towards autonomous indoor micro vtol - rero...

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Autonomous Robots 18, 171–183, 2005c© 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

Towards Autonomous Indoor Micro VTOL

SAMIR BOUABDALLAHAutonomous Systems Lab, EPFL, CH-1015, Lausanne, Switzerland

PIERPAOLO MURRIERICentro E. Piaggio, University of Pisa, 56126 Pisa, Italy

ROLAND SIEGWARTAutonomous Systems Lab, EPFL, CH-1015, Lausanne, Switzerland

Abstract. Recent progress in sensor technology, data processing and integrated actuators has made the develop-ment of miniature flying robots fully possible. Micro VTOL1 systems represent a useful class of flying robots becauseof their strong capabilities for small-area monitoring, building exploration and intervention in hostile environments.In this paper, we emphasize the importance of the VTOL vehicle as a candidate for the high-mobility system emer-gence. In addition, we describe the approach that our lab2 has taken to micro VTOL evolving towards autonomyand present the mechanical design, dynamic modelling, sensing, and control of our indoor VTOL autonomous robotOS4.3

Keywords: micro VTOL, VTOL design, VTOL control, quadrotor architecture, lyapunov controller, designoptimization

1. Introduction

Autonomous flying robots have gained enormous com-mercial potential during the last years. Recent devel-opments in high density power storage, integratedminiature actuators and MEMS4 technology sensorshave made autonomous miniaturized flying robots pos-sible. This new situation has opened the way to sev-eral, complex and highly important applications forboth military and civilian markets. Military applica-tions currently represent the lion’s part of the un-manned flying vehicle market, and this industrial sec-tor is growing strongly. UAVs5 provide a significantmilitary advantage and are routinely used in weaponsplant monitoring, strategic spying, enemy territory re-connaissance and homeland defense. Depending on the

flying principle and the propulsion mode, one can clas-sify aircraft vehicles in multiple categories as shown inFig. 1.

In the motorized heavier-than-air category, a newgeneration of MAV6 with a wingspan less than 15 cmand less than 100 grams in mass has emerged. Generallythese MAVs are fully equipped with stabilization sen-sors in addition to miniature cameras and transmittersdown-linking live video to the pilot. Military missionsfor MAVs are generally visual reconnaissance, situ-ational awareness, damage assessment, surveillance,biological or chemical agent sensing, and communi-cation relay. In addition, there are several civil appli-cations, such as search and rescue, air sampling andfield research. The Black Widow MAV from AeroVi-ronment (Grasmeyer and Keennon) is a 15 cm span,

172 Bouabdallah, Murrieri and Siegwart

Figure 1. Aircraft general classification depending on the flyingprinciple and the propulsion mode.

fixed-wing aircraft with an embedded color camera. Itflies at 48 km/h with an endurance of 30 minutes, anda maximum communications range of 2 km. Bird-likeMAVs seem to be the perfect solution for fast navi-gation in narrow spaces, obstacle avoidance in highlydynamic environments and perhaps the best approachto MAV miniaturization. Several research groups areconducting advance studies in Micromechanical FlyingInsects (MFI), mainly in aerodynamics and Microme-chanical systems design. The MFI project at UC Berke-ley (Deng et al., 2003) uses biomimetic principles to de-velop a flapping wing MAV. This project represents oneof the most promising endeavors towards autonomousMFIs.

The state of the art in micro helicopters is not farbehind, and considerable efforts are being made, es-pecially in control and miniaturization. Mesicopter(Kroohttp and Prinz), an ambitious project currentlyunderway is exploring the science of millimeter andcentimeter-size vehicles; in spite of unfavorable scal-ing laws. The project’s main driving application isthe deployment over large areas or planets of a hugenumber of micro vehicles providing atmospheric andmeteorological data.

1.1. Helicopters vs Other Flying Principles

Compared with the other flying principles discussedabove, VTOL systems have specific characteristicswhich allow the execution of applications that wouldbe difficult or impossible otherwise. Table 1 gives anon-exhaustive comparison between the different fly-ing principles from the miniaturization point of view.From this table, one can easily conclude that the VTOLsystems like helicopters or blimps have an unquestion-able advantage compared to the other concepts. Thisis thanks to their unique ability for vertical, stationaryand low speed flight. These two flying concepts arethe potential candidates for the high mobility systems

Table 1. Flying principles comparison focused on ability to minia-turization. (1 = Bad, 2 = Medium, 3 = Good).

Airplane Helicopter Bird Autogiro Blimp

Power cost 2 1 1 2 3

Control cost 2 1 1 2 3

Payload/volume 3 2 2 2 1

Maneuverability 2 3 3 2 1

DOF 1 3 3 2 1

Stationary flight 1 3 2 2 3

Low speed fly 1 3 2 2 3

Vulnerability 2 2 3 2 2

VTOL 1 3 2 1 3

Endurance 2 1 2 1 3

Miniaturization 2 3 3 2 1

Indoor usage 1 3 2 1 2

Total 20 28 26 21 26

emergence, as they fit the present market requirementfor high mobility applications. The key advantage ofblimps is the “auto-lift” and the simplicity of control,which can be essential for critical applications such asspace exploration (Elfes et al., 2003) or long term nav-igation over cities and inhabited zones, seen in termsof miniaturization criterion. However, helicopters withdifferent configurations probably represent currentlythe most promising flying concept.

2. The OS4 Project

The OS4 project initiated at the Autonomous SystemsLaboratory (EPFL), focuses on micro VTOL vehiclesevolving towards full autonomy. The project started inMarch 2003 with search and monitoring, indoor navi-gation and intervention in hostile environments as maintarget applications. The project goal is the design andthe control of an indoor micro helicopter, capable ofsafe and fully autonomous stabilization and indoor nav-igation while transmitting high quality data.

2.1. Our Vision of Micro VTOL Design

Behind the actual MAV’s military applications, we be-lieve that a strong need for civilian applications poten-tially exists. In order to capture this potentiality, anynew micro VTOL design should fit the indoor environ-ment requirements in terms of safety, facility of use and

Towards Autonomous Indoor Micro VTOL 173

respect of the environment. Our vision is to integrateactual state of the art sensing, computing, actuating andpowering elements into a miniaturized VTOL vehicle.This integration should be a result of the miniaturiza-tion effect analysis and the optimization of the vehicle’selements combination.

2.1.1. Sensing the Flight. The OS4 project wouldnot have been possible without the recent develop-ments in inertial and vision sensor technologies. Fromthese developments has emerged a new generation ofmillimeter size gyroscopes, accelerometers and cam-eras allowing the integration on micro VTOLs. DuringOS4 project we propose the use of these sensors forthe configuration stabilization and indoor navigation.However, the sensing problematic in indoor MAVs isnot completely solved. For example, the need for highresolution height sensors and very fast sensor interfacesremain present.

2.1.2. Computing the Flight. Carrying out our de-sign integration and optimization effort to reality de-pends also on our ability to process the sensors dataand compute the control algorithms in real-time, spenda minimum of power and save a maximum of place andpayload. Following this goal, our approach is to inte-grate the new generation of tiny but powerful singleboard computers with high communication possibili-ties. Thus, the time critical configuration stabilizationcould easily be performed on-board while the high levelcontrollers running on a ground station. This solutionseems to be the best compromise one can do to reachmaximum autonomy.

2.1.3. Actuating the Flight. Many promising newtechnologies of miniature motors and actuators are un-der development and they will certainly push fartherthe miniaturization limits. However, the most afford-able technology available for us today is the electri-cal motors. In spite of the uncontestable reliability andsimplicity in control of the DC brushed motors, theBLDC motors7 seem to be the best technology formicro VTOL applications as it has definitely the bestpower to weight ratio (including controllers) and thelongest lifespan. In spite of all this advantages, smallDC motors still suffer from thermal limitation whichis presently one of the strongest barriers toward longendurance of micro VTOL. Thus, our aim is to findthe best compromise between performance and powerconsumption.

2.1.4. Powering the Flight. MAV design industry ispresently taking profit from the rapid technological de-velopment of high density power storage for mobilehandheld devices. The best technology available for ustoday is Lithium-Polymer, it has around 180 Wh/kgand it allows high current discharge capacities. Fol-lowing this development, the power limitation is goingto be pushed away behind thermal or miniaturizationlimitations.

2.2. General Design Approach

Combining together all these new technologies follow-ing a formal optimization method is our challenge.This decision is a consequence of a several observa-tions. For example, VTOL vehicles control could bevery costly in computing time because of the sys-tem’s dynamic instability. An adequate design modi-fication probably reduces that cost and allows a sta-bility improvement. The target applications mentionedbefore, especially indoor navigation, impose a strongdesign constraints. The robot should be compact, safeand not noisy. In most previous studies, efforts werefocused either on design or on control of such sys-tems. This approach does not permits a global eval-uation of the problem, and in the case of systemsdifficult to control this separation could represent ahandicap. Through the OS4 project, we advocate adifferent approach for simultaneously working on de-sign and control of micro VTOL vehicles. This origi-nal approach makes it possible to simplify the controlby design changes and vice versa as schematized inFig. 2.

This integrated design approach is specially suited inflying robot miniaturization. Especially because down-scaling is unfavorable in term of propellers efficiencyand also in system stability.

Figure 2. Our design approach in the OS4 project. In each iterationboth the design and the control are modified and the results evaluated.

174 Bouabdallah, Murrieri and Siegwart

A Quadrotor8 configuration vector was chosen as astarting platform for the project. This vector config-uration considerably simplifies the vehicle design andintrinsically reduces the gyroscopic effects. The projectstarted with the dynamic modelling of a Quadrotor he-licopter and the development of a static method forpropulsion group evaluation and optimization. In addi-tion, a test bench was designed to experiment and tunethe first controllers. However, this paper focuses on thedynamic modelling and configuration stabilization ofOS4 micro VTOL.

2.3. Quadrotor Configuration

The Quadrotor concept has been around for a longtime. The Breguet-Richet Quadrotor helicopter Gyro-plane No. 1 built in 1907 is reported to have lifted intoflight, and carried the pilot as high as 1.5m (Leishman),The two pairs of propellers (1, 3) and (2, 4) turn inopposite directions. By varying the rotor speeds, onecan change the lift forces and create motion. Thus,increasing or decreasing the four propeller’s speedstogether generates vertical motion. Changing the 2and 4 propeller’s speed conversely produces roll ro-tation coupled with lateral motion. Pitch rotation andthe corresponding lateral motion result from 1 and 3propeller’s speed conversely modified as described inFig. 3. Yaw rotation is more subtle, as it results from thedifference in the counter-torque between each pair ofpropellers.

2.3.1. Advantages and Drawbacks. Although dis-advantages, such as space and energy requirementsfor the Quadrotor, spring more quickly to mind thanthe system’s advantages, this concept offers a bet-ter payload and is potentially simpler to build and tocontrol. This could be a decisive advantage. Table 2gives a rapid idea about Quadrotor’s advantages anddrawbacks.

Table 2. Quadrotor main advantages & drawbacks.

Advantages Drawbacks

Rotor mechanics simplification Weight augmentation

Payload augmentation High energy consumption

Gyroscopic effects reduction

Figure 3. Quadrotor concept motion description, the arrow widthis proportional to propeller rotational speed.

2.4. Quadrotor Dynamic Modelling

The first step before control development is an ade-quate dynamic system modelling (Padfield, 1996). Es-pecially for lightweight systems, the dynamic modelideally includes the gyroscopic effects resulting fromboth the rigid body rotation in space and the four pro-peller’s rotation. This effect has been often neglectedin previous works. However, the main effects acting ona helicopter are described briefly in Table 3.

Let us consider earth fixed frame E and body fixedframe B, as seen in Fig. 4. The center of mass and the

Table 3. Main physical effects acting on a helicopter (see tablebelow for definitions).

Effect Source Formulation

Aerodynamic effects - Propeller rotation C�2

- Blades flapping

Inertial counter torques - Change in propeller J �

rotation speed

Gravity effect - Center of mass position

Gyroscopic effects - Change in orientation Iθψ

of the rigid body

- Change in orientation J�θ, φ

of the propeller plane

Friction - All helicopter motion C φ, θ , ψ

Towards Autonomous Indoor Micro VTOL 175

Figure 4. Quadrotor configuration frame system with a body fixedframe B and the inertial frame E .

body fixed frame origin are assumed to coincide. UsingEuler angles parametrization, the airframe orientationin space is given by a rotation R from B to E , whereR ∈ SO3 is the rotation matrix.

R =

cψcθ sφsθcψ − cφsψ cφsθcψ + sφsψ

sθsψ sφsθsψ + cθcψ cφsθsψ

−sθ sφcθ cφcθ


The dynamics of a rigid body under external forcesapplied to the center of mass and expressed in the bodyfixed frame as shown in Sastry (1994) and Chriette(2001) are in Newton-Euler formalism:

[m I3x3 0

0 I




[ω × mV

ω × Iω





Where I ∈ �(3x3) the inertia matrix, V the bodylinear speed vector and ω the body angular speed.

Using the frame system (4).The equations of motion for the helicopter (Olfati-

Saber, 2001) can be written as:

ζ = ν

mν = RFb

R = Rω

J ω = −ω × Jω + τb


The first-level approximate model (4) of the Quadro-tor can be rewritten as:

ζ = ν

ν = −ge3 + Re3






R = Rω

I ω = −ω × Iω −∑

Jr (ω × e3)�i + τb



Symbol Definition

ζ position vector

ν speed vector (expressed in E)

R rotation matrix

ω skew symmetric matrix

φ roll angle

θ pitch angle

ψ yaw angle

� rotor speed

Ix,y,z body inertia

Jr rotor inertia

Fb forces on airframe body

τb torques on airframe body

b thrust factor

d drag factor

l lever

e1, 2, 3 standard basis in R3

g acceleration due to gravity

The torque applied on the vehicle’s body along anaxis is the difference between the torque generated byeach propeller on the other axis.

τb =


4 − �22



3 − �21



2 + �24 − �2

1 − �23



The full Quadrotor dynamic model with the x, y, zmotions as a consequence of a pitch or roll rotation isin (6). The friction is neglected in all vehicle motions,except the yaw motion.

x = (cos φ sin θ cos ψ + sin φ sin ψ)1


y = (cos φ sin θ sin ψ − sin φ cos ψ)1


z = −g + (cos φ cos θ )1


φ = θ ψ

(Iy − Iz


)− Jr

Ixθ� + l


θ = φψ

(Iz − Ix


)+ Jr

Iyφ� + l


ψ = φθ

(Ix − Iy


)+ 1



176 Bouabdallah, Murrieri and Siegwart

Assuming U1, U2, U3, U4 as the system inputs and� as a disturbance, we obtain:

U1 = b(�2

1 + �22 + �2

3 + �24


U2 = b(�2

4 − �22


U3 = b(�2

3 − �21


U4 = d(�2

2 + �24 − �2

1 − �23


� = �2 + �4 − �1 − �3


2.5. Rotor Dynamics

The rotors are driven by DC-motors with the wellknown equations (Jucker, 1974):


dt= u − Ri − keωm


dt= τm − τd


As we use a small motor with a very low inductance,the second order DC-motor dynamics may be approx-imated by:


dt= −k2


Rωm − τd + km

Ru (9)

By introducing the propeller and the gearbox mod-els, the Eq. (9) may be rewritten:

ωm = − 1

τωm − d

ηr3 Jtω2

m + 1

kmτu with :


τ= k2


R Jt


The Eq. (10) can be linearized around an operationpoint w0 to the form wm = −Awm + Bu + C with:

A =(


τ+ 2dw0

ηr3 Jt

), B =



), C = dω2


ηr3 Jt


Symbol Definition

u motor inputke back EMF constantkm torque constantωm motor angular speedτm motor torqueτd motor loadτ motor time-constantR motor internal resistancer gear box reduction ratioη gear box efficiencyJt total inertia

Figure 5. OS4 test bench for stabilization strategies testing, 3DOFare locked using the 3D joint, the cross is made with carbon rods andthe overall weight is about 7 kg.

2.6. OS4 Test Bench Design

The development of a control system for a flying robotrequires the development of an adequate test bench atleast for the preliminary experiments. This can helplock some number of degrees of freedom in order toreduce control complexity and to avoid system damageand ensure security of the persons working around. InFig. 5:

(1) RS232 to I2C translator.(2) Motor modules (04).(3) 3D captured universal joint.(4) Micro IMU9 (xsens MT9-B)(5) Propulsion group.

The Fig. 6, shows the test bench main component’sblock diagram.

Through a standard RS232 port one can send ordersfrom the controller (PC @ 450 Mhz) to the system.The RS232 to I2C module translates the serial RS232signals to the I2C bus motor modules. These modulesintegers a PID regulator on a PIC16F876 microcon-troller and are capable of open or closed loop operationin position, speed or torque control.

Towards Autonomous Indoor Micro VTOL 177

Figure 6. OS4 test bench block diagram.

The MT9-B sensor10 estimates with a kalman filterthe 3D orientation data and gives the calibrated dataof angular velocity and acceleration. It weights about33 g and communicates at 115 kbps. The captured mo-tion from the 3D universal joint11 can be decoded toextract absolute orientation information, thanks to themicro optical encoders in each axis. The vehicle is thuslightweight, about 235 g for all the system. The OS4test bench has 4 propulsion groups, each composedof a 29 g motor12 including magnetic encoders, a 6 ggearbox and a 6 g propeller. To design the propulsiongroup, a test, evaluation and comparison method wasdeveloped.

2.6.1. Propulsion Group Evaluation and Design Pro-cedure. Finding the highest thrust to weight ratio isone of the most important challenges in micro VTOLdesign (Nicoud and Zufferey, 2002). Our approach wasfirstly to specify the application requirements in termsof thrust, energy and overload allowed. Secondly it wasto build a propeller and motor data bank and then findthe best combination. Finally we compare the resultsto the requirements, see Fig. 7. For the propeller data-bank, we use a specific test bench to extract thrust anddrag coefficients through experiments where we mea-sure tension, current, thrust and rotational speed. Asseen in Fig. 8, a compact and lightweight plastic madegear-box was designed, it weights approximately 6 gand has about 90% efficiency.

Figure 7. Theoretical and measured thrust comparison using theevaluation tool.

Figure 8. Exploded picture of the propulsion group CAD model.(1) Carbon rod, (2) Main part, (3) Motor, (4) Axis and micro Ballbearings, (5) Propeller fixing.

Designing a flying robot is an iterative process andone has to fix starting conditions. For our development,we have chosen to start from the vehicle size approx-imate determination which allows the propeller selec-tion from the data base according to it’s size. Using theevaluation tool, one can easily select the appropriatemotor. Finally we use the well known motor equationsto determine the optimal reduction ratio for our propul-sion group.

From the Fig. 9 one can easily select the best mo-tors for his application. The tool includes a DC-motorthermal model to evaluates the working time under theapplied load, see Fig. 10.


dt+ (T − T1) = Rth × Pv (12)

The warming differential Eq. (12) accepts (13) as asolution if Pv is time constant (Jucker, 1974).

T = T1 + Rth × Pv

(1 − e− t




Symbol Definition

τth thermal time constant.

Rth thermal resistance.

T rotor temperature.

T1 Stator temperature

Pv dissipated power

178 Bouabdallah, Murrieri and Siegwart

Figure 9. Motor comparison for a specific requirement.

Figure 10. Theoretical time-evolution of rotor temperature in twodifferent motors (in our application), the propeller reduces the motortemperature in practice.

3. Control of the VTOL System

The model (6), developed in the previous sections, canbe rewritten in a state-space form X = f (X, U ) byintroducing X = (x1 . . . x12)T ∈ �12 as state vector ofthe system as follows:

x1 = x

x2 = x1 = x

x3 = y

x4 = x3 = y

x5 = z

x6 = x5 = z(14)

x7 = φ

x8 = x7 = φ

x9 = θ

x10 = x9 = θ

x11 = ψ

x12 = x11 = ψ

From (14) and (6) we obtain:

f (X, U ) =


(cos x7 sin x9 cos x11 + sin x7 sin x11)U1


(cos x7 sin x9 sin x11 − sin x7 cos x11)U1


−g + (cos x7 cos x9)1




(Iy − Iz


)− JR

Ixx10� + l




(Iz − Ix


)+ JR

Iyx8� + l




(Ix − Iy


)+ l



It is worthwhile to note inside the dynamic of the lattersystem how the angles and their time derivatives do notdepend on translation components; on the other handthe translations depend on angle (and not on angular

Towards Autonomous Indoor Micro VTOL 179

Figure 11. Connection of the two ideal subsystems of which iscomposed the overall dynamical system described by mapping (15).From the angular rotations subsystem the roll, pitch and yaw areobtained and become with U1 inputs for the following translationsubsystem.

velocities). We can ideally imagine the overall systemdescribed by (15) as constituted by two subsystems, theangular rotations and the linear translations, see Fig. 11.The angular rotations subsystem has as state the restric-tion Xα of X to the last 6 components which regard theroll, pitch, yaw and their time derivative. The dynam-ics of these variables are described by fα(X, U ) whichcorresponds to the last 6 components of the mapping(15). Note that the mapping fα(X, U ) is function onlyof Xα and of (U2, U3, U4)T , and does not depend ontranslation components. On the other hand, the trans-lations subsystem (with state X�) regards the first 6element of the state X , which are the x , y, z and theirtime derivative; in this case too the dynamics are de-scribed by the first 6 rows f�(X, U ) of the mapping(15). Conversely from the previous case, the transla-tions subsystem mapping f�(X, U ) is not independentof the angle variables but depends only on roll, pitchand yaw and not on their time derivative.

3.1. Control of the Angular Rotations Subsystem

Due to its complete independence from the othersubsystem, it is interesting to consider first the con-trol of the angular rotations subsystem. In particu-lar, in this subsection we consider the stabilization ofthe OS4 angles in a particular configuration Xd

α =(xd

7 , 0, xd9 , 0, xd

11, 0)T .Let us consider the Lyapunov Function V (Xα) which

is C1 and positive defined around the desired positionXd


(x7 − xd


)2 + x28 + (

x9 − xd9

)2 + x210 + (

x11 − xd11

)2 + x212



The time derivative of (16), V = (∇V )T fα , in thecase of a perfect cross VTOL (Ix = Iy) is drasticallyreduced to:

V = (x7 − xd


)x8 + x8


IxU2 + (

x9 − xd9


+ x10l

IyU3 + (

x11 − xd11

)x12 + x12


IzU4 (17)

equation in which does not appear the disturbance termwith �. By simply choosing:

U2 = − Ix


(x7 − xd


) − k1x8

U3 = − Iy


(x9 − xd


) − k2x10 (18)

U4 = −Iz(x11 − xd


) − k3x12,

with k1, k2 and k3 positive constants, we obtain for (17):

V = −x28


Ix− x2


Iy− x2


Iz, (19)

which is only negative semi-defined. By Lyapunov the-orem (Arimoto, 1996) is now ensured the simple sta-bility for equilibrium. By Lasalle invariance theoremwe can ensure also that starting from a level curve ofthe Lyapunov function defined in (16) where V (Xα) isconstant, the state evolution is constrained inside theregion bounded by the level curve. This is very usefulwhen trying to avoid particular configuration; it is sim-ply necessary to start with a level curve not containingthese points and apply the previous defined controls.We can also ensure the asymptotic stability by applyingthe Lasalle theorem because the maximum invarianceset of (angular rotations) subsystem under control (18)contained in the set S = {X S

α ∈ �6 : V |X Sα

= 0} isrestricted only to the equilibrium point.

By the latter consideration we can ensure an asymp-totical stability starting from a point in a set aroundthe equilibrium. To ensure the global stability it is suf-ficient that the lim|Xα |→∞ V (Xα) = ∞, which is ourcase.

3.2. Height Controller

Let us consider the simple task for the VTOL to hoverat a particular height z = zd . The dynamic of the height

180 Bouabdallah, Murrieri and Siegwart

is described by lines 5 and 6 of system (15), that is:





−g + cos x7 cos x9U1m

). (20)

By the previous considerations in 3.1, we ensure thatstarting from an initial condition where V (Xα) < π

2 ,the angles and their velocities are constrained in this hy-persphere of �6. In this case cos x7 cos x9 �= 0 duringall the trajectories of the system under previous controllaw. If the latter condition is satisfied we can linearizesystem (20) by simply compensating the weight forceby U1 = mg

cos x7 cos x9+ mU1

cos x7 cos x9, where U1 is an addi-

tional term. By the latter law (20) becomes:






), (21)

By a simple state-space linear stabilization law U1 =k4x5 + k5x6 we can stabilize the height by placing thepoles of the subsystem in every position in the complexleft half plane.

Figure 12. First Simulation: the system has to correct the errors on the angles and to reach 2 meters height.

4. Simulations

Before implementation on the real system, we per-formed several simulations on Matlab.13 The con-troller’s task was to stabilize the height while com-pensating the initial error on the roll, the pitch and theyaw angles.

The real system suffers from undesired but un-avoidable delays and actuator saturation. The delaysare mainly due to RS232 communications and theactuator time constant. To emulate this lacks, twoSimulink discrete step delay blocks have been in-troduced in the feedback loop and on the actuators.Saturation level depends on the chosen actuator. Themotors work in our application with a maximum an-gular velocity of 600 rad/sec; a saturation block hasbeen placed between the controller and the actua-tor. Finally, the overall system has been simulatedat 30 Hz using a discrete time solver in order tomodel the behavior of the digital controller. In thefirst simulation, the system starts with an initial stateX0 = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, π

10 , 0, − π10 , 0, π

10 , 0)T . We wantto reach the final height of 2 meters with all the anglesat zero. In Fig. 12 we can see the evolution of the threeangles and of the height variable during the 50 secondsof simulation. In the second simulation, see Fig. 13,

Towards Autonomous Indoor Micro VTOL 181

Figure 13. Second Simulation: the system has to hover and maintain the height of 2 meters although the noise on the actuators.

the task is to hover although an added normal gaussiannoise of variance 4 rad2/sec2 on each angular velocity.The height is taken with an added zero mean error.

4.1. 3D Simulator

Full autonomy from take-off to landing is possiblethrough a combination of several control modes whichare in general not developed at the same time. Testinga non complete and not validated control strategy onreal systems could be a sensitive mission, the probablematerial damage and the potential danger on personsimposes an important simulation step. A 3D simulatorwas developed using ODE14 library under webots (seeFig. 14).15 For the tests only simple preliminary controllows (PID) were implemented and tested.

5. Experiments

In order to validate the control law developed in theprevious section, we implemented the controller andwe performed several experiments on the real system.The task was to control the vehicle orientation thus, theroll, the pitch and the yaw angles were controlled, seeFig. 15. While the height was fixed by the test bench.

Figure 14. 3D simulation of a Quadrotor on webots already permitsthe test of the controller under disturbances

Therefore, for these simulations and experiments weused the same algorithms but the test conditions areslightly different namely the fixed height and the lim-ited starting angles.

182 Bouabdallah, Murrieri and Siegwart

Figure 15. Experiments: the controller has to stabilize the system by maintaining the roll, pitch and yaw angels to zero.

In spite of the test bench limitations in term of delaysand errors introduced by the tethering system, the ex-perimental results obtained show that the vehicle orien-tation was well controlled during the 50 seconds (1500steps @ 30 Hz). However, the vibrations and the noiseproduced by the “04” motors have a direct influence onthe sensor data thus, a small drift was observed after arelatively long experiment especially on the yaw angle.

6. Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we presented a survey of existing flyingmicro-vehicles and proposed micro VTOL systems asa serious candidates for fully autonomous indoor in-spection robots. We introduced the OS4 project, enu-merate the advantages of the Quadrotor configurationand discussed the undergoing developments of flyingrobots at our lab. These includes dynamic modelling,autonomous control, vehicle design and optimization.The positive results obtained in this preliminary worktowards autonomous micro VTOL reinforce our con-viction that these systems have a real potential as high-mobility systems. Our next goal is to enhance the con-trol with position controller and to develop a fully au-

tonomous vehicle. Then we will mainly concentrateon autonomous navigation with limited perceptual andcomputation resources.


The authors would like to thank Jean-Christophe Zuf-ferey for fruitful discussions and advices on flyingrobots, Georges Perrenoud for the realization of thetest bench mechanical components and all the studentswho worked or are working on this project.


1. Vertical Take-Off and Landing.2. Autonomous Systems Lab.3. Omnidirectional Stationary Flying OUtstretched Robot.4. Micro Electromechanical Systems.5. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.6. Micro Aerial Vehicle.7. BrushLess Direct-Current.8. Four propellers in cross configuration.9. Inertial Measurements Unit.

10. 1724 motor from:

Towards Autonomous Indoor Micro VTOL 183

13. Open Dynamics Engine.15.


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Samir Bouabdallah is research assistant and Ph.D. student at theAutonomous Systems Lab (ASL) at the Swiss Federal Institute ofTechnology, Lausanne, (EPFL). He got his Masters in Electrical En-gineer from Abu Bakr Belkaid University (ABBU) Tlemcen, Algeriain 2001. His master thesis was the development of an autonomousmobile robot for academic research. His current research interestsare control systems and design optimization of VTOL flying robots.

Pierpaolo Murrieri is a Ph.D. student at the “Centro Interdipar-timentale E. Piaggio” and “Dipartimento Sistemi Elettrici ed Au-tomazione” (DSEA) at the University of Pisa. He got his Masterin Electrical Engineer from University of Pisa in 2000. His masterthesis was about the registration of biomedical images. His currentresearch interests are mobile robotics, nonlinear control and artificialvision.

Roland Siegwart is director of the Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL)at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL). Hereceived his Masters in Mechanical Engineering in 1983 and hisPh.D. in 1989 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich(ETH). In 1989/90 he spent one year as postdoc at Stanford Uni-versity. From 1991 to 1996 he worked part time as R&D director atMECOS Traxler AG and as a lecturer and deputy head at the Instituteof Robotics, ETH. In 1996 he joined EPFL as full professor wherehe is working in robotics and mechatronics, namely mobile robotnavigation, space robotics, human-robot interaction, all terrain loco-motion and micro-robotics. Roland Siegwart is member of variousscientific committees and cofounder of several spin-off companies.

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