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An House of Prayer for All People

Trinity Episcopal Church

on Capitol Square

e-Chimes: Weekly updates

February 2, 2010

Trinity Episcopal Church 125 East Broad St.

Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 221-5351

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Have you made your pledge for 2010? Please go to

to fill out the online pledge form.

Stewardship Update: As of February 2, we have received 86 pledges for 2010 totaling $204,366. This includes 14 new pledging units. In comparison, for 2009 we had a total of 102 pledges for $216,504.

Haiti Earthquake:

How you can help to read about Episcopal Relief & Development aid:

Thank You… To those leaving Trinity’s Vestry, for all their dedicated work: Sr. Warden Julie Newhall, Rhoda Allen, Harriet Donaldson, Susan McKinley, Alan Sheppard, and Suzan Waller.

And to those elected to serve beginning in 2010: Sr. Warden Jerry Sellman, Jr. Warden Debbie Wiedwald, Spencer Allen, Bill Bronson, Jori McDevitt, and Judy McKissick

O Eternal God, the foundation of all wisdom and the source of all courage: Enlighten with your grace the Wardens and Vestry of

this congregation, and so rule their minds, and guide their counsels, that in all things they may seek your glory and promote the mission of your Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. — The Book of Occasional Service, p. 182

Trinity Church Welcomes

Illuminati the Sacred Ensemble of The Columbus Gay Men’s Chorus

Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:30 a.m.

The Episcopal Church supports the full inclusion of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered people in the life of the Church. All are welcome at Christ’s Holy Table.


Celebrate Appalachian Ministries Sunday

Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:30 a.m.

As Trinity Church welcomes members of

The Denison University Bluegrass Ensemble

Come worship in the beauty of


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Epiphany Adult FormationEpiphany Adult FormationEpiphany Adult FormationEpiphany Adult Formation at Trinity Church

Sundays, January 10 through February 14 9:15 a.m. in the Parish Library

Join Trinity clergy and guests for an exploration of The Five Marks of Mission as set out by the Anglican Communion and Adopted by

The Episcopal Church at General Convention 2009

Are you new to Trinity? Looking to meet other members? Seeking new friends or to get to know your fellow parishioners in a new way? Sign up for a Dinner Group! Groups will consist of singles and couples, newcomers and long-timers, and everyone in between, and will rotate group members and locations. We hope to start meeting in late January, so sign up soon! Please contact Emily Jane Pucker at and indicate if you are able attend a Dinner Group, or to host one!

Worship, Music & Arts Lenten Book Group Like many Christians, perhaps you wonder, Who was the historical Jesus? How might he be different from our traditional concept of him? And how does that affect how we see Easter and our faith? If you are moved to looked at Jesus with fresh eyes in this season, we invite you to join us in reading Jesus for the Nonreligious during Lent and after Easter for a spirited, facilitated discussion of the book in three parts.

The author, Rt. Rev. John Shelby Spong, retired bishop of Newark, is at the forefront of a new way to look at our faith and our Lord. His books and essays suggest that “scholarship on the Bible and a modern scientific worldview demonstrate that traditional teachings … must be debunked as the mythological trappings of a primitive worldview” (Publishers Weekly). Barrier-breaking and unafraid, Spong’s prolific writings explore an unfamiliar look at Jesus and what it means to be a Christian, and just might change and renew your faith in him.

From Publishers Weekly: Spong, the iconoclastic former Episcopal bishop of Newark, details in this impassioned work both his "deep commitment to Jesus of Nazareth" and his "deep alienation from the traditional symbols" that surround Jesus. For Spong, scholarship on the Bible and a modern scientific worldview demonstrate that traditional teachings like the Trinity and prayer for divine intervention must be debunked as the mythological trappings of a primitive worldview. These are so much "religion," which was devised by our evolutionary forebears to head off existential anxiety in the face of death. What's left? The power of the "Christ experience," in which Jesus transcends tribal notions of the deity and reaches out to all people. Spong says Jesus had such great "energy" and "integrity" about him that his followers inflated to the point of describing him as a deity masquerading in human form; however, we can still get at the historical origin of these myths by returning to Jesus' humanity, especially his Jewishness. Spong so often suggests the backwardness and insecurity of those who disagree with him that his rhetoric borders on the fundamentalist. His own historical and theological reconstructions would be more palatable if he seemed more aware that he too is engaged in mythmaking.

Take part in deciding when the book group will meet. Follow this link to a Doodle poll where you can voice your opinions.

Copies will

soon be


through the

Parish Office


Trinity Church Calendar for the day-to-day schedule at Trinity please click on this link, or paste

this address into your browser window:

If you have any additions or changes to the calendar please email me.

Your donation is needed for altar decoration memorials. Much thanks to Margie Kay for coordinating the altar decoration memorials. Margie is finding that many of the traditional memorial givers are no longer able to do so. Please consider contributing to this ministry. The cost for a weekly memorial is $50. Please contact Margie Kay at 876-6769 or Diane Donato in the Parish Office.

To remove your name from our mailing list, please click here:

Questions or comments? E-mail us at or call (614) 221-5351.

PLEASE REMEMBER THOSE IN NEED: Please don’t forget our neighbors who live on the street. New dry socks are essential this time of year. We have many weekday requests for men’s hats, gloves, socks and finger-friendly canned foods (pop-tops are best). All donations are greatly appreciated.

SERVING THIS SUNDAY, February 7, 2010 Presiding & Preaching The Rev. Richard A. Burnett Assisting The Rev. M. Alton Plummer The Rev. Joan Grant Luke Fodor Eucharistic Ministers 8:00 a.m. David White 10:30 a.m. Susan McKinley Lectors 8:00 a.m. Jeff McNealey 10:30 a.m. Jesus Acosta-Hughes Acolyte 10:30 a.m. Jessica Blackburn Director of Music/Liturgist Kevin N. Wines Altar Guild 8:00 a.m. Rhoda Allen 10:30 a.m. Lynn Giljahn Ushers 8:00 a.m. Jeff McNealey 10:30 a.m. Jack & Andrew Giljahn In the Garden Team Karen Peeler & Chiseko Harris Coffee Hour Hosts Worship, Music & Arts

This Sunday’s Order of Service can be found online at:


Isaiah 6:1-13 ◊ Psalm 138 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 ◊ Luke 5:1-11

We pray for all who are sick or suffering at this time, Moira Fellrath, Elisabeth Wise, Barry Minnicks, Melodie Plummer Robelo, The Hansen Family, Ellie Carter, Jennifer Hargett, Courtney Ann Serrato, Molly Morris, Bob Milberry, Micaela Phillips, David Worley, Joanne Giroux, Frances Sanders, Rhonda Ray, Tim Coleman, Jana Nancarrow, Mary Brooks, Christopher Carlson, Rex Nash, John Carey, Betty Edmonston, Bob & Jodie Park, Barbara Cox, Frances Bennekemper, and others whom we name silently or aloud. We pray for Brianna Maher, Capt. Brian Smith, Jordan Sellman, Ted Abad, Cynthia Epler, Commander Scott Whaley, Specialist Michael A. Martin, Staff Sgt. Robert A Griffith Jr. and all who serve our country overseas and at home. We remember all who work for peace around the world, especially in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and Gaza, Darfur-Sudan and Honduras. Birthdays: Jeff McNealey, Sloan Coffin, Jane Gibbs, Hal Duryee, Katherine Taylor, Richard Crompton

There will be a meeting of all 10:30 Trinity Ushers following the service on February 21. The Senior Warden would like to meet with us about procedures and duties. So, grab some coffee first and head for the Library. We promise not to keep you long!

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