two-year on-campus living experience

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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Two-Year On-Campus


Photographs by Karin Sharon

University of Denver has a Two-Year On-Campus living requirement. The students are split on this issue, seeing both positive and negative elements.

Johnson-McFarlane Hall

Centennial Halls

Tuition has seen an increase of about 3% each Academic Year, which poses a concern and financial burden for students and families.

Centennial Halls

On-Campus living makes it so that 1st and 2nd years don’t have to worry about finding their own places to live. Yet, the dorms are filling up to capacity because of increased admission.

Johnson-McFarlane Hall

Johnson-McFarlane Hall

Nagel Hall

Centennial Halls

The Meal Plan is convenient when living in the dorms, because all meals are provided. However, it ends up costing about $100-$200 more per month than groceries.

The dorm lifestyle provides some structure. However, is it too much structure for emerging adults who need to learn responsibility?

There are also options for On-Campus housing for 3rd and 4th years, but the rates are significantly more than off campus apartments

After interviewing a few RA’s, it seems that overall people focus on the benefits of On-Campus living

Nagel Hall

What students really want is to have a CHOICE for their 2nd year. Rather than having a requirement, students feel that they should be able to opt out if they so desire.

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