turn of the literal - draft 1.0

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Turn of the Literal - Draft 1.0


    A p a r tTgthr ( M e n t a l )A p a r tTgthr[ Wh a t ]

    Presence(A) ) R e l a t i v e Intrinsic(

    [Organized[Continuoms](HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ]

    A b s e n c e)P( ) IntrinsicRe la t i ve( [Organized]Dscontinuities] [LinearllyHierarchical] Backward ] Addition ]




    Temporal Lobe

    Temporal Lobe

    ( Corner ) Small Object ) MotionAgainst SmallBackground)[ Unit ] C m b n ] C m b n ]

    ( Corner ) LargeO b j e c t ) MotionAgainst Large Background ) [ Unit ] C m b n ] C m b n ]

    Synaptic Input NerveCell Nerve Cell

    ( Sound ) Short Event ) Sequence WithinSmallG r o u p )[ Unit ] C m b n ] C m b n ]( Sound ) L o n gEvent ) SequenceWithin Large G r o u p )[ Unit ] C m b n ] C m b n ]

    LB LB

    RB RB

    RB LB

    LB RB

    (ToolHandFootMvmnt) Action ) EvaluatingThreats )[ U n i t ] C m b n ] T o t a l ](ToolHandFootMvmnt) Reaction ) Neutralizing Threats )[ U n i t ] C m b n ] T o t a l ]

    Synaptic Input Nerve Cell Nerve C e l l s

    (ToolHandFootMvmnt) Action& Speech ) JobOr GameEvaluation)[ U n i t ] C m b n ] T o t a l ](ToolHandFootMvmnt) ActionOrSpeech ) Job,OrGame Evaluation )[ U n i t ] C m b n ] T o t a l ]



    N o nThought

    Howwill Say




    A p a r tTgthr TgthrA p a r t TgthrA p a r t Function Form Function Form FormFunction



    Pre Thought



    (ChngngWheelOrientation) ChangingVehicleMovements) PatternWithinSmallG r o u p )[ Unit ] C m b n ] C m b n ](ChngngHandFootOrnttn) ChangingBodyMovements) PatternWithinLarge G r o u p )[ Unit ] C m b n ] C m b n ]

    Synaptic Input Nerve Cell Nerve Cell

    ( Wheel Orientation )YourVehicleOrientation) MotionAgainst LargeBackground)[ Unit ] C m b n ] C m b n ]

    (Hand & FootOrientation)Your BodyOrientation) MotionAgainst SmallBackground)[ Unit ] C m b n ] C m b n ]

    LB RB

    RB LB

    RB RB

    LB LB

    (W o r dTypeNouns) SpecficM o v e ) Job, OrGame Evaluation )[ U n i t ] C m b n ] T o t a l ]

    (W o r dTypeNouns) General M o v e &Exception ) JobOrGameEvaluation)[ U n i t ] C m b n ] T o t a l ]

    Synaptic Input NerveCell Nerve C e l l s

    (W o r dTypeNouns) BecauseBecause Unless) MTGoals & Models WWs Beleifs & Models)[ U n i t ] C m b n ] T o t a l ](WordTypeNouns)Rather Than Not &Others, InductionOr Deduction) EvaluatingSituation )[ U n i t ] C m b n ] T o t a l ]

    Howto Do It


    What to Do



    IfShould Do or Be


    IfGls& Blfs Possible


    Charges,Inputs&Nerve Cellsenable

    RapidllyProgressingOrganizedD scontinuities

    that are usedtoBuildthe 4 TypesofFormalThought

    1 2 3 4LeftBrain RightBrain L eftBrain RightBrain

    (Evaluating Facts) Evaluating Goals &Models) and (What to Do in order(HowtoDo It)aboutThe Situation Evaluating Beleifs & Models to Accomplish aGoal

    Using Howto Do : TypeSentences

    Evaluate How toAccomplish a GoalWithin theContextofa Job, Hobby orGame

    the Noun Phrase isthenused

    to Produce aPrepositional Phrase

    Word& Contextare Sorted &Fed Back intoMeaning

    then'Whatto Do': Type Sentences are

    used toBuild a Whatto Do TypeStrategyforAccomplishing Specific& General Goals

    in the Context of a Job, Hobby orGame

    theNounPhrase isthenused

    to Produce aPrepositional Phrase

    [ T o t a lCombinations ] )P( )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities] [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward] Addition]

    ( Pa rty ( Group (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse)(BarShift (R o u n d (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse)(HostShift ( P a r t y (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse)

    (WaitShift ( T a b l e (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse)(CookShift ( T a b l e (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse)(ClerkShift ( T a b l e (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse)

    (ChkrShift ( L i n e (Trnsctn) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse)(TllarShift ( L i n e (Trnsctn) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse) (FBGame(Possession ( P l a y) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse) (BBGame(Possession ( P l a y) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse) (BBGame ( Inning (At Bat) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse) (BoxMtch (R o u n d(Xchnge) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse) ( T r i a l ( Session (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse) ( D a y ( Session (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse) ( Semester( Lecture (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse) ( Trnmnt ( Debate (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse) ( Semester( Lecture (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse) (VdeoGme( Round (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse) ( Lectures ( Lecture (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s ) EvryneElse) ( Season ( Series (FGame) (Yr self) Ot h e r s )

    ( Summit ( D a y (FnlTrn) (Yr self) Ot h e r s )( Trnmnt ( Round (FnlTrn) (Yr self) Ot h e r s )(Brd Gme ( Round (FnlTrn) (Yr self) Ot h e r s )(PkerGme( Round (FnlTrn) (Yr self) Ot h e r s )(PkerNght( G a m e (Round) (Yr self) Ot h e r s )(TnnsMtch ( S e t (MPoint) (Yr self)(GolfRound ( Hole (18thHole) (Yr self)(TnnsMtch ( S e t (MPoint) (Yr self)(GolfRound ( Hole (18thHole) (Yr self)[ T o t a l [ C mb n [Un it]D DSortingD D[Cmbn] T o t a l ] T o t a l ][ T o t a l [ C mb n S t a t e s Dendrites[Cmbn] T o t a l ] C m b n s[ T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[Cmbn] C m b n sC m b n s U n i t s

    [ aCombinationofUnits ])P( )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities][ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (Rfnmnt) [ HierarchicallyLinear [ Forward (R fnmnt)

    Produce(V e r b ( Identifier (NPhrse) No S o r t i n gCell ( If Subjects(VO,VO(ThenF) [T o t a l [ C mb n[Un i t]Dendrites Dendrites[ C mb n [Cmbn[Un i t] [T o t a l [C mb n S t a t e Dendrites[ C mb n [Cmbn S t a t e s [T o t a l U n i t Dendrites[ C mb n U n i t s C m b n s U n i t s[ StatesofaU n i t ] )P( )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities] (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward ] Addition ] (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward] Addition]

    (Syllble)Word) Co n t e x t) (Advrb)Adjctve) TypeNoun)[Unit] Cmbn] T o t a l ]Feedback Produces Meaning[State] U n i t ] C m b n ]

    [Unit]Cmbn] C m b n s ProduceMeaning[State] U n i t ] U n i t[Unit] U n i t s Meaning[State] S t a t eSt at es Charges


    to YourPrevious Performances,

    The PerformanceofOthersDirectlly,

    and the Performance ofEveryone Else Indirectlly

    within theContextofa Job, Hobby orGame

    Prepoositional Phrases are then

    used in Combination withOthersto Build

    a Howto Do: TypeSentence

    andthenMeaning is Sorted into Noun Phrase

    EvaluatingYourStrategy, in Comparison

    toYourPrevious Strategies, the

    Strategies ofOthers Directlly, and

    theStrategies ofEveryone Else Indirectlly,

    In theContextof aJob, Hobby orGame

    then thePrepositional Phraseis used toBuildaWhatto Do: Type Sentence

    [ T o t a l Combinations ] )P( )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities] [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ]Addition ]

    ( # 100's ( #10's ( #1's ) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)( C l a s s ( T e s t (Qstion?) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)( Video Game(Round (Tur n) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)( A l b u m ( Track (P ar t) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)( BB Game (Possesion(Xchnge) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)( M o v i e ( Scene (Tur n) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)( BBGame ( Inning (AtBat) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)(Horse Races (Round(Tur n) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)( Tournamnt ( G a me (Tur n) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)(TradingDay(Round (Tur n) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)(Board Game(Round (Tur n) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)(Boxing Match(Round (Xchnge) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)( Card Game (Round (Tur n) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)( Courtship ( D a t e (Tur n) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)( Courtship (Interview(Tur n) (Yrself) Others)( D a y ( C l a s s (Tur n) (Yrself) Others)( BoardGame (Round (Tu rn) (Yrself) Others)( Trading Day(Round (Tu rn) (Yrself)( Card Game (Round (Tu rn) (Yrself)( Tournament(Round(Game) (Yrself)

    Dendrites[ T o t a l [Cmbn [U n i t]D DSortingD D[Cmbn] Total] T o t a l]Dendrites[ T o t a l [Cmbn S t a t e s Dendrites[Cmbn] Total] C m b n sDendrites[ T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[Cmbn] Cmbns

    C m b n s U n i t s

    [ aCombination of Units ] ) P( )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities] [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ]Addition]

    ( V e r b (Idntifier(NPhrse) (IfSubjects (VO, VO (ThenF) ( Preposition(Idntifier (NPhrse) (UnlessSbjcts(VO, VO (ThenF) Produce[ T o t a l [Cmbn[Un i t]D DSortingD D[ C m b n [ Cmb n[Unit] Produce[ T o t a l [Cmbn [ C m b n [Cmb nS t a tes

    Produce[ T o t a l U n i t s [C m b n U n i t sC m b n s U n i t s

    [ StatesofaU n i t ] )P( ) P(

  • 8/14/2019 Turn of the Literal - Draft 1.0


    Word& Contextare Sorted andFed Back into theOccipital Lobe orTemporal Lobe, in order to Accomplish Meaning

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities](LinearllyHierarchical) Backward]Addition] (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward]Addition]

    (Syllbl)W o r d) Context) (Advrb) Adjective) TypNoun) [Unit] C mb n] T o t a l ]DAxon Meaning SortingD[State] U n i t ] Cmbn] Axon [Unit] C m b n ] C m b n s [State] U n i t ] U n it

    [Unit] U n i t s [State] S t a t eSt ates Charges

    andthen Meaning is Sorted in order to Build Noun Phrase

    ) P() IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative] Quantity]( HierarchicallyLinear ) Backward ] Addition ]

    ( Size) Quality)Aspect)( Size) Quality) Letter)[State] S t a t e ] U n i t][State] S t a t e ] S t a t e[State] ChargesCharges

    Because, Unless& B &UType Sentences are then used

    forEvaluating MostT o t a l Goals& Models andWhatWorksformakingBeleifs& Models

    theNoun Phrase is thenused

    to Produce aPrepositional Phrase

    Word& Contextare Sorted &Fed Back into theOccipital Lobeor theTemporalLobein order to AccomplishMeaning

    Fact Type Sentences are then

    usedto Build TheSituation

    Noun Phrase isthenused

    to Produce a Prepositional Phrase

    Word& Contextare Sorted &Fed Back intoMeaning

    [ T o t a l Combinations ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities] [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward]Addition ]

    ( Models ( Mode l (PA/AP) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)(Beliefs( B e l i e f (UnqTru) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)

    (G o a l s ( G o a l (UnqTru) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)( B o o k ( Ch ap t e r(Prgrph) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)( S t o r e (Department(Section) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)( Movie ( S c e n e (C u t ) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)( House ( R o o m (Wall ) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)

    ( #100's ( #10's ( #1's ) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)( Federal ( S t a t e ( Local) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)(Publisher ( G e n r e (Author) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)

    (SprtsLgue ( T e a m (Player) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse) (RcrdLabel( Mu s i c (Artist ) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse) (MvieStdio( Mov i e (Director) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse) ( Business ( Division (Product) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse) ( History ( Century (Decade) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)

    (Building ( F l o o r (Aprtmnt) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)(Y e a r ( M o n t h ( Day) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)(Country ( S t a t e (Z i p) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)( C i t y ( S t r e e t (Address) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)[ T o t a l [ C mb n [Un i t]D DSortingD D[Cmbn] T o t a l] T o t a l ][ T o t a l [ C mb n S t a t es Dendrites[Cmbn] T o t a l ] C m b n s[ T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[Cmbn] C m b n sC m b n s U n i t s

    [ aCombinationofUnits ] ) P( )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantity] [Qualitative]Quantities] [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ]Sorting (Preposition(Idntifier(NPhrse) ( Subjects(VOVO (Unless)Sorting (Preposition(Idntifier(NPhrse) ( Subjects (VOVO (Bcause) Sorting (Preposition(Idntifier(NPhrse) ( Subjects (VOVO (Unless)Sorting (Preposition (Idntifier(NPhrse) ( Subjects (VOVO (Bcause)

    Sorting (Preposition(Idntifier(NPhrse) ( Subjects(VOVO (Unless)Sorting (Preposition(Idntifier(NPhrse) ( Subjects (VOVO (Bcause) Sorting (Preposition(Idntifier(NPhrse) ( Subjects (VOVO (Unless)Sorting (Preposition (Idntifier(NPhrse) ( Subjects (VOVO (Bcause)Dendrites[ T o t a l [Cmbn [U n i t]D DSortingD D [C m b n[Cmbn[Uni t] A x o nDendrites[ T o t a l [Cmbn Dendrites[C m b n[Cmbn S t a t e sDendrites [T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites [C m b n U n i t s

    C m b n s U n i t s

    [ Statesofa U n i t ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative( [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities] [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward] Addition]

    (Syllble)W o r d ) Context) (Advrb)Adjective) TypNouns) [Uni t] C m b n ] T o t a l ]FeebackProduces Meaning[State] U n i t ] C mbn ]Axon [Uni t] C m b n ] Cmbns [State] U n i t ] U n i t

    [Uni t] U n i t s [State] S t a t eS t a t e s Charges

    ComparingYour EvaluationofGoals, Beleifs& Models

    toYourselfPreviouslly,Others Directlly,

    andEveryone Else Indirectlly

    Prepositional Phrasesare thenusedtoBuild Because &

    Unless Type Sentences:

    Positive&Negative Reasonsfor aGoal

    Good &Bad Use of Features for a Model

    Positive&Negative Reasons for a Belief

    True&False UseofFeatures for a Model

    andthenMeaning isSortedin order to Build a Noun Phrase

    ComparingYourEvaluation ofThe SituationRather than N o tandRatherthan Others,

    Simple & ComplexInduced Patterns,

    Simple & Complex Deduced FactstoYourself Previouslly,Others Directlly,

    andEveryone Else Indirectlly

    the Prepositional Phrase is then usedto

    Build1of 4TypesofFact Sentence(Kind)

    andthenMeaning is Sorted into Noun Phrase

    [ T o t a l Combinations ])P( )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities] [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ]Addition]

    (Co n t e x t(WhatIs(WhWh) (Yrself) Others) EveryoneElse)Dendrites[ T o t a l [Cmbn [Unit]Dendrites Dendrites[Cmbn] Total] T o t a l ]Dendrites[ T o t a l [Cmbn S t a t e s Dendrites[Cmbn] Total] C m b n s

    Dendrites[ T o t a l U n i t s [Cmbn] Cmbns C m b n s U n i t s[ aCombination ofUnits ]

    )P( ) P() IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities] [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward] Addition ]

    (Prpstion( Identifier(NnPhrse) ( Subjects (VO ,VO (RTh Not) (Prpstion( Identifier(NnPhrse) (Subjects (VO ,VO (RTh Othrs) (Prpstion( Identifier(NnPhrse) (IfSubjects(VO ,VO (Then X) (Prpstion( Identifier(NnPhrse) (A'sareB's (C is an A (Threfore)

    [T o t a l[C m b n[U n i t]Dendrites Dendrites[C m b n [C m b n [U nit][T o t a l [ C m b n S t a t e Dendrites[C m b n [C m b n S t a t e s[T o t a l U n i t Dendrites[C m b n U n i t sC m b n U n i t s

    [ Statesofa U n i t ])P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities] (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward] Addition] (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ]Addition]

    (Syllble)Wo r d) Context) (Advrb)Adjctve) Type Noun )[ Unit ] Cmbn ] T o t a l ]Dendrites Dendrites[ State] U n i t] C m b n ][ Unit ] Cmbn ] Dendrites[ State] U n i t] U n i t s

    [ Unit ] U n i t s Dendrites[ State] S t a t e s S t a t e s Charges

    )P() IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative] Quantity]( HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ]

    ( Size) Quality)Aspect)( Size) Quality) Letter)[State] S t a t e ] U n i t][State] S t a t e ] S t a t e[State] ChargesCharges


    enable RapidllyProgressing



    the Spatial Orientationfor theExternal Motionofa SmallObject

    [ aCombinationofUnits ] (A) )P(

    (RelativeIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative([Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (Rfnmnt) [ HierarchicallyLinear[ Forward (R fnmnt)A p a r tTghtr(R ad i a l (Thet a (P h i) TghtrA p a r t ( Indirect ( Direct (Motion)

    [ T o t a l [C m b n [Unit] Dendrites[ C m b n[Cmbn [U n i t][ T o t a l [C m b n S t a t e s Dendrites[ C m b n [Cmbn[ T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[ C m b n U n i t s

    C m b n s U n i t s

    the Spatial Organization forthe

    Motionof a Small Objectagainst aSmall Background

  • 8/14/2019 Turn of the Literal - Draft 1.0


    theSpatial Orientatation

    of the Exterior Features

    foraSmall Object

    Spatial Orientation foraSmall Corner

    theSpatial Orientation forthe External Motion

    ofa Large Object

    the Spatial Orientationfor the

    Exterior Features of aLarge Object

    Spatial Orientation for a LargeCorner

    [ aCombination ofUnits ] )P( )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities][ LinearllyHierarchical[Forward (R fnmnt) [ HierarchicallyLinear[ Forward (R fnmnt)

    TghtrA p a r t ( Surface Area(Cur v e (Line) ( B a c k ( Middle (Front)A p a r tTghtrTghtrA p a r t(SrfcArea( C u r v e (Line) (B ac k ( M i d d l e (Front)A p a r tTghtr

    TghtrA p a r t ( SurfaceArea(Cur v e (Line) (Bottom( M i d d le (Top)A p a r tTghtrDendrites[ T o t a l [Cmbn [Unit]D DSortingD D[ C m b n [Cmbn[Unit]

    Dendrites[T o t a l [ C m b n [Unit]D DSortingD D[Cmbn[ C m b n [Unit]Dendrites[ T o t a l [Cmbn [Unit]D DSortingD D[Cmbn[ C m b n [Unit]

    C m b n s U n i t s S t a t e s U n i t s U n i t s S t a t e s

    [ States ofaU n i t ] (A) )P(

    (RelativeIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative( [Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative] Quantities] (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward ] Addition ] ( HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ] (XAxs)YAxis) Z A x i s ) (Lngth)Width) D e p t h ) [Unit]C mb n] T o t a l ] Dendrites[State] U n i t ] U n i t ] [Unit]C mb n] C m b n s Dendrites[State] U n i t ] S t a t e s

    [Unit] U n i t s Dendrites[State] S t a t e sS t a t e s Charges

    theSpatial Organizationof aSmall Object

    Spatial OrganizationofaSmall Corner

    the Motion ofLarge Objectagainst aLarge Background

    theSpatial Organizationfor the

    Exterior Features of aLarge Object

    Spatial OrganizationofaLargeCorner

    [ aCombinationof Units ] (A) )P(

    (RelativeIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative([Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ] (Radial( T h e t a (P h i)Tghtr A p a r t Tghtr(Indirect (Di r e c t (Motion)

    (Radial( T h e t a (P h i)Tghtr A p a r t Tghtr(Indirect (Di r e c t (Motion)[ T o t a l [ C m b n [Unit] Dendrites[C m b n [ Cm b n[U nit][ T o t a l [ C m b n S t a t e s Dendrites[C m b n [ Cm b n S t a t e s

    [ T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[C m b n U n i t s C m b n s U n i t s[ aCombination ofUnits ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative] Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ]TghtrA p a r t(SrfceArea ( C u r v e (Line) (B a c k( M i d d l e (Front) A p a r tTghtrTghtrA p a r t(SurfaceArea(Cur v e(Line) ( B a c k (Middle (Front)A p a r tTghtrTghtrA p a r t(SrfceArea ( C u r v e (Line) ( B a c k (Middle (Front)A p a r tTghtr

    [ T o t a l [ C m b n [Unit]D DSortingD D[C m b n [ Cm b n[Unit ][ T o t a l [C m b n [Unit]D DSortingD D[ C m b n[Cmbn[

    Un it][ T o t a l [ C m b n [Unit]D DSortingD D[ C m b n [Cmbn[Un it]C m b n s U n i t s States U n i t s U n i t s States

    [ Statesofa U n i t ]Present(A) A b s e n t)P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative] Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ]A p a r tTgthr(XAxs)YAxis) Z A x i s ) A p a r tTgthr (Vrtcal) Hrzntal) Diagional)

    [Unit] Cm b n] T o t a l ] Dendrites[ State ] U n i t ] U n i t ] R e l a t i v e [Unit]Cm b n] C m b n s Dendrites[ State ] U n i t ] S t a t e s

    [Unit]U n i t s Dendrites[ State ] S t a t e sS t a t e s Charges

    )P( )P() IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative] Quantities] [Qualitative] Quantities]

    (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ] [ HierarchicallyLinear [ Forward (R fnmnt)

    Absence (Yllw) Re d ) B l u e ) PresenceAbsence Presence ( F o r m(Color (Mvmnt)PresenceAbsence (Yllw) Re d ) B l u e ) PresenceAbsencePresence ( F o r m (Color (Mvmnt)Absence(Yllw) Re d ) B l u e ) PresenceAbsencePresence ( F o r m (Color (Mvmnt)Absence (Yllw) Re d ) B l u e ) Presence Absence Presence( F o r m (Color (Mvmnt)

    [State] U n i t ] U n i t ]Dendrites Dendrites[ U n i t [Unit [State][State] U n i t ] U n i t ]Dendrites Dendrites[ U n i t [Unit [State][State] U n i t ] S t a t e s [ U n i t [U n i tCharges[State]S t a t e s [ U n i t S t a t e sCharges S t a t e s

    ObjectsforLeftBrain &Right BrainVisual TypeMental QualitativeDimensions

    Left Brain




    ( B a c k (Middle(Front)

    (B a c k ( Middle(Front)

    (Bottom ( Middle(T o p)

    ( Small ) Medium ) L a r g e )[Framed Picture Hy] brid Television ] C h a i r ] Yes Yes No

    No No No

    No No Yes




    ( L a r g e ( M e d i u m ( Small )[ Desktop [ LaptopComputer [ Cell Phone ]

    ( Tall ( Medium ( Short )[ Male Hy[brid Female [T a b l e [ Obj[ect]

    Right Brain




    (B a c k( Middle(Front)

    ( Back (Middle(Front)

    ( Back (Middle(Front)

    ( Caravan ) Cargo ) Passenger )Train Jet UFO

    [ Semi Car Hybrid ] Semi Hy]brid Semi ] Bigger Back/ Smaller Front Normal Bigger Back/ No Front

    No No No

    Yes Yes Yes

    Yes Yes Yes




    ( T r u c k ( C a r ( Car )[ Car SemiHybrid SU[V Sedan Hy[brid Sports ] Hatchback

    Small Back With Front Normal Front Small Back with Big Front

    (Large Back Yard ( Normal ( Large Front Yard)(____House_ ( ____House_ _ ( _ _ House____ )

    ObjectsforLeftBrain &Right BrainVisual TypeMental QualitativeDimensions

    Left Brain




    ( B a c k (Middle(Front)

    (B a c k ( Middle(Front)

    (Bottom ( Middle(T o p)

    ( Small ) Medium ) L a r g e )[Framed Picture Hy] brid Television ] C h a i r ] Yes Yes No

    No No No

    No No Yes




    ( L a r g e ( M e d i u m ( Small )[ Desktop [ LaptopComputer [ Cell Phone ]

    ( Tall ( Medium ( Short )[ Male Hy[brid Female [T a b l e [ Obj[ect]

    Right Brain




    (B a c k( Middle(Front)

    ( Back (Middle(Front)

    ( Back (Middle(Front)

    ( Caravan ) Cargo ) Passenger )Train Jet UFO

    [ Semi Car Hybrid ] Semi Hy]brid Semi ] Bigger Back/ Smaller Front Normal Bigger Back/ No Front

    No No No

    Yes Yes Yes

    Yes Yes Yes




    ( T r u c k ( C a r ( Car )[ Car SemiHybrid SU[V Sedan Hy[brid Sports ] Hatchback

    Small Back With Front Normal Front Small Back with Big Front

    (Large Back Yard ( Normal ( Large Front Yard)(____House_ ( ____House_ _ ( _ _ House____ )

    Charges,Inputs&Nerve Cellsenable RapidllyProgressing OrganizedContinuoms usedfor PreThought

    Spatial Orientation for Noises

    Occuring within a Small G r o u p

    [ a Combination ofUnits ] (A) )P(

    (RelativeIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative([Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (Rfnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ]A p a r tTgthr( Ra d i a l(Theta (P h i) TgthrA p a r t ( Bck Sction(MdSction(Front)

    [ T o t a l [Cmbn [Unit] Dendrites[ C m b n [Cmbn[Unit ][ T o t a l [Cmbn States Dendrites[ C m b n [CmbnStates[ T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[ C m b n U n i t s

    C m b n s U n i t s

    [ a CombinationofUnits ]) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (Rfnmnt) [ HierarchicallyLinear [ Forward (R fnmnt)( S o n g (P a r t (Sqnc) (Flying(Bouncing(Rolling)

    Spatially Organized Noises

    Occuring within aSmall Group

  • 8/14/2019 Turn of the Literal - Draft 1.0


    then Organized Sound Eventsareusedto Build aTemporallly Orientated Short Term Event


    Oriented Pitch

    the Spatial Orientation

    for a Group ofParticipants

    of a Long Term Social Event

    Temporallly Orientated Sound Events

    Oriented Sound Event

    ( S o n g (P a r t (Sqnc) (Building( Climax (FdOut) (Conversatn(P a r t (Sqnc) (BuildUp ( Q & A (Gdbye)Enhancements[ T o t a l [Cmbn [Unit]D DSortingD D[Cmbn [ C m b n[Unit] A x o nEnhancements[ T o t a l [CmbnStates [Cmbn [ C m b n StatesEnhancements[ T o t a l U n i t s [Cmbn U n i t s C m b n s U n i t s

    [ States ofaU n i t ]) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward ] Addition ] (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ](High) Middle) L o w) (Pitch) Duration )Volume)[Unit]C m b n ]T o t a l ]D DSortingD D[State] U n i t ] U n i t ][Unit]C m b n ]C m b n s Dendrites[State] U n i t ] S t a t e s[Unit] U n i t s Dendrites[State] S t a t e sStates Charges

    thenTemporallly OrientatedSound Events areused

    forBuilding aTemporally Organized Short Term Event

    an Organized Sound Event

    a SpatiallyOrganized

    Group ofParticipants

    of a Long Term Social Event

    a Temporally Organized Long Term Social Event

    Organized Sound Event

    [ a CombinationofUnits ](A) )P(

    (RelativeIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative([Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative] Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) [ HierarchicallyLinear [ Forward (R fnmnt)(Radia l(T h et a (P h i)A p a r t Tgthr A p a r t (Extras ( Secondary (Leads)(Radia l(T h et a (P h i)A p a r t Tgthr A p a r t(Others ( T a b l e (Prmry) Date(Radia l(T h et a (P h i)A p a r t Tgthr A p a r t (Crowd ( L o w e r (Sta ge)(Radia l(T h et a (P h i)A p a r t Tgthr A p a r t (Family ( Secondary (Prmry)[T o t a l[ C m b n [Unit] Dendrites[C m b n [ Cm b n [Unit][T o t a l[ C m b n States Dendrites[C m b n [ Cm b n States[T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[C m b n U n i t sC m b n s U n i t s

    [ aCombination ofUnits ] ) P( )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) [HierarchicallyLinear [Forward (R fnmnt)( F i l m ( S c e n e (Cu t ) ( Building (Climax(FdeOut)

    ( P l a y ( S c e n e (Cu t ) (Preparing (Wedding(SndOff)( Night ( S c e n e (Cu t ) (Preparing (CuteDate(GdNght)( D a y ( Location (C u t) (W a k i ng(Doi ng (FllAslp)

    [T o t a l [ C m b n[Unit]Dendrites Dendrites[ C m b n [C m b n [Un i t]Axon [T o t a l [ C m b n States Dendrites[ C m b n [C m b n S t a t e s [T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[ C m b n U n i t s

    C m b n s U n i t s

    [ States ofaU n i t ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward ]Addition ] (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ]Addition ](High) Middle ) L o w) (Pitch) Duration)Volume)

    [Unit] C m b n ] T o t a l]Dendrites Dendrites[State] U n i t ] U n i t ][Unit] C m b n ] C m b n s Dendrites[State] U n i t ]S t a t e s

    [Unit] U n i t s Dendrites[State] S t a t e sS t a t e s Charges


    RapidllyProgressingOrganizedD scontinuities

    that are usedto Buildall4 Types ofN o nThought

    1 2 3 4LeftBrain RightBrain LeftBrain RightBrain

    (Evaluating Threats ) Neutralizing Threats) and ( How Say &Do ( How Do& Sign)

    HowWillAccomplish a Goals

    in theContext ofaJob Hobby or Game

    Temporally Oriented Body Movement

    Tool&Contextare usedtoProduceFunction

    [ T o t a l Combinations ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative] Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward( Rfnmnt ) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ](BBGame( Inning (At Bat) (Yr self) Ot h e r s) EvryneElse)(FBGame (Possession (P l a y) (Yr self) Ot h e r s) EvryneElse)(TnnsMtch ( S e t ( Point ) (Yr self) Ot h e r s) EvryneElse)(BoxMtch ( R o u n d (Xchnge) (Yr self) Ot h e r s) EvryneElse)(TllarShft ( L i n e (Trnsctn) (Yr self) Ot h e r s) EvryneElse)(ChkrShft ( L i n e (Trnsctn) (Yr self) Ot h e r s) EvryneElse)(HostShft ( P a r t y (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s) EvryneElse)(WaitShft( T a b l e (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s) EvryneElse)(CookShft ( T a b l e (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s) EvryneElse)(BarShft ( R o u n d (T u r n) (Yr self) Ot h e r s)(TypParty( G r o u p (T u r n) (Yr self)[ T o t a l [C m b n [U n i t] Dendrites Dendrites[Cmbn] T o t a l ] T o t a l ][ T o t a l [ C m b n [U n i t] Dendrites Dendrites[Cmbn] T o t a l ] C m b n s[ T o t a l [ C m b n S t a t e s Dendrites[Cmbn] C m b n s[ T o t a l U n i t s U n i t s

    C m b n s

    [ aCombinationof Units ] )P( )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative] Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical[Forward (R fnmnt) [HierarchicallyLinear[ Forward (R fnmnt)( S p i n e (ShldrJnt (Elbw) ( Lower Body(UpprBody(NckHd)( S p i n e (HipJnt (

    Knee) ( Lower Body(UpprBody(NckHd)Enhance[ Tot a l [Cmbn [Unit]DendritesSortingDendrites[ C m b n [C m b n [Un i t]Enhance[ Tot a l [CmbnS t a t e s Dendrites[ C m b n [C m b n S t a t e sEnhance[ Tot a l U n i t s Dendrites[ C m b n U n i t s

    C m b n s U n i t s[ States ofaU n i t ]

    ) P( ) P() IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities] (LinearllyHierarchical)Backward]Addition] (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward ]Addition ]

    (Head) T o o l ) Context) (

    T i p) Knuckle )Wr i st)(Sol e) S h o e ) Context) (T i p) Knuckle ) Ankle)[Unit] Cm bn ] T o t a l]Feedback Produces Meaning[State] U n i t ] Cmbn]A x o n

    [Unit] Cm bn ] C m b n s ProducesMeaning[State] U n i t ] U n i t s[Unit] U n i t s Meaning[State] S t a t e sS t a t e s Charges

    Comparing the SignifiganceofGoals that

    YouAccomplsihed in a Job Hobby orGametoYourselfPreviouslly,Others Directlly,

    andEveryone Else Indirectlly



    Body Movements

    in order to Build


    Body Movements

    the Function of aTool in a Typeof Context

    is Sorted andthen usedwith Hand &Foot Movement

    Body Movementused to

    Accomplish a Goalwithin the Context of a Job, Hobby orGame

    Temporally Oriented Body Movement

    [ T o t a l Combinations ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative] Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward(R fnmnt) ( HierarchicallyLinear) Backward] Addition] ( #1000s ( #100's ( #10s ) (Yrself) Others) Evryne Else)

    (VideoGame(Round(Tur n) (Yrself) Others) Evryne Else)( A l b u m (Track (P a r t) (Yrself) Others) Evryne Else)( BB Game (Pssesion(Xchnge) (Yrself) Others) Evryne Else)( M o v i e ( Scene (Tur n) (Yrself) Others) Evryne Else)( BB Game( Inning (AtBat) (Yr self) Others) Evryne Else)(HorseRaces (Round(Tur n) (Yrself) Others) Evryne Else)( Tournamnt ( G a me (Tur n) (Yrself) Others) Evryne Else)(TradingDay(Round (Tur n) (Yrself) Others) Evryne Else)( Board Game(Round(Tur n) (Yrself) Others) Evryne Else)(Card Game (Round(Tur n) (Yrself) Others) Evryne Else)( Courtship ( D a t e (Tur n) (Yrself) Others) Evryne Else)( Courtship (Interview(Tur n) (Yrself) Others)( D a y ( C l a s s (Tur n) (Yrself)[ T o t a l [ Cmb n [U n i t]Dendrites SortingDendrites[Cmbn]Total] T o t a l ][ T o t a l [ Cmb n S t a t e s Dendrites[Cmbn] Total ] C m b n s[ T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[Cmbn]Cmbns

    C m b n s U n i t s

    [ aCombinationofUnits ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative] Quantities] [Qualitative] Quantities](S p i n e ( Shlder Jnt(Elbow) (LwrBody( UpperBody (NckHd)(S p i n e ( Hip Joint (Knee) (LwrBody( UpperBody(NckHd)[Tota l [ C m b n [Un i t]Dendrites Dendrites[Cmbn [ C m b n [Un i t ][Tota l [ C m b n Sta tes Dendrites[Cmbn [ C m b n S t a t e s


    to YourPrevious Performances,

    The Performance ofOthersDirectlly,

    and the Performance ofEveryone Else Indirectlly

    within theContextofa Job, Hobby orGame

    Spatially O r g a n i z e d Body Movements

  • 8/14/2019 Turn of the Literal - Draft 1.0


    Tool&Contextare usedtoProduceFunction

    [Tota l U n i t s Dendrites[Cmbn U n i t sC m b n s U n i t s

    [ Statesofa U n i t ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative] Quantities] [Qualitative] Quantities]

    (Head)T o o l ) Co n t e x t ) (T ip) Knckle)W r i s t )(Sole) Shoe) Co n t e x t) (T ip) Knckle) A n k l e )

    [Unit]Cmbn] T o t a l ]D Feedback Meaning SortingD[ State] Unit] C m b n ][Unit]Cmbn] C m b n s Dendrites[ State] Unit] U n i t s[Unit] U n i t s Dendrites[State] State s

    S t a t e s Charges

    the Function of aTool in a Typeof Context

    is Sorted andthen usedwith Hand &Foot Movement

    Neutralizing T h r e a t s

    YourBody Movement

    Tool&Contextare usedtoProduceFunction

    Evaluating Threats

    then YourHand&Foot Movementis usedto

    ProduceTheir TemporallyOriented Body Movement

    Tool&Contextare usedtoProduceFunction

    [ T o t a l Combinations ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative] Quantities] [Qualitative] Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [Forward(R fnmnt) ( HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ]( Solutions ( Solution (WhWh) (Yr self) Others ) EvryneElse)[ T o t a l [ C m b n[U n i t]Dendrites Dendrites[Cmbn] T o t a l ] T o t a l ]

    [ T o t a l [ C m b n Dendrites[Cmbn] T o t a l ] C m b n s[ T o t a l Dendrites[Cmbn] C m b n sC m b n s U n i t s

    [ aCombinationofUnits ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative]Quantity] [Qualitative] Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) [ HierarchicallyLinear [ Forward (R fnmnt)( S p i n e (ShldrJnt(Knee) ( Lower Body(UpperBody(NckHd)

    ( S p i n e (HipJoint(Elbw) ( Lower Body(UpperBody(NckHd)Enhance[ T o t a l [C m b n[ Unit]DendritesSortingDendrites[ C m b n [ C m b n [Un i t]A x o nEnhance[ T o t a l [C m b nS t a t e Dendrites[ C m b n [ C m b n S t a t e sEnhance[ T o t a l U n i t Dendrites[ C m b n U n i t s

    C m b n s U n i t s

    [ StatesofaU n i t ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative] Quantities] [Qualitative] Quantity]

    (LinearllyHierarchical)Backward]Addition] (LinearllyHierarchical)Backward]Addition](Head) T o o l ) Context) (T i p) Knuckle )Wr i st)(Sole) S h o e ) Context) (T i p) Knuckle )Ankle)[Unit] C m b n ] T o t a l]FeedbackProducesMeaning[State] U n i t ] Cmbn]A x o n

    [Unit] Cm bn ] C m b n s ProducesMeaning[State] U n i t ] U n i t[Unit] U n i t s Meaning[State] S t a t eS t a t e s Charges


    to YourPreviousPerformances,

    The PerformanceofOthersDirectlly,

    and thePerformance ofEveryone Else Indirectlly

    HowYouwillUse a Sequence

    ofBody Movements

    to Neutrilize Threats

    Moving Tool with YourWrist Movement

    orMoving Shoe with YourFoot Movement

    ComparingYourPerformance to YourPreviousPerformances,

    The PerformanceofOthersDirectlly,

    and thePerformance ofEveryone Else Indirectlly

    HowTheywilluseSpatially Organized

    Body Movements

    in order toHurtYou

    Function of aTool in a Typeof Context

    is Sorted in order to Produce and be usedwith

    Hand&Foot Movement

    [ T o t a l Combinations ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative] Quantities] [Qualitative] Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward(Rfnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ]

    ( Context (WhomIs(WhWh) (Yrself) Others) Everyone Else)[ T o t a l [ Cmbn [Un i t] Dendrites[Cmbn] Total] T o t a l ]

    [ T o t a l [ Cmbn S t a t e s Dendrites[Cmbn] Total] C m b n s[ T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[Cmbn]C m b n sC m b n s U n i t s

    [ aCombinationofUnits ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative] Quantity] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward ]Addition ] (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward] Addition ] (S p i n e ( HipJoint(Knee) (LwerBody(Upper Body(NckHd) [T o t a l [ C m b n[Unit] Dendrites Dendrites[ C m b n [ C m b n [U n i t] [T o t a l [ C m b n S t a t e Dendrites[ C m b n [ C m b n S t a t e s

    [T o t a l U n i t Dendrites[ C m b n U n i t sC m b n U n i t s

    [ StatesofaU n i t ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative] Quantities] [Qualitative] Quantity]

    (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward ]Addition ] (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward ] Addition ](Head) T o o l ) Context) (T i p)Knckle)W r i s t)(Sol e) S h o e ) Context) (T i p) Knckle) A n k l e )

    [Unit] Cm bn ] T o t a l]Dendrites Feedback Dendrites[ State] Unit] C m b n ][Unit] Cm bn ] C m b n s Dendrites[ State] Unit] U n i t[Unit] U n i t s Dendrites[ State] State

    S t a t e s Charges

    theSpatial Orientation forGroup of Vehicles

    aChange intheTemporal Orientationfor a Vehicle

    aChange in Orientationfora Wheel

    theSpatial Orientationfor

    aSmall G r o u p ofPeople

    aTemporal Change intheOrientation ofYour Body

    [ aCombinationofUnits ](A) )P(

    (RelativeIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative([Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (Rfnmnt) [ HierarchicallyLinear[ Forward (R fnmnt)( R ad i a l(Theta (P h i) TgthrA p a r t ( I nd i r e c t (Direct (Attmpts)[ T o t a l [Cmbn[Unit]Dendrites Dendrites[ C m b n [Cmbn[U n i t][ T o t a l [CmbnStates Dendrites[ C m b n [Cmbn S t a t e s[ T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[ C m b n U n i t s

    C m b n s U n i t s

    [ aCombinationofUnits ] )P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative( [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) [ HierarchicallyLinear [ Forward (R fnmnt)( Suspension (A x i l (

    Shock) TgthrA p a r t (ReverseBrk( Forward (Brake)[ T o t a l [Cmb n [Unit] Dendrites[ Cmbn [ C m b n[Unit][ T o t a l [Cmb n States Dendrites[ Cmbn [ C m b n S t a t e s

    [ T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[ Cmbn U n i t s C m b n s U n i t s

    [ States ofaU n i t ] (A) )P(

    (RelativeIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative([Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward]Addition] (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward] Addition ]A p a r tTgthr(XAxs) Y Axis ) ZAxis)Tgthr A p a r t Tgthr(L R) R i m ) T i r e )

    [Unit] C m b n]T o t a l] Dendrites[State] U n i t ] U n i t ] [Unit] C m b n]C m b n s Dendrites[State] U n i t ] States [Unit] U n i t s Dendrites[State] S t a t e s

    States Charges

    the Spatial Organization of Vehicle's Attempt to Park orLeave

    a Spot within a Small Group ofVehicles

    theTemporal Organizationof Changesin Orientation for aVehicle

    aChange in Organizationfora Wheel

    the Spatial Organization

    of Vehicle Movements

    for aLarge Group ofPeople

    theTemporal Organizationof ChangesinYour BodyOrientation

    [ aCombinationofUnits ](A) )P(

    (RelativeIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative([Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) [ HierarchicalLinear [ Forward (R fnmnt)(Radi a l (T het a (Phi) (Indirect ( Di r e ct (Exchnges)[T o t a l[ C m b n [Unit] Dendrites[C mb n [ Cm b n [Unit][T o t a l[ C m b nStates Dendrites[C mb n [ Cm b n States

    [T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[C mb n U n i t s C m b n s U n i t s[ aCombinationofUnits ] )P( )P( ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative( [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward ]Addition] [ HierarchicallyLinear [ Forward (R fnmnt)

  • 8/14/2019 Turn of the Literal - Draft 1.0


    Spatial Orientation

    (S p i n e(ShldrJnt(Elbow)Dendrites Dendrites(W i n dUp(Delivery(Follow)[ T o t a l[Cmbn[ Unit] Dendrites[ C m b n [C m b n[ Unit ] A x o n[ T o t a l[Cmbn States Dendrites[ C m b n[C m b n States[ T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[ C m b n Un i t sC m b n s U n i t s

    [ StatesofaU n i t ] (A) )P( (RelativeIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities] (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward ] Addition ] (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward]Addition]

    (XAxs)YAxis) Z A x i s ) (Heel) Pa l m) Fingers ) [Unit]C m b n] T o t a l ]Dendrites Dendrites[State]U n i t] U n i t ] [Unit]C m b n] C m b n s Dendrites[State] U n i t] S t a t e s

    [Unit] U n i t s Dendrites[State]S t a t e sS t a t e s Charges

    a Change in Orientation fortheHandorFoot

    theSpatial Orientationfor


    Small G r o u pof


    theSpatial Orientation forYour Vehicle

    theSpatial Orientationfor a Wheel

    theSpatial Orientationfor

    aSmall G r o u p ofPeople

    the S p a t i a l Orientation ofYourBody

    theSpatial OrientationforYourHand orFoot

    [ aCombinationofUnits ] (A) )P( (RelativeIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities][ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) [ HierarchicalLinear [Forward (R fnmnt)

    (Radi a l ( T h e t a (P h i) (Scenery( Highway (Motion)[T o t a l [ C m b n [Unit] Dendrites[C m b n [ Cm b n [U n i t][T o t a l [ C m b n S t a t e s Dendrites[C m b n [ Cm b n S ta tes

    [T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[C m b n U n i t s C m b n s U n i t s

    [ aCombinationofUnits ] )P( )P( ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative( [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) [ HierarchicallyLinear [ Forward (R fnmnt)(Suspnsn( A x i l (Shock) ( B a c k ( C a b (Front)

    [ T o t a l[ C m b n[Unit]Dendrites Dendrites[ C mb n[Cmbn[Unit] A x o n[ T o t a l[ C m b nS ta tes Dendrites[ C mb n[Cmbn S ta tes

    [ T o t a l U n i t s Dendrites[ C m b n U n i t s C m b n s U n i t s

    [ StatesofaU n i t ] (A) )P( (Relative Intrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities](LinearllyHierarchical)Backward ]Addition ] (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ]Addition ]

    (XAxs) YAxis) Z Axis ) (L R) R i m ) T i r e ) [Unit]Cmb n] T o t a l ] Dendrites[State] U n i t ] U n i t ]

    [Unit]C mb n] C m b n s Dendrites[State] U n i t ] S t a t e s [Unit] U n i t s Dendrites[State] S t a t e s

    S t a t e s Charges

    theSpatial Organization

    of Vehicle Movements

    for aSmall Group ofPeople

    theSpatial Organization forYour Vehicle

    the Spatial Organizationfor a Wheel

    theSpatial Organization of a

    BodyagainstaSmall Backgound

    theS p a t i a l Organization ofYour Body Orientations

    the Spatial OrganizationforYourHand orFoot

    (A) )P( (RelativeIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities][ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ]Addition ]

    (R a d i a l (Theta(P h i) ( Indirect (Direct (Stndng)[ T o t a l [C mbn [Unit] Dendrites[ C m b n [Cmbn [U n i t][ T o t a l [C mbn States Dendrites[ C m b n [Cmbn S t a t e s

    [ T o t a l Un i t s Dendrites[ C m b n Uni t sC m b n s U n i t s

    [ aCombinationofUnits ])P( )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities] [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) [ HierarchicallyLinear [ Forward (R fnmnt)

    (Spine (ShlderJoint (Elbw) (LwerBody(Upper Body(NckHd)[Tot a l [ C m b n [Unit]Dendrites Dendrites[C m b n [ C m b n [

    U n i t] [Tot a l [ C m b n S t a t e Dendrites[C m b n [ C m b n S t a t e s [Tot a l U n i t Dendrites[C m b n U n i t s

    C m b n s U n i t s

    [ StatesofaU n i t ]

    (A) )P() IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities][ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ]Addition ]

    (XAxs)Y A x i s) ZA x i s) (Heel) P a l m ) Fingers)[Unit] C m bn]T o t a l]Hllck Dendrites[State] U n i t ] U n i t ]

    [Unit] C m bn] C m b n s Dendrites[State] U n i t ] S t a t e s[Unit]U n i t s Dendrites[State] S t a t e s

    S t a t e s Charges

    Right Brain Associated Desires

    ) P( )P() IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] And [Qualitative] Quantities][ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward] Addition ]

    (Snsory) Humor)Altruism ) (Power ( Respect (Admrtn) Sorting[Unit] Cmbn] Cm b n ]Dendrites Dendrites[C m b n [C mb n[U n i t]

    [Unit] Cmbn] U n i t s Dendrites[C m b n [ C mb n S t a t e s[Unit] U n i t s Dendrites[C m b n U n i t s S t a t e s U n i t s

    E Left Brain Associated Desires orting Motor Cells

    ( P h y s i c a l )[ How ]



    (HierarchicalLinear) Backward] Addition]

    )P( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Continuos] Groups](LinearllyHierarchical) Backward]Addition]

    A p a r tTgthr

    TgthrA p a r t( Baryon ) A t o m ) Molecule )[

    U n i t ]

    C m b n ] C m b n ][ U n i t ] C m b n ] ) P( ) P([ U n i t ] ) P( ) P(

    ) P( ) P(

    ) P(

    (QuaternaryStructure) Enclosed C e l l ) Organism )[ U n i t ] C m b n ] T o t a l ][ U n i t ] C m b n ] ) P( ) P( [ U n i t ] Presence(A) ) P(A b s e n c e

    ) P( ) P(

    Form Function


    Presence > A b s e n c eA b s e n c e > Presence

    D scontinuos Groups &Continuos Groups

    [ T o t a l Combinations ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative] Quantities] [Qualitative] Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) [ HierarchicallyLinear [ Forward (R fnmnt)Tgthr( Bo d y ( Org a n(Tssue)A p a r t Tgthr (Abdomen(Tho r a x(NckHd) A p a r t

    Relative[ T o t a l [ C m b n [Un it] Circulation [C m b n [ C m b n [Unit][T o t a l [ C m b n States [C m b n [ C m b n States

    [ T o t a l U n i t s [C m b n U n i t sC m b n s U n i t s

    [ aCombinationofUnits ] (A) ) P(

    (RelativeIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative([Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) [ HierarchicallyLinear [ Forward(R fnmnt)Tgthr(R adi a l ( T h e t a (P h i)A p a r t Tgthr(O u t e r( Nucleus (Ncleols)A p a r t

    [ T o t a l [ C m b n [Unit] Shipping [C m b n [ Cmb n [Unit] Intrinsic[ T o t a l [ C m b n States [C m b n [ C m b n States[ T o t a l U n i t s [C m b n U n i t s

    C m b n s U n i t s

  • 8/14/2019 Turn of the Literal - Draft 1.0


    Filling OutSpectrum ofN Types

    Lower L Levels >Higher LLevels for each N

    [ StatesofaU n i t ] ) P( ) P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ] [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt)A p a r t(Exon) G e ne ) Contex t)Tgthr A p a r t (Scndry)Tertiary) Quaternary )Tgthr

    [Unit] C m b n ] T o t a l]TranscriptionPrimary[ State] U n i t ] C m b n][Unit] C m b n ] C m b n s [State ] U n i t ] U n i t s[Unit] U n i t s [ State ]S t a t e s

    States Charges

    [ StatesofaU n i t ] )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [HierarchicallyLinear [Forward (Rfnmnt)

    ( B a s e ( B a s e (Base) ( B a s e ( B a s e (Base) ( B a s e ( B a s e (Base).[U n i t [ U n i t [State] [U n i t [ U n i t [State] [U n i t [ U n i t [State]

    [U n i t [ U n i t (((((([U n i t StatesS t a t e s

    [ aCombinationofUnits ]

    )P ( )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities](HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ] [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt)

    A p a r t (XAxs) YAxis ) ZA x i s ) Tgthr Tgthr ( LimbsCV( B o dyIO(Atom)A p a r t[Unit] C m b n] T o t a l ] [ C m b n [C mb n [ Unit ][Unit] C m b n] C m b n s [ C m b n[C mb n States[Unit] U n i t s [ C m b n U n it sStates U n i t s

    [ aCombinationofUnits ]

    )P( )P(

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ]Tgthr(N:Radial ( L : Theta(mPhi) A p a r tA p a r t(NoP+) Nucleus+ ) -eShells)TgthrTgthr(N:Radial ( L : Theta(mPhi) A p a r tA p a r t(NoP+) Nucleus+ ) -eShells)Tgthr

    [ T o t a l [ C m b n[ Unit ] [ Unit] C m b n ] C m b n][ T o t a l [ C m b n States [ Unit] C m b n ] U n i t s[ T o t a l U n i t s [ Unit] U n i t s

    C m b n s S t at es

    [ StatesofaU n i t ] ) P( ) P (

    ) IntrinsicRelative( ) IntrinsicRelative([Qualitative]Quantities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) [ HierarchicallyLinear [ Forward (R fnmnt)External( M a s s ( Charge(Spin)Quality Internal( Quark ( Quark (Qrk)

    [C m b n [ U n i t [State] [ Unit [ U n i t [Stte]U n i t s S t a t e sAmount States S t a t e sAmount

    PotentiallyActualized > Actualized Potential

    (A)(R e l a t i v e Intrinsic)


    (Hierarchical L i n e a r)Backward]Addition]

    ( Internal ) Internal ) E x t e r n a l )Intrinsic[ S t a t e s ] S t a t e s ] U n i t s ]R lative

    (A) ) P((Relative Intrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ]Less(E Neutrino) MNeutrino) TNtrino)More Less ( Electron ) Muon ) Tau ) W+ ( U p ) D o w n) Strange ) Zo ( Charm ) Bottom) Top ) Continuos( Duration (Velocity(Acclrtn)D scontinuos Apart(+1- +2-) (+1- +2-)ApartTgthrLess(E Neutrino) MNeutrino) TNtrino)More Less ( Electron ) Muon ) Tau ) W- ( U p ) D o w n) Strange) Zo ( Charm ) Bottom ) Top ) Continuos( Duration (Velocity(Acclrtn) D scontinuos Apart(+1- +2-) (+1- +2-)ApartTgthr

    ( S p a t i a l )[ If ]

    )P( )P( (R e l a t i v eIntrinsic) (IntrinsicR e l a t i v e)

    [G r o u p s[Completed] [Completed]G r o u p s](HierarchicallyL i n e a r ) Backward ] Addition ] (LinearllyHierachical) Backward ] Addition ]

    (Planet MoonS y s t e m) G a s S y s t e m ) SolarS y s t e m ) StellarC l u s t e r( G a l a x y )A p a r t ClusterOfGalaxies )TgthrSuperC l u s t e rOf Glxys)[ Unit ] C m b n ] C m b n ]R lative Intrnsc[ Unit ] C m b n ] C m b n ]

    Intrnsc[ Unit ] C m b n ] (A) ) P( Intrnsc[ Unit ] C m b n ]Intrnsc[ Unit ] (A) )P( Intrnsc[ Unit ] (A) ) P(

    (A) ) P( (A) ) P(

    [ aCombinationofUnits ]

    [ aCombinationofUnits ](A) ) P(

    (R ela t i v e Intrinsic) ) IntrinsicR e l a t i v e ([Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities]

    [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ](Radial (T h e t a (Phi)[ Total [ C m b n [Unit][ Total [ C m b n[ Total

    [ StatesofaU n i t ] (A) ) P(

    (R ela t i v e Intrinsic) ) IntrinsicR e l a t i v e ( [Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities] [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (Rfnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward]Addition]

    Field of Quanta, such as Photons, Gluons, or Gravitons, are

    Literally Intended Metaphorical Models, reducitvelly conceal ,

    D scontinuos Ch nges in Continuos Motion, and Potentially

    Actualized Motion , for their model of The Field of Quanta,

    which is Intended in the Image of Contuos Motion, which is

    simply more A b s e n t in Degree, and therefore reductivelly

    conceals , the A b s e n t Types

  • 8/14/2019 Turn of the Literal - Draft 1.0


    TgthrA p a r t(Radial(T h e t a (P h i)A p a r tTgthrA p a r t(Cbulge ( B a r (Tssle)TgthrA p a r t(Radial(T h e t a (P h i)A p a r tTgthrA p a r t(CBulge (S p i r a l)

    TgthrA p a r t(Radial(T h e t a (P h i)A p a r tTgthrA p a r t(CBulge[Total [ C m b n [Unit] [Cmbn [U n i t[Unit][Total [ C m b n States [Cmbn [ U n i t ]

    [Total U n i t s [ C m b n ] C m b n s

    [ aCombinationofUnits ] (A) ) P(

    (R ela t i v eIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicR e l a t i v e ( [Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative] Quantities] [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ] TgthrA p a r t(Radial ( T h e t a (Phi) A p a r tTgthr (Star) I n n e r ) Ou t e r)TgthrA p a r t

    [T o t a l[ C m b n [Unit] [Unit]C m b n ] C m b n][T o t a l[ C m b nStates [Unit]C m b n ] U n i t s[T o t a l U n i t s [Unit] U n i t sC m b n s States

    [ aCombinationofUnits ] (A) )P(

    (R ela t i v eIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicR e l a t i v e ( [Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities] [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward] Addition] TgthrA p a r t(Radial (T h e t a (Phi) A p a r t Tgthr (Core)GPlanet) M oo n s ) TgthrA p a r t

    TgthrA p a r t(Radial (T h e t a (Phi) A p a r t Tgthr (Core)GPlanet) R i n g s ) TgthrA p a r t[T o t a l[ C m b n [Unit] [State] Un i t ] Cm b n ][T o t a l[ C m b nStates [State] Un i t ] U n i t s[T o t a l U n i t s [State]S t a t e sC m b n s States

    [ StatesofaU n i t ] (A) ) P(

    (R ela t i v eIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicR e l a t i v e( [Quantitative[Qualities] [Qualitative]Quantities] [ LinearllyHierarchical [ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ]TgthrA p a r t( R a d i a l (T h e t a (P h i)A p a r t Tgthr A p a r t(Core) SPlanet) M oo n s ) A p a r tTgthr

    [ T o t a l [C m b n [Unit] [State] Un i t ] Cm b n ][ T o t a l [C m b nStates [State] Un i t ][ T o t a l U n it s [State] S t a t e s

    C m b n s Charges

    ) P()IntrinsicR e l a t i v e(


    (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward]A d d i t i o n ]

    ( Physical ) M e n t a l ) S p a t i a l )[ How ]Intrinsic W h a t ] If ]

    (A) ) P( (A) )P( (A) )P(

    ) RelativeIntrinsic ( )IntrinsicRelative( )RelativeIntrinsic( ) IntrinsicRelative( )RelativeIntrinsic( )IntrinsicRelative([

    Dscontinuos[Groups]Tgthr [Continuos]Groups]A p a r t [Organized[Continuoms] [Organized]Dscontinuities] A p a r t[G r o u ps[Completed]Tgthr Tgthr[Completed] Groups]A p a r t (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ]Addition] [ LinearllyHierarchical[ Forward (R fnmnt) (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ] (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward ] Addition] (HierarchicallyLinear) Backward ] Addition ] (LinearllyHierarchical) Backward ]Addition]

    A p a r t(Bryn)A t o m)Molecule) (QStrctre) C e l l) Orgnsm)Form Apart(VisualCrner)SmallObject) SmallBckgrnd) (TlHndFt) Ac t io n) EvaluatingThreats) (PSystm)GasSystem) SolarSystem) (Galaxy) ClusterOfGlxys) SprClstrOfGlxys) [Unit]C m b n]C m b n ] Intrinsic [U n i t]Cm b n] T o t a l ]R lative Intrnsc[ Un i t ] C m b n ] C m b n ] [U n i t] C m b n] T o t a l ] Intrnsc[Un i t] C m b n] C m b n ]SC[Unit] C m b n ] C m b n ]

    Apart(CrnredVsual) LargeObject)Large Background) (TlHndFt)Reaction) Neutralize Threats ) Intrnsc[ U n i t ] C m b n ] C m b n ] [U n i t] C m b n] T o t a l ]

    Vision&Sound ReflectiveMechanism

    ( Sound ) Short E v e n t ) Small Group) (TlHndFt) Ac t io n ) Job or Game)Intrnsc[ Un i t ] C m b n ] C m b n ] [U n i t] C m b n] T o t a l ]

    ( Sound )LongEvent) Large G r o u p) (TlHndFt) Action ) Job or Game )Intrnsc[ U n i t ] C m b n ] C m b n ] [U n i t] C m b n] T o t a l ]

    (W h e e l )VehicleOrientation) LargeGroup) (WrdNns) Sentence) Job or Game )Intrnsc[ Un it ] C m b n ] C m b n ] [U n i t] C m b n] T o t a l ]

    (HFtMvmnt)BodyMvmnt) SmallG r o u p) (WrdNns) Sentence ) Job or Game)Intrnsc[ U n i t ] C m b n ] C m b n ] [U nit ] C m b n ] T o t a l ]

    Movement &Orientation ReflectiveTransmitter

    (WheelMvmnt)VhcleMvmnt)LargeBackground) (WrdNns) Sentence) Job or Game )Intrnsc[ U n i t ] C m b n ] C m b n ] [U n i t] C m b n] T o t a l ]

    (HnFtOrientn) BodyOrientation) SmllBckgrnd) (WrdNns) Sentence ) TheSituation)Intrnsc[ Un i t ] C m b n ] C m b n ] [U n i t] C m b n ] T o t a l ]

    32 Billion Year Cycle

    for The Eternal Reorganization

    of The Supercluster Void Network

    A p a r t n e s s S i z e s

    A p a r t n e s s S i z e s


    (A)(Rela t ive Intrinsic)

    [Incomplete[Qualities](16Billion) Y e a r ] C y c l e]

    ( V o i d s ) A p p e a r i n g ) Contracting)( V o i d s ) E x p a n d i n g ) &D ssapearing )[ C m b n s ] T o t a l ] T o t a l ][ C m b n s ]

    T o t a l ] T o t a l ]

    TgthrA p a r t

    TgthrA p a r t


    DeflationaryEra / Inflationary Era


    &Emerging Galaxies


    O O O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O

    O O O OO O O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O

    O O O O O O

    O O O O O O (RapidllyAccelerating) Refinement]& Contraction] & (RapidllyAccelerating) Addition]& E x p a n s i o n]

    O O OO O O O OO O


    O OO





    O OO

    O O OO O O OO O O

    O O OO O O O O O O

    OO O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O OO

    OO OO O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O OO O

    OO O O O O O O O O


    O OO O O O O O O O O O

    O OO O O O O OO O O O O O


    OO O O O O O OO O O

    +1.0BillionO O O O OO OO O O O O O O

    O O OO O O OO O O

    O O OO O O O O O O

    OO O O O O O O OO O O

  • 8/14/2019 Turn of the Literal - Draft 1.0


    &Stellar Clustering

    ClusteringofG a l a x i e s

    &Stellar Clustering

    ClusteringofG a l a x i e s

    SolarSystem 2EarthMoon System 2



    [HierarchicallyL i n e a r[Forward (R fnmnt)( Rulers/Ruled ( Gvrnmnts / Governed( Regulators/Regulated)[AutonomaPhase[ CE Invertabrate Phase [ Vertebrate Phase ]

    Single/Multi Exo/Endo CB/ WB

    O OO O O O O O O O OO

    OO OO O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O

    OO O O O O O O OO O O

    O O O O O O O O O O

    OO OO O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O

    OO O O O O O O O O


    O OO O O O O O O O O O


    O O O O O O O OO O O O

    )GraduallyAccelerating(Refinement] & Contraction] & )GraduallyAccelerating( Addition ] &E x p a n s i o n ]O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O OO O O

    O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O OO O O OO O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O OO

    O O O O O O O O O O O OO

    O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O OO O O OO O O O O O O O


    O O O O O O O O O

    O O

    O OO O O


    O OO

    O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O OO O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O

    O OO O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O OO O O OO O O O O

    O O O O O O O O OO O O O O O O O O O O

    )GraduallyAccelerating(Refinement] & Contraction] & )GraduallyAccelerating( Addition ] &E x p a n s i o n ]O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O OO O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O OOO O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    +3.210BillionO O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O OO OOO O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O OO O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O)GraduallyAccelerating(Refinement] & Contraction] & )GraduallyAccelerating( Addition ] &E x p a n s i o n ]

    O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O OO O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O OO O O O O O O O O OO O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    +4.3210BillionO O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O OO O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O

    OO O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O OO O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O OO O O O O O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O O O O O

    )GraduallyDeccelerating(Refinement] & Contraction] & )GraduallyDeccelerating( Addition ] &E x p a n s i o n ]

    O O O O O O

    O O O O

    O O O O O O

    O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O

    O O O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O O O

    O O O O O O O

    O O O O OO O O O


    Solar System 1

    Earth System 1

    Solar System 1



    [HierarchicallyL i n e a r[Forward (R fnmnt)( Rulers/Ruled ( Gvrnmnts / Governed( Regulators/Regulated)[AutonomaPhase[ CE Invertabrate Phase [ Vertebrate Phase ]

    Single/Multi Exo/Endo CB/ WB


    )Autonoma&Simulation( [Return]ofTheLiteral]

    DeflationaryPhase / Inflationary Phase

    DeflationaryPhase / Inflationary Phase

  • 8/14/2019 Turn of the Literal - Draft 1.0


    Prsesent Quantities ActualizedParameters

    R e l a t i v ePrecedesIntrinsic

    Particle &Antiparticle

    [Quantitative[Properties][ Bottom ]R e l a t i v ePrecedesIntrinsic

    The Eternal


    [Qualitaitive] Dimensions][ M i d d l e ]

    R e l a t i v ePrecedesIntrinsic DscontinuosGroups

    IntrinsicPrecedesR e l a t i v eContinuosGroups

    R e l a t i v ePrecedesIntrinsicOrganizedContinuoms

    IntrinsicPrecedesR e l a t i v e Organized D scontinuities

    IntrinsicPrecedesR e l a t i v e G r o u p sCompleted

    R e l a t i v ePrecedesIntrinsic CompletedG r o u p s

    The Eternal


    of[Incomplete[Qualities][ Top ]

    R e l a t i v ePrecedesIntrinsic

    ( g G(Ee(mm) Forces Are Literally IntendedMetaphorical ModelsFor::

    Stationary- Ions &/ Or+ Cations Moving

    Default Mode Exception Mode - Ions& / Or+ Cations( N o n Charged (DifferentCharges & SameChargesandDifferentCharges & SameCharges ( Same Charges DifferentCharges )[ Tgthr A p a r t[ Tgthr A p a r t A p a r t Tgthr [ Tgthr A p a r t A p a r tTgthr ]

    Perturbations Same Different Same DifferentDirection Directions DirectionDirections

    (N o nLocality) ContinuosD scontinuity) DscontinuosContinuom)[PotentialllyActualized] ActualizingPotential ]EventActualizedP o t e n t i a l]Event


    A p a r tTgthr &TgthrA p a r t

    ( G a s(L i q u i d (S o l i d)

    ( N o t (P a r t i a l (Tgthr)AspectualizedParameters

    A b s e n t Qualities PotentialAspects for


    IntrinsicPrecedesR e l a t i v e

    Present PotentialAspects



    1 & 1

    2 &2

    2 & 1

    2 & 1

    (A) )P((RelativeIntrinsic) ) IntrinsicRelative(

    [ [ ] [ ] ]( ) ] ] ( ) ] ]

    ( ) ) ) ( ) ) )[ ] ] ]R lativeIntrinsic[ ] ] ]




    [ [ ( ) [ [ ( )

    ( ( ( ) ( ( ( )[ [ [ ]IntrinsicR lative[ [ [ ]



    ( ( ( ) ( ( ( )[ [ [ ] Intrinsic[ [ [ ]



    ( ( ( ) ( ( ( )[ [ [ ] IntrinsicR lative [ [ [ ]

    A b s e n t PotentialAspects

    ( ) ] ]


    ( ) ] ]HierarchicallyLinearBackwardAddition


    [ [ ( )

    LinearllyHierarchicalForward RefinementLinearllyHierarchical Forward Refinement

    [ [ ( )

    HierarchicallyLinear Forward Refinement

    HierarchicallyLinear Forward Refinement

    A b s e n t PotentialAspects

    (State) )Unit(

    (C m b n) )T o t a l(

    (Degree) )Type(

    (Particular) )Kind(

    A b s e n t PotentialAspects

    [R lativeIntrnsc Ch ngingDensity ChngngDnslly]YesNo LargeSmall ComplexSimple]A p a rtTgthr FunctionForm SgnfgntllyIdealized][IntrnscR lative DnsllyChangingD nsityChanging] NoYes SmallLarge SimpleComplex]TgthrA p a r t FormFunction IdealizedSgnfgnce]

    TheLiterallyIntendedMetaphoricalModelsReductivelly ConcealsTheMetaphoricallyIntendedLiteral M o d e l s

    (Body) Type Possibilities (Body) Type Possibilities U s e d


    Empirical] D a t a] [Super[Strings] ( Pantheism&(Intelligent (Design)

    Zero(Creation) Zero

    (A p a r t Tgthr)( Of ( The ( Essences ( F o rm s ( L i n e a r ) Literally Intended

    Metaphorical Worldview




    ( (N a t u r a l(Design)


    ( Of ( The ( P y r a ( G r a m (Hierarchical) Metaphorically I n t e n d e d(SameDifference LessMore MoreLess (QuantitativeQualities QualitatativeQuantitiesSimiliarDifferences [ 0 [ 1 [ 2 [ 3 [ 4 ]

    Prsnce Absence WhatWorks Most Total Tip

    DoesntWorkZeroS u m T o pMiddle

    Bo t t om B e n e a t h

    [Tip[ T o p [ M i d d l e [ B o t t o m [ B e n e a t h ]Aspect Parameter PotentialAspectsForActualizedParametersFor PossibilitiesExi sting

    24General & 42Specific ParameterizedAspects

    &Aspectualized Parameters

    L i t e r a l M o d e l s

    )Appendage(Type: Possibilities

    PossibilitiesUsed &







    ParameterizedAspects &AspectualizedParameters

    PresenceAspctSecondaryA b s e nc eParameter


    Less PrimaryPresenceActualizedParametersQuantitiesLess PrimaryPresencePossibilitiesExistingA b s e n c e

    ParameterizedAspects &AspectualizedParameters

    There Are

    NoEquations InNature



    MoreLess Less More

    (Default&(Exception)ResultDirectedness for StationaryCharges


    Teleological Programs forPhysical QualitativeDimensions

    &TeleologicalProgramsforMental Qualitative


    toenableTheProgression ofLife&Civilization,V1 &V2

    R e l a t i v eprecedesIntrinsicfor

    ParameterizedAspects& AspectualizedParameters

    IntrinsicprecedesR e l a t i v efor

    AppendageType Possibilities U s e d

    (Default&(exception)(Tgthr) &A p a r t)

    (Tgthr) &A p a r t)

    SystematicShifting:( Translational (Expansion/Contraction( Ordinary) & AsystematicShifting

    Diffraction: (AsymmetricalGroup( AsymmetricalOrbital ( Ordinary) & No (Diffraction)Motion: ( Orbital ( Translational (W av e) & No (W av e)

    R e l a t i v e PrecedesIntrinsic ZeroS u m

    IntrinsicPrecedesR e l a t i v e Zero S u m

    IntrinsicPrecedes R e l a t i v e Zero S u m

    External Similar Differences

  • 8/14/2019 Turn of the Literal - Draft 1.0


    [HiearchicallyLinear CommonDifferentiationInto Tree Or Crystal] HiearchicallyLinear Differentiation IntoBranches OfTree Or Crystal ] LinearllyHierachicalDifferentiation Into Branches OfTree Or Crystal]

    Internal Similar Differences [LinearllyHiearchical CommonDifferentiation OfFluid Or Crystal] HiearchicallyLinear Periodic Fluid FlowOr Crystal Growth ] HiearchicallyLinear Aperioidic Fluid FlowOr Crystal Growth ]

    (SBlue NBlue) LRed DGrey) DRed LGrey)2 &1Orientations for The Superclsuter Void Network

    Enables Functionallyor FormGoesWith

    A b s e n t Present & PresentA b s e n t Type Propulsion,

    IntrinsicPrecedesR e l a t i v eforContinuosChange

    andR e l a t i v e PrecedesIntrinsicforD scontinuosCh nge

    (ParityAsymmetryforDecay) ChargeAsymmetryforDecay)TimeAsymmetryforDecayRates)

    ParticleAnti ParticleOr ParticleAntiParticle&ClockwiseOrCounterclockwiseDnsllyChanging DensityChanging NoYes SmallLargeSimpleComplex

    LeftToRight Or RightToLeft

    0thPerson 1stPerson 2ndPerson 3rdPerson


    Experiencer Experience Lifetime

    PreThought N o nThoughtInformalThought &FormalThought

    LimbicS y s t e m&LeftBrain /RightBrain

    ProduceResults/ BuildResult


    Presence A b s e n c e

    PrimarillyUsed SecondarillyUsed PresenceAbsence

    Nonhuman: Animal Prehuman )Human( (Human) Post Humans f r o m ThePLC,V1 Teleological Programs

    for MentalQualitative


    Pattern Generating[SensorySortingDetectionCells]EmotionSortingMotorCells] ReflectiveMechanismsTM]MTReflective Transmitters] MechanisticAdministrators TransmitteresqueAdiminstrators]Left&Rright LeftAssociated&RightAssociated RightDominant&LeftDominant LeftDominant&RightDominant E v e r yShape >ShapeSh ft T lepathicTelekinetic>ThroughT leport

    AT&AT CommunicateKnow

    ( Should &/Or Shouldn't HappenAnd Shouldn't & / Or Should Get (Wanted & / Or Didn't Want To Get X And Did & / Or Didn't Get ( Should've & /OrShouldn't Do &/ OrBe & Don't Want To Do Or Be)[ 4 [ 6 [ 6 ]

    (IncreaseExcitement DecreaseBoredom) ( Knowledge Under stand i n g )(ConfusionFear)SurpriseEmbarrasment) (Deprressed(Happy) (Content) Dissapointed) (Anger Empathy) Pride Hu m i l i t y)

    Frustration IrritationGuilt Shame Love Disgust

    Hate ContemptJealousy EnvyRe venge Punishment

    Eyeforan Eye > EyeforanInjury >Eyefor aPrisonTerm

    Emotion Sorting Motor

    Retroactivelly Defined

    (Possiblities) Possibilities U s e d) &Possibilities E x i s t i n g)

    Part&W h o l e Inside&O u t s i d e

    Present & P a s t

    PossibilitiesExistingforindividualActualized Parameters

    B o d y&Appndgeor PrmryUsge&ScndryUsge

    B o d y&Appndge: Type Possibilities: KindB o d y&Appndge: TypePossibilitiesUsed:Kind

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