twilight saga

Post on 26-Jul-2015






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The Twilight Saga

Diana Zamora #29/ 9°C

Rob in “Joy” Magazine

In this interview, he reveals that he is writing music for the Eclipse Soundtrack: “I’m trying to write some songs for the next movie. I don’t know if it will be possible because of my schedule, but I want to do it”. He also talks about his spiritual side: “I believe in Karma. I believe it exists and whatever you do in your everyday life makes the person that you are”.

Kristen Stewart in Interview Magazine

Kristen Stewart appears in the 40th Anniversary Issue of Interview Magazine, in which she opens up and talks about paparazzi, on being pushed on the spotlight after Twilight, and about Edward and Bella’s chemistry on screen. She also did a photoshoot directed by David Hopper.

New Promos for New Moon

A new still of Edward and Bella from New Moon and a promo of Edward have appeared on the web being released by Summit Entertainment.

New Moon Movie Companion Stills

There are tons of stills from the New Moon Movie Companion book, and they’ve got brilliant new footage from the movie itself, with brand new shots from the sets and official stills as well. The book was released on Tuesday, October 6, 2009. Be sure to get yours as soon as possible!

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