Spring H i l l . Culpeper County, V i r g i n i a 341 Montague coat of arms 342 Montague - The Authenticated Arms of the V i r g i n i a Montagues 343 Andrew Jackson Montague 354 The Duke and Duchess of Windsor 355


- 2 -


Christ Church, Middlesex County, V i r g i n i a 357 Jamestown Island, V i r g i n i a 360 The Alamo, San Antonio, Texas 362 'Colonel William Barrett Travis ,. 363 Brigadier General Robert F a l l i g a n t Travis 364 Hazlehurst. Orange County, V i r g i n i a 372 Elmwood. Essex County, V i r g i n i a 373 Brigadier General Robert Selden Garnett (l 8 l Q - l 8 6 l ) 376 Brigadier General Richard Brooke Garnett (1819-1863) 377 Dr. Richard Allen Twyman 385 Mrs. J. Ne i l Smith, J r 386 Dr. Elmer D. Twyman 387 Dr. George Thomas Twyman, Jr . 388 Dr. George Thomas Twyman 389 Dr. Lyddall Wilkerson Twyman 390 Dr. Leo T. Twyman 391 Bob Younger, Henrietta Younger, Jim Younger and Cole Younger .. 392 Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kerby 4o6 Arlington. Culpeper County, V i r g i n i a 411 Yancey Family Graveyard at Arlington. Culpeper County,

Vi r g i n i a 412 MacMurrough coat of arms 413 Kavanagh coat of arms 4l4 Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt 415 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Noland (Mrs. Noland nee Rowena Twyman) .... 422 Mrs. William Crittenden Lockett 423 Mrs. William Crittenden Lockett 424 Sergeant Frank P h i l l i p s Lockett, World War I 425 Dr. Peter Paul Lockett 426 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindsay 427 Mr. Charles Cornelius Lockett 428 Mrs. George Hugh Banning 429 Dr. Susan Ramsey Crutchfield 430 Mr. William Twyman Lockett 431 Mrs. William Twyman Lockett 432 Ms. Ann Lockett and Master Daniel Lockett Labovitz 433 Miss E l l e n Francis Lockett 434 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Noland 435 Mr. Edgar B. Noland and friends 436 Mr. Harry Leslie Noland 437 Mrs. Anton Inderbitzen 438 Mrs. Harry Siegfried 439


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Dr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart Gillmor, Jr., Mrs. Charles Stewart Gillmor and William Noland Gillmor 440

Mr. Leslie Carlisle Noland 441 Mrs. Earl Gordon Gotthelf and Mr. Frank Ph i l l i p s Lockett 442 Mrs. Earl Gordon Gotthelf 443 Miss Florence Gotthelf and Count Ivan Leschinsky 444 Mrs. Earl Gordon Gotthelf and Mr. Gordon Tracy Axton 445 Jesse Woodson James 447 Mr. John Hale Twyman 453 Miss Georgie Twyman and her brother, Mr. John Hale Twyman 454 Dunvegan. home of Reuben Twyman (1758-1839). Woodford County,

Kentucky 458 Entrance to Dunvegan. Woodford County, Kentucky 459 Dunvegan. built by Joe] Twyman, Midway Road, Woodford County,

Kentucky 460 Dunvegan, Woodford County, Kentucky 461





1. George Twyman I (1676-1703), the immigrant from England to Middlesex County, Virginia, 1 married Catherine Montague, a native of Virginia, daughter of Peter Montague I I I . They had:

2. George Twyman II (1698-1734) of Spotsylvania County, Virginia, who married Agatha Beauford (Buford), born 1700, daughter of Thomas Buford, Jr., of Lancaster County, Virginia. They had:

3. William Twyman I (1727-1810) of Madison County, Virginia, who married Winifred Cowherd, daughter of James Travis Cowherd and Elizabeth Mallory. The James Travis Cowherds resided at Clifton. They had:

4. Captain Reuben Cowherd Twyman ( o f f i c i a l l y , "Ensign," Kentucky mil i t i a ) (1758-1839), who moved from Madison County, Virginia, to Woodford County, Kentucky (near the town of Versailles). His homeplace, styled Dunvegan. i s now a racehorse farm. Captain Twyman was married to Margaret Gri f f i n (1763-1835). They had:

5. Joel Twyman (1797-1880) who married Margaret Kirtley Buford. They had:

6. Francis Kirtley Buford Twyman who married Mary Jane (Tooley) Harvey. They had:

7. Joel Kirtley Twyman who married Frances Belle Briggs. They had:

8. Mary Toyman (l880-lo43), born near Armstrong, Missouri, who married Paul A. Klayder, born at Paterson, New Jersey, 1877, son of Frederick Julius Klayder (born 1827) and Pauline Fiedler, of Germany. They had:

9. Paul A. Klayder, Jr., Reuben A. Klayder and Twyman J. Klayder.

Lancaster County, Virginia, was established in I652 and "embraced territory on both sides of the Rarrahannock River, extending westward indefinitely." Middlesex County was formed in 1668 out of Lancaster County. In 1692 Essex County was taken out of Old Rappahannock County. Spotsvlvania County, established in 1720, extended to the Shenandoah River beyond the Blue Ridge Mountains. Orange County was created in 1734. Culpeper County was taken out of Orange County in 1748. Madison County was carved out of Culpeper Countv in 1792.




You no doubt know that for many years I have been collecting data for a family history and genealogy. I am about to place my work into the hands of the publishers. I want every line of descent as complete as possible. Is your line complete? If you are not sure, write to me about i t . If you have more data send i t now. If you have not sent any, now is a good time to send the names of your parents and grandparents, with dates of births, marriages and deaths, places of abode, etc.

You may want to join some of our patriotic societies. It i s easier i f you have printed records for references. If you know of any of our family who have seen service in any of the American wars, from the Colonial times to the World War, please notify me of i t and send what records you can.

Perhaps you know addresses of other members of our family; send them; I may not have them.

This w i l l probably be your last chance to help to make this book a l i v i n g memorial, dedicated to the memory of those of our family who lived and died in other days, and consecrated to our descendants.

By the way, have you thought of your descendants? They w i l l expect to find a l l of their family data in this book. Will they be disappointed? Don't neglect your duty—send me a l l the data you have at once, whether you want to be a subscriber of my book or not.

At present we can only estimate the cost of this book. It w i l l be sold as reasonably as possible. Only the number subscribed for w i l l be published. Speak for your copies now i f you want to play safe. Make your payment when the book is ready for distribution, which w i l l l i k e l y be within the next few months.

More than a hundred references to authentic works prove the statements made. Hundreds of Bible records, gravestone inscriptions, court records, w i l l s , deeds, old letters, etc., prove the^lines of descent.

Nearly one thousand members of these a l l i e d families have assisted in collecting the data. It is not often that you have a chance to have your family records printed in a memorial without extra expense to you.

Don't neglect the opportunity of a l i f e time. Send me the rest of your data and your subscription at once.

Thanking you everyone for your assistance and trusting that my work receives your loyal support, I am,




Mary (Twyman) Klayder (Mrs. Paul A. Klayder) Neodesha, Kansas

December 23, ig4l

Aunt Hattie, Emma, May and William and families l /

Dear Folks:

(A carbon copy letter. Do you mind?)

Aunt Hattie, I have been wanting to write you and Emma ever since your letter came t e l l i n g me about the nice v i s i t a l l of you had with Reuben (Klayder) on Thanksgiving, and especially did Paul and I want to t e l l you how thoughtful you were to take pictures while he was there, and how kind i t was of you to send some to us. I can't think of anything that could have pleased us so much. They were grand pictures. Paul (Klayder) said they were, of course, Hollywood pictures. Reuben has developed so much in the last five months. He has never had so much flesh, and I think i t is very becoming. Thanks again for showing him such a good time.

While I am mentioning Reuben, I must t e l l you about his experiences. As you know, he was called to Ft. McDowell (not Hamilton Field as he thought), and was there for quarantine to await the command to s a i l to the Philippine Islands. They l e f t there December 5 a-t about 1:00, and were out at sea two days when, at 11:00, the fatal Sunday, the 7th, they observed that the sun seemed to be going around them, and they realized that they were reversing their direction. They were told that Japan had declared war on the United States, and they were ordered back to the United States, for they were without convoy or any means of very much defense. They were ordered to put on l i f e belts and not to remove them for any pretense. They slept with them over them. At night there was a blackout, and they had two l i f e boat d r i l l s . He said i t was terrible getting around in the dark, but they made i t a l l right. They were f i f t y miles from one of the boats that was blown up. They went out at fourteen knots an hour, and came back at nineteen. A U.S. patrol plane flew over them, and he said some were scared, and a l l were excited u n t i l they learned the identity. They piloted them back to the bay, and there they remained with anchor lai d u n t i l dawn Tuesday when they found that their ship had been painted a sea blue on the sea side. They remained on the boat for some time, not getting any orders u n t i l , f i n a l l y , they were taken to shore on a ferry. And he i s s t i l l there at Angel Island. I had a letter yesterday from him, and he said that he had been told that they would be there u n t i l the f i r s t of the year, and he said we could write to him, and he was so glad to get an address, for i t has been so long since he had heard from home. He has been dandy to

l/ Aunt Hattie i s believed to be Mrs. Charles George (Briggs) Mi l l e r ; Emma, Mrs. Jewel (Miller) Figge; May, Mrs. William Glover Twyman; and William, Mr. William Glover Twyman.


- 2 -

(Letter, dated December 23, 1941, from Mary (Twyman) Klayder (Mrs. Paul A. Klayder), to Aunt Hattie, Emma, May and William and families)

write to us. That gave us a chance to send him a l i t t l e Christmas and to send letters and papers by a i r mail so he w i l l get a l i t t l e bit of the home touch from us and from a l o t of folks here.

Your g i f t came yesterday, May, and I am anxious to open i t . But whatever i t i s , I am sure i t w i l l be something that I w i l l be pleased with; you always give such nice g i f t s .

I am not making so many cakes and candies this year. I hate i t , too, for i t doesn't seem so much like Christmas unless I have a big l o t of boxes of this kind of stuff to mail out, I planned to do i t , but I find that I am not equal to doing as many things as I used to be, so I just made up the three boxes for the boys. Paul has got to stop and say something li k e this: "I wonder i f that would make me tired to do that? Yes, I think i t would, so I just ferget i t and take a nap," Maybe i t w i l l make me a good (?) old lady. I wonder.

You asked for Reuben's address, Emma. I forgot to give i t back yonder when I was writing about him. It i s : Pvt. Reuben Wm. Klayder, Ft. McDowell, Casual Detachment, Medical Corps, Angel Island, California.

We had a letter from Wade and Alba, and they were so glad to have the pictures you sent them. I wonder i f you s t i l l have the negatives. I would like to have two of them; w i l l return them i f you want them. I would like to have some made for the boys. I want the one of Uncle Reuby, you. Aunt Hattie,and Reuben—the one where you. Aunt Hattie, have your head held high. That is the best of you that I have seen in a long time. Then we want the one with Uncle Reuby, Emma—with hand in his arm—Aunt Hattie and Reuben.

Those were such kind words that you wrote about Reuben, Emma. You understand human nature pretty well, surely, for you read Reuben's personality about right.

Thank you for asking me to v i s i t you and come with Aunt Clara. I think now that you folks better come back this way and as far from the coast as possible, don't you? I couldn't come now anyway, for I would hate to leave Paul while we are so uneasy about the things that are happening everywhere.

Yes, I have a form for Birth Certificate sent out by the Missouri State Board of Health. I hadn't thought of writing to Central College for my date. The marriage date at the Courthouse was "over 21." The date of my birth on Reuben's Certificate is wrong. I had Twyman's sent on to him, and he didn't


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(Letter, dated December 23, 19^1, from Mary (iWyman) Klayder (Mrs. Paul A. Klayder), to Aunt Hattie, Emma, May and William and families)

keep a copy. I w i l l have i t changed when I can find sufficient proof. I have the school records in Armstrong and here, too, for Junior. If you have a blank, I think i t would be dandy i f you would have Uncle Reuby certify to my birth: February 24, 1880.

I am sure that I wrote you, or Aunt Hattie, about those at Hollister and Long Beach a long time ago. I think you have i t . The name is Hiveley for the fellow who wrote to his cousin from Chicago. I think his father was Benjamin, and Benjamin's wife was a Harvey. Both names—Hiveley and Harvey. You have a l l of the facts that I have on the Briggses there in California, I am sure. Maybe I didn't give i t a l l at one time, but I am sure that you have had dabs from time to time.

Junior just called for his Christmas Greetings. When we hear the voice of our child so far away, we are more grateful than ever that we have telephones; yes, and grateful that we have children. I t makes us feel so lonesome since he called, that I think I had better quit trying to write. So, for this time, I am wishing each and a l l of you a very Merry Christmas, f i l l e d with the many good things that you each most desire.

Write to us when you can. We are always so glad to hear from you.

Love from both of us




Mary (Twyman) Klayder Mrs. Paul A. Klayder) Neodesha, Kansas

February 9, 19^3

Dear Emma and Aunt Hattie: 1/

(Maybe Aunt Hattie won't enjoy a lot of this but, nevertheless, much of the letter is for her, too.)

We were glad to hear from you again. It had been so long that I had decided you had cast me aside, but I know that a l l of us have so many terrible and distressing things to think about that i t is hard to get a letter written these days.

It seems that you are doing your part in keeping the world peopled. I know you enjoy a l l of those grand bqbies, and i t is so grand that they can a l l be so near you. It reminds me of Grannie and her families of growing babies. My boys never had the fun of getting to v i s i t many relatives, not enough at any rate to become very well acquainted with them. I know your family birth­day party at Charles's home was ideal.

I don't remember what I said in the RR—probably some remark replying to something about Charles's baby's ancestry; but I am quite sure he is not interested, and is not doing one thing about i t .

I wish you and Aunt Hattie could make a v i s i t back to Missouri and come by this way for a v i s i t with us. I had a letter yesterday from May t e l l i n g me that she is coming to spend a couple of days with us and w i l l be here the twenty-first.

I also had a letter yesterday from Reuben saying that he is now taking shots— smallpox, tetanus buffer and typhoid—and I feel pretty sure that he is being sent across some place. I am just dismayed, for I had so prayed that he could be of important service where he i s . This war keeps us always getting the unexpected things, and how i t hurts us. I am worrying lately about Twyman. He really is not physically f i t , as far as his heart condition, to do any active service, but this manpower b i l l is taking so many, regardless of conditions, that i t would be terrible for him to have to go.

It doesn't seem possible that your l i t t l e B i l l is eighteen. Time passes swift­l y . I do wish him the best of luck and God's blessing.

What about the RR': It hasn't appeared here for many months.

You mentioned i t being too bad about Uncle Jeff, and that Chowning might help 1/ Emma is believed to be Mrs. Jewel (Miller) Figge; Aunt Hattie, Mrs. Charles

George (Briggs) Miller.


- 2 -

(Letter, dated February 9, 1943, from Mary (Twyman) Klayder to Emma and Aunt Hattie.)

him. The last time I heard anything about him i t seemed he was on top of the world, training horses. I did hear that he broke his leg. He ignored my letters to him after Aunt Katie's death.

February 14, 19^3

Note the date'.

It just goes to show how fast time gets by me these days. I am just not much good these days, i t seems. I have been having such headaches and pains*---f i r s t here, and then there—so I visited the doctor, and he thought i t best for me to be more careful of my diet. Then we went to Independence, and now both Paul and I are to have new glasses. Perhaps the wrong glasses are a lot of my trouble, and Paul has been needing some since the papers are a l l using so much smaller type. I hope we w i l l soon be OK again.

I haven't heard any more from the boys; we w i l l probably get our letters tomorrow. Nor have I heard from Wayne.

Now to answer some of your questions. Yes, I s t i l l take the Kentucky Register. I have a l l of them since about 1915 or 1916, with a few of those before for good measure. I have purchased some occasionally.

Twyman tried to t e l l me a lot of things you told him to t e l l me, Emma, but he said "I really don't understand much about this family genealogy, and you w i l l have to ask her to write i t to you, for I see that I am making a mess out of i t a l l . " So that was about a l l I could get from him. Was there anything special that you wanted me to know? He did say that he thought I hadn't acknowledged something that you sent. I wonder i f anything was lost, for I haven't had anything from you for the longest time. I know in your last letter that you said you had something that you were sending as soon as you could get to i t , but nothing has come to me since that time so that, i f i t was sent, i t is too bad, for we wouldn't know how to trace i t after a l l of this time.

Twyman said that you look so well, Aunt Hattie, and I was glad to hear that. I think he remembered you, but he couldn't re c a l l seeing Uncle Reuby when he

- 3 -


Letter dated February 14, 1943, from Mary (Twyman) Klayder to Emma and Aunt n a t t i e . ;

visited us here in Neodesha,

Reuben has the mumps. I have an idea that i f he is doing OK, he is about leaving the hospital now. He was so disgusted and angry"that after a l l of these years he should have to have i t . He had had many chances, but we thought he would never have i t . He had just been nut over the 2nd Section of the Base Hospital in the Prescription Department and was so pleased. He had been chosen as one of the teachers, too, to assist in training the fellows who had not had the last year of college work in pharmacy, and we had sent him a lot of books, notes, et cetera. I hope that he w i l l s t i l l get to do a l l of these things that he is so glad to be doing. I t made me so happy when he got back into the pharmacy there at the hospital. It w i l l help him so much to remember what he studied to do.

I just don't know what Junior w i l l be put into, but since hs is at Keesler Field, I have an idea that i t w i l l be mechanical work of some sort for the Air Force.

Wayne i s in Hawaii, or was the last I heard.

Our FBI were fortunate to get those spies, weren't they? We have a lot of devils in the USA who, i t seems, would s e l l out for a l i t t l e money.

I am sorry that I have been so long writing, and I know Twyman would be disgusted with me i f he knew about i t , for he did want you to know he thanked you for the pleasant v i s i t .

Write to me again, Emma. I miss your letters. Lots of love to a l l .




Mary (Twyman": Klayder (Mrs. Paul A. Klayder)

Neodesha, Kansas (or Armstrong, Missouri)

May 25, I9A3

Dear Emma: 1/

May 14 was Reuben's birthday, the twenty-sixth, two of them spent in the service. We received two letters from him yesterday, the f i r s t since early in March when he sailed from New York. He is now in North Africa. He said he has been getting my letters and The Sun. I do hope the f i r s t bunch of his letters gets to us. He says i t is really beautiful where he i s . I am so happy to know he landed safely.

Well, here I am in bed—since April t h i r d — p h l e b i t i s , whatever that i s ; a clot in the blood stream (infection of the c l o t ) . The doctor says he doesn't know what caused i t . It caused my whole right leg to swell more than as large again. . . . I go out for my meals, but that is a l l . I pull along from one thing to another, and I use a cane. I suffered intensely for the f i r s t few weeks, but I am usually comfortable now. Paul has so much to do that i t is really hard on him.

The other boys are at the same places. Twyman says he may have to be reexamined and may have to go into the service. I hope he doesn't. He has no business exerting himself in his condition.

It would be grand i f Paul and I could make a t r i p to see you California kin, but I doubt i f we ever get that far away. Thank you, though, just the same for the kind invitation. I haven't heard anymore about the folks who were coming to see Wade's farm. I can't see how Wade could hone to profit much by a trade, do you? 2/

I realize f u l l y what i t means to keep busy to help to forget. If I could only get into my papers now, I might accomplish something; but, on the other hand, I have so much company. One leaves as the others arrive. You could well have had our place in mind when you said, "The house is like a Union Station." I have a neighbor who says she didn't know anybody could have so much company. I love i t , don't you? But i t doesn't leave much time for oneself.

The RR came Saturday. I mailed i t out today. We really did enjoy your pictures. I had a lot of fun trying to see family resemblances. It doesn't seem possible that your (compiler's note: An inexplicable break occurs here) same way related closely to that branch from which Dad descends. I know that the Taliaferro family are of the Monroe (or Munro) and Williams family, but I haven't the luck to prove i t . I remember Munro Taliaferro as a young man when I used to come to Booneville, but I didn't at that time know that I had Munro or Williams ancestors. I wish I could see what they have on their family near the time of the Revolutionary War, or a l i t t l e earlier; see i f any of their Williamses ever lived in St. Charles, Missouri, about 1800, or there­abouts. I see you have given me an address. I better try her, but I have

l / Believed to be Mrs. Klayder's f i r s t cousin, Mrs. Jewel Figge 2/ Believed to be Mrs. Klayder's uncle, Wade Hampton Briggs.

- 2 -


Letter, dated May 25, 1943, from Mary (Twyman) Klayder to Emma (Mrs. Jewel Figge), f i r s t cousin of Mary (Twyman) Klayder

almost despaired of trying Booneville folks. They appear to think that I'm "pizin."

You mentioned Dr. Ravennaage's sister. Yes, I remember her. I had a clipping about some Van Ravennaage, of Holland, that I intended to send to you, but i t must be lost. It told of severe punishment that old Hitler's bunch were giving him. He seemed to be rather high in rank, o f f i c i a l or military. I can't r e c a l l . It was since Christmas.

I had a letter from Lois, yesterday. She says that she is feeling a lot better. . . . She has a beautiful flower garden about which she wrote. She has eighty-four turkeys which are one-and-a-half weeks old. Wayne had sent her a cable on Mother's Day, and an order for a vase with flowers, so that pepped her up a l o t .

It is too bad that you can't come back to Missouri and do the things you would like to do. I have a wish, too, that I could spend some time in the Kansas City Library, but i t w i l l have to be some time yet. I'm afraid I should be wishing I could get into my own library or out into the yard.

I wish I could know your nice family and have a v i s i t with a l l of you—Aunt Hattie and Uncle Reuby and Sal l i e . I'm sure that i t would be a good tonic for me.

I'm afraid this letter w i l l be quite a disappointment, but i t can't be any­thing else, i t seems. I am sorry.

Give my love to a l l , and write when you can. Love,




Paul A. Klayder Neodesha, Kansas

December 11, 1943

Dear Aunt Hattie and Emma:

I should have answered your letters long ago, and having received another one a few days ago reminding me again of your interest in us, I w i l l try to give you some of the details of Mary's passing.

Mary had not been very well since February. An examination then showed she had high blood pressure and complications, and of course she went on a diet. She was doing nicely, except that she tired easily, u n t i l about the f i r s t of April, when her legs began to swell, which caused her a great deal of annoyance and some pain. She could get around inside the house by going from one chair to another, and using a cane when she went outdoors. This continued u n t i l August, and she was getting worse every day. It was decided then to take her to a specialist of internal diseases at Kansas City. He led her to believe that she had an aggravated case of phlebitis. But in a letter to Mary's doctor here, he said she was suffering from metastatic carcinoma—that i s , cancer spread throughout the system.

Our doctor had told me this quite some time before Mary went to Kansas City, suggesting not to t e l l her for psychological reasons. And so she never knew what her a f f l i c t i o n really was.

Edna (Compiler's note: The grandmother of Briggs L. Twyman) came home with Mary and stayed two days, and they had a nice v i s i t . I told Edna the facts about Mary's case at that time.

Shortly after the Kansas City t r i p , Mary began to suffer quite a bit and she took to her bed. She grew from bad to wcrose, and being unable to get satisfactory help, she was taken to the hospital September 28. She suffered a great deal and steadily grew weaker and weaker, and passed away November 9, 1943 at 4:45 a.m., and was lai d to rest in the Walnut Grove Cemetery at Armstrong, Missouri, November 12, 1943.

Although Mary did not particularly care for a church service, the brothers and Lois thought i t would be best. So the service was held in the old Baptist Church where Mary was pianist for many years. There was a large crowd present, and there were many flowers from Neodesha and Armstrong friends.

Besides Lois and Carroll, the others of the family present were Reuby and Edna, Will and May, Raymond (Reuby1s son) and his wife, and Martha Frances and her family. (Compiler's note: Lois i s Reuben Twyman's sister; Will, his brother.)


- 2 -

(Letter, dated December 11, 1043, from Paul A. Klayder, to Aunt Hattie and Emma—Aunt Hattie, Mrs. Charles George (Briggs) Miller; Emma, a f i r s t cousin. Mrs. Jewel (Miller) Figge)

The pallbearers were Roper Ev ans, Ray Snoddy, Edwin Lee, Will Harvey, John Thorp and Nick Bagby.

Twyman arrived here two days before Mary died, and they had a number of agree­able v i s i t s . Junior came the night of November 10, and we l e f t here the morning of November 12 for Armstrong, Missouri. (Compiler's note: Twyman i s Twyman Klayder.)

The day that Mary died, someone here asked for Reuben's address, saying the Red Cross would notify him, but in letters dated November 14 and 16, he had not heard of her death. Some how I got the impression that the Red Cross would cable the message, but evidently they did not. It takes about'12 to 15 days to get a letter from Reuben. (Reuben Klayder is in the Army over­seas .)

The boys and I stayed over Saturday with Lois and Carroll, and spent Sunday with Reuby and Edna in Kansas City.

Twyman l e f t November 17, and Junior stayed u n t i l his furlough was up, November

Mary had not done much work in her genealogy collections since her operation two years ago, and while I did not help her very much, the l i t t l e I did know about i t has been almost forgotten. As soon as I can get things straightened out and systematized, I w i l l dive into this data and see what I can find. As you suggest, i t would be a fine thing i f these compilations could be printed in book form.

Mary had not come to a definite conclusion whether to have a section for the Buford family, since the Bufords and Twymans have intermarried so many times. Included in the Bufords would be (l) Richard, (2) John, (4) Thomas, (5) John, (6) Frances Buford and Francis Kirtley, (6) Simeon, and possibly others. (See Buford book sent to you.) Where the Twymans and Bufords'intermarried i t was decided to place the line of descent, male or female, under Twyman in order to prevent useless duplication. Anyway, much of the Buford data would have to be included whether i t i s made a separate section or not. There have been two Buford books published—one by Marcus B. Buford (1903), and the one you have.

Both Mary and I rather liked the style of these books. They do not follow the ideas of the professional genealogist, but the common run of folks can trace


3 -

(Letter, dated December 11, 194-3, from Paul A. Klayder, to Aunt Hattie and Emma-Aunt Hattie, Mrs. Charles George (Briggs) Miller—Emma, a f i r s t cousin. Mrs. Jewel (Miller) Figge)

the line of descent much more easily than if each name is given an individual number. The generations are numbered though. Of course, the phrase "son of so and so" is repeated innumerable times, but in the case of similarity of names, which occurs frequently in all genealogies, that phrase helps to clarifv matters. J

The book is divided into what may be called chapters, that i s , the descendants of (4) Thomas, (5) John, (6) Simeon, et cetera, are listed under these names.

These are merely suggestions. You might find a simpler, easier way to do this work.

I suppose you have discovered by now that some sheets were written on both sides, and that there were some duplicates on "work" sheets.

I haven't come across the "Harper's Ferry piece of paper" yet, but w i l l keep i t in mind.

Enclosing^ picture of the family taken in December, 1042, the last time. (Compiler s note: The rest of the letter is missing.)


Paul A. Klayder Neodesha, Kansas

April 4, 1044

Dear Emma:

First one thing and then another has come ut> to delay the work of going through the genealogical material and reading the hundreds of letters and notes.

There was the week-end v i s i t of Lois and Edna the f i r s t of March, l / Then about four weeks ago I nearly cut off the t i n of the f i r s t finger of my right hand in a power saw, and i t is only in the last day or two that I have regained the normal use of the finger. And then there were times when I was too tired at the end of the day's work to do anything. A nd so the work lagged, and, of course, your letters remained unanswered.

It was Mary's plan to classify the genealogical material into three sections, namely, Twyman, Briggs and Thorp, with their a l l i e d families. Mary devoted much time in gathering this material and worked hard trying to unravel the puzzles that are a part of this work. Much of this material has never been classified—that i s , put into i t s proper place in the family where i t belongs. Mary was doing this work about two years ago. I do not know how much of i t she finished. As soon as I can, I w i l l send you some of this material for you to work on. You need not expect i t , though, u n t i l some time after Christmas.

Edna wrote a few days ago that the stork visited Joe B i l l i e and Louise November 27 and l e f t another boy. They have two boys now. Reuby and Edna now have five grandchildren—all boys. 2/ (Compiler's note: On the margin:' of this paragraph appears the following notation made by Briggs L. Twyman on July 31, 1980: "My brother, Joe William Twyman, Jr., now of San Diego." Briggs L. Twyman is the grandson of Reuben Briggs and Edna (Crews) Twyman, and the grand-nephew of Mary (Twyman) Klayder.)

Kirtland Field Albuquerque, New Mexico

1/ Lois i s Mary Twyman Klayder's sister. 2/ "1971. Sons of Raymond Twyman: Raymond Twyman, Kansas City, Missouri;

Robert Twyman, La Grange, I l l i n o i s . Son of Reuben Briggs Twyman (l94o): Jerry Twyman, Kansas City, Missouri." Briggs L. Twyman, July 31, 1980.



Here are the boys' addresses: Pfc. Paul A. Klayder, Jr. 3rd Base Hq. & Air Base Sq.

T. J. Klayder 533 Franklin Street Buffalo, New York


- 1 -

Paul A. Klayder Neodesha, Kansas

May 8, 1944

Dear Emma: l /

Another box of genealogical data was sent April 29. I suppose you received i t O.K. That about winds up the data on the Twymans, Briggses, Thorps, Bufords, and quite a few of the a l l i e d families. If there are any missing links let me know and I w i l l make a search for them. There are a few Twymans whose line of descent has not been found, and these w i l l have to be put under a heading "Twymans Not Placed," or something like that, giving as much of their lineage as known.

Some of the material is duplicated, as you have found out by now; also some sheets written on both sides. The long biographies will have to be boiled down to the essential facts; otherwise the work would grow beyond bounds. Zj

In the last shipment the Rogers book was included merely to show the connection between the two families, and incidentally i t may be used to check with Mary's collections.

Mary had planned to include a l i s t of books in which the families were mentioned. In fact, we had started such a bibliography, but up to this writing I have not come across i t .

I am enclosing Klayder data which was intended to be included in the last box. You know where i t is to be placed.

Just a few words of a personal nature. The Neodesha Daily Sun, the paper I have been working on for years, has ceased publication for the duration. I took two weeks' vacation of a sort, and am now working on one of the weeklies here.

There is nothing new to report about the boys except that they are a l l right and are at the same places as when I last wrote you.

With kind regards to Aunt Hattie, Uncle Reuby and you and your family, I am



l/ Emma was a f i r s t cousin of Mary Twyman Klayder. 2/ On July 31, 1980 BLT (believed to be Briggs L. Twyman) wrote on the margin,

"Evidently lost."




I - David Jackson & Sally (nee Howard) Briggs—Descendants; 1. Mary Elizabeth Briggs, 719 Church Street, Fayette, Missouri. CH 8-204l

Retired teacher. 2. Thomas Howard & Kate (nee Cannon) Briggs, 3215 Lakeshore Drive

Old Hickory, Tennessee, TH 7-3066. Retired teachers.

3. David Reuben and Genevieve (nee Griffith) Briggs, 2120 Dudley Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Biochemistry, University of Minnesota.

A. David G r i f f i t h & Beverly (nee Bauer) Briggs, 1420 Talisman Curve, St. Paul 13, Minnesota. Working on PhD in Mechanical Engineering.

a. David Stanton Briggs, born January 5, 1959. b. Glenn G r i f f i t h Briggs, born May 24, 1961.

II Fannie Bell & Joel Kirtley Twyman—Descendants: 1. Reuben Briggs & Edna (ne'e Crews) Twyman, 2411 East Sixtieth Street,

Kansas City, Missouri. EM 1-2067. Retired electrician.

A. Briggs Twyman, deceased. a. Gerald G. Twyman, unmarried, 890 Idaho Avenue, Santa Monica,

California. Director of Arrangement of Flights for TWA. Office phone EX 5-2445.

B. Raymond Crews and Helen (nee Phillips) Twyman, Sr. 11231 Sunny Slope, Kansas City 34, Missouri. SO 1-5534. Owner of Service Station.

a. Raymond Crews & Barbara (ne'e Coleman) Twyman, Jr. 11312 Orchard, Kansas City 34, Missouri. SO 1-1312 Bell Telephone Company,

(a) Kelvin Eugene, born April 20, 1957. b. Robert & Donalin (nee Keim) Twyman, 11223 Stark Avenue,

Kansas City 34, Missouri. SO I-56OO. Assistant Manager for Owens Plastic Company in North Kansas City.

c. Helen Marie, Student at Ruskin High School. C. Joe William & Louise (nee Fisher) Twyman, 6800 West 65 Terrace

Overland Park, Kansas. Salesman, Springfield Rubber Company.

a. Briggs L. Twyman, student, University of Chicago. b. Joe William, Jr., Student, Shawnee Mission High School

2. Mary & Paul Klayder (Mary deceased) 617 Indiana, Neodesha, Kansas. Paul, retired printer.


- 2 -


A. Paul & Velma (nee Swain) Klayder, Jr., 2608 Davis Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia. Printer.

B. Twyman & Leora Mae (nee Iversen) Klayder, 1316 Columbine Street, Denver, Colorado. Chemist, Drug & Food.

C. Reuben William & Betty (n6e Crawford) Klayder, 211 North Fourth, Neodesha, Kansas. Pharmacist & City O f f i c i a l .

a. James Reuben, born August 7, 1950. b. Paul William, bom March 6, 1956.

3. William Glover & May (n£e Sloan) Twyman, Poteau, Oklahoma. Phones: 372 & 3^5. Insurance broker.

A. Reba Frances & L. L. Conrad, 1408 N.E. 46, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. GA 7-2737. Doctor.

a. Ann Kathryn, born July 9, 1949. b. Martha Jo, born July 9, 1949. c. Mary Elise, born June 22, 1953.

B. B i l l i e Joe & W. G. Reynolds, 1810 Garner Lane, Fort Smith, Arkansas. SU 3-7449. C.P.A.

a. Gordon Twyman, born August 15, 1951. b. Roger Duke, born March 17, 1954. c. Julie Lee, born April 8, 1959.

4, Lois & Carroll Maupin (Carroll deceased—farmer), Lois l i v i n g in Armstrong, Missouri. CR 3-2293.

A. Martha Frances & Irwin Kepner, 2810 Summit Drive, Burlingame, California. DI 2-3827. Manager, Linde Company.

a. Carol Lee & Harvey Jackson, 1530 Smallwood Circle, Clearwater, Florida. Phone: 399521. Sales Representative. Timken Roller Bearing. Carol, nurse.

b. Edith Ann & Gene Fields, University Terrace, Building 12, Apartment J, Columbia, Missouri. GI 2-9428. Gene in school; Edie, nursing at University Hospital.

c. Bob Kepner, age 19, at home attending San Mateo College. d. Georgiana Kepner, age 12, at home. e. John Kepner, age 9. f. Debra Kepner, age 7. g. Jim Kepner, age 2.

B. Wayne & Dorothy (ne'e Patrick) Maupin, RFD Glasgow, Missouri. FE 8-2795



- 3 -


I I I Lula & Theodore F. Evans— Desnenri.Tn+s :

1. Ernest R. & Etta L. (nee Galloway) Evans. (Ernest deceased) 6257 Delmar, St. Louis, Missouri. PA 51217. Music studio.

2. Anna Mae Evans, 5^08 Brannon Avenue, St. Louis 9, Missouri. FL 2-1963. Testing laboratory. Retired

_., „ April 1, 196I. I V Hattie Briggs & Charles George Miller. Descendants:

1. Edwin & Ellen (nee Banninster) Miller, ko8 West 7th Street, Plainview, Texas. Edwin deceased. Newspaper publisher.

A. Betsy & Walter Barlow, 206 N. E. Alpine, Plainview, Texas B. Jane & John Greene, P. 0. Box 137, Kent, Connecticut. C. Jo Ann & Felix Walker, 404 Canterbury Court, Hinsdale, I l l i n o i s .

2. Emma & Jewel Figge (Emma deceased), 1726 Gramercy, Los Angeles 28, California. HO 9-0909. Retired

A. Mary-Frances & Fred H i l l , 3507 Glenhurst Avenue, Los Angeles 39, California. NO 4-1808. Auto Club.

a. Sally-Ann & Gene Fox—127^1 South Colima, La Mirada, , \ California. «H 1-8521. Sales Manager, (aj Terri Malinda, born October 28, 1957. (b) Mike Stephen Fox, born December 12, 1959. (c) Mark Allen Fox, born December 12, 1959

b. Fred W. T. H i l l II (Corky), i6 years old. 'student. B. Charles Christian & Lucille (nee Landers) Figge, 2633 North

Commonwealth, Los Angeles 27, California. NO 2-1570. Oil well producer.

a. Chris. Age 19. Student at U.S.C. b. Richard Briggs Figge, age 17. Student. c. Lynda Figge, age 13. Student.

C. Harriette and Phil Babcock, 825 Flora, Inglewood, California OR 8-5930. Salesman.

D. Rosalie Ann & Tom Lincir. 1417 West 8th, San Pedro, California. 3-3281. Owner of a dance studio.

• W i l l i a m Jewel & Patricia (nee DuFort) Figge, Jr. 6500 Fulton, Van Nuys, California. TR 7-8909 Auto Club of Southern California.

F. Robert Edwin and Edith (nee Passmore) Figge, 1522 North Mariposa, Los Angeles 28, California. NO 1-8103.

r Vintage car parts dealer. Thomas Hale & Susie (nee Prle) Briggs^-DescenriantH: 1* Eugene Stephen & Mary (nee Gentry) Briggs, ikOl Sherwood Lane,

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. VI 2-6025. President of National Investor's Life Insurance Company.

- 4 -



A. Stephen Gentry, born June 5, 1917. Died November 2, 1918. B. Eleanor Sue & Thomas 0. Montgomery, 1641 S.W. 52nd Street, Okla­

homa City, Oklahoma. ME 4-2874. Sue, teacher. Thomas, Engineer.

a. Maridyth Ann Montgomery, born January 20, 1954. b. Stephanie Lee Montgomery, born February 23, 1956.

C. William B. and Lorraine (nee Hood) Briggs, 58OI Searl Terrace, Washington 16, D.C. OL 2-5171 P. R. Chance Vought.

a. Eugene S. Briggs, born December 22, 1947. b. Cynthia Ann Briggs, born November 9, 1950. c. Julia Louise Briggs, born January 20, 1956. d. Spencer Gentry Briggs, born January 6, 1958.

2. Frank Parks & Catherine (nee Shull) Briggs, Macon, Missouri. Publisher of Macon newspaper & Assistant Secretary of the Interior, Washington, D.C.

A. Thomas Frank & Kathleen (nee Arthur) Briggs, Macon, Missouri. Publisher, Macon Chronicle-Herald.

a. Jack Briggs, Senior at Missouri University. b. Pat Briggs, Freshman at Christian College. c. Bobby Briggs, 7th grade.

B. Eugene Allen & Marjorie (nee Beall) Briggs, Oswego, Oregon. Reporter.

a. David John Briggs, 1st grade in school. C. Ruth & Joe Bratik, Ruth teacher of Advertising at University of

Missouri, a. Cathy Jo Bratik, age 10.

D. Betty Briggs, Macon, Missouri. E. Dorothy & M. R. Ramon. Teaches Spanish and French at Bowling

Green State University, Ohio. a. Betty Ramon (stepchild). b. Andree Ramon (stepchild). c. Celette Ramon, age 8. d. Mike Ramon, age 5.

3. Margaret & Menifee Bullock, 4113 Clark Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. WE 1-6167. Valuation Engineer, Kansas City Light & Power Company.

A. Helen & Arthur Smith, 9257 California, Livonia, Michigan. GA 7-3669. Research—Ford Motor Company,

a. Linda Sue Smith, born March 26, 1955. B. Peggy & Marsh Rathbun, 1905 East Walnut, Enido, Oklahoma.

AD 4-2454. Peggy is Secretary to Assistant Controller, Champlin O i l Company. Marsh is a. student at Phillips University.

VI William Jesse & Clara (nee Fi^ge) Briggs—descendants. 1. Charles Christian & Ida (nee Chatelain) Briggs, 2329 Lomita

Verde, Bakersfield, California. FA 5-4085. Retired.

- 5 -



A. Charles Christian & wife Briggs, Jr., c/o American Embassy, Port-au-Prince, Ha i t i , Director, Point 4 Program, USA.

a. Charles Christian Briggs, I I I , Senior in High School. b. Karen Sue Briggs, Junior in San Diego State College.

B. Mariam Virginia & Wally Pierre, 2826 Hawthorne, Bakersfield, California. Program Director, KLYD TV.

2. William Jesse Briggs & Elsie Briggs, Jr., 1235 North La Fountain, Kokomo, Indiana. Methodist Minister.

A. William Jesse Briggs I I I , medical intern. B. Ima Briggs, College Student.

VII Reuben Parks Briggs, Jr. No descendants. VIII Katie & Jeff Phelps. No descendants. IX Wade Hampton & Alba (nee Evans) Briggs. No descendants.


f>ome Twyman Descendants of Reuben Parks Briggs and Mary (Thorpe) Briggs

Katie T

Hattie 1

Thomas Lull 1 David

1 Fannie

r William

1 Reuben Wade ̂

Briggs Briggs Hale Briggs Jackson Bell Jesse Parks Hampton married married Briggs married Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs. Briggs Jeff Charles married Theodore married married married No issue. married Phelps. George Susie F. Evans Sally JOEL Clara Alba Evans No issue. Miller Pyle Howard KIRTLEY Figge No issue.






I ' Briggs Twyman

Gerald G. Twyman I

Raymond Crews Twyman, married Barbara Coleman

Kelvin Eugene Twyman

Raymond Crews Twyman, Sr. married Helen Philipps



Robert Helen Twyman mar- Marie ried Donalin Twyman Keim

\ Joe William Twyman (d.1986) married Louise Fisher

' r

MARY TWYMAN married Paul A. Klayder. Mary (Twyman) Klayder was the TWYMAN family genealogist.

Briggs L. Twyman married t h i r d l y Susan La Font (1986) 2/

Joe Wm. Twyman, Jr. (head of Lakewood, Ca. YMCA)

Paul A. Klayder, Jr . mar­ri e d Velma Swain

~ T Twyman Klayder married Leora Mae Iversen

Reuben William Klayder married Betty Crawford

James Reuben Klayder (b.1950)

Paul Wm. Klayder (b. 1956)

1/ Issue, 4 children:- Reuben Briggs Twyman, Mary (Twyman) Klayder, William Glover Twyman and Lois (Maupin) Twyman. 2/ Briggs L. Twyman came into possession of the Twyman family genealogical data which he donated to the Jackson

County H i s t o r i c a l Society, Independence, Missouri, i n the 1980's.



1. Karl Klayder, born March 30, 1783, Pommerania, Prussia, Germany, married Amelia Lehman, born December 21, 1797, Triebel, Brandenburg, Germany. Children: Reinhold, born Feburary 23, 1823; Karl, Jr., born November 23, 1824; Fredrick Julius, born July 4, 1827; Wilhelm, born September 5, 1829; Gustav, born September 14, 1831; Bernhardt, born July 24, 1834. Karl Klayder died February 25, 1837. Amelia Klayder died January 5. 1886.

2. Fredrick Julius, son of Karl and Amelia Lehman Klayder, came to America in October, 1866. Married Pauline Fiedler March 9, 1873, at Paterson, New Jersey. Children: Char1es, born January 1, 1875; Paul A., born January 2, 1877; Annie, born 1879. died in infancy.

Pauline Fiedler Klayder died at Paterson, New Jersey, May 8, I885.

Fredrick Julius Klayder and two sons moved to Glasgow, Missouri, in 1886.

Fredrick Julius Klayder died at Armstrong, Missouri, February 8, 1920.

3. Paul A., son of Fredrick Julius and Pauline Fiedler Klayder, married Mary Twyman.


T/Sgt. Reuben A. Klayder 73rd (i l l e g i b l e abbreviation) APO 370

c/o PM. N.Y., N.Y.

May 17, 1944

Mrs. Emma Figge 1916 North Wilton Place Hollywood 28, California

Dear Aunt Emma:

Yes, I think i t would be a wonderful thing for you to do in trying to get Mother's genealogical data together. As you say, i t w i l l be a very f i t t i n g memorial to her. I think we a l l knew that she would never finish i t , because she was so careful about getting everything correct and complete. . . .

I am in Italy now. Since being here I have visited Naples, Pompeii and I got to see Vesuvius when i t had the recent eruption. . . .

There is nothing that I would like to do more than to come out and see you when this thing i s over. Love,



Mr. Briggs L . Twyman







Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Toyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman

Fort Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman Twyman

Ashton G.: Gary, Indiana C. I. : Chicago, I l l i n o i s G. 0.: Fairmont, West V i r g i n i a Charles Thruston: L o u i s v i l l e , Kentucky E. W., Dr.: Toyman's M i l l , V i r g i n i a F. W.: C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e , V i r g i n i a Fanny Scott: Post Oak, V i r g i n i a G. W. D.: Waverly, Ohio Harding: New Orleans, Louisiana Jeanette M.: Seattle, Washington John Morgan, USN: Various aidresses John Thomas: Monroe, Kentucky John Thomas: Hardyville, Kentucky Joseph H,: No address shown Joseph H., J r . , Captain U.S. Army,

Totten, New York J u l i a : Miami, Florida Lewis: Miami, Florida Louise: Hodgenville, Kentucky Mabel, Madison, V i r g i n i a Morgan: Marshfield, Missouri Mrs. George Washington: Greenwood, Indiana Paul: Washington, D. C. Ruth: San Pedro, C a l i f o r n i a Samuel Rogers: No address shown Travis J . : Locust Dale, V i r g i n i a W. Y.: Amarillo, Texas Walter D.: Lexington, Kentucky William Crutcher: Petty, Texas William Crutcher: Butler, Missouri William G i l b e r t : Houston, Texas William T.: Marshall, Texas


Excerpted let t e r , dated May 9, 1921, from Ashton G, Twyman, Gary Indiana, to Mrs. Paul A, Klayder, Neodesha, Kansas.

The members of my family were born and reared in Kentucky. I have three brothers and one sister. I have an uncle, James Twyman, and two great-uncles, Paul Twyman and B i l l i e Twyman. My father knows more about the family than I do. My sister i s a teacher at a business college i n New Jersey. Her address i s :

Miss LaVern Twyman Perth Amboy, New Jersey

I was born May 14, 1894. My uncle, James Twyman, died about 17 years ago. He was survived by his widow and one daughter. They li v e in Louisville, Kentucky.

Excerpted letter, dated May 13, 1921, from Ashton G. Twyman, Gary Indiana, to Mrs. Paul A. Klayder, Neodesha, Kansas.

My father's address i s as follows:

W. R. Twyman Louisville, Kentucky

My oldest brother i s W. A.Twyman of St. Paul. My older brother ( i l l e g i b l e f i r s t i n i t i a l ) B. Twyman, lives in California. My other brother, R. T. Twyman, of Gary, Indiana, was born February 4, 1896. My sister was born November 26, I898.

Excerpted letter, dated September 13, 1921, from Ashton C. Twyman, RFD No. 3, Glasgow, Kentucky, c/o ( f i r s t i n i t i a l i l l e g i b l e ) W. Alexander, Hiseville, Kentucky, to Mrs. Paul A. Klayder.

I know of a Twyman, a lawyer, i n East Chicago, Indiana, who was born and reared i n Lexington, Kentucky.


- 2 -

(Excerpted le t t e r , dated September 13, 1921, from Ashton G. Twyman BFD No 1

2 5 5 5 ; ^ i f ^ i a l i l l e g i b l e ) w-

mv M M I"? T 6 k S a g ° * 1 h a V e m y grandfather's and my father s bible containing dates of births and deaths. I can't f ind out anything about my father's Uncle B i l l i e Twyman or Uncle

t n l ^ C U n C l l 2 1 1 1 1 6 T W y m n h a S ° n e C h i l d - a S r i , " h o Lves i n Bowling Green, Kentucky.



January 22, 1930

Mrs. Paul A. Klayder

My dear Mrs. Klayder:

Being absent from home prevented my answering your kind letter of January 1st unt i l today.

Zachary Taylor Twyman and Margaret Irwin Cochrane Twyman are my parents. Both have passed away—Mother, February 15th, 1903; Father, January 5th \ I929.

My family follows in order of birth:

Charles Irwin Twyman. Walter Raymond Twyman. Louis Cochrane Twyman. Nancy Rebecca Twyman. (Mrs. Charles Ewing) Clara Belle Twyman. (Deceased, August 22nd, 1917) Margaret Marie Twyman. (Mrs. Earl Barclay)

Walter Twyman i s a Captain on the Fire Department in New York City; has two daughters, Arline and Evelyn Twyman.

Louis Twyman is Assistant Superintendent Transportation, CB&Q Railroad, Chicago. He has a son, Louis Twyman, and a daughter, Margaret Twyman.

Nancy Twyman (Mrs. Charles Ewing) resides in Macomb, I l l i n o i s . She has two sons, John Ewing and James Ewing.

Margaret Twyman (Mrs. Earl Barclay) resides in Macomb, I l l i n o i s . She has no children.

I have one son, Robert Cochrane Twyman.

The information I sent to William C. Twyman was furnished by Mary Twyman McLean, of Macomb, I l l i n o i s , who made a t r i p to Kentucky many years ago with her father, Henry Clay Twyman, a brother of my grandfather, Iverson Lewis Twyman.

I was born in Macomb and know a l l of the Twymans in that v i c i n i t y . It i s my impression that the young lady whose father became an orphan about the time of the C i v i l War must have been mistaken concerning his having been born near Macomb.

- 2 -


(Letter, dated January 22, 1930, from Charles Irwin Twyman to Mrs. Paul A. Klayder, 617 Indiana Street, Neodesha, Kansas)

I know nothing about Mordecai Twyman. However, in looking over the information compiled by Mary Twyman McLean, I find he had a son, Leo. Somewhere in my travels I ran across a Leo Twyman. I think i t was in Chicago. If the oppor­tunity presents i t s e l f , I w i l l endeavor to develop some information concerning him and le t you know.

With kind personal regards and best wishes for your family and yourself, I am

Sincerely yours. (signed)

C. I, Twyman

Mrs. Paul A. Klayder, 617 Indiana Street,

Neodesha, Kansas.


Iverson Lewis Twyman


Henry Clay Twyman

I Charles Irwin Twyman

Robert Cochrane Twyman


Zachary Taylor Twyman (died 1929) married Margaret Irwin Cochrane

(died 1903)


Mary (Twyman) McLean

Walter Raymond Twyman

Arline Twyman and Evelyn Twyman

Louis Cochrane Twyman

Louis Twyman and Margaret Twyman

Nancy Rebecca Twyman married Charles Ewing

Clara Belle Twyman (died 1917)

Margaret Marie Twyman married Earl Barclay. No children.

John Ewing and James Ewing

Source: ^ t e r ^ d a t e d J a n u a r y 2 2. 1930, from Charles Irwin Twyman, of Macomb, I l l i n o i s , to Mrs. Paul Armstrong


C. 0. Twyman -irmont, West Virginia

March 10, 1933

Mr. Louis Twyman Miami, F lo r ida

My dear S i r :

What a surprise this wi be to you.

I have been reading abc - the shooting of Mayor Gormack, of Chicago, and you were appointed to defer Jangara.

I thought we might be s ie relation. My grandfather's name was Joseph Twyman. He had two boys. The r ie of one, I r e c a l l , was George Twyman. He lived in Ohio, and I don't re i l l the other one.

So i f you can please ar rer this letter, maybe I can give something else to benefit you.

Respectfully yours,


C. 0. Twyman


Charles Thruston Twyman 2101 Osage Avenue

Louisville, Kentucky

February, 1919

Mrs. Mary Twyman Klayder Armstrong, Missouri

My dear Mrs. Mary Twyman Klayder:

I am in receipt of your letter of recent date, and in reply w i l l gladly give to you a l l the information I possibly can to help you in your good work, and also to those who are concerned.

As to my father's family, I am sorry to state that I cannot give you very much information, but I would advise you to write to my father's sister, Mrs. Louis A. Shafer, 2704 Portland Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky. I think that she might give you some very good information in regard to my father's family. You w i l l find, enclosed, a clipping from the Courier Journal on the death of my father.

My name is Charles Thruston Twyman, born November 28, I855. I was married to Sallie Packham, June 20, 1878. She i s a descendant of Lord John Russell, of England. She was born September 14, I859. Issue:

Edith Estelle ( i l l e g i b l e word) Twyman, born September 1, 1879; married to William J. Robbert, February 15, I899. Issue: Thelma Beatrice Robbert.

Lee Anna Twyman, born November 26, 1881; married to Cary Peter Hickins, February 11, 1903. Issue: Blanche Hickins, Lorre Hickins and Willie Grace Hickins.

Carlie Belle Twyman, born October 24, 1888; married to James H. Byrum, deceased June 20, 1905. Issue: Carl Ray Byrun, and Dorothea Lysle Byrum.

Russell Thruston Twyman, born September 13, I890, died July 11, 1919; married to Edna Fanchon Bond, June 29, 1912. Issue: Russell Thruston Twyman, Jr.

Allan Dunn Twyman, born December 23, I896. Enlisted in World War on August 14, 1918. Entrained for Auburn, Alabama—Alabama Poly-technical Institute. He was transferred to Franklin Cantonment,

- 2 -


(Letter, dated February, 1919, from Charles Thruston Twyman, Louisville, Kentucky, to Mrs. Mary Twyman Klayder, Armstrong, Missouri)

Camp Meade, Maryland. Rank: Sergeant, 224th Field Signal Bat­talion ( i l l e g i b l e words), Camp Zachary Taylor, January 27, 1919. Married Edna Mae Adams, June 3, 1918.

Mrs. Klayder, kindly return clipping of father's death. And oblige.


Charles T. Twyman


William W. Twyman (Conied from L o u i s v i l l e , Kentucky, newspaper)*

(November 21, 1910)

The funeral of William W. Twyman, aged eighty-three years, who died Saturday afternoon (November 19, 1910), at 5:20 o'clock a f t e r a ling e r i n g i l l n e s s , of the i n f i r m i t i e s of old age, was conducted this morning at 10 o'clock from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Anna B. Dunlap, at 1447 Amber Street. The services were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Moore, of the Parkland Christian Church, and the interment took place at Cave H i l l Cemetery.

Mr. Twyman was one of the pioneer residents of this c i t y , having been born i n Shippingport, and liv e d here a l l his l i f e . He had been i n excellent health u n t i l the death of his wife l a s t January, but af t e r her demise his health began to f a i l . He was able to be up and about u n t i l ten days ago, when he was forced to take to his bed, and from that time on he sank ra p i d l y .

At the time of Mr. Twyman's b i r t h the c i t y was nothing but a v i l l a g e , and his father, W. W. Twyman, was at that time proprietor of one of the largest stores i n the c i t y , located at Ninth and Main Streets. Mr. Twyman . . , secured an education at an early age and made good use of i t afterward. After leaving school he secured a position teaching school, and l a t e r entered p o l i t i c s .

Mr. Twyman served as a deputy constable for several years, and afterward was elected to the General Council. He also served as a school trustee, and from 1870 to 1886 served as Magistrate i n the Western d i s t r i c t , comprising the Eleventh and Twelfth Wards. The l a s t position that Mr. Twyman held was that of Storekeener-gauger, and he r e t i r e d about twenty years ago.

When the Volunteer Fire Department was i n existence Mr. Twyman was one of the most active members, and during the past few years he was president of the Volunteer Firemen's Association.

In 1853 Mr. Twyman married Miss Rebecca Fisher, and the couple celebrated t h e i r golden wedding anniversary several years ago. When Mrs. Twyman died l a s t January, a noticeable change came over her husband, and i t i s thought that g r i e f over her death hastened his end.

He i s survived by fi v e children. They are William C. Twyman, of Piqua, Ohio; Charles T. Twyman, of th i s c i t y ; Thomas G. Twyman, of L o u i s v i l l e Railway Company; Mrs. Mary T. Simpson, of Shel b y v i l l e , Kentucky; and Mrs. Anna B. Dunlap, of th i s c i t y . He i s also survived by two s i s t e r s , Mrs. L. A. Shafer and Mrs. Caroline Jones, the l a t t e r of Hickman, Kentucky.

(Compiler's note: Mr. William W. Twyman, 83 years old at the time of his death, would have been born i n 1327.)

(*) Courier Journal


Genealogy of Charles Thruston Twyman (b. 1855). of Louisville. Kentucky

W. W. Twyman of Louisville, Kentucky

Mrs. Caroline Jones

1 Mrs. Anna B. Dunlap

William W. Twyman (1827-1910), of Louisville, Ky., married Rebecca Fisher

1 Mrs. L. A. Shafer

Charles Thurston Twyman (b. 1855. of Louisville, Ky.. mar­ried Sallie Packham)

William C. Twyman

1 Thomas G. Twyman

t Mrs. Mary T. Simrson

Edith Estelle Twyman mar­ried William Robbert

Lee Anna Twyman mar­ried Gary Peter Hickins

Thelma Blanche Lorre Willie Beatrice Hickins Hickins Grace Robbert Hickins

Carlie Belle Twyman mar­ried James H. Byrum

f Carl Ray Byrum

Dorothea Lysle Byrum

1 Russell Thruston Twyman mar­ried Edna Fanchon Bond

Russell Thruston Twyman, Jr.

r Allen Dunn Twyman mar­ried Edna Mae Adams

Source: Letter, dated February, 1919, from Charles Thruston Twyman to Mrs. Paul A. Klayder.

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