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News from Trinity Episcopal Church in Bloomington, Indiana


Keeping the Sabbath HolyFrom the Rector

In the Christian tradition, we also

have a day of rest: Sundays — the

day of resurrection. A day off, some

might call it; a day to cease from

the routines of the workweek; a day

to appreciate the gift and beauty

of life. It is also a day of new begin-

ning and remembrance, of taking

stock of who we are and to whom

we belong.

I enjoy hearing stories of how

Sundays have been treated as spe-

cial days. I remember one gentle-

man telling me, “Sundays were very

special days in my family. They

were so special that on Saturday

night, my brothers and sisters and I

polished our shoes so that they’d be

extra shiny on Sunday mornings.”

Another person said of Sundays, “The only thing my mother did on Sundays was cook lunch. After lunch, we’d all sit on the porch and watch the day go by.” Even recently, I hear people speak of the extra ef-forts that they go through to attend church on Sunday mornings.

While I am persuaded that the Trinity community holds Sundays as sacred, the rest of the world tends to treat Sunday like any other day. In the past stores were closed on Sundays, but now some of us have to work so that the patterns of shoppers and diners go uninter-rupted. We need to be available to our bosses through phone or e-mail. Our children have all-day ath-letic obligations. Extra-curricular activities have crept far beyond the confines of a school week. Sundays just aren’t special. But as Christians living in the world, we are called to live differently. We need to ask ourselves, “How can we keep Sun-days special? How can we live into Sunday’s sacredness?”

We begin by simply recognizing and remembering that God created a day of rest — a day to recharge ourselves. Doesn’t it make sense that if a perfect God needed to rest, then it is good for us imperfect people to rest?! While sleeping in on Sunday mornings seems like the perfect answer for achieving this rest, true rest and rejuvenation comes through our gathering for Sunday worship. Our goal in wor-ship is to join with our spiritual family in giving thanks to God for the gifts of life. When we individu-ally and corporately identify our blessings, we restore our identity as children of God, not children of the world. When we take the time to do these things, we are able to reconnect with how deeply we are treasured by God. And so we can rest. We can rest in God.

But, sometimes, our attending church challenges Sunday’s very sense of sacredness. Sometimes, church seems more like work than rest! We come to church and we wonder if we’re doing the liturgy (the “work of the people”) right. We exhaust ourselves by “shushing” our children and keeping them still because we are worried they are distracting. We talk about Trinity business. We conduct church meet-ings. Too much of this activity can turn the Sunday morning experi-ence into one that is pressure-filled instead of light-filled — one that is work-full and not restful. Herein

God had a busy six days. He created the earth, the sky, the sea creatures, the birds of the air. He created the sun and the stars. God even created a perfect place, Eden, where he placed the first people. God declared all these things ‘good,’ and then... God rested. God blessed the sev-enth day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation. (Gen 2:2)

July, 2010N E W S F R O M T R I N I T Y E P I S C O PA L C H U R C H

by Rev. Charlie DuPree and Danica D’Onofrio


PAGE 2 Trinity Topics July, 2010

111 S. Grant St.Bloomington, IN 47408

(812) 336-4466 | FAX (812) 336-6016

Trinity StaffRECTOR

The Rev. Charlie DupreeCLERGY ASSISTANT

The Rev. Virginia B. HallDEACON


Janet BrinkworthBOOKKEEPER






Hillary SullivanSEXTONS

Mike Peppler, Jim Shackelford

Trinity VestryRECTOR’S WARDEN Randy Lloyd

PEOPLE’S WARDEN Kimberly HurleySpencer AnspachMary Jo Barker

Mary Ellen BrownKelly CarnahanNorm Crampton

Jim CripeMary Ann Hart

Chris JohnsMary Ann Keko

Todd LaDowEarl SingletonLarry Taylor

Susan WilliamsCLERK Janet Stavropoulos

lies a challenge. Our morning worship is an opportunity to slow down and to rest in the presence of God. Our Sunday is also a time to connect with our faith community; say hello to old friends and make our guests feel wel-come. So, will you please explore with me ways to reacquaint ourselves with the sacredness of Sunday? As a way of doing so, I’d like to suggest trying the following Sunday practices to try at church and at home:n Carve out some special time for

yourself and your family on Sun-days. Do something different: go on a picnic, go get ice cream, go on a hike, sit on your porch. Live a day “unplugged.”

n Declare Sunday a non-work day for yourself. Work can creep into our day. Don’t mow the lawn. Put off laundry for another day. A simple declaration of, “No work today,” can set us free to take a deep breath and move more freely.

n Plan church meetings on days other than Sundays. It’s great that Trinity is such a busy place.

There is a lot to plan. If a com-mission, committee, or task force needs to meet, refrain from doing so on Sundays.

n Refrain from chatting about church business on Sundays. It’s easy to slip into ‘shop talk’ at church. Try to politely redirect discussion of church business by saying, “I really want to talk about that. Can we set up a time to talk about it during the week?” Instead, you may want to discuss what “Sunday rest” means to you.

I realize that this may be difficult for some of us, especially those of us whose weeks are absolutely packed. The work of life is incredibly impor-tant, as is the work of the church. But the work we can do to reorganize and reprioritize our lives will be work well done. So when we begin our week with rest, we live into God’s desire for us to have a time and a place to refocus, recharge, and re-acquaint ourselves with the very One who cre-ated us, blessed us, and made time for rest.

By Alex May

For three evenings the last week in July (26, 28, and 30 from

5:30-8 p.m.), Trinity will join with First Presbyterian Church and First Christian Church to volunteer in the Bloomington Community. We will gather briefly at one of the churches before setting off to several prear-ranged locations.

Options include: gardening in the Wonderlab garden, sorting food at MCUM, clerical work at VIM, sorting clothes at Hannah House and much more.

There is something for every skill level and every age. There are out-side and inside activities. For those who would rather stay at church, we will participate in ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ and pass out free lemon-ade or popsicles.

On Sun., Aug. 1 we will have a wrap up pool party at Bryan Park Pool. This week takes the place of Va-cation Bible School and is intended for ALL AGES. For more information, download the brochure and regis-tration form or contact Alex May, (812) 334-4057 or Registration forms are due July 11.

VBS 2010: A mission trip in Bloomington open to all ages

PAGE 3Trinity Episcopal Church BLOOMINGTON, IN his hands! And so we sang of God’s blessings during our outdoor community

Eucharist at our May 29 “Family Fun and Fellowship Day.” More than fifty people (at least half of them children) came together for a day of ad-venturing at Waycross, the diocesan retreat and conference center. With no cellphone reception our afternoon was spent “unplugged” and enjoy-ing the wonders of God’s creation.

We pranced in sprinklers and slid down a giant slip ‘n slide. We climbed the rock wall and paddled canoes. We explored the wilderness trails and collected geodes and crawdads from the meandering streams. And, of course, we ate! At the end of the day, nine families remained and spent the night in cabins, including Johannes (8 mos.) and Tressa (5 weeks.)


He’s got mosquitoes and Skittles...

Photos courtesy of Danica D’Onofrio

PAGE 4 Trinity Topics July, 2010

Education for Ministry (EfM) is a program from the School of The-

ology of the University of the South. As every baptized person is called to ministry, EfM provides people with the resources to explore and carry out that ministry. With the Bible in one hand, great theologians, the newspaper and our personal lived experiences in the other hand, week to week we search for God’s voice. One year at a time we engage one another and all that is available to us to pray, think, reconcile and live out the questions of life. Over a course of four years (the whole program) we become more cognizant of the direc-tions that our personal ministries appear to take and how our call to ministry can change.

First year student, Susan Siena:More than 30 weeks of Sunday

afternoon meetings, more than 600 pages of commentary, and countless chapters of the Old Testament: along with some great snacks, fellowship, and theological discussion of person-al & current issues: this was my first year of EfM. Would I do it again? Yes!

What I have gained is a road map that will help me navigate the Old Testament and by extension Christi-anity. The Old Testament is much too complicated to completely under-stand even in a lifetime of study, so

30 weeks and 600 pages only scratch the surface. But EfM gives a frame-work for understanding each of the books in the Old Testament – who might have written it and why, to what extent the text tells us about actual, historical events, and what might have been added or edited later. EfM is not a purely academic study, however — the course also encourages us to wrestle with the theological questions within the Old Testament and think about what these very old texts have to say to us today.

EfM is organized a little bit like a one-room schoolhouse: this year we had members working in all four-years of the course. This structure allowed those of us in our first year to have a sneak peek ahead into the New Testament, church history, and theology. The issues brought to the table depended upon the interests of each student because there is far too much to cover even in two and a half hours. Reflecting upon our assigned texts, some of us brought questions, others criticism, and one the always funny “K-Mart version” of church history. Each week’s study included a common lesson — usually a “TR” or “theological reflection,” during which we worked as a group to apply our faith to personal and public con-cerns ranging from in-law troubles

to I-69. EfM is a thought-provoking and demanding course that was worth every one of those 34 weeks.

A reluctant, questioning student: Nancy Hutchens:

Making the decision to take EfM was difficult for me. I’d heard so many people talk about how much time it took and how intense the reading load is. Well, it does take time. It is a serious commitment. And, yes, there is a lot of reading —both Bible and commentary. But, the work and time commitment was manageable. More importantly, the experience was more than worth the effort. In the first year, we systemati-cally plowed through the Old Testa-ment, which I had never read in it’s entirely. Every page wasn’t assigned reading, but we certainly covered everything but the most extrane-ous areas. The first five books are treated in considerable depth — to give us grounding in the foundations of Judaism. The EfM experience was deeply personal, but not too touchy-feely. I really got that we are all on a shared faith journey.

My initial reaction to our group was to ask myself, how much do I have in common with others in the class? Would I ‘fit in?’ Sometime dur-ing the course of the year, a reward-ing fellowship and Christian love emerged. As someone new to Trinity and Bloomington who left long-time friends behind in New York, this strengthen my sense of belonging. We embraced each others differ-ences; we supported each other in the face of a tragedy when one of our members died unexpectedly; and, we deepen our knowledge of the basis of our faith. And, I do plan on taking the second year.


Reflections on EfM; preparations for new year beginA new year of Education for Ministry (EfM) will begin in late

August. If interested in learning more about EfM, please plan to

attend an introductory meeting, Tuesday, July 13, at 6:30 –

8 p.m. or call Trinity’s co-mentors, Gloria Hasler, (812) 334-1599,

or The Rev. Virginia Hall, (812) 336-4466.

PAGE 5Trinity Episcopal Church BLOOMINGTON, IN

Book Reviews by Barbara Bloom


September book group to read The HelpHave you read, or might you enjoy reading the 2009 novel by Kath-ryn Stockett, The Help about black domestic servants in Mississippi around 1960? A discussion group with Marci Bryan, (812) 340-2827, and Pat Agnew, (812) 339-0063, is planned for Mondays, September 20 and 27, 7–8:30 p.m. in the Library. A few copies of the book will be available in the office. If you’re interested, give one of us a call.

The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity, by Wm Paul Young (2007). Los Angeles, CA: Windblown Media.

This is an unusual book, which I would not have chosen for myself, but many people around me were reading it and were enthu-siastic about it, so I decided to read it. It is book of fiction and I would call it a fantasy. It is the story of Mack, a man whose little daughter was murdered and who, in the midst of his painful grief, receives a cryptic invita-tion to visit the shack where Missy was killed. To his surprise, he discovers that the current occupants of the shack are God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Wisdom. As you can imagine, Mack has a lot of grief and pain and many questions to express. Through conversations with these unique individuals and through activities with them, Mack grows in his ability to assess his situation and to see the cosmic significance of this tragedy. Painfully, he grows in forgiveness and in understanding. In the pro-cess, many sophisticated theological issues are presented to the reader in understandable and practical language. We learn along with Mack. This is a sad book with an edifying and joyful and hopeful message. I recommend it to everyone, especially to young adults.

Some Things Are Unbreakable by Kate Willette (2006). Seattle, WA: Coal Creek Press

Kate Willett is a wife, mother, teacher, and part-time leader of a youth group at her local Congregational church. She is the mother in the family of this memoir describing the process of re-covery of her husband, Bruce, following his spinal cord in-jury. This book is a well-written and very honest account of a family’s surviving and eventually thriving despite the very serious injury of its primary breadwinner. As well, it is an excellent description of how a community of faith organized themselves to provide necessary sup-port — practical, emotional and spiritual — to a family in desperate need of immediate help.

This is a thoughtful and beautiful memoir which of-fers practical information for all people involved with persons with disabilities. While this book is specifically about spinal cord injury, the imaginative reader could apply the message to any person or family with a “differ-ence.” This book can help us as family, or as church, or as a school, or as a society, to enlarge our lives, so that people who are different can be included within our circles and can take part as much as possible. This would be an excellent choice for any book group, especially a book group within a community of faith.

PAGE 6 Trinity Topics July, 2010

By Jennifer Lloyd

While Trinity marked the end of its Centennial year in the

days leading up to Pentecost, I trav-eled to Brazil with a small group from the Diocese of Indianapolis to join in celebration of another milestone: 50 years of the Anglican presence in our companion diocese of Brasilia. My participation in this pilgrimage was partially funded by the Outreach Commission’s Mission Trip fund. Here are some highlights of the trip; more photos can be seen on the Outreach bulletin board, and a live presentation will be made this fall.

SUNDAY, MAY 16 After 22 hours of travel, our group of eight ar-rives in Palmas, Brazil. Located 400 miles north of Brasilia, Palmas was founded 20 years ago as the capital of the newly created state of Tocan-tins. The Diocese of Brasilia includes Tocantins as well as the state of Goia (where the Federal District of Brasilia is located) and part of the state of Minas Gerais.

The tropical rainforest climate makes getting off the airplane feel like walking into a hot, wet blanket. In the company of Bishop Mauricio and Sandra Andrade and Denilson Olivato, we stop at our hotel be-fore heading to evening services at Christ the Liberator, a store-front church that is one of two Anglican

missions in Palmas. After a lei-surely (45-minute) guitar prelude, husband-and-wife priests Luis and Lucia lead the small congregation in a service that features contempo-rary Brazilian music and significant youth involvement— themes we will see repeated throughout our visit. The gospel procession consists of young girls in simple robes who sing and dance as they carry the bible from the street outside to the altar.

MONDAY, MAY 17 In the morning, we travel to Christ the Redeemer, the other Palmas mission, which holds services in the front court-yard of a small house. The back yard of the house is the construction site for Casa A+, the newest project of the Diocese, which is nearing com-pletion. This simple 3-room build-ing will provide short-term housing for patients visiting Palmas for treatment of HIV/AIDS. Local health officials, GBLT advocates, and clergy from Tocantins and Goias gather as Bishop Mauricio blesses the house, which represents the culmination of many hopes and dreams. It is a very emotional moment.

After sunset, we visit a tract of land which the government of Pal-mas has recently presented to the Diocese. The size and location offer many opportunities to develop the Anglican presence in Palmas over

the next several years. Bp. Mauricio leads a prayer, and we sing hymns of thanksgiving in English and Portuguese.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 19 After returning to Brasilia (a cooler and much less humid city!) on Tuesday, we head to Pedregal, a neighbor-hood in Novo Gama, a satellite city of Brasilia. Here we visit a S.A.M.E. program. Run by the Diocese, the program provides supervision and tutoring to about 25 young stu-dents. Later, we visit Holy Spirit church in Pedregal and its youth-ful priest, Luciano. Last year Holy Spirit became the first parish in the diocese besides the Cathedral to become self-sufficient.

Notes from a trip to


PAGE 7Trinity Episcopal Church BLOOMINGTON, IN

THURSDAY, MAY 20 We board our van and travel two hours outside Brasilia to the city of Anapolis, the home of Reconciliation Mission and its priest, Rev. Lucia. Marylin Day (St. David’s Bean Blossom) and I are thrilled to see the completed S.A.M.E. classrooms we helped build in October, 2008.

FRIDAY, MAY 21 Bishop Cate Waynick joins our group . We are privileged to sit on the floor of the House of Deputies at the Na-tional Congress as Bishop Mauricio receives a formal commendation on behalf of the Anglican Church

for its 50 years of work in the city. Clergy and friends of the Diocese are assembling from all over Brazil and the world for the weekend’s celebration.

SATURDAY, MAY 22 We make a short trip to Paranoa, another satel-lite city of Brasilia, which is home to The Most Holy Trinity mission. Under the direction of Rev. Josias, this two-room church serves a tiny congregation consisting almost entirely of women and children. It also hosts a S.A.M.E. program, a Sunday School, and several educa-tional and formational programs

for its parish and the community. While here, I have the opportu-nity to meet with parishioner and S.A.M.E. teacher Vivian and her son, Walster, who has Down Syndrome. Under the leadership of Nola Bloemendaal, Trinity and Down Syndrome Family Connection raised funds through calendar sales toward Walster’s education, and I have the privilege of presenting that gift to Vivian.

At night, we all gather at the Cathedral for presentations of the 50 years of history in Brasilia. Nearly all of the former priests, deans and bishops are still living,






1 Chancel, Holy Spirit Church, Pedregal 2 Gospel procession at Christ the Liberator, Palmas 3 Bishop Mauricio and Tocantins clergy at Casa A+ 4 Bp. Mauricio and Indiana visitors on the floor of the House of Deputies 5 Chan-cel, Holy Spirit Church, Pedregal 6 Jennifer with kids at S.A.M.E., Pedregal 7 Vivian and Walster at Holiest Trinity, Paranoal

7 Photos courtesy of Jennifer Lloyd

PAGE 8 Trinity Topics July, 2010

By Marci Bryan

If you’ve been around the Trinity Office on certain Wednesday after-

noons, you may have noticed more babies and toddlers with their moms than usual. They are participating in the Outreach Commission’s newest ministry: end of the month diaper distribution.

This new ministry is the brain-child of Charlie+ and diaconal intern Jim Lowney. When Jim was working with Trinity staff last fall, Charlie asked him to identify a way that dia-pers cold be provided for community members in need. Since diapers can-not be purchased with Food Stamps but require cash, families often found their money wouldn’t stretch far enough at the end of the month

to buy diapers for their littlest mem-bers. When Jim made a presentation to the Outreach Commission, they agreed that this new ministry should be included in the Commission’s 2010 budget request to the Vestry.

Four volunteers agreed to work out the logistics of the distribu-tion: Katie Bambrick, Marci Bryan, Erin Thompson, and Jill Wood. They decided to package 10 diapers per size plus a supply of wipes, using supplies purchased with a cash card and plastic bags donated by Eastside Kroger Manager and Vestry Member Todd LaDow.

After consulting with Parish Ad-ministrator Janet Brinkworth who (along with office volunteers) would be distributing the packages, the volunteer team settled on the fourth

Wednesday of the month as “Diaper Day.” Wednesday afternoons were already a time when those needing financial assistance could be seen by Father Charlie or Mother Virginia.

The word was spread to Shalom and other community agencies about this new ministry in time for the first distribution in April. Three families came to receive diapers and wipes. By May it was clear that news of the new ministry had gotten around: ten families with 13 babies and toddlers came to Trinity.

Everyone associated with the new ministry is eagerly awaiting the June 23 distribution date to learn how many families will participate in the June distribution.

S T E W A R D S H I P : G I V I N G T I M E , T A L E N T , T R E A S U R E

and most have been able to come for the event. It is touching to see so many happy reunions taking place around us. During the reception, Bishop Cate announces that the Diocese of Indianapolis has col-lected a gift of $10,000 toward the Casa A+ project. With tears in his eyes, Bishop Mauricio later confides to some of us that this is the exact amount that had still been needed for completion of the project.

PENTECOST SUNDAY The pro-cession of bishops and clergy (Five bishops! Twelve clergy!) wearing Pentecostal red is a stirring sight. Bishop Cate delivers the sermon at this Eucharist service that is the pinnacle of the anniversary cel-ebration. Remembering the begin-nings of the early Church during a

week when we have witnessed the challenges and joys of the many tiny missions in the Brasilia diocese has created a new understanding and immediacy of our own faith for those on our pilgrimage.

After the service, we gather un-der mango trees in the yard behind the Cathedral for a cookout. There is no chocolate fountain, but there are entire racks of beef ribs on skewers! The day is marred only by the absence of our friend Denilson, who has been hospitalized after contracting the dengue fever that is rampant in the area.

MONDAY, MAY 24 We meet with Bishop Mauricio and Sandra to discuss our visit and consider fu-ture directions for the relationship between our dioceses, and with our third companion diocese of Bor, Sudan. Many ideas percolate, both

during this conversation and later as we talk among ourselves. In the evening, we say goodbye to many of our friends during a farewell recep-tion at Mauricio and Sandra’s home. Tomorrow we leave for home.

AFTERWARD Two days after our group leaves Brasilia, Bishop Mauricio and Sandra head south to Sao Paulo for their General Conven-tion. In addition to serving as the Bishop for the Diocese of Brasilia, and currently as interim Dean of the Cathedral, Mauricio is also the Primate (Archbishop) of the Province of Brazil, and he is up for re-election at the convention. He is in fact re-elected, unanimously and by acclamation.

Denilson recovers from his ill-ness.

I start researching Portuguese language classes.

Diaper ministry hopes to help rash of families


PAGE 9Trinity Episcopal Church BLOOMINGTON, IN

S T E W A R D S H I P : G I V I N G T I M E , T A L E N T , T R E A S U R E

For many people Trinity Church is the beautiful sanctuary where

we gather Sunday mornings to sing praises to God, listen to what ancient scriptures might possibly have to say to us or where we lay heavy burdens on the altar. To others it is a quiet weekday service on Wednesday or a service with our campus Chaplain on Thursday evenings. There is another “congregation” that meets with of-fice volunteers and the clergy any hour of the day or day of the week. They know that, whether we can answer their question or give them financial assistance, they will be welcomed and heard.

Here, we see and hear what some of the most basic needs of our com-munity are: health, food, shelter and friendship. As this “congrega-tion” grows, and because of limited financial and human resources (ie. time), we have restricted requests for financial assistance to Tuesdays and Wednesday when we are assured that one of the clergy will be in the office to respond to the need. Our of-fice volunteers triage calls and set up appointments. Our greatest requests come for rental assistance, deposits and utilities. Here are some of their stories.

An office volunteer told me this story and how sad it makes her feel to see so many needs when people come into the office: One morning, before the Sunday 9 a.m. service began, I noticed a man with a back pack and disheveled clothing. I presumed he was one of our homeless guests in his early 50’s.. I said, “Hello.” His response was, “I don’t know if I should be here.” I leaned forward and showed him our bulletin pointing to “Open to all. Open to love. Open to serve.” He looked at me and said, “Oh you took letters and made words out

of them.” I then realized he couldn’t read. He started telling me about his plight, pleased to have a shelter to stay in and for Trinity. He had the nicest smile and kept smiling. He stayed for the service and I showed him where we were in the bulletin. When I stood, he stood. When I kneeled, he kneeled. When it was time for communion, he came with me and knelt at the altar and received the bread and wine. When the service was over, I said, “It’s good to have you here.” He kissed my hand and said, “Thank you.”

Another volunteer especially likes to connect with women: I especially like helping people to feel at ease — moms and kids or adults of either gender who are waiting to hear about a very impor-tant decision concerning them that is being made by other people. Yes, some of the people are trying “to pull a fast one”, but that is not my concern. Most are hon-est and simply trying to survive and we at the desk can check our records for pre-vious help given, which excludes people for at least 6 months. I can usually keep the kids busy with the candy that is on the desk which they eye longingly. Ques-tions and stories interest the kids, too. With the adults, I simply visit with them. Very quickly we can get to a topic that helps to pass the waiting time. Just being friendly and displaying some compassion goes a long way to help our visitors, who because of circumstances, are forced to ask for help when they would prefer to meet their own needs themselves, just like all of us. My experience raising three kids alone, like many of these women, of-ten helps me to connect with the women. They see a survivor in me. They can do it, too.

We also see students: A first time older Ivy Tech student came in and requested help with school supplies and was thrilled and grateful that we could help.

Another volunteer reflects on re-quests for financial assistance: These are people, people like us, who need help with rent, utilities, or transportation. These are the faces of the silent amongst us, the ones clergy assist with their discretionary funds. It is heartbreaking to turn people away as there won’t be any money to help for perhaps 3 weeks. My wife and I make our pledged donation to Trinity electronically. On the occasion that we are in Bloomington and in the congregation, an extra check is written to Trinity for the Rector’s Discretionary Fund” on the memo line. Won’t you please consider doing the same? The Discre-tionary Fund is what is available for the above needs. Our clergy do a wonder-ful job in screening to assure that these funds are used wisely. St. Matthew states that “ just as you did to one of the least of my family, you did to me.”

The Canons of the Diocese of Indianapolis are clear: The first Sunday of the month, any undesig-nated funds that are received in the offering are to be given to the Rec-tor’s Discretionary Fund. After each first Sunday, Mona Baker, our office accountant, deposits these funds in a separate account. Only the clergy have access to these funds and they must be used for outreach to those in need.

We are grateful to each of you who make this possible. In March, April and May, we assisted 59 individuals for an average of $65-75 dollars for rent, utilities, some prescriptions, phone cards or transportation, a total of over $4,300. of your contri-butions. The needs increase with our economic situation and we are always grateful for your generosity. Charlie, Connie and I thank you very much.

— Virginia+

The faces of Trinity you may not see

PAGE 10 Trinity Topics July, 2010


Choir to welcome new music intern this fall By Marilyn Keiser, Director of Music

During our Centennial Year there have been so many wonderful

highlights — the All Saints Day ser-vice, The Advent Lessons and Carols, Easter services and anthems week by week that comfort and inspire. The choir members exemplify amazing dedication, loyalty, good humor, and magnificent musicianship.

I am writing to tell you about our plans for the choir during this com-ing year. Our Music Intern, Hillary Sullivan, will be getting married in early September. Hillary has brought wonderful musical gifts to us, and I rejoice for her in her new life with Mark Doerries. (The Church Music In-tern position has been in place since 1984. It is funded in part by Indiana University. It is open for a student ac-tively enrolled in a degree program.)

Since Hillary has now completed her course work in the MM program, with a double major in voice and organ. The new intern will be Elaine Sonnenberg. Elaine is a DM student, a skilled organist and director, and a musician with lots of experience in working with children and hand-bells.

We will welcome her at the begin-ning of September. Within the next month we find a time to honor and thank Hillary for her outstanding work this year.

Josef Ciskanik will continue for another year as the Organ Scholar.

I send my profound thanks for your abiding support and for your heartfelt singing every Sunday.

by Gates Agnew

On Saturday night, June 19, the History Commission honored Chris Johns and Nancy Rayfield for their superlative contributions to the

2009–10 Trinity Centennial Celebration. Chris was Chairman of the year-long event, and Nancy led the History Commission’s Timeline in the Great Hall and its offerings in Topics.

Commission members gathered for dinner at the Johnson’s were (first row) Nancy Rayfield, Chairman John Johnson, Liz Winkler; and (back row) Gates Agnew, Steve Gable, and Chuck Watson.

The History Commission is currently preparing an article on the four Trinity rectors who served during the last four decades of the twentieth century: the Revs. Bill Eddy, Charles Perry, Don Davis, and Hugh Laughlin. Any member would be glad to receive your memories and stories from these crucial years.

History Commission honors contributions to Centennial

ABOVE (front row) Nancy Rayfield, Committee Chairman John John-son, Liz Winkler; (back row) Gates Agnew, Steve Gable, and Chuck Watson.

RIGHT Chris Johns and Nancy Rayfield

Photos courtesy of the History Committee

PAGE 11Trinity Episcopal Church BLOOMINGTON, IN


TriniTy Topics is a publication of Trinity Episcopal Church, Bloomington, Ind. It is in-tended to stimulate greater awareness of and appreciation for the activities of Trinity Episcopal Church. All contents Copyright © 2010 Trinity Episcopal Church. Permission to reprint any part of TriniTy Topics must be obtained in writing from the managing edi-tor. TriniTy Topics is published monthly.

Comments: If you have a comment or suggestion concerning TriniTy Topics, write Kelly Carnahan at or send a letter care of Trinity Episcopal Church, 111 S. Grant Street, Bloomington, IN 47408.

Submit an article: The heart of TriniTy Topics is writing by its members. Whether you choose to write about an area of expertise, a Trinity event (past or present), or a cur-rent news topic, your information may interest and assist members of the Trinity Parish community. Articles for consideration are due to the editor by the third Monday of the preceding month. While all articles are considered, preference is give to those with direct relevance to Trinity Episcopal Church, its activities, and its mission.

Trinity Topics now accepting book and movie reviews. Have you read a good book lately? Would you recommend it to a friend? TriniTy Topics is now accepting book reviews. Reviews should be 200 – 300 words in length. Relevance to Trinity and current issues will be given preference. Submit your review to by the third Monday of the month for consideration in the next Topics.

Trinity Topics seeking a puzzle editor. To create crossword puzzles, word searches, and more! All ages encouraged to volunteer. Contact to regis-ter your interest.

Address changes: Send updated contact information to Janet Brinkworth, Parish Ad-ministrator, by postal mail, or e-mail


Trinity Episcopal ChurchMANAGING EDITOR

Kelly CarnahanCOPY EDITOR


Mikki Anderson Ruth Droppo


Gates AgnewPat Agnew

Barbara Bloom Marci Bryan

Jennifer Lloyd Patrick Martin

Alex May Your name here


A summer quiz that’s over your headBy Patrick Martin

Q : What do Up On The Roof,

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, and

Fiddler On The Roof have to do

with Trinity?

A: We are getting a new roof!

Weather pending, from August 2 through the 20, we will be replacing all asphalt shingles on the Sanctu-ary, Great Hall, and courtyard walk-ways. New shingles will match those used in the recent construction of our Administrative/Classroom wing.

Importantly, for the past 100 years, the roof of our beloved Sanc-tuary has not been insulated! By adding insulation Trinity Church can reduce its heating and cooling costs and reduce its impact on our environment. So, for the Sanctuary only, we will remove all old shingles, install a pre-prepared “sandwich” of vented foam insulation and nail-board, and then add our new shingles. The interior will remain untouched.

Christine Matheu, our architect, is working with Steve’s Roofing to confirm the procedure is sound and

that the resulting appearance will stay essentially the same, though several inches thicker.

Building & Grounds recommend-ed, and Vestry approved, the ex-penditure of $34,000 for the entire project. There was sufficient income this past year from the Goullick Family Trust and the I. M. Falwell Endowment to adequately cover this expenditure.

By the time school starts (and real quizzes), we will have an insulated Sanctuary, a new roof over Trinity, and one more reason to celebrate our Centennial.

Is your July birthday or an-niversary missing from Top-ics? Please call or e-mail Janet Brinkworth, our parish adminis-trator, at (812) 336-4466 or

More good news


JULY BIRTHDAYS1 Lisa Ritchel2 Joe Furniss2 Chloe Lohrmann3 Emily Hughes 3 John Moore3 Rick McMullen3 Sam Ridge5 Nancy Guyer5 Alexandra Watts Frances Osmon8 Wendy Elliott8 Margaret Jones8 Gretchen Martin8 Kimberly Goy10 Ted Thieme 10 Peter Delevett 12 Shirley Beheler

12 Marilyn Keiser12 Susan Williams14 Ginny Stockton14 Micah Savytskyy16 Jason Goy17 Wendy Meaden17 Matthew Briddell17 Catherine Wilson18 Sarah Phillips18 Crispian Elliott20 Emily Moran20 Elizabeth Hershey21 Brad McMullen24 Betsy Birch24 Rita Cripe25 Mma Afoaku26 Brenda McNellen26 Elisabeth Hosey

28 Pat Bayer28 Rachel Auer29 Sarah Read29 Ben Brabson30 Roger Herzel30 Linda Davis30 Julie Byers30 Allegra Hale31 Deb Cowdell-Slikkers

ANNIVERSARIES1 Mel & Emily Hughes2 Paul & Wendy Elliott7 Luiz & Patricia Lopes7 Adam & Karen Sweeny18 Stanley & Hilary


18 Richard Hvale & Cath-erine Hoff

19 Ben Hebblethwaite & Changhee Rhee

22 Stan Stockton & Moya Andrews

29 Rex Hume & Linda Richards

31 Todd & Alex May

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