turkey tour: 4 main attractions to see when you visit the ephesus area

Post on 17-Aug-2021






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Many individuals go to various places when they come to Turkey on their turkey tourist visa and have only a few days in each one.


Turkey Tour: 4 Main Attractions to See When You Visit the Ephesus Area

Many individuals go to various places when they come to Turkey on their turkey tourist visa and

have only a few days in each one. The Ephesus area is home to many great ancient places, and when

you have only a few days, they cannot know where to go. If your time on your vacation to Turkey is

restricted, here are a couple of essential spots to see in the area.

Ephesus Ancient Site

Ephesus still has a wealth of marble tempera, mosaics and a 25,000-seat Grand Theatre, Roman's

capital, Asia Minor. It was dedicated to the goddess Artemis, whose riches and patronage supported

her magnificent building. Her gigantic temple has initially been one of the Seven Ancient World

Wonders. Ephesus is also one of the Bible's seven churches.

House of the Virgin Mary

There is the House of the Virgin Mary on the Bulbul Dag (Nightingale Mountain), where she passed

her last years of life and died. The virgin Marie and St. John came to Ephesus to survive the Roman

persecutions on Panaghia Kapulu Mountain. The Vatican now recognises the Virgin Mary's house as

a shrine.

Ephesus Archeology Museum

A few kilometres from the Ancient Site, the Ephesus Archeological Museum is located. Findings from

Ephesus, the two most remarkable statues of the life of Artemis Ephesia, both from the Mid-Roman

Imperial Age, are almost all shown.

Sirince Village

A half-day is an excellent blending of Greek and Turkish culture in the 1920s, this attractive ancient

Orthodox community. This settlement in Turkish was previously Cirkince meaning Ugly, to prevent

outsiders from arriving in this beautiful settlement. Sirince lies on a hill, overlooking wine yards and

peach orchards across the region. Sirince is a small country hill. Experience the renovated Orthodox

church, handmade women, Submission of items, olive oil and Sirince wine. You may mingle with the

local people and sample simple and excellent Aegean food.

This is what you may see in the neighbourhood of Ephesus when you have only a few days to travel.

If you have more time, you will find many other places and excursions from this area, deepening

your passion and rich history in Turkey.

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