totp' double page spread analysis

Post on 11-Feb-2017






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PAGE 1 Although the magazine is titled Top of the Pops referring to popular chart music. This double page spread is based on the release of Zoella’s new book. Zoella isn’t even a musician herself, she’s found fame from her health, beauty and lifestyle videos. And therefore wouldn’t be a very good example of what to include in a music magazine double page spread. We could say that because of the scale of Zoella’s young female following the magazine has used her as a tool to generate a larger audience. As well as the magazine is produced by the BBC they’d be more concerned about the education of the target audience than any other magazine out there as the BBC produces educational media. In the background of the text there are falling snowflakes to represent that this is the December issue of the magazine. As the target audience are so young they’re still heavily influenced by tales of Santa clause and elves.

PAGE 1 The page then develops into an interview about Zoella and her lifestyle. They’ve cleverly used the rule of three to make the text more digestible for the target audience. The questions are highlighted in pink, the response in black to separate the text. The different coloured question lines accent the paper like ribbon on a Christmas present. As well as they’ve laid out the pictures in line across the page after one and other. They consist of ‘selfies’ and more candid shots that Zoellla has most likely taken herself (from her Instagram). This makes the interview appear less structured (unconventional) and presents Zoella in a humble friendly light, therefore the audience admires her for her humility. Like the majority of the double page spreads I’ve come across they use drop quotes in a larger font to amplify the most interesting part of the text in order to draw the reader into the article rather than skip over it. As well as the writer and photographer credits run down the side to accredit them, although this is played down because they want the main focus on the article. Overall there are some benefits to this type of double page spread however, I think I will take inspiration and alter it slightly so that it fits in more with a music magazine. For example Zoella could mention some of her favourite CDS, gigs that she’s been to/upcoming music events she's going to.

PAGE 2The talent used for the article is a girl named Zoella. She is an English, fashion and beauty, vlogger, YouTuber and Author. Although Zoella isn’t of much importance to the music industry, its important to note the growth of self-made online stars. Through apps such as YouTube anyone can upload content and anyone can view the content. Therefore It makes it a lot easier to gain popularity, So when it comes to my own magazine my talent could be a musician from YouTube as it’s a form of social media that has significantly risen over the past few years, Zoella is dressed in a smart, friendly manner for this picture. As it is for a significantly younger audience it would be inappropriate for her to be wearing a low cut top for example as it would make her appear more sensual and this audience doesn’t regard Zoella in a sensual manner but instead someone that they can aspire to be. She is smiling and her hair and make up is kept very natural and open. She appears more doll like this way. To the side of her on the right is a column promoting her book release and a competition. The bright pictures and text lures the audience in because in contrast to the background its presented in a really colourful way. However the plug used (WIN!) isn’t colourful and is quite dismal in comparison, this was probably done to stand out against the bright backdrop of pink. The competition itself tells you the value of each item you could potentially win, the magazine itself costs £4.85 to purchase but even though they’re in the bands C1 in the NRS (National readership survey) and above , it’s a chance to gain something for free as well as educational as it encourages the target audience to read more. As an example of a music magazine double page spread its not a great example…it doesn’t mention music whatsoever. However, its inspired me to link music and other aspects of lifestyle into my article, and to reflect on social media influence so that my audience can see how music linked to every aspect of their lifestyle.



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