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Township of Cherry Hill’s

Sustainable Jersey Small Grants Application

Interactive Community Asset Mapping Tool

Table of Contents: Municipality’s Background Information & Contact Form 


Proposal Narrative 


Detailed Budget 


Resume and Bios 


Resolution of Support 


Green Team Documentation 


Grantee Certification and Declaration 





Municipality’s Background Information & Contact Form 

Sustainable Jersey Small Grants Application Background Information Form & Checklist Please include page A and B of this form at the beginning of your application.

Page A  

Municipality Background Information

Municipality: Township of Cherry Hill

County: Camden

Population: 71,000

Setting (urban, suburban, rural): Suburban

Is your town currently registered with Sustainable Jersey? (Note: All applicants must be registered with the program by date of submission. For more information on how to register, visit:

Yes X


Does your municipality have an active Green Team? (Note: All applicant communities must have an active Green Team. To view the requirements of an active Green Team please click here, or see the Application Checklist below)

Yes X


Is your municipality currently Sustainable Jersey Certified? If yes, at what level? Yes, Silver

Has your municipality ever been certified in the past? If yes, when and at what level? Na, see above

Did your municipality receive a Sustainable Jersey small grant in previous years? If yes, which year(s) and at what level(s)?


Grant Application Information

For what grant level are you applying? $20,000.00

Are you applying for two grants? (Another Background Information Form and Application must be completed separately for each grant. See Section B in application for eligibility)


No X

Please provide a brief (2-3 sentences) description of your project.

A one-stop data center will present a user-friendly format to constituents to access information on community assets to foster informed decision-making – whether it means buying a house or locating a new business. And while informed economic decisions are increasingly important to the sustainability of any community, advocacy groups (such as the Cherry Hill Green Team) can engage is resource specific sustainable activities – such as the creation of a Natural Resource Inventory (NRI) or organize Stream Clean-up events in priority areas. The simplicity of providing an interactive mapping tool can act to provide a wide-range services that can be customized for a user’s specific needs.

Sustainable Jersey Action(s) that will be completed through grant. All $10,000, $20,000 and $50,000 grants projects must relate to the completion of a Sustainable Jersey Action. Please be sure to check the “What to do” and the “What to submit” section of each action to verify the project can fulfill the action requirements. Actions that would be “innovative demonstrations projects” are also eligible and will be judged based on their ability to model or improve the current slate of Sustainable Jersey Actions. All requirements for actions can be viewed here. $2,000 Capacity-Building grants do not have to complete an action if only seeking general support funds.

1. Community Asset Mapping 4.

2. Creative Assets Inventory 5.

3. Natural Resources Inventory 6.

Project Title Cherry Hill Interactive Community Asset Mapping Tool


Page B  

Sustainable Jersey® Small Grants Application Contacts

Primary Municipal Contact NOTE: The grant application decision and follow-up will be directed to this contact. Name Lorissa Luciani Title Deputy Director of

Community Development Affiliation Township of Cherry Hill Address 820 Mercer Street

Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

Phone (856) 661‐4737 Email Please list any additional municipal or Green Team contacts for the grant. Include key elected officials and any staff contacts.

Name Title Phone Email Lenore Rosner Business Administrator (856) 661-4741 Paul Stridick Director of Community Development (856) 432-8708 Megan Brown Director of Recreation (856) 661-4810 Lori Braunstein Director of Sustainable Cherry Hill (609) 238-3449 Scott Downie Sustainable Cherry Hill (856) 489-3812 Fiscal Contact name and mailing address where grant check will be sent.* Name: Ari Messinger

Title: Operations Manager Phone: (856) 432-8760 Email:

Mailing Address:

820 Mercer Street Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

Media Contact A municipal employee or affiliate that we contact for coordinating press/media events

Name: Bridget Palmer Title: Director of Communications Phone: (856) 432-8758 Email:

Mayor’s Information (The mayor may be directly invited to a press conference or other speaking engagement)

Additional Contact for Mayor (Secretary, assistant, aide etc.) Name: Donna Dovey

Name: Chuck Cahn

Title: Assistant to Mayor Phone: (856) 488-7878 Phone: (856) 488-7878 Email: Email:

*Only New Jersey municipalities are eligible grant applicants. Funding may be passed through to a non-profit, partner organization, or contractor, but the municipality must be the applicant and will be responsible for the reporting requirements. Checks will be made payable to the municipalities and sent to their fiscal agent.

Proposal Narrative


CHERRY HILL TOWNSHIP INTERACTIVE COMMUNITY ASSET MAPPING TOOL  PROJECT DESCRIPTION.   Sustainable communities successfully  integrate environmental, social, cultural, and economic development considerations  in their  long‐term community development strategies.   The creation of tools to articulate and  implement clear policies  to address each of  these considerations can be easily achieved  through effective public consensus building and outreach.   Online  tools and “apps” are currently  the most popular  forms of data accessibility, and the  increased availability of visual data has proven to be an effective educational tool.   Similarly,  interactive maps have  become more  common  on municipal websites,  and  the  tools  for  creating  browser‐based maps  have  become increasingly user‐friendly.  This “geospatial outreach” has been utilized to provide timely, efficient and effective access to pertinent datasets and  the sharing of public  information.     Creative partnerships with  the Cherry Hill Green Team, Sustainable Cherry Hill and other organizations who are looking to contribute to a sustainable community and/or region can be established by reflecting on these positive assets, thus creating a more inclusive process for consensus building.  As an advocate of open government – a prominent goal outlined in the Township’s mission – Cherry Hill Township proposes  to develop an online,  interactive, community asset mapping tool to engage the public and provide the most up‐to‐date available data to a wide array of users.    The  interactive map will  be  utilized  to  increase  the  availability  and  accessibility  of public  data  in  order  to  provide  an  educational  framework,  build  stronger  community networks, and increase transparency between the public and government.    By providing  a  collective  inventory of  the positive and  valued aspects of a  community –  such as places,  institutions, programs, and people – the Township can  initiate a distinctive way to assess the varying needs of each neighborhood, foster civic participation to create  innovative solutions to area‐specific or community‐wide problem‐solving, engage  in policy  creation  and  decision‐making,  enhance  the distribution  of  information,  and  allow  the public  to perform basic spatial analyses for individualized or collective purposes.  

More  importantly, the data tool can be utilized by a variety of  interested users to for  specific  functions/projects.   For  instance,  schools  can engage  students on  the benefits  of  living  and  eating  healthy  by  creating  walking  maps  around  school facilities or within neighborhoods and can use these tools to provide the benefits of walking  every day.    Similarly,  interactive  tools  are  also  incredibly useful  for  local community groups  to engage  in Community Visioning and placemaking.   Creative ideas  and  solutions  can  be  shared  and  identified  to  create  unique  places  for recreating, identifying a need for a new business or service industry, and/or ways to encourage new modes of transit in a particular area.   

 PROJECT IMPACT.    Providing  free,  open‐sourced  data  on  a  variety  of resources (environmental, economic, social, physical, etc.) can provide a unique  community  outreach  process  that  inspires  people  to  value  and discover  the existing  resources within  their  community and build upon those  strengths. Building upon what already exists,  this  interactive  tool can encourage people  to collaborate  to strengthen  the social vitality of communities.   This can  include, but  is not  limited  to, providing mapping  resources  for transportation  (public  transportation  stops,  bike  routes, senior/paratransit),  open  space  and  recreation  (availability  of  parks, events, games), food assets (community gardens, community supported agriculture  (CSAs),  farmers markets),  emergency  preparedness  (water lines,  gas  lines,  police/fire),  local  economy  (retail  centers,  services, goods,  industry  clusters),  community  assets  (civic  associations, 


neighborhood groups,  interest groups),  cultural and historic assets  (religious  institutions, historic places),  community facilities  (schools,  government  buildings,  post  offices,  infrastructure),  environmental  assets  (floodplains,  wetlands, habitat, scenic vistas), economic and business assets (business associations,  job training facilities, census  information), and general information (zoning, parcel information).    

This  one‐stop  data  center  will  present  a  user‐friendly  format  to  constituents  to  access information on these assets to foster  informed decision‐making – whether  it means buying a house or  locating  a new business.   And while  informed economic decisions  are  increasingly important  to  the  sustainability of  any  community,  advocacy  groups  (such  as  the Cherry Hill Green Team) can engage  in resource specific sustainable activities – such as the creation of a Natural Resource  Inventory  (NRI)  or  organize  Stream  Clean‐up  events  in  priority  areas.  The simplicity of providing an  interactive mapping  tool  can act  to provide a wide‐range  services that can be customized for a user’s specific needs.   This customized data can be used to perform data queries, which can be shared and presented amongst a  larger user base – which can serve as a strong educational tool.   Additionally, this customized  mapping  tool  will  significantly  cut  down  the  amount  of  phone  calls  and spontaneous visits to government offices because the information is so readily available; thus, creating a more effective and efficient government system. This data, while having significant local  impacts,  can  also  positively  impact  a  larger  network  that  can  encourage  other municipalities/counties –  that may have shared assets with  the Township –  to create similar interactive  tools.   As we know, many of  these assets  surpass  invisible municipal boundaries, which make the regionalization of these tools even more effective and sustainable.   

 GRANT FUNDING IMPACT.   The Sustainable  Jersey grant will play an  integral role  in  the  funding  of  the  Cherry  Hill  Township  Interactive  Community  Asset Mapping  Tool  as  it will provide  approximately half of  the project’s  cost.    The remaining cost will be funded through an existing United States Department of Housing  and  Urban  Development’s  Community  Development  Block  Grant (CDBG). Together, the two funding sources will be utilized to cover the cost of procurement of a web development firm to conduct and develop the mapping tool.   Without the two  funding sources the Township would not have the  funds needed  to  successfully  implement  the  project  and  therefore  not  be  able  to move  forward with  implementing  the interactive asset mapping tool.  As you know, the Township is among the 1st to be certified under the Sustainable Jersey program, and among the 1st to obtain Silver Certification.   The Township has also participated  in an innovative pilot program through the EPA Climate Showcase  Communities Grant  (It’s  in Our  Power  Program  –  Cherry Hill),  in which we  have  created  and  continue  to implement a sustainable community action agenda to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote energy efficiency throughout the Township.   The Township has adopted a Sustainability Element of our Master Plan, and  is currently  is developing a community‐wide Sustainable Action Agenda, which sets  forth goals, objective,  indicators and  targets  for implementing and monitoring sustainable initiatives throughout the Township.    

 The  Interactive Mapping Tool can serve to bring these  initiatives together.  Communities that are designed to improve the environment often have the positive  consequence  of  creating  a  stronger  sense  of  community.      The process,  in  itself, of  creating  a  sustainable  community  can bring  together citizens  from  throughout  the  community.    Businesses,  school  groups, municipal  officials,  religious  organizations,  senior  groups  and  others working  towards  a  common  goal  can  help  build  a  stronger  sense  of community pride.   The tool will also serve to fill a  large service gap that  is much needed by our citizens, advocates, and businesses; build capacity of our  green  team  and  local  organizations;  and  assist  in  maintaining  the 


Township’s Sustainable Jersey Certification.    BUDGET NARRATIVE.    The  total project  cost  is  estimated  at $35,000.00, but  can  fluctuate plus or minus $5,000.00 depending on the proposals received as a result of the Township’s procurement process. The additional funds needed to procure the tool ($10,000.00 – $20,000.00) will be obtained by utilizing an already secured grant. The secured grant in question  is  a United  States Department of Housing  and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).  The Township has already been awarded this grant and has allocated $15,000.00 for the proposed initiative. If the Sustainable Jersey Small Grant is not awarded to Cherry Hill, the CDBG monies will be released to other initiatives.   Monies will be placed in the Township’s Operating Budget to cover annual software maintenance and updates.  In  addition  to  the  direct  cost  associated  with  the  procurement  of  the  interactive  community  asset  mapping  tool ($35,000.00), the Township will contribute  in‐kind  labor cost associated with the development and  implementation of the tool.  The Township anticipates an in‐kind labor contribution of $10,000.00 between 3 key Individuals (see Resume Section for complete qualifications).   

 *Ongoing software maintenance cost will be added to the Township’s Annual Operating Budget   TIMELINE.    The project  is broken down  into  five  categories  (1) Request  for  Proposal Development,  (2)  Procurement Process,  (3) Mapping Tool Development and  Implementation,  (4)  Integration, and Promotion and  (5) Final Reporting.  Within each category are specific tasks and milestones.  In conjunction with the below timeline and the outlined tasks and milestones, the Township will be able to expend all funds while completing the project and submit the final report by May 31, 2015 as required by the grant agreement.      


Budget Line Item Estimated Cost SJ Grant CDBG Funding In-kind ServicesSoftware $35,000.00 $20,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00

Personnel - Implementation $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 TOTAL $45,000.00 $20,000.00 $15,000.00 $10,000.00


Budget Line Item Estimated Cost In-kind ServicesSoftware Maintenance (Year 2 & Beyond) TBD $10,000.00

TOTAL TBD $10,000.00



Below is a list of key milestones and tasks to be completed in each category:  


Develop Bid Specification Aug-13 Finalize RFP Packet Sep-13


Certification of Funds Oct-13

Advertise RPF Oct-13

Open Proposals Oct-13

Award to Vendor Nov-13

Issue Contract Nov-13


Data Gathering Dec 2013 – Feb 2014 Surveys Jan – Mar 2014

Public Hearings Mar-14 Program Development Mar – Jul 2014

Beta Testing Aug-14 Public Focus Groups Aug-14

Tweak Tool Sep-14 Community Asset Mapping Tool Release Oct-13


Integrate into Existing Website Nov-14 Press Release Dec-14

Tool Promotion Dec 2013 – Apr 2014 FINAL REPORTING TASK MILESTONE

Final Report Preparation Apr-15 Submit Final Report May-15

 EVALUATION.   The  success of such a project  is dependent on  the  inclusiveness of  the  information provided and  the purposes  it serves.   Because this tool can be used  in  incredibly diverse ways,  it  is anticipated that there will be strong, positive participation by  the public  (children, organizations, businesses, etc.).   The  identification of new assets and a growing inventory will be an effective way to evaluate the impacts and success of this project.  It is intended to provide case studies on the customized projects that we hope will be created by a variety of users such as the school districts, environmental groups, community organizations, and by the Township.    A survey will be designed to evaluate the use of the new system and opportunities for feedback will be provided through the Township’s virtual “contact desk” through the Township’s website.  This will provide rapid and regular feedback to allow the Township to continually improve the product.  This survey tool will be shared with other municipalities and counties for their use, thus extending the effectiveness of the Township’s project. 



Detailed Budget

DETAILED BUDGET.   The cost of procuring the  Interactive Community Asset Mapping Tool  is estimated at $35,000.00, but can fluctuate plus or minus $5,000.00 depending on the proposals received as a result of our Request for Proposal process. In addition to the direct costs associated with procuring the tool, the Township will contribute $10,000.00 of In‐kind Services.  Below is a breakdown of the cost associated with developing and implementing the tool.   

 *Ongoing software maintenance cost will be added to the Township’s Annual Operating Budget    

Software Development and Implementation Estimated Cost In-kind ServicesData Gathering $1,000.00 $5,000.00

Tool Design $25,000.00 Content Planning & Development $7,000.00 $2,000.00

Surveys/Public Hearings/Focus Groups $2,000.00 Beta Testing/Content Loading $2,000.00 $1,000.00

TOTAL $35,000.00 $10,000.00

Budget Line Item Estimated Cost In-kind ServicesSoftware Maintenance (Year 2 & Beyond) TBD $10,000.00

TOTAL TBD $10,000.00



Resume and Bios


Urban Planning, Bachelor of Arts May, 2005

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning & Public Policy

New Brunswick, New Jersey


Deputy Director of Community Development July 2013 - Present

Cherry Hill Township

Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Senior Planner January 2012 - June 2013

Cherry Hill Township

Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Senior Associate August 2009 - January 2012

TRIAD Associates

Vineland, New Jersey

As a Senior Associate, I specialized in a variety of community

planning and economic development initiatives, including the

preparation of strategic plans, shared services studies, and

the administration of affordable housing. My work also included

development finance, grant writing, preparation of funding

strategies and program/service implementation for a variety of

clients including municipal, county, and state entities, as well as

for-profit and non-profit organizations. I have provided a wide

variety of services from facilitation of neighborhood planning

sessions to preparation of HUD Consolidated Planning

documents to Sustainable Jersey Certification.

Principal Planner July 2006 – July 2009

New Jersey Office of Smart Growth (OSG)

Trenton, New Jersey

As a former Principal Planner for OSG, I was responsible for

coordinating with local representatives of my designated area,

which included Bergen, Ocean and Salem counties. I also was

responsible for specific municipalities that required specialized

assistance. These areas included Jersey City (Parking Needs

Analysis and Transfer of Development Rights Program), New

Brunswick City (Neighborhood Planning Initiative) and Woolwich

Township (Transfer of Development Rights Program). Also as part

of my role as a Principal Planner, I supervised several planners,

and reviewed master plan elements/redevelopment

plans/strategic plans for consistency with State Plan through

Statewide process known as Plan Endorsement. I continued to


36 champion road

gloucester city, nj 08030 201.230.4866


ArcGIS 10/9.3/9.2/9.0/8.0

ArcView 3.2/3.X

Idrisi32 GIS

SPSS Statistical Software

Microsoft Office Suite

Microsoft Project

Macromedia Director


COAH Module II Certification, February 2010

COAH Module I Certification, December 2009

AICP Certification, November 2009

New Jersey Professional Planner (NJPP)

Certification, May 2008

Rutgers Agricultural Experiment Station –

Office of Continuing Education, Treatment

Works Approval – Sewer Extensions Certificate,

October 2008

Rutgers Agricultural Experiment Station –

Office of Continuing Education, Environmental

Law & Regulation Certificate, February 2008

Downtown Revitalization Institute (DRI)

Certificate, Main Street New Jersey, April 2007

New Jersey Real Estate Development Process

Certificate, New Jersey Redevelopment

Authority – Redevelopment Training Institute

(RTI), December 2006

New Jersey Redevelopment Planning Process

Certificate, New Jersey Redevelopment

Authority – Redevelopment Training Institute

(RTI), November 2006

CSDGM Compliant Geospatial Metadata

Writing Certificate, New Jersey Office of

Information Technology (NJOIT), September


Housing, Real Estate & Community

Development Certificate, Edward J. Bloustein

School of Urban Planning and Public Policy,

May 2005

provide technical planning assistance to municipalities and

counties throughout State, and completed the Cross-

acceptance negotiations between all negotiating entities within

13 months. I also held executive-level review/approval for all

Smart Future Planning grants throughout the State.

Area Planner January 2006 – July 2006

New Jersey Office of Smart Growth (OSG)

Trenton, New Jersey

As a former Area Planner for OSG, I was responsible for

coordinating with local representatives of my designated area,

which included Bergen, Camden and Hudson counties. Much of

this work included providing technical assistance related to land

use challenges and economic development initiatives. I was

responsible for maintaining and monitoring over $3 million dollars

in Smart Future Planning Grants. I also acted as the Business

Employment Incentive Program (BEIP) Land Review Officer and

the New Jersey Department of Treasury Land Review Officer for

Real Property Management & Space Approval Requests. I

maintained my position as Cross-acceptance Coordinator,

ensuring coordination with State agencies, County and

municipal planners, environmental advocates and developers.

Assistant Planner October 2005 – January 2006

New Jersey Office of Smart Growth (OSG)

Trenton, New Jersey

As a former Assistant Planner for OSG, I was responsible for

coordinating with local representatives of my designated area,

which included Bergen and Hudson counties. Much of this work

included providing technical assistance related to land use

challenges and economic development initiatives. I was

responsible for researching Federal, State and Local land use

regulation, and tracking legislative proposals that had significant

impacts on land-use regulation in New Jersey. I also assisted in

formulating policy recommendations to New Jersey State

Planning Commission (SPC), and acted as OSG’s Plan

Endorsement and Cross-acceptance Coordinator (Statewide).

Housing Officer & Intern July 2005 –October 2005

NJDCA Housing Affordability Services (HAS)

Trenton, New Jersey

As a former HAS Intern, I was responsible for supervising the

transition of the New Jersey Housing Affordability Service (HAS)

from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (NJDCA)

to the New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance Agency

(NJHMFA). I also supervised a staff of two to update and

maintain affordable housing applicant information. I also was

trained as Housing Officer for the HAS program, where I was

responsible for income-certifying housing applicants in

conformance with the Uniform Housing Affordability


Planning & Policy Intern February 2005 – July 2005

New Jersey Office of Smart Growth (OSG)

Trenton, New Jersey

As a former Planning and Policy Intern I was responsible for

researching Federal, State and Local land-use regulation, and

tracking legislative proposals that had significant impacts on

land-use regulation in New Jersey. I also assisted in formulating

policy recommendations to New Jersey State Planning

Commission (SPC), and acted as OSG’s Plan Endorsement

Coordinator (Statewide), ensuring the effective management of

the Plan Endorsement process – a State-formulated approval

process intended to encourage and foster sound-planning

principles at the local level.


Judge, New Jersey Governor’s Conference on Housing &

Community Development Awards, July 2009

Judge, New Jersey Governor’s Conference on Housing &

Community Development Awards, July 2008

Team Member Winner, NJDOT Public Service Award, Edison

Township Smart Growth Planning Initiative, May 2008

Staff Member, NJDCA Housing Policy Committee, Workforce

Housing Committee, November 2007

Judge, New Jersey Governor’s Conference on Housing &

Community Development Awards, July 2007

Judge, American Institute of Architects (AIA) – NJ Chapter Smart

Growth Design Competition, November 2006


Co-Chair, APA-NJ Housing Committee, November 2011 – Present

Member, Affordable Housing Professionals of New Jersey

(AHPNJ), September 2011 – September 2012

Committee Member, APA-NJ Executive Director Hiring

Committee, August 2010

Member, APA-NJ Housing Committee, November 2009 – Present

Vice President of Conference Services, American Planning

Association - NJ Chapter (APA-NJ), November 2009 – November


Vice President, New Jersey Smart Growth Alliance, July 2007 –


Lori Braunstein 405 Country Club Drive, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 609.238.3449 /


Lori is well known for her vision, energy and skill in bringing diverse stakeholders together for a common goal. A proven community organizer, she uses positive messaging and relationship building to engage and empower all types of people. Lori has a record of cultivating “open door” relationships with elected officials at the local, state and federal levels in New Jersey and serves as both a trusted resource and catalyst for institutional change. A trained systems thinker and collaborator, she seeks to understand underlying processes and design creative, effective solutions to complex problems.

Experience ���

Sustainable Cherry Hill, Founder & Chair, Board of Trustees

2007 to present

Guides organizational priorities, strategic planning, programming and communications for the all-volunteer non-profit organization

Oversees the planning, publicity and execution of networking and education/outreach programming (approximately 30 events per year), as well as community wide visioning conferences, regional sustainable communities forums

Engages thousands of community members representing diverse stakeholder groups about sustainability through programming and outreach

Supports topic specific volunteer community task forces and initiatives

Monitors financial planning and financial reports

Maintains database, digital newsletter, email blasts, website, blog, Meet Up, Facebook and Twitter pages

Cultivated long term relationships with Cherry Hill Township, Camden County and Cherry Hill School District with resulting operational, policy and institutional change

Developed innovative model of community sustainability now replicated throughout NJ and mentors municipalities/communities throughout the state

Delaware Valley Green Building Council, Director for Green Schools

May 2012 to present

Developed innovative model of engaging and educating school stakeholders in the Delaware Valley

Guides campaign priorities, strategic planning, programming and communications for the organization’s Green Schools Initiative

Supports volunteer driven branch programming and initiatives

Oversees the planning, publicity and execution of programming including the large scale PA/NJ Sustainability Symposium (over 800 attendees and 125 speakers)

Sustainable Jersey, South Jersey Regional Mentor 2010-2011

Proposed, developed and executed pilot mentoring program with 10 South Jersey communities with goal of scaling the program statewide

Developed Sustainable Jersey Green Team Capacity Building tool and training module���

Fund for an Open Society, Capacity Building Project 2011

Assisted Executive Directors with organizational development, strategic planning, visioning and outreach as they re- branded the long time community integration non-profit organization

Take this Journey, LLC, Owner 2005-2011

Started small business which provided services to individuals, families, non-profits and small business in the area of video shooting, editing, directing and producing promotional, special event, and family history videos; Developed skills through a combination of self study, coursework and developing networks in the community

Speech-Language Pathologist 1988-1995

Provided clinical, administration and supervisory services in the specialty area of adult neurological disorders in Washington, DC and New Jersey


The George Washington University, 1987- MA, Speech Language Pathology, Magna Cum Laude Syracuse University, 1984- BS Communication Disorders, Magna Cum Laude ��� Cherry Hill High School East, 1981

Professional Development

LEED Green Associate Accreditation, 2011

USGBC Center for Green Schools Green Classroom Professional, 2012

���New Jersey Learns for a Sustainable Future, 2008 – Present: Advanced Certificate in Education for

Sustainability; Participated in four years of training by The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education

Environmental Leadership Program Senior Fellow (ELP), 2010 – Present: Chosen as one of 15 Eastern Regional Fellows to participate in this prestigious leadership training program and national network of sustainability professionals

Society for Organizational Learning in Education (Sol Ed), 2010- 2012: Member of steering committee with Jaimie Cloud, Peter Senge and other sustainability champions from across the country; Attended week long Sol Ed gatherings in July 2010 and 2011; Attended three day Leading and Learning for Sustainability with Peter Senge in 2011; The focus of these trainings were on systems thinking, organizational learning and education for sustainability


MLK Freedom Medal, 2012, Camden County, New Jersey

Finalist, "Unsung Hero", Ramapo College of NJ, Russell Berrie Foundation

Finalist, Volunteer of the Year, 2012, Alliance for Community Trees

USGBC-NJ Award Finalist, 2010, Community/Municipal category

Environmental Champion Award, 2010, EPA Region 2; Nominated by Senator Robert Menendez

Community Service Award, 2010, American Institute of Architects- West Jersey

Community Service Award, 2009, Camden County Board of Freeholders

Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award, 2008, Cherry Hill Township’s Green Action Plan

Volunteer of the Year, 2006, Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Southern New Jersey

Speaking Experience

Requested Speaker, 2008-2013- invited regularly to speak about community sustainability and green schools at the local, regional and state levels (including Greenbuild International Conference, NJ Future, Green Build, Clean Energy, NJ/PA Sustainability Symposium, NJ Women in Science/Technology, SustaiNext Collaborative, NJ League of Municipalities, etc.)


Donna Drewes, PP/AICP, Co-Director, Sustainability Institute at The College of NJ��� 407 Holman Hall, 2000 Pennington Rd, ���Ewing, NJ 08628-0718 609-771-2833

Brad A. Molotsky, EVP & General Counsel Brandywine Realty Trust��� 555 East Lancaster Avenue, Suite 100 Radnor, PA 19087 610-832-4908/609-280-7483

Heather Blakeslee, Deputy Executive Director, Delaware Valley Green Building Council 617 JFK Blvd, Suite 999, Philadelphia, Pa, 19103 215-399-5792


1003 Sugartown Cir. • Middletown, DE 19709 • 302-521-4394 •

SUMMARY Project Manager with a focus on financial analysis and operational efficiencies. Experience with assessing project findings and researching data to draw conclusions for project reports; reviewing and analyzing business processes and finance management systems; managing project teams while keeping focused on project goals; conducting contract compliance; developing new business efforts; acting as liaison between clients and senior management; developing policy; and conducting information sharing workshops. Skilled at conceptualizing, marketing and managing projects, as well as packaging approaches for funding. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Cherry Hill Township, Cherry Hill, NJ May 2005-Present

Operations Manager Collaborated with the Chief Financial Officer and Business Administrator to develop the Township’s annual

operating and capital budgets for past six fiscal years (FY13 operating budget total $65.2M and capital plan $8M).

Analyzed spending to enable department managers to develop individual operating budgets. Lowered departmental operating costs and increased service delivery by way of analyzing efficiencies and

recommending improvements. Developed long-range budget forecast models used by the Administration to make vital spending decisions. Facilitated the ratification of union contracts by determining the fiscal impact of labor contract proposals for

six separate bargaining units. Established the first “Budget Workbook” for the Mayor and Council explaining current vs. projected

spending and revenue. Limited Township’s liabilities by managing Township risk management process including general liability

and workers comp. Developed and tracked performance measures for departments. Developed grant proposals for various projects ranging from $30k to $1.5M. Managed a portfolio of awarded

grants totaling over $8M. Also facilitated compliance and reporting for grants and contracts from various agencies, including the federal government.

Established the Cherry Hill Business Partnership initiative, opening the line of communications between the businesses community and township officials. Developed a Business Advocate program, assisting businesses in navigating through township regulations.

Reduced Township energy costs by more than 40% by managing internal environmental initiatives including implementing renewables and retrofits for existing systems.

Developed and managed an internal Customer Service Initiative called C.A.R.E to motivate employees to provide superior customer service through incentives.

Developed and managed the Township’s Electronic Records Initiative, which received state-wide recognition by New Jersey Division Archives and Records Management (DARM).

Catapult Technology, Ltd., Bethesda, MD April 2004-May 2005

Special Projects Assistant Business Process Improvement (BPI) Initiative, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Assessed the “As Is” IT acquisition process and assisted in the development of a new efficient “To Be”

business process/model to be part of HUD’s Policy and Procedures Manual. Contributed on the HUD BPI Working Group; discussed the recommendations and addressed internal


Internal Business Development Department, Catapult Technology Headquarters Reengineered the recruitment process for proposal preparation to increase efficiency and quality by

developing a resume database allowing the Business Development Team to search resumes, view current position information, and access latest resumes.

Collaborated with Business Development team about future improvements as needs grew. Internal Human Resources Office, Catapult Technology Headquarters Delivered an initial assessment for an internal Human Resources Department for a fast growing IT solutions

provider that grew from 40 employees to 250 in one year. Developed requirements for implementing an in-house Human Resources Information System (HRIS),

Benefits Packages, and Financial Management Information System (FMIS). Assisted in Affirmative Action compliance by developing and updating company position descriptions for

new and current employees. Office of Human Resources (OHR) Project, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) Increased accuracy of HR information for more than 7,000 PTO employees by assisting in the development

and implementation of a new HR business process. Conducted quality assurance to ensure accuracy within the filing system. Developed and implemented a new tracking system that allowed PTO HR staff to access any of the 7,000+

employee files instantly. Chemonics International Inc., Washington, DC July 2001-July 2003

Team Leader/Acting Project Manager Acted as liaison between the client, project consultants, subcontractors, and Chemonics. Organized and finalized all project start-up logistics, developed employment and work contracts, and

developed project work plans. Provided project budget development and oversight, including weekly budget status reports. Developed meetings and project updates to all project participants. Negotiated and signed contracts with local partners in the field. Organized information sharing workshops for as many as 140 participants. Delivered inception reports, project updates, briefing reports, proposals, interim reports, final reports, and

terms of references for various projects. Developed backstopping procedure to ensure project organization and compliance with funders’ guidelines.

New Business Specialist Identified and monitored International development hot spots to determine timing and focal points for new

business efforts for the Chemonics Energy and Environmental Services Group in the Asia Region. Recruited teams to perform technical assignments for various projects.

Project Analyst Technical Assistance Services to the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) for Implementation of its Financial Management and Information System (FMIS) Project, United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), Vietnam Assisted with the assessment of the current IT systems/infrastructure and development of technical

recommendations for future systems, development and release of international tender documents, and evaluation procedures for EVN's complex IT system installation and hardware procurement.

Coordinated and managed the project team and all field operations in Vietnam. Conducted interviews with EVN management personnel and analyzed current IT infrastructure. Delivered information gathering documents and workshop material. Developed and delivered the Terms of Reference for a Financial Management and Information System. Delivered presentations and workshop seminars on the assessment of current FMIS and how EVN would

benefit from a new system Environmental Monitoring and Management Capacity Building II, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Kyrgyz Republic Worked with the Ministry of Environment and Emergency Management to strengthen national and regional

environmental management capability. This project was one of the first to help a government devise priority actions for poverty reduction through environmental improvements.

Delivered technical input in the preparation of the Environmental Poverty Reduction Strategy. Delivered an assessment of current Kyrgyz data indicators and presented a new approach to better assess the

country's situation. TA Cluster for Environmental Management at the State Level (Component A: Promotion and Assessment of Environmentally Sound Projects), ADB, India Developed training manuals and guidelines for infrastructure development for a project that involved the

assessment and promotion of environmentally sound infrastructure projects. Assessed the feasibility of using the Benefits Transfer method for gathering data and compared them to three

other ADB projects that used the Benefits Transfer method. CERTIFICATIONS National Incident Management System (NIMS): ICS-100, ICS-402, ICS-700 New Jersey Planning Officials (NJPO): NJ Zoning Board Certification RECENT AWARDS John A Wagner Memorial Award, Camden County Joint Insurance Fund – Most Improved Municipality,

March 2013 New Jersey E-Government: Best Practices for Municipal Websites, Monmouth University Polling Institute -

Best Website for Citizen Interaction, March 2013 Public Archives and Records Infrastructure Support (PARIS) Award of Excellence – Enterprise-wide Imaging

System, September 2009 Sustainable Jersey Innovation Award – Implementing RecycleBank, November 2009 RECENT SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS New Jersey League of Municipalities (NJLM) Annual Conference

o How to Fund Your Sustainability Agenda, November 2010 o Professional Round Table – Community Partners Program – Mobilizing for Energy Savings,

November 2009 o Beyond City Hall – Strategies, Resources and Financial Incentives for Engaging you Community,

November 2009 BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Camden County Joint Insurance Fund, Fund Commissioner Alternate, 2011-Present Rutgers National Center for Public Performance, Program Review Board, 2010-2011 Sustainable Cherry Hill, Founding Board Member, 2008-2011 NJ Clean Energy Office, Program Review Board, 2009-2010 EDUCATION B.S. in Economics, Minor in Political Science, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, 2001 SKILLS MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook, MS Project, MS Visio, MS Access, Edmunds, Laserfiche, Captaris, Alchemy, Mac OS, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Lotus Notes, F9 Accounting, MS FrontPage ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES Head Coach, University of Delaware Women’s Club Volleyball Team, 2006-2012 Assistant Coach, Brandywine Volleyball Club Girls 13 and under, 2004-2005 Assistant Coach, Concord High School Varsity Girls Volleyball, Fall 2003 and 2004 Seasons Assistant Coach, Brandywine Volleyball Club Girls 15 and under, 2003-2004

Resolution of Support

July 29, 2013 Dear Sir/Madam: Sustainable Cherry Hill (SCH) is an all volunteer 501c3 organization with a mission of "Bringing people together to build a sustainable South Jersey". SCH was formed in 2008 as part of Cherry Hill Township's Ten Point Green Action Plan as the education and outreach arm of the municipal sustainability effort. Although an independent non-profit organization, SCH works closely with Cherry Hill Township on its sustainability efforts. We were an integral partner with the Township's Sustainable Jersey Bronze and Silver certifications and are now supporting the effort to receive Silver recertification in 2014. SCH and Cherry Hill Township host an annual Earth Festival together that draws thousands of community members for education, entertainment and a family fun bike ride. In addition, we provide free programming to the entire region on sustainability issues ranging from home energy efficiency to green business practices. SCH also has community driven task forces addressing issues such as alternative transportation, health, gardening and green building. We are also currently assisting the Township in the creation of a comprehensive sustainability plan. As the founder and Chair of Sustainable Cherry Hill, I am pleased to offer this letter in support of Cherry Hill Township’s grant application to the Sustainable Jersey organization to secure funding to develop an interactive community asset mapping tool. We look forward to working together to use the tool to create a comprehensive, community generated inventory of the Township's most valued assets, whether they be rain gardens, hiking trails or locally owned businesses. The tool will also be helpful in helping to identify issues requiring municipal attention, such as downed trees or instances of pollution. SCH also works closely with the Cherry Hill School District and we hope to use the opportunity to more closely align the Township and District's sustainability efforts. We anticipate using the tool to provide an opportunity for students to engage in populating the map, providing valuable civic, mapping and organizational skills. We truly hope that Sustainable Jersey will support Cherry Hill Township with the award of this grant. In addition to the reasons mentioned above, the tool itself will assist the Cherry Hill Green Team in achieving Sustainable Jersey Silver recertification in 2014. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,

Lori Braunstein Founder and Chair

Green Team Documentation


Member Contact List

Township Staff Members 820 Mercer Street Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 Lenore Rosner Business Administrator Mayor’s Office 856.661.4741 Steve Musilli Director Dept. of Eng. & PW 856.424.2244 Paul Stridick Director Dept. of Com Dev 856.432.8708 Lorissa Luciani Deputy Director Dept. of Com Dev 856.661.4737 Alvina Plodizyn Director Purchasing 856.488.7848 Ari Messinger Operations Manager Operations 856.432.8760 Megan Brown Director Recreation 856.661.4810 Township Officials 820 Mercer Street Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 Sarah Lipsett Councilwoman Council 856.488.7878 Jacqueline Silver Councilwoman Council 856.488.7878 Lew Gorman CHEAC Environmental

Commission 703.358.1911

Township Residents Lori Braunstein Executive Director Sustainable CH 609.238.3449 lori.braunstein@ Scott Downie Board Member Sustainable CH 856.489.3812 Brenda Jorett Communications Sustainable CH 856.448.2205 brenda@whatsnextproduction Monica Hennessy

Board Member Sustainable CH

Melisa Skyrm Member Sustainable CH Ernest Del Duke Business

Owner/Resident Sustainable CH


Carol Matlack Member Board of Education Jill Ross VP, Relationship

Manager Beneficial Bank 856.313.7222

Sustainability, Collaboration, Progress


The Township, in recognizing the value of creating a more sustainable community, created the Cherry Hill Green Team as part of the overall Green Action Plan. The mission of the Green Team is to coordinate and plan sustainability activities across Township Departments, community groups, businesses and our schools. The Green Team also seeks to work with community organizations to educate residents and businesses about the benefits of sustainability and how to take action today to create a better community tomorrow. The Green Team will create community coalitions that strengthen our efforts to generate measurable reductions in our overall carbon footprint and work to achieve increasing levels of certification through the Sustainable Jersey program, to help other communities see that real change is possible. Achieving these goals will always be undertaken with consideration of the township’s fiscal responsibility towards its residents and will look to find “win-win” situations for our environment and our budget.

Sustainability, Cooperation, Progress

RESOLUTION- 2009 -4 -2



WHEREAS, a sustainable community seeks to optimize quality of life for itsresidents by ensuring that its environmental, economic and social objectives arebalanced and mutually supportive; and

WHEREAS, Cherry Hill Township strives to save tax dollars, assure clean land,air and water, and improve working and living environments as steps to building asustainable community that will thrive well into the new century; and

WHEREAS, Cherry Hill Township hereby acknowledges that residents of theTownship desire a stable, sustainable future for themselves and future generations;and

WHEREAS, Cherry Hill Township wishes to support a model of government thatbenefits our residents now and far into the future by exploring and adopting sustainable,economically - sound, local government practices; and

WHEREAS, by endorsing a sustainable path, Cherry Hill Township is pledgingto educate itself and community members further about sustainable activities and to develop initiativessupporting sustainable local government practices; and

WHEREAS, as elected representatives of Cherry Hill Township, Township Council has asignificant responsibility to provide leadership which will seek community -based sustainable solutionsto strengthen our community; and

WHEREAS, the Sustainable Jersey Municipal Program requires that the municipalitydesignate an individual to serve as its coordinator /agent for the Sustainable Municipal CertificationProcess; and

WHEREAS, Jennifer Kelley has served as the Sustainable Cherry Hill Liaison and iscommitted to serving the Township and promoting sustainable local government practices; and

WHEREAS, Cherry Hill Township desires to focus attention and effort within Cherry Hill onmatters of sustainability and wishes to pursue local initiatives and actions that will lead to SustainableJersey Municipal Certification.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Township Council of the Township ofCherry Hill in the County of Camden does hereby authorize registration and participation in theSustainable Jersey Municipal Certification Program and authorizes Jennifer Kelley to serve as CherryHill Township's coordinator /agent for the Sustainable uni ipal Certification Process.




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WHEREAS, the world's climate scientists gathered through the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) havefound conclusively that human activities are causing a buildup of greenhouse gasses in the earth's atmosphere, and

WHEREAS, the IPCC has found that this buildup of greenhouse gasses is warming the earth and causing rapid anddestructive climate change, and

WHEREAS, the IPCC predicts that if unchecked, climate change will cause towns in New Jersey to experience foodshortages, spread of tropical disease, more intense weather and storms, flooding, drought, and economic hardship, andWHEREAS, the State of New Jersey has adopted the Global Warming Response Act of 2007 which states that we mustreduce our greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 20% below 2006 levels by 2020 (specifically to lower it to the 1990level), and to 80% below the 2006 level by 2050, and

WHEREAS, achieving such emissions reductions will require coordinated action at every level and that achieving suchreductions within Cherry Hill Township will require local action in addition to federal and state action on such issues asinvestment in technology, tax policy, energy efficiency standards, among others, and

WHEREAS, state, federal, and global targets will not be achieved without similar leadership and action on the local level,and

WHEREAS, Towns can play a leadership role in achieving energy efficiency in their operations, and in supportingprogress within the residents and businesses that are part of the community, and

WHEREAS, Cherry Hill Township is committed to do its part to solve regional and global problems that threaten oursustainability and our quality of life, and

WHEREAS, such action has tangible short term benefits to Cherry Hill Township by lowering the cost of energy andmunicipal operations, and will give Cherry Hill Township an advantage in receiving future state, federal, and private aid, atsignificant savings to taxpayers

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Cherry Hill, County ofCamden, State ofNew Jersey, that the Township of Cherry Hill does hereby adopt and the targets set forth in the GlobalWarming Response Act.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Township of Cherry Hill does hereby directs Cherry Hill's Green Team to

Conduct a greenhouse gas inventory of the municipality as a whole, and municipal government operations.Develop an official emissions reduction target for Cherry Hill Township in a 1 year, 2 year, and 5 year time horizon,

that correspond to the portion of the emissions reductions that can be achieved through the policies, ordinances, andprograms of Cherry Hill Township without new technology not currently ready for deployment or new federal or stateaction.

Devise a Greenhouse Gas Action Plan to achieve those emissions reductions.

Direct all municipal departments, agencies, authorities, and offices to participate and support the development andimplementation of the Greenhouse Gas Action Plan.

Report their progress implementing the Greenhouse Gas Action Plan to Township Council, and the public, on anannual basis

ADOPTED: JULY 26, 2010





RESOLUTION 2011 - 10- 6


WHEREAS, the world' s climate scientists gathered through the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeIPCC) have found conclusively that human activities are causing a buildup of greenhouse gasses in the earth' s

atmosphere, and

WHEREAS, the IPCC has found that this buildup of greenhouse gasses is warming the earth and causing rapid anddestructive climate change, and

WHEREAS, the IPCC predicts that if unchecked, climate change will cause towns in New Jersey to experiencefood shortages, spread of tropical disease, more intense weather and storms, flooding, drought, and economichardship, and

WHEREAS, the State of New Jersey has adopted the Global Warming Response Act of 2007 which states that wemust reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 20% below 2006 levels by 2020 (specifically to lowerit to the 1990 level), and to 80% below the 2006 level by 2050, and

WHEREAS, achieving such emissions reductions will require coordinated action at every level and that achievingsuch reductions within Cherry Hill Township will require local action in addition to federal and state action on suchissues as investment in technology, tax policy, energy efficiency standards, among others, and

WHEREAS, state, federal, and global targets will not be achieved without similar leadership and action on thelocal level, and

WHEREAS, towns can play a leadership role in achieving energy efficiency in their operations, and in supportingprogress within the residents and businesses that are part of the community, and

WHEREAS, Cherry Hill Township is committed to do its part to solve regional and global problems that threaten oursustainability and our quality of life, and

WHEREAS, such action has tangible short term benefits to Cherry Hill Township by lowering the cost of energy andmunicipal operations, and will give Cherry Hill Township an advantage in receiving future state, federal, andprivate aid, at significant savings to taxpayers

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Cherry Hill, County of Camden, Stateof New Jersey, that the Township of Cherry Hill:

Adopts the targets set forth in the Global Warming Response Act and targets a reduction in local green house gasemissions of at least 2% by 2013 and to continually strive for reductions every subsequent year to keep pace withthe State' s Global Warming Response act goals.

Directs the Green Team and It' s In Our Power to seek pledges from residents and businesses wherein they committo complete the actions that are part of the Green House Gas Reduction Strategy as detailed in the Cherry HillEnergy Plan. The actions residents and businesses are pledging to, include:


I . Complete a Home Energy Assessment2. Refrigerator/ Freezer Recycling3. Purchase of Energy Star Appliances4. Purchase and Install Green Energy5. Purchase Fuel Efficient Vehicles6. Use Energy Efficient Lighting


1. Purchase of Energy Star Appliances2. Purchase and Install Green Energy3. Purchase Fuel Efficient Vehicles4. Use Energy Efficient Lighting

CommercialI . Purchase Energy Star Appliances /Office Equipment2. Buy or Install Green Energy3. Adopt a behavioral modification program for employees4. Install programmable thermostats5. Utilize the Direct Install or Smart Start Programs

Municipal Government

1. Utilize Direct Install2. Install or Utilize Solar Power for Municipal buildings3. Adopt a behavioral modification program for municipal employees

Directs all municipal departments, agencies, authorities, and offices to participate and support theimplementation of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy.

Directs the Green Team and It' s In Our Power to report their progress implementing the Greenhouse GasReduction Strategy to Township Council, and the public, on an annual basis.







Township Sustainability Successes

Sustainable Jersey Highlights

Sustainable Dashboard School Board Integration NJ Learns Program Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Earth Festival Green Drinks Fleet Management Software Additional 30kW Solar Array Mayor’s Wellness Campaign Family Fun Bike Rides Walks with the Mayor Adoption of Public Smoking Ban

Priorities Moving Forward Complete Street Program Tree City USA Great Places in New Jersey Recognition Expanding Community Gardens on Township property Sustainability Plan Development Community Asset Mapping Waste Reduction Education Program

Sustainability, Collaboration, Progress

Grantee Certification and Declaration 

top related