transnew newsletter 5 - august 2011 - newcastle university · 2017-08-08 · energy-efficient...

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Newsletter 5Support for realising New Member and Associated States’ potentials in transport research

EditorialWelcome to the fifth

TransNEW newsletter. The

consortium has been busy

with the regional workshop

programme and so far there

have been 2 successful

workshops held in Belgrade

and Istanbul.

In this issue we report on

these workshops and update

you on the forthcoming

regional opportunities

workshops. These are a must

for organisations wishing to

participate in European

Funded projects. A great

forum for partner searching;

consortium building and

networking with other

transport research

professionals and


Regional Workshop, Belgrade, Serbia

The TransNEW regional workshops on Research Capabilities and Capacities kicked off on 27 May 2011 in Belgrade, Serbia and was hosted by our Serbian Partners UBMaF - University of Belgrade.

The theme of this workshop was the capabilities and capacities in the West Balkan region. The audience was made up of researchers and organisations from the scientific community, industry, policy makers and stakeholders. The countries participating at the workshop included Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Bosnia Herzegovina.

The main outcomes of the TransNEW Regional Workshop held in Belgrade identified were barriers and possible drivers for the transport research development in the region. Participants were presented with an overview of the transport research situations from the countries in the region and recommendations for improvement addressed to policy makers, researchers and all other transport


During the open forum session, possibilities and representative results from the TransNEW database were presented. Some good ideas, for improvement of the format and promotion of the TransNEW website and database were generated from this discussion.

Encouragingly, more than half the participants already used the TransNEW database and this workshop was an ideal tool to make the others aware of the aims and objectives of the project and the benefits of being on the database.

You can download presentations at:

August 2011

The second TransNEW regional workshop on Research Capabilities and Capacities was held on 03 June 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey and was hosted by our Turkish Partners TUBITAK. The theme of this workshop was the capabilities and capacities in the South Balkan and Mediterranean region.

The audience was made up of researchers and organisations from the scientific community; industry and policy makers. The countries addressed at the workshop included Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Malta, Moldova, Romania, Turkey.

Participants were presented with an overview of the transport research situation of the countries in the region and the main findings from the research into the transport research state-of-the-art in those countries. The strengths and weaknesses of the transport research and recommendations to facilitate change were also presented. The main outcome of the TransNEW Regional Workshop held in Istanbul was a consensus from all the participants that the number of research programmes in Transport were not sufficient.

The final event at the workshop was a digital voting session that encouraged interactive participation concerning the issues identified through the TransNEW research. The results of the voting session can also be downloaded from the website.

O.Gurcan Ozan of Tubitak concluded the workshop with a roundup of the days events and thanked the participants for their interest and active participation in the successful workshop.

Copies of the presentations from the workshop are available at

Regional Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey

The event was supported by the TransNEW project Officer Ms Elena-Mihaela Williams, who welcomed the participants to the workshop gave a presentation concerning the Policy Context of the Transport Research in FP7.

The TransNEW project Manager, Ms Sian Evans of NewRail, Newcastle University, gave a short welcome to the workshop and outlined the goals of TransNEW and progress to date. She also encouraged participants to register their interest to participate in future transport research projects and proposals on the TransNEW database.

This presentation can be downloaded from the TransNEW website

Updated Regional Workshops timetable

The workshops being held in Budapest and Vilnius will cover research capabilities and capacities in the morning and research opportunities in the afternoon. This makes these workshops very rich in information and networking opportunities.

The capabilities and capacities workshops will focus on the results of the research carried out in the countries in the Region and how this impacts on the region. The strengths, weaknesses and highlights in transport research within the country’s and regions in the TransNEW project will be presented. Participants will have the opportunity to give their opinion of the results of the research through a digital voting system that asks a series of questions related to the research in the region and gives real-time results to the audience. The results of the voting usually causes debate within the workshop and this can also uncover some interesting perspectives on the research priorities.

The Opportunities workshop in the afternoon, in all four of the regional workshops will be a brokerage event that will bring together researchers and organisations interested in participating in transport research projects on all levels, including European. Our collaborative partners, ETNA - National Contact Points for Transport - will have representative National Contact Points (NCPs) at the workshop. There will also be an opportunity to register your partner profile and any project ideas you may have that still require partners. This is an excellent way to increase your profile as a transport researcher or organisation and raise awareness of your skills and experience.

Remember, the TransNEW workshops are FREE so register for the workshops on the TransNEW website:

Click on the region you are interested in and this will take you through to a registration page. Alternatively, you can contact directly the TransNEW partner directly who is responsible for

organising the workshop.

Since the last newsletter the TransNEW regional workshops timetable has been updated. The Research Capabilities and Capacities workshops in Prague and Vilnius will now be held alongside the Research Opportunities workshops in Budapest, Hungary and Vilnius, Lithuania, respectively.

The revised timetable for the rest of the workshops is:



Bucharest, Romania 23 September 2011

WEST BALKANS Ljubljana, Slovenia 30 September 2011

CENTRAL EUROPE Budapest, Hungary 05 October 2011

BALTIC STATES Vilnius, Lithuania 13 October 2011

PPP - Information Days

As part of the European Economic Recovery Plan, the European Commission launched in 2009 three Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).

The three PPPs represent a powerful means of boosting research efforts in three large industrial sectors - automotive, construction and manufacturing - which have been particularly affected by the economic downturn and where innovation can significantly contribute towards a more green and sustainable economy.

The three partnerships comprises of:

Factories of the Future Energy-efficient Buildings; and Green Cars.

TransNEW was recently involved in organising the session related to the The European Green Cars initiative. The scope of this initiative is broader than the two other PPP's, and research is just one part of it. Several coordinated calls for research proposals were launched in July this year. These financial support measures will be supplemented by demand-side measures, involving regulatory action by Member States and the EU, such as the reduction of car registration taxes on low Carbon Dioxide cars to stimulate car purchase by citizens.

The agenda for the day included presentations of project ideas with the aim of attracting potential partners to join proposal consortia. Extra project ideas were presented by the TransNEW Consortium to show the potential scope of research that can be achieved in a pan-European project. The presentations included:

A background to the TransNEW project Road related transport research in Romania, Hungary and the West Balkans The TransNEW database - researchers could also register on the database as a road related

transport researcher and organisation

The session was concluded with information concerning the round of Call topics and opportunities for participation. The agenda for the Green cars session can be seen on the TransNEW website News page at the following address: documents concerning the PPP initiative can be found at:

The TransNEW Consortium here represented by:

Bogdan Cernat - InteCo - Romania

Monica Anghel - ICI - Romania

Elena-Mihaela Williams - TransNEW Project officer

Dragan Milkovic - University of Belgrade - Serbia

Sandor Vince-Pap - Hungary

FP7 Information Days for Transport

The European Commission held it’s annual Transport Information Days for Transport (including Aeronautics) on 19 July 2011 at their offices in Brussels.

The next round of calls for proposals under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) were published at the end of July 2011. In order to support the preparation of proposals, the European Commission’s Research & Innovation Directorate General held two ‘Information Days’ on 18 and 19 July 2011 in the Charlemagne building, rue de la Loi 170, in Brussels.

The aim of the two-day event was to inform potential researchers about FP7 and the new Transport Calls for Proposals. Details were also given on the main legal and procedural conditions and there was plenty of opportunity to ask questions. Participants also had the chance to network with potential project partners.

TransNEW were invited to have a stand on the 19th July alongside the ETNA project (National Contact Points for Transport - who organised the brokerage event that involved facilitating potential partners in putting together project ideas. This involved “Information boards” where participants presented their ideas for project proposals under the ‘Co-operation’ Programme.

This was an ideal opportunity to promote the TransNEW Database and our Partner, ICI (Romania), took along a laptop and set up a stand with Prof. Mark Robinson of TransNEW Coordinators, NewRail, where interested researchers and organisations could

register themselves on the database.

Registrants were from a variety of locations and across both private and public organisations. Registration proved popular and researchers were assisted in obtaining a Username and Password and inputting their information. This data will become part of the search facility for researchers and organisations wanting to find partners for all types of transport research projects. The database can be searched in a variety of ways such as:

Country Researcher Organisation Mode SME

If you would like to register on the database please go to and go to “create an account” in the top right-hand corner. You will be issued with a Username and Password and can then add your full details as a researcher and/or

organisation on the full database. The profile of the TransNEW was increased as was the forthcoming workshop programme of events.

As usual, the Information Day proved to be a very popular and busy event. However, if you could not attend the Information Day this year, the slides and speeches from the presentations are available at:

Dragos Smada and Ionut Petre of the TransNEW partners ICI registering

researchers on the database

TransNEW research capability in Turkey

This research, carried out by TransNEW partners TUBITAK, makes various recommendations in the ambitious pathway for the policy makers in Turkey. Based on the analysis conducted in the context of the TransNEW methodology, the

following recommendations are offered in different transport modes for enhancing transport research capacity and applications of Turkey.

Rail HighlightThe rail research highlighted that research activities are conducted with the coordination of the public institutions and state owned enterprises responsible for the rail transport. Specific topics to be addressed in the railway research projects for integrating to the European Research Area can be listed as follows:

Interoperability in railway transport

Increasing the capacity of rail freight transport

Intermodality in terminals and stations

Low cost and high speed infrastructure maintenance

Safety and security of the rolling stock

Logistic services in railway transport

Optimisation and advanced scheduling

Aeronautic HighlightsThe increasing trend in airport privatisation in Europe Worldwide is also a trend in Turkey. Many airports in Turkey are privatised and more are expected in the near future. This is a driver to advance airport operation technologies to increase the quality and efficiency of the services. TUBITAK has already supported several R&D projects of the airport operation companies.

The following research topics and domains need greater focus for a better integration to the supply chain and European Research Area:

New materials for aircrafts (Composite structures, light weighting)

Reducing the aircraft engine emissions, Propulsion technologies, Novel air transport vehicles, Flight control, Cabin environment, Reducing the cost of the aircraft development

and operation, Airport operations, management and time


Waterborne HighlightsWaterborne research is very active in the EU Framework Programmes in Turkey. The biggest majority in FP6 and FP7 research field in Turkey is Waterborne, mainly in Maritime fields.

The future research topics to be promoted in the Mari-time sector are recommended as;

Energy efficiency in marine engines,

Emission control of the marine engines

Retrofitting of ships with green technologies

Safety in ships

New design concepts of ships to be used in continental shipping

Effective and efficient port operations

New vessel concepts for intermodal freight transport

Road HighlightsIt can be derived from the analyses in the Turkish report that Road Transport is one of the major research areas for Curiosity-Driven Research and Applied Research and Innovation in the industry. However, there are no transport research programmes focused on thematic research priorities, the research topics covered in the current activities need to be evaluated. The following list includes possible future research topics to be promoted to the road transport research bodies and researchers in Turkey:

New Generation Vehicles

Safety in road transport

Road Infrastructure

Intelligent Transport Systems

The full report for Turkey can be downloaded at the following link:

TUBITAK were also responsible for organising the highly successful regional workshop for the South Balkans and the Mediterranean, which was held on 03 June 2011 in Istanbul. The workshop was a lively day of presentations and interactive digital voting sessions.

A full report on the workshop and presentations for download can be accessed at:

Or contact

TransNEW research capability in Hungary

The research to assess, analyse and define the transport research capability and capacity in Hungary was successfully carried out by our

Hungarian partners JAFI-AUTOKUT, who are based in Budapest.

They discovered that according to the National Transport Research Projects Database an important task of research policy is to create a regional innovation system. In the European Union, the advancement of the competitiveness of region 7 has been regarded as the main objective of regional policies for years, and as one of the most important means to create harmonic development and cohesion. Hungarian participation in European research projects (FP, Eureka, Cost programs) highlights some outstanding international and bilateral transport projects.

The following sections illustrates some of the highlights of then research in the four mode areas in TransNEW.

Rail HighlightThe following Hungarian research projects have (NR) in brackets. Specific topics to be addressed in the railway research projects for integrating to the European and national research (NR) area can be listed as follows:

Interoperability in railway transport Multimodal freight transport (FP6: MODURBAN) Safety and security of the rolling stock (NR) Logistic and competitive services in railway

transport (FP6: SAFEDEMI) ICT based information system (FP6:

INTEGRAIL) Higher speed inter-city passenger transport

service (NR) Safety of railway track and crossings (NR) Preparation of the new railway act (NR) The support of wagon-management with digital

documents in the business (NR) Development of new rail-bed controlling

carriage (measuring the supporting rigidity – not the geometry) (NR)

Energetic analysis of braking process(NR) Dynamics of wheel running(NR) Higher derailment safety (NR) Integrated vehicle controlling system analysis


Aeronautic HighlightsThe big milestone in the history of Hungarian aerospace engineering was reached in 2005 when EDAG Hungary out-sourced 15 young engineers to Hamburg to work on Airbus interior design. Today 30 EDAG engineers from Hungary work on the project.

In addition to aeronautics, the research institutions and companies are actively participating in the space research too.

Some fields of activity are:

New functionality for better awareness on airport approach and departure (FP6:SINBAD)

New generation of aeronautical bearings (FP6: BEARINGS)

Advanced avionic applications (FP6: DIANA) Smart maintenance of aviation hydraulic fluid

using an on-board monitoring (FP6: SUPER-SKYSENSE)

Electro-mechanical nose wheel steering system (FP6: DRESS)

Integrated design and product development of low-weight aeroplane (FP6: IDEA)

Sound engineering for aircraft (FP6: SEFA) Enhanced passenger monitoring (FP6: OpTag) Solutions to minimise aircraft noise annoyance

(FP7: COSMA) Integration in trajectory and network (FP7: TI-

TAN) Safer flight guidance and control (FP7:

ADDSAFE) Reconfigurable electronics platforms and tools

(FP7: SCARLETT) Reliable electronics integrated in actuators and

motors (FP7: CREAM) Aeronautical networking through integration of

data links, radios and antennas (FP7: SANDRA) Airport detection and tracking of dangerous ma-

terials (FP7: ATOM) Support for European aeronautical SMEs (FP7:

AEROPORTAL) Monitoring system of the development of global

aviation (FP7: MONITOR) Cost effective air transport (NR) Advanced ICT based design and manufactur-

ing in light airplanes (NR) Airport operations, management and time effi-

ciency (NR) Airport surface safety (NR)

Continued overO../

TransNEW research capability in Hungary - continued/……..

Waterborne HighlightsNext year’s most outstanding project will be the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. In the Hungarian section of Tisza River, navigability is restricted by low tide in the summer and frost in the winter. The restoration of the waterways of Tisza River and the settlement of the status of Tisza River in international law will play an important role in the regional development of the eastern part of the country.

In this field the most relevant research subjects are:

Water supplying and nitrate monitoring system (NR)

ICT based general monitoring system (NR)

Bridge projects (NR) New environment-conscious,

competitive agricultural practice and technology (NR)

Advanced flood management system (NR)

Environmental impact and attain optimal transport performance by inland navigation (FP6: CREATING)

Road HighlightsThe main project research areas in the report cover in the related Hungarian research project (NR) in brackets, and the topics covered include:

New vehicle, vehicle safety Automotive Chassis Development (FP6:

AC-DC) Casting and mould-shaping of metals and

manufacturing technologies for plastic parts. (Rába Undercarriage Ltd and Borsodi Workshop Ltd.)

Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communication

Vehicle electronics, control Complex car mechatronics (Dunaújváros

College and DENSO, Bosch) Distributed and Redundant Electro-

mechanical nose wheel Steering System (FP6: DRESS)

Vehicle-environment contact-based control (Budapest University with Knorr-Bremse).

Fleet management i-Travel the connected traveller (FP7: i-

Travel) Intermodal transport (FP5: INTERMODAL)

Road infrastructure loads and capacity usage of the highway

and parallel road network (NR) Road traffic safety on newly-built by-passes

(NR) Transport safety methods of junctions and

road sections (NR) Informatics strategy for the road sector (NR)

Intelligent transport Innovative Freight Transport (FP7: AIMS) Advanced Impacts Evaluation Methodology

for Innovative Freight Transport Solutions (FP7: AIMS)

Application of ICT in Transport systems (NR) Logistic efficiency including open Intelligent

Transport Systems platforms, intelligent traffic management (NR)

A further highlight of the research was that Hungary shall become one of the logistics service centres and intercontinental cargo hub of the East-Central European region in this decade. The strategic objective is supported by the following comprehensive objectives:

Making use and management of transit and ‘hinterland’ potentials (logistics cargo-hub for far-eastern countries, background logistics base for Adriatic and Black-See ports, making use of the advantages arising out of changes between wide and normal railway gauges)

Providing competitive logistics services with high added value, in particular the high quality service of logistics-intensive sectors

Using modern technologies and Up-to-date division of labour between

transport sub-sectors by restraining the growth of the volume of road transport.

The full copy of this report is available for download on the TransNEW website at:

TransNEW Project background


TransNEW is a research project aimed at supporting transport research activities in the New Member and Associated States of Europe funded by the European Commission. The project runs from 01 January 2010 to 31 December 2011. It aims to stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of the New Member States and particularly Small to Medium Sized enterprises in national, regional and European research.

TransNEW covers all transport modes including Aeronautics and aims to exploit the synergies between air transport and surface transport. This means that the national transport research capability for 26 Countries is being defined and this information is freely available to all through the medium of the TransNEW website and ultimately, a publicly accessible user-friendly database.


To achieve the overall goals of the project is to collate transport research data concerning the countries involved and build this into a database to be used as a tool for finding potential partners for local, national and European projects and also to identify any gaps in the current transport research in the particular country and region.

The database information will also highlight the strengths and weaknesses in transport research both country and regional-wide.

This information will be disseminated to transport researchers and organisations through a series of regional workshops being held in the Czech Republic, Serbia, Turkey, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Hungary and Slovenia.

It is also an aim of the project to make the TransNEW database available for public access via the Internet to enable networking and partner searching.

The database will continue to grow after the life of the project as information can be directly input by interested parties.

Contact Us

For further information about

the TransNEW project, you

can contact us in various


Visit our website at:

Email us at:

Call us at:

+44 (0) 0788 788 0574

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