tu fu arleigh quizon 2b 3/19 the stream swirls. the wind moans in the pines. gray rats scurry over...

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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  • Tu Fu Arleigh Quizon 2B 3/19
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  • The stream swirls. The wind moans in The pines. Gray rats scurry over Broken tiles. What prince, long ago, Built this palace, standing in Ruins beside the cliffs? There are Green ghost fires in the black rooms. The shattered pavements are all Washed away. Ten thousand organ Pipes whistle and roar. The storm Scatters the red autumn leaves. His dancing girls are yellow dust. Their painted cheeks have crumbled Away. His gold chariots And courtiers are gone. Only A stone horse is left of his Glory. I sit on the grass and Start a poem, but the pathos of It overcomes me. The future Slips imperceptibly away. Who can say what the years will bring? 5 10 15 20 Jade Flower Palace Tu Fu
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  • Tu-Fu ranks together with his friend Li Tai-po as one of the greatest poets and social critics in Chinese history. Born into a scholarly family, Tu Fu received a Confucian education but failed in the Imperial examination. His poems speak of the sad fate of the people, and his deep hatred of war.
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  • Not much information on this poem Written by Tu Fu (A.D. 713-770). The poem reflects the Taoist idea that one should give in to the ways of the universe and not interfere with the natural order
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  • The poet is writing about this palace, which has been left to ruin. In his mind, he can only imagine what this palace must have been like before it was left to ruin. I believe there is a tone of confusion as to why something so grand and beautiful has been left to waste. At the end of the poem, the writer starts to wonder about his own future and his legacy, and whether their life's work will just crumble away when they are gone. The theme of this poem is not knowing what the future can bring. As time goes by, things get older and old.
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  • The winds moans in the pines. Personification Ten thousand organ pipes whistle and roar Personification His dancing girls are yellow dust Metaphor
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  • In The End Linkin Park One thing I don't know why It doesnt even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To explain in due time Time is a valuable thing Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings Watch it count down to the end of the day The clock ticks life away Didnt look out below Watch the time go right out the window Trying to hold on but didnt even know I wasted it all just to watch you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yw1Tgj9-VU
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  • The poem and the song are both related because they both talk about how time is valuable and how you shouldnt waste it. As time goes by, people and objects start to get older.
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  • In conclusion Tu Fu wrote this poem because he wonders about his future. The overall meaning of the poem is that in life things will change, nothing can stay new or young forever

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