tribute to nelson mandela: an entrepreneurial retrospective by penina rybak

Post on 12-May-2015






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We are truly saddened to hear about the passing of Nelson Mandela, who singlehandedly taught present and future generations of children and adults what it means to be a self actualized human being, a thinker with self awareness of the essence of life and worth, and someone who practiced what so many just preach: stand up for what you believe in. Nelson Mandela was a pilot in the truest sense of the word; for people in his country, but also for people worldwide.I think Nelson Mandela would have made a fantastic social entrepreneur, and an even better mentor in Real Time.I only have his virtual mentorship to guide me, his “voice” added to the many voices in my head, herding me on my own entrepreneurial journey. My CTA for more women to join the Entrepreneur Revolution, its sibling the Tech Revolution, and their offshoot; the social entrepreneurship movement.


Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela Educator, Mentor, Leader, Human


Entrepreneurial Retrospective by Penina RybakFounder/CEO Socially Speaking LLC

Educator, Mentor, Leader, Human1918-2013

Entrepreneurial Retrospective by Penina RybakFounder/CEO Socially Speaking LLC

Mandela singlehandedly taught present and future generations of children and adults what it means to be a self actualized human being, a thinker with self awareness of the essence of life and worth, and someone who practiced what so many just preach: stand up for what you believe in......

The World Needs More Leadership

The World Needs More Leadership

The social entrepreneurship movement is growing rapidly because people are increasingly hungry to reclaim their humanity and bring out the best in themselves and others. It begins with an idea that gains momentum, spurs key "chess players" to make a move, and subsequently change the face of history. Like Mandela, who stood up for what he believed in....

It’s time to birth and foster more philanthropy, social entrepreneurship, and empathy, all of which need to be interwoven and embedded into one's thought leadership; one of the most meaningful legacies a person can leave behind. Thought leadership is not only a digital marketing tactic and CEO's strategy to provide a bird's eye view into company culture. It is not only a way for writers/authors to get on a soapbox, to stand out and showcase their genius (or lack thereof)....

The World Needs More Leadership

The World Needs More Leadership

When done right, thought leadership can enhance one's balancing of humanity vs. technology, nourish one's cerebral thought processes with one's emotional attunement, and propel a person's career trajectory. This is especially true of entrepreneurship today.... 

The World Needs More Leadership

The World Needs More Leadership

What Makes for a Good Leader and for That Matter, a Good Entrepreneur?

Exhibiting both architectural prowess (planning) and eloquent artistry (execution and storytelling), sensitivity, and grace. All are needed to propel one’s balance of humanity with technology and intellectual honesty with emotional attunement; both of which are needed to solve real problems, and incidentally profit from creative disruptive innovation.

The greatest leaders first learned about their own potential by being moved by the Story of others and seeing patterns in that “voice”, helping them find their own. That is the essence of Theory of Mind and Emotional Attunement, something female entrepreneurs have in spades, and need to remember....

What I Learned From Nelson Mandela

What I Learned From Nelson Mandela

Fostering change; economic, social, educational, and technological is as much an internal thought process and emotive experience as it is an external marketing campaign. It begins with being influenced by virtual mentorship, and using those lessons to connect the dots and plant seeds for your own entrepreneurial trajectory....

What I Learned From Nelson Mandela

What I Learned From Nelson Mandela

Real mentorship is invaluable and needed, but virtual mentorship i.e. thought leadership forums (blogs, social media marketing campaigns done with emotion, depth, and humor) give the competitive, solitary, emotionally fragmented and sometimes grueling nature of entrepreneurship its wings to be free, and be more in touch with humanity....

What I Learned From Nelson MandelaWhat I Learned From Nelson Mandela

The Pilot: Crossing the Bar

The Pilot: Crossing the BarSunset and evening star,Sunset and evening star,

    And one clear call for me!And one clear call for me!And may there be no moaning of the bar,And may there be no moaning of the bar,    When I put out to sea,When I put out to sea,

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,But such a tide as moving seems asleep,        Too full for sound and foam,Too full for sound and foam,When that which drew from out the When that which drew from out the boundless deepboundless deep        Turns again home.Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,Twilight and evening bell,And after that the dark!And after that the dark!And may there be no sadness of farewell,And may there be no sadness of farewell,        When I embark;When I embark;

For tho' from out our bourne of Time and For tho' from out our bourne of Time and PlacePlace        The flood may bear me far,The flood may bear me far,I hope to see my Pilot face to faceI hope to see my Pilot face to face        When I have crost the bar.When I have crost the bar.

- Alfred Lord Tennyson- Alfred Lord Tennyson

"I like good friends who have independent minds because they make you see problems from all angles."- Nelson Mandela

"I like good friends who have independent minds because they make you see problems from all angles."- Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was a pilot in the truest sense of the word; for people in his country, but also for people worldwide. He exemplifies the concept of global impact and global friendship. He exemplifies the prototype of thought leader and social entrepreneur.

We are all left with his virtual mentorship and legacy to guide us, his voice added to the many “inner voices” in our heads, herding us on our own journey towards more self-actualization as human beings and entrepreneurs. We just need to heed our own voice, and create our own takeaways from the teachable moments all around us....

The World Needs More Female Leaders and Entrepreneurs....

The World Needs More Female Leaders and Entrepreneurs....

I wish you all continued growth in your own friendships and journeys towards the pursuit of balancing humanity and technology. I wish you all good fortune in finding both virtual mentors and real mentors to bring out the best in you, and help you find ways to use your Story to help others.... 

- Penina Rybak MA/CCC-SLP, TSHH

Director: The NICE Initiative for Female Entrepreneurship

The NICE Reboot: How To Become a Better Female Entrepreneur-How to Balance Your Craving for Humanity and Technology in Today’s Startup Culture

✰ Publisher: Maven House Press (January 2014)

✰ Coming to Amazon and iBooks too!

✰ Book Trailer:

Penina Rybak MA/CCC-SLP, TSHHCEO Socially Speaking LLCDirector: The NICE Initiative for Female EntrepreneurshipEmail: penina@niceinitiative.comTwitter: @PopGoesPeninaEntrepreneurship website: www.niceinitiative.comYouTube: StorytellergalPinterest: PeninaslpOn Facebook & Google +: The NICE Initiative

Join the Journey for Change!

* This slideshow contains information that is both copyrighted by and the intellectual property of Penina Pearl Rybak, CEO Socially Speaking LLC, All Rights Reserved.

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