two concepts of mechanism is ps

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  • 7/25/2019 Two Concepts of Mechanism is Ps



    Two Concepts of Mechanism:

    Componential Causal System and Abstract Form of Interaction

    Jaakko Kuorikoski*

    Penultimate draft, please do not cite this version

    Forthcoming inInternational Studies in the Philosophy of Science

    Although there has been much recent discussion on mechanisms in the philosophy of

    science and social theory, no shared understanding of the crucial concept itself has

    emerged. In this paper, a distinction between two core concepts of mechanism is made on

    the basis that the concepts correspond to two different research strategies: the concept of

    mechanism as a componential causal system is associated with the heuristic of functional

    decomposition and spatial localization and the concept of mechanism as an abstract form

    of interaction is associated with the strategy of abstraction and simple models. The

    causal facts assumed and the theoretical consequences entailed by an explanation with a

    given mechanism differ according to which concept of mechanism is in use. Research

    strategies associated with mechanism concepts also involve characteristic biases that

    should be taken into account when using them, especially in new areas of application.

    1. Introduction

    The concept of mechanism has recently played a central role in philosophy of science and

    social theory. Within philosophy of science, the concept of mechanism has been used and

    explored in the theory of causation, the theory of explanation and in the slightly less-

    *Jaakko Kuorikoski works in the Trends and Tensions in Intellectual Integration project at the

    Department of Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki. E-mail:

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    known literature on research heuristics. Among other things, it has been suggested that

    mechanisms could provide a plausible metaphysics for causation and that they would thus

    answer Humes challenge of providing the secret connexion between cause and effect

    (e.g. Glennan 1996). Theories of mechanistic explanation and research strategies aim to

    rectify law-centred views which are not applicable to the special sciences dealing with

    multi-levelled causal complexity (e.g. Bechtel 2006; Bechtel and Richardson 1993;

    Craver 2007). Examples of mechanisms in this literature are mostly taken from the life

    sciences and engineering and often resemble something truly akin to machines.

    The mechanisms that mechanistically orientated social theorists are talking about bear

    little resemblance to the mechanisms discussed in current philosophy of science literature

    (see essays in Hedstrm and Swedberg 1998). In the social sciences, mechanisms are

    something that are thought to be suitably middle range for providing building blocks

    for social theorizing, since they sound more plausible than strict covering laws and more

    down to earth than grand social theory. They are supposed to be useful because they are

    seen to straddle, on the one hand, the unconditional necessity of laws and context-bound

    local contingencies and, on the other hand, inapplicable high theory and variable-centred

    banal empiricism. The economic way of theorizing is often seen as a paradigmatically

    mechanism-orientated enterprise. Some theorists even define the very concept of social

    mechanism in terms of individual rational choice and equilibrium (e.g. Cowen, 1998),

    although it is debatable whether much of such talk has drifted beyond the idea of causal

    mechanisms altogether. At the very least, according to most theorists, social mechanisms

    ought to be constructed on the basis of individual behaviour.

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    In this article, I claim that there is indeed a fundamental difference in the concepts of

    mechanism commonly used in these discussions, and that the crucial difference has to do

    with the way in which theorizing with mechanism concepts proceeds. More specifically,

    there are two concepts of mechanism corresponding to two particular sets of research

    strategies or heuristics. First there is the concept of mechanism as a componential causal

    system, which is accompanied with the heuristics of decomposition and localization.

    Second, there is the concept of mechanism as an abstract form of interaction,

    accompanied by the strategy of abstraction and simple models. The difference between

    these two concepts has to do with the amount of abstraction in the identity conditions of a

    mechanism kind and with the kind of causal complexity in the systems to which these

    concepts are applied, especially whether the causal properties that define the mechanism

    kind are monadic or relational. The first concept is associated with an analytic research

    strategy of finding out more about the properties of the parts, and the latter concept with a

    synthetic strategy of moving from the known properties of the parts to the property of the

    whole. The two concepts occupy only a limited region of the whole possibility space

    spanned by these considerations, but it is no accident that the rest of the space is

    relatively devoid of life.

    Although mechanistic theorizing is virtuous in many of the ways pointed out above, the

    use of these mechanism concepts is also prone to specific kinds of characteristic fallacies

    and biases. Making the distinction between these concepts is therefore important not only

    in clarifying their explanatory roles and the differences in the causal facts presupposed to

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    obtain in their use, but also in helping us to anticipate what can go wrong when applying

    and reasoning with these concepts. However, the distinction does not map directly to any

    distinction between the human and the natural sciences. As will be argued below, both

    kinds of mechanism concepts can be and are used in both the human and natural sciences.

    2. What is a mechanism?

    It should be acknowledged from the very beginning that it is probably futile to try to

    come up with a definition or analysis of the concept of mechanism that would at the same

    time satisfy all theoretical needs, save all intuitions and fit actual research practice. Since

    the use of the word mechanism is varied and often somewhat loose, both in philosophy

    and in the special sciences themselves, there probably is no single correct way of

    developing a taxonomy of the different concepts of mechanism either. The value of any

    classification of concepts lies in the clarity it brings to the practices in which the concepts

    are in active use. I believe the distinction made here passes this test of adequacy. The

    following definition or characterisation of mechanisms in general by William Bechtel and

    Adele Abrahamsen is a good trade-off between informational content and scope of

    applicability and will thus serve as a starting point:

    (M) A mechanism is a structure performing a function in virtue of its component

    parts, component operations, and their organization. The orchestrated functioning

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    of the mechanism is responsible for one or more phenomena. (Bechtel and

    Abrahamsen 2005, 423)

    M is designed to capture a number of characteristic properties of mechanisms:

    mechanisms are identified through their causal role or function in some larger system or

    context; mechanisms are complex entities consisting of parts enjoying at least some

    amount of ontological and causal independence; mechanisms do what they do by virtue

    of what their parts do and how the parts interact and, finally, the interaction of the parts is

    in some sense regular and orderly. Along with Bechtel and Abrahamsen, mechanisms are

    here taken to be concrete particulars, that is, real things in the world, but explaining with

    and reasoning about mechanisms to be cognitive activities and thus requiring

    representations of mechanisms (ibid., 424-425). This essay is about concepts of

    mechanisms, but when these concepts are applied correctly, they pick out things in the

    world with the appropriate causal properties. What M says about mechanisms as mind-

    independent causal entities can easily be translated into requirements concerning models

    or theories of mechanisms. Correspondingly, although practising social scientists and

    theorists usually speak of mechanisms as parts of a theory or a model (see essays in

    Hedstrm and Swedberg 1998) and philosophers as mind-independent parts of the ontic

    furniture of the world, in practice this difference in parlance does not amount to much.

    With M at hand, it is relatively easy to account for the usual perceived virtues of

    mechanistic theories and explanations. Mechanisms need not produce universal covering

    laws, because the manifestations of their operation can be frustrated or blocked by

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    contingent causes internal or external to the mechanism. Thus the observable

    consequences of mechanisms at work can have exceptions, yet their behaviour usually

    exhibits some amount of regularity due to the specific organization of the components.

    Mechanisms are not totally bound to specific contexts either, since they are made of

    components with causal properties having at least some amount of external validity. Thus

    knowledge of mechanisms can facilitate prediction and generalization. Referring to

    underlying mechanisms can be explanatory even though they do not need to be described

    in terms of an over-arching high theory, and theories of mechanisms provide deeper

    understanding, more answers to why- and how-questions, than mere enumeration of

    empirical facts and establishment of correlations. Theories or models of mechanisms

    accomplish this by opening black boxes, that is, by explaining some macro behaviour in

    terms of the behaviour and organization of its micro constituents. Mechanisms can thus

    explain constitutivelyhigher level properties and dispositions of the embedding system

    by the lower level causal powers of its parts. Mechanisms can also explain causallyor

    etiologicallyby mediating between temporally ordered local changes in the system (see

    e.g. Craver 2007, chpt. 4).

    Hedstrm and Swedberg point out that the essence of mechanism (as an ism) is not to

    be found in any definition of the key theoretical term, but in a particular style of

    theorizing (Hedstrm and Swedberg 1998, 25). In fact, M has not been developed

    through the usual philosophical process of testing subsequent conceptual analyses against

    pre-theoretical intuitions of what are and what are not really mechanisms. Neither is it

    designed with a view of mechanisms as a fundamental ontological category needed for a

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    plausible metaphysics of causation. Instead, it is the byproduct of a philosophical

    reconstruction of a particular family of research strategies orheuristics. The important

    work done in scientific practice with the concept of mechanism defined in M is in

    directing theorizing, modelling and empirical research. Differences in the concept of

    mechanism used, differences in the identity conditions for what it is to be a mechanism of

    a certain kind, entail differences in what kinds of further questions are asked and what

    avenues of further research are pursued when a certain kind of mechanism is perceived to

    be operating within some domain of phenomena. It is in terms of this crucial heuristic

    role of the concept that the important distinction discussed below emerges.

    3. Mechanisms as componential causal systems

    M is a result of philosophical interest in research strategies used in the study of complex

    systems in the life sciences, such as molecular biology and neuroscience. According to

    Bechtel and Robert Richardson (1993), the study of these kinds of complex causal

    systems often proceeds according to the heuristics ofdecomposition and localization

    (DL). The word heuristic here does not refer to a more or less automatic psychological

    mechanism, but to an informal method or rule of thumb for how to carry out research in

    some loosely defined context. The ultimate goal of the use of DL heuristics is to provide

    mechanistic (constitutive) explanations of system- or macro-level properties. The DL

    procedure goes roughly as follows. First, the different phenomena that the system of

    interest exhibits are identified. Then the phenomenon of interest isfunctionally

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    decomposedin the sense of being analyzed into a set of possible component operations

    that would be sufficient to produce the phenomenon. One can think of this step as

    thinking of a preliminary set of simple functions that taken together would constitute a

    more complex input-output relation (the system-level phenomenon). The system is also

    structurally decomposedor analyzed into a set of component parts. The final step is to try

    to localizethe component operations by mapping the operations onto appropriate

    structural component parts. The primary meaning of localization here is the pairing of

    operations and parts, not (necessarily) that of locating something in physical space. The

    idea is thus first to ask what kinds of more basic properties or behaviours could, taken

    together, possibly result in the explanandumbehaviour and then try to find out whether

    the system is in fact made of such entities that can do the jobs required. If this cannot be

    done, the fault may lie in the manner of functional or structural decomposition and these

    may then have to be rethought. In the end, even the identification of the target

    phenomenon or system may have to be revised. The identification and decomposition

    procedures will in the beginning be guided by earlier theories and common sense, but

    empirical evidence can always suggest that a thorough reworking of the basic ontology

    and the form of the possible explananda may be in order. (Bechtel and Richardson 1993)

    Although M is derived from research on the use of decomposition and localization

    heuristics, it does not by itself entail it. The claim made here is that M is compatible with

    (at least) two, more substantial, concepts of what mechanisms are and that these concepts

    entail different research heuristics, namely, DL and what I call the strategy of abstraction

    and simple models.

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    In order to get from M to DL, we need to add a few extra ingredients to the mechanism

    recipe. Function localization makes sense only if the component parts of the system have

    different causal properties that are to a large extent constituted and thus explainable by

    their intrinsiccausal make-up. Function localization thus requires that the system is

    nearly decomposablewith respect to the (kinds of) causal properties figuring in the

    functional decomposition in the following sense (cf. Simon 1962)1: the intrinsically

    explainable causal powers of the component parts are more important for the explanation

    of the macro behaviour of the system than the relational causal powers of the components

    constituted by their environment and interaction. The parts of the whole should therefore

    exhibit sufficient causal variety to be able to account for the different causal roles

    required to produce the explanandumphenomenon. This variety should in principle be

    apparent even before the functional decomposition of the macro behaviour into

    component functions. The concept of mechanism appropriate for the use of DL is

    therefore that of a set of component parts fulfilling different causal roles within a nearly

    decomposable system. These different causal roles together produce or realize some

    causal property of the system. Let us call such mechanisms componential causal systems

    (CCS). Whatever regularity and external validity the behaviour of the system may have is

    due to the intrinsic causal powers of the component parts and to the stability of their

    organization. Most of the recent philosophy of science literature on mechanisms seems to

    concern primarily mechanisms in this particular sense (e.g. Bechtel 2006; Craver 2007;

    Glennan 1996; 2005 and especially Machamer et al. 2000).

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    When macro behaviour has been decomposed into localizable component behaviours, the

    inner mechanisms of the components responsible for their behaviour can in turn be

    mechanistically explained by opening the component black box by repeating the

    decomposition and localization routine. The inner workings of the cell were worked out

    by structurally decomposing the cell into cell organelles and pairing them with cellular

    operations. For example, cellular energetics was localized in the mitochondria (the initial

    localization hypothesis was partly argued for on the basis that the organelles showed

    evidence of the relevant component operations even when isolated from an intact

    embedding cell). The organelles were then structurally decomposed and the

    subcomponents paired with subsequent component operations: the mitochondrion was

    itself structurally decomposed and the major biochemical metabolic operations

    subsequently localized within this structure, thus forming a link between cytology and

    biochemistry. (Bechtel 2006, 190-222) Mechanistic research programmes thus tend to

    move progressively from a higher level of mechanism(Craver 2007; Glennan 2005) to a

    lower one and are in this sense reductionist. Levels of mechanisms are a type of

    ontological level (cf. Mayntz 2004) or level in nature in that they should be thought of as

    features of the world, not of our conceptualisation of it.2The relation between a higher

    and a lower level of mechanism is compositional: the lower level components of a

    mechanism are its proper parts (and thus usually strictly smaller than the mechanism).

    Parts are components only in relation to a specific behaviour that the embedding

    mechanism exhibits and levels of mechanisms are thus local and system specific, not

    global. Thus levels of mechanism do not order plain objects, but objects together with

    their causal properties in relation to another (higher level) causal property. (Craver 2007,

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    188-195) Consequently, the identity conditions of a given mechanism kind are often

    thought to include the material basis realizing the causal functions of the component

    parts. In Mario Bunge words (2004, 195), CCS-mechanisms are seen as stuff-dependent

    and system-specific. Notice that this claim about the identity conditions of these

    mechanism kinds is a hypothesis about a systematic connection between the types of

    causal systems being studied and the amount of causal content put into concepts used in

    reasoning about those systems, not a claim about any kind of necessary conceptual truth

    or metaphysical thesis.

    Decomposition and localization are most easily understood when the causal macro

    properties of the system depend on the intrinsic and varied causal properties of spatially

    bounded parts and their respective spatial organization and the causal flows between

    them. In such a case, the components can meaningfully be individually investigated as

    individual input-output systems even when isolated from the larger system in which they

    are embedded. Paradigmatic examples of such decomposable mechanisms are pieces of

    machinery and complex organisms with their functionally differentiated organs, cases in

    which the spatial organisation of component parts is stable. When referring to

    componential causal systems, the word mechanism is not a totally dead metaphor in that

    individual parts serving different functions imply a design as in a mechanical contrivance

    built for a specific purpose (cf. Harr 1972, 118; Ruse 2005).

    However, there are also theories and explanations in the social sciences that rely on a

    concept of mechanism as a componential causal system, but in the social sciences the

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    relevant form of localization of component functions is usually that of mapping

    component operations onto specific social institutions. As examples of componential

    social mechanisms, consider the different mechanisms through which central banks

    influence the money supply: open-market operations, different interest rate instruments

    (such as the discount rate for discount window borrowing) and the direct control of

    reserve requirements. The central bank can buy or sell government securities to and from

    commercial banks in open financial markets and thus influence banks reserves, which in

    turn affect the amount of money in the economy. The central bank can also set the rate at

    which banks can obtain additional reserves by directly borrowing from the central bank,

    usually at a slightly higher rate than the short-term market rates. The central bank can

    also directly change the ratio of reserves to granted loans that the commercial banks are

    obliged to live by. Each one of these mechanisms can be localized to ostensibly different

    parts of the financial system (open money markets, auctions and regulative legislation)

    and a common part of the banking sector, namely the reserves. These institutional parts

    are real components in the sense that they each possess stable clusters of properties, they

    can be epistemically accessed by multiple independent means and they can be causally

    intervened on in a relatively independent manner (cf. Craver 2007, 131). Together these

    parts constitute the system-level property of the central banks influence on the money

    supply. The important thing here is the mapping between the component operations and

    parts, not where the parts are spatially located. Fittingly enough, the standard text-book

    account of the bank-mediated money-multiplying mechanism between new money

    issued by the government and the effective increase in liquidity in the economy, is also

    one of Nancy Cartwrights examples of socioeconomic machines(1995).

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    Many instances of the old structural functionalist sociology can also be seen as

    employing a CCS view of society as a complex system and the associated functional

    localization heuristic. In this case, causal functions contributing to or necessary for the

    well-being of the society are localized to different social institutions and practices. The

    focus is on the properties of a part (an institution) from the viewpoint of a hypothesized

    need of the system (society). The organismic analogies of physiologists such as Walter

    Cannon and Lawrence Henderson, according to whom governmental institutions could be

    seen as organs keeping society in a societal homeostasis, were influential on later

    functionalist thinking, such as the work of Talcott Parsons (Cross and Albury 1987).

    This anatomical-physiological view was also expressed by people with markedly

    different social views, such as Carl Menger and Friedrich Hayek, who both claimed in a

    similar vein that social institutions should be seen as organs of an encompassing social

    organism (Vromen 1995: 174-176). Analogies drawn with machines and organisms

    immediately suggest the idea of an interconnected system of causally and ontologically

    separable components with differing causal roles or functions.

    What it means to explain something with a mechanism of a certain kind depends on the

    identity conditions of the mechanism kind in question. As was suggested above, since the

    CCS conception is associated with a progress of inquiry geared towards descending

    levels of mechanisms, the identity conditions of CCS mechanisms are tied to the causal

    nature of the components. The most straightforward and extreme case of a CCS

    mechanism being the same as some other mechanism is when the constituent parts of

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    the mechanisms in the different contexts are themselves identically constituted. With

    such strict identity conditions, the identity of a mechanism is truly stuff-dependent. Most

    cases of ontological unity in physics are extreme cases of such identity in that there really

    is only one relevant level of mechanism in which the unity resides (e.g. light and radio-

    waves are simply different kinds of behaviour of a qualitatively identical electromagnetic

    field). Everything that is known about the isolatedorshielded functioning of the

    mechanism in the old context can now be transported to the new context. These include

    things such as what happens if one removes, alters or re-configures the components,

    introduces previously known interfering factors within the mechanism or alters the causal

    inputs within their previously observed ranges. Whether what happens to the mechanism

    under previously unobserved boundary conditions can be predicted depends on how well

    the properties of the components are known.

    However, in most cases, theoretically interesting applications of CCS concepts do not

    literally concern such strict identity. The identity conditions for a CCS mechanism can be

    loosened to include only the localizability of the component operations and the specific

    organization of the parts realizing them. This, usually necessary, loosening of the identity

    conditions opens the door to possible fallacies in reasoning with the concept in question.

    4. Mechanisms as abstract forms of interaction

    What about the mechanism of evolution by natural selection? Evolution by natural

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    selection is usually functionally decomposed into variation, inheritance and selection.

    None of these component operations can be straightforwardly localized into

    subpopulations or parts of the ecosystem there are no natural bureaus of mutation or

    quality control. When the functional decomposition is taken further, properties such as

    fitness and the predation coefficient appear which seem to be candidates for localization

    into the obvious component parts, namely, individual organisms. However, fitness is a

    paradigm case for a relational concept that is often mistaken for an intrinsic property of a

    single organism (Wimsatt 1980). In the case of the mechanism of selection, the causal

    properties relevant for any sensible functional decomposition of the original mechanism

    are essentially relational and cannot be neatly paired with what would seem to be its

    constituent parts.

    In many cases, the causal powers of the constituent parts of a complex system (defined

    according to some pre-theoretical ontology) are already known and do not exhibit such

    variety that could account for the causal roles required for the constitution of some

    macro-property of interest (according to some preliminary functional decomposition). In

    some branches of the social sciences, especially in mainstream economics, there seems to

    be an overwhelming consensus on what the causal constituents of the macro behaviours

    of interest are and even apparent certainty about their causal properties and behaviour;

    the relevant or legitimate causal constituents are individuals, households or firms and

    their only causally relevant behaviour is utility maximization. In contrast, the macro

    behaviour of interest is dependent on the cumulative interactions and interdependencies

    of the parts. For example, in a less than fully competitive market situation, the behaviour

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    of every single agent is in principle dependent on the actions of every other agent in the

    system. However, for DL to be informative and tractable, the relevant properties of the

    component parts should be analyzable in isolation of the embedding system. Although

    component operations such as buying and selling seem to be straightforwardly

    attributable to agents doing the buying and selling, the relevantproperties (preferences,

    strategies, aggregate demand and supply) of the agents are in reality essentially relational.

    Therefore, in cases of non-decomposable systems (with respect to the causal properties

    relevant for the functional decomposition), opening the black box responsible for some

    observed behaviour cannot be a matter of pairing component operations with different

    component parts (such as different groups of people) with varied intrinsic causal powers.

    Decomposing the individual behavioural dispositions of constituent parts (such as

    individual agents) into some set of lower level component operations (such as

    psychological mechanisms) is also unhelpful for understanding the original macro

    phenomenon, since the intrinsic causal properties of the parts are not of primary interest.

    Many social systems have, from the social scientists point of view, aflat hierarchy

    (Simon 1962) in that they are not made of a large variety of separate components with

    intrinsically different causal properties. This means that going further down the levels of

    mechanisms by examining the way the component parts are themselves causally

    constituted may not be very informative about the behaviour of the system as a whole.

    If pairing component operations with component parts appears to be a non-starter, some

    other way of making sense of the realization of the component operations has to be

    utilized.Abstractionis the procedure of intentionally omitting from the description of a

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    system some of its details and causal factors known to be relevant (Jones 2005).3In

    contrast to reduction achieved by going down the levels of mechanisms, conceptual

    abstraction takes place on a single level of mechanism: the level of abstraction is not

    (necessarily) increased or decreased when the focus is shifted from a mechanism to its

    constituent parts or vice versa. Generalization and understanding can be achieved by

    mentally or virtually stripping from a particular causal system some of its causal

    properties. Similarly, more abstract, and thus more general and tractable, mechanism

    concepts can be generated from a more concrete description of a mechanism type by

    omitting one or more of its characteristic causal properties. Renate Mayntz (2004) uses

    the following sequence of mechanism concepts as an example of such a conceptual

    hierarchy: positively path dependent technological innovation, increasing returns and

    positive feedback. Each concept in the series has a wider scope of application and is

    consequently less informative (implies less about the system to which the concept is

    applied to) than the previous one. These mechanism kinds cannot be related as levels of

    mechanisms: increasing returns is not a concrete component part of positive feedback or

    vice versa. Each mechanism kind can also be realized by any number of different causal

    bases. The identity of a mechanism is therefore not dependent on the nature of the causal

    material, but on theformof the interaction between the constituent parts and the degree

    of abstraction of the description of that interaction. Let us call such a mechanism concept

    an abstract form of interaction(AFI). Some examples of such interaction forms are

    different market forms, selection, crowding out, diffusion, non-intended segregation (as

    in Thomas Schellings checkerboard-model), vacancy chains and self-fulfilling


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    Notice that although the condition of near decomposability of the embedding system has

    been dropped, AFI mechanisms are still compatible with M: they are structures

    performing functions by virtue of their component parts, component operations, and their

    organization, and the orchestrated functioning of these mechanisms is responsible for one

    or more macro phenomena. The important difference with CCS mechanisms is that the

    component operations cannot be straightforwardly mapped onto the intrinsic causal

    properties of the component parts and that the full causal make-up of the parts is not

    therefore included in the identity conditions of the mechanism concept. Notice also that

    although abstraction itself takes place on a single level of mechanism, mechanistic

    explanation with an AFI mechanism still explains macro-level properties in terms of the

    behaviour of its micro-parts. Explanation through the use of an AFI-mechanism involves

    going down levels of mechanisms and is in this sense reductionistic in the same way as

    explanation with a CCS mechanism.4It is also important to keep in mind that AFI is a

    label for a conceptof mechanism; mechanisms themselves are always concrete things

    existing in space and time and therefore cannot be abstract in any meaningful sense.

    Since the identity of an AFI mechanism is dependent on its place in the hierarchy of

    abstraction, and since especially in the rational choice orientated social sciences this

    abstract definition usually has something to do with expectations and preferences,

    regardless of whether they are actually causally realized by intentional action, it is

    commonplace to speak of the mechanism as the logic of action or the logic of the

    situation (cf. Popper 1957, 149). One does not often hear about the logic of the cell or

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    that of the combustion engine. Since the form of interaction is not in itself dependent on

    the way the causally relevant properties of the component parts are constituted (i.e. on the

    explanation of the relevant behavioural dispositions of the components), the same sample

    models and hence the same mechanism schemata can be utilized in many different

    kinds of contexts or domains. AFI mechanisms are usually thought of as not being stuff

    dependent or system specific. Consider Harold Hotellings Main street duopoly

    argument (Hotelling 1929). This simple model depicts two vendors on a street and seeks

    to ascertain the optimal place for a vendor given that customers are distributed uniformly

    along the street and that they always choose to deal with the nearest vendor. The answer

    is that both vendors will be located in the middle (which incidentally happens to be the

    socially worst outcome in terms of the average distance the customers need to travel).

    The model has in different hands mutated from ice cream dealers on a beach to political

    parties fighting for voters on a political left-right axis. Here the common abstract

    interaction form, the common mechanism, is just a one-dimensional metric space that is

    inhabited by two quasi-intentional agents strategically optimizing their share of the space.

    Exactly what formal features of interaction are entailed by a given mechanism attribution

    is by no means a settled matter. A good example of a mechanism concept that is used in

    slightly different senses in different contexts is the market. Just think of what different

    kinds of things describing some social constellation as a market can be expected to

    entail. In different contexts, significant differences can be found in the explicitness and

    efficiency of a common currency, property rights and the enforcement of contracts. Then

    there are the various different market forms distinguished by specific trading procedures

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    or imbalances in market power. Using the same word to refer to mechanism concepts of

    differing levels of abstraction in different contexts is a common source of confusion.

    If the complex system cannot be decomposed into chunks in such a way that the relevant

    causal properties of the parts could be investigated in comfortable isolation, something

    other than DL is evidently needed. Process tracing (as in Steel 2004) may not be a viable

    empirical strategy either, since detailed investigation of individual interactions and causal

    flows between constituent parts may obscure the bigger picture of the pattern of

    interactions. AFI mechanisms often (but not always) concern the aggregation of simple

    behaviours of some micro-units into a novel macro- or population-level phenomenon.5

    However, the number of different kinds of units is usually limited and the localization of

    component operations to unit-kinds is not possible.6Functional localization to units or

    groups of units is problematic precisely because the interaction is more important for the

    macro behaviour of the population than the intrinsically explainable causal properties of

    the units. Consider the well-known difficulties in trying to study empirically market

    supply and demand separately, pointed out in a clear manner already by Trygve

    Haavelmo (1944), among others. Similarly, natural selection is not, and should not be

    studied as, a componential mechanism embedded in a decomposable complex system

    (Skipper & Millstein 2005). Conceptualizing fitness as an intrinsic property of an

    organism or competitiveness as an intrinsic property of a firm are typical examples of

    conceptual errors resulting from attempts to conceive the mechanisms of the market or

    selection as componential causal systems.

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    If the system cannot be literally decomposed into functionally distinct components, then

    one has to live with the functional or operational decomposition. However, the resultant

    macro behaviour of multiple overlapping interaction forms is usually not transparent and

    it is of dubious epistemic value to substitute an ill-understood model of the world for the

    ill-understood world itself. This is why it makes sense to study simple constituent

    submodels of different kinds of interaction forms, different AFI mechanisms, separately

    and only when the behaviour of these simple models is well understood, should these be

    combined to form models of greater empirical congruence. The models should be of

    sufficient degree of abstraction in order for the relation between the causal properties

    together with interaction of the micro-constituents and the macro-behaviour to remain

    tractable. (Boyd & Richerson 1987) Thus we arrive at the family of research heuristics

    characteristic of investigating AFI mechanisms: abstraction and simple-models strategy,

    the staple of most model-based social science and much of model-based biology (see

    especially Levins 1966).

    What can be concluded from the hypothesis that a certain AFI-mechanism is operating in

    some domain of phenomena? First, familiar patterns of inference derivable from the

    essence (i.e. from the interaction form) of the mechanism can now be used in the new

    domain. If some social constellation can be meaningfully seen as a competitive market,

    the usual microeconomic conclusions concerning the pattern of social exchange and

    allocation of whatever it is that counts as commodities can be expected to apply. If

    some relation structurally resembles a principal-agent relationship, one begins to look for

    signs of adverse selection and moral hazard. However, it is often tempting to assume that

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    if two systems exemplify a similar AFI-mechanism, the causal constituents of those

    systems should also share other causal properties not directly related to the mechanism in

    question. This opens the door for characteristic fallacies in reasoning with AFI


    5. Characteristic biases of mechanistic theorizing

    Research heuristics or strategies are not logically bullet-proof inference schemas or

    algorithms that guarantee a successful result. Instead, they are purpose relative

    approaches or sets of tentative instructions that have proven to be useful in some limited

    problem area, most of the time. Heuristics can lead to wrong results or dead ends, but

    when they do, they usually do it in a way that can be anticipated beforehand. Heuristics

    have characteristic biasesthat one should be aware of when using them. As both concepts

    of mechanism correspond to a particular research heuristic and heuristics always bring

    with them a set of characteristic biases, we may expect that modelling and reasoning with

    CCS and AFI mechanism concepts are prone to different kinds of characteristic mistakes.

    Biases inherent in the application of mechanism concepts and associated research

    strategies are typical biases of reductionistic research strategies, which have been

    explored in depth by William Wimsatt (1980; 2006; 2007). Here it should be noted that

    reductionism is not an evaluative term. Even though reductionist research heuristics have

    characteristic biases, they are often the best or only means of scientific progress one

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    just needs to be careful when using them. Most importantly, we often learn the most

    valuable lessons when we realise why some reductionistic heuristic fails in a given case.

    Some reductionistic biases are associated with both mechanism concepts. For example,

    any mechanism attribution requires that a boundary between a system and its

    environment has to be drawn. However, the original system-level explanandummay in

    the end turn out to be a relational property and looking exclusively within the system for

    the explanatory mechanism may thus be futile. Use of either of the mechanism concepts

    can also lead one to forget that the way the system/environment boundary is drawn is

    itself only a tentative theoretical hypothesis and interactions not respecting this boundary

    may be easily missed. However, there are also biases that are specific to the two distinct

    mechanism concepts.

    5.1. Biases characteristic to the CCS concept

    Since the characteristic property of CCS mechanisms is the near decomposability of the

    embedding system and the associated possibility of the localisation of component

    functions, characteristic biases of CCS mechanism concepts usually result in what

    Wimsatt calls functional localisation fallacies. Sticking too closely to the pre-theoretical

    ontology of the whole and its component parts may hinder the formulation and study of

    properties and interaction at some other level of organization. For example, too eager an

    application of DL can lead to treating relational properties as if they were monadic or

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    intrinsic - a necessary condition for the localization of component operations into

    component parts. An important example of such a localization fallacy in the social

    sciences is the assumption (often taken as the default) that the suboptimal performance of

    an organisation is due to the intrinsic properties of a particular member or class of

    members. For example, corruption leads to suboptimal behaviour at the system level (e.g.

    bad governance) and is often fought against by trying to change the properties of the

    malfunctioning parts (corrupt officials). This can be done, for example, by increasing

    their pay checks, by increasing the potential cost of getting caught or by replacing

    officials with new ones. However, in many cases, corruption is structurally embedded in

    the system in ways that force the holders of the positions to succumb to corruption no

    matter what their intrinsic properties are. (Epstein 2008)

    The reverse form of the function localization fallacy is the reification of a component

    operation that is dependent on the causal contribution of some component part as an

    intrinsic functional property of that component part. The fact that some aspect of

    systems macro behaviour may be present or absent whenever some component part is in

    operation or not, does not yet mean that that aspect or component operation can be

    localized as a property of that component part. Prominent examples of this fallacy are the

    attribution of cognitive functions to brain areas solely on the basis of observed effects of

    brain lesions and the attribution of functions for DNA sequences on the basis of a

    correlation between mutations and phenotypic abnormalities. The tendency of treating

    apparent component parts as nearly decomposable and ignoring their interaction leads

    easily to mistaken attributions of truly systemic properties to component parts.

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    Similar mistakes can also be made from the bottom up by assuming that the properties

    of isolated structural parts are context-insensitive or lack significant interaction effects

    and can thus be straightforwardly combined to explain or predict a system-level

    phenomenon (so called atomistic fallacy). Frequency dependence of causal effects is

    probably the simplest case: increasing the wealth of an individual is a reasonably

    effective strategy of increasing his or her subjective well-being or happiness, but

    simultaneously increasing the wealth of a group of people may not have a similar

    aggregate effect, since the feeling of happiness is usually dependent on ones relative

    position to ones peers. Satisfaction with the pre-theoretical ontology and a simple

    mapping between the functions and the structural parts might also mean that once a

    function has successfully been attributed to a part, the search for other possible functions

    for that particular part or possible back-up mechanisms for that particular function are

    ignored. (Wimsatt 2007, Appendix B)

    5.2. Biases characteristic of the AFI concept

    The first characteristic problem with AFI concepts is that it is often the case that the

    mechanism concept cannot be legitimately used in the domain in question with the same

    level of abstraction as in some other, more familiar, setting and that its use may not

    therefore allow similar inferences in the different contexts. The uses of the concept of

    market mechanism in different strands of economics-inspired social science, such as the

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    political market for votes and favours (e.g. Downs 1957), the markets for religious

    services (e.g. Young 1997) and the different markets in science (e.g. Mirowski and Sent

    2002), offer a plethora of examples of this danger. Although there might be some

    common core of the concept of market discernible in these diverse fields, free exchange

    of commodities between vendors and customers mediated by some form of currency,

    one usually cannot derive and explain any macro explananda from this common core

    alone. In very few of these markets can anything like a pareto-efficient market

    equilibrium be expected to obtain and therefore the quick inference from the same

    mechanism, in this case only the most abstract and austere meaning of the market, to

    the same effects would be erroneous. Instead, the important explanatory factors most

    often are institutional or psychological factors that differ from case to case (Lehtinen and

    Kuorikoski 2007).

    In contrast to CCS mechanisms, the identity conditions of which usually include causal

    details of their constituent parts, the use of an AFI mechanism concept only facilitates

    inferences from the interaction form of the constituents, not from any other causal

    properties of the constituents. It is a common fallacy to infer from the use of a certain

    AFI concept that the constituents of the system so described have other causal features

    common with some other similar, often exemplary or paradigmatic, AFI mechanism. This

    fallacy simply stretches an analogy or metaphor too far. For example, although ideas,

    customs or fads can perhaps be seen as subject to a form of cultural selection analogous

    to natural selection, it cannot be inferred from this alone that these memes have any

    relevant causal properties in common with genes (evolutionary economists certainly are

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    not immune to this fallacy, see Vromen 1995). Similarly, if the assumption of optimizing

    behaviour is in some context argued for on the basis of some selection mechanism (only

    profit maximizing firms stay in the market), then one should not expect any such

    responses from the system that would require that the constituent parts actually optimized


    The third danger or bias inherent in the use of AFI-mechanism concepts is that since the

    mechanism schema necessarily abstracts from the causal details of the investigated

    system, the attribution of a particular concept to the system may obscure the fact that the

    system may have other important causal properties besides the behaviour resulting from

    the particular mechanism. Describing some system as a particular AFI-mechanism

    always, but often implicitly, shifts the explanatory focus and may thus cause myopic

    research practice. This worry is particularly pertinent in the case of attempted unification

    via a set of similar mechanism schemas, since such unification also means that the

    questions asked in the unified or conquered field change. One instance of such an attempt

    at unification is the use of economic models of rational choice in the social sciences,

    which is often explicitly argued for on the basis of some intrinsic virtues of unification

    and mechanistic explanation (e.g. Lazear 2000, Mki 2001). Not surprisingly, rational

    choice based political science has been accused of shifting the focus of research from

    historical and process-specific issues to less important and highly generic and abstract

    systemic properties of voting systems (Green and Shapiro 1994).

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    6. Conclusions

    From the core concept of mechanism, more or less captured in M, there is an interesting

    further distinction to be made corresponding to two distinct ways of investigating and

    theorizing about causal systems. If the system in which the putative mechanism is

    embedded is nearly decomposable into distinct components with intrinsically constituted

    and diverse causal properties, one can try to localize and map the sub-operations of some

    macro behaviour of the system onto a set of these causal components. This set of causal

    components is then the mechanism responsible for the behaviour in question.

    Paradigmatic examples of such causal componential system can be found in machines

    and organisms, but an analogous conception can also be discerned in some social science

    contexts as well. In the latter case, the relevant localization is not straightforwardly

    spatial but instead a localization of a component operation into a specific social


    If the causal properties relevant for some macro behaviour cannot be localized neatly

    onto the constituents of the system (defined according to some reasonable ontology), but

    instead the most relevant causal properties are relational and emerge from the interaction

    of the constituents, then the best bet is to ignore some causal detail by abstraction and

    then try to model some of the component operations in a tractable manner. In this case

    the deeper causal nature of the constituents is not as important as the abstract form of the

    interaction between them. This is why it is the latter that is often thought of as

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    constituting the identity of the mechanism responsible for the macro behaviour in


    The general conception of what a mechanism is dictates what it is to be a mechanism of a

    certain kind. Since CCS mechanisms are associated with heuristics geared towards

    opening localized component black-boxes, the identity conditions of CCS mechanisms

    are dependent on the causal nature of the constituent parts. Correspondingly, since all

    lower-level causal details are not that interesting with respect to behaviour realized by

    AFI mechanisms, the identity conditions of AFI mechanisms usually only include the

    form of the causal interaction, not the exact causal nature of the interactors. This is a

    claim about a tendency to conceptualize certain kinds of systems in a certain way, not a

    conceptual a priori necessity or a metaphysical thesis about the fundamental ontology of

    mechanisms. As a consequence of this, the distinction presented here is not always clear-

    cut and nothing prevents combining these concepts in a model, theory or research

    programme. For example, the open market operation mechanism of interest rate control

    includes an AFI mechanism, namely, the financial market.

    What one takes to be the identity conditions of a mechanism of a certain kind dictates the

    way one explains, investigates and reasons about the systems to which the mechanism

    concept is applied. Thus the distinction made here will clarify and make sense of some of

    the differences and peculiarities in mechanistic research programmes in different

    scientific fields and domains of application. Most importantly, since the two concepts

    correspond roughly to two different sets of research strategies or heuristics, the

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    identification of a mechanism concept used in some setting as a CCS or an AFI type of

    concept should point to the possibility of characteristic errors resulting from the biases of

    the associated research heuristics.


    An earlier version of this paper was presented at the workshopMechanisms in the

    Sciences: Concepts, Discovery, Explanation, University of Helsinki, August 2007. I

    would like to thank all the discussants and the members of the Philosophy of Science

    Group for their comments. Special acknowledgements go to Peter Hedstrm, Daniel Steel

    and Petri Ylikoski for their detailed and insightful comments. I also owe thanks to the

    three anonymous referees of this journal for their valuable suggestions and to the Finnish

    Cultural Foundation for generously supporting this research.


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    1This is one sense of near decomposability in Simons classic article. I am not going deeper into exegetics

    here in trying to question whether there is a singular concept of near decomposability behind the different

    definitions and uses in the article (such as the near decomposability of a flow matrix or the independence of

    long term aggregate dynamics with respect to short term component dynamics).2Craver uses the term levels of mechanism to distinguish it from other kinds of ontological levels, such as

    mereological levels or levels of aggregation. Renate Mayntz uses the more ambiguous term of ontological

    level in order to draw a contrast to levels of abstraction, which order representations, not things in the

    world.3With abstraction, I refer to both vertical and horizontal isolation, as discussed by Uskali Mki (1992).

    Horizontal isolation means completely omitting or excluding some causal factors or features from a model

    and vertical isolation means simplifying but still retaining some causal feature by stripping awayparticularities (e.g. moving from a parametric to an unspecified functional form). Although Mki

    characterizes the latter as vertical, both forms of theoretical isolation remain within the original level of

    mechanism.4AFI concepts can, and often do, contain references to causal factors in multiple levels of mechanisms.

    Many mechanism types in the social sciences refer simultaneously to groups, agents, preferences etc. The

    constellations of causal properties picked out by AFI concepts are thus examples of entities that Wimsattdescribes as being in between levels (Wimsatt 2007, 217). The use of AFI-concept is also not necessarily

    linked to methodological individualism; AFI-concepts could be applied to the interaction of social units of

    meso- or macro-level. However, it should be stressed that these kinds of spatial metaphors can beextremely misleading: mechanisms themselves do not reside in any particular level of reality (see also

    Craver 2007, chapter 5). Mechanisms are constellations of causally interacting objects and are thus alwayssimply located in (the one and only) space-time.5Although many seem to treat it as such, aggregation in itself can hardly be seen as a type of mechanism.

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    6As an anonymous referee correctly pointed out, sometimes heterogeneity can itself be a causally relevant

    property (selection is a good example). However, in most cases what is relevant is the heterogeneity itself

    (a relational or system-level property), not which particular units have which particular properties.

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