tuning into reality - reality of piety - powerpoint

Post on 27-Nov-2014






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Tuning Into The Reality Of Piety

Tuning into Reality

o ع�ص�ر�� و�الo �ر �ف�ي خ�س� ان� ل �س� �ن� اإلن إ

o و�اص�و�ا� �ح�ات� و�ت �وا الص�ال �وا و�ع�م�ل �ذ�ين� آم�ن �ال ال إ�ر� �الص�ب �و�اص�و�ا ب �ح�ق( و�ت �ال ب

The Height of Emphasis Success and Failure The Bare Minimum Desperately Need 4/4 The fallacies

3 Remaining Points

Worldly success is not inherently evil All four are inseparable and

necessitate each other Make a chart – Take account of

yourself before you are taken account of.

The Chart

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


‘Amali Salih

Tawasee bil Haq

TawaseeBis Sabr

The Structure of the Syllabus

Six Parts1. Comprehensive Lessons2. Iman3. ‘Amali Salih4. Tawasee Bil Haq5. Tawasee Bis Sabr6. Message to the Ummah of today-

Surah al-Hadeed

Piety- A necessity

Human Being Physical Part- Nourished by food and

water Immaterial Part– Sustained by acts of

“Piety”▪ Dacoits, pick-pockets, prostitutes– all have

some avenue of “piety”. ▪ Satiate the biting conscious and justify the

evil deeds.

3 Kinds of People

The Religious The Ethical

The Ritualistic

Ayat-ul-Birr- Baqarah 177

�ر� �ب �س� ال �ي �ل� ل �م� ق�ب jوا و�ج�وه�ك �و�ل ن� ت� أ

�م�غ�ر�ب� ر�ق� و�ال �م�ش� �ر� ال �ب �ك�ن� ال م�ن� آم�ن� و�ل�اب� �ك�ت �ة� و�ال �ك �م�الئ � اآلخ�ر� و�ال �و�م �ي �ه� و�ال �الل ب(ه� ذ�و�ي ب �م�ال� ع�ل�ى ح� �ى ال (ين� و�آت �ي �ب و�الن�ن� �ين� و�اب اك �م�س� �ام�ى و�ال �ت �ي �ى و�ال ب �ق�ر� ال

�ق�ام� ق�اب� و�أ �ين� و�ف�ي الر( �ل ائ �يل� و�الس� ب الس��ع�ه�د�ه�م� �م�وف�ون� ب �اة� و�ال ك �ى الز� الص�الة� و�آت

اء� س�� �أ �ب �ر�ين� ف�ي ال �ذ�ا ع�اه�د�وا و�الص�اب إ

�ذ�ين� �ك� ال �ئ �ول س� أ� �أ �ب اء� و�ح�ين� ال و�الض�ر�

�ق�ون� �م�ت �ك� ه�م� ال �ئ �ول ص�د�ق�وا و�أ


�ر� �ر + ر + بو ب ر= ب

Iman and Piety

�ة� �ك �م�الئ � اآلخ�ر� و�ال �و�م �ي �ه� و�ال �الل �ر� م�ن� آم�ن� ب �ب �ك�ن� ال و�ل(ين� �ي �ب �اب� و�الن �ت �ك و�ال

Iman blossomed!

1. What are moral values? Do they change with changing times and

circumstances?2. What is the driving force for piety?


و�اه�ا �ف�س� و�م�ا س� و�نBy the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it;

�ق�و�اه�ا ه�ا و�ت �ه�م�ه�ا ف�ج�ور� ل� ف�أ

And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right;-



Driving Force- The Why

�ر� م�ن� �ب �ك�ن� ال � اآلخ�ر� و�ل �و�م �ي �ه� و�ال �الل �ة� آم�ن� ب �ك �م�الئ و�ال(ين� �ي �ب �اب� و�الن �ت �ك و�ال

Iman in Allah Ī Iman in Accountability

Actions are judged by intentions

If any action does not have these two beliefs as a driving force they will be rejected!

The Guiding Force- The How

(ين� �ي �ب �اب� و�الن �ت �ك �ة� و�ال �ك م�الئ

The Institution of Prophethood- Qur’an and Sunnah

An overzealous urge of piety- Rejected! The 3 people who came to the Prophet Ē

The What

�ام�ى �ت �ي �ى و�ال ب �ق�ر� (ه� ذ�و�ي ال ب �م�ال� ع�ل�ى ح� �ى ال و�آت�ين� و�ف�ي �ل ائ �يل� و�الس� ب �ن� الس� �ين� و�اب اك �م�س� و�ال

�م�وف�ون� �اة� و�ال ك �ى الز� �ق�ام� الص�الة� و�آت ق�اب� و�أ الر(�ذ�ا ع�اه�د�وا �ع�ه�د�ه�م� إ ب

‘Amli-Salih- 3 Branches Empathy ‘Ibadaat Interpersonal relationships- Fulfill



�ام�ى �ت �ي �ى و�ال ب �ق�ر� (ه� ذ�و�ي ال ب �م�ال� ع�ل�ى ح� �ى ال و�آت�ين� و�ف�ي �ل ائ �يل� و�الس� ب �ن� الس� �ين� و�اب اك �م�س� و�ال

ق�اب� الر(But what of the pillars?

“Islam is based on five pillars : Kalima Shadat, Salat, Zakat, Sawm of Ramadan, and Hajj.”

(Agreed upon) Context- Reality of Piety

Importance of Spending…

jون� ب �ح� �ف�ق�وا م�م�ا ت �ن �ى ت ت �ر� ح� �ب �وا ال �ال �ن �ن� ت ل----------

�ق�ى �ع�ط�ى و�ات م�ا م�ن� أ� ف�أ

--------�ة� ف�ال �ع�ق�ب �ح�م� ال اق�ت

From ahadith..



“O son of Adam I was ill and you didn’t visit me?” He would respond, “O Master how can I visit you when you’re sick and you are the Master of the worlds?” Allah will respond, “Don’t you know that so and so slave of mine was ill and you didn’t visit him? Don’t you know that had you visited him you would’ve found me there?

O son of Adam, I asked you for food you didn’t feed me.” The slave would say, “My Master! How could I feed you when you are the Master of the worlds? Allah would respond, “Don’t you know that so and so slave of mine asked you for food and you didn’t feed him? Don’t you know that had you fed him you would have found that food with me!

O my slave, I asked you for water you didn’t give me water.” The slave would say, “How could I give you water and you are the Master of the worlds?” Allah will respond, “Don’t you know my slave so-and-so came to you and he asked you for water and you didn’t give him water. Had you given him water you would have found that (action) with me!

The order of priority…

�ن� �ين� و�اب اك �م�س� �ام�ى و�ال �ت �ي �ى و�ال ب �ق�ر� ذ�و�ي الق�اب� �ين� و�ف�ي الر( �ل ائ �يل� و�الس� ب الس�

Relatives Orphans Seek

them out! Miskin– Weak, dependant Traveler

Those who ask Slaves/Those in Debt


�اة� ك �ى الز� �ق�ام� الص�الة� و�آت و�أ

Necessary and Necessitate Iman results in ‘ibadaat and ‘ibadaat

increase Iman الص�الة�

A reminder of the “why”! �اة� ك الز�

Paves the way for Sadaqaat

The panacea for societal problems!

�ذ�ا ع�اه�د�وا �ع�ه�د�ه�م� إ �م�وف�ون� ب و�ال Contracts at work Social Contracts Daily dealings

Last but definitely not the least…

اء� و�ح�ين� اء� و�الض�ر� س�� �أ �ب �ر�ين� ف�ي ال و�الص�اب

س�� �أ �ب ال

Especially, above and beyond; the patiently persevering!

Ibn Taymiyyah said patience is having the same level of obedience to Allah Ī in ease and in difficulty.

Three situations of patience

اء� س�� �أ �ب Poverty and strife -ال

اء� Physical or mental harm -و�الض�ر� س�

� �أ �ب !Time of war -و�ح�ين� ال

Tawasee bil Haq also implied here!

�ك� ه�م� �ئ �ول �ذ�ين� ص�د�ق�وا و�أ �ك� ال �ئ �ول أ�ق�ون� �م�ت ال

Exclusivity! True to their claim of Iman Truly Conscious of Allah Ī

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