transition tales

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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Transition tales by students of Institut Joan Segura i Valls (Santa Coloma de Queralt)



We have invented and written short stories for children related to transition

topics. We worked in five spaces; in each one there were the young organizers

and a little group of children who went round enjoying all the transition

activities. There are five different stories that you can read here.


Harry is a boy who lives near the forest. Every weekend he goes to the forest. There, he throws

all his rubbish to the floor, he destroys the plants, the trees...

One day, a man appears and he takes Harry to the future with a time machine. Harry is very

afraid, but when the machine stops, he realizes that he is in the forest, but there is a big

difference in it. The forest is destroyed, devastated and with a lot of rubbish. All the animals

are dead.

Later when he returns to the present, he thinks that it is a dream. Then he decides to go to the

forest to clean it and he starts to take care about the nature.

Activity: Board game by asking questions about environment they go from square to square

By Maria Corbella, Lídia. Jan and Maria Padró


Once upon a time there was a girl who found a wool jumper in her house. She didn’t use the

jumper because it was old. Her mother told her: “We can throw the jumper away because you

don’t use it”. But the girl said: “we can reuse the jumper doing a handicraft that I learnt at the

school”. The mother and the daughter caught the jumper and they cut the sleeves off. The

mother sewed the two sleeves. The girl picked up the wool and they put it into the sleeves.

This way, they had made a snake. In the head they put two eyes and a long tongue. They put

the snake at the door to protect from the air. The mother and the daughter were very happy

because they reused an old jumper and the same time they save energy!

Handicraft: Make a cosy critter

Why don’t you make a colorful snake to use as draught excluder at the bottom of the door? His

job will be to stop the heat escaping from your room and to keep your nice and cosy critter.

1. You need to cut the sleeve off a brightly coloured old jumper and sew them together to

make the body of the snake. Make sure it’s the same length as the bottom of the door.

2. Cut the rest of the jumper into small pieces and use these to stuff the snake (you are

recycling as well!)

3. Sew both ends of the snake and simply add buttons for the eyes and don’t forget to

give him forked tongue.

By Maria Forns, Itzíar, Adrià and Gemma


Do you know how our planet is?

It's like a ball with a layer around it, which protects our planet from sun's rays.

When we use the car, the plane, the motorbike,... are polluting the atmosphere because they

emit gas which breaks the layer making little holes.

Sun rays aren't good for us, they are dangerous. If they impact on you directly, they will

damage your skin.

Pingu lives in Antarctica in a little village with his friends. The days are hotter and Pingu is ill.

The village starts to melt and all becomes water. The seal Nuria, the sea lion Jaume, the polar

bear Robert and the penguin Carla travel around Antarctica to look for help.

Do you want to help them?

Workshop: Maze to save the earth.

By Nuria Castillo, Carla Sendra, Jaume Marin, Robert Talavera


Once upon a time, a duck who lives in a beautiful beach. At the beach, the weather is great and

there are always a lot of people. The duck usually plays with the children. One day, a man puts

a can of cola on the sand and that day the cleaner doesn't go to clean the beach because she

is very ill, and the can stays there. Since then, the people start putting rubbish on the sand and

in the water. Cause the cleaner is ill, the beach starts being dirty. The duck starts being very ill

because in the beach, her house, there is a lot of pollution and she can't live there. What can

we do?

Recycling activity: Cut pictures from magazines and put them into the correct coloured bag

By Monika, Pau, Èlia and Laia


Once upon a time, very far from here, in Africa,, there was a little girl called Salua. Every day, she had to go for water to get washed, to drink and to cook. Every day, she took her jug and walked for two hours to the nearest river, Hachamelabambuxi river.

But one day, in her walk, she found a very very very big whale. Salua got surprised because it was so hot there that it wasn't normal to find an animal that lives in a cold place like the Antarctica.

-The weather is changing...- explained the whale-and there, in Antarctica, the ice is melting, so I'm looking for a place with some ice and cold water but it's very difficult to find.-She continued sadly- I'm alone in a strange place far from my home and I don't know how to get back...

-Would you like me to help you?- The excited girl asked.

And they started they trip the next morning , the girl and the big whale had decided to travel together towards a better place where to have a better life. Salua rode on the whale's back and they crossed seas, rivers, lakes and oceans for days, weeks, months... they were about two months swimming until they got into the North Pole. It was incredible: it was all white, there where penguins, seals, polar bears... The whale's family and Salua's family settled there as the whale had cold water and ice, and Salua's family found water everywhere and they were happy for all their lives.

So, let's stop the global warming because if not, the whale and Salua will have to move again, but they won't find an incredible place like North Pole, and let's use only the necessary water because there are a lot of people in Africa that haven't got enough or they have to do a lot of kilometres everyday to get it!


1. Fill a bag with newspaper paper.

2. Paint in with a blue paint and draw there a whale face

3. Draw two whale fins and a water jet in a blue cardboard

4. Join all the parts and you will have a beautiful whale!

By Altea, Carla Plaza, Arnau, Maria Compte

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