tremendous change in wedding styles by youths specially in metro cities

Post on 20-Feb-2017






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Tremendous Change in

Wedding Styles by Youths

Specially In Metro Cities

Tremendous Change in Wedding Styles by Youths Specially In Metro Cities

The change is inevitable phenomena. Only one thing is sure to happen in this world. That is change. It affects every aspect of life. Then how the wedding style can be unaffected? 

The metro cities house the people of several races, regions, communities and religions. Thus the culture of the metropolitan cities is of mixed one. This has affected the marriage trends tremendously.

Following are the salient changes brought by the youths in metro cities:

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Tremendous Change in Wedding Styles by Youths Specially In Metro Cities

Eradication of caste barriers

Earlier, the marriages were performed among the people of same caste. But, as the people from various castes, religions and places stay in neighbourhood. They come in contact of each other. The same thing happens in case of office cultures too. So, it becomes not uncommon for the modern youth to find the mate from the other castes, religions and races. Thus, rigid caste barrier has been loosening in marriages. Now the youth of metro cities have out of box thinking and they are willing to experiment the things which are good for their life. 

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Tremendous Change in Wedding Styles by Youths Specially In Metro Cities

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Search of Partners Online

Since the people of different sectors, races and religion stay in metro cities. The people who wish to get married in their caste, religion, race and community, find it difficult to get a suitable life partner. In such case, they look for the services of wedding websites. They register themselves on wedding website and search their prospective life partner online.   

Registered Marriages

Since the people in metro cities are highly educated and they understand …

Tremendous Change in Wedding Styles by Youths Specially In Metro Cities

the importance of legal formalities; their faith from religious taboos and rituals have been reduced. Now the Indian weddings in metro cities are not performed in front of holy fire and as per traditional wed rituals. The people are no more willing in getting their marriages performed as per direction of Brahmins; rather they are opting for registered marriages. These are performed in the court premises and in front of high officials. 

Changes in Wedding Dress

Since the wedding venue is practically changed in metro cities, so is the wedding dress.

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Tremendous Change in Wedding Styles by Youths Specially In Metro Cities

Now the brides are not wearing only lehenga choli or saree, but also they are opting for western dresses as their bridal wear too. 

Use of Professional Services

In the metro cities, people are left with very little time to manage all the affairs of life such as marriage and other functions. At the same time, the professional services in the form of wedding planners, wedding photography, event managers, makeup artist etc. are easily available. So, the people are easily opting for the professional services. 

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Tremendous Change in Wedding Styles by Youths Specially In Metro Cities

Live-in Relationship

A new trend of couple living together has been seen now-a-days in the metro cities. The couple willing to stay together are not even going for marriage ties and they are staying together as husband and wife. This form of relationship is known as live-in relationship. In this relationship, the various hassles of royal weddings are automatically eliminated and both the partners feel more space and comfort in their lives. 

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