
Post on 11-Nov-2015






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    My Inner MagicI M A G I N E. B E L I E V E. A C H I E V E.

    DISC 1. Path To A Better And Better Life TRANSCRIPT

    w w w . M y I n n e r M a g i c . c o m



    TRACK 1. Introduction


    TRACK 3. Get to know Shawn

    TRACK 4. Shawn on untangling your life

    TRACK 5. The Gordian Knot - instant problem solving

    TRACK 6. The Bagha - getting what you want

    TRACK 7. Visualizing - The Planets Story

    TRACK 8. Sports & Self Competition

    TRACK 9. Future Tech - doing the right thing


  • TRACK 1. Introduction

    What if you had a computer that knew everything? It had all the knowl-edge in the world? A computer that knows everything about everything. The smartest computer in the world. It knows all there is to know about you, about what you think, about your parents and what they think, about your friends, about your teachers, what they all think, about mathematics, about history, about geography, about sports, about everything.

    And what if you could ask the computer anything, and it would give you the right answer. But you only get to ask three questions. Thats it. And then the computer disappears. What should your first question be? Think about that for a moment.

    We got a big group together, and they all had different answers, but the best answer, the answer that won the best answer award was this one. The first question to the smartest computer in the world is; What should my next two questions be?

    Think about that. If the computer is smarter than anyone, and knows what everyone thinks; then it would know better than you what the next two questions should be. You know something questions are just as important as answers because if you ask the wrong question, then youre going to get the wrong answer. Also, there are low level questions that do not require you to think, and there are high level questions that make you think.

    As example, you ask your parent, if I study hard and get good grades will I be able to go to college? Thats a low level question because the answer is going to be either yes or no. A high level question would be: what would my life be like if I dont go to college as apposed to if I go to college. Now that re-quires you to think, and thats a high level question.

    Now while you think about that, I am going to ask you a question, what is the most important thing that you can get if you could get just one thing out of these CDs? My answer to that question would be a strong ego. Let me ex-plain because a lot of people dont know exactly what ego is. Ego is a word you are going to be hearing a lot about in the future. And when you get to be an adult, it could be a very meaningful word. Especially if you are the only one who knows what it is.

    All that word ego means is, your opinion of yourself.


  • Or what you think about yourself. Do you think you cant learn, or that youre not a good person, or that you dont fit in, or that youre not smart? Then you have a poor ego. But if that describes you, then its a good thing that you have the opportunity to listen to these CDs, because I am going to help you to have the strongest ego in your school.

    Do you think youre able to learn? And do you think you are a good person? And do you think you are smart and that you fit in wherever you go? Then you have a strong ego. Because you have a good opinion of yourself. And you also have a good sense of self esteem. Self esteem is what you want most of all from these CDs. Because when you have a strong sense of self es-teem then all things that you want, will come to you, but first, we have to strengthen your opinion of yourself, your ego.

    In spite of ego there are many people, maybe even most people whose lives are tangled or twisted. That means that things are scrambled and mixed up. Things like should I go here or should I go there; should I do this, or should I do that. Tangled up, and that means twisted double, with choices that seem to be endless. When peoples lives are mixed up it usually means they have a low sense of self esteem. They think too little of themselves and often make the wrong choices. If you think too little of yourself then my goal is to help you to turn that around, to make the right choices, to untangle your life. To untwist it. To get you out of the mess youre in. And when it is untangled you will find yourself getting better grades, fitting in with other kids you want to be friendly with, and being a magnet for other kids.

    You will find a special treat in these CDs, that treat is going to be songs. Songs written just for you. Songs sung by a young man who graduated from one of my special classes a few years ago. Now he is in college, and he has his own band. He also plays piano and guitar, sings, and writes all his own songs. His name is Shawn Walker and his first song, there is a different one on each of the CDs, his first song is titled, Tangled Web. I was talking about tangles before, or twisted and mixed; well Shawn is going to sing about that. Shawn will also have a few words for you later on, but first, lets listen to him sing about people whos lives are kind of mixed up, tangled.



    Sometime I look and I just cant seeThe mess Im in and the people surroundingOpen my eyes, they are just like meWhat a tangled web we weave,What a tangled web we weave

    Why are we all in a rush to get awayIt seems like we need a minutes grace.engage Conversa conversa conversa conversationLets take a moment to observe and realizeAs hard as it is to advertise ourselves to the next oneThat we might be known and we might be saneBut were crazy to those not the same

    Sometime I look and I just cant seeThe mess Im in and the people surroundingOpen my eyes, and they are just like meWhat a tangled web we weave,What a tangled web we weaveWhat a tangled web we weave

    Why do I always wear my heart on my sleeveIt wont be that long until it bleeds..And then I freak out, I freak out, I freak out

    Maybe I do it for the thrill of fantasyThat somebodys thinking like meAnd truly believes. They believe they believe they believe,Oh God they believe.

    Were a leaf on a tree,Were a proud symphony,And were playing our partsFalling back down to earth


  • Sometime I look and I just cant seeThe mess Im in and the people surroundingOpen my eyes, and they are just like meWhat a tangled web we weave,What a tangled web we weaveWhat a tangled web we weave

    Why are we still in a rush to get awayWe still havent had a minutes graceengage Conversa conversa conversa conversationLets take a moment to observe and realizeAs hard as it is to advertise ourselves to the next one, the next one.Its a tangled web we weave Its a tangled web we weave Its a tangled web we weave

    TRACK 3. Get to know Shawn

    Wow, I love that song. That was Shawn Walker and he will have an origi-nal song, written and performed by him, with him playing all the instruments, on every disk. Im convinced that one day you will tell people that you were the first one to hear him even before he became famous. Shawn is one of our stu-dents and went through a class with this material a few years ago. I tell him what I want to talk about and he writes a song about it. For Tangled Web I asked him to write a song for us about people who grumbled and complained to themselves about the mess they were in, and thats the way all the songs you will hear come about. Every one of them is written to help you to strengthen that ego of yours so that you will be the best that you can be.

    There will be more of Shawns songs later in other CDs, hell even have a few words for you. Now Shawn does have a band, and he is a great musician, but he is also attending college. He knows that an education is important, very important. In the meantime just think about the title of the song you just heard because as you grow older, more and more you will find all the little irritations


  • of life are just webs that go in all directions. Life is a tangled web and some-times it helps to have someone by your side who can help to unravel some of the strands.

    Lets hear a few more words from Shawn. See if he can untangle a few things for you so that you can see them more clearly.

    TRACK 4. Shawn on untangling your life

    (Shawn) Hi Im sure youre wondering who this new voice is. Youd remember if I started to sing like in the songs earlier. Im Shawn. It hasnt been that long since I was in some of the same situations you may be going through, feeling nervous, fitting in, not being able to sleep, feeling over-whelmed, dwelling on situations, things of that nature.

    I still go through these things like everyone else in this world, the differ-ence is, at certain ages these situations are either easy to deal with or harder to deal with. Due to a collection of experiences in life as you get older youre able to cope with situations a lot better because that have happened before. What Burt is trying to do is help you with speeding that process up. Basically increasing your knowledge to handle those situations better than most of your peers.

    Sometimes we all need some kind of help but are afraid to ask. Like when your teacher asked if you have any questions, and you do, but you are afraid to ask because of the response youd get from your classmates. I re-member I used to listen to an audiotape called the Daisy Pond when I was around 8 years old. I couldnt sleep because I was restless and I couldnt handle all the thoughts racing through my head, being young you have to real-ize that you learn new/different scenarios everyday, life is a learning experi-ence its a lot to take in sometimes. Burt gave me access to this tape to help me meditate and focus. Now Ill be honest, I felt it was a little goofy at first lis-tening to this guys voice trying to get me to sit still for a second. I knew I couldnt do it on my own, so I gave it a shot.

    Before I knew it, I was actually hypnotizing myself without noticing it. To make a long story short, I was able to sleep just fine after that. Were all so busy with the world pacing as fast as it is. Peoples attention span is getting, smaller and smaller.


  • People use to worry about their mail being later after a couple days. Now people worry about accessing an Internet site thats taking 5 seconds to load. You may even be bored of me talking right now. But if we all just take a second, we could all get through that initial door and open more possibilities than ever.

    I heard a quote one time that said if you are talking then you are3 not learning much. SO that fact that you can listen right now, gives you the strength and the ability to learn. Im sure we can all focus, but its hard to take that initial step to. Take that step now and it will help everyday in your life. These CDs by Burt will help you focus to achieve anything youd like to, whether it be to solve any problems, or generally just be a happy person. Sometimes I could lost, but if I remember what I have learned from seminars I have attended or tapes I have listened to, I end up having a better outlook on everything. That gives me the confidence to be comfortable with myself which in turn leads to not having that pressure to fit in, but rather share my thoughts with others to form friendships not clicks. I could go on and on, but just give this a try. Plus you may love the music, They say music is therapy so why not use it that way And let Burt explain how it relates to you. Good luck I wish everyone the best outcome.

    TRACK 5. The Gordian Knot - instant problem solving

    Thanks Shawn. Heres a story I often tell people in big business. There once was a wonder of the world that thousands came to see. It was a big bunch of rope that was tied into a gigantic knot. The knot was the size of a bowling ball and try as they might no one could untie it. It was said that who-ever could unravel the knot would rule the world. This was called the Gordian knot. One day a young man whose name was Alexander came to the town and heard the fable about the knot. Taking his freshly sharpened sword from his belt he swung it over his head and smashed the razor edge down with a mighty blow. The knot was split in two; Alexander had solved the problem.

    I am going to show you how to cut through many of the worries that you have, also how to find solutions to your problems. Not in the regular way; if you could do it the regular way, you would have done it. Alexander did it the creative way, he did something no one before ever thought of. And then he


  • went on to conquer the world, and thats why they call him Alexander the Great. He did it different.

    Well heres how we are going to do it. Youre going to have to make some choices now, and you too are going to do it a bit different, with new knowledge that you will find right here in these modules. Heres your chance to learn about getting better grades, about being a better athlete, and about how to do the right thing when a friend wants you to do the wrong thing. But before we do that I am going to tell you about some secret techniques that even Harry Potter doesnt know. Techniques that have been handed down for centuries but kept out of schools and colleges for the simple reason that teachers and professors they dont know about them. Your friends dont know these tech-niques, nor do any of the people you know. You will be the first to discover them. I use them all the time.

    Shawn does too, its the reason he has so many talents. These techniques point the way to your success. These pointers will help you to do your best in everything, in sports like golf, tennis, track and football, in mathematics, in his-tory, in geographyin everything.

    Pay special attention to the next track, its track 6. Remember that because youll be going back to track 6 again and again.

    TRACK 6. The Bagha - getting what you want

    Here you are, track six, get ready for two super techniques that you will be using for everything. The first technique is called the Bagha. Its spelled B a g h a, and pronounced Bagha. Your tongue, and the roof of your mouth enable you to speak. There is a connection between your tongue and with your brain, or your mind if you prefer. Before you can speak, you have to think the words, even though you are not aware you are doing it. Its automatic. Whenever you are going to say something, your brain has to formulate the words for your mouth, and inside your mouth, your tongue and the roof of your mouth acting together along with a few other things like the vocal cords and your breath, enable you to speak. Flatten your tongue on the bottom of your mouth and try to speak and you will see what I mean. Or if you were to press your whole tongue on the roof of your mouth you couldnt speak either. Even though your mind was telling you to speak, you couldnt do it.


  • The reverse is true also. When you press the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth that tells your brain and mind to pay attention, something is about to happen. So instead of thoughts coming into your mind willy nilly, by using the tip of your tongue to touch the roof of your mouth you can now con-trol your thoughts. This technique is called the Bagha.

    The Bagha is touching the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth, for just a second. With your mouth closed. While you are touching the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth, you think the words that you want to happen. When you do that, you are more in control of your brain and mind, and very often, things that you want to happen, they happen.

    Carol Rhoads is eleven years old. She loves sports, especially golf. Carol dreams of playing in a professional golf league one day and practices every chance she gets. A tournament was coming up and she was a little nervous. Her parents were watching. Her first stroke was a big slice.

    No one said a word and she got even more nervous. She took a deep breath and used the Bagha, touching the tip of her tongue to the roof of her mouth she thought the words, perfect shot. Then she addressed the ball, slowly took the club back and pow; a perfect hit, two hundred yards and straight as a string.

    George Jacksons brother Cookie was five, he was annoying George who was trying to concentrate on his homework. Cookie wanted to know if George would play with him but George was ten and didnt have time for his five year old brother. But Cookie kept bothering him. George wanted to concentrate on something he was reading; finally he couldnt take it any more and so he de-cided to use the Bagha, touching the roof of his mouth with his tongue he thought the words, Cookie be happy playing by yourself. Just as he said that he thought about his Frisbee that his brother liked. He told Cookie to practice and when he got through he would see if he got any better. Cookie took the Frisbee and went outside to practice leaving George alone.

    Katie Summers was thirteen and thrilled at becoming a teenager. But one thing bothered her. There were some boys that made rude remarks whenever she walked past them and they usually hung out near the entrance to school so she had to pass them every day. They often made her cry. She decided to use the Bagha along with some power words that she had learned. Walking through the gate, as she approached the boys sitting around on a mound of grass near the flagpole she touched the roof of her mouth with her tongue and


  • said the words, invisible, Im invisible. No one can see me, Im invisible. She walked right by the boys and not one of them even noticed her.

    Was she really invisible, of course not. But her body language had changed and they just didnt notice her. Before she used the Bagha her shoul-ders were crunched up, she had a look of fear on her face and her energy field just about shouted that she was a victim. When she used the Bagha and the power word she stood up straighter, didnt even consider the boys hanging around and no one noticed her. A power word is a strong word that represents what you want to happen. Lifting weights? Your power word would be strong along with the Bagha. Taking a test? Your power word is recall I can recall anything. Along with the Bagha. Get the idea?

    In these CDs you will find many ways to use the Bagha. Whenever you want something to happen, just touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and mentally say what you want to happen.

    Sometimes it almost seems like a magic wand but it isnt. And it doesnt work all the time. But use it often and you will find it working more and more and, another benefit, because as you use it again and again you will get more and more confident in yourself, and what you are capable of doing..

    Another thing that you will be using often is the OM chant. When you re-peat the Om every time you breath out, and while seated comfortably with your eyes closed, things happen. Your attention is concentrated and all the things that usually flit through your mind are gone. When you are concentra-tive by chanting Om very slowly, you can use that to make yourself smarter. Here is how to use the Om chant to do better in test taking. Before you take the test concentrate on your breathing, note how steady it is, and then as you breathe out, mentally say the word, Om. Then take a breath and Om again as you breathe out. Now look at your test as you Om when breathing out. Think about each of the questions on the test as you Om. Then use the Bagha, and write the answer down. Youll find the Bagha and the Om valuable tools that only you have. Best to keep this to yourself.

    Now let me explain that because some kids think its funny. It could be funny if you look at it that way, but lets look at it another way. When you hum the Om sound all your attention is on what you are doing. When you are humming Om you dont think about a thousand different things; you only think about one thing. Thats why its not silly. As a matter of fact its really very seri-


  • ous. Try it. Think about something you want to learn, or that you want to hap-pen; and while you think about it, hum the Om. And you will soon be using it all the time. But thats not all there is on this track.

    There are three more tracks for you to choose from, Track Seven, the next track following this one is for better grades. After that Track Eight is for you athletes. Whatever sport you are involved with or want to be in, whether its golf or track, football or tennis, whatever the sport, competition is the main thing that keeps everyone interested, so here it is in a nutshell. And on Track Nine you will learn an easy way to do the right thing when a friend wants you to do the wrong thing. You can play all the tracks or you can jump to wherever you like. So whatll it be, grades on the next track, athletics on Track 8, or do-ing the right thing on Track 9?

    TRACK 7. Visualizing - The Planets Story

    If youre looking to get better grades in school then you are definitely in the right place. Now I have to think that you really do want to get better grades or you wouldnt be listening to me now. And if you want better grades it means that you are not doing so hot, and that means that your schoolwork is tangled up; just like that web that Shawn was singing about. And that means that you are just not using enough of your mind. I am now going to show you how to do that, how to use more of your mind. Then you will concentrate better and you will do better.

    Carol Hochkiss had a good mind, but she was so active with that good mind that she was always thinking about five different things at the same time. She would read a lesson and think about a boy, sometimes she would sit in class and day dream a mile a minute. And you know something, thats good. But only when its controlled. Because daydreaming, thats what we call a visualization when it is controlled. She had to get herself to think about one thing at a time, thats called concentration. She had to learn a few things for a test. One of the questions on the paper was what year was it when Columbus discovered America? She remembered how to focus her mind by using a visu-alization and thought of the poem she had read when studying; Columbus crossed the ocean blue, in fourteen hundred and ninety two.


  • When she thought about that poem she had a picture in her mind of a ship, full of sails, on the ocean. That was a visualization, and thats the way to sharpen your mind, create mental images, little stories in your mind about the lesson you are learning. It doesnt have to be a poem, a story will do just as well. When you create those images, you can kind of put it in a box in your mind and when you need it, you bring it out. A mind Box.

    Theodore Levitt was trying to learn about the planets. He knew there were nine of them unless the astronomers take Mercury off the list, but he only re-membered the names of Earth and Mars. There was a test coming up. How could he use visualization to remember. Then he made up a story about the planets after looking them up on the internet. And it worked.

    Let me show you how it worked, here is the story. There are nine planets in our solar system, we live on one of them, and our planet is called Earth. The eight others are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. But it is hard to remember them is you just repeat the names over and over. But, if you were to make up a story about the planets, they would stick, and you would remember them when it came time to take a test on the plan-ets. Let me help you with the story;

    In a magic garden there was a big thermometer to tell how hot it was. The thermometer was filled with Mercury, as many thermometers are. When the sun makes the day hot the mercury expands and the mercury rises. That day it was very hot and the mercury spewed out of the top of the thermometer. Mer-cury is the name of the first planet nearest the sun. The hot mercury spilled on a statue of Venus, the second planet. Well Venus doesnt like hot mercury spilling on her and so she kicks out. There is a basketball sized globe of the third planet, Earth, the kind you see in school, sitting in front of Venus and she kicks it. On top of the globe of Earth there are four little green men who repre-sent the fourth planet; Mars. The 4 little Martians run to a tree in the middle of the garden, its a Juniper tree, representing the 5th planet, Jupiter. There is a Satin sheet on top of the Juniper tree. The Satin sheet represents the sixth planet, Saturn. The sheet is wet and dripping like rain. This represents the seventh planet, Uranus. All that water is dripping on Neptune the god of the sea. Neptune is the eighth planet. He doesnt like the rain dripping on him and gets angry; he sees Mickey Mouses dog Pluto and sticks Pluto, the ninth planet, with his spear and Pluto runs off into the distance yelping.

    Mercury, falls on Venus, who kicks Earth, four Martians fall off and run to the Juniper tree where there is a Satin sheet raining down on Neptune, who


  • sticks Pluto with his spear. Once you learn that story, you will never forget how many planets there are, or their position to the sun. And that is just one of the many ways you will be learning to use more of your mind.

    When you make up a story, you picture the material in your mind; like a daydream, and when you do that, you use much more of your mind. Thats the way to get better grades. When you make up the story, put the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and think about the story you are making up about the subject you are learning and it will be easier for you.

    If you cant think of a story, then close your eyes and hum Om very soflty to yourself, so that no one else can hear, and make a picture of what you are studying. Visualize it, and you will remember it when you take a test on the subject if you hum Om very softly at that time. Making mental movies about subjects you are studying is the key. Do it and get better grades.

    The track following this one is how to do better in athletics and sports.

    TRACK 8. Sports & Self Competition

    This track is for you if you are involved with sports in any way. All sports have one thing in common, they are all competitive. And competition is the an-swer to being better at athletics. But now you will find a new kind of competi-tion, a competition that you cannot lose.

    Michael Tenzer wanted very much to be a basketball star. But he just never seemed to be able to jump as well, or shoot baskets as well as the other players on the team. And the coach was always telling him how much better the other guys were. You better shape up kid or youre off the team, he would say. But try as he might Michael just couldnt get any better.

    Then Michael thought about the idea that he learned about self competi-tion and he decided to compete, not with the team, but with himself. He put a piece of chalk in his hand and jumped as high as he could alongside the ga-rage in front of his house. He made a mark on the side of the garage and that was his base line. Every morning, and every evening, Michael jumped up twenty five times and made a mark above the first mark on the side of the ga-rage. He didnt try to get a foot higher than that first mark, a hair higher would do. Just a bit. And bit by bit, competing only with himself, he soon became the highest jumper in his class.


  • Sally Iverson was a gymnast. She could do a backflip with no trouble at all as long as there were two people spotting her but when it came to doing it alone she froze. Couldnt do it. After learning about the Om and the Bagha she decided to do it the next time in class, in front of her coach. She needed it to be chosen for the nine to ten year old competition. Running, she pressed her tongue to the roof of her mouth and didnt concern herself with who was watching. Sally executed a perfect backflip.

    When you have done something in sports again and again your body knows what to do. But sometimes your mind gets in the way and tangles you up; the Bagha untangles and allows the body to do its thing.

    Whatever sport you are involved with, it probably involves competing with other people. Dont be concerned with that. Do your best and set the distance or time or whatever applies and then do it again. Each time you do it you want to be just a wee bit better. Soon you will be better.

    Carol Rhoads is a young golfer. She was always frustrated as she was al-ways getting beat by the other young golfers. Then she stopped competing against them. She knew she could go around 18 holes in 95 strokes. She had done it before. She decided to compete with herself. Suddenly she knew her goal, it was to go around the course in 94 stokes. And then, just a little at a time, she kept beating her old scores until she is now a great competing golfer in her schools Junior Golfers class.

    Before you compete with others, compete with yourself; then it is a win, win thing.

    On the next track, Track Nine you will learn an easy way to do the right thing when a friend wants you to do the wrong thing.

    TRACK 9. Future Tech - doing the right thing

    So then, what do you do when a friend wants you to do the wrong thing? What to do, what to do? George Felson was the nicest kid you could ever hope to meet. He loved watching his team play even though he himself wouldnt. He did know all about the game though and was thinking of applying for the job of assistant manager; that he knew he could do. But his best friend Jimmy Lynch had other ideas. Jimmy had gotten George into trouble two times before. Once it was so bad that the principle threatened to expel them both if they didnt shape up. George liked Jimmy, he was fun to be around. But this


  • time he was asking too much, George thought. What Jimmy wanted George to do was just wrong, he didnt want to do it, but he didnt want to disappoint Jimmy either. What to do?

    It was another entanglement in his life, another tangled web. But he knew, he knew what Jimmy wanted them to do wasnt right. Not only that but it could get them thrown out of school. Just about then George thought about a tech-nique he had learned in my childrens class that he took a few months before. The technique was called Future Tech, and the idea was to consider conse-quences of an act. Sort of a peek into the future.

    George told Jimmy that he would see him later and then he went to his room. Consequence is usually considered to be the unpleasant result of an action. So before he would help Jimmy with what he wanted to do, George would have to think about an unpleasant result of joining Jimmy, in other words, what would be the consequence of it. He got comfortable, touched the tip of his tongue to the roof of his mouth and thought about himself being in-volved with Jimmy, doing something wrong. Now he was concentrating on the visualizations in his mind. It was like a daydream but it was a consequence. He saw them being caught and being expelled from school, he saw his mother crying, he saw his big brother disappointed in him. He saw his friends laughing at him. After he visualized all the consequences of him doing the things that Jimmy wanted him to do he realized that he was turning himself into a door-mat. And Jimmy was walking all over him.

    He knew he didnt want to help Jimmy anymore and the next time he saw him he said that from then on he was going to be studying more and seeing Jimmy less. Jimmy wasnt too happy about that but he had other friends that he could ensnare in his web. He would just get someone else to join him.

    The Future Tech technique is simple. You start with the Bagha, then you see all the unpleasant things that could happen if you did the thing that you were thinking of doing. And if there are no unpleasant things that may happen after you do the thing, then maybe the thing is all right.

    Thank you, I hope you have found one or two things of value to you on these tracks. I do wish you all the best, and with more tracks coming up, I look forward to helping you advance more in life and get better and better in all things that you do.


  • w w w . M y I n n e r M a g i c . c o m

    B l o g . M y I n n e r M a g i c . C o m


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