tsigane etart

Post on 02-Aug-2015






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1. Gypsy Art Art and Gypsies Comenius Projet Lyce Henri Wallon - Aubervilliers Mars 2015 2. The gyspy art The gypsy art is an art that consists mainly in highliging nature and glory. However there is very little retrospective of the art because it's more a craft than an art in itself. Gypsy culture is rich in music, poetry, performance, freedom, painting, but these art form are too often misunderstood and rejected because of the preconceptions that people have about this people. 3. Painting of a gypsy scene of life In this picture we can see Gypsy people who are celebrating something . We can notice that everyone seems happy and the atmosphere is festive. The use of warm colors accentuates the generosity , the friendliness and the welcoming spirit of the people . There are many objects that are representative of this culture as the guitar, music, dance and cheerfulness that people emit . 4. Representation of a gypsy woman In these two pictures we can see that the dress style of a gypsy woman is rather a very colorful style , which is representative of their festive moods. 5. Chagall's painting Les gens du voyage, 1968 Chagall isn't a gypsy but a Belarusian and Soviet naturalized and he is French however he has always been fascinated by these people and their culture. That's why he decided to make them the key theme of all his works . 6. Two CD covers containing a set of gypsy songs " The ball of the Gypsy " is a music compilation of gypsy inspiration which appeared in 2 volumes , the first one in 2006 and the second in 2007. Gypsy music is festive and noisy and contains a lot of stringed instruments . 7. Gypsy Dance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5StMOXoBgvo The gypsy dances are very festive and very fast. Most of the time people are dancing in couples or facing each other. 8. Gypsy dances 9. Upon their arrival in Europe, Gipsies have been notorious for their dances which have similarities with flamenco dances and Indian dances. We can find in these dances the same foot raps. It is remarkable that children learn to dance at the same time they learn to talk. Pictures below show the historical continuity of the Gypsy dance and its affiliation the Indian dance 10. But gypsy dance has also some particularities that makes it unique. Full of rhythm, emotions, it's a dance of parties and challenges which has its codes and its own technique. 11. But, unfortunately, today, Gypsy's dance tend to disappear. It's a painting of a gypsy in her traditional dress painted thick which gives a relief effect which wants to imitate the movement of the dress. Behind her, a guitar painted of acrylic which reminds of the gypsy music. Dance and music play an important role in the gypsies's communities. 12. Here again, we can find we find those warm colours. Its an oil painting made with a knife. We can see a gypsy camp and gipsies are gathered around a campfire, playing music to accompany a dancer. Note that the dancer's dress has the exact same colors as the colors of the fight which gives the image of a warm, welcoming community. 13. Gypsy Divinatory Arts 14. Cristallomancie The cristallomancie comes from gipsy population because these are the first users of cristal balls. Before gipsies, witches used pieces of crystal to read the future. With this art, its possible to know the near future as well as the distant future. The origin of the word cristallomancie comes from the greek

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