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Post on 24-Aug-2020






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Mayor: Judy M. Burke

Mayor Pro Tem: Jim Peterson

Trustees: Jim Gasner, Elmer

Lanzi, Kathy Lewis, Tom Ludwig,

Tom Weydert

Town Manager: David Hook

Tel: 970 627-3435

FAX: 970 627-9290



NOTE: Check the website for

Public Hearings and News Up-


Fire Ban

Inside this issue:

CodeRed Notification 2

Town Clean Up Day

Arbor Day


Town Docks 3

PAYT Reminder 3

4th of July 3

Cemetery 3

Shoreline Management 4

Consumer Confidence



From Town Manager’s



Grand County and the Town of Grand Lake implemented a Fire Ban on June 12 .

The Town’s fire ban prohibits the use of fireworks and outdoor fires of any type, including but not

limited to campfires, warming fires, bonfires, fires in pits or barrels, chimeneas and fire pits or

other similar burning devices, slash burning, charcoal grill fires on public property, wood grill

fires, igniting fused explosives of all kinds and brands, and burning of fence rows, irrigation

ditches, fields, wildlands, trash and debris.

This fire ban excludes fires contained within liquid-fueled or gas fueled stoves or grills, fireplaces

within buildings, self-contained and enclosed charcoal grills (off the ground) at private residences,

permanent fire pits or grates located in Elk Creek Campground and Town authorized fireworks


Because sparks and hot ashes from any source contribute to the fire danger smoking is strongly

discouraged except within enclosed motor vehicles and private homes/buildings.

Violations of this fire ban shall be a Class 2 Petty Offense. Anyone starting, maintaining, or per-

mitting an open fire shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with extinguishing the fire

and for any damages caused as a result of the fire as well as all fines and penalties allowed by law.

Section 7-2-4(b), Fireworks, of the Town of Grand Lake Code prohibits the sale of any type of fire-

works including fountains, pinwheels, sparklers, or torches within the town limits.

Due to the unusual and very high fire danger conditions, the conditions of this ban shall be in effect

until amended or rescinded.

The Board of Grand County Commissioners approved a fire ban starting at 1 p.m. today, Tuesday,

June 12, 2012. The Commissioners passed a resolution and ordinance that bans open fires and the

use and sale of fireworks within unincorporated Grand County. For all details, see http://


June 2012

Wildfire Awareness Meeting

What: Information on the new Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)


How you can Prepare for Wildfire

When: June 16, 2012 at 1 p.m., Grand Lake Community House

Residents and landowners served by the Grand Lake Fire Protection District will be provided with

information on the recent analysis of our area outlined in the new 2012 Community Wildfire Pro-

tection Plan.

The nationally recognized program, Ready-Set-Go, will be used to describe how a community can

become “fire adapted” or prepared for and resilient to wildland fire. Information on how to stay

informed during an emergency will also be shared.

The following emergency collaborators have been invited:

Colorado State Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, Grand County

Emergency Management, Grand County Division of Natural Resources, National Park Service,

Town of Grand Lake and Grand County Sheriff.

The Grand County Office of Emergency Management has instituted CodeRED® Emergency No-

tification System. This system allows ultra high speed cellular phone or text messaging to inform

registered participants during an emergency or disaster affecting Grand County.

The CodeRED® system will be used in conjunction with "Reverse 911", which can only contact

analog, landline home phones. PLEASE, DO NOT ENTER LANDLINE PHONES IN THIS SYS-

TEM (even in "Alternate Phone"; landline phones are covered specifically by "Reverse 911").

Examples of times when the CodeRED® system could be used:

- Evacuation Notice

- Fires

- Flooding

- Hazardous Materials Spills/Leaks

- Drinking Water Contamination

To enter your cell phone contact information for Grand County's CodeRED® Emergency Notifi-

cation go to

*** This system will only be used for emergency purposes. ***

Code Red® Emergency Notification System




Fridays & Saturdays Bingo in the Park

June 14

Ride the Rockies on

Trail Ridge Rd.

June 23

Chili Cook Off

June 23

Art & Architecture

Home Tour

June 24

Tops of the Rockies

June 30

ISC Golf Tournament

July 4th

Fireworks over the


July 14

Classic Wooden

Boat Show

July 14-15

Buffalo BBQ

Thanks to Clean Up Day & Arbor Day Volunteers

On May 19, a hardy group of volunteers picked up trash around town in the cold and rain. They

were able to get warm at a BBQ following the clean up effort. Thanks to all who helped!

Later that day, Mayor Judy Burke, Town Manager David Hook, Public Works Director Bernie

McGinn, Town Greenways Committee members and Colorado Forest Service representatives

planted a tree at Stover Lakefront Park in celebration of Arbor Day. The Town has been desig-

nated a “Tree City USA” for the 22nd year.

Thanks to all those who braved the weather to attend!


4th of July Fireworks


The Grand Lake Cemetery, now open, is one of the very few

active cemeteries located within a National Park. It is located

just inside the Rocky Mountain National Park boundary at

US Highway 34 and County Road 49. The cemetery is oper-

ated and maintained by the Town. Administered under a

National Park Service Permit, prior approval is required for

burials, any excavation or ground disturbance, planting (NO

artificial flowers are permitted), open flames, or any altera-

tion or addition to the natural or historical condition of the

area. All other National Park Service Regulations shall also

be observed. Violators are subject to federal prosecution.

Please contact Ronda Kolinske, Grand Lake Town Clerk, at or (970) 627-3435 for infor-

mation and approvals.

The Grand Lake 4th of July fireworks display will begin at 10

p.m. on Wednesday, July 4.

REMINDER—The use of any fireworks are NOT allowed in

Grand County or Grand Lake. Public fireworks displays must

be specifically permitted.

The Town day use docks are available on a first come first served

basis. You may dock your boat at the day use docks free of

charge during the day, but overnight docking is not allowed.

Boats found at the docks between 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. will

have a notice put on them and the owner will get a summons.

Please be respectful of others when entering or leaving the dock

area, and keep the area clean. We want you to enjoy all Grand

Lake has to offer, whether you boat, sail, fish, water ski, or swim.

Town Docks

Reminder to users of the Town’s Pay As You Throw (PAYT)

program: Please deposit all PAYT bags inside the dumpsters

provided. Doors are on the side of the dumpsters. PLEASE DO


ON TOP OF THE DUMPSTERS—this is illegal and leads to

bear problems.

PAYT Reminder


Marina on

Grand Lake is

open for the


Street Improvement

In an effort to improve Town roadways, the Public Works De-

partment has completed chip sealing of Cairns Avenue, Han-

cock Street and a section of Park Avenue at the east end of


Dust control of the Town’s dirt roads will be completed by

June 15 with the application of Magnesium Chloride.

Design Review Standards

Reminder: Grand Lake has design review standards.

Be sure to come to Town Hall for approval prior to

repainting or remodeling the exterior of your prop-


Also, a Grading, Excavation and Fill Permit is re-

quired for work done within Town limits. on private

property. In addition, anyone working within Town limits, in-

cluding contractors, must have a Town business li-

cense. Make sure the businesses you deal with are

licensed. Licenses can be purchased at Town Hall or

requested by mailing to: Town of Grand Lake, P. O.

Box 99, Grand Lake, CO 80447.

encourage natural filtration of sur-

face water. These buffer areas are

designed to reduce impervious sur-

faces and promote natural, native

vegetation along the scenic shores of

our waterways and lakes. New con-

struction and earth movement activi-

ties, including landscaping, within

30’ of the shoreline of Grand Lake

and Shadow Mountain Reservoir (as

well as the connecting channel) may

require plan review and approval by

the Town of Grand Lake. Please con-

tact Grand Lake Town Hall to dis-

cuss your proposed activities prior to

the commencement of any ground

disturbance. Town Staff wants to

work with property owners seeking

to improve the natural shoreline of

their property in order to reduce un-

intended impacts of construction and

maintenance activities.

The coming of the summer marks a

time of year when activities in and

around the water are a part of our

daily lifestyle. While these activities

are generally recreational activities,

we do have new construction, and

structure and vessel maintenance

practices in and around the shoreline

which can pose a significant negative

impact to our water quality and the

overall health of Grand Lake and the

Three Lakes water system. Knowing

how to reduce the impacts of these

construction and maintenance activi-

ties can significantly help reduce

pollutants entering the lake as well as

help improve the water quality of the

Grand Lake area.

The Town of Grand Lake’s 30’

Stream and Lake Setback Buffer en-

courages a natural buffer along these

important water resources, helping to

While permits may not be required

for certain structure and vessel main-

tenance activities, Town Staff is well

versed in best management practice

methods that may help property own-

ers reduce the negative impacts of

maintenance work through the utili-

zation of these methods. It can be as

easy as ensuring that upland staging

areas are not located on, near, or

above open water. Staging areas are

designed to capture particulate mat-

ter, solvent and paint drippings, as

well as other debris and may help

prevent these undesirable materials

f rom readi ly pol lut ing our

lakes. Please feel free to contact or

stop by Town Hall at any time to

discuss your project and to get any

feedback on the simple steps that you

or your contractor can take to ensure

that your actions don’t contribute to

the pollution of our watershed.

Water Quality Protection through Shoreline Management



Town of

Grand Lake 2012

Drinking Water Consumer

Confidence Report (CCR) for Calendar

Year 2011 is now available. You may view

the report on the Town’s website, or request

a copy from Town Hall during business hours.

The Town has no violations to report, and con-

tinues its history of providing clean, safe

drinking water. If you have any questions

regarding the CCR for 2011, please feel

free to contact Water Superintendent

Dave Johnson at 970/531-3309.

Town of Grand Lake 2012 Drinking Water

Consumer Confidence Report

(CCR for Calendar Year 2011



Well, the big news is the fire ban. I am sure we all knew it

was coming – just a matter of when. See the article above

for the details of Grand Lake’s fire ban and a link to the

details on the fire ban for unincorporated Grand County.

The restrictions that are always in effect for RMNP are

also very similar; therefore no additional new restrictions

are being implemented by the NPS at this time. It is my

understanding that the USFS will be implementing a simi-

lar fire ban on or about June 15 for all National Forest

lands in the area. Watch for their notification.

Does a fire ban mean that we can’t have any fun? Cer-

tainly not! There remains lots of exciting things to do in

and around Grand Lake. RMNP and National Forest are

still open and awaiting our arrival. The lakes, golf courses

and Town parks are ready for fun seekers. The shops and

restaurants in Grand Lake are open and ready for business.

See the Calendar of Events for some of the upcoming spe-

cial events available to you. So do not let the fire ban get

in the way of getting ‘all-in’ on summer fun and enjoy-


And while you are out there having all that fun, please do

what you can to help protect our community:

Please understand and follow the restrictions

Feel free to be even more conservative with your

personal practices

Please do not hesitate to report violations and dan-

gerous activity to law enforcement (dial 911)

Become informed about wildfire preparedness by

attending the community meeting on June 16

As the town get busy with visitors, please do all you can to

help make their experience be the best. Help with direc-

tions. Park a little further away, leaving the choice parking

for others. Be courteous. Pick up trash when you see it.

You get the picture. Let’s do what we can so that every

visitor wants to return again and again and again.

See you around Grand Lake soon!

Best Regards,


From the Town Manager’s Desk

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