treatments lumen existing healthcare is good, living is...

Post on 13-Jun-2019






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Care & TreatmentsLumen Healthcare

Swiss healthcare for preventive medicine

Existing is good, Living is better.Lumen is intended to be a health catalyst that improves your pros-pects for health expectancy. Put more simply, Lumen will allow you to understand what you can do to live as healthily and for as long as possible.


Checkup & early diagnosisDetox therapiesHormone therapyGut microbiote transplantCellular therapies & longevity medicine Regenerative & aesthetic medicine



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Checkup & early diagnosis

Health depends on a wide range of factors, and our lifestyle is an important influence on our health. We offer an extensive checkup Healthcare Optimization program to identify and address areas of concern for your health. This preventive and predictive approach is the first step to improving your long-term future health.

Checkup “Healthcare Optimization”

Genes as reliable predictors of health and welfare

The picture of your actual health status

Genetic panelPreventive genetic testing is designed to provide you with com-prehensive information about your genetic background and the effect that your genes may have on your overall wellbeing.

Gene constellations are analyzed to determine your health poten-tial, including important considerations such as weight control, de-toxification capacities, cardiovascular health, physical and mental fitness, and bone health.

We provide personalized nutritional and lifestyle recommenda-tions which best suit your own genetic constellation.

Novel biological testThese novel tests are designed to detect metabolic imbalances at an early stage, before progression to any type of disease. We identify your risk factors such as cardiovascular and inflamma-tory risks, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, endocrine status, nutrition and metabolism, tumor markers, neural plasticity and gut microbiote. More tests can be proposed once we have your personal medical history.

Awareness of your health status contributes to optimizing your current and future health. This is another step toward making civi-lization disease avoidable and partially or totally reversible.

Our personalized recommendations help you regain control over your health and wellbeing. The medical benefits are numerous and include decreasing your risk of acquiring a degenerative di-sease associated with aging.

Health Disease



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The gut is the most important part of our immune system ; the intestinal mucosa serves as a protective barrier against pa-thogenic germs.The checkup Gut Microbiote focuses on the gut microbial flora and its quantitative and qualitative composition. An extensive stool test includes advanced bacteriological analysis, immuno-logic and inflammatory biomarkers as well as targeted genetic analysis.

The test results can identify altered bowel microflora and evaluate the level of mucosa permeability. Increased intestinal permeability is regarded as an early warning sign of many serious diseases.

You will receive a personalized report and interpretation for dia-gnostic purposes, including recommendations. These recom-mendations are the first steps in developing the most appropriate treatments and nutritional therapeutic measures for you. They will help prevent functional digestive disorders from developing, pro-tecting you from endogenous infections and other diseases.

The checkup Medical Evaluation program consists of a general health status assessment.The aim is to identify primary risk factors, whether due to lifestyle circumstances or previous illnesses and conditions. This allows us to detect certain pathologies, even when there are no clinical symptoms.

The personal interview with the doctor is often the most important element of this checkup. It makes it possible to establish a pro-gnosis related to the individual context of the patient, while also considering the patient’s family and personal risk factors.

The patient is then thoroughly examined using diagnostic tools (electrocardiogram, cardiac evaluation with stress test, abdominal ultrasound, chest x-ray, gynecologic or urologic evaluation, blood and urine tests, tumoral markers) and any other test related to your personal status.

At the end, a reasoned interpretation of the results leads to concrete recommendations to prevent disease and promote a healthy lifestyle. You will take control of your health capital and influence the aging process.

Checkup “Gut Microbiote”Checkup “Medical Evaluation”

Based on the laboratory results and clinical findings, we can offer you a se-ries of complementary investigations ranging from targeted assessments to consultations with specialists. Given the information of your medical file, we can develop a tailor-made checkup program for you.

Complementary / on demand checkups

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Heavy metals such as aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury are poisoning our body. They enter our bodies through air, water or food.

The accumulation of these toxic substances has a direct implica-tion in many mental and physical pathologies, which can dege-nerate into diseases (cancer, diabetes, infarction, impact on the nervous system, psychological disorders, fertility problems, early menopause, allergic reactions …).

The therapy consists of injecting specific controlled molecules to capture and remove the toxic metals from your organs (chelation therapy). We perform urine analysis before and after injection of the detoxification mixture to detect heavy metal contamination.

This treatment can also be accompanied by a session of ozone therapy, accentuating the in-depth elimination of toxins.

Finally, we provide an oral antioxidant and micronutrient treatment over a 3-month period to sustain the detoxification benefits.

Heavy & toxic metals

Detox therapies

With age, blood calcium accumulates on the walls of our blood vessels and facilitates clogging. The circulation of red blood cells transporting oxygen becomes impaired, impacting on all your or-gans including the heart, brain, kidneys and ovaries or testicles.

Different diseases can then occur: heart infarction, stroke, vision loss, hearing loss and memory problems are just some examples. To maintain good oxygenation of your cells, we remove this calcium from your arteries, while preserving the calcium in your bones.

The solution we recommend is an intravenous perfusion to dis-solve deposits of calcium plates. Excess calcium is then eliminated in the urine. Food supplements over a period of 3 months to sustain the detoxification benefits will be provided.


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Hormone therapy

Health also greatly depends on the status of hormones, the messengers which set up communication between organs and the brain. They play a pivotal role in our bodies. Not only do they ensure a vital function, they also guarantee an equilibrium by main-taining good health and rejuvenation. Hormones are involved in multiple mechanisms, such as sleep, growth, reproduction, sexuality, sugar and fat metabolism and even mood.

With age, health and body functions tend to decrease. Unfortuna-tely, the good hormones decrease faster and faster while inade-quate, “bad” hormones increase. Diseases of the body and mind are greatly impacted by imbalances in these hormones. Preven-tive and anti-aging medicine takes particular care to maintain this balance in order to preserve our health capital.

Our approach to hormonal health is global and it requires a multi-faceted approach to rebalancing it. Based on your genetic predis-positions and the hormonal indicators checkup results, the fight is carried out on two fronts : hormonotherapy based on natural bio-identical hormones and food supplements (with nutritional adaptation in relation to age).

We optimize – without exaggerating – all hormonal levels to fight observed or anticipated endocrine disorders.

Hormonal health

An ecological community of microorganisms is called a micro-biote. These communities are present in different sites in our body : the skin, mouth, nose, gut, and urogenital organs. The whole microorganism system is called the microbiome.

The gut microbiote plays an essential role in bidirectional and dynamic communication between our gut and our brain (the gut-brain axis), influencing brain function. The gut microbiote also has major implications for heart health (the gut-heart axis).

Our rejuvenation treatment rests on a microbiote transplant. Res-toration of the youthful diversity of the human microbiome has a major impact on our health and wellbeing. By correcting alterations in the composition and function of the microbiote, we prevent a multitude of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders, hormonal involution, neurodegeneration and neuropsy-chiatric illnesses, among others. It also limits the development of pathogens, thus preventing infectious diseases.

This epigenetic rejuvenation is not only preventive but also has applications in anti-aging medicine. The microbiote exchange can reverse premature aging by re-activating genes from your younger adulthood.

Microbiote rejuvenation

Gut microbiote transplant

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Cellular therapies & longevity medicine

Regenerative medicine for anti-aging is an alternative to inva-sive surgery. Stem cell therapy exerts a powerful rejuvenating effect on damaged cells or tissues. With these treatments, the impact of the aging process on skin is significantly diminished and hopefully even reversed.

The treatment consists of harvesting and reinjecting autologous stem cells (i.e. cells from the donor-patient). This involves a mi-ni-liposuction (under local anesthesia) where a small amount of fatty tissue is removed. The stem cells are then isolated from the body fat in the laboratory. In a second step, these stem cells are reinjected with adipose fat cells at the intradermal and subcu-taneous levels in the targeted facial area.

Stem cells, as natural resources of your own body, have the ability to stimulate tissue regeneration and skin renewal. The injected fat cells correct volume loss associated with aging tissue.

The health of your facial skin, both in terms of texture and quality, will be restored 2 to 3 months after treatment. The latter includes up to 30 years of sample preservation in our Swiss biobanking organization and food supplements to optimize the aesthetic ef-fect. For your personal comfort, we can organize one night in a private clinic.

Facial cellular revitalization

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a vital macromolecule that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functio-ning of cells. Genetic material is encoded in DNA ; RNA acts as a messenger.

Our understanding of human genomics has been developing at an unprecedented rate, enabling scientists to identify the genetic roots of many common diseases. With age, we experience a drop in endogenous RNA. This creates an imbalance that alters our body’s regenerative process : we are no longer able to prevent diseases from becoming chronic or stop degenerative development. Our avant-garde therapy gives the opportunity to cure diffi-cult-to-treat maladies and age-related degenerative diseases. Intramuscular injections of biologically active RNA extracts (or-gan-specific) initiate a natural process by which RNA sequences can block the expression of DNA into protein. This is known as RNA interference : it is switching off viruses or other harmful genes. The benefits are multiple : it will balance out defects at the site of the disease, strengthen the immune system and initiate regene-ration processes in diseased organs. For regenerative treatment to be effective, 12 vials are usually required every 6 to 12 months.

RNA cellular regeneration

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Stem cells have the remarkable ability to develop in multiple directions, thus adapting to different sites in the organism. They are unique and the only ones compatible with other cells. Therefore, the good health of our stem cells is simply a matter of prolongation of life.

As we get older, our organ functions decrease. This drop, which is dependent on cellular activity, will accentuate deficiencies in useful hormones. This cell degeneration will cause aging but can also ini-tiate a wide range of degenerative diseases.

This exclusive therapy consists of regeneration by stimulating the tissue-resident stem cells inside your own body with a growth fac-tors mixture. It addresses the root of hormone deficiency.

By injecting cell “activators”, we are energizing stem cells. Once activated, they will start working better at the site where they are most useful. They will naturally and instinctively produce more hormones and rejuvenated tissue. The cells adjacent to the stem cells will benefit from the activity of these youthful newcomers.

To effectively address senescence and greatly prolong your health span, the treatment requires a cure of 2 to 5 days (combo packages available from the 3 rd day), once a year.

Rejuvenation by cellular stimulation

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PRP treatment involves injecting platelet-enriched plasma to stimulate dermal stem cells that produce collagen and elastin. Plasma is a serum that contains nutrients, vitamins, hormones, minerals and proteins that are essential for the cellular life of the skin.

Platelets have the ability to locally release growth factors and in-duce a bio-stimulation of your cells. This promotes revitalization of the natural mechanisms for skin regeneration. This is a natural injection method and does not use chemicals or foreign subs-tances of any kind ; the plasma comes from your own blood.

This technique is suitable for rejuvenating and beautifying the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands. It can also be used to treat some skin imperfections. It will take up to a month for the be-nefits of the treatment to be fully realized : your skin will be softer, brighter, less wrinkled and have less imperfections.

You should repeat the treatment every 6 months. Food supple-ments will be provided to improve the appearance of your skin and protect it from the effects of age.

Platelet rich plasma injection (PRP)

Regenerative & aesthetic medicine

This new comprehensive approach to facial architecture, achie-vable in a single session, restores facial volume through a soft filling technique. The difference, compared to common filling, lays in the practice of using a single point of entry into the cheek to reach the entire face. It is painless and leaves no marks.

The injection technique consists of using non-traumatic round-tip needles (or micro-cannulas) and corrects volume losses by deep injecting. Volumizing hyaluronic acids have the advantage of being completely resorbable and have excellent tolerance, as they are naturally present in the dermis. Its injection will also have a revitalizing effect by reviving the production of your own hyalu-ronic acid and collagen.

This aesthetic treatment aims to restore a naturally rejuvenated appearance, without ever exaggerating physical traits. The results are immediate and last, on average, for 18 – 24 months. You will also receive food supplements to improve your skin quality and protect it from the effects of age.

Facelift rejuvenation by soft filling


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Phone +41 (0)22 777 09 09

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