translate master standing order - amity star

Post on 04-Mar-2016






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Master Standing Order


Study the Master's Standing Orders carefully, thoroughly understand it and carry out accordingly . 1. Never hesitate to call the Master (always in ample time) whenever you have any doubt or when encountering unusual heavy traffic, visibility reduces less than 5 nautical miles and/or any other condition which may impede safe navigation of the vessel.( ) 5 / 2. When on watch. you are to remain on the bridge at all times. unless properly relieved by a certified officer. ( sign-on )3. Before taking over the watch. you are to read and sign the Master's Night Order Book. You are to check vessel's position on the chart and to confirm its on safe track and course steered IS correct. Note particularly whether compass error has been correctly applied. ( night order book ) compass error 4 Vessel's position must be constantly checked at Regular Intervals (as per passage plan) by visual bearings as well as other available electronic navigational aids fitted on board. Practice parallel indexing whenever possible. As a guide. position fixing shall be earned out approximately as follows. a) Pilotage = 5 to 10 mins. Coasting = Every 15 mins. Open Sea= Hourly, or as per Masters Instructions or pilot advise( ) parallel indexing , = 5 10 , = 15 , = 5. A good and all round lookout by sight and heading must be maintained at all times Duty quartermaster accompanying watch must be positioned at either side of the bridge wings (except in adverse weather condition) and to constantly look ahead. side and astern. and to report all sightings to the duty officer The Watch Level (member of persons on the bridge) shall be decided depending upon the traffic density under keel clearance weather and visibility ( ) ( ), UKC, 6. Whenever a ship is sighted. risk of collision must be ascertained by checking visual bearings Always maintain safe passing distance and avoid running into a close quarter situation. Master to be informed if CPA less than 2 miles In open waters and less than 1 mile In coastal waters ( ) CPA 2 1 7. Always observe the International Regulation for Preventing Collisions at Sea. giving all vessels a wide berth an to take positive action in ample time to avoid collision Regulation lights and signals to be displayed when appropriate Vessel shall navigate at Safe Speed at all times due regard given to the traffic density. under keel clearance. weather and visibility , UKC , 8. When in congested waters. steering of the vessel must be changed for auto pilot to hand If necessary. Master must be informed accordingly( ) 9. See that a good course is steered. check it after the helmsman is relieved. and see that the man relieved repeats the course to you as well as his relief. ( )10. All ship's headings by Gyro and/or Magnetic compasses must be checked regularly. Compass error must be verified whenever possible at least once a watch and whenever any large alteration of ship's course is made. / compass error 1 ( )11 . When approaching landfall, call Master when an aid to navigation is sighted, or if it is not sighted at time expected, identify all lights by the light's list. ( ) ( ) ( )12.Master to be notified for any incident related to safety, security, environment and cargo operations. 13. Entries of Log Book and Bell Book- errors made are to be ruled across with a straight line and initial all changes. bell book By Order

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