twenty questions multimedia and webpage design twenty questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Twenty Questions

Multimedia and Webpage Design

Twenty Questions

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

1. refers to the way our eyes retain images for a split second longer than they actually appear

Persistence of Vision

2. This is also called vector animation

Path Based Animation

3. Vertical red marker in the timeline that shows which frame is the current frame.


4. The standard format for sound on computers running the Windows operating system.

Waveform (WAV), highest quality sounds, large file sizes

5. Appear, fade, motion path, blink, or scroll

Examples of possible animation for text

6. What is the 1st step to publishing an animated video?

1) Analyze and optimize the animation

2) Choose an appropriate file type

3) Choose the delivery method

4) Publish the animation

7. Provide another name for traditional animation.

Cel animation or hand-drawn animation

8. List 1 of the 4 Frame by Frame animation methods.

Morphing Path Scripting/Programming Stop Motion

9. Flash, Synfig, and Autodesk 3ds Max

Examples of animation software

10. Music, narration, sound effects

Ways sound can be used in an animation

11. Provide 1 of the 2 delivery methods available for distributing animations

Webpage CD-ROM or DVD

12. Provide the name of the 1st fully computer generated film

Toy Story

13. List 3 of the 5 uses for computer animations

Selling Entertainment Teaching Training Advertising

14. This is an exception to copyright law that is used for news, research, parady and education.

Fair Use

15. A standard format for music files sent over the Internet that compresses music or other types of audio


16. The rate in frames per second at which videos can be downloaded or transferred to a computer

Streaming Rate

17. Process of manipulating real-world objects and photographing them one frame at a time

Stop Motion Animation

18. The part of the animation program window where the animation’s content is composed and manipulated


19. Rate in frames per second at which the video plays

Playback Rate

20. Stores frequently used graphics, movie clips, and buttons


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