two new species of graphis and halegrapha graphidaceae ...—12— species of the lichen family...

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Species of the lichen family Graphidaceae in Japan have been studied fairly well by Nakanishi and other lichenologists (Nakanishi 1966, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1981, Kashiwadani et al. 2012), though they have been recently treated under more than ten different genera (Nakanishi et al. 2003, Lücking and Plata 2008, Lücking et al. 2009, Staiger 2002). In the course of our taxonomic study of lichens based on our collections from Yakushima Island in southern Japan, we found two new species of the family. In the present paper, Graphis plumbeidisca M.

Nakan., Kashiw. & K. H. Moon and Halegrapha yakushimensis M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K. H. Moon are described as new to science.

Materials and MethodsThe present study is based on specimens

collected from Yakushima Island, southern Japan by Kashiwadani and Moon in 2005 and 2012. Specimens reported in the present paper are kept in the herbarium of the National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS). Chemical substances were studied by means of thin-layer

Two New Species of Graphis and Halegrapha (Graphidaceae, Ostropales) from Southern Japan

Hiroyuki Kashiwadania, Minoru naKanishib and Kwang Hee Moonc,*

aDepartment of Botany, National Museum of Nature and Science, 4-1-1, Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0005 JAPAN;

bFaculty of Education, Hiroshima University, 1-1-1, Kagamiyama, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima, 739-8524 JAPAN;

c Biological Resources Research Department, National Institute of Biological Resources, Gyoungser-dong, Seo-gu, Incheon, 404-170 KOREA

*Corresponding author:

(Accepted on August 31, 2013)

Two new species of the lichen family Graphidaceae are described from Yakushima Island, southern Japan. Graphis plumbeidisca M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K. H. Moon is distinct from allied species of the genus in having erumpent lirellae without striation, labia with lateral thalline margin, leaden and shiny discs without pruina, completely carbonized exciples, clear hymenia, colorless spores with 3(–4) transverse septa and 17–18 × 5–6 µm in size, and in producing no chemical substance. Halegrapha yakushimensis M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K. H. Moon is easily distinguished from other species of the genus by its muscicolous habitat, erumpent lirellae with slight striations, totally carbonized exciples, clear hymenia, submuriform and brown spores, 14–16 × 7–8 µm in size and in producing no chemical substance. They are so far known only from Yakushima Island in southern Japan.

Key words: Graphidaceae, Graphis plumbeidisca, Halegrapha yakushimensis, Japan, Kyushu, lichen, new species, Yakushima Island.

J. Jpn. Bot. 89: 12–16 (2014)

February 2014 TheJournal of Japanese Botany Vol. 89 No. 1 13

chromatography (Culberson and Johnson 1982). Iodine reaction of hymenia and spores were observed in Lugol’s iodine solution after treating with 10% KOH solution. Sections of apothecia and thalli were cut by hand-razor and mounted in GAW solution. From these, size and thickness of thalli or sexual organs were obtained.

Taxonomic treatmentGraphis plumbeidisca M. Nakan., Kashiw.

& K. H. Moon, sp. nov. [Fig. 1. A–D]Similis Graphi assimilis sed lirellis sparsim

ramosis, discis epruinatis, sporis 3–4 locularis, parvulus (12–15 µm longis, 3.5–4.0 µm latis) et thallo acido lichenis destitutis differt.

Thallus corticolous, pale yellow green or dark khaki in herbaria (UV–), continuous or minutely rimose, esorediate, 50–70 µm thick. Apothecia short to elongate, sparingly or irregularly branched, 3–5 mm long, 0.28–0.36 mm wide; lirellae erumpent, covered with lateral thalline margins; labia black, entire in young stages, often with a longitudinal furrow with age; disc subnitid, without pruina; exciples totally carbonized at both sides and below, 25–40 µm thick near the top, 10–12 µm thick at side; hymenium clear and not inspersed, I–, 90–100 µm high; hypothecium 10–15 µm thick. Asci 8-spored; spores colorless (I + purple), 3–4 transversely septate, 12–15 × 3.5–4.0 µm in size. No lichen substance is detected by TLC.

Type collection: JAPAN. Kyushu. Prov. Ohsumi (Pref. Kagoshima): En route from Yodogawagoya to Hananoego, Yaku-cho, Kumage-gun, Yakushima Island. On bark (Cornus ?), elevation about 1500 m, March 14, 2012, H. Kashiwadani 50576 (TNS –holotype).

TLC: nil acid. MycoBank No.: MB 804362.Graphis plumbeidisca is distinct from allied

species of the genus in having a combination of the following characters; erumpent lirellae without striation, labia with lateral thalline margin, shiny and lead-gray discs without pruina, completely carbonized exciples, clear

hymenium without inspersion, colorless spores with 3–4 transverse septa, 12–15 × 3.5–4.0 µm in size and in producing no chemical substance.

It resembles Graphis assimilis Nyl., a species with an eastern palaeotropic distribution (Lücking et al. 2009), which differs in having a black disc, 7–12 septate larger spores (30–45 × 6–9 µm in size) and in producing norstictic acid. It might be confused with G. palmicola Makhija & Adaw., a species described from Nicobar Island, India (type not seen). However, it is distinguished from G. plumbeidisca by the leaden disc and the smaller ascospores with 3–4 septa; G. palmicola has reddish brown disc and larger (21–29 µm in length) and more septate spores, with 4–12 septa (Makhija and Adawadkar 2005).

This species is so far known only from the narrow area around the type locality. It grows on bark (Cornus?), at an elevation of about 1300 m.

Specimen examined: JAPAN. Kyushu. Prov. Ohsumi (Pref. Kagoshima): Around Yodogawagoya-iriguchi, Yaku-cho, Kumage-gun. Yakushima Island, on bark, elevation about 1300 m, September 27, 2005, K. H. Moon 6054 (TNS).

Halegrapha yakushimensis M. Nakan. & Kashiw. & K. H. Moon, sp. nov.

[Fig. 1. E–H]Similis Halegrapha chimaea sed excipulis

omnino carbonaceis, hymeniis non-inspersis et sporis muriformibus differt.

Thallus muscicolous or extending over contiguous tree bark, greenish gray, continuous, smooth (UV–), 200–300 µm thick. Apothecia short, simple to very sparsely branched, up to 1.6 mm long, 0.24–0.30 mm wide; lirellae erumpent, covered with thalline margins basally and laterally; labia entire or more or less striate with maturity; discs closed, rarely exposing narrow disc; disc dark reddish brown, epruinose; exciples carbonized apically and basally, 100–110 µm thick at sides, 50–80 µm thick at base; hymenium clear, 300–310 µm high, I + pale

14 植物研究雑誌 第 89巻 第 1号 2014年 2月

blue; hypothecium colorless, 20–25 µm thick. Asci 8-spored; spores pale brown when mature (I–), muriform, 3–4/ 2–3 septate, 15–18 × 8–10 µm in size. Chemical substance absent (UV–).

Type collection: JAPAN. Kyushu, Prov. Ohsumi (Pref. Kagoshima): En route from Yodogawagoya to Hananoego, Yaku-cho, Kumage-gun, Yakushima Island, over mosses (Haplohymenium sieboldii) on trunk base of

Acer sp., elevation about 1500 m, March 14, 2012, H. Kashiwadani 50569 (TNS–holotype).

Chemistry: no chemical substance detected by TLC.

MycoBank No.: MB 804363.Halegrapha yakushimensis is unique

in growing over mosses (Haplohymenium sieboldii) on trunk base and in having simple to sparsely branched lirellae, totally carbonized

Fig. 1. A–D. Graphis plumbeidisca M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K. H. Moon (H. Kashiwadani 50576, TNS). A. Habit. B. Cross section of apothecium, showing totally carbonized exciples. C. Spores (stained with iodine). D. Clear hymenium without inspersion. E–H. Halegrapha yakushimensis M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K. H. Moon (H. Kashiwadani 50569, TNS). E. Habit, showing smooth thallus and erumpent lirellae. F. Cross section of apothecium, showing totally carbonized exciples. G. Spores, showing small locules and thick walls. H. Hymenium with young spores. Scale bars = 1 mm (A, E), 100 µm (B, F), and 10 µm (C, D, G, H).

February 2014 TheJournal of Japanese Botany Vol. 89 No. 1 15

exciples, clear hymenia, pale brown, muriform ascospores (3–4/2–3 lumina), 15–18 × 8–10 µm in size and in producing no chemical substance. Although the taxonomic position for this species is unclear, we tentatively place it in Halegrapha as it has a combination of characters such as carbonized exciples, I + hymenium and brown ascospores (Lücking et al. 2011). However, it has discrepancy with all other species of the genus, e.g. in having negative iodine reaction of spores and pale brown muriform ascospores with small locules. It resembles H. chimaera Rivas Plata & Lücking, a species reported from the Philippines, which differs in having exposed lirellae, which are covered with thallus basally and ellipsoid spores with 5–6 transverse septa.

This species grows over mosses but also extends its thallus to the contiguous tree bark. It is known only from the type locality and its neighborhood at an elevation between 1400 to 1500 m.

Specimens examined. The same locality with the type, on bark, elevation about 1500 m, March 14, 2012, H. Kashiwadani 50566 (TNS); Around Yodogawa Hut, Yaku-cho, Kumage-gun, Yakushima Island, on bark of Acer sp., elevation about 1400 m, September 27, 2005, H. Kashiwadani (47645, TNS) & K.H. Moon.

We wish to express our sincere thanks to Dr. M. Higuchi, National Museum of Nature and Science, Tsukuba for his kind identification of mosses. Thanks are also to Dr. S. Y. Yoon, Chung-Ang University, Seoul for her corrections of our English manuscript.

Literatures citedCulberson C. and Johonson A. 1982. Subsitution of methyl

ter.-butyl ether for diethyl ether in the standardized thin-layer chromatographic method for lichen products.

J. Chrom. 238: 483–487.Kashiwadani H., Nakanishi M., Miyawaki H., Takeshita

S., Ohmura Y, Tokizawa M. and Moon K. H. 2012. Materials for the Distribution of Lichens in Japan (19) Leiorreuma yakushimense (M. Nakan.) M. Nakan. & Kashiw. and Siphula decumbens Nyl. J. Jpn. Bot. 87: 408–411.

Lücking R. and Plata E. R. 2008. Clave y Guía Ilustrada Para Géneros de Graphidaceae. Glalia 1: 1–41.

Lücking R., Archer A.W. and Aptroot A. 2009. A world-wide key to the genus Graphis (Ostropales: Graphidaceae). The Lichenologist 41: 363–452.

Lücking R., Rivas Plata E., Kalb K., Common R.S., Barcenas Peña A. and Duya M.V. 2011. Halegrapha (Ascomycota: Graphidaceae), an enigmatic new genus of tropical lichenized fungi dedicated to Mason E. Hale Jr. The Lichenologist 43: 331–343.

Makhija U. and Adawadkar B. 2005. Some new species of Graphis (Lichenized Ascomycota) from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India. Mycotaxon 91: 369–379.

Nakanishi M. 1966. Taxonomical studies on the family Graphidaceae of Japan. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2, Bot. 11: 51–131.

Nakanishi M. 1967. Supplementary notes of “Taxonomical studies on the family Graphidaceae of Japan”. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2, Bot. 11: 265.

Nakanishi M. 1974. Changes of the species name of the Japanese Graphidaceae. Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 6: 133–134.

Nakanishi M. 1977. Notes on Japanese species of Phaeographina. Hikobia 8: 91–100, 2 pls.

Nakanishi M. 1980. A note on species of the Graphidaceae (lichens) of Mt. Kai-Koma and Mt. Senjo in the middle of Honshu. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo no. 13: 133–138, 1 pl.

Nakanishi M. 1981. Notes on lichen species of Graphis of the Yaeyama Islands, Japan. Hikobia Suppl. 1: 211–220.

Nakanishi M., Kashiwadani H. and Moon K. H. 2003. Taxonomical notes on Japanese Graphidaceae (Ascomycotina), including some new combinations. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B 29: 83–90.

Staiger B. 2002. Die Flechtenfamilie Graphidaceae, Studien in Richtung einer Natürlicheren Gliederung. Bibl. Lichenol. 85: 1–526.

柏谷博之 a,中西 稔 b,文 光喜 c:南日本から発見されたモジゴケ属とモジゴケモドキ属の新種(子嚢菌門,ビンタケ目)  筆者等は近年東南アジアのモジゴケ科地衣類の分類学的研究を続けている.屋久島産の標本を検討していた

ところ,2種が新種と判明したので報告する. 1) Graphis plumbeidisca M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K.

16 植物研究雑誌 第 89巻 第 1号 2014年 2月

H. Moon, sp. nov. (オオスミモジゴケ,新称):本種の主な特徴は次の通りである.地衣体は樹皮生,リレラ(lirella)は基物から突出する,不規則に分枝するが放射状にはならない.ラビア (labia)は中部まで地衣体で被われる,線状痕 (striation)はない.盤は開き,鉛色で光沢があり,粉霜を欠く.果殻は側部,底部共に炭化する.側糸は明瞭で顆粒状物質を欠く (not inspersed).胞子は無色,4–5室, 12–15 × 3.5–4.0 µm.地衣成分は検出されない. 本種の盤は鉛色で光沢があるので近縁種からは容易に区別できる.東アジアに広く分布する G. assimilis Nyl. や G. aperiens Müll.Arg.と果殻の構造が似ているが,G. assimilisは盤が黒色で,胞子が大きく (30–45 × 6–9 µm) ,7–12室に分かれるので区別できる.また,G. aperiensは側糸に顆粒状物質を持ち (inspersed),ノルスチクチン酸を含むので区別できる. 本種は屋久島の 1400 m と 1500 m付近の広葉樹上に生育する.基準標本の産地以外では見つかっていない. 2) Halegrapha yakushimensis M. Nakan., Kashiw. & K. H. Moon, sp. nov.(モジゴケモドキ,新称)Halegrapha(モジゴケモドキ属,新称)は Lücking等(2011)によって提唱された属で,果殻が炭化し,褐色の小型胞子を持つ点で近縁属の種から区別される.これまでに世界で 6種が知られており,東アジアからはフ

ィリッピンから H. chimaera Rivas Plata & Lückingの報告がある. 今回記載した H. yakushimensisは蘚類のイワイトゴケ上に生育する(モジゴケ科の中で,蘚類上に生育する種は極めて珍しい).地衣体は灰緑色,厚さ 200–300 µm,粉芽や裂芽はない.リレラは単一または僅かに分枝し,地衣体上に盛り上がる.果殻は側部(厚さ100–110 µm),底部(厚さ 50–80 µm)共に炭化する.側糸に顆粒状物質はない(I+淡青色).1子嚢中に 8個の胞子を生じる,胞子(I–)は楕円体状,未熟なうちは無色であるが成熟したものは淡褐色,石垣状多室(縦に3–4個,横に 2–3室),15–18 × 8–10 µm.地衣成分は含まない. 本種の所属については,近縁属との系統関係が十分解析されていないためにはっきりしないが,炭化した果殻と褐色で小型の石垣状多室胞子を持つ点でモジゴケモドキ属に所属させた.しかし胞子の室 (locule)は肥厚し(distoseptate),ヨードで反応しない点などで他のモジゴケモドキ属の種とは異なる.新たな資料が得られた時点で所属の再検討が必要と思う.



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