trengt g teal mperence acour change i - miaz...

Post on 10-Jun-2019






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trengt g Teal mperence in acour Change"


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Universitas Negeri Padang in conlaboration with IPG Kampus llmu Khas Cheras supported by: Union of Faculty of EducationlDeparbnent of Education, Indonesia, and Union of Faculty of Education, Malaysia

ADANG, r a \ r r n r n r n n a n d = - n 4 t h nn- r


"Strengthening Teaclzers and Edzication Personnel Competence in Sco~ir Change"



"Stret~gtlre~ling Teachers and Edlrca tior1 Persot~rlel Corrrpete~rce it1 Scolrr Chatlge"

Editor : Dr. SyaFruddin Wahid, M.Pd. Dr. Yeni Karneli, M.Pd., Kons Dra. Syur'aini, M.Pd. Elsa Efrina, S.Pd., M.Pd. Dr . Nenny Mahyuddin, M.Pd.

I (satu) jilid; A4 1306 Hal

ISBN :978-602-17125-6-6

Hak c i p t a B 2014 p d a Fakulras Ilmu Pendidikan Universitns Negeri Padang Dilarang mengutip sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini dengan cara apapun,

- termasuk dengan cara penggunaan mesin mesin fotocopp, tanpa izin sah dari penerbit

Percetakan : Sukabina Penyusun : Fakultas llrnu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Padang Layout : Sari Jumiatti Desain Sampul : Zadrian Ardi

Hak Cipta dilindungi Undang-undang Isi diluar tanggung jawab Penerbit dan Percetakan


Developments in science and technology in many developed and developing countries trigger changes in areas directly related to the provision o f education. such as curriculum and learning. teachers and education personnel, facilities and infrastructure, finance. and organizational structures.

These changes need to be assessed. anticipated and addressed by proactive measures. so that they had a positive impact on the development o f nation. Assesslnent of changes in the scientific side. is a positive step that can be done by scientists, experts in the field of education to make the provision of education and scientific development to be more grounded in accordance with the facts and practices of education.

The International seminar conducted at Universitas Neglxi Padang has collected thoughts. positive ideas that have extraordinary usefulness to the development o f science and technology in a practical or implementation of education in many countries. All those positive thoughts need to be documented in the form of proceedings.

On this occasion. we would like to thank Rectors and Deans o f the colleges who have supponed the scientific tradition through the International Seminar on Education, fi-om the Universitas Negeri of Padang. lnstitut Pendidikan Guru Kampus llmu Khas Cheras, Malaysia, Union of Faculty of Education!Department of Education. Indonesia. and Union o f Faculty of Education. Malaysia.

We would like to thank all the writers who have contributed positively to writing allicles. Let us also highly appreciate to the seminar organizers, in particular to the proceedins team at the Univel-sitas Negeri Padang and at IPG Khas Cheras Malaysia who have worked estra hard so that the proceeding be realized as it is toda). May all that we d o get a reward deserving o f Allah. the results collected in the proceeding of the seminar are beneficial for all. Amien.

Padang, 22" November 70 14 Committee Leader,



Assalaamu'alaikum warahrnatullaahi wabarakaatuh. Bidang pendidikan merupakan sektor utama dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia (SDM) di

era globalisasi. Perubahan pendidikan mencakup segi kuantitas (Ian kualitas. sejalan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi menuju kesejahteraan umat rnanusia. Keberlangsungan pelaksanaan pendidikan di lndonesia sangat ditentukan oleh pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan sebagai ujung tombak di Sekolahl Lembaga Pelatihanl Masyarakat. Peningkatan dan pemantapan kernarnpuan profesional pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan merupakan jaminan bahwa penyediaan sumberdaya manusia yanp dibutuhkan masyarakat dapat berlangsung dengan baik.

Peranan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan sanpat penting artinya dan rnerupakan salah satu kunci utaina keberhasilan pembangunan pendidikan. Sejalan dengan era globalisasi. ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berkembang sangat cepat dan makin can~@iIi . dengan peran ?.an: makin luas maka diperlukan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan yans profesional. Tantangan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan delvasa ini tidak ringan. Di sisi lain, tugasnya tidak sederhana tetapi se~nakin kompleks da l a~n menghadapi tantangan yang semakin berat dan kompleks sehingga profesionalisme pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan harus dapat ditingkatkan dari yang sudah ada selatna ini.

Fakultas !Irnu Pendidikan Universitas Neperi Padang (FIP UNP) Indonesia bekerjasama dengan lnstitut Guru Pendidikan Khas (IPGK) Kualalumpur Malaysia bekerjasama melaksanakan Seminar lnternasional Pendidikan, dengan tema -Penpa t an Kompetensi Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan dalam rnenyelusuri Perubahan. Melalui seminar ini diharapkan para peserta memperoleh wawasan baru dalam pengembangan Quru serta tenaga kependidikan lainnya di kedua negara. Seminar ini merupakaii realisasi dari nota kesepahaman antara Rektor UNP dengan Ketua IPGK Kualumpur yang dilakukan beberapa waktu yang lalu.

Kami mengharapkan kerjasama ini dapat dilanjutkan dengan berbagai kegiatan. diantaranya: penelitian. pertukaran dosenlpensyarah. penulisan buku bersama sena kegiatan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi lainnya. Kerjasama UNP dengan IPGK diharapkan dapat ~~~en ingka tkan kualitas pelayanan kedua Perguruan T i n z i dalarn menyiapkan guru sena tenaga kependidikan lainnya di kedua negara.

Terima kasih atas perhatian sena sumbangan pikiran dari berbagai pihak. denii terselenparanya pertelnuan dan seminar ini. Semoga kerjasama ini bermanfaat hendaknya dalam peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia dan Malaysia. Wasalaamu alaikurn warah~natullaahi wabarakaatuli.

Padang, 73- November 20 14 Dekan FIP Universitas Neseri Padang


Prof. Dr. Firman. MS. Kons


Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim Assalaamu'alaikurn warahniatullaahi wabarakaatuh,

Di era globalisasi. kondisi sosial budaya yang sebelurnnya bersifat lokal berkenibang menjadi global dan pendidikan bangsa rnerupakan faktor utama penggerak perubahan tersebut. Pembaharuan bidang pendidikan menjadi salah satir ciri dunia modem, dan ukuran perkenibangannya dewasa ini rnengikuti standar internasional.

Perubahan dalarn bidang pendidikan di lndonesia dan Malaysia rnencakup segi kuantitas dan kualitas seiring dengan pertumbuhan dalarn bidang ekonomi, sosial dan budaya nienuju kese-iahteraan masyarakat. Kami menyarnbut baik pelaksanaan seminar ini, qang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas llmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Padang bekerjasama dengan lnstitut Pendidikan Guru Khas (IPGK) Kualalumpur. sebagai lvujud kerjasama dan tindak lanjut nota kesepaharnan yang sudah ditanda tanggani oleh Rektor UNP dengan Ketua IPGK. Seminar ini tentunya berguna bagi kernajuan pendidikan guru di Malaysia dan Indonesia. karena rnelalui seminar inilah para Pendidik/Dosen/Pensyarah di Perguruan Tinggi dan para guru serta praktisi pendidikan lainnya dapat bertukar pikiran dengan berbagai pennasalahan pendidikan beserta solusinya yang telah diperoleh rnelalui hasil-hasil penelitian di Malaysia dan Indonesia.

Pendidik dan renaga kependidikan sebagai aktor utama perbaikan kualitas SDM lndonesia dan Malaysia. ditunrut nieiaksanakan tugas pendidikan dan pembelajaran dengan rnenguasai dan rnenerapkan ilniu pendidikan.Kendala utarna yang sering mendapat kritikan dewasa ini berhubungan dengan kualitas dan profesionalisasi pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan dalarn men-jalankan tugasnya. UNP sebagai Universitas yang sudah lebih setengah Abad menyiapkan guru dan tenaga pendidik lainnya. tentu punya pengalaman tersendiri. begitu juga sebaliknya IPGK dalam penyiapan guru di Malaysia. Kedua Perguruan Tinggi diharapkan dapat berbagi pengalaman yang berbeda untuk rnemperkaya kemarnpuan dalam penyiapan guru dan trnaga kependidikan di rnasing-masingnegara. Kerjasama UNP dengan IPGK untuk masa datang. diharapkari tidak hanya rnelalui seminar saja. tetapi rnelalui kegiatan penelitian. pertukaran pelajaridosenlpensyarah. publikasi ilmiah serta penulisan buku bersama untuk saling menimba pengalaman berbeda antara dua perguruan tinggi tersebut.

Upaya peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di lndonesia dan Malaysia, UNP dan IPGK bekerjasama ~nelaksanakan Seminar 1n;ernasional Pendidikan, dengan tema 'Penguatan Kornpetensi Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan dalarn menyelusuri Perubahan.' mendatangkan nara sumber dari lndonesia dan Malaysia yang akan lnernbentangkan kertas kerja. Peserta yang rnengikuti seminar diperkirakan berasal dari Indonesia. Malaysia serta Negara lainnya. Kami mengharapkan peserta seminar ~nernanfaatkan seminar ini untuk memperoleh wa\vasan dalarn menernukan pola serta arah pengembangan pendidikan di masing-masing negara.

Terima kasih atas partisipasi dan dukungan pakar pendidiknn serta peserta seminar lainnya. baik berasal dari lndonesia maupun Malaysia serta negera lain yang senga.ja datang membahas perniasalahan pendidikan tersebut. Diharapkan pertemuan ini rnenzhasilkan solusi untuk peningkatan profesionalisasi guru dan tenaga kependidikan dalarn menghadapi persaingan global.

Wassalaarnu alaikum warahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

Padang.. 22 November 20 14 Rektor Universitas Negeri Padang


Prof. Dr.Phil. Yariuar Kirarn

Foreword Kata Sambutan Dekan f i~ku l tas llmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Padang Kata Alu-aluan Pengarah institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus ilmu Khas, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kata Sambutan Rektor Universitas Negeri Padang

Transforming Education and Improving Outcome: Change Management Perspective Sirnin Ghavifekr

Profesionalisme Perguruan Malaysia Abdzrl Rashid Mohar~ied

Cabaran Pendidikan Alaf 21: Perancangan Pembangunan Pendidikan Untuk Menyelusuri Pembangunan Modal lnsan Roriah biriti Ahdz~lloh

~ e v o l u s i Pembelajaran Bermuatan Karakter - Cerdas Prqitno

Pendidikan Multikultural dalani Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di Lingkungan Masyarakat Majemuk Indonesia Firnlon

Model Program Bimbingan Karir Bagi Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Di Smkn Kota Padang Asep Ahrnad Sopandi dun h~rrhusrllri

The Role of Teachers to Prepare Children With Hearing Impairment for Success in lnclusive Education Elsu Efiina

Preventing Students With Behavioral Disorder Toward Succees in inclusive Education Setting G ~ n d a S~~rnekar

implementation of Training Model Professional Competence to Improve Held i n Primary Teacher inclusive Education Irdumzirtli

Operation Management lnclusive SDN 06 Padang City h'as~ari

Increasing Social Skills Through Peer-Mediated Interventions at The Children With Learning Disabilities a t Inclusive Elementary Schools




Developing Social Competence Held In Primary Teacher Inclusive Education A4ega /s,t~ctt-i

Tahap Efikasi Guru Pelatih jQAF Pendidikan Khas dan Hubungannya dengan Kualiti Penycliaan Pengajaran dan Pernbelajaran Guru Pem birn bing ~\"orleln ,3/i don dlohtl i\.ll{17rtitri hlc1/7t111id

Psychological Approach for Children Learning [)isabilities Read and Write in School Inclusion Zltlm~~~e/ri

Pengembangan Model Bahan Ajar Sastra Berbasis Cerita Rakyat dengan Pendekatan Contextual Teaching & Learning untuk Pendidikan Karakter (Penelitian Pengembangan di SD Kota Bengkulu) Abdirl hlirkradir

Role of Citizenship Education Teacher Coaching and Developing Character in Students in School Carerina Lo

Character-Based Education Through Storytelling Dornoi~t~r~g. R ~ I .

Inovasi Pendidiknn dalarn Pernbentuklian Karakter Demir~cr

Chsracter Ednc;~tion for Environmental Awareness at Minangkabau Natural School in Padang Erncnr-nri

Changing Character Through School Management Had~.u~iro

Model of The Character Education in Civic Education Subject at The Primary School in Padang Jltriuidi Indru~codi

Membangun Karakter Sistva SD Melalui Pembelajaran Matematika hlelvu Ziiinil

Peran Pendidik Anak Usia Dini dalam Mengembangkan Karakter Anak rl'a.n-iuh

The Impacts of Classroom Interaction to Students' Learning Attitude Ramianidu

Science Learning Tool Developmmt Using Integrated Model Based on Characters in State Elementary School 15 Subdistrict Lubuk Begalung Padang City Ri.vdu At~iiti~


Student's Problems and Developing Materials of Guidance Sr Couriselir~g Based on Building Character Risko Ahtnud

Innovation in Building Character for Early Childhood Through Language and Literature Ristnareni Pronsisko

Collaboration o f Formal Education, Nonformal Education, and Informal Education to National Character Building S J J I I ~ 'oini

Developing Thematic Learning Using Multiple Intelligences as an Attempt to Form Students' Dimensions of Strength at The Lower Grade o f Elementary Tuz~fitta

The Role o f PAUD Teachers in Character Building o f Disaster Preparedness i n the Context o f Disaster Mitigation k v i .Tzmarti

Model Konseling Kelompok Adlerian untuk Meningliatkan Karakter Siswa Sekolah Dasar Wit-du Hu:7im

Developing Character Building Learning Model for Students o f Education Equality Program (Paket C) at Learning Activity Community Centre (PKBM) ~~'irc/u/z11 ..4 if7i

Development Text-Based Learning of Indonesian Language in Formation o f Character Students Yudi Szrlikno

Penerapan Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Kurikulum Muatan Lokal Zrtn.irr7a

duL-k 3: ~WL- +-den- and SkfUl of and p&hzmLhn PC- Ta&n9 tjlC CILCULFe

Readiness Teacher Competence in Implementation Curriculum 2013 in Padang Aht7a Hidqari

Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik dalam Menghadapi Perubalian Melalui Pcndekatan Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Sekolali Arnan Sirnuremar-e

Perencanaan Pengembangan Sekolah Anisah dun Rifn7a

Hubungan Antara Perlakuan Proalitif dan Suara Pelajar Guru disalsh Sebuah IPC Zon Utara Ar1pulukati A/L l'adiappat7 Lo~:otlc~es~.crr-i A/P A4atlogar-at1

Hubungan Antara Kepimpinan Transformasior~al G u r u Besar dengan Komitr~lcn Organisasi G u r u Pendidikan Khas lntegrasi d i Kedah rI\z:nng Bit1 Lokc). ciun Tan Cheng lm

Improvement of Principals' Transformational Leadership Competency Trough lmplemcntation of Action Learning Based Training Model Bun~btrrlg Brrdi IV(vono

T h e Use of Thinking Maps in Teaching Practice Clhiang EL. Fong. Pj7. D, Teh C'hir~c LLI I~ . Ph. 0, C'hari Fun Ho. M. Mgr71/. :\'g IVet?,q T I / / / , A4 Ed Lee Slri S I I I I~ , hf. Ed.

Entrepreneurship Training In Increasing T h e Independence of Learners of Independent Entrepreneurial Literacy (IEL) at PlKBM Harapan Sukamulya Village District of Cilamaya Kulon Regency of Karawang Dc<~:cr/ Hiduyrrt

Model Rancangan dan lmplementasi Pengukuran Kinerja Jurusan dengan ~Mengganakan Integrated Performance Measurement System (IPMS) pada SIMK N 1 Painan Desr~~i Ir.iunti

l lmu Pendidikan d a n Profesionalisasi Pendidik Elt.klrtii

Pelatihan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Bagi Guru pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kccamatan G u n u n g Talang Solok Eii-ur Rm~lli

Interpersonal Communicat ion a n d Employee Performance of Staff a t T h e Office of Education, Youth a n d Sports Solok District Ertniru

Keterikatan Siswa pada Pelajaran Matematika di t injau dar i Persepsi Siswa tentang Kompetensi Pedagogik C u r u dan Efikasi Diri Akademik Furi111 A irlicr

Sikap Guru Pelatih j-QAF Bahasa A r a b Te rhadap Penggunaan Lughatul Fasli dalam P D P Firdu~rs b/ Ahdzrl Fatoh

Hubungan Gaya Pembelajaran dengan Pencapaian Akademik dalam Kalangan Pelajar P l S M P Tahun 3 d i lnstitut Pendidikan G u r u Kampus Ipoh, Perak fluhihtrh hinri A.lohd.7untin

Isa-lsu Peribadi Pelajar Bermasalah Pembelajaran d:tripada Perspektif C u r u Bimbingan d a n Kaunseling. Guru Pendidikan Khas dan Ibu Bapa Honcrni H N ~ I I I ? Rusi~. PhD Hnsnol~ Tor~r i , PhD Sullch / I r~~ar , PhD Rolllntrli A,lohd ~Lk~rrlo/


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U j i Efcktififas Model Pernbelajaran Kalkulus IR nerdasarkan Teor i APOS (M PK-A POS) Ifunfc~h

Kondisi Ernpati Dasar Mahasiswa Birnbingsn dan Konseling Se-DKI Jakarta Happy Korlinci Murjo

Pentingnya Konsep Sekolah Ramah Anak Ragi Rlahasiswa Calon G u r u Irsun

Keberkesanan Team Teaching dalam Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran daripada Perspektif Pelajar Ismnil H j Rudzian Rumesh ROO PhD. A,llrniru .iZ-Iol~.~in PIID, G a ~ ~ o n u ~ l i o n M. Nadurujah

Efforts In Developing Independence Teachers i n Ear ly Childhood ti'(lti~tini

Merarnu Pembelajaran Ternatik Melalui Kecerdasan Majemuk h4asnilndei.i dun )'ull~..s Helso

Pengembangan Strategi Pembelajaran Akh lak Mu l ia pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agarna Islam d i S M P Kota Padangsidirnpuan :2i11hu~1111iud Du1-1i.i~ D L I . S U / X I ~ , ~

Pelalisanaan Pengajaran dan Pernbelajaran Tarnadun Islam dan Tarnadun Asia d i Institut Pendidilian G u r u Kampus l lrnu Ka j ian Terhadap Kaedah dan Masalah h.lustaphu Kumul Bin Ahmud Kmsini Zuhioh Binri Huri.7 r$ Horitk PhD

Peningkatan Kernarnpuan G u r u Mengunakan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Praktek Langsung Mate r i dalam Pembelajaran Melalui Pernbinaan Berkelanjutan d i Sekolah Binaan , L I I I z ~ I , ~ I - / o

Pernbangunan dan Pengesahan lnstrumen 2P2S Untuk Mengenal Pasti Persepsi G u r u Maternatik dalam Komuni t i Pernbelajaran Prolesional: Lesson Study h'ancj .Vg YIII Kzrnn

Pengaruh Kepernimpinan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Motivasi Ker ja dan K iner ja G u r u d i S M A Negeri Kota Medan A'asrltn

Hubungan Kepernirnpinan Kepala Sekolah Dengan Kompetensi Pedagogik G u r u D i S M K Segeri 2 Padang !L'ellitnit~uti dun )'lrso/'Bin Boo17

Peningkatan Aktivitas Mahasiswa pada Mata K ~ r l i a h II'A Melalni Pendekatari Problem Based Learning KP/(I. Asrit~~co

Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Penguatan Penyelenggaraan 64 1 -65 1 Pendidikan Nevbarni S

Pengembangan Soft Skill Melalui Pembelajaran Sastra Anak Nzrr Azmi .411ti

Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Dalam Membentuk Karakter Peserta 66 1-666 Didik Melalui lmplementasi lnovasi Pendidikan Prrspo Dj~/u.i/cr

Model 3D dan Warna Dengan 'Faux Cupcake' Ruhrnoh binti 1\4ohd A4ulrlot Rosnxnt~ufi Hornzuh, PhD. Suruya Harii Zlrkui-ia Hanuni Hurzm Rmit. PhD.

Meneroka Elemen-Elemen Kecerdasan Emosi dalam Kalangan Tiga Kumpulan Pendidik di Wialayah Persekutuan Ku:~la Lumpur Rajagopal Por71~1rstimj.

The Early Childhood Development of Creativity in The Creativity Center at 688-692 Nibras Islamic Kindergarten, Padang-West Sumatera Rakimah~rlari

Model Guidance Material Pedagogical Competence Primary Teacher 693-70 1 Rifma dun A17isall

'Paint With Homemade Colours' R o s m m . ~ / i Hnrnroh ( P k 4 Szrrqc~ Hani Zakrrria Rakrnoh A4ohd Mrrulor Wind97 SiniG$Sia17i

Parenting Style Contribution Toward Learning Achievement of Package B 7 15-72 1 Students Solfema

Peningkatan Kompetensi Kepala Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Untuk 722-735 Menghadapi Perubahan Kebutuhantenaga Kerja Srrfiarmu A4

Kefahaman Terhadap Tajuk Geometri Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Sekolah 736-715 Rendah Di Bandar Padang Syafri Ahmad

Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan (Lptk) As Educator lnstitr~tion 746-755 Of Educators And Professional Educational Personnel Syafruddin Wuhid

Commitment of Principal In Implementing Tasks In High School First State 756-761 In Padang Syahril

Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning to Reduce Stress ant1 Improve 762-768 Student's Achievement in Statistics Tuti Ruhmi


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Hubungan Amalan Pemakanan Dengan Akt iv i t i Masa Lapang Dalarn Kalangan Mur i t l Obes Sekolah Rendah Daerah Kota Kinabalu, Sabah H'indq\! Binti Sini '(1; Sitrrii Ronilee h~zrs~ciphu. PhD Dnlil(rh AIohd R~thi, Rostnmvoti Binri Har~lrcth. P/?D

Social Studies: Global Issues on Elenientary Schools Learning Process 780-787 Yu/vet~~(r Milt: 1 % : . : q Important Role Pedagogical Content Knowledge (Pck) O f Teacher Quality 788-794 Learning I n The Making j'unri Fitria

Peningkatan Kompetensi Konselor Dalam Pelaksar~aan Konselino, Perorangan Berdasarkan L ima Fokus Layanan )irrnlis .?~.lrkltr

Pengaruh Caya Kepemimpinan, Lingkungan Kerja,Motivasi Kerjadan Kepuaszn Ker ja Terhadap Kiner ja Dosen (Studi D i PTS Kota Padang) 1 ~ 1 7 1 ' M

Development O f The Child's Independence I n Kindengarden Sandhy Putra 8 I 8-827 Padang l ' r r l . ~ ~ ~ ~ f i ; e t i ~ / d i~n .VOI.(J .jfii/iu

Narrative Wr i t ing Learning Model For Elementary Schools Durni,s .-ft-i?/'

Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran lnterakt i f Berbaris Web: Sebr~ah Studi 844-853 Pendahuluan D i Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Telinik Universitas Negeri Padang Honsi EJfintli

Terapan Teknologi Pendidikan dalam Praksis Kur iku lum 2013: 854-863 Optirnalisasi Peran Jabatan Fungsional Pengembang Teknologi Pem belajaran H(~t?;ono

Penerapan Pendekatan Tematik Melalui Penggunaan hledia Audio Visual 864-869 Untuk Meningkatkan Proses Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas I SDN 4 Batiknau Bengkulu Utara Hertncrt7 Lrtstr

Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Menggunakan Model Assure Ida ,Z Iltr.tii .S~rtrn

Caris 4 - 1 Jar i Kasriimi Br Jltrt Sc~rr~crti

Kaj ian Delphi Terhadap Memperkenalkan Homeschoolirig Sebagai 889-898 Pendidikan Alternatif D i Malaysia Kal~irhu Srth~~r~r~itrrt~iorl 1''. 1 ' ! j f ! l '~ 1 ~t/.~ll~f~l\'c't7

s ix

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IMOBILE - LEARNING : An Overview for Foreign Language Teachers 11 ielvinu

lmplementasi In forrna tion Cornunication and Technology Un tuk Pendidikan Dan Pernbelajaran Pada Kurikulum 2013 (f in tara Peluang Dan Tantangan) Novr-iunti

Pembangunan Aplikasi Matrik Kompetensi Pensgarah Dalarn Meningkatkan Kualiti Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Di Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin (PSIMZA) Shafini Mohamcrd .4li (e Rflja lnran Sariuh Raja Mahr~ioocl

Optimalisasi Penggr~naan Website Sekolah SebagaiSarana Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan di SMK Wilayah DKI Jakarta Sili Zlrluikhu

A Perception of Social Networking Technologies on Teaching And Learning: A Case Study Teh Chiew Lun. Ph. D

Penggunaan Media Sosial ; Facebook Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa lnggris Di Sekolah Menengah Di Malaysia I,'. 1,'ijln.u Fas~~dtrven Kuvirha S~rbranianiian

Pembelajaran Materi Bangun Datar Berbasis IT Pacla Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Yetti Ariurii

Developnlent of Online Learning Model in the Dasar-dasar llmu Pendidikan Course Zelhentlt-i Zeti U@a Ruh~ni

Optimalisasi Akreditasi Sekolah Untuk Menjamin Mutu Pembelajaran Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama lnklusif Daniri

Studi Perbandingan Hasil Belajar antara Kelompok hlodel PBL dan lnkuiri dalam Pernbelajaran Tematik Terpadu bagi Siswa SD Feri ~Vopernrcrn rlun Endung Ll'icli Winurt7i

Pemetaan Materi Sulit Ujian Nasional Ekonomi SMA Friyuttir i

Optimalisasi Hasil Belajar dan Pemahaman Konsep Kecerdasan Emosional (Suatu Tinjauan Terhadap Pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar) Humimrrl~

Studi Tentang Akuntabilitas Kinerja "Rcscarch" di U~iiversitas Negeri Padang - Sumatera Barat Hunifil I Ktrdri, S. Ptl, iM. Pcl.

Evaluasi untuk Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Ike .5j~lviu

The Implementation IPOO (Input, Process, Output dan Outcome) 1040-1048 Evaluation in Organizing Course Program 114HD. Natsir

Amalan Kepirnpinan lnstruksional Guru Besar Dan Hubungannya Dengan 1049-1060 Kornitmen dan Kepuasan Kerja Guru lVo1~'aishah Ahtnad dun Jc~~nalzrlluil Ah(/ H'cihub

Tajuk: Kepimpinan Berintegriti Guru Besar Dan Kepuasan Kerja Guru- 1061-1071 Guru Rlrrira Md Hassan da17 Jatncrl~rl Luil Biri dhdztl Wuhub

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Yalvema hliaz

Faculty of Education State University of Padang (UNP)

Sociul Stzrdies is uble lo teach rhe J ~ L I L ~ C I ~ I J ~ to recognize many aspects in I i f i , and to hu1.e logicul and criticcrl skills to have csrcihlishmenrs on current condition of local, nutionul, and global constellation. A glob~il ec/z~cu/ion is an attemp to instill some yer.yxcti~.e about the world to the stzrdents, b-y focusing on a fact that there is a coni7ection brnveen cultures, mankind, crnd !he state of being on earth. Also e~nphcr~iiing on student S skills to think criticai on variorrs worldwide subjecrs and characrerizing on pluralism. Today, rhe ~vorld is circulated wirh global problems and isslres through rapid informafion and commzmication. In Social Studies, ihe stzrdents is demundetl not only to be familiar about the previozcs problems and issues, bur also on holi. they can be a parr of that isstres and to be able to give contribution on the reso lving process as well.

Keyword: Global issues, critical capabilities, and student analysis

INTRODUCTION Learning is a process of activities undertaken in implementing the curriculum in

an educational institution. To achieve it7 teachers played 'an important role to affect the students in order to achieve educational goals.

Based on National Education Goals as stated in the legislation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003, Chapter 11, Section 3., which reads:

National education serves to develop the ability and character development and dignity civilization in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aims to develop the potential of students to become a man of faith and

. .. devoted to God Almighty, noble. healthy, knowledge,b!e, capable, creative, -.

and being a good citizen M. Sobry (2009:88) revealed that learning is all efforts made by educators to

enable the learning process on students. Learning in this case is a business or activity that is both deliberate and unconscious in obtaining an issue. Therefore, learning is a process of change induced behavior of individuals in response to environmental conduct

School is a place where students would gain formal knowledge. More than that, schooi is aiso a place where the students can gather, play and share various cheerfulness among their peers so they can create a healthy interaction. School is also where interaction between teachers and students take place.

Learning outcomes will be obtained fiom s~udents learning proccss in schoul th;il carried out both formally and informally. I11 the process of learning, changes in behavior are expected in terms of cognitive, affective. and psycho~ilotor of students. As stated Benjamin (in Sri, 2008: 2.19).

According to Dimyati (2002), the result of learning can be viewed in two sides of student and teacher. In student's side, the learning result constitutes a better developed mentality compared to before IeamingThose mentality development materialized in cognitif, affective and psychomotor sphere. Whereas in teacher's side, the completion of learning materials.

Based on the above presentation, learning outcomes are the changes that experienced by the students after activities that involves cognitive, affective and psychomotor. This should includes in every subject at school as well as having an understanding and application of knowledge and skills that are useful for the rest of his life. Attitudes, critical and creative thinking is very useful in order to achieve high quality human that responsible for themselves, their community, state and nation as well is responsible to God Almighty.

Learning IPS is essentially reviewing a set of events, facts, concepts ~ndgeneralizations which related to social issues. At primary school level, social studies :ontain material such as geography, history, sociology: and economics. Through social tudies, students are directed to become a democratic and responsible, as well as the ~eace-loving citizens of the world. Social studies also connects the interaction between .umans, humans and their environment, and also with the Creator.

When viewed on its territory . scope, . including what happens to the local situation, ational, and global regiaonal. In regard to the progress of science and technology with le broad dissemination of information are events and issues of public life. I n this mtext students need to be given sufficient knowledge in the era of globalization.

In addition, the purpose of Social Studies is also to educate and to give provision f basic skills for the students so they can develop themselves accordance with their Yvn flair, interest, ability and environtment. and also as provision to continue to higher vel of education. Gross (in Etin, 2005: 14) explained to develop student's ability using asoning in decision making on every problems they faced. Moreover, Social Studies )als explained more spesifically (Department of National Education 2006: 575) is to: Know th-e concepts people's lives and the environmcnt Have the basic ability to think logically and critically, curiosity, inqui?, exemplifies the problems and social life skills Have the skills and awareness of social and human values Having the ability to communicate. work together and to be competent in a pluralistic society wether at local or global levels

Human beings was created by God with original nature as an independent :ature, and also has rights and freedoms [ l i t have been automatically attached to him/ -. I-Iumans have the right to life, right to vote, freedom of expression and other rights long as those rights does not conflict with religious social norms.

And so on a. well in the teaching and learning activities. in which the student has the right and freedom of speech, thought or giving argument related to the subject matter in the classi-oom. Therefore, in the coui-se of teaching and learning. besides the theacher. students should be encourage to be active. Sudents should not considered as a

object. which only listen and obey what is delivered by the teacher. A jointly established and active interaction should be created among teacher and

students. These circumstance will leads to a creative creative, innovative and fun learning process among students so they can have a maximunl collective learning experiences.

. i pocial studies in elementarys chool. zccording to Sumaa!mad~~ (2000), to develop skills,particularly social skills and intellectual skills. Social skills are related to the interests of community life, such as working together, helping others in need and to act quickly to solve social problems in society. Intellectual skills related to dexterity and speed when utilizing the mind, quick response in dealing with social problems in society.

Social Studies as an education serve to develop students' attention to life in the community and how to be in a society. Therefore Social Studies serve to equip students with useful social knowledge, social and intellectual skills, in fostering student's social concerns as they are the nation's next in charge, and also to realize national goals. Based on this, social studies would teach students to recognize the various aspects of life. and have the zbility to logically and critically addressing the current situation of local. national and global constellation.

In the curriculum of 201 3, the purpose of social studies in elementary education described so that students as learners have the following abilities: a. Know the concepts related to people's lives and the environment. b. Have the basic ability to think logically and critically, curiosity, inquiry, problem

solving, and skills in life c. Having the commitment and awareness of social and humanity values. Has the

ability to communicate, cooperate and compete in a pluralistic society, locally, nationally, and globally.

Furthermore, the scope of Social Studies in Elementary School includes the following aspects: a) Persons, Places, and Environment, b) Time, Sustainability, and Change, c) Social and Cultural Systems, and d) Economic Behavior and Welfare.

Therefore, Social Stzdics educatioil i11 elemeiitary school is intended to foster the next generation of young age in order to understand their own potential and their role in life, appreciate the importance of social relationships with togetherness, and proficient when participate in the social environment as a human being and a good citizen.

By studying Social Studies in social / community issues, students can directly observe and learn the norms / regulations and good practices prevailing in the society: so by that students get hands-on experience of the reciprocal relationship of mutual influence between private and public life. Thus, the benefits derived after studying

social studies not only to preparing the students ~vhen they have to join the public life, but also to established itself'as a good member- of society by obeying the rules.

Social studies early education (Elementary School age) should to be introduced to the students froni the smallest things in the environment, ;from the closest to the broader, to local, regional and international level. In the globalization era. where the information and communication technology are rapidly developed, students can follow various events in a transparent nianner through increasingly sophisticated information network. In the dissemination of such information, a variety of information about worldwide problems and issues appears. Those problems and issues would influence of the world community directiy or indirectly, including to the students. Therefcre, every stcdent should be equipped with a global education.

Global education is an attempt to provide an understanding of the views (perpective) of the world to the students by the focusing to the fact that cultures, humanity and earth conditions are interwoven. Instructional emphasis on students' ability to think critically in matters that increasingly characterize global and pluralism.

The purpose of global education is to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to effectively live in a world of dwindling natural resources and is characterized by ethnic diversity, cultural pluralism, the mutual dependence.

The discussion on global issues in teaching social studies should be able to provide knowledge and understanding to students in the context of them as a citizens of the world community. Students are expected to think critically and find solutions to the problems of the world are very precisely related to environmental issues and the nation in which it is located. Furthermore, the discussions of thc following promote some important issues that could be use as subject of discussion for the students in school

ISUES AND GLOBAL PROBLEMS Today's world is filled with problems and global issues that broadcasted through

rapid information and communication, the students certainly know what is going on in the world where they lived. In social studies the students are required not just to know the problems and issues mentioned before, but also how they can be.part of the issues and contribute as a solution in the process of completion.

According to Sapriya (2009: 133) the characteristics of global issues are,firsi: are transnational in scope, origins and consequences of the problem.-across more than one country. Second: issues and problems can only be resolved thr~ugh multilateral action. Completion and improvement can not be achieved only by a single country. Third: the conflict comes from disagreements about the nature and causes of distinguishing values and goals on how to find the appropriate and necessary measure to ensure the expected results. Fourtl~, the problem and the issue has continuous nature, problems and issues have evolved as ongoing problems arid issues. Fifrh, the contents and the problems , associated with other things. Completion of an issue will affect on several other factors. The most important issue of'global education (Kniep, Sapriya 2009: 135), there are four

peace and security, development, environment and issues of human

, . . . ace and Securities 1 .

n L i keen declared that the world we live in is inhabited by 7 billion people . . . L iattered in diffeient continents. The number world population moving

year. And every year, the countries in world also spend $ 750 billion. ,;% of the world GNP's to pay for arsenal or weaponry. This amount is 30 per person that is on earth. Since the World War 11. there has been

d~illicts and as rrsny 2s ! 6 n?i!!ion people lost their lives. It's not even would be a bigger collflict later the world, since now many nations :.lpons that can be used as a mass killing instrument.

:ha1 issues that we faced ioday, ranging from international security a ~ d issues that concerning human rights. Those emerged issues demanded

,;mediately response in their foreign policy. A o n knows the importance of a sense of security. World interest to inged from" the protection of hurnan rights and national autonomy to omic freedom. Creating and maintaining the security of the peace has 1s. thought throughout history, since the international system has no central

#ltplement the law and resolve conflicts with the sovereignty of nations. ' I Studies studies, this issue can be raised through a discussion about

,:ace in the context security issues. What is a security? Are there any : lions? Can the security of the state affect.other problems? And how a .,sues would impact on the environment, and how can an individual would

~;.,n's security policy.

. . A Issues

: ins about development issues in the Social Studies aimed to invite -;. .,.rstand how people and the nation tries to provide their basic necessities,

.i$;ljnal economic growth, expanding political, economic and social freedom. - 1 :. . : . .:. naterials mainly focused on a number of issues and problems on the gaps

.i.i ;id the poor and the injustices and sufferings. In elementary social studies, . ,,.; .;pi.. .In be embedded on a number of dimensions cbout life gap between thc rich .. . . . . . .:. I . . ' solding the richest and poorest in the world.

. , , . . \ : . , !l.tys can be related to the problems of hunger, infectious disease and

T . ;> . ., . . . . I . tvould include threat to global securitly and the environment. It is also I ! l : ; to the cause of high debt on third world countries. A country's state debt

. .: . . . (n be a burden if not managed properly, in fact i t can be a cause for - ( . i>:!c'h

i . ., dudies, discussions about development could begin with questioning ~: . bcen successful or not. By reviewing these topics students required to be

t . , , . , . . ,nd solutions to the world's problems sr.lch as over-population, hunger,

deforestation. en\~ironmental degradation. the north-south and the west-east relations. In the discussion. i t should also discussed the problems of technology, the global economic

i crisis and a third country debt. Therefore: students can be involved to solve the problems with a sense of' responsibility as citizens of their country. and as citizens of the world at the same time.

Environmental Issues Environmental issues starting from the consequences of human resource

exploitation and utilization of Earth's resources. As a result of world's population rapid development, in the year 201 1 has been announced that the world population has reached 7 billion. By reviewing the population explosion problem, hunger, deforestation, environmental degradation resulting in disaster everywhere, floods, landslides, global warming, the advent of the global economic crisis, the use of technology in defiance and followed by coverage by the media.

In the environmental issues learning context, students are stimulated to associate the development with the environment. Due to errors of development planning, it can cause harm to a nation. Here students are involved in the search for solutions to these problems. Global education will provide the opportunity for them to see their role in global issues and problems, as well as the role of other people and other systems

Human Rights Issues In post World War 11. there seems appears a great attention to human rights

around the world. This issue is originated by concerns on human atrocities committed against another human being during the war. Similarly, the cruelty of the invaders against the colonies were already beyond humanity. UN Declaration on human rights issued as a direct reaction to all these events. The existence of a large great care and modem country where there is a kind of awareness about the issues of human rights through a global communications network and they feel responsible as a member of the world community and reject the neglect of human rights. The emergence of attention on this issues from large and modem countries, where there is a kind of awareness about the issues of human rights through a global communications network. and they feel responsible as a member of the world community and reject the neglect of human rights.

In addition to the declaration and other efforts, the international agency has seen so many izcidects on the earth's mass murderers case, for example, the case of the Moammar Gaddafi government in Libya, in Myamar, and in some African countries in conflict. There is still exist persistence of political repression. detention. torture of residents. Social Studies as a global education can discuss how human rights were guaranteed in the face of the earth, so there are no more act of violation to the human rights.

In learning process, a good method that can used is constructivist. because it can be performed on all topics and sub-ject matter. Teachers can use this approach while discussing and reviewing the topics raised by both teachers or students when learning

process tzkes ptacc. Therefore: the discussion s mater~al covered in class should not always the same as in the lesson plans, or other programs that have been previously developed.

I'he constnlctivist app1-oach can also be used in developing teaching materials in the classroom. All these times, social studies teaching still using the traditional approach and just put more emphasis on the cognitive aspects and ignore social skills.

Similarly, the evaluation stage is not only to be done at the end of the activity, but also needs to be implemented in the process. Portfolio models need to be developed, considering this model is one of many effec~ive tools for assessing the success of a comprehensive student learning, and i t also can be used to record a lmo~t all aspects of teaching and learning activities. Besides all that, Social Studies teachers can use an objective test tool and compiled i t in the form of Student Worksheet. However, we must remember, this tool is sometimes in some ways unsatisfactory because students are only required to memorize and recall facts with a low cognitive domain.

Conclusions 1. Social studies essentially examine a set of events, facts, concepts and generalizations

related to social issues. The implementation of those issues and problems sho.uld start from a small scope (environment) and leads to regional and international.

2. Social studies also associate human relations with other humans, the environment, as well as the Creator in order to become a complete human beings.

3. Global education is an attempt to instill a view (perpective) of the world to the students by focusing that there are interconnections between culture, humanity and planet Earth conditions. The learning process should emphasis on students' ability to think critically in global matters and pluralism .

4. Discussions about global problems and issues will make the students think critically and find solutions to the problems of the world, which actually very precisely related to environmental issues that near around us.


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