tuesday, 9th september 2014. welcome us as a catholic school priorities mission statement new...

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Tuesday, 9th September 2014

AIMS Welcome Us as a Catholic School Priorities Mission Statement New Curriculum

WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHERFor just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body (1 Corinthians 12:12-27)

WHY ARE WE HERE? We are a Catholic school- what does this

mean to us? What is Catholic education?

DISTINCTIVE NATURE OF A CATHOLIC SCHOOL Ever child is a child of God. We are all made in the image and

likeness of God. Everything we do is influenced and

underpinned by the Gospel values. (love, faith, hope, truth, joy, prayer, mission, justice, peace, mercy, community)

Christ is at the centre of everything we do.WitnessWordWatch

CORE PRIORITIES Raise quality of teaching and learning

Develop use of assessment dataDevelop questioningDevelop feedback and marking

Improve leadership and managementTargets for staff are challengingDevelopment of middle leadershipDevelop use of data for all middle leaders

CORE PRIORITIES High expectations Feedback and Marking Differentiation and challenge Development role of middle leadership





St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School

Our Mission


As a Catholic School we believe we are all children of Christ and together we create a loving Christian community underpinned by common Gospel values.


We will: Educate all children so they reach their full potential through

a memorable and exciting curriculum that challenges and inspires them.

Have high expectations for learning and attitudes so that all children strive for excellence in everything they do.

Nurture spiritual and moral development so that children act out the Christ in themselves and see the Christ in others and develop a deep and confident relationship with God.

Empower children so they become independent learners and thinkers so that they will make a difference.


We will do this as one family valuing the vital contribution of the school, home and parish in ensuring that our children receive the high standard of education they deserve. Our mission can be summarised as:


So through Christ, we can make a difference. 


WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER Committed Working together. Consistency High expectations

NEW CURRICULUM? We have introduced the new curriculum It sets out clear guidelines about

expectations for teaching and learning across the curriculum.

Raised the bar- expectations for what children are expected to achieve in each year group

CHANGES No specific timing allocations Different content, changes to subjects

taughtComputing- focus on programmingHistory- chronologicalGeography- more emphasis on the local

areaScience- more knowledge based

Raised expectations for attainment

National Curriculum

Our Curriculum

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? This is an incredibly exciting time. Opportunity to have fresh start and

design a curriculum that meets the needs of our pupils.

Opportunity for us all to take an active part and therefore take shared responsibility in our success.

HOW WILL THIS LOOK AT ST PETER CHANEL? Strive for excellence Educate every child and the whole child. Our vision is to inspire, challenge and

empower. Engage and motivate children Challenge thinking Focus on behaviour for learning. Empower to build up resilience,

determination and excellence.

STANDARDS High standards- all children deserve to

achieve at least good or better progress. Remove barriers to achievement

HOW WILL IT LOOK? Creative approach- meets all the

requirement of all the subjects of the new curriculum.

Led by the children. Memorable and exciting Knowledge Apply Reflect and present

HOW WILL IT LOOK? Where possible all subjects will be

included in this cross- curricular approach, however to ensure we maintain high standards of English and Maths and Religion, these will stand alone as well.

We have a resource for Maths and RE. We are looking for a teacher resource to support the teaching of Grammar.

PRESENTATION Parents will be invited in to see what we

have been learning. Newsletter

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