treaty ed with an ipad (it summit-may 2014)

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Treaty Education with an iPad

We are all Treaty People

Claire Kreuger @ClaireKreuger #TreatyEd fill out this quick 3 question survey:

Goals for the session:

1. Explain why Treaty Education matters

2. Share the mistakes I’ve made

3. Walk you through Treaty Ed in my classroom

PM Stephen Harper’s Residential School Apology

…The burden of this experience has been on your shoulders for far too long. The burden is properly ours as a Government, and as a country. There is no place in Canada for the attitudes that inspired the Indian Residential Schools system to ever prevail again. You have been working on

recovering from this experience for a long time and in a very real sense, we are now joining you on this journey. The Government of Canada sincerely apologizes and asks the forgiveness of the Aboriginal peoples of this country for failing them so profoundly…

…moving towards healing, reconciliation and resolution of the sad legacy of Indian Residential Schools…

… a new beginning and an opportunity to move forward together in partnership…

…forging a new relationship between Aboriginal peoples and other Canadians, a relationship based on the knowledge of our shared

history, a respect for each other and a desire to move forward together with a renewed understanding that strong families, strong communities and vibrant cultures and traditions will contribute to a stronger Canada for all of us.

Indian Residential School Apology11 June 2008

“…now is the time for all people to come together and build a new relationship. If not, things could get a little awkward. After all, First Nations peoples are Canada’s fastest growing population and more than half of us now live in the cities.”-Wab Kinew, 8th Fire

It’s time to meet the neighbours.

#1 We need to build a…

Ellie (9 years old)

Anna (9 years old)

“I don’t know why any teacher would not teach their students Treaty Education in Canada where treaties are a big problem because the government didn’t keep their promises… I was inspired by the treaties. I like to think about what could have happened differently…

…I find that it is not as useless as fractions. It’s more of a life lesson, something to hold on to.”

River (9 years old)

“It’s good to hear about the people who were here before we came, to learn

what the government did to help them and what they did that wasn’t good. It

sets a different perspective on how you look at the government.”

#2 Students WANT to learnabout Treaty Education

#3 It’s our job. fill out this quick 3 question survey:

Where do I report on

Treaty Education???

Where do I find

the time?

Not in line with the curriculum

Not on the report card or on

the time tableFew resources

Teacher discomfort with topic

Treaty Education with an iPad

Storying Treaties and the Treaty Relationship:

Enhancing Treaty Education Through Digital Storytelling


Alec Couros

Jennifer Tupper

Patrick Lewis

Ken MontgomeryKatia Hildebrandt

Joseph Naytowhow


Please learn from my mistakes!Year 1

Mistake #1

Treaty Education ELA Social Studies

- Revival of the Treaty Relationship: Living in Harmony

- First Nations, Federal and Provincial Governments Work Together

- The Restoration of First Nations Languages and Cultures

- First Nations Peoples and Communities Work Toward Self-Sufficiency

- Treaties in Saskatchewan Are Recognized and Affirmed, and Must Be Honoured and Implemented

Outcome: CC6.6

Use oral language appropriately to express a range of information and ideas in formal and informal situations including presenting an oral report based on research, a demonstration, and a short dramatization.

(g) Prepare and give oral presentations

(h) Include appropriate beginning, middle, and ending in presentations

Outcome: DR6.2

Analyze ways in which the land affects human settlement patterns and social organization, and ways in which human habitation affects land.

(d) Conduct an inquiry into the nature of urbanization and examine the impact of urbanization on youth, including indigenous youth, in Canada and in a selection of countries bordering the Atlantic Ocean.

Grade 6

Mistake #2Teaching First Nations Culture is not the same

as teaching Treaty Education

Mistake #3All First Nations Cultures Are Not The Same!

There are 617 aboriginal communities in Canada

Lessons Learned

1. Read the Treaty Resource Guide

2. Treaty Education First Nations Culture

3. Leave the totem poles in BC.

What does it mean to be a treaty person?Year 2

Where do I put Treaty Education?

• How do I fit it into my timetable?

• How do I report progress to parents?

• Where do I find the time?

English Language Arts! Read, Listen & View Write, Speak & Represent

Horizon Treaty Education Video

Our Treaty People Video (iMovie)


Learning About the Signing of Treaty 4 (Puppet Pals)


Podcasts (Garage Band)


Mistake #4“We agreed to SHARE the land”

Idle No More

Bridging the gap between Treaty 4 and Idle No More

NFB Pix Stop App

NFB Pixstop

Treaty 4 Stop Motion Project

The Oka Crisis (NFB Film)

The Oka Crisis Stop Motion Project

Residential School Stop Motion Project

Now….what does it mean to be a treaty person?Final Projects

Stars-LHV & PJT


Just The Way You Are-AAT & EJG


Spreading the Word… Starting a ConversationYear 3

K to 12 Online Conference


Strip Design App

Alien Invasion Simulation

Christopher Columbus

Elder, Gerry Stonechild

“Thank goodness Columbus wasn’t looking for Turkey!”

Mistake #5• When discussing the theory of human

migration, don’t forget about Turtle Island

Regan, Paulette. Unsettling the Settler Within UBC Press, 2011.

Intercultural Competence

The ability to recognize the inherent assumptions of your own cultural perspective

Learning to accept and value differing cultural perspectives.

Finding ways to work with different cultural views to the mutual benefit of all participants.

Global Citizens

We are all Treaty People! Join us on our blog at:

Connect on Twitter:@ClaireKreuger

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