twilk photography

Post on 12-Mar-2016






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A small booklet of my Photography


This photo was taken on my way to school during the early morning. It was so bright and golden that I had to stop and pull the husk down a little to let the growing corn feel the warm sun.

Sunrise Corn

This is entitled “Paradise Tree” because it stands alone on Paradise Farms near the feild. Its always so beautiful to look at during a unset. Its a calming and mezmorizing tree.

Paradise Tree

This is Old Dog Spikers. He was named by my brother, Daniel. He is showing his age. I felt this was a perfect picture moment to capture him.


Every Spring when the flowers begin to bloo I look around my Moth-er in-law’s yard. I like to capture Photos of her flowers so she can put them into her “Photo Morge”. Her Roses are Simply Lovely!


There are not many days that its nice enought to buid the perfct snow-man. You know it isperfect when its wet snow that sticks together and its warmer out. Its just right for having fun with your 3 beautiful boys.


My sons love to watch Dad in the tractor during planting and har-vest. They are very long days and the kids miss their father. One night we were bringing dinner to daddy and I thought that the sunset was beautiful. It was a perfect opertunity to snap this shot. It is not often I get shots showing love from the brothers!

Tres Ami

During my Digital Photography class we were instructed to take a shot using Fast Shutter Speed and keep the photo as sharp as possible. My brother had recently been deployed to Kuwait and I was thinking of him as I shot this photo.

Grand ol’ Flag

The Barn owl was sitting in my husbands field. It was one of the “Wait and second this is not right” moments. As owls are nocternal it is rare to see one in broad day light. Unfortunatly this Photo was captured because the owl had a broken wing. I used my telephoto lens to cap-ture this from the side of the road.

Whoo are you Looking at?

This was taken, again, in my Digital Photography class. I purchased a 8 star filter lens. Taken in the dark in my kitchen.


I was lucky enough to be able to se my nephew the day he was born. This shot was taken full color but then desaturated in photoshop.

Another Generation

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