travel tours to the 1000th anniversary of yaroslavl tours for … from volga-tour/tours... · 2020....

Post on 27-Sep-2020






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| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Travel tours to the 1000th

anniversary of Yaroslavl

1000 Stories about Yaroslavl


Day 1

Departure of the bus Moscow–Yaroslavl

Arrival in Yaroslavl

During the city tour «1000 Stories about Yaroslavl» you will see renovated sights of the historical city centre that belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage Site; it is a gem of Russian architecture – you will see old city’s temples and mansions, the famous Spit – the place where Yaroslavl was founded, the picturesque Volga embankment, ornate and renovated; you will admire Assumption Cathedral built specially for the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl and St. Elijah-the-Prophet Church – a unique temple of the 17th century famous for its non-canonical frescoes, inside of it there is a extant world relic – a fraction of the Seamless Robe of Jesus. You will visit the Yaroslavl History and architecture Museum-Reserve (the former Saviour Monastery) where you will be met with aromatic pies, mead (an alcoholic beverage made from honey), a bell concert and bell-ringing master classes.

Departure of the bus Yaroslavl-Moscow

Cost for one person for a double room according to groups:

Groups 8+1 10+1 15+1 20+1

Roubles/euros 1750/51 1400/41 950/28 710/21

Prices include: chosen transportation services, excursion services according to the programme, escort guide, admission tickets in museums, interactive games and master classes.

Agency commission – 10 %



















| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Travel tours to the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl

Handicraft Yaroslavl2 days/1 night

Yaroslavl – Gavrilov Yam – the village of Velikoye

Day 1

Departure of the bus Moscow-Yaroslavl.

Arrival in Yaroslavl. Dinner.

Th e City tour «Handicraft Yaroslavl» will let you get acquainted not only with the gems of Russian architecture – the churches and cathedrals of the millennial city, but you'll learn where handicraft settlements were, what traditional trades fl ourished in Yaroslavl and what skill traditionally made Yaroslavl famous all over Russia. Of course, you'll have a chance to see and buy souvenirs: unique ornamented tiles and majolica, wonderful linen and leather items!

You'll visit the Yaroslavl History and Architecture Museum-Reserve (the former Saviour Monastery).

Th en you are welcome to the private museum «Music and Time», where one can hear the collection of «live music» sounds - bells, music cabinets, old musical instruments. Moreover, you'll have a chance to play them yourself and buy unique souvenirs.

«Fairy felt boots» is the absorbing and exotic tour to the felt boots factory (Russian winter footwear) in Yaroslavl (from the cycle of programs «How it is made»), where almost nothing has changed since its foundation 100 years ago. Th ere one can see all stages of manual felt boots making!

You'll visit the only Russian International creative centre «Emarlese». Here you'll not only get acquainted with the wonderful art type, but a hot enamel making master class will be presented to you as well! You'll make a sketch yourself and bake (it is precisely the way enamel is usually made) a unique picture-souvenir which you'll take with you!

Check-in. Free time.



















| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Day 2

Breakfast. Check-out.

Departure to Gavrilov-Yam – the capital of Russian coachmen and the home of «Russian silk».

Arrival in Gavrilov-Yam.

You'll go to see coachman Gavrila (a man who rides post horses) – to the «Yamschik's Museum» where the only monument to Yamschik is. According to the legend he founded a post station – yam- on the place where Gavrilov-Yam is situated nowadays. Here you'll get acquainted with a yamschik's everyday life and hear many mysterious stories about this area.

You'll take part in the exclusive excursion «Russian fl ax» to the former factory of merchant Lokalov. In addition to some others items it supplies the company «IKEA» with its production. You'll see with your own eyes how a common fl ower turns into traditional Russian cloth as it was more than a hundred years ago. At the end of the excursion you'll visit the fi rm shop of linen items «Russian Lint».


Departure to the village of Velikoe. You'll visit the unique Velikoselsky Kremlin – the monument to the victory of Russian troops in the famous Poltavskaya Battle, the Russian Castle which belonged to the merchant Lokalov, the linen king of the Russian Empire, where the marvellous room- grotto, that can be compared with the Bavarian miracle in the Neuschweinstein castle, is preserved.

You'll admire the enigmatic Black Pond, where local ladies used to drown their grief and the beautiful Lime Park.

Departure to Moscow.

Price for 1 person/double arrangement

Hotels 8+1 10+1 15+1 20+1Additional charge for

single room


4* Ring Premier Hotel 11850/340 10300/295 8360/240 7650/219 1838/53

3* Jubileinaya Hotel 11250/322 9750/279 7780/223 7150/205 850/25

3* Kotorosl 10150/291 8670/249 6750/194 6160/177 325/110

Th e price includes: the chosen transport service, excursion services in accordance with the program, the guide, entrance tickets to the museums, meals in accordance with the program, accommodation in a double standard room in the chosen hotel, interactive games and master classes according to the program, accident insurance.

Agency commission – 10%.

«Volga-tour» keeps the right to change the order of the provided services without violating their quantity and quality.

| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Travel tours to the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl

Theatre Yaroslavl

2 days/1 night

Yaroslavl – the village of Vyatskoye

Day 1

Departure of the bus Moscow-Yaroslavl

Arrival in Yaroslavl. Dinner.

During the city tour «1000 Yaroslavl Stories» you'll see the renewed sights of the historic centre of the city which is protected by the UNESCO, the gems of Russian architecture – cathedrals and mansions of the old city, the famous Spit – the place where Yaroslavl was founded, the picturesque Volga embankment in its new bright setting. You'll admire Assumption Cathedral, erected specially to Yaroslavl's millennium and St. Elijah-the-Prophet Church – a unique church of the 17th century famous for its non-canonical frescos, where the world relic – a part of God’s chasuble – was contained.

You'll visit the Yaroslavl History and Architecture Museum-Reserve (the former Saviour Monastery).

Here you can take part in the dramatized interactive game «City 1612»: you'll become «militiamen» of Meenin and Pozharsky (the folk militia of 1611 – 1612 organizers and leaders), ascend the defensive walls with their tricks and ticklish tasks.

Th en you'll visit the fi rst private museum «Music and Time», where one can hear how the collection of «live music» sounds - bells, music cabinets, hand organs (mechanical wind musical instrument), record players (portable version of gramophone, a mechanical device to play gramophone records). You'll have a chance to play them yourself and buy unique souvenirs.

An excursion to the fi rst Russian professional theatre. In the famous F. Volkov Th eatre (F. Volkov is the founder of the fi rst Russian theatre) you'll be guided into the mysterious backstage area and you'll learn where and how scenery, costumes and wigs for plays are made, fi nd yourselves on the stage, and if lucky, you'll watch the rehearsal!

Check-in. Free time.



















| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Day 2

Breakfast. Check-out.

Departure to the cucumber capital of Russia – the village of Vyatskoye (35 km from Yaroslavl)!

On your way you'll see amazingly beautiful gothic castle one of the fi rst Russian capitalist – merchant Ponizovkin, where only ghosts inhabit nowadays.

Arrival at the village of Vyatskoye– an open-air museum: here 53 (!) buildings are recognized as architectural monuments! Nowadays many old estates with bas-relief are being actively repaired. You'll visit the wonderful functioning Resurrection Cathedral (the 18th century), the interesting «Museum of Russian Enterprise, or Th e Story of One Village, which Wanted to Become a City», you'll learn the secrets of vyatskiye cucumbers salting – the winners of the settlement till now, try the crispy, salted cucumbers! You'll face the famous local casks of a human size.

Here you'll have a chance to dip into holy water in the unique Chapel-Font.


Departure to Moscow.

Price for 1 person/double arrangement

Hotels 8+1 10+1 15+1 20+1Additional charge for

single room


4* Ring Premier Hotel 10800/310 9550/274 7980/229 7450/214 1838/53

3* Jubileinaya Hotel 10200/292 8970/257 7410/212 6970/200 850/25

3* Kotorosl 9100/261 7910/227 6350/182 5970/171 325/110

Th e price includes: the chosen transport service, excursion services in accordance with the program, the guide, entrance tickets to the museums, meals in accordance with the program, accommodation in a double standard room in the chosen hotel, interactive games and master classes according to the program, accident insurance.

Agency commission – 10%.

«Volga-tour» keeps the right to change the order of the provided services without violating their quantity and quality.

| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Travel tours to the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl

Yaroslavl HollywoodInteractive Adventure

2 days/1 night


Day 1

Departure of the bus Moscow-Yaroslavl

Arrival in Yaroslavl. Dinner.

Departure to the camera ground of the historic-adventure fi lm «Yaroslav», which will be released in 2010!

Exactly on the bank of the great Volga, as if having jumped into the past, you'll suddenly fi nd yourself in the 11th century: a pagan village is hiding behind a huge fence, a smoke is stretching from the burnt pagan temple on the hill...

In a thick forest you'll face a path with tricks, the ancient cemetery on the trees will contribute to the feeling of the severe dark time atmosphere. You'll also face the masters of these places – the pagan «Bear tribe» in skins and with axes!

Guests will have to try ancient clothes on and for two hours be participants of this time events: one will take part in the so-called «sacrifi ce» on the pagan temple, pass some tests in the forest and bow. Th e pagans will invite guests to their trade area, where dried mushrooms, salted fi sh and cranberries are sold. Th e show ends with a spectacular stunt men performance: you'll see how Prince Yaroslavl the Wise (the founder of Yaroslavl) won the pagan «bear tribe» and founded Yaroslavl.

Departure to Yaroslavl.

Arrival in Yaroslavl. Check-in. Free time.



















| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Day 2

Breakfast. Check-out.

During the city tour «1000 Yaroslavl Stories» you'll see the renewed sights of the historic centre of the city which is protected by the UNESCO, the gems of the Russian architecture – cathedrals and mansions of the old city, the famous Spit – the place where Yaroslavl was founded, the picturesque Volga embankment in its new bright setting. You'll admire Assumption Cathedral, erected specially to the Yaroslavl's millennium and St. Elijah-the Prophet Church – a unique church of the 17th century famous for its non-canonical frescos, where the world relic – a part of God’s chasuble – was contained.

You'll visit the Yaroslavl History and Architecture Museum-Reserve (the former Saviour Monastery).

Th en you'll visit the fi rst private museum «Music and Time», where one can hear how the collection of «live music» sounds - bells, music cabinets, ancient musical instruments. You'll have a chance to play them yourselves and buy unique souvenirs.

An excursion to the fi rst Russian professional theatre. In the famous F. Volkov Th eatre (F. Volkov is the founder of the fi rst Russian theatre) you'll be guided into the mysterious backstage area and you'll learn where and how scenery, costumes and wigs for plays are made, fi nd yourselves on the stage, and if lucky, you'll watch the rehearsal!


Departure to Moscow.

Price for 1 person/double arrangement

Hotels 8+1 10+1 15+1 20+1Additional charge for

single room


4* Ring Premier Hotel 14610/418 12450/357 9680/277 8100/232 1838/53

3* Jubileinaya Hotel 14020/402 11900/341 9110/261 7620/219 850/25

3* Kotorosl 12910/370 10820/310 8050/231 6650/191 325/110

Th e price includes: the chosen transport service, excursion services in accordance with the program, the guide, entrance tickets to the museums, meals in accordance with the program, accommodation in a double standard room in the chosen hotel, interactive games and master classes according to the program, accident insurance.

Agency commission – 10%.

«Volga-tour» keeps the right to change the order of the provided services without violating their quantity and quality.

| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Travel tours to the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl

Historical Yaroslavl3 days/2 weeks

Yaroslavl – the village of Vyatskoye – the village of Karabikha

Day 1

Departure of the bus Moscow-Yaroslavl.

Arrival in Yaroslavl. Dinner.

During the city tour «1000 Yaroslavl Stories» you'll see the renewed sights of the historic centre of the city which is protected by the UNESCO, the gems of the Russian architecture – cathedrals and mansions of the old city, the famous Spit – the place where Yaroslavl was founded, the picturesque Volga embankment in its new bright setting. You'll admire Assumption Cathedral, erected specially to the Yaroslavl's millennium and St. Elijah-the Prophet Church – a unique church of the 17th century famous for its non-canonical frescos, where the world relic – a part of God’s chasuble – was contained.

You'll visit the Yaroslavl History and Architecture Museum-Reserve (the former Saviour Monastery).

Excursion to the fi rst Russian professional theatre. In the famous F. Volkov Th eatre (F. Volkov is the founder of the fi rst Russian theatre) you'll be guided into the mysterious backstage area and you'll learn where and how scenery, costumes and wigs for plays are made, fi nd yourselves on the stage, and if lucky, you'll watch the rehearsal!

Check-in. Free time.

Day 2.


Departure to the cucumber capital of Russia – the village of Vyatskoye (35 km from Yaroslavl)!

On your way you'll see amazingly beautiful gothic castle one of the fi rst Russian capitalist – merchant Ponizovkin, where only ghosts inhabit nowadays.

Arrival at the village of Vyatskoye – a true open-air museum: here 53 (!) buildings are recognized as the monuments of architecture! Nowadays many old estates with bas-relief are being actively repaired. You'll visit the wonderful functioning Resurrection Cathedral (the 18th century), the interesting «Museum of Russian Enterprise, or Th e Story of One Selo, which Wanted to Become a City», you'll learn the secrets of vyatskiye cucumbers salting – the winners of the settlement till now, try the crispy, salted cucumbers! You'll face the famous local casks of a human size.

Here you'll have a chance to dip into holy water in the unique Chapel-Font.

Departure to Yaroslavl.



















| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Arrival in Yaroslavl. Dinner.

«Fairy Valenky» is the absorbing and exotic tour to the valenky factory (Russian winter footwear) in Yaroslavl (from the cycle of programs «How it is made»), where almost nothing has changed since the foundation day 100 years ago. Th ere one can see all stages of manual valenky making!

You'll visit the only Russian International creative centre «Emarlese». Here you'll not only get acquainted with the wonderful art type, but a hot enamel making master class will be presented to you as well! You'll make a sketch yourselves and bake (it is precisely the way enamel is usually made) a unique picture-souvenir which you'll take with you!

Back to the hotel. Free time.

Day 3.

Breakfast. Check-out.

Departure to Karabikha.

Th e Excursion «Th e Estate Reception» is the visit to the village of Karabikha, home of the Karabikha Estate-Museum (15 km from Yaroslavl), which used to belong to Russian poet N. A. Nekrasov. It is the only noble estate in the Yaroslavl region, which has preserved its primeval architectural view.

Th e hosts dressed festively will guide you along the ceremonial halls and living-rooms, tell you about the typical way of life in the Russian estate, treat you to strong fl avoured local drinks.

Dinner in Yaroslavl.

Departure to Moscow.

Price for 1 person/double arrangement

Hotels 8+1 10+1 15+1 20+1Additional charge for

single room


4* Ring Premier Hotel 16700/478 15000/430 12950/371 11990/344 3675/106

3* Jubileinaya Hotel 15510/444 13860/397 11780/338 11030/316 1700/50

3* Kotorosl 13300/381 11720/336 9670/277 9050/259 650/20

Th e price includes: the chosen transport service, excursion services in accordance with the program, the guide, entrance tickets to the museums, meals in accordance with the program, accommodation in a double standard room in the chosen hotel, interactive games and master classes according to the program, accident insurance.

Agency commission – 10%.

«Volga-tour» keeps the right to change the order of the provided services without violating their quantity and quality.

| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Day 1

Departure of the bus Moscow-Yaroslavl.

Arrival in Yaroslavl. Check-in.

During the city tour «1000 Yaroslavl Stories» you'll see the renewed sights of the historic centre of the city which is protected by the UNESCO, the gems of the Russian architecture – cathedrals and mansions of the old city, the famous Spit – the place where Yaroslavl was founded, the picturesque Volga embankment in its new bright setting. You'll admire Assumption Cathedral, erected specially to the Yaroslavl's millennium and St. Elijah-the Prophet Church – a unique church of the 17th century famous for its non-canonical frescos, where the world relic – a part of God’s chasuble – was contained. You'll visit Th e Yaroslavl History and Architecture Museum-Reserve (the former Saviour Monastery), where you'll be welcomed to try sweet pies, mead (the strong drink, made with the addition of honey); you'll enjoy the bell concert or the bell ring master-class. Russian traditional dinner with mead made according to old recipes.

Th en you'll visit the fi rst private museum in Russia «Music and Time», where one can hear how the collection of «live music» sounds - bells, music cabinets, ancient musical instruments. You'll have a chance to play them yourselves and buy unique souvenirs. You'll see the china collection which contains around 2000 items and the Kaslinskoye casting exposition – the production of the Ural cast-iron factories, famous for exact graphic silhouettes.

«Strong Traditions» is the excursion to the Yaroslavl distillery which gives you an opportunity not only to learn about the traditions of tipple drinking but to see the process of making tipples. You'll manage to taste the famous Yaroslavl Vodka and traditional Russian tipples!

Free time. Back to the hotel.

Day 2.

Breakfast, check-out.

Departure to Uglich.

Arrival in Uglich. Check-in.

You go to old Uglich, where the last member of the Rurikovich dynasty, Inan's the Terrible son – Tsarevich Dmitry found his death under the mysterious circumstances. You'll see the Church of St. Demetrius-on-the Blood (the 17th century), built in the tsarevich's death place by order of Peter I and the main Uglich cathedral – Our Savour’s Trasfi guration Cathedral (the 18th century).

Travel tours to the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl

Show – Tour «The Volga Barge Hauliers»It is incredible, but one can see it again – The Volga Barge Hauliers! They are hauling a

huge barge which they have fi rst loaded with goods sacks. If you don't believe it then

come and try it yourself!

3 days/2 nights

Yaroslavl – Uglich – Myshkin



















| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Th e Interactive programme «Th e Volga Barge Hauliers» (4-5 hours)

Come to the Volga and together with your friends try to haul a real barge along the River. Before hauling you'll have to load the barge on sacks with wares. Yes, you'll fi nd yourselves in the real haulers' artel.

You'll meet a merchant with whom you'll conclude a treaty, enter the haulers' artel and then as real haulers you'll draw your loaded barge with the help of a tow along the Volga bank. All this is interwoven into merry games, original contests and ends with a tasty dinner and a hauler settlement. You'll learn all the peculiarities during the tour not to pour out everything at once but to excite you!

Back to the hotel.

Day 3.

Breakfast, check-out.

Th e tour around Myshkin 'll start with the visit of the only «Museum of Mouse» in the world, and then you'll go to the museum «Russian felt boots» (Russian winter footwear).

You'll learn the mysteries of the 19th century when you descend into the newly opened vaults of the old Cathedral of St. Nicholas.

Th en you'll go to the real Ethnographic Village where in the wooden izbas you'll see our ancestors home utensils, old everyday home and working devices.

And now the gem of the tour – Th e House of Handicraft s, where you'll try your hands as a smith, carpenter and potter.

Arrival at the village of Martynovo.

You'll visit the «Museum of Katskars» where you'll get acquainted with the way of life, traditions and myths of the unique people – inhabitants of the Katskaya volost in the Myshkinsky region. Aft er it you are welcome to the village izba to taste an oven made dinner – rich, nourishing tschi, potato and baked milk!

Departure to Moscow.

Price for 1 person/double arrangement

8+1 10+1 15+1 20+1Additional charge for

single room

rouble/euro 19810/567 17100/490 13600/390 12100/347 2000/58

Th e price includes: the chosen transport service, excursion services in accordance with the program, the guide, entrance tickets to the museums, meals in accordance with the program, accommodation in a double standard room in the chosen hotel, interactive games and master classes according to the program, accident insurance.

Agency commission – 10%.

«Volga-tour» keeps the right to change the order of the provided services without violating their quantity and quality.

| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Travel tours to the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl

Holidays in ProstokvashinoThe Unique off er with the arrangement in Russian izbas!

Uglich – Myshkin – the village of Martynovo

2 days/1 night

Day 1.

Departure of the bus Moscow- Uglich.

Arrival in Uglich. Dinner.

You'll have a tour around the grand Uglich Kremlin where you'll visit the Church of St. Demetrius-on- the- Blood built on the place of his death, you'll see the Exiled Bell which announced the tragic news and spent 300 years in Siberia for this. You'll also visit Our Savour’s Transfi guration Cathedral, famous for its fresco «Transfi guration» which reproduces the Vatican Rafael's work.

Th en you'll visit the oldest Uglich closter – the functioning St. Alexius Monastery.

You'll be greatly surprised to visit the fi rst «Museum of the Vodka History» in the world founded in memory of Uglich «king of vodka» Peter Smirnov. Here more than 1000 kinds of vodka are present and you'll have a chance to taste the production of the oldest Russian distilleries.

Aft er it you'll visit the curious Museum of Prison.

You'll hear the old Russian romances and have a cup of hot tea in the «Museum of City Life» where you'll have to bargain with a merchant to buy goods but don't give up! Here you can also take a picture in 19th century costumes.

Th en you'll go to one of the most interesting museum among the cities of the Golden Ring - «Museum of Myths and Superstitions».

You'll spend a night in the real Russian izbas with a truly Russian spirit: openwork curtains on the windows, a cat on the oven, homemade granny's mats, delicate table cloth, yellowed old photos and old lockers – here everything reminds of our ancestors' way of life.

Hospitable hosts will treat you well. Th ey'll do their best to entertain you! And the local liqueur will not leave you cold! Drink as much as you can! Th e folk accordion will make you dance merrily!



















| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Day 2.

The hostess will treat you with a tasty breakfast.

Departure to Myshkin – the most original town among those of the Golden Ring.

Arrival in Myshkin. Th e tour around Myshkin will start with the visit of the only «Museum of Mouse» in the world, and then you'll go to the museum «Russian felt boots» (Russian winter footwear). In the unique «Museum of the Transormation of the Mouse» you'll see how fl ax is handled. During the master-class you'll make a doll- guard of fl ax yourselves and take it with you as a souvenir.

You'll learn the mysteries of the 19th century when you descend into the newly opened vaults of the old St. Nikolas Cathedral.

Th en you'll go to the real Ethnographic Village where in the wooden izbas you'll see our ancestors home utensils, old everyday home and working devices.

And now the gem of the tour – Th e House of Handicraft s, where you'll try your hands as a smith, carpenter and potter.

Arrival at the village of Martynovo.

You'll visit the «Museum of Katskars» where you'll get acquainted with the way of life, traditions and myths of the unique people – inhabitants of the Katskaya volost in the Myshkinsky district. Aft er it you are welcome to the village izba to taste an oven made dinner – rich, nourishing tschi, potato and baked milk!

Departure to Moscow.

Price for 1 person/double arrangement

8+1 10+1 15+1 20+1

rouble/euro 11770/337 10320/296 8390/241 7490/215

Th e price includes: the chosen transport service, excursion services in accordance with the program, the guide, entrance tickets to the museums, meals in accordance with the program, accommodation in a double standard room in the chosen hotel, interactive games and master classes according to the program, accident insurance.

Agency commission – 10%.

«Volga-tour» keeps the right to change the order of the provided services without violating their quantity and quality.

| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

Additional (cost for one person for a group of 30 or more people)

«STATE ROUT» – a ceremonial reception in the Governor's Residence. Live classical music, tea drinking in the Governor’s House (Governor – is an offi cial who ruled in a province of the Russian Empire), a story about the Yaroslavl Governors, a commemorative picture in the Governor’s armchair and at his table. Th e excursion to the museum’s exposition will be led by the «Governor's daughter» herself.

Cost – from 180 roubles/6 euros.

«CITY 1612» – An animation game in the culture preserve on the territory of the Saviour-Transfi guration Monastery. Yaroslavl of 1612… Th e Time of Troubles… Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and headman Kuzma Minin (organizers and leaders of the 1611-1612 Popular Militia) fortifi ed their position within the walls of the Monastery to assemble there popular troops and give battle to the Polish szlachta…

Interactive dramatized game, in which you will familiarize yourself with the pages of «Th e Yaroslavl Stand» from the words of 17th century characters, walk up the old monastery walls opened exclusively for this program and take a sequence of tests to become a member of the popular militia. Th e reconstruction of the old battle, a visit to the Uglich Tower (opened to city guests for the fi rst time), game actions with competitions and a souvenir will leave nobody indiff erent!

Cost – from 250 roubles/8 euros.

«FROM FAR AWAY SLOWLY…» (a string of a popular song about the Volga) – a river cruise on a ship along the grand Russian Volga River along the most picturesque embankment in Yaroslavl. While cruising you will familiarize yourself with the millennial city history, hear myths and legends of Old Yaroslavl (in summer)

Cost – from 3000 roubles/86 euros for a walk in a group from 12 persons. It is possible to organize a buff et on the ship.

| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

«THE COACH HAS DRIVEN UP!» – an excursion into the historical Yaroslavl centre along the Volga and Kotorosl embankments; it is held in a horse-drawn carriage. During a leisurely trip you will familiarize yourself with the millennial city history and hear myths and legends about ancient Yaroslavl.

Cost – from 500 roubles/15 euros.

«NEVER IN YOUR DREAMS» – a fabulous romantic adventure to the most picturesque corners of Yaroslavl in a carriage with two hay horses harnessed; the adventure with a glass of hot mulled wine or sparkling champagne will start from the Volga embankment. You will hear a charming story about love stories and intrigues of the famous Yaroslavl citizens and royalties. At the end of the excursion the carriage will take you to the porch of the fi rst Russian theatre named aft er F.Volkov (the founder of the fi rst Russian theatre) where the best seats will be reserved for you (you can choose another evening programme – night club, sports match, bowling). And in the evening in the most romantic room cold champagne and beautiful fl owers will be awaiting you! You can order a candlelight dinner in a room specially adorned for you.

Cost – from 5000 roubles/144 euros for the programme without accommodation.

«HOP STORIES» – a «hop» excursion to the Yaroslavl Brewery will take you to a wonderful world of favourite frothy beverage. You will see the whole process of beer cooking, look into a tun where it ferments, learn from what and how it is cooked, and taste malt. Th e logical end of the excursion is degustation of diff erent sorts of fresh beer!

Cost – from 200 roubles/6 euros.

«STRONG TRADITIONS» – an excursion to the Yaroslavl Distillery will give you an opportunity not only familiarize yourself with the culture of drinking strong drinks, but also see the industrial process. Special for you – degustation, where you will surely taste famous Yaroslavl vodka, plum brandy and traditional liqueurs!

Cost – from 300 roubles/9 euros.

AN EXCURSION TO THE FIRST RUSSIAN PRIVATE THEATRE «MUSIC AND TIME» where you can hear how «live music» collection sounds – bells, music boxes, old music instruments; even play them yourself and get unique souvenirs. You will see a china collection that numbers about 2000 exhibits, and an exposition of Kasli mouldings – products of iron casting factories in the Urals that are famous for graphic clearness of their silhouettes.

Cost – from 200 roubles/6 euros.

| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

«MONASTERY OF MIRACLES» – an excursion to the active Tolga Convent. During the excursion you will learn information about miracles that the Icon of the Mother of God became famous for, familiarize yourself with monastery lifestyle and nuns’ lives. In summertime you can reach the Tolga on shipboard and admire the most beautiful views of the great Russian Volga River.

Cost – from 500 roubles/15 euros.

«MAGICAL FELT BOOTS» – a fascinating and an exotic excursion to a fabric producing felt boots (or valenki, – traditional Russian winter footwear) in Yaroslavl (from the cycle «How it is made»), where almost nothing has changed for 100 years since it was founded. Hear you can see how valenki –a symbol of Russia – are scotched, beaten and even boiled, – everything is done manually! Aft er the excursion you can buy Russian felt boots.

Cost – from 150 roubles/5 euros.

«CULINARY SHOW» – a restaurant chef will cook a dish just before your eyes – you will taste it immediately– it is included in the price of dinner from 300 roubles.

«COOKERY MASTER CLASS» – in the only restaurant-museum in Russia you will be taught to cook real traditional Russian dishes! Under the supervision of a professional chef you will cook some pies, pancakes, pickle cucumbers according to an old recipe, cook jam «as tasty as Granny’s one», and, of course, you will taste everything and take it with you!

Cost – from 400 roubles/12 euros.

«RUSSIAN DINNER COOKED IN AN OVEN» – in the only restaurant-museum in Russia they will cook specially for you Russian dishes according to old recipes. Th ey are cooked, of course, in a real Russian oven, and you will watch the process yourself.

Cost – from 300 roubles/9 euros.

| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

«SUPPER FOR REAL KNIGHTS AND THEIR LADIES» – in the only medieval restaurant in Russia (one of the fi ve medieval restaurants in the world) you will taste medieval cuisine dishes that adorned French kings and Spanish knights’ tables. During this unique dinner you will learn everything about medieval weapons and even have them in your hands. Th ey organize specially for you a testing of drinks that incited knights to reckless and romantic deeds.

Cost – from 700 roubles/21 euros.

«ALL LIFE IS THEATRE» – an excursion to the world’s fi rst professional theatre named aft er Fyodor Volkov (the founder of the fi rst Russian theatre). In the famous theatre named aft er F.Volkov you will be led behind the enigmatic scenes, know where and how the theatre scenery and costumes and wigs for performances are made, visit the stage and if you will be lucky you will even see a performance rehearsal!

Cost – from 80 roubles/2 euros.

A visit to a performance in the fi rst Russian drama theatre named aft er F.Volkov (the founder of the fi rst Russian theatre) or to a hockey match in one of the largest sport entertaining complexes in Europe «Arena-2000» or to a night cabaret (bowling, billiards, disco).

«HOT ENAMEL PAINTS»– an excursion to the only Russian International creative center «Emalis». Th ere you will not only familiarize yourself with an amazing form of art but also visit a master class of making hot enamel paints! You will make a sketch yourself and bake (that is how enamel paints are made) a unique remembrance picture that you will take with you.

Cost – from 300 roubles/9 euros.

| MICE-department | Event-department | Excursion department | Travel agency | Aircenter |

Register number of IIT 005420 and United federal register of touroperators

24-a, Trefoleva str., Yaroslavl, Russia,150000 p.o. 122, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150014

Tel.:+7 (4852) 58-87-13/14 Fax:+7(4852)30-80-83,,

«WELCOME TO A MANSION» – you will go to the old Russian mansion «Karabikha» (15 km from Yaroslavl) that once belonged to Russian poet Nikolay Nekrasov, the only mansion in the Yaroslavl province that preserved its architectural appearance.

Th e hosts in ceremonial costumes will lead you around state halls and residential rooms, tell you about the lifestyle in a Russian mansion, treat you to strong aromatic home-produced liqueurs. And then you are awaited by funny games and amusements – those that our ancestors in ancient Roos used to entertain themselves by.

In wintertime you can take part in the seizure of a winter town, sledding down snowy hills or taking a ride in a sleigh drawn by a horse and travelling in those places where many years ago the great Russian poet used to ride!

And, of course, the hospitable hosts can’t part with their guests without treating them to a cup of hot tea with just cooked hot pies. You can have a musical evening organized upon the demand.

Cost – from 250 roubles/8 euros.

«TEA HOUSE» – you will admire a unique collection of Ivan Ivanovich Samavarov – his «Russian tea machines». In the atmosphere of sparkling humour and bright jokes they will reveal tea drinking secrets to you, you will hear the rules for initiates to the secrets of this process, they will treat you to sweets cooked in a Russian oven and even give you presents at the end of the excursion. Sincerity and hospitability – are traits of the «tea house» residents – of the host himself and the household.

Cost – from 350 roubles/11 euros.

«IN THE ANIMAL WORLD» – an excursion to the Yaroslavl zoo founded on the «landscape zoo» principle – there you will fi nd big, comfortable open-air cages where animals are granted with as acceptable living conditions as possible. Th ere live almost a hundred species with which you will have a close contact in the special area.

Cost – from 80 roubles/2 euros per a child.Cost – from 150 roubles/5 euros per an adult.

«BOWL ALONG BY TRAIN» – you will go on a journey to the Childrens’ Railway. Everything there resembles a real railway, but the conductor and the driver are children! You will bowl along and visit a wonderful world of the railway.

Cost – from 100 roubles/3 euros.

«OUR DOLPHINS DANCE IN A RING» – a visit to the Yaroslavl dolphinarium will leave nobody indiff erent. Its pets – dolphins, killer whales and the sea bear «Pirate» – will with pleasure demonstrate new tricks, bring joy with a colourful show; and a contact with such wonderful animals will present you good mood and positive emotions.

Cost – from 300 roubles/9 euros.

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