twentieth sunday in ordinary t · 4:00 pm katherina jean denio by daughter grace denio sunday,...

Post on 03-Jul-2020






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Saint Adalbert

Saint Roch



Principal Mrs. Diane Hesterhagen

Parish Office

602 Port Richmond Avenue

Staten Island, NY 10302

(718)442-4755 Fax (718)981-4455

Monday—Friday 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

St. Adalbert School

355 Morningstar Road

Staten Island, NY 10303


"GREAT Is Your Faith” (Mt. 15:21-28)

Administrator Father Albin Roby

Parochial Vicar Father Diego Hernandez

Weekend Associates

Msgr. Edmund Whalen

Msgr. Nicholas Soares

Parish Secretary Sirena Toledo

August 20, 2017

St. Roch Church

602 Port Richmond Avenue

Staten Island, NY 10302

Weekend Masses Saturday…...4:00 PM (Vigil)

Sunday:….8:00; 9:30 AM;11:30 AM

1:15 PM (Spanish)

Weekday Masses Monday – Friday:…...8:00 AM

Confessions Saturday:…...3:30 PM - 3:55 PM

Baptisms Saturday:…...1:00 PM

Sunday:…….2:30 PM

St. Adalbert Church

337 Morningstar Road

Staten Island, NY 10303

Weekend Masses Saturday:…….5:00 PM (Vigil)

Sunday:……..10:30 AM & 12:00 PM

Weekday Masses Monday – Friday:…...9:00 AM

Saturday: …………..12:00 PM

Confessions Saturday:…...4:30 PM - 4:55 PM

Baptisms Saturday:…...1:00 PM

Sunday:…….1:00 PM





St. Adalbert Church

5:00 PM Fr. Das

10:30 AM Fr. Diego

12:00 PM Msgr. Soares

St. Roch Church 4:00 PM Fr. Diego

08:00 AM Fr. Challman

09:30 AM Fr. Das

11:30 AM Fr. Das

1:15 PM Fr. Diego

“The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl

Church Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



9:00 AM

Fr. Diego

Fr. Das

Fr. Das

Fr. Diego

Fr. Diego

12:00 PM

Fr. Diego



8:00 AM

Fr. Das

Fr. Das


Fr. Das

Fr. Diego

No Mass


St. Adalbert

Monday, August 21

9:00 AM

Tuesday, August 22

9:00 AM

Wednesday, August 23

9:00 AM

Thursday, August 24

9:00 AM

Friday, August 25

9:00 AM Birthday Blessings Belle Parsons (Living)

by St Simon Stock Lay Carmelites

Saturday, August 26

12:00 PM Birthday Blessings Aleykutty Kuriakose

(Living) by St Simon Stock Lay Carmelites

5:00 PM Joseph and Matilda Kicos

by daughter and son in law

Sunday, August 27

10:30 AM Yvette Lugo

by her family 12:00 PM Ernestina Seco and John Seco

by their family

Bread & Wine

This week the Bread and Wine

has been donated in memory of

Angelo Caruso

by daughter Karen Mazzey

St. Roch

Monday, August 21

8:00 AM Humphrey Mak by John Farley

Tuesday, August 22

8:00 AM Joseph Galano by Phyllis Sloan

Wednesday, August 23

8:00 AM Alfonzina Tartaglione

by Vivian and Bruno Pica & Family

Thursday, August 24

8:00 AM Norma Andrade “10th Anniversary in

Heaven” by her family

Friday, August 25

8:00 AM Sr. Damien Cameola “1st Anniversary in

Heaven” by Sisters of St. John the Baptist

Saturday, August 26

4:00 PM Katherina Jean Denio

by daughter Grace Denio

Sunday, August 27

8:00 AM Rudolph and Helen Rizzotti

by family

9:30 AM William Innocente

by Vincent Albano

11:30 AM Albert Brunone

by McGettigan Family

1:15 PM Norma Andrade by family

Sanctuary Candle

This week the Sanctuary Candle

has been donated in celebration of

the 50th Anniversary of

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lando

by Fran Vitagliano

Pray for the Departed

Salvatore DellaVentura, Loretta Gehrke, Ann Carpiniello,

Josefina Lopez, Giovanni Fama, Lottie Carney, Jeffrey

Gargiulo, Ralph Conde, Eugene Percoco, Mary Reilly,

Dolores Braad, Dominick Gangidino, Felice DeFrancesco,

Sophia Schuster, Joan Hemsworth, Jose DelRosario, Baby

Lenny DeJesus Morales, Albert Giordano Sr., Mario

Hernandez, Adolfo Carino, George Mickel, Josephine

Suppa, Marguerite Siciliano, Joseph Galano.


Pray for the Sick & Homebound

Rose Marie Acanfora, Rose Acanfora, Maria Alegado, Jim

Bolloli, Michael Bonisisio, Brad Burascano, Anthony

Cammarata, Peter Candrilli, Joseph Cashin, Jose Del-

Rosario, Diane Chicola, Sharon Cohen, Nancy Colca,

Dorothy Constanza, Grace Curatolo, Sean Davy, James

D’Angelo, Sr. Debra Delello, Aida Dierking, Kristen

Ditchko, Butch Eckett, Maryanne Febbraio, Edison Fe-

liciano, Carmella Ferrara, Fr. Ed Flannigan, Pablo Gallart,

Altagracia Gomez, Susan Gunther, Veronica Hendrickson,

Jane Hubbs, Bernadine Iaccarino, Linda Iacovino, Gina

Iannelli, Pat Kubasek, Maria Lamia, Thomas Lindsay,

Mariana & Jose Loiz, Barbara Lopez, Erica Lucien, An-

thony Lupia, Rev. Peter Madori, Gino Mangiafredda,

Kevin Mathiasen, Paul Mattiola, Irene & Ed Mazza, Vinny

McBrearty, T.J. McClean, Edwin McIntosh, Ida Merlino,

Katrina Moorer, Thomas Mormino, Marianne Narducci,

Janeris Narvaez, Kevin Neavear, Bernard Nidus, Joseph

Ordyk, Salvatore Palumbo, Nick Panarella, Sister Mary

Patricia, Michael Peralta, Yndhira Perez, Joseph Per-

golizzi, Mary & Kitty Perkowski, Anthony Pica, Giovanna

Pollaci, Martha Poplawski, James Prichard, Nancy Puca,

Rose Ann Pucciarelli, Guillermo Ramirez, Ian Ramos, Joel

Rivera, Talia Nicole Rosado, Ralph Rovinsky, Jeanne

Ryan, Luis Santiago, Lorraine Sapanaro, Vic Scalici,

Stephen Schipani, Sophia Schuster, Carol Shea, Devin

Shea, Hazel Shea, Donna Simione, Thomas Simione,

Phyllis Sloan, Edna Sobiesiak, Joseph Sogluizzo, Jeanine

Spatafora, Tatar Family, Carmine Tartiello, Inno Tavares,

Joseph Testaverdi, Carl Toye, Tony Ventrone, Frances

Wanca, and Joy Wrigley.

Collections figures for the

Weekend of August 12 & 13 will be

available in the next bulletin.


Eucharistic Adoration

St. Roch Church will be open for Eucharistic Adora-

tion every First Friday from 9am—10am. Every

2nd, 3rd, and 4th Friday we invite you to join our ora-

tory group 9am—10am to pray before the Blessed

Sacrament for all priests.

300 Club Winners

Week #5 #178 James D’Angelo;

Capt. Dotty Czajkowski

Week #6 #24 Jeanine Bros;

Capt. Claire Gray

Week#7 #255 Ann Campolattano;

Capt. Kathleen Braine

Week #8 #200 Mary Huffman;

Capt. Ruth Torre

There’s still time to join our next 300

Club which starts in July. We need some new

members. If you are interested in joining,

please call Claire Gray (718)494-1530.


You can be a part of our August 50/50 draw-

ing. Submit $5 in an envelope marked 50/50

by Sunday, August 27 .


Thank you to the Ladies of Charity for

donating infant layette sets to the parish. The

sets of clothing and diapers were distributed to

several of our families in need. We sincerely

appreciate their kindness.



Baptisms are held on Saturdays and Sundays at 1:00

PM and 2:00 PM in both churches. If you would like to

schedule a baptism, please call the rectory. New par-

ents are required to attend one Baptism class on the

first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. You must call

the rectory to register for this class.

Register If you would like to register with the parish, please

call the rectory on weekdays between 9am—3:30pm.

We can register you right over the telephone. Spon-

sor letters for the Sacraments of Baptism and Confir-

mation are only issued to registered members of the



To arrange a wedding at St. Adalbert/St. Roch Parish,

consult with a priest at least six months prior to the pro-

posed date and before social arrangements. Attendance

at Pre-Cana and Natural Family Planning Classes is


Anointing of the Sick

Communion to the Homebound

Please notify the Parish Office when serious illness

occurs or when the sick, aged, or incapacitated are

confined to home for an extended period. Arrange-

ments can be made to bring communion to those un-

able to attend Mass. Please contact Parish Office at #


Interested in becoming a Catholic or completing your Sacraments?

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

(RCIA) is the process by which adults are

brought into the Catholic Church. If you

have never been baptized, confirmed, or re-

ceived First Holy Communion, or if you are

a member of another Christian Church and

wish to become a member of the Catholic

Church, please contact the parish office.

Attention: Beginning Sunday, September 3, our

1:15pm Mass will be moved to 1pm. Sunday bap-

tisms will continue to follow this mass.

Baptism Parents Class: Due to Labor Day the September

class will be held on Tuesday, September 5 at 7pm in the St

Roch rectory.

Seniors Group: The Seniors Group will not meet on

September 4 and September 11. St. Ann Society: The St. Ann Society will have their

first meeting of the new year on Tues., Sept. 5 at

7:30pm in the Parish Hall. All women of the parish

are welcome to join. They will have their corporate

Mass on Sun., Sept. 17 at 9:30am in St Roch Church.

Holy Name Society: The Holy Name Society will

have its first meeting of the new year on Sunday,

Sept. 10 following the 9:30am Mass in the Parish

Hall. All men of the parish are invited to join.

We Remember 9/11: There will be a special anni-

versary mass on September 11 at 11am in St. Roch

Church. Please join us in prayer as we remember and

honor the victims of this tragic event.

Food Pantry: Our food pantry will be open on Tues-

day, September 12 from 4pm—5pm.

Flu Shot Clinic

Representatives from Rite Aid Pharmacy will

administer flu shots in the Parish Hall on Monday,

Sept. 18 at 3:30pm. Special price $29. Bring your

insurance card or pay cash. Pneumonia and Shingles

shots also available with advance notice. Flu shots

administered to those 18years old or older. For ques-

tions call Rite Aid Pharmacy at (718)698-0500.

Special Mass: The Prayer Group invites you to a spe-

cial Mass in St Roch Church on Tues, Sept. 19. Join

us for praise and worship at 6:30pm. The 7pm Mass

will be celebrated by Fr. Albin Roby. Light refresh-

ments will follow in the Parish Hall.

2018 Mass Books: The 2018 mass books will be

open on Monday, September 18 at 9am. Due to a

high volume of visitors that day, we will not take

mass requests on the telephone.


Atencion: A partir del domingo 3 de

septiembre, la misa española será

trasladada a la 1pm.

El domingo 10 de Septiembre a la 1pm se celebrará

la Misa del Divino Nino Jesús. Por favor únase a

nosotros para esta celebración especial en nuestra

misa de 1pm.

Clínica contra la gripe: Los representantes de la Far-

macia Rite Aid administrarán vacunas contra la gripe en el

Salón Parroquial el lunes 18 de septiembre a las 3:30 pm.

Precio especial $ 29. Traiga su tarjeta de seguro o pague

en efectivo. Pneumonia y herpes zóster también dispon-

ibles con previo aviso. Vacunas contra la gripe adminis-

tradas a los mayores de 18 años. Para preguntas llame a

Rite Aid Pharmacy al (718) 698-0500.

Catechismo: La inscripción para nuestras clases de

catecismo de septiembre ha comenzado. $125 para el

primer niño, $50 para cada niño adicional. Por favor

pase por la rectoría en días laborables de 9am - 3pm

para más información. Necesitaremos una copia del

Certificado de Bautismo de su hijo para registrar a su

hijo. Tenga en cuenta que la preparación para la

Comunión y la Confirmación es de dos años.

Despensa de alimentos: Nuestra despensa de alimen-

tos estara abierta el martes 12 de Septiembre de

4pm—5pm. Por favor pase por si necesita alguna


Solemne Eucaristia en honor al Divino Nino Jesus:

El comite Arquidiocesano del Divino Nino Jesus les

invita a participar. Domingo, Septiembre 3 de 2017 a

las 4pm en la catedral del St. Patrick en New York City.

Holy Name Society 300 Club

Home School Association Boy Scout Pack 168

Hospitality Group Choir

Seniors Group Girl Scout Troop 5020

St. Ann Society

St. Simon Stock Lay Carmelites

St. Vincent De Paul Society

Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit Prayer Group


St. Adalbert School

355 Morningstar Road, Staten Island, N.Y . 10303

We currently have openings in Kindergarten—Grade 8

for the 2017-2018 school year.

To register call our school (718)442-2020 or apply online at

Religious Education (CCD) classes begin on

Wednesday, September 13.

If you have a child in public school and would like to register him/her for our program

please bring a copy of your child’s baptism certificate to the parish office located at

602 Port Richmond Avenue on weekdays between 9am—3pm.

Our First Communion and Confirmation programs require

two years of preparation for each sacrament.

For more information about our program, please call the rectory (718)442-4755.

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