touchscreen monitors – how they became a part of our daily lives

Post on 11-Aug-2015






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Touchscreen Monitors – How They Became A Part Of Our Daily Lives

Who would have thought that the futuristic technology that we saw in movies like Star Wars and James Bond would

one day become a part of our daily lives. Who would have thought that it would one day be possible to operate and

control a computer without any peripheral device at all! These amazing technological feats have been made possible

with the invention and development of touchscreen monitors over the years.

The iPhone introduced by Apple, Inc., uses touchscreen technology allowing the user to easily and quickly

manipulate data. The iPod touch was introduced shortly thereafter which utilizes the same technology. You would

think that the technology behind touchscreen monitors was always meant for popular use but in reality, it was

designed for more technical and engineering oriented purposes. But slowly, these devices made their way into our

lives in the form of smartphones and now, and then came the tablet PCs and now we have full scale computers

running on touch technology. High end computing really cannot get better than this!

Touch screen monitors also find application in a variety of other settings. Specially designed screens with higher

strength and damage resistance capabilities are used in the harshest of industrial environments for everyday

computing. These screens are installed in most modern cars to provide drivers and travellers with a better and more

comprehensive multimedia experience. We even have restaurants today that have customers placing their orders

with the use of touchscreen menus. The world truly has moved much farther ahead with the technology than

anyone could ever have imagined.

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