tourism concept and impacts

Post on 17-Feb-2016






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tourism concepts



An overview of the subject

A Journey from its Origin to Industry Understanding its Types, Forms,

Nature ,Components, Nature and Characteristics

Understanding Tourism Demand, Motivation, Tourism Supply ,Relationship of demand and Supply

Tourist Destination, Understanding tourist influences, Tourist flow ,pattern and various other aspects

National and International Organizations ITDC STDC ASI Ministries of Railway Civil Aviation in Tourism IATA IATO TAAI FHRAI ICAO

Socio cultural impact of tourism Economic impact of tourism Cost and benefits of tourism Impact assessment and management Environment impact assessment and audit Concept of Carrying Capacity Emerging trends and new thrust areas in

tourism Alternative tourism eco tourism

Guideline for Economic Development

Dealing with case study of various tourist destination



Tourism is derived from the word TOUR Tour is derived from Latin word Torons which

means completing a circle or turners wheel Tourism is concerned with consuming goods and

services. It is temporary break from normal work routine

to engage with experiences that contrast with everyday life.

• Tourism has also become a status symbol in modern society

• Thought to be necessary for one’s health• As per studies, people devote almost 40% of

their free time into tourism activities in developed countries.

• Largest source of employment• Income Generator to Economy• A tool to bind different cultures of a country

CONCEPT OF TOURISM Pleasure Holiday Going or arriving somewhere Arises from Motivation which forces

people to leave their normal place of residence and work for short term.

Temporarily movement to visit other Places.

Concerned with Consuming of Goods & Services

Consist of two basic element :A)JOURNEY TO THE DESTINATIONB)STAY AT DESTINATION Journey and Stay should be outside

normal place of Residence & work. Movement to any destination is with an

intention to return within few days A tourist is expected to spend at least

minimum of 24 hrs and maximum of 6 months at the destination.

Any destination is visited without an intention of taking up permanent residence or employment.

It’s a Leisure activity which involves a discretionary use of time & money.

Tourism is all about Recreation and often its main purpose is to participate as much as into tourist activity.

Tourism has three main aspects:-A} purpose of travel or visit( Motivation)B} Time element should be defined

(Minimum & Maximum)C}Much of Tourism is characterized by

seasonality and disposable income.

Technically speaking Tourism Comprises of activities undertaken by the tourist to satisfy their respective urges during in & enroute their destination and the tourist system within which the tourism Industry works.


Tourism was of the concrete form of recreational activity available to man during pre industrial era and specially for elite group

Crossing social Line : Transformation of Elite practice into Everyone’s activity

19th century: Industrial revolution 1920: Traveling for business and in search of trade became

basic motive

1930-50 : Mass Tourism became a phenomenon

During this period, international tourism formed about 5 % of tourist activity

1950-1970 : Age of domestic Paid Holiday II World War : By end of II world war

Europe witnessed huge growth of mass domestic tourism

During this period, more focus was on development and promotion of Domestic tourism

By 1970’s foreign holidays accounted for 20% of long vacations by Americans, Britons and Europeans.

Then focus of tourist diverted towards Sea side Resorts, Spas ,National Parks ,Natural beauty

Season of budget holidays within vintcity of locality

Key Role was played by jet aircraft. Low air fares lead to mass tourism

Early 20th century : Private Operators provided Cheap accommodation, mass Catering, Cheap travel gave birth to increasing travel.

Britain ,France and Germany became leader in Manmade attractions which in turns motivated people to travel.

Mid 20th century : Age of Packaging tours came. Tourism suppliers started marketing their skills with package tours or all inclusive tour.

21st century Increasingly sophisticated market research

lead to concept of diversity among tourist. Expertise in Tourism ,Educated

Professionals' in tourism emerged with new forms of Tourism

Countries around the world Started noticing the impact of tourism on national and global Economy

Destination began to identify themselves with tourist by providing alternative tourism

Soon destinations started becoming “Tourist Ghettos” (Looked alike and offered facilities that were standardized)

Today again ,destinations are emerging with Ethnic types ,Culture, Folklores, different manmade and natural attractions.

Different ways and means to make host population tourism friendly is being taken up.

New thrust areas of tourism is trying to be identified.

Now ,in 21st Century Tourism has become human right.

Slowly tourism started developing as industry because Governments become conscious of its value as an item of World Trade.

Its contribution to Employment and Income Generation has lead to re think about tourism as mushrooming Industry

TYPES OF TOURISM ON THE BASIS OF ORIGIN & DESTINY1. Incoming Tourism2. Outgoing Tourism3. Internal Tourism ON THE BASIS OF MOVEMENT

PATTERNS1. Residential Tourism2. Seasonal Tourism3. Roving Tourism

On the Basis of the Seasonal Character of Tourism

1. Winter Tourism2. Summer Tourism On the Basis of Incentives1. Recreational Tourism2. Pleasure Tourism3. Sporting Tourism4. Business Tourism

On the Basis of Socio Economic Aspect 1. Self financing Tourism2. Social tourism On the basis of Range

1. Domestic Tourism2. International Tourism On the Basis of Purpose of Visit

1. Holiday Tourism2. Conference Tourism/Business Tourism

On the basis of Common Interest

1. VFR2. Study /Research Tourism3. Religious Tourism4. Rest and Relaxation On the basis of Sociological Aspects

1. Mass Tourism2. Popular Tourism3. Social Tourism

On the Basis of Tourism Product

1. Mass Tourism2. Alternative TourismOn the basis of Nature of Activity1. Adventure Tourism2. Eco Tourism3. Beach Tourism4. Sightseeing Tourism5. Cruise Tourism6. Medical Tourism

On the Basis of Location1. Coastal2. Rural3. City/Urban4. Mountain5. Lake On the basis of duration of Trip & Distance

Travelled1. Day Trip2. Weekend Break3. Annual Holiday4. Business

Forms of Tourism

Culture Tourism Health TourismSpecial Interest TourismWildlife TourismSustainable TourismVFR

•Virtual Tourism

•Heritage Tourism

•Nature based tourism

Types of TouristTouristOne who makes a tour;A sightseeing traveler;A person who makes journey for the sake

of curiosity or for the sake of telling others that he has traveled;

Main factor of tourism market

Final consumer of tourist productsIs a person who visit any destination for

temporary period of time without engaging into earning activity at a destination and spends his income for leisure and pleasure.

• ExcursionistA person staying for less than 24hrs at a

place;A person traveling for pleasure for a period

of less than 24 hrs to a place other than where is resides but within his boundaries;

Excursionist is also called day visitor;Tour outside the limits but however in the

boundaries of his own area;A temporary visitor staying less than 24 hrs

at any destination is called excursionist.Traveler A person who travels because of different

business reasons;To attend MICE;They normally belongs to upper or middle

management rank;

These people are influential people by the opinions about destination;

They travel for short period of time;They generally travel for their work;If they get any free time after their work

then, they take up leisure and pleasure activities;

BACKPAKERS18-24 yrs of age;Attracted towards adventure activity;

Consider themselves as travelers not tourist;

Generally well educated;Cost conscious.

DINKSDOUBLE INCOME NO KIDSWorking Spouses generally comes under

this category;Between 25-35 years of age.

SINKSSINGLE INCOME NO KIDSGenerally 25-35 years of age;Empty NestersParents who children's have flown the

family nest ;Between 45-55 yrs of age;Well educated;High Disposable Income.

BoomersWho move to different destinations just to

boom about their self esteemYouthBetween 18-25 years of age;Not well Educated;Low disposable income;Used to travel a lot;Travel in search of good life.

Foreign TouristA person who cross boundaries of his own

country to visit another country.Domestic TouristA person who travels within his boundaries.

Components of Tourism Industry


PRIMARY COMOPNENTS ATTRACTIONS 1.Natural Attractions Country Side Climate : Rains ,Snow,Sunshine Natural Beauty : Landforms,Hills,Rocks,Terrains Water : Lake ,Ponds,Rivers,Water Falls Flora & fauna : Hunting ,Fishing,Natural Parks Wild Life : zoo ,National Parks Beaches Sanctuaries Spas Safari Out-Fitter Scenic Attractions

2.Manmade AttractionsFort

Palaces Mansions Castles Amusements parks Theme parks Museums Havelis Step wells Monuments All other Structures constructed by Human ACCESSIBILITY 1.To the Destination 2. Within the Destination ACCOMMODATION CATERING / FOOD & BEVERAGES





Shops & Emporiums Handicrafts & Souvenirs Local Taxi Hawkers & Coolies Communication Services Touts & Brokers Advertisement Agencies

Publishing Industry Artist & Performers Shopping Malls & Centers Financial Institutions Host Population Infrastructure water supply system sewage disposal system Natural or Artificial Gas Lines Electric connection system Drainage System

Airport Runways Access drivesFacilities at AirportMarine and Dock FacilitiesBus and Train Stations FacilitiesRailway LinesOther Tourism InstallationHighway Road Drive Parking Lots Night Lighting


Tourism is a complex activity It has dynamic element ` It arises from the

movement of people to various destination. It has static elements arises from their stay

at the destination. Tourism is a distinct activity. The movement of the people is temporary

and of a short term character.

Tourism is a non remunerative. Tourism is multi dimensional

phenomenon. Purchase or sale in tourism market is never

visible Tourism industry is also marked by

seasonal rhythm This industry more or less is dominated by

the changing ideas and attitudes of its customers.

The nature of tourism is as commercial activity

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