tugas teknologi bioenergi 3

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    national Journal of Advanced Engineering TechnologyN 0976-3945arch Article


    Prakash1, S.P.Pandey2 , S.Chatterji3Address for Correspondence

    esearch Scholar, Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun Uttarakhand Indiafessor, MED, Kumaon Engineering College, Dwarahat Almora (Uttrakhand), India

    3 Professor, EED, NITTTR Chandigarh, IndiaEmail: prakashweb1@rediffmail.com

    RACTpaper deals with the experimental work carried out for the performance analysis of Compression Ignition (C I) enginealternative fuel/ vegetable oils from renewable oil, seed can be use when mixed with diesel fuels. Pure vegetable oils

    ver cannot be used in direct-injection diesel engines, such as those regularly used in standard engines. There are more thanil bearing crops identified among which only sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, rapeseed and peanut oils are considered astial alternative fuels for diesel engines. The major problem associated with the use of pure vegetable oils as fuels for dieseles are caused by high fuel viscosity in compression ignition engine. These problems can be minimized by the process ofesterification. In this study experimental investigation have been carried out to examine the performance parameters in termsake Specific Fuel Consumption(BSFC) and Brake Thermal Efficiency ( BTE) for different engine load from 1.8 kg to 6.6 kgifferent blending ratios like B0,B25,B50,B75,B100 of soya oil and their esters . Result indicated that B25 have closerrmance to diesel oil and B100 had lower performance mainly due to high viscosity compared to diesel. However its diesels showed reasonable lower smoke CO, and HC.

    WORDS Alternative Fuels, BSFC, Soya oil, soya oil blends,Performance,CI EngineTRODUCTIONmajor part of all energy consumed worldwidees from fossil sources (petroleum, coal andral gas). However these sources are limited ande exhausted by the near future. Thus looking fornative sources of new and renewable energy such

    dro, bio-mass, wind, solar, geothermal,ogen and nuclear is of vital importance.native new and renewable fuels have thential to solve many of the current social problemsconcerns, from air pollution and global warmingher environmental improvements andinability issues [1]. Vegetable oils have becomeattractive because of its environmental benefits

    he fact that it is made from renewable resources.table oils are a renewable and potentially

    haustible source of energy with an energeticent close to diesel fuel. The vegetable oil fuelsnot acceptable because they were morensive than petroleum fuels. However, withnt increase in petroleum prices and uncertainties

    erning petroleum availability, there is renewedest in vegetable oil fuels for diesel engine [2].uels are generally considered as offering manyerties, including sustainability, reduction ofnhouse gas emission regional development,l structure and agriculture, security of supplyn developed countries there is growing trendsrds employing modern technology and efficientnergy conversion using a range of bio-fuels,h are becoming cost wise competitive with fossil[4]. Conversion of the vegetable oils and animalnto bio-diesel has been undergoing furtherlopment over the past several years [5-10]. Bio-l represents an alternative to petroleum-basedl fuels and it is a mixture of mono-alkyl esters of

    acids, most often obtained from extracted plantnd/or collected animal fats. Commonly acceptedesel raw materials include the oils from soya,a, corn, rapeseed and palm. New plant oils thatnder consideration include mustard seed, peanut,ower and cottonseed. The most commonlydered animal fats include those derived fromry, beaf and pork [11].gy is an essential factor for economic growth;ver from oversea effect the countries hasred the expenses in terms of US$ for importingleum and its products, this can be avoided. Afterrises of Worlds oil in balance oil in 1971, everytry have tried to find a new energy that cance petroleum diesel by using their district energy

    ally Bio fuels. The Worlds economy to a muchnt the burning of fossil fuel. Fossil fuelvalent to some 180 million barrels of oil is being



    national Journal of Advanced Engineering TechnologyN 0976-3945

    nature took about one million years tomulate as fossil deposits. The world at present isonted with the twin crises viz (i) fuel depletionii) environment degradation. Indiscriminatection and lavish consumption of fossil fuel haveto the reduction in underground carbonurces. The search for alternative fuels whichises a harmonious correlation with sustainablelopment, energy conservation, managementency and environment preservation, has becomey pronounced and need of the world. For theloping countries of the world like India, fuels of

    rigin can provide a feasible solution of thes. The fuels of bio-origin may be alcohol,table oil, biomass and biogas. Some of thesecan be used directly while others need to be

    ulated to bring the relevant properties close toentional fuels.The power used in theultural and transportation sector is essentiallyd on diesel fuels and it is therefore, essential thatnatives to diesel fuels be developed urgently.getable oils and their derivatives used as analternative fuels

    use of vegetable oils directly in CI engine isciated with problem due to its high viscosityut 11-17 times higher than diesel fuel) and lowsity; they do not burn completely and form

    sits in the fuel injector of diesel engine [2]. Thisem is to be minimized by the transesterification

    ess.ansesterificationormation of methyl esters by transesterificationgetable oil requires raw oil, 15% of methyl andsodium hydroxide on mass basis. However,esterification is an equilibrium reaction in whichss alcohol is required to derive the reaction withcohol in presence of a catalyst to produce methyls. Glycerol was produced as a by-product ofesterification reaction.distinct layers form after gravity settling for 24The upper layer was of ester and lower was ofrol. The lower layer was separated out. The

    rated ester was mixed with some warm waternd 10% volume of ester) to remove the catalyst

    ent in ester and allowed to settle under gravity forher 24 hrs. The catalyst got dissolved in water,h was separated and removed the moisture. Theyl ester was then blended with mineral diesel inus concentrations for preparing biodiesel blendsused in CI engine for conducting various engine[12, 13, 14].perimental Setup

    present study was carried out to investigate thermance characteristics of soya oil and theirs in a constant speed, single cylinder, and foure, naturally aspirated, water cooled, directtion diesel engine of 3.75kW rating Kirlosker

    chosen for doing the experimental work. Theled specifications of the engine are given below

    ble1:e.1. Specification of engine


    d powerpression ratiodisplacement

    med speedng devicenjection timingker engineecylinder,Direction water cooledm



    re R1, R2 and R3 are long chain hydrocarbons.mixture was stirred continuously and thened to settle under gravity in a separating funnel.easure the brake power hydraulic dynamometeremployed. Neptune make exhaust gas analyzerused to measure the concentration of emissionsrbon mono-oxide and hydrocarbons. A smoker of Netel make was employed to measure the

    ke density of exhaust gas emitted from the dieselne. Temperature gauge was used to measure theerature of the exhaust gases. Experimental setupas sshown in fig.1.

    engine and the fuel were modified to obtainmum performance of the C.I. engine by using

    table oil and its blend with diesel. Thefication ensures the operation of the enginey for long-term. Two fuel tanks were installedholds the vegetable oil and its blends with diesel/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/186-191



    national Journal of Advanced Engineering TechnologyN 0976-3945

    he other tank holds the diesel oil. The C.I.ne has been modified as duel fuel engine. Theystem was modified by adding an additionaland a three way, hand operated, two-positiontional control valve, which allowed rapidhing between the vegetable oil blend and thel fuel. Fuel was fed to the injector pump underty and the volumetric flow rate was measured byse of 10cc graduated burette and a stopwatch.peed was measured by tachometer. The engine

    started on the diesel tank and runs on diesel forrst few minutes. While the vegetable oil was

    ed to lower the viscosity which has providedne durability improvements. Exhaust gases wereas heat source. When the fuel reaches thered temperature the engine is switched over toecond tank and runs on the blended fuel. Thene was switched back to diesel before stoppingngine and fuel system purged of vegetable oile switching off, so that there is no cold veg-oil

    o coke-up the injector next time when the enginerted. Starting and stopping the engine withl oil while running with vegetable oil eliminatesclogging. Injector was optimized for vegetablewell as fuel heating to have adequate

    acteristics of fuel jet, which has provided thepenetration and dispersion of fuel droplets.

    dic cleaning of nozzle tip has helped to ensureuate spray characteristics.Scematic Diagram of theexperimental setup/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/186-191



    national Journal of Advanced Engineering TechnologyN 0976-3945

    sting of the engine using blends of Jatropha with diesel

    use of vegetable oils as an alternative substituteystem, designed to run on diesel fuel willubtedly impose problems. Vegetable oil has anon quality equivalent to diesel fuel and their

    bustion characteristics are much the same, but viscosity is too high for the modern fuel pumps.

    er viscosity results in incomplete atomization ofvegetable oil fuel, which in turn prevents

    plete combustion of large fuel droplets, resultingrbon deposits. Fuel modification may, however,

    ove the viscosity of vegetable oil fuel. Thetable oils used as the fuel were soybean oil, Riceoil and Jatropha Curcas oil. Three blends ofvegetable oil were obtained by mixing diesel

    soybean oil, Rice Bran oil and Jatropha oil in thewing proportion by volume.% Vegetable Oil (B100)Vegetable Oil + 25% Diesel (B75)Vegetable Oil + 50% Diesel (B50)Vegetable Oil + 75% Diesel (B25)

    % Diesel (B0)servations

    engine was run using blended fuel and minerall and experiments were carried out. Properties of

    pha oil and their blending with diesel oil is

    n in following table 2, Which is used for testinggine performance and various performances can be obtained during test runs of the engine,

    data tabulated in table form in table 3(a) andWith the help of observation obtained in above3(a) and 3(b) plots were drawn for BSFC andor different engine load and various mixings as shown in Fig.2(a), and Fig.2(b)e.2. Properties jatropha oil, diesel oil andded fuelerties/BRic Gravity

    e.(3b). BTE (%) for different blend ratio anddifferent engine load (kg)


    (a) BSFC for different blending ratio with







    e. (3a). BSFC (kg/kwH) for different blendand different engine load (kg)kg)/BR







    (b) BTE for different blending ratio with thevariation of engine load

    er engine was run using blended fuel andral diesel and experiments were carried out.erties of jatropha oil esters(after esterification)heir blending with mineral diesel oil is shown in

    wing table 4, Which is used for testing of enginermance and various performance datas can bened during test runs of the engine, and dataated in table form in table 5(a) and 5(b)/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/186-191



    national Journal of Advanced Engineering TechnologyN 0976-3945

    e 4 Properties for jatropha oil Ester, diesel oil and blended fuel (BSO)erties/BRfic Gravityfic value(kJ/Kg)







    e: 5(a) BSFC (kg/kHz) for different blend ratio and different engine load (kg)kg) /BR








    e.5 (b) BTE (%) for different blend ratio and different engine load (kg)kg) /BR



    the help of observation obtained in above tableand 5(b) plots were drawn for BSFC and BTEfferent engine load and various mixing ratios asn in following Fig.3(a), and Fig.3(b)-

    3(a) BSFC for different blending ratio withthe variation of engine load

    3(b) BTE for different blending ratio with thevariation of engine load

    SULT AND DISCUSSIONesult in table 2 shows that pure biodiesel frompha oil has a specific gravity 0.9186 is greaterthat of mineral diesel oil of specific gravity

    5 means specific gravity of blended fuel is to beases . In case of calorific value is to be decreases blending percentage is to be increases. The4 shows same pattern also follow when

    pha oil ester blended with mineral diesel oilrding specific properties and calorific value.at minimum load (1.8 kg) for mineral diesel is

    d to be 0.4589 kg/kwh and 0.5577 kg/kwh forjatropha oil used as biodiesel. For minerall when engine load is to be increases BSFC is to

    ecreases. BSFC of jatropha methyl ester is found

    optimum for blending ratio of 20% (B20) ofesel. BTE for jatropha oil and jatropha oil esterbe optimum for blending ratio of 20% and 25%odiesel is very close to the performance of diesel

    ONCLUSIONrmance Analysis of Compression Ignition

    ne using alternative fuels as jatropha oil andester after esterification has successfully

    pared and the responses observed were basicfic fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency.e responses obtained from the vegetable oils andends were compared to the diesel fuel. Different/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June, 2011/186-191



    International Journal of Advanced Engineering TechnologyE-ISSN 0976-3945comparative graph is obtained and successfullycompared and author will suggest for replacement ofthe conventional fuel i.e. diesel by appropriatealternative fuels.REFERENCES1.

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    Karya ini membincangkan kerja percobaan yang dilakukan untuk analisis kinerja

    kompresi mesin (C saya) mesin menggunakan bahan bakar alternatif / minyak nabati dari

    terbarukan minyak, benih dapat digunakan bila dicampur dengan bahan bakar diesel. Murni

    minyak nabati namun tidak dapat digunakan pada mesin diesel direct injection, seperti yang

    secara teratur digunakan dalam standar mesin. Ada yang lebih dari 350 minyak bantalan tanaman

    diidentifikasi antara sunflower yang satunya, kedelai, biji kapas, Brassica napus dan minyak

    kacang dianggap sebagai potensi bahan bakar alternatif untuk mesin diesel. Masalah utama yang

    terkait dengan penggunaan minyak nabati murni sebagai bahan bakar untuk mesin diesel

    disebabkan oleh bahan bakar tinggi viskositas di kompresi penyalaan mesin. Masalah ini dapat

    diminimalkan oleh proses transesterifikasi. Dalam studi ini eksperimental investigasi telah

    dilakukan untuk memeriksa kinerja parameter rem spesifik bahan bakar Consumption(BSFC)

    dan efisiensi termal rem (BTE) untuk mesin berbeda yang memuat 1.8 kg 6,6 kg dan rasio

    pencampuran yang berbeda seperti B0, B25, B50, B75, B100 minyak kedelai dan Ester mereka.

    Hasilnya mengindikasikan bahwa B25 memiliki kinerja yang lebih dekat ke minyak diesel dan

    B100 memiliki kinerja lebih rendah terutama karena viskositas tinggi dibandingkan dengan

    diesel. Namun diesel yang memadukan menunjukkan wajar CO asap yang lebih rendah, dan HC.

    Bagian utama dari semua energi yang dikonsumsi di seluruh dunia berasal dari sumber-

    sumber fosil (minyak bumi, batubara dan gas alam). Namun sumber-sumber terbatas dan akan

    habis oleh masa depan. Jadi mencari alternatif sumber energi terbarukan dan baru seperti hidro,

    bio-massa, angin, solar, panas bumi, hidrogen dan nuklir adalah sangat penting. Alternatif bahan

    bakar baru dan terbarukan memiliki potensi untuk memecahkan banyak masalah sosial saat inidan keprihatinan, dari polusi udara dan pemanasan lain perbaikan lingkungan dan masalah

    keberlanjutan global.Minyak nabati telah menjadi lebih menarik karena manfaat lingkungan dan

    fakta bahwa itu adalah terbuat dari sumber daya terbarukan. Minyak nabati yang terbarukan dan

    berpotensi habis-habisnya sumber energi dengan konten yang energik dekat dengan bahan bakar

    diesel. Bahan bakar nabati yang tidak dapat diterima karena mereka lebih mahal daripada bahan

    bakar minyak bumi. Namun, dengan hari kenaikan harga minyak bumi dan ketidakpastian



    mengenai ketersediaan perminyakan, ada minat dalam bahan bakar minyak sayur untuk mesin

    diesel baru. Bio-bahan bakar umumnya dianggap sebagai menawarkan banyak properti,

    termasuk keberlanjutan, pengurangan gas rumah kaca emisi pembangunan daerah, struktur sosial

    dan pertanian, keamanan pasokan. Penggunaan minyak sayur langsung di mesin CI dikaitkan

    dengan masalah karena viskositas tinggi (sekitar 11 - 17 kali lebih tinggi daripada bahan bakar

    diesel) dan viskositas rendah; mereka tidak benar-benar membakar dan membentuk deposito diinjeksi bahan bakar mesin diesel [2]. Masalah ini akan diminimalkan dengan proses


    Pembentukan Ester metil oleh transesterifikasi dari minyak sayur memerlukan minyak

    mentah, 15% dari metil dan 5% natrium hidroksida secara massal. Namun, transesterifikasi

    adalah reaksi kesetimbangan di mana alkohol berlebih diperlukan untuk menurunkan reaksi

    dengan alkohol dalam kehadiran sebuah katalis untuk menghasilkan metil ester. Gliserol

    diproduksi sebagai produk samping reaksi transesterifikasi.

    Penggunaan minyak nabati sebagai pengganti alternatif dalam sistem, dirancang untuk

    dijalankan pada bahan bakar diesel tidak diragukan lagi akan memaksakan masalah. Minyak

    sayur memiliki kualitas pengapian setara dengan bahan bakar diesel dan karakteristik

    pembakaran mereka sama, tetapi tidak viskositas terlalu tinggi untuk pompa bahan bakar

    modern. Viskositas tinggi hasil lengkap atomisasi bahan bakar minyak sayur rapi, yang pada

    gilirannya mencegah pembakaran bahan bakar besar tetesan, mengakibatkan endapan karbon.

    Bahan bakar modifikasi mungkin, namun, meningkatkan viskositas bahan bakar minyak sayur.

    Minyak nabati yang digunakan sebagai bahan bakar adalah minyak kedelai, minyak dedak beras

    dan minyak jarak pagar. Tiga campuran minyak sayur setiap diperoleh dengan mencampurkan

    diesel dan minyak kedelai, minyak dedak beras dan Jatropha minyak dalam proporsi berikut

    dengan volume.

    100% Vegetable Oil (B100)75% Vegetable Oil + 25% Diesel (B75)50% Vegetable Oil + 50% Diesel (B50)25% Vegetable Oil + 75% Diesel (B25)100% Diesel (B0)

    Hasil dalam tabel 2 menunjukkan bahwa biodiesel yang murni dari minyak jatropha memiliki

    gravitasi spesifik 0.9186 lebih besar dari bahwa minyak mineral diesel gravitasi spesifik 0.835

    berarti gravitasi spesifik bahan bakar dicampur menjadi meningkat. Dalam hal nilai kalori adalah

    akan menurun ketika pencampuran persentase adalah menjadi meningkat. Tabel 4 menunjukkan

    pola sama juga mengikuti ketika ester minyak jatropha dicampur dengan mineral diesel minyak

    mengenai properti tertentu dan nilai kalori. BSFC pada minimum memuat (1.8 kg) untuk mineral

    diesel ditemukan 0.4589 kg/kwh dan 0.5577 kg/kwh untuk minyak jatropha murni yang

    digunakan sebagai biodiesel. Untuk diesel mineral ketika mesin beban menjadi meningkat BSFC

    adalah menjadi berkurang. BSFC dari jatropha metil ester ditemukan optimal untuk rasio

    campuran 20% (B20) biodiesel. BTE untuk minyak jatropha dan ester minyak jatropha adalah



    optimal untuk memadukan rasio 20% dan 25% biodiesel adalah sangat dekat dengan kinerja

    minyak diesel.

    Kinerja analisis dari kompresi penyalaan mesin menggunakan bahan bakar alternatif sebagai

    minyak jatropha dan ester mereka setelah esterifikasi telah berhasil dibandingkan dan tanggapan

    yang diamati adalah konsumsi bahan bakar dasar tertentu, efisiensi termal rem. Respons inidiperoleh dari minyak nabati dan campuran yang telah dibandingkan dengan bahan bakar diesel.

    Berbeda grafik perbandingan diperoleh dan berhasil dibandingkan dan penulis akan

    menyarankan untuk menggganti bahan bakar konvensional yaitu diesel oleh bahan bakar

    alternatif yang sesuai.




    Riyadi Teguh Raharjo

    NIM A1H009029








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