trojan war

Post on 06-May-2015






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Detailed Reason For War

• Zeus, king of the gods, saw that the earth was over populated.

• He saw the Trojan War as an opportunity to depopulate the earth including his demigods.

• Demigods are children Zeus made with human women.

• The Apple of Discord better known as the Golden Apple of Discord, went up for grabs at the marriage of Peleus and Thetis (parents of Achilles).

• Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. Aphrodite offered Paris, holder of the apple, the most beautiful woman in the world. That being Helen already wife of Menelaus.

• While on a diplomatic mission, Paris automatically fell in love with Helen.

• Paris with this new love illegally took Helen to Troy to be his wife.

• While all of this is happening Menelaus is away, not knowing the matter of events that has taken place in his absence.


• Achilles at the time was one of the Greeks most powerful and skilled warriors.

• Achilles at birth was dipped in the Styx river making him invincible all over except his ankle which he was held by (Achilles Heel).

• Achilles had done the Greeks a great favor by easily wiping out many Trojans including their heir to the throne Hector.

Odysseus, A Trojan War Elite

• Odysseus just as Achilles was one of the greatest warriors of Greece. He was also king of Ithaca.

• Odysseus during the war desecrated a temple of Poseidon causing him to wonder the Mediterranean for ten years not going home.

• Homer describes Odysseus's journey in the Odyssey.

• The Greeks touched down on Troy with a very large naval fleet.

• The war begins. But a prophecy foretold that the first Greek to touch Trojan soil would die first. Achilles threw his shield on the ground and jumped on it. Protesilaus soon jumped after being the first to die in battle.

• The fight continues for about 9 long and agonizing years.

• Attempts to sweep the war was nearly impossible.

• The great warriors of Greece were not letting up.

• During the war, a very close friend or cousin of Achilles dies in action.

• The rage of Achilles could not be controlled as he went on an all-out rampage on the Trojan army.

• He calls out Hector, Troy’s best warrior. Achilles chases Hector around the wall of Troy for three days.

• Achilles easily kills him and drags Hectors body around for nine days.

• An idea came comes to Odysseus that could finally end the war

• Odysseus had a giant hollow horse, a sacred animal to the Trojans, filled with soldiers in a disguise as a surrender.

• When the Trojans take the statue in they celebrate and get drunk. The soldiers in the horse attack Troy from the inside.

• Catching the Trojans completely off guard and unprepared troy fell easily.

• During the raid of Troy sadly Achilles is killed

• As prophecy, Paris being skilled In archery, launches an arrow to Achilles only vulnerable body part the heel.

• Achilles is praised as a war legend towards the Greek.

Sack Of Troy

• Ten years go by and with the plan of the hollow horse statue, Greece is the conqueror of Troy.

• Troy finally had their walls breached by the brilliant mind of Odysseus a master tactician and strategist.




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