treatment sheet

Post on 25-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Treatment SheetBackground of Artist – Ke$ha has been on the music scene since 2009 when she made her debut by featuring in Flo–Rida’s song right round. This immediately made her popular in the music industry and people expected to see big things from her, August 7th 2009 was the release date of her first single Tik Tok which went straight to number one and stayed there for 9 consecutive week, the single sold 12.8 million copies worldwide in 2010, 5,633,000 were downloads from America only. Her debut album Animal was then released on the 1st of January 2010 and her second, third and fourth singles, "Blah Blah Blah", "Your Love Is My Drug" and "Take It Off" all achieved similar success reaching the top ten in multiple countries including Australia, Canada and the United States. In all of these videos Ke$ha uses the same conventions for example her look is very trampy in the way that her clothes are ripped and her make up looks like it’s been on for days which is her unique and individual look and it’s how people recognize her. Also in everyone of her songs Ke$ha uses alot of auto tune to give them a sense of electronic and sci fi types of sounds which always fits in perfectly to whatever song she decides to sing, this element shows she’s more unique and diverse with her ideas compared to other artists in her genre of music. Our chosen song Cannibal is from her follow up album with the same title which was released on the 19th of November 2010, the song along with many of the others on this album are from the dance-pop genre while incorporating elements of electro and electro pop in the production stages. The songs link to experiences of love and heartbreak, which I believe, is exactly what cannibal links too with the quite threatening and strong lyrics used.

The Music VideoThe main location for our music video will be a deserted forest/area because it will link in exactly with the storyline behind the song which talks about the singer (Ke$ha) being a cannibal and eating up a male actor and this setting would be the place she takes her victims and where she is alone from anyone else. There are various forestry type places around the town that we could use depending on how many props we would need to whether it be a bigger or smaller location. Emily Wilson is going to play the main character the “Cannibal” which means throughout the music video she needs to act disturbed and out of control just like the person would be, also show she is the dominating woman especially when our male actor James Siggens is a part of the scenes because she needs to interact with him as if he is her next victim by getting very close to him intertwining around him like she is sniffing him out and she wants to “drink he’s blood”.

SettingsThere is a variety of settings/locations we could use to film our video because I filming on a dark night would give more of the overall atmosphere we need so the background wouldn’t really be an issue. However all music videos do have locations that relate well to the storyline/plot of the song. For one of the scenes we could use an open space for example a field or a forest because then it will look bewildered and add more of the spooky atmosphere we are looking for. Lighting will be an important factor in scenes too especially spotlights to make the main character stand out and also show viewers clearly what’s happening, if we do happen to use a field then torches may have to be used because no electrical supplies will be available. So a old warehouse could be used especially if it has been standing for years because it will have an old and rugged feel to it which is what we want, we could just ask the owners if we could rent it.

CostumeEmily will be wearing three different outfits throughout the video. The first outfit will be just leather including a leather top/bra, hot pants and stockings to show the sex appeal of her character so she would be seen as enticing the male audience, also using dark eye shadow and eyeliner will make her look alot stronger aswell as add a horror convention into the video as the storyline does try to incorporate a horror sequence as the main character begins the video by sitting over a dead body and producing motions that she is eating it, which some viewers watching it may find disturbing then the red lipstick will add the sex appeal to the character. The second outfit with consist of a long top and fishnet tights which we chose because we want viewers to see that the character is just a normal girl a times and the cannibal can be shown through the other two outfits. (The inspiration for the second outfit was from Rihanna’s video for Disturbia) The final outfit will be a leopard print leotard and leggings, the reason for this outfit is because it links back to Ke$ha’s first album Animal and the song title Cannibal because animals are cannibals. A leopard print face paint will be placed on one side of the characters face to signify one of Ke$ha’s unique looks and also link with the outfit, the sex appeal was also be shown through her bold make up as it will entice the audience especially the black lipstick as that’s the most sexual area from a females face which she can work with throughout the video to show her cannibal background but also show her dominatingpresence.

Influences Although our chosen music video is from the electric pop genre we got our inspiration from two completely videos from the R&B and pop genres but they link to our video’s storyline well and we got some of our ideas from it because they are both quite disturbing and have dominating females who are the main characters. The first video we got inspiration from is Rihanna’s – Disturbia the

costumes are very revealing but also dark as they all contain black which many people would relate to death and also in one of the scenes she is wearing black lace again leads to death but also the main character could be mourning someone. However she is wearing red lipstick so the sex appeal is still shown throughout the video, in one scene she has crazy styled hair and white contact lenses which indicate the to the viewers that she could demented and have some sort of mental problem, I think this is so clear because the artists performance is really strong and she can play a variety of different people through the video.

The second video we took

inspiration from is Lady Gaga’s – Paparazzi, the reason we used this video is because the artist is shown to be a strong woman who plays a killer throughout the video, her reason for doing this is because she falls of a balcony at the beginning of the video as her boyfriend puts her on show to the paparazzi and she somehow survives the fall and throughout the video there are disturbing shots of women including a maid, gardener etc and I believe the reason she is doing this is because she feels like she can’t trust anyone who is close to her anymore, at the end of the video she also poisons her husband to get him back for what he done to her which instantly kills him, this storyline may make the viewers feel uncomfortable and uneasy when watching but this is the type of element we want to put across in our video so it’s well remembered and puts out a strong message. In one scene when she is

adding the poison into her husband’s drink she smiles creepily at the camera which indicates to the audience she may have a mental problem and that she isn’t like every other human being. Again this is how our main character should be perceived because she is a cannibal and enjoys eating people close to her which would make people wonder why but when questions are asked about music videos it makes them alot more interesting.

Lyrics and Performance “RARGH” – This is the first

word sang in the video and when the main character says this she will be walking to the camera looking distorted and uneasy, these are both techniques we will edit after filming the video to

give it a horror/thrilling look to make every viewer get a shock. Blood will also appear around the main characters mouth to instantly show she’s been eating something and may have killed it.

“I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch, then when I’m thirsty I drink their blood” In this part of the video a male actor will appear and our main character will be shown circling him and sniffing him looking like

she is ready to pounce. While doing this she will be wearing a leather based outfit so the element of sex appeal is still controlled and could link to the storyline in the way that the male actor is attracted to her because of her looks and didn’t know anything about her becoming a cannibal and how different she can be. This will be shown in he’s petrified facial expressions and also he’s body language with him trying to escape her grasp but because she is the dominating female she has complete control over him. A variety of long, medium and close up shots will be used to make sure the audience are a part of the scene and understand the concept we are trying to get across.

“I am cannibal, (Cannibal,cannibal,I am) I am Cannibal, (Cannibal,cannibal,I am) (I’ll eat you up)” throughout the first chorus the main character will be holding an animal heart (viewers will think it’s human because of the storyline) above her head and we will add the fake blood so it can trickle down onto her body when she squeezes, she will then show an element of excitement in her expression because cannibals love blood and if someone/something else’s blood is on her body she’s going to feel an element of accomplishment as the outcome of killing the person/thing meant she is happy. Mainly close up shots will be used for this scene so viewers can see what she is holding but also what trickling all over her body and then make the link with the song title to show we have used clear conventions.

“Carnivore animal, I am a cannibal, I eat boys up, you better run!” In this part of the video the main character will be positioned behind some bars indicating she’s either been locked up or that’s her “sanctuary” where she hides away from the outside world and becomes this different character that none of her friends of family see. A dance scene will also follow this verse where the main character and a number of dancers will be using elements of the Michael Jackson classic Thriller so making their bodies look disjointed and out of control, viewers may wonder exactly who the dancers behind the main character in the video are and these will be people who are cannibals just like her so with them all dancing in sync means with them she feels most comfortable and free to be herself, the camera then may suddenly jerk to face the male actor running away from it screaming as with a group of people joining the main character and being on her side as they are just like her he will be fearing for he’s life so it will keep viewers in suspense to see what’s going to happen next.

Props A variety of coloured contact lenses to make our character look demented. (Preferably White)Fake BloodAnimal heart from the butchers Chains/Handcuffs

Face PaintChairs and Tables

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