township of melancthon a g e n d a · 2. email from jennifer passy regarding education development...

Post on 17-Oct-2020






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Thursday, December 12, 2019 - 9:00 a.m.

1. Call to Order

2. Announcements

3. Additions/Deletions/Approval of Agenda

4. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof

5. Approval of Draft Minutes - November 21, 2019

6. Business Arising from Minutes

7. Point of Privilege or Personal Privilege

8. Public Question Period (Please visit our website under Agendas and Minutes for informationon Public Question Period)

9. Public Works1. Accounts2. Letter from Harvey Lyon regarding Burnside Road Management Plan3. Other

10. Planning1. Applications to Permit2. Notice of Intent to Pass By-law

1. Tripp/Serbin - Zoning By-law Amendment By-law Temporary Use3. NWN Scientific Site Plan Application - Verbal Report4. Other

11. Strategic Plan1. Preservation - 2.1 - Water

12. Climate Change Initiatives

13. Police Services Board

14. Committee Reports

15. Correspondence

*Board & Committee Minutes1. GRCA - Summary of the General Membership Meeting - November 22, 20192. Shelburne Public Library Board Meeting - October 15, 2019

* Items for Information Purposes1. Town of Shelburne Notice of Decision - Draft Plan of Subdivision 900 Main Street East2. Email from Jennifer Passy regarding Education Development Charges Regulation -

Additional Exemptions3. Dufferin County Council in Brief - November 14, 20194. NVCA Board Meeting Highlights - November 22, 20195. ROMA and OGRA Discuss Future Opportunities6. Letter from Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs regarding trespassers on

farms and at food processing facilities7. Report from Anna McGregor, Director of Community Services, County of Dufferin -

Single Source Consultant - Community Safety and Well-Being Plan

8. Email from Sonya Pritchard, CAO, County of Dufferin - Service Delivery Review RFPAward

* Items for Council Action1. Notification for Maintenance and Repair Section 79, The Drainage Act, 1990 - Lot 244-

245 Con 2 SW2. Source Protection Committee Municipal Member to be Nominated3. Report from Tracey Atkinson and Denise Holmes regarding Recreational Needs and

Efficiency Proposals4. Shelburne Public Library - Approved 2020 Budget5. Email from Councillor David Thwaites - Memorandum on Administrative Monetary


16. General Business1. Accounts2. Notice of Intent to Pass By-law

1. By-law Which Provides For The Erection of Stop Signs at Intersections - 2 Linend

SW at 250 Sideroad3. New/Other Business/Additions

1. Motion to reduce taxes on specific properties under Section 357 of theMunicipal Act

2. Notice of Motion - Moved by Besley, to reschedule Council Meetings to OneDay and One Evening Meeting per Month

3. Notice of Motion - Moved by Mercer, to Support Continued and PositiveInvolvement in Local Boards and Committees

4. Review NVCA Appointment as Councillor Mercer’s Appointment expiresDecember 31, 2019

5. Report from Denise Holmes regarding Municipal Cyber Security Policies6. By-law Enforcement Services7. Addition(s)

4. Unfinished Business1. Notice of Intent to Pass By-law

1. Salvage Yard By-law – Redlined Version from Township Solicitor andClean Version

17. Delegations1. 10:15 a.m. - Steven Murphy, Emergency Management and Communications

Coordinator, County of Dufferin - Presentation on Emergency Management2. 10:45 a.m. - Notice of Public Meeting Proposed ZBA - Huxtable

18. Closed Session1. Approval of Draft Minutes - November 21, 20192. Business Arising from Minutes3. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board

employees - Report of Denise Holmes, CAO/Clerk - Stats Ontario CPI Adjustment forCouncil/Staff Wages

4. Rise With or Without Report from Closed Session

19. Third Reading of By-laws

20. Notice of Motion

21. Confirmation By-law

22. Adjournment and Date of Next Meeting - Thursday, January 16, 2019 - 5:00 p.m.

23. On Sites

24. Correspondence on File at the Clerk’s Office

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