travel documentation

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Thank you for purchasing Travel.If you have any questions that are beyond the of this documentation, please feel

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Travel WordPress Theme Documentation V 1.0

By uiueux studio

Last edited: 2/1/2013


Frequently Asked Questions 3

Installation 6

Adding Content 8

Pages and Menus 13

Global Options 16

Shortcodes 17

Javascripts 17

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1. Frequently Asked Questions

1.1 Create a homepage (for beginner)

Step 1 - create a page for the homepage content

Step 2 - go to Settings > Reading: Front page displays and

Step 3 - select a page which display as the homepage to be your front pageStep 4 - save changes

1.2 How do I display a gallery on a page?

With the function comes with WP, we could crop a specific area from a uploaded image:

Step 1 - Create a new post, named you what you want, e.g. “My new work”,

set as “gallery”,

Step 2 - Set a category e.g. “works”,

upload some images, enter some text….

Step 3 - Create a new page, named you what you want, e.g. “Work list page”,

set template as “list page”.

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The “page options” box should be light, select “works” in Category option menu.Publish the page, then the “My new work” should displayed in the page.

1.3 How to set map in static page?

We supply the google map for static page.

Step 1 - Creat a new page / select the “static page” template:

Step 2 - Active the map:

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Step 3 - Go to ( ) get the coordinate values. And set the map zoom and map type value

Step 4 - Update page

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2. Installation

To use a WordPress theme you must have a working version of Wordpress already installed. For information in regard to installing the WordPress platform, please refer to the WordPress Codex-

2.1 Extract the package file:

After extract the main zip file, you'll see these folders and files:

travel folder - Main theme folder

‣ img - UI images folder

‣ js - javascript files folder

‣ styles - css files folder

‣ functions - Options and widgets php files

‣ languages - po/mo files for muti-languages

Travel Documentation.pdf - Help file - Dummy content file - travel theme zip file

log folder - travel theme older version and modify log

2.2 Install theme file:

This template works well for wordpress 3.5, update yours if needed.

Installing the theme can be done two ways. You can upload the theme ZIP file using the built in WordPress theme upload, or copy the files through an FTP client.

1.2.1 Using WordPress Theme Upload:

Be sure to extract the file "" from the ThemeForest download before uploading.

Using the ThemeForest ZIP file directly will result in a "Missing Style Sheet" error.

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• Login to your WordPress admin.

• In the "Appearance > Themes" menu click the tab "Install Themes"

• At the top of the page click, "Upload", then click the file input to select a file.

• Select the zipped theme file, "", and click "Install Now"

• After installation you will receive a success message confirming your new install.

• Click the link "Activate"

1.2.2 Using FTP:

• Login to your FTP server and navigate to your WordPress themes directory.

• Normally this would be "wp-content/themes"

• Extract folder "travel" from the zipped theme.

• Copy the folder "webzine" to your themes directory.

• After the files finish uploading, login to your WordPress admin.

• In the "Appearance" menu click "Themes"

• Click "Activate" for the theme "Travel"

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3. Adding Content

3.1 Setup Categories

Before adding items(posts), it is recommended to setup the category structure for your next work. Then when you add or update your post, you could select the categories directly.

3.2 Adding Posts

We have prepared 4 formats for your post, you could choose either of them to match your need when creating a post. Theses formats would affect the styling of your post in list and content page.

• Standard

The standard format will show the Title, content and featured image(optional) in the list page. It would looks like:

Standard post in list page

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Standard post with image in list page

Standard post content page

• Gallery

The Gallery format will display the images attached to that post.

You need to upload the images from your computer (In other words, the images of gallery post must be uploaded to this post). For gallery post, you need not insert the images to post content.

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Note: In wordpress 3.4, you need to click the Upload/Insert button to open the media window.

In media window, you could select the “Uploaded to this post” to find the image of the gallery post.

You could change the settings of gallery slider in fullscreen mode by the option box.

There are two types for gallery format post: location and portfolio. The location type is supported google maps.

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You could enter the description in Excerpt box

Also, you could enter description fot each image:

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• Audio

The Audio format post is supported hosted mp3 and ogg file.

• Video

The Video format post is supported embed codes from third part website. If you use the video form Youtube or Vimeo, you could enter the the url directly. ( e.g. or )

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4. Pages and Menus4.1 Adding pages

To make menus work, you must setup the pages first. The menu you want to display in the site need to be linked to the specified pages.

4.1.1 Adding page

Go to Pages > Add new to add a new page. The page could be displayed as a list page or static page depending on you selection(the drop-down menu named Template).

List page: This option will make you page displayed as a list, you need to assign the category you want to show the posts in this page.

Static Page: If you want it is a static page, such as About us, Contact, you need to input the content into the first text editor to edit your page.

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After select the template, you will see the Custom Fields area is light. You could set the category in page, item order and so on.

4.1.2 Setup a page as Homepage:

Go to Settings > Reading, select “A static page”, and choose your page you want to show from the drop=down menu “Front page”.

4.2 Custom menus

Using the version 3.0 of WordPress or higher, you can setup custom menus. Menu will be displayed on the left sidebar.

Navigate to Appearance > Menus, it is recommended to create you menu from Pages or Custom. Select the menu you created for main menu

If you want to set a menu item without Ajax, You should enter “noajax” in Link Relationship (XFN) box.

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If the XFN box is not displayed in your menu panel, you could find it in the "Screen Options".

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5. Global Options Navigate to Appearance > Theme Options, you could customize most of the appearance elements for your site.

5.1 Appearance > Theme Options > General

Logo(image) - Custom the logo image

Logo(Text style) - Enable plain text logo and style it

Custom Favicon

Custom Mobile Bookmark Icon - For mobile device

Menu Font - For menu font style

Copyright Font - copyright and style

Analysis code - e.g. google analysis code

Google APIkey - for location type of gallery format post

5.2 Appearance > Theme Options > BG image

Upload images for background slider of main list page.

5.3 Appearance > Theme Options > Footer

Footer Box BG Color - Set the background color for footer box

Menu font - Set the menu item font style

Copyright - set the copyright information and style

Search box and Social icons - Insert the your social website URL. If not, it would not be


5.4 Appearance > Theme Options > List page (timeline)

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Title and Date - Set the font style

The Item Box Style - Set the background color, shadow, corner and so on.

5.5 Appearance > Theme Options > Content page

Content Box BG Color - Set the background color for content box

Title font style - Set post title font style

Meta information and Social icons - Set displayed or not

5.6 Appearance > Theme Options > Form box

You could set the response and contact form box style.

6. Shortcodes When you edit post or page, you could use the shortcodes. We provide the tinymc editor for short codes.

7. JavascriptsThis theme imports several JavaScript files. All located in the "travel/js" folder.

main.js - main custom javascript

jquery-1.7.1.min.js - jquery library

Galleria-1.2.7.js - for background slider

jquery.infinitescroll. js - Infinite scroll(items load)

Comments-ajax.js – ajax type comments

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8. Sources and CreditsThe following images, icons or other files have been used in this theme.

Face icons:

Demo website Photos:

WordPress Options Panel:

Post Formats Admin UI :


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The End

Thanks again for purchasing Foto. If you have any questions that are beyond the of this documentation, please feel

free to email via my user page contact form here.

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