trends analysis and managing change presentation by: brett kochendorfer

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Trends Analysis and Managing Change

Presentation by: 


 Molly Mansfield

2003 OCLC Environmental Scan: Pattern Recognition Report-

Executive Summary"The Scan reviews trends in five landscapes: social, economic, technology, research and learning, and library."   

The Librarian as Mediator: A Significant Change in the

Educational Role of Librarians"The face of academic librarianship is changing. While much attention has been focused on the impact of new technologies, new sources of information, and new ways of management, perhaps the most significant change is in the faces across the desk"(1).

Trends in America: 10 Forces of Change States Can't Ignore

-Demographic -Income -Environmental

-Health Care-Technological-Economical -Educational

-Infrastructure-Security-Balance of power

Demographic Changes

With an increase in differing ethnic groups the library, especially public, must respond with materials in different languages and welcome foreigners to the library.

Illinois very own Skokie Public Library has recently received a distinction for offering services to a diverse population.     

Skokie Public Library

"With 42 percent of its residents foreign-born and 97 languages other than English spoken at home—including Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Korean, Chinese, Urdu, Gujarati, and Greek—Skokie, Illinois, is recognized as one of the most diverse cities in the United States. The Skokie Public Library (SPL) embraces the diversity of its constituency and takes great pride in targeting and tailoring its programming to the many and varied populations it serves." Link to official website, be sure to check for new immigrant information, mentioned in article.

Demographic Changes

New radio campaign bridges “opportunity gap” for Latinos by promoting library use.  

 Recent job postings, found on ALA's JobLIST, prefer the following qualifications:-"The ability to bring diverse cultural and ethnic perspectives to the campus and serve as a role model and mentor for women and/or minorities".-"People with bilingual skills"-"The ability to read, write and speak Spanish is highly desirable."

Almost every library today has their own website

Offering links to their catalog, to your account, to community programs, and much more.

Technological Changes: Web & Library 2.0Recent changes in technology have brought about an interest in Web 2.0 technologies and how they can benefit libraries.     

23 Things World Implementation

Web 2.0 Longer Training Courses

This is another "grassroots" style training course to train librarians to become fluent with web 2.0 technology and it's particular uses within the library setting.  Social Libraries: 

John Blyberg   

Named "Mover and Shaker" 2006 by Library Journal 

Library 2.0 Technology    

The Social OPAC, or SOPAC.    This is an open source suite created by John Blyberg it allows users to treat the libraries catalog similarly to popular websites offering web 2.0 technology such as Amazon. Users can create avatars, search tags, add comments, create reviews, and read information about other users. SOPAC: Code/Community: 

Instant Reference   Academic libraries sensed the need to implement live chat as a reference option to supplement the material on their website. Many libraries use a web based chat platform known as Meebo. Dominican University: Forest Park Public Library: (^Offers several other forms of chat reference)

SMS Reference

If you are away from your computer, possibly aimed on College students, you can obtain reference services via SMS/Text message. This website is still in the founding stages and may not be optimally functional.  Text a Librarian  *note stereotypical librarian image used on this website.

New Technology: SaneCat    

The University of Wisconsin-Madison has developed a library catalog search with virtual "browseable stacks".  Type in a search and choose your title. Click Browse Virtual Stacks to see what is on the actual stacks near your book.

Ecomonic Trends and Analysis

With increasing worries in the future in the American economy there is a good news for librarians; "15 Jobs that pay $50,000 and Might Be Hiring"

 LibrariansAnnual median income: $50,970*Projected employment in 2016: 164,000Increase between 2006 and 2016: 4 percent

Marketing and Creating a new "brand"A library in England has decided to change the name and "brand" of the Library in order to encorporate more users and a positive image. The "Idea Store" is a new approach to what a library could mean to a community and how the building/environment/staff interact with patrons 

From "MicroInteractions" by David Armano


All these changes lead to a new world view

From "MicroInteractions" by David Armano

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