torts new cases 2

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2



    [G.R. No. L-39999. May 31, 1984.]


    isenando !i""a"#$, r. %or petitioners.

    &'e o"i(itor Genera" %or respondent.


    1.REME)*AL LA+ CR*M*NAL R CE)/RE C*!*L AC&* N 0 R REC !ERC*!*L L*AB*L*& *M L*E)L *N &*&/&E) +*&2 CR*M*NAL AC&* N

    e(tion 1 o% R#"e 111 o% t'e R#"es o% Co#rt states t'e %#nda5enta" propositiot'at 6'en a (ri5ina" a(tion is instit#ted, t'e (i7i" a(tion %or re(o7ery o% (i7i""ia i"ity arisin %ro5 t'e o%%ense ('ar ed is i5p"ied"y instit#ted 6it' it. &'ere is ni5p"ied instit#tion 6'en t'e o%%ended party, e:press"y 6ai7es t'e (i7i" a(tion orreser7es 'is ri 't to instit#te it separate"y ;Morte, r.7 . A"7i$o, >1?.>.*). *). ?. *n ot'er 6ords, t'e (i7i" "ia i"ity 6'i(' is a"so e:tin #is'ed #pon a( #itta"o% t'e a((#sed is t'e (i7i" "ia i"ity arisin %ro5 t'e a(t as a (ri5e.

    3.*). *). *). *). )ECLARA&* N &2A& &2E 0AC& 0R M +2*C2 &2E C

    M*G2& AR* E )*) N & E * &, *N)* EN ABLE. &'e #d 5ent o% a( #ie:tin #is'es t'e "ia i"ity o% t'e a((#sed %or da5a es on"y 6'en it in("#des ade("aration t'at t'e %a(ts %ro5 6'i(' t'e (i7i" 5i 't arise did not e:ist. &'#s, t'e(i7i" "ia i"ity is not e:tin #is'ed y a( #itta" 6'ere t'e a( #itta" is ased onreasona "e do# t ; NB7 . Catipon, 98 'i". >8D? as on"y preponderan(e o%e7iden(e is re #ired in (i7i" (ases 6'ere t'e (o#rt e:press"y de("ares t'at t'e"ia i"ity o% t'e a((#sed is not (ri5ina" #t on"y (i7i" in nat#re ;)e G#$5an7 .

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    A"7ia, 9D 'i". 8 eop"e7 . anti ,s#pra ? as, %or instan(e, in t'e %e"onies o%esta%a, t'e%t, and 5a"i(io#s 5is('ie% (o55itted y (ertain re"ati7es 6'o t'ere yin(#r on"y (i7i" "ia i"ity ; ee Art. 33>, Re7ised ena" Code? and 6'ere t'e (i7i""ia i"ity does not arise %ro5 or is not ased #pon t'e (ri5ina" a(t o% 6'i(' t'ea((#sed 6as a( #itted ;Castro 7 . Co""e(tor o% *nterna" Re7en#e, 4 CRA 1=93see Re a"ado, Re5edia" La6 Co5pendi#5, 1933 ed., p. D>3?.

    4.*). *). *). A+AR) 0 )AMAGE *N AME 9 o% t'e Ne6 Ci7i" Code ("ear"y and e:press"y pro7ides a re5edy %or t'e

    p"ainti%% in (ase t'e de%endant 'as een a( #itted in a (ri5ina" prose(#tion ont'e ro#nd t'at 'is #i"t 'as not een pro7ed eyond reasona "e do# t. *t5ere"y e5p'asi$es t'at a (i7i" a(tion %or da5a es is not pre("#ded y ana( #itta" %or t'e sa5e (ri5ina" a(t or o5ission. &'e Ci7i" Code pro7ision does notstate t'at t'e re5edy (an e a7ai"ed o% on"y in a separate (i7i" a(tion. A separate(i7i" (ase 5ay e %i"ed #t t'ere is no state5ent t'at s#(' separate %i"in is t'eon"y and e:("#si7e per5issi "e 5ode o% re(o7erin da5a es. &'ere is not'in(ontrary to t'e Ci7i" Code pro7ision in t'e rendition o% a #d 5ent o% a( #itta"a6ardin da5a es in t'e sa5e (ri5ina" a(tion. &'e t6o (an stand side y side.

    A #d 5ent o% a( #itta" operates to e:tin #is' t'e (ri5ina" "ia i"ity #n"ess t'ere isa ("ear s'o6in t'at t'e a(t %ro5 6'i(' (i7i" "ia i"ity 5#st arise did not e:ist.

    D E C I S I O N

    GUTIERREZ, JR., < p

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    &'is is a petition %or re7ie6 on (ertiorari o% a Co#rt o% Appea"sH de(ision 6'i('re7ersed t'e tria" (o#rtHs #d 5ent o% (on7i(tion and a( #itted t'e petitioners o%t'e (ri5e o% ra7e (oer(ion on t'e ro#nd o% reasona "e do# t #t inspite o% t'ea( #itta" ordered t'e5 to pay oint"y and se7era""y t'e a5o#nt o% 9,===.== tot'e (o5p"ainants as a(t#a" da5a es. Cdpr

    &'e petitioners 6ere ('ar ed #nder t'e %o""o6in in%or5ation

    I&'e #ndersi ned 0is(a" a((#sed R A)*LLA, 0*L MEN GAL) NE ,E *& BE)EJA, LL R*C , )A!*) BERM/N) , !*LLAN AC,

    R BER& R ALE , !*LLAN*A, R ME GARR*) , < E R&EGA,

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    *N !*E+ 0 &2E 0 REG *NG, t'e Co#rt %inds t'e a((#sed Roy adi""a,0i"o5eno Ga"done$, *s5ae" Gon$a" o and

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    I. . . Happe""antsH a( #itta" 6as ased on reasona "e do# t 6'et'ert'e (ri5e o% (oer(ion 6as (o55itted, not on %a(ts t'at no #n"a6%#" a(t6as (o55itted as t'eir taFin t'e "a6 into t'eir 'ands, destr#(tin ;si(?(o5p"ainantsH properties is #n"a6%#", and, as e7iden(e on re(ordesta "is'ed t'at (o5p"ainants s#%%ered a(t#a" da5a es, t'e i5positiono% a(t#a" da5a es is (orre(t.I

    Conse #ent"y, t'e petitioners %i"ed t'is spe(ia" (i7i" a(tion, (ontendin t'at


    &2E C /R& 0 A EAL C MM*&&E) A GRA!E ERR R 0 LA+ RGRA!EL AB/ E) *& )* CRE&* N *N *M *NG / N E&*&* NER

    A MEN& 0 )AMAGE & C M LA*NAN& A0&ER AC@/*&&*NGE&*&* NER 0 &2E CR*ME C2ARGE) 0R M +2*C2 A*) L*AB*L*&

    AR E.


    &2E C /R& 0 A EAL ERRE) *N 2 L)*NG *N *& RE L/&* N)A&E) )ECEMBER >D, 19 4 &2A& *NCE A ELLAN& H AC@/*&&AL+A BA E) N REA NABLE ) /B&, N & N 0AC& &2A& N/NLA+0/L AC& +A C MM*&&E), &2E *M *&* N 0 AC&/AL)AMAGE * C RREC&.


    &2E C /R& 0 A EAL C MM*&&E) A LEGAL *NC N * &ENC , *0N & LA*N

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    &'e iss#e posed in t'e instant pro(eedin is 6'et'er or not t'e respondent (o#rt(o55itted a re7ersi "e error in re #irin t'e petitioners to pay (i7i" inde5nity tot'e (o5p"ainants a%ter a( #ittin t'e5 %ro5 t'e (ri5ina" ('ar e.

    etitioners 5aintain t'e 7ie6 t'at 6'ere t'e (i7i" "ia i"ity 6'i(' is in("#ded in t'e(ri5ina" a(tion is t'at arisin %ro5 and as a (onse #en(e o% t'e (ri5ina" a(t, andt'e de%endant 6as a( #itted in t'e (ri5ina" (ase, ;no (i7i" "ia i"ity arisin %ro5t'e (ri5ina" (ase?, no (i7i" "ia i"ity arisin %ro5 t'e (ri5ina" ('ar e (o#"d ei5posed #pon 'i5. &'ey (ite pre(edents to t'e e%%e(t t'at t'e "ia i"ity o% t'ede%endant %or t'e ret#rn o% t'e a5o#nt re(ei7ed y 'i5 5ay not e en%or(ed int'e (ri5ina" (ase #t 5#st e raised in a separate (i7i" a(tion %or t'e re(o7ery o%t'e said a5o#nt ; eop"e 7. anti , 9 'i". 48 %o""o6in t'e do(trine "aid do6nin Mani"a Rai"road Co. 7. 2onora "e Rodo"%o Ba"ta$ar, 49 .G. 38 4 #e "o(ontra A e""era, D9 'i". D>3 eop"e 7. Ma a o, D9 'i". 49D eop"e 7. Mir

    CRA 1=D A"da a 7. E"epa o, 11D 'i". 4 ?. (drep

    *n t'e (ase e%ore #s, t'e petitioners 6ere a( #itted not e(a#se t'ey did not(o55it t'e a(ts stated in t'e ('ar e a ainst t'e5. &'ere is no disp#te o7er t'e%or(i "e openin o% t'e 5arFet sta"", its de5o"ition 6it' a:es and ot'erinstr#5ents, and t'e (artin a6ay o% t'e 5er('andi$e. &'e petitioners 6erea( #itted e(a#se t'ese a(ts 6ere deno5inated (oer(ion 6'en t'ey proper"y(onstit#ted so5e ot'er o%%ense s#(' as t'reat or 5a"i(io#s 5is('ie%.

    &'e respondent Co#rt o% Appea"s stated in its de(ision

    I0or a (o5p"aint to prosper #nder t'e %ore oin pro7ision, t'e 7io"en(e5#st e e5p"oyed a ainst t'e person, not a ainst property as 6'at'appened in t'e (ase at ar. . . .

    ::: ::: :::

    I&'e ne:t pro "e5 is May t'e a((#sed e (on7i(ted o% an o%%ense ot'ert'an (oer(ion

    0ro5 a"" appearan(es, t'ey s'o#"d 'a7e een prose(#ted eit'er %or

    t'reats or 5a"i(io#s 5is('ie%. B#t t'e "a6 does not a""o6 #s to render #d 5ent o% (on7i(tion %or eit'er o% t'ese o%%enses %or t'e reason t'att'ey 6ere not indi(ted %or t'ese o%%enses. &'e in%or5ation #nder 6'i('t'ey 6ere prose(#ted does not a""e e t'e e"e5ents o% eit'er t'reats or5a"i(io#s 5is('ie%. A"t'o# ' t'e in%or5ation 5entions t'at t'e a(t 6asH y 5eans o% t'reatsH, it does not a""e e t'e parti(#"ar t'reat 5ade. Ana((#sed person is entit"ed to e in%or5ed o% t'e nat#re o% t'e a(ts

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    i5p#ted to 'i5 e%ore 'e (an e 5ade to enter into tria" #pon a 7a"idin%or5ation.

    I+e r#"e t'at t'e (ri5e o% ra7e (oer(ion 'as not een pro7ed ina((ordan(e 6it' "a6.

    I+'i"e appe""ants are entit"ed to a( #itta", t'ey ne7ert'e"ess are (i7i""y"ia "e %or t'e a(t#a" da5a es s#%%ered y t'e (o5p"ainants y reason o%t'e de5o"ition o% t'e sta"" and "oss o% so5e o% t'eir properties, &'ee:tin(tion o% t'e pena" a(tion does not (arry 6it' it t'at o% t'e (i7i",#n"ess t'e e:tin(tion pro(eeds %ro5 a de("aration in a %ina" #d 5entt'at t'e %a(t %ro5 6'i(' t'e (i7i" 5i 't arise did not e:ist. ;R#"e 111,

    e(. 3 ;(?, Re7. R#"es o% Co#rt Lapera" 7. A"i$a, 1 G.R. 1311, eop"e7. !e"e$, 44 G. 1811?. *n t'e instant (ase, t'e %a(t %ro5 6'i(' t'e (i7i"5i 't arise, na5e"y, t'e de5o"ition o% t'e sta"" and "oss o% t'e properties(ontained t'erein e:ists, and t'is is not denied y t'e a((#sed. Andsin(e t'ere is no s'o6in t'at t'e (o5p"ainants 'a7e reser7ed or 6ai7edt'eir ri 't to instit#te a separate (i7i" a(tion, t'e (i7i" aspe(t t'erein isdee5ed instit#ted 6it' t'e (ri5ina" a(tion. ;R#"e 111, e(. 1, Re7. R#"eso% Co#rt?.

    ::: ::: :::

    e(tion 1 o% R#"e 111 o% t'e R#"es o% Co#rt states t'e %#nda5enta" propositiont'at 6'en a (ri5ina" a(tion is instit#ted, t'e (i7i" a(tion %or re(o7ery o% (i7i""ia i"ity arisin %ro5 t'e o%%ense ('ar ed is i5p"ied"y instit#ted 6it' it. &'ere is ni5p"ied instit#tion 6'en t'e o%%ended party e:press"y 6ai7es t'e (i7i" a(tion orreser7es 'is ri 't to instit#te it separate"y. ;Morte r. 7. A"7i$o, >1?.

    &'e e:tin(tion o% t'e (i7i" a(tion y reason o% a( #itta" in t'e (ri5ina" (ase re%erse:("#si7e"y to (i7i" "ia i"ity e: de"i(to %o#nded on Arti("e 1== o% t'e Re7ised eCode. ;E"(ano 7. 2i"", CRA 98 !irata 7. ('oa, 81 CRA 4 >?. *n ot'er6ords, t'e (i7i" "ia i"ity 6'i(' is a"so e:tin #is'ed #pon a( #itta" o% t'e a((#sedis t'e (i7i" "ia i"ity arisin %ro5 t'e a(t as a (ri5e. (d""

    As ear"y as 194>, t'e #pre5e Co#rt speaFin t'ro# '

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    #nder ot' types o% "ia i"ity. 0or instan(e, in (ases o% (ri5ina" ne "i en(e or(ri5es d#e to re(F"ess i5pr#den(e, Arti("e >1 o% t'e Ci7i" Code pro7ides

    IResponsi i"ity %or %a#"t or ne "i en(e #nder t'e pre(edin arti("e isentire"y separate and distin(t %ro5 t'e (i7i" "ia i"ity arisin %ro5ne "i en(e #nder t'e ena" Code. B#t t'e p"ainti%% (annot re(o7erda5a es t6i(e %or t'e sa5e a(t or o5ission o% t'e de%endantI

    e(tion 3 ;(? o% R#"e 111 spe(i%i(a""y pro7ides t'at

    I e(. 3. t'er (i7i" a(tions arisin9 %ro5 o%%enses . *n a"" (ases notin("#ded in t'e pre(edin se(tion t'e %o""o6in r#"es s'a"" e o ser7ed

    ::: ::: :::

    ;(?E:tin(tion o% t'e pena" a(tion does not (arry 6it' it e:tin(tion o% t'e(i7i", #n"ess t'e e:tin(tion pro(eeds %ro5 a de("aration in a %ina"

    #d 5ent t'at t'e %a(t %ro5 6'i(' t'e (i7i" 5i 't arise did not e:ist. *not'er (ases, t'e person entit"ed to t'e (i7i" a(tion 5ay instit#te it in t'e

    #risdi(tion and in t'e 5anner pro7ided y "a6 a ainst t'e person 6'o5ay e "ia "e %or restit#tion o% t'e t'in and reparation or inde5nity %ort'e da5a e s#%%ered.

    &'e #d 5ent o% a( #itta" e:tin #is'es t'e "ia i"ity o% t'e a((#sed %or da5a eson"y 6'en it in("#des a de("aration t'at t'e %a(ts %ro5 6'i(' t'e (i7i" 5i 't arisedid not e:ist. &'#s, t'e (i7i" "ia i"ity is not e:tin #is'ed y a( #itta" 6'ere t'ea( #itta" is ased on reasona "e do# t ; NB 7. Catipon, 98 'i". >8D? as on"ypreponderan(e o% e7iden(e is re #ired in (i7i" (ases 6'ere t'e (o#rt e:press"yde("ares t'at t'e "ia i"ity o% t'e a((#sed is not (ri5ina" #t on"y (i7i" in nat#re;)e G#$5an 7. A"7ia, 9D 'i". 8 eop"e 7. anti ,s#pra ? as, %or instan(e, int'e %e"onies o% esta%a, t'e%t, and 5a"i(io#s 5is('ie% (o55itted y (ertainre"ati7es 6'o t'ere y in(#r on"y (i7i" "ia i"ity ; ee Art. 33>, Re7ised ena" Code?and, 6'ere t'e (i7i" "ia i"ity does not arise %ro5 or is not ased #pon t'e (ri5ina"a(t o% 6'i(' t'e a((#sed 6as a( #itted ;Castro 7. Co""e(tor o% *nterna" Re7en#e,4 CRA 1=93 ee Re a"ado, Re5edia" La6 Co5pendi#5, 1983 ed., p. D>3?. (dp'i"

    Arti("e >9 o% t'e Ci7i" Code a"so pro7ides t'at

    I+'en t'e a((#sed in a (ri5ina" prose(#tion is a( #itted on t'e ro#ndt'at 'is #i"t 'as not een pro7ed eyond reasona "e do# t, a (i7i"a(tion %or da5a es %or t'e sa5e a(t or o5ission 5ay e instit#ted. #('a(tion re #ires on"y a preponderan(e o% e7iden(e. /pon 5otion o% t'e

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    de%endant, t'e (o#rt 5ay re #ire t'e p"ainti%% to %i"e a ond to ans6er%or da5a es in (ase t'e (o5p"aint s'o#"d e %o#nd to e 5a"i(io#s.

    I*% in a (ri5ina" (ase t'e #d 5ent o% a( #itta" is ased #pon reasona "edo# t, t'e (o#rt s'a"" so de("are. *n t'e a sen(e o% any de("aration to

    t'at e%%e(t, it 5ay e in%erred %ro5 t'e te:t o% t'e de(ision 6'et'er ornot t'e a( #itta" is d#e to t'at ro#nd.I

    More re(ent"y, 6e 'e"d t'at t'e a( #itta" o% t'e de%endant in t'e (ri5ina" (ase6o#"d not (onstit#te an o sta("e to t'e %i"in o% a (i7i" (ase ased on t'e sa5ea(ts 6'i(' "ed to t'e (ri5ina" prose(#tion

    I. . . &'e %indin y t'e respondent (o#rt t'at 'e spent said s#5%or and in t'e interest o% t'e Capi$ A ri(#"t#ra" and 0is'ery ('oo"and %or 'is persona" ene%it is not a de("aration t'at t'e %a(t #pon

    6'i(' Ci7i" Case No. !-3339 is ased does not e:ist. &'e (i7i" a(tionarred y s#(' a de("aration is t'e (i7i" "ia i"ity arisin %ro5 t'eo%%ense ('ar ed, 6'i(' is t'e one i5p"ied"y instit#ted 6it' t'e(ri5ina" a(tion. ; e(tion *, R#"e ***, R#"es o% Co#rt.? #(' ade("aration 6o#"d not ar a (i7i" a(tion %i"ed a ainst an a((#sed6'o 'ad een a( #itted in t'e (ri5ina" (ase i% t'e (ri5ina" a(tion ispredi(ated on %a(t#a" or "e a" (onsiderations ot'er t'an t'e(o55ission o% t'e o%%ense ('ar ed. A person 5ay e a( #itted o%5a"7ersation 6'ere, as in t'e (ase at ar, 'e (o#"d s'o6 t'at 'edid not 5isappropriate t'e p# "i( %#nds in 'is possession, #t 'e(o#"d e rendered "ia "e to restore said %#nds or at "east to 5aFe aproper a((o#ntin t'ereo% i% 'e s'a"" spend t'e sa5e %or p#rposes6'i(' are not a#t'ori$ed nor intended, and in a 5anner notper5itted y app"i(a "e r#"es and re #"ations.I ;Rep# "i( 7. Be""o,1>= CRA >=3?.

    &'ere appear to e no so#nd reasons to re #ire a separate (i7i" a(tion to sti"" e%i"ed (onsiderin t'at t'e %a(ts to e pro7ed in t'e (i7i" (ase 'a7e a"ready eenesta "is'ed in t'e (ri5ina" pro(eedin s 6'ere t'e a((#sed 6as a( #itted. )#e

    pro(ess 'as een a((orded t'e a((#sed. 2e 6as, in %a(t, e:onerated o% t'e(ri5ina" ('ar ed. &'e (onstit#tiona" pres#5ption o% inno(en(e (a""ed %or 5ore7i i"ant e%%orts on t'e part o% prose(#tin attorneys and de%ense (o#nse", aFeener a6areness y a"" 6itnesses o% t'e serio#s i5p"i(ations o% per #ry, and a5ore st#died (onsideration y t'e #d e o% t'e entire re(ords and o% app"i(a "estat#tes and pre(edents. &o re #ire a separate (i7i" a(tion si5p"y e(a#se t'ea((#sed 6as a( #itted 6o#"d 5ean need"ess ("o in o% (o#rt do(Fets and

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    #nne(essary d#p"i(ation o% "iti ation 6it' a"" its attendant "oss o% ti5e, e%%ort, 5oney on t'e part o% a"" (on(erned. Cdpr

    &'e tria" (o#rt %o#nd t'e %o""o6in %a(ts ("ear"y esta "is'ed y t'e e7iden(eadd#(ed y ot' t'e prose(#tion and t'e de%ense

    ::: ::: :::

    I;9?*n t'e 5ornin o% 0e r#ary 8, 19D4, t'en C'ie% Ga"dones, (o5p"yin6it' t'e instr#(tions (ontained in said Me5orand#5 No. 3> o% t'eMayor, and #pon seein t'at Antonio !er ara 'ad not 7a(ated t'epre5ises in #estion, 6it' t'e aid o% 'is po"i(e5en, %or(ed #pon t'estore or sta"" and ordered t'e re5o7a" o% t'e oods inside t'e store o%

    !er ara, at t'e sa5e ti5e taFin in7entory o% t'e oods taFen o#t, pi"edt'e5 o#tside in %ront o% t'e store and 'ad it (ordoned 6it' a rope, and

    a%ter a"" t'e oods 6ere taFen o#t %ro5 t'e store, ordered t'ede5o"ition o% said sta"" o% Antonio !er ara. in(e t'en #p to t'e tria" o%t'is (ase, t'e 6'erea o#ts o% t'e oods taFen o#t %ro5 t'e store nort'e 5ateria"s o% t'e de5o"is'ed sta"" 'a7e not een 5ade Fno6n.I

    &'e respondent Co#rt o% Appea"s 5ade a si5i"ar %indin t'at

    I n t'e 5ornin o% 0e r#ary 8t', e(a#se t'e said !er aras 'ad not #pto t'at ti5e (o5p"ied 6it' t'e order to 7a(ate, t'e (o-a((#sed C'ie% o%

    o"i(e Ga"dones and so5e 5e5 ers o% 'is po"i(e %or(e, 6ent to t'e5arFet and, #sin a:, (ro6 ars and 'a55ers, de5o"is'ed t'e sta"" o%t'e !er aras 6'o 6ere not present or aro#nd, and a%ter 'a7in %irstin7entoried t'e oods and 5er('andise %o#nd t'erein, t'ey 'ad t'e5

    ro# 't to t'e 5#ni(ipa" #i"din %or sa%eFeepin . *nspite o% noti(eser7ed #pon t'e !er aras to taFe possession o% t'e oods and5er('andise t'#s taFen a6ay, t'e "atter re%#sed to do so.

    I&'e "oss and da5a e to t'e !er aras as t'ey e7a"#ated t'e5 6ere

    Cost o% sta"" (onstr#(tion 1,3==.== !a"#e o% %#rnit#re and e #ip-5ent destroyed3==.==

    !a"#e o% oods and e #ip5enttaFen8,===.==


    I*t is not disp#ted t'at t'e a((#sed de5o"is'ed t'e ro(ery sta"" o% t'e(o5p"ainants !er aras and (arted a6ay its (ontents. &'e de%ense t'at

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    t'ey did so in order to a ate 6'at t'ey (onsidered a n#isan(e per se is#ntena "e. &'is %inds no s#pport in "a6 and in %a(t. &'e (o#p"e 'as eenpayin renta"s %or t'e pre5ises to t'e o7ern5ent 6'i(' a""o6ed t'e5to "ease t'e sta"". *t is, t'ere%ore, %ar-%et('ed to say t'at t'e sta"" 6as an#isan(e per se 6'i(' (o#"d e s#55ari"y a ated.

    &'e petitioners, t'e5se"7es, do not deny t'e %a(t t'at t'ey (a#sed t'edestr#(tion o% t'e (o5p"ainantHs 5arFet sta"" and 'ad its (ontents (arted a6ay.&'ey state

    I n 0e r#ary 8, 19D4, despite persona" p"eas on !er aras y t'e Mayorto 7a(ate t'e passa e6ays o% MarFet B#i"din No. 3, t'e !er aras 6eresti"" in t'e pre5ises, so t'e petitioners C'ie% o% o"i(e and 5e5 ers o%t'e o"i(e 0or(e o% 9 o% t'e Ci7i" Code, ear"i(ited, t'at I6'en t'e a((#sed in a (ri5ina" prose(#tion is a( #itted on t'e

    ro#nd t'at 'is #i"t 'as not een pro7ed eyond reasona "e do# t, a (i7i" a(tion%or da5a es %or t'e sa5e a(t or o5ission 5ay e instit#ted.I A((ordin to so5es('o"ars, t'is pro7ision o% s# stanti7e "a6 (a""s %or a separate (i7i" a(tion and(annot e 5odi%ied y a r#"e o% re5edia" "a6 e7en in t'e interests o% e(ono5yand si5p"i(ity and %o""o6in t'e di(tates o% "o i( and (o55on sense. (dp'i"

    As stated y retired

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    I. . . B#t %or t'e (o#rt to e a "e to ad #di(ate in t'e 5anner 'eres# ested, Art. >9 o% t'e Ci7i" Code s'o#"d e a5ended e(a#se it("ear"y and e:press"y pro7ides t'at t'e (i7i" a(tion ased on t'e sa5e a(tor o5ission 5ay on"y e instit#ted in a separate a(tion, and t'ere%ore,5ay not in%erentia""y e reso"7ed in t'e sa5e (ri5ina" a(tion. &o dis5isst'e (i7i" a(tion #pon a( #itta" o% t'e a((#sed and disa""o6 t'ereinstit#tion o% any ot'er (i7i" a(tion, 6o#"d "iFe6ise render,#n #sti%ia "y, t'e a( #itta" on reasona "e do# t 6it'o#t any si ni%i(an(e,and 6o#"d 7io"ate t'e do(trine t'at t'e t6o a(tions are distin(t andseparate.

    I*n t'e "i 't o% t'e %ore oin e:position, it see5s e7ident t'at t'ere is5#(' sop'istry and no pra 5atis5 in t'e do(trine t'at it is in(onsistentto a6ard in t'e sa5e pro(eedin s da5a es a ainst t'e a((#sed a%tera( #ittin 'i5 on reasona "e do# t. #(' do(trine 5#st re(o ni$e t'edistin(t and separate ('ara(ter o% t'e t6o a(tions, t'e nat#re o% ana( #itta" on reasona "e do# t, t'e 7e:atio#s and oppressi7e e%%e(ts o% areser7ation or instit#tion o% a separate (i7i" a(tion, and t'at t'e in #redparty is entit"ed to da5a es not e(a#se t'e a(t or o5ission isp#nis'a "e #t e(a#se 'e 6as da5a ed or in #red t'ere y ; an (o,

    'i"ippine La6 on &orts and )a5a es, pp. >88->89?.

    +e see no need to a5end Arti("e >9 o% t'e Ci7i" Code in order to a""o6 a (o#rt torant da5a es despite a #d 5ent o% a( #itta" ased on reasona "e do# t. +'at

    Arti("e >9 ("ear"y and e:press"y pro7ides is a re5edy %or t'e p"ainti%% in (ase t'ede%endant 'as een a( #itted in a (ri5ina" prose(#tion on t'e ro#nd t'at 'is

    #i"t 'as not een pro7ed eyond reasona "e do# t. *t 5ere"y e5p'asi$es t'at a(i7i" a(tion %or da5a es is not pre("#ded y an a( #itta" %or t'e sa5e (ri5ina" a(tor o5ission. &'e Ci7i" Code pro7ision does not state t'at t'e re5edy (an ea7ai"ed o% on"y in a separate (i7i" a(tion. A separate (i7i" (ase 5ay e %i"ed #tt'ere is no state5ent t'at s#(' separate %i"in is t'e on"y and e:("#si7eper5issi "e 5ode o% re(o7erin da5a es. (d""

    &'ere is not'in (ontrary to t'e Ci7i" Code pro7ision in t'e rendition o% a #d 5ent o% a( #itta" and a #d 5ent a6ardin da5a es in t'e sa5e (ri5ina"a(tion. &'e t6o (an stand side y side. A #d 5ent o% a( #itta" operates toe:tin #is' t'e (ri5ina" "ia i"ity. *t does not, 'o6e7er, e:tin #is' t'e (i7i" "ia i"ity#n"ess t'ere is ("ear s'o6in t'at t'e a(t %ro5 6'i(' (i7i" "ia i"ity 5i 't arise didnot e:ist.

    A di%%erent (on("#sion 6o#"d e attri #tin to t'e Ci7i" Code a tri7ia" re #ire5ea pro7ision 6'i(' i5poses an #n(a""ed %or #rden e%ore one 6'o 'as a"ready

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    een t'e 7i(ti5 o% a (onde5na "e, yet non-(ri5ina", a(t 5ay e a((orded t'e #sti(e 6'i(' 'e seeFs.

    +e %#rt'er note t'e rationa"e e'ind Art. >9 o% t'e Ci7i" Code in arri7in at t'eintent o% t'e "e is"ator t'at t'ey (o#"d not possi "y 'a7e intended to 5aFe it5ore di%%i(#"t %or t'e a rie7ed party to re(o7er #st (o5pensation y 5aFin aseparate (i7i" a(tion 5andatory and e:("#si7e

    I&'e o"d r#"e t'at t'e a( #itta" o% t'e a((#sed in a (ri5ina" (ase a"sore"eases 'i5 %ro5 (i7i" "ia i"ity is one o% t'e 5ost serio#s %"a6s in t'e

    'i"ippine "e a" syste5. *t 'as i7en rise to n#5 er"ess instan(es o%5is(arria e o% #sti(e, 6'ere t'e a( #itta" 6as d#e to a reasona "edo# t in t'e 5ind o% t'e (o#rt as to t'e #i"t o% t'e a((#sed. &'ereasonin %o""o6ed is t'at inas5#(' as t'e (i7i" responsi i"ity is deri7ed%ro5 t'e (ri5ina" o%%ense, 6'en t'e "atter is not pro7ed, (i7i" "ia i"ity

    (annot e de5anded.I&'is is one o% t'ose (ases 6'ere (on%#sed t'inFin "eads to #n%ort#nateand dep"ora "e (onse #en(es. #(' reasonin %ai"s to dra6 a ("ear "ineo% de5ar(ation et6een (ri5ina" "ia i"ity and (i7i" responsi i"ity, and todeter5ine t'e "o i(a" res#"t o% t'e distin(tion. &'e t6o "ia i"ities areseparate and distin(t %ro5 ea(' ot'er, ne a%%e(ts t'e so(ia" order andt'e ot'er, pri7ate ri 'ts. ne is %or t'e p#nis'5ent or (orre(tion o% t'eo%%ender 6'i"e t'e ot'er is %or reparation o% da5a es s#%%ered y t'ea rie7ed party. . . . *t is #st and proper t'at, %or t'e p#rposes o% t'ei5prison5ent o% or %ine #pon t'e a((#sed, t'e o%%ense s'o#"d e pro7ed

    eyond reasona "e do# t. B#t %or t'e p#rpose o% inde5ni%yin t'e(o5p"ainin party, 6'y s'o#"d t'e o%%ense a"so e pro7ed eyondreasona "e do# t *s not t'e in7asion or 7io"ation o% e7ery pri7ate ri 'tto e pro7ed on"y y preponderan(e o% e7iden(e *s t'e ri 't o% t'ea rie7ed person any "ess pri7ate e(a#se t'e 6ron %#" a(t is a"sop#nis'a "e y t'e (ri5ina" "a6 ;Code Co55ission, pp. 4 -4D?.

    A separate (i7i" a(tion 5ay e 6arranted 6'ere additiona" %a(ts 'a7e to eesta "is'ed or 5ore e7iden(e 5#st e add#(ed or 6'ere t'e (ri5ina" (ase 'as

    een %#""y ter5inated and a separate (o5p"aint 6o#"d e #st as e%%i(a(io#s ore7en 5ore e:pedient t'an a ti5e"y re5and to t'e tria" (o#rt 6'ere t'e (ri5ina"a(tion 6as de(ided %or %#rt'er 'earin s on t'e (i7i" aspe(ts o% t'e (ase. &'eo%%ended party 5ay, o% (o#rse, ('oose to %i"e a separate a(tion. &'ese do note:ist in t'is (ase. Considerin 5oreo7er t'e de"ayss#%%ered y t'e (ase in t'etria", appe""ate, and re7ie6 sta es, it 6o#"d e #n #st to t'e (o5p"ainants in t'is(ase to re #ire at t'is ti5e a separate (i7i" a(tion to e %i"ed.

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    &2*R) )*!* * N

    [G.R. No. 1>>44 . No7e5 er 18, 199 .]

    DR. NINEVETCH CRUZ, petitioner , vs . COURT OF APPEALS and LYDIA UMALI, respondents .

    &ran #i"ino 0. Meris La6 %%i(e %or petitioner.


    )r. Nine7et(' Cr#$, petitioner 'erein, and one )r. Lina Er(i""o, t'e attendinanest'esio"o ist d#rin t'e s#r i(a" operation per%or5ed on Lydia /5a"i, 6ere('ar ed 6it' Ire(F"ess i5pr#den(e and ne "i en(e res#"tin in 'o5i(ideI %or t'edeat' o% t'e "atter. &ria" ens#ed a%ter ot' t'e petitioner and )r. Lina Er(i""op"eaded not #i"ty to t'e ('ar e. A%ter tria", a de(ision 6as rendered y t'eM#ni(ipa" &ria" Co#rt in Cities ;M&CC? o% an a "o City dis('ar in Er(i""o responsi i"ity %or t'e deat' o% /5a"i. 2o6e7er, Cr#$ 6as %o#nd #i"ty as ('ar edand 6as senten(ed to s#%%er an indeter5inate pena"ty. &'e petitioner appea"edto t'e Re iona" &ria" Co#rt, 6'i(' a%%ir5edin toto t'e de(ision o% t'e M&CC. 'e

    t'en %i"ed a petition %or re7ie6 6it' t'e Co#rt o% Appea"s #t to no a7ai", 'en(e,t'is petition %or(ertiorari assai"in t'e de(ision pro5#" ated y t'e Co#rt o% Appea"s. *n s# stan(e, t'e iss#e raised e%ore t'e #pre5e Co#rt is 6'et'er ornot t'e e7iden(e on re(ord s#pports t'e petitionerHs (on7i(tion o% t'e (ri5e o%re(F"ess i5pr#den(e res#"tin in 'o5i(ide, arisin %ro5 an a""e ed 5edi(a"5a"pra(ti(e.

    A((ordin to t'e #pre5e Co#rt, a re7ie6 o% t'e re(ords o% t'is (ase 6i"" s'o6t'e a sen(e o% any e:pert testi5ony on t'e 5atter o% t'e standard o% (aree5p"oyed y ot'er p'ysi(ians o% ood standin in t'e (ond#(t o% si5i"aroperations. E:pert testi5ony s'o#"d 'a7e een o%%ered to pro7e t'at t'e(ir(#5stan(es (ited y t'e (o#rts e"o6 are (onstit#ti7e o% (ond#(t %a""in e"o6t'e standard o% (are e5p"oyed y ot'er p'ysi(ians in ood standin 6'enper%or5in t'e sa5e operation. +'en t'e #a"i%i(ations o% a p'ysi(ian aread5itted, t'ere is an ine7ita "e pres#5ption t'at 'e taFes t'e ne(essarypre(a#tion and e5p"oys t'e est o% 'is Fno6"ed e and sFi"" in attendin to 'is("ients, #n"ess t'e (ontrary is s#%%i(ient"y esta "is'ed. &'e pres#5ption 5ay e

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    re #tted y e:pert opinion, 6'i(' is "a(Fin 'erein. etitioner, t'ere%ore, 6asa( #itted o% t'e (ri5e o% re(F"ess i5pr#den(e res#"tin in 'o5i(ide, #t s'e 6as'e"d (i7i""y "ia "e %or t'e deat' o% t'e 7i(ti5 and ordered to pay t'e 'eirs o% t'ede(eased t'e a5o#nt o% =,===.== as (i7i" "ia i"ity, 1==,===.== as 5ora"da5a es, and =,===.== as e:e5p"ary da5a es.


    1.CR*M*NAL LA+ RECKLE *M R/)ENCE ELEMEN& . &'e e"e5entsre(F"ess i5pr#den(e are ;1? t'at t'e o%%ender does or %ai"s to do an a(t ;>? t'att'e doin or t'e %ai"#re to do t'at a(t is 7o"#ntary ;3? t'at it e 6it'o#t 5a"i(e;4? t'at 5ateria" da5a e res#"ts %ro5 t'e re(F"ess i5pr#den(e and ; ? t'att'ere is ine:(#sa "e "a(F o% pre(a#tion on t'e part o% t'e o%%ender, taFin into(onsideration 'is e5p"oy5ent or o((#pation, de ree o% inte""i en(e, p'ysi(a"(ondition, and ot'er (ir(#5stan(es re ardin persons, ti5e and p"a(e.&a2*)

    >.REME)*AL LA+ E!*)ENCE &E &*M N*AL E ER& &E &*M N*N E &ABL* 2*NG &2E &AN)AR) 0 CARE *N &2E ME)*CAL R 0E&2A& &2E 2 *C*ANH C N)/C& *N &2E &REA&MEN& AN) CARE 0ABEL + /C2 &AN)AR) AB EN& *N CA E A& BAR. +'et'er or not ap'ysi(ian 'as (o55itted an Iine:(#sa "e "a(F o% pre(a#tionI in t'e treat5ent o%'is patient is to e deter5ined a((ordin to t'e standard o% (are o ser7ed yot'er 5e5 ers o% t'e pro%ession in ood standin #nder si5i"ar (ir(#5stan(es

    earin in 5ind t'e ad7an(ed state o% t'e pro%ession at t'e ti5e o% treat5ent ort'e present state o% 5edi(a" s(ien(e. *n t'e re(ent (ase o% Leoni"a Gar(ia-R#eda7. +i"%redo L. as(asio, et a" ., G.R. No. 118141, epte5 er , 199 , t'is Co#rtstated t'at in a((eptin a (ase, a do(tor in e%%e(t represents t'at, 'a7in t'eneeded trainin and sFi"" possessed y p'ysi(ians and s#r eons pra(ti(in in t'esa5e %ie"d, 'e 6i"" e5p"oy s#(' trainin , (are and sFi"" in t'e treat5ent o% 'ispatients. 2e t'ere%ore 'as a d#ty to #se at "east t'e sa5e "e7e" o% (are t'at anyot'er reasona "y (o5petent do(tor 6o#"d #se to treat a (ondition #nder t'esa5e (ir(#5stan(es. *t is in t'is aspe(t o% 5edi(a" 5a"pra(ti(e t'at e:perttesti5ony is essentia" to esta "is' not on"y t'e standard o% (are o% t'e pro%ession

    #t a"so t'at t'e p'ysi(ianHs (ond#(t in t'e treat5ent and (are %a""s e"o6 s#('standard. 0#rt'er, inas5#(' as t'e (a#ses o% t'e in #ries in7o"7ed in 5a"pra(ti(ea(tions are deter5ina "e on"y in t'e "i 't o% s(ienti%i( Fno6"ed e, it 'as eenre(o ni$ed t'at e:pert testi5ony is #s#a""y ne(essary to s#pport t'e (on("#sionas to (a#sation. E:pert testi5ony s'o#"d 'a7e een o%%ered to pro7e t'at t'e(ir(#5stan(es (ited y t'e (o#rts e"o6 are (onstit#ti7e o% (ond#(t %a""in e"o6t'e standard o% (are e5p"oyed y ot'er p'ysi(ians in ood standin 6'en

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    per%or5in t'e sa5e operation. *t 5#st e re5e5 ered t'at 6'en t'e#a"i%i(ations o% a p'ysi(ian are ad5itted, as in t'e instant (ase, t'ere is an

    ine7ita "e pres#5ption t'at in proper (ases 'e taFes t'e ne(essary pre(a#tionand e5p"oys t'e est o% 'is Fno6"ed e and sFi"" in attendin to 'is ("ients, #n"esst'e (ontrary is s#%%i(ient"y esta "is'ed. &'is pres#5ption is re #tta "e y e:pertopinion 6'i(' is so sad"y "a(Fin in t'e (ase at en('.

    3.C*!*L LA+ )AMAGE REC !ER 0 R AN *N

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    e:e5p"ary da5a es in %a7or o% t'e 'eirs o% Lydia /5a"i are proper in t'e instant(ase.

    D E C I S I O N

    FRANCISCO, < p

    I)o(tors are prote(ted y a spe(ia" r#"e o% "a6. &'ey are not #arantorso% (are. &'ey do not e7en 6arrant a ood res#"t. &'ey are not ins#rersa ainst 5is'aps or #n#s#a" (onse #en(es. 0#rt'er5ore t'ey are not"ia "e %or 'onest 5istaFes o% #d 5ent. . . .I

    &'e present (ase a ainst petitioner is in t'e nat#re o% a 5edi(a" 5a"pra(ti(e s#it,6'i(' in si5p"est ter5s is t'e type o% ("ai5 6'i(' a 7i(ti5 'as a7ai"a "e to 'i5or 'er to redress a 6ron (o55itted y a 5edi(a" pro%essiona" 6'i(' 'as (a#sed

    odi"y 'ar5. ! *n t'is #risdi(tion, 'o6e7er, s#(' ("ai5s are 5ost o%ten ro# 'tas a (i7i" a(tion %or da5a es #nder Arti("e >1 D o% t'e Ci7i" Code," and in so5einstan(es, as a (ri5ina" (ase #nder Arti("e 3D o% t'e Re7ised ena" Code# 6it'6'i(' t'e (i7i" a(tion %or da5a es is i5p"ied"y instit#ted. *t is7ia t'e "atter typeo% a(tion t'at t'e 'eirs o% t'e de(eased so# 't redress %or t'e petitionerHsa""e ed i5pr#den(e and ne "i en(e in treatin t'e de(eased t'ere y (a#sin 'erdeat'. &'e petitioner and one )r. Lina Er(i""o 6'o 6as t'e attendinanaest'esio"o ist d#rin t'e operation o% t'e de(eased 6ere ('ar ed 6it'Ire(F"ess i5pr#den(e and ne "i en(e res#"tin to ;si(? 'o5i(ideI in anin%or5ation 6'i(' reads

    I&'at on or a o#t Mar(' >3, 1991, in t'e City o% an a "o, Rep# "i( o%t'e 'i"ippines and 6it'in t'e #risdi(tion o% t'is 2onora "e Co#rt, t'ea((#sed a o7ena5ed, ein t'en t'e attendin anaest'esio"o ist ands#r eon, respe(ti7e"y, did t'en and t'ere, in a ne "i en(e ;si(?, (are"ess,i5pr#dent, and in(o5petent 5anner, and %ai"in to s#pp"y or stores#%%i(ient pro7isions and %a(i"ities ne(essary to 5eet any and a""e:i en(ies apt to arise e%ore, d#rin and or a%ter a s#r i(a" operation(a#sin y s#(' ne "i en(e, (are"essness, i5pr#den(e, andin(o5peten(e, and (a#sin y s#(' %ai"#re, in("#din t'e "a(F o%preparation and %oresi 't needed to a7ert a tra edy, t'e #nti5e"y deat'o% said Lydia /5a"i on t'e day %o""o6in said s#r i(a" operation.I$

    &ria" ens#ed a%ter ot' t'e petitioner and )r. Lina Er(i""o p"eaded not #i"ty tot'e a o7e-5entioned ('ar e. n Mar(' 4, 1994, t'e M#ni(ipa" &ria" Co#rt in
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    Cities ;M&CC? o% an a "o City rendered a de(ision, t'e dispositi7e portion o%6'i(' is 'ere#nder #oted as %o""o6s

    I+2ERE0 RE, t'e (o#rt %inds t'e a((#sed )ra. Lina Er(i""o not #i"ty o%t'e o%%ense ('ar ed %or ins#%%i(ien(y o% e7iden(e 6'i"e 'er (o-a((#sed)ra. Nine7et(' Cr#$ is 'ere y 'e"d responsi "e %or t'e deat' o% Lydia/5a"i on Mar(' >4, 1991, and t'ere%ore #i"ty #nder Art. 3D o% t'eRe7ised ena" Code, and s'e is 'ere y senten(ed to s#%%er t'e pena"tyo% > 5ont's and 1 day i5prison5ent o% arresto 5ayor 6it' (osts.I%

    &'e petitioner appea"ed 'er (on7i(tion to t'e Re iona" &ria" Co#rt ;R&C? 6'i('a%%ir5edin toto t'e de(ision o% t'e M&CC& pro5ptin t'e petitioner to %i"e apetition %or re7ie6 6it' t'e Co#rt o% Appea"s #t to no a7ai". 2en(e t'is petition

    %or re7ie6 on (ertiorari assai"in t'e de(ision pro5#" ated y t'e Co#rt o% Appea"s on (to er >4, 199 a%%ir5in petitionerHs (on7i(tion 6it' 5odi%i(ationt'at s'e is %#rt'er dire(ted to pay t'e 'eirs o% Lydia /5a"i =,===.== asinde5nity %or 'er deat'. '

    *n s# stan(e, t'e petition ro# 't e%ore t'is Co#rt raises t'e iss#e o% 6'et'eror not petitionerHs (on7i(tion o% t'e (ri5e o% re(F"ess i5pr#den(e res#"tin in'o5i(ide, arisin %ro5 an a""e ed 5edi(a" 5a"pra(ti(e, is s#pported y t'ee7iden(e on re(ord.d(tai

    0irst t'e ante(edent %a(ts.n Mar(' >>, 1991, prose(#tion 6itness, Ro6ena /5a"i )e (a5po,

    a((o5panied 'er 5ot'er to t'e erpet#a" 2e"p C"ini( and Genera" 2ospita"sit#ated in Ba"a tas treet, an a "o City, La #na. &'ey arri7ed at t'e said'ospita" at aro#nd 4 3= in t'e a%ternoon o% t'e sa5e day.( rior to Mar(' >>,1991, Lydia 6as e:a5ined y t'e petitioner 6'o %o#nd a I5yo5aI ) in 'er#ter#s, and s('ed#"ed 'er %or a 'ystere(to5y operation on Mar(' >3,1991. Ro6ena and 'er 5ot'er s"ept in t'e ("ini( on t'e e7enin o% Mar(' >>,1991 as t'e "atter 6as to e operated on t'e ne:t day at 1 == oH("o(F in t'ea%ternoon.! A((ordin to Ro6ena, s'e noti(ed t'at t'e ("ini( 6as #ntidy and t'e6indo6 and t'e %"oor 6ere 7ery d#sty pro5ptin 'er to asF t'e attendant %or ara to 6ipe t'e 6indo6 and t'e %"oor 6it'. " Be(a#se o% t'e #ntidy state o% t'e("ini(, Ro6ena tried to pers#ade 'er 5ot'er not to pro(eed 6it' t'eoperation. # &'e %o""o6in day, e%ore 'er 5ot'er 6as 6'ee"ed into t'eoperatin roo5, Ro6ena asFed t'e petitioner i% t'e operation (o#"d epostponed. &'e petitioner (a""ed Lydia into 'er o%%i(e and t'e t6o 'ad a
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    (on7ersation. Lydia t'en in%or5ed Ro6ena t'at t'e petitioner to"d 'er t'at s'e5#st e operated on as s('ed#"ed. $

    Ro6ena and 'er ot'er re"ati7es, na5e"y 'er '#s and, 'er sister and t6o a#nts6aited o#tside t'e operatin roo5 6'i"e Lydia #nder6ent operation. +'i"e t'ey6ere 6aitin , )r. Er(i""o 6ent o#t o% t'e operatin roo5 and instr#(ted t'e5 to

    #y ta a5et a5p#"es 6'i(' Ro6enaHs sister i55ediate"y o# 't. A o#t one'o#r 'ad passed 6'en )r. Er(i""o (a5e o#t a ain t'is ti5e to asF t'e5 to #y

    "ood %or Lydia. &'ey o# 't type IAI "ood %ro5 t'e t. Gera"d B"ood BanF ant'e sa5e 6as ro# 't y t'e attendant into t'e operatin roo5. A%ter t'e "apseo% a %e6 'o#rs, t'e petitioner in%or5ed t'e5 t'at t'e operation 6as %inis'ed.&'e operatin sta%% t'en 6ent inside t'e petitionerHs ("ini( to taFe t'eir sna(Fs.

    o5e t'irty 5in#tes a%ter, Lydia 6as ro# 't o#t o% t'e operatin roo5 in astret('er and t'e petitioner asFed Ro6ena and t'e ot'er re"ati7es to #y

    additiona" "ood %or Lydia. /n%ort#nate"y, t'ey 6ere not a "e to (o5p"y 6it'petitionerHs order as t'ere 6as no 5ore type IAI "ood a7ai"a "e in t'e "oodanF. &'erea%ter, a person arri7ed to donate "ood 6'i(' 6as "ater trans%#sed to

    Lydia. Ro6ena t'en noti(ed 'er 5ot'er, 6'o 6as atta('ed to an o:y en tanF,aspin %or reat'. Apparent"y t'e o:y en s#pp"y 'ad r#n o#t and Ro6enaHs

    '#s and to et'er 6it' t'e dri7er o% t'e a((#sed 'ad to o to t'e an a "o)istri(t 2ospita" to et o:y en. Lydia 6as i7en t'e %res' s#pp"y o% o:y en assoon as it arri7ed. %B#t at aro#nd 1= == oH("o(F .M. s'e 6ent into s'o(F and'er "ood press#re dropped to D= =. LydiaHs #nsta "e (ondition ne(essitated 'ertrans%er to t'e an a "o )istri(t 2ospita" so s'e (o#"d e (onne(ted to a

    respirator and %#rt'er e:a5ined. & &'e trans%er to t'e an a "o )istri(t 2ospita"6as 6it'o#t t'e prior (onsent o% Ro6ena nor o% t'e ot'er re"ati7es present 6'o%o#nd o#t a o#t t'e intended trans%er on"y 6'en an a5 #"an(e arri7ed to taFeLydia to t'e an a "o )istri(t 2ospita". Ro6ena and 'er ot'er re"ati7es t'en

    oarded a tri(y("e and %o""o6ed t'e a5 #"an(e.'

    /pon LydiaHs arri7a" at t'e an a "o )istri(t 2ospita", s'e 6as 6'ee"ed into t'eoperatin roo5 and t'e petitioner and )r. Er(i""o re-operated on 'er e(a#set'ere 6as "ood oo$in %ro5 t'e a do5ina" in(ision.( &'e attendin p'ysi(ianss#55oned )r. Barto"o5e An e"es, 'ead o% t'e stetri(s and Gyne(o"o y)epart5ent o% t'e an a "o )istri(t 2ospita". 2o6e7er, 6'en )r. An e"esarri7ed, Lydia 6as a"ready in s'o(F and possi "y dead as 'er "ood press#re 6asa"ready = =. )r. An e"es t'en in%or5ed petitioner and )r. Er(i""o t'at t'ere 6asnot'in 'e (o#"d do to 'e"p sa7e t'e patient. !) +'i"e t'e petitioner 6as ("osint'e a do5ina" 6a"", t'e patient died. ! &'#s, on Mar(' >4, 1991, at 3 == oH("o(Fin t'e 5ornin , Lydia /5a"i 6as prono#n(ed dead. 2er deat' (erti%i(ate states
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    Is'o(FI as t'e i55ediate (a#se o% deat' and I)isse5inated *ntra7as(#"arCoa #"ation ;)*C?I as t'e ante(edent (a#se.!!

    *n (on7i(tin t'e petitioner, t'e M&CC %o#nd t'e %o""o6in (ir(#5stan(es ass#%%i(ient asis to (on("#de t'at s'e 6as indeed ne "i ent in t'e per%or5an(e o%t'e operation

    I. . . , t'e ("ini( 6as #ntidy, t'ere 6as "a(F o% pro7ision "iFe "ood ando:y en to prepare %or any (ontin en(y t'at 5i 't 'appen d#rin t'eoperation. &'e 5anner and t'e %a(t t'at t'e patient 6as ro# 't to t'e

    an a "o )istri(t 2ospita" %or reoperation indi(ates t'at t'ere 6asso5et'in 6ron in t'e 5anner in 6'i(' )ra.Cr#$ (ond#(ted t'eoperation. &'ere 6as no s'o6in t'at e%ore t'e operation, a((#sed)ra. Cr#$ 'ad (ond#(ted a (ardio p#"5onary ("earan(e or any typin o%t'e "ood o% t'e patient. *t 6as ;si(? said in 5edi(a" par"an(e t'at t'e

    It'e a do5en o% t'e person is a te5p"e o% s#rprisesI e(a#se yo# donot Fno6 t'e 6'o"e t'in t'e 5o5ent it 6as open ;si(? and s#r eon5#st e prepared %or any e7ent#a"ity t'ereo%. &'e patient ;si(? ('art6'i(' is a p# "i( do(#5ent 6as not presented e(a#se it is on"y t'eret'at 6e (o#"d deter5ine t'e (ondition o% t'e patient e%ore t'e s#r ery.&'e (o#rt a"so noti(ed in E:'. I0-1I t'at t'e sister o% t'e de(eased6is'ed to postpone t'e operation #t t'e patient 6as pre7ai"ed #pon y)ra. Cr#$ to pro(eed 6it' t'e s#r ery. &'e (o#rt %inds t'at Lydia /5a"idied e(a#se o% t'e ne "i en(e and (are"essness o% t'e s#r eon )ra.Nine7et('Cr#$ e(a#se o% "oss o% "ood d#rin t'e operation o% t'ede(eased %or e7ident #npreparedness and %or "a(F o% sFi"", t'e reason6'y t'e patient 6as ro# 't %or operation at t'e an a "o City )istri(t2ospita". As s#(', t'e s#r eon s'o#"d ans6er %or s#(' ne "i en(e. +it'respe(t to )ra. Lina Er(i""o, t'e anaest'esio"o ist, t'ere is no e7iden(e toindi(ate t'at s'e s'o#"d e 'e"d oint"y "ia "e 6it' )ra. Cr#$ 6'o a(t#a""ydid t'e operation.I !"

    &'e R&C reiterated t'e a o7e5entioned %indin s o% t'e M&CC and #p'e"d t'e"atterHs de("aration o% Iin(o5peten(y, ne "i en(e and "a(F o% %oresi 't and sFiappe""ant ;'erein petitioner? in 'and"in t'e s# e(t patient e%ore and a%ter t'eoperation.I!# And "iFe6ise a%%ir5in t'e petitionerHs (on7i(tion, t'e Co#rt o%

    Appea"s e('oed si5i"ar o ser7ations, t'#sI. . . +'i"e 6e 5ay rant t'at t'e #ntidiness and %i"t'iness o% t'e ("ini(5ay not y itse"% indi(ate ne "i en(e, it ne7ert'e"ess s'o6s t'e a sen(eo% d#e (are and s#per7ision o7er 'er s# ordinate e5p"oyees. )id t'is#nsanitary (ondition per5eate t'e operatin roo5 +ere t'e s#r i(a"instr#5ents proper"y steri"i$ed Co#"d t'e (onditions in t'e R 'a7e(ontri #ted to t'e in%e(tion o% t'e patient n"y t'e petitioner (o#"d
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    ans6er t'ese, #t s'e opted not to testi%y. &'is (o#"d on"y i7e rise tot'e pres#5ption t'at s'e 'as not'in ood to testi%y on 'er de%ense.

    Any6ay, t'e a""e ed I#n7eri%ied state5ent o% t'e prose(#tion 6itnessIre5ains #n('a""en ed and #nre #tted.

    LiFe6ise #ndisp#ted is t'e prose(#tionHs 7ersion indi(atin t'e %o""o6in%a(ts t'at t'e a((#sed asFed t'e patientHs re"ati7es to #y &a a5et(aps#"es 6'i"e t'e operation 6as a"ready in pro ress t'at a%ter an 'o#r,t'ey 6ere a"so asFed to #y type IAI "ood %or t'e patient t'at a%ter t'es#r ery, t'ey 6ere a ain asFed to pro(#re 5ore type IAI "ood, #ts#(' 6as not any5ore a7ai"a "e %ro5 t'e so#r(e t'at t'e o:y en i7ento t'e patient 6as e5pty and t'at t'e son-in-"a6 o% t'e patient,to et'er 6it' a dri7er o% t'e petitioner, 'ad to r#s' to t'e an a "o City)istri(t 2ospita" to et t'e 5#('-needed o:y en. A"" t'ese (on("#si7e"ys'o6 t'at t'e petitioner 'ad not prepared %or any #n%oreseen(ir(#5stan(es e%ore oin into t'e %irst s#r ery, 6'i(' 6as note5er en(y in nat#re, #t 6as e"e(ti7e or pre-s('ed#"ed s'e 'ad noready anti ioti(s, no prepared "ood, proper"y typed and (ross-5at('ed,and no s#%%i(ient o:y en s#pp"y.Cdpr

    Moreo7er, t'ere are a "ot o% #estions t'at Feep na in /s. +as t'epatient i7en any (ardio-p#"5onary ("earan(e, or at "east a ("earan(e yan internist, 6'i(' are standard re #ire5ents e%ore a patient iss# e(ted to s#r ery. )id t'e petitioner deter5ine as part o% t'e pre-operati7e e7a"#ation, t'e "eedin para5eters o% t'e patient, s#(' as

    "eedin ti5e and ("ottin ti5e &'ere is no s'o6in t'at t'ese 6ere

    done. &'e petitioner #st appears to 'a7e een in a '#rry to per%or5 t'eoperation, e7en as t'e %a5i"y 6anted a postpone5ent to Apri" D, 1991.7io#s"y, s'e did not prepare t'e patient neit'er did s'e et t'e

    %a5i"yHs (onsent to t'e operation. Moreo7er, s'e did not prepare a5edi(a" ('art 6it' instr#(tions %or t'e patientHs (are. *% s'e did a"" t'ese,proo% t'ereo% s'o#"d 'a7e een o%%ered. B#t t'ere is none. *ndeed,t'ese are o7er6'e"5in e7iden(e o% re(F"essness and i5pr#den(e.I!$

    &'is Co#rt, 'o6e7er, 'o"ds di%%erent"y and %inds t'e %ore oin (ir(#5stan(esins#%%i(ient to s#stain a #d 5ent o% (on7i(tion a ainst t'e petitioner %or t'e(ri5e o% re(F"ess i5pr#den(e res#"tin in 'o5i(ide. &'e e"e5ents o% re(F"essi5pr#den(e are ;1? t'at t'e o%%ender does or %ai"s to do an a(t ;>? t'at t'edoin or t'e %ai"#re to do t'at a(t is 7o"#ntary ;3? t'at it e 6it'o#t 5a"i(e ;4?t'at 5ateria" da5a e res#"ts %ro5 t'e re(F"ess i5pr#den(e and ; ? t'at t'ere isine:(#sa "e "a(F o% pre(a#tion on t'e part o% t'e o%%ender, taFin into
  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    (onsideration 'is e5p"oy5ent or o((#pation, de ree o% inte""i en(e, p'ysi(a"(ondition, and ot'er (ir(#5stan(es re ardin persons, ti5e and p"a(e.

    +'et'er or not a p'ysi(ian 'as (o55itted an Iine:(#sa "e "a(F o% pre(a#tionI int'e treat5ent o% 'is patient is to e deter5ined a((ordin to t'e standard o%(are o ser7ed y ot'er 5e5 ers o% t'e pro%ession in ood standin #ndersi5i"ar (ir(#5stan(es earin in 5ind t'e ad7an(ed state o% t'e pro%ession at t'eti5e o% treat5ent or t'e present state o% 5edi(a" s(ien(e.!% *n t'e re(ent (aseo%Leoni"a Gar(ia-R#eda 7 . +i"%red L . as(asio, et a" ., !& t'is Co#rt stated t'at ina((eptin a (ase, a do(tor in e%%e(t represents t'at, 'a7in t'e needed traininand sFi"" possessed y p'ysi(ians and s#r eons pra(ti(in in t'e sa5e %ie"d, 'e6i"" e5p"oy s#(' trainin , (are and sFi"" in t'e treat5ent o% 'is patients. 2et'ere%ore 'as a d#ty to #se at "east t'e sa5e "e7e" o% (are t'at any ot'erreasona "y (o5petent do(tor 6o#"d #se to treat a (ondition #nder t'e sa5e

    (ir(#5stan(es. *t is in t'is aspe(t o% 5edi(a" 5a"pra(ti(e t'at e:pert testi5ony isessentia" to esta "is' not on"y t'e standard o% (are o% t'e pro%ession #t a"so t'att'e p'ysi(ianHs (ond#(t in t'e treat5ent and (are %a""s e"o6 s#('standard. !' 0#rt'er, inas5#(' as t'e (a#ses o% t'e in #ries in7o"7ed in5a"pra(ti(e a(tions are deter5ina "e on"y in t'e "i 't o% s(ienti%i( Fno6"ed e, it'as een re(o ni$ed t'at e:pert testi5ony is #s#a""y ne(essary to s#pport t'e(on("#sion as to (a#sation.!(

    *55ediate"y apparent %ro5 a re7ie6 o% t'e re(ords o% t'is (ase is t'e a sen(e o% any e:pert testi5ony on t'e 5atter o% t'e standard o% (are e5p"oyed y ot'er

    p'ysi(ians o% ood standin in t'e (ond#(t o% si5i"ar operations. &'eprose(#tionHs e:pert 6itnesses in t'e persons o% )r. 0"oresto Ari$a"a and )r.Nieto a"7ador,

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    (are in t'e treat5ent o% 'is patient is, in t'e enera"ity o% (ases, a 5atter o%e:pert opinion.") &'e de%eren(e o% (o#rts to t'e e:pert opinion o% #a"i%iedp'ysi(ians ste5s %ro5 its rea"i$ation t'at t'e "atter possess #n#s#a" te('ni(a"sFi""s 6'i(' "ay5en in 5ost instan(es are in(apa "e o% inte""i ent"ye7a"#atin ." E:pert testi5ony s'o#"d 'a7e een o%%ered to pro7e t'at t'e(ir(#5stan(es (ited y t'e (o#rts e"o6 are (onstit#ti7e o% (ond#(t %a""in e"o6t'e standard o% (are e5p"oyed y ot'er p'ysi(ians in ood standin 6'enper%or5in t'e sa5e operation. *t 5#st e re5e5 ered t'at 6'en t'e

    #a"i%i(ations o% a p'ysi(ian are ad5itted, as in t'e instant (ase, t'ere is anine7ita "e pres#5ption t'at in proper (ases 'e taFes t'e ne(essary pre(a#tionand e5p"oys t'e est o% 'is Fno6"ed e and sFi"" in attendin to 'is ("ients, #n"esst'e (ontrary is s#%%i(ient"y esta "is'ed."! &'is pres#5ption is re #tta "e ye:pert opinion 6'i(' is so sad"y "a(Fin in t'e (ase at en('.

    E7en rantin ar9#endo t'at t'e inade #a(y o% t'e %a(i"ities and #ntidiness o%t'e ("ini( t'e "a(F o% pro7isions t'e %ai"#re to (ond#(t pre-operation tests on t'epatient and t'e s# se #ent trans%er o% Lydia to t'e an a "o 2ospita" and t'ereoperation per%or5ed on 'er y t'e petitioner do indi(ate, e7en 6it'o#t e:perttesti5ony, t'at petitioner 6as re(F"ess"y i5pr#dent in t'e e:er(ise o% 'er d#tiesas a s#r eon, no (o ent proo% e:ists t'at any o% t'ese (ir(#5stan(es (a#sedpetitionerHs deat'. &'#s, t'e a sen(e o% t'e %o#rt' e"e5ent o% re(F"essi5pr#den(e t'at t'e in #ry to t'e person or property 6as a (onse #en(e o% t'ere(F"ess i5pr#den(e.

    *n "iti ations in7o"7in 5edi(a" ne "i en(e, t'e p"ainti%% 'as t'e #rden o%esta "is'in appe""antHs ne "i en(e and %or a reasona "e (on("#sion o%ne "i en(e, t'ere 5#st e proo% o% rea(' o% d#ty on t'e part o% t'e s#r eonas6e"" as a (a#sa" (onne(tion o% s#(' 8rea(' and t'e res#"tin9 deat' o% 'ispatient . "" *nC'an L#9ay 7 . t . L#FeHs 2ospita", *n( ., "# 6'ere t'e attendinp'ysi(ian 6as a so"7ed o% "ia i"ity %or t'e deat' o% t'e (o5p"ainantHs 6i%e andne6 orn a y, t'is Co#rt 'e"d t'at

    I*n order t'at t'ere 5ay e a re(o7ery %or an in #ry, 'o6e7er, it 5#ste s'o6n t'at t'e Hin #ry %or 6'i(' re(o7ery is so# 't 5#st e t'e

    "e iti5ate (onse #en(e o% t'e 6ron done t'e (onne(tion et6een t'ene "i en(e and t'e in #ry 5#st e a dire(t and nat#ra" se #en(e o%e7ents, #n roFen y inter7enin e%%i(ient (a#ses.H*n ot'er 6ords, t'ene9"i9en(e 5#st 8e t'e pro:i5ate (a#se o% t'e in #ry . 0or, Hne9"i9en(e,no 5atter in 6'at it (onsists (annot (reate a ri9't o% a(tion #n"ess it ist'e pro:i5ate (a#se o% t'e in #ry (o5p"ained o% .H And Ht'e pro:i5ate(a#se o% an in #ry is t'at (a#se, 6'i(', in nat#ra" and (ontin#o#sse #en(e, #n roFen y any e%%i(ient inter7enin (a#se, prod#(es t'e
  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    in #ry, and 6it'o#t 6'i(' t'e res#"t 6o#"d not 'a7eo((#rred.HI"$ ;E5p'asis s#pp"ied.?

    )r. Ari$a"a 6'o (ond#(ted an a#topsy on t'e ody o% t'e de(eased s#55ari$ed'is %indin s as %o""o6s

    IAtty. Ca('ero

    @. o# 5entioned a o#t yo#r A#topsy Report 6'i(' 'as een 5arFed asE:'. IA-1- I. &'ere appears 'ere a si nat#re a o7e t'etype6ritten na5e 0"oresto Ari$a"a, == (.(., 5esentri( area,

    1== (.(., ri 't pe"7i( #tter
  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    sto5a(' e5pty.

    t'er 7is(era" or ans, pa"e.H,

    6i"" yo# p"ease e:p"ain t'at on ;si(? yo#r o6n "an #a e or in

    ordinary. . . . A.&'ere 6as a #ter#s 6'i(' 6as not atta('ed to t'e adne:a" str#(t#res

    na5e"y o7aries 6'i(' 6ere not present and a"so si n o% pre7io#ss#r i(a" operation and t'ere 6ere ;si(? ("otted "ood, sir.

    @.2o6 a o#t t'e o7aries and adne:a" str#(t#res

    A.&'ey are 5issin , sir.

    @. o# 5ean to say t'ere are no o7aries

    A.)#rin t'at ti5e t'ere are no o7aries, sir.

    @.And t'ere 6ere "iFe6ise si n o% s#r i(a" s#t#res

    A. es, sir.

    @.2o6 a o#t t'e intestines and 5esenteries are p"a(e ;si(? 6it' "ood("ots noted et6een t'e 5esenteri( %o"ds, 6i"" yo# p"ease e:p"ainon ;si(? t'is

    A.*n t'e peritonea" (a7ity, t'ey are 5ost"y peritonia" "ood . . .

    @.And 6'at (o#"d 'a7e (a#sed t'is "ood

    A.+e"", ordinari"y "ood is %o#nd inside t'e "ood 7esse". B"ood 6ere ;si(?o#tside as a res#"t o% t'e in #ries 6'i(' destroyed t'e inte rity o%t'e 7esse" a""o6in "ood to sip ;si(? o#t, sir.

    @.By t'e nat#re o% t'e post5orte5 %indin9s indi(ated in E:' . A-1-B, (an yo# te"" t'e (o#rt t'e (a#se o% deat'

    A. es, sir . &'e (a#se o% deat' is Gross %indin9s are (o5pati8"e 6it''e5orr'a9i( s'o(F .

    @.Can yo# te"" t'e #s 6'at (o#"d 'a7e (a#sed t'is 'e5orr'a9i( s'o(F

    A.+e"" 'e5orr'a9i( s'o(F is t'e res#"t o% 8"ood "oss .

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    @.+'at (o#"d 'a7e t'e e%%e(t o% t'at "oss o% 8"ood

    A./nattended 'e5orr'a9e, sir . "% ;E5p'asis s#pp"ied.?

    &'e %ore oin 6as (orro orated y )r. Nieto a"7ador

    I@.And 6ere yo# a "e to deter5ine t'e (a#se o% deat' y 7irt#e o% t'ee:a5ination o% t'e spe(i5en s# 5itted y )r. Ari$a"a

    A.+it'o#t Fno6"ed e o% t'e a#topsy %indin s it 6o#"d e di%%i(#"t %or 5eto deter5ine t'e (a#se o% deat', sir.

    @.2a7e yo# a"so e:a5ined t'e post 5orte5 o% )r. Ari$a"a

    A. es, sir, and y 7irt#e o% t'e a#topsy report in (onne(tion 6it' yo#rpat'o"o y report.

    @.+'at (o#"d 'a7e (a#sed t'e deat' o% t'e 7i(ti5

    A.&'is pat'o"o9i( e:a5ination are ;si(? (o5pati8"e 6it' t'e person 6'odied, sir .

    @.+i"" yo# e:p"ain to #s t'e 5eanin9 o% 'e5orr'a9i( (o5pati8"e

    A.*t 5eans t'at a person died o% 8"ood "oss . Meanin9 a person died o%non-rep"a(e5ent o% 8"ood and so t'e 7i(ti5 8e%ore s'e died t'ere

    6as s'o(F o% di5inis' o% 8"ood o% t'e (ir(#"ation . 'e died 5ostpro8a8"y 8e%ore t'e a(t#a" (o5p"ete 8"ood "oss, sir .


    *s it possi8"e do(tor t'at t'e "oss o% t'e 8"ood 6as d#e on ;si(?operation

    A.Based on 5y pat'o"o9ist %indin9, sir .

    @.+'at (o#"d 'a7e (a#sed t'is "oss o% 8"ood

    A.Many, sir . A patient 6'o 'a7e #nder9one s#r9ery . Anot'er 5ay 8e a8"ood 7esse" 5ay 8e (#t 6'i"e on operation and t'is (a#se ;si(?8"eedin9, or 5ay 8e set in t'e (o#rse o% operation, or 5ay 8e;si(? 'e died a%ter t'e operation . % (o#rse t'ere are ot'er (a#se;si(? .
  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    Atty. Ca('ero

    @.Espe(ia""y so do(tor 6'en t'ere 6as no 8"ood rep"a(e5ent

    A. es, sir .I "& ;E5p'asis s#pp"ied.?

    &'e testi5onies o% ot' do(tors esta "is' 'e5orr'a e or 'e5orr'a i( s'o(F ast'e (a#se o% deat'. 2o6e7er, as "iFe6ise testi%ied to y t'e e:pert 6itnesses inopen (o#rt, 'e5orr'a e or 'e5orr'a i( s'o(F d#rin s#r ery 5ay e (a#sed yse7era" di%%erent %a(tors. &'#s, )r. a"7adorHs e"a oration on t'e 5atter

    IAtty. as(#a"

    @.)o(tor, a5on t'e (a#ses o% 'e5orr'a e t'at yo# 5entioned yo#said t'at it (o#"d e at t'e 5o5ent o% operation 6'en one "osses

    ;si(? (ontro" o% t'e presen(e, is t'at (orre(t )#rin t'e operationt'ere is "ost ;si(? o% (ontro" o% t'e (#t 7esse"

    A. es, sir.

    @. r t'ere is a %ai"#re to "i ate a 7esse" o% (onsidera "e si$e

    A. es, sir.

    @. r e7en i% t'e 7esse" 6ere "i ated t'e Fnot 5ay 'a7e s"ipped "ater on

    A. es, sir.@. And yo# a"so 5entioned t'at it 5ay 8e possi8"e a"so to so5e ("ottin9

    de%e(t, is t'at (orre(t

    A.May 8e ;si(? .I "' ;E5p'asis s#pp"ied?.

    )e%ense 6itness, )r. B# C. Castro a"so a7e t'e %o""o6in e:pert opinion

    I@.)o(tor e7en a patient a%ter an operations ;si(? 6o#"d s#%%er'e5orr'a9e 6'at 6o#"d 8e t'e possi8"e (a#ses o% s#(''e5orr'a9e ;si(?

    A. A5on9 t'ose 6o#"d 8e 6'at 6e (a"" *ntra7as(#"ar Coa9#"ation andt'is is t'e reason %or t'e 8"eedin9, sir, 6'i(' (annot 8e pre7ented 8y anyone, it 6i"" 'appen to anyone, anyti5e and to any persons;si(?, sir .
  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    C /R&

    +'at do yo# t'inF o% t'e (a#se o% t'e "eedin , t'e (#ttin or t'eoperations done in t'e ody

    A.Not re"ated to t'is one, t'e "eedin 'ere is not re"ated to any (#ttinor operation t'at * ;si(? 'a7e done.

    @.Aside %ro5 t'e )*C 6'at (o#"d anot'er (a#ses ;si(? t'at (o#"d e t'e(a#se %or t'e 'e5orr'a e or "eedin in a patient y anoperations ;si(?

    A.*n enera" sir, i% t'ere 6as an operations ;si(? and it is possi "e t'att'e "i at#re in t'e s#t#re 6as ;si(? e(o5e ;si(? "oose, it is ;si(?

    e(o5es "oose i% pro7en.

    ::: ::: :::

    @.*% t'e person 6'o per%or5ed an a#topsy does not %ind any #nti 't;si(? ("ot ;si(? "ood 7esse" or any s#t#re t'at e(o5e ;si(? "ooset'e (a#se o% t'e "eedin (o#"d not e attri #ted to t'e %a#"t o%t'e s# e(t

    A.)e%inite"y, sir.I"( ;E5p'asis s#pp"ied.?

    A((ordin to ot' do(tors, t'e possi "e (a#ses o% 'e5orr'a e d#rin an

    operation are ;1? t'e %ai"#re o% t'e s#r eon to tie or s#t#re a (#t "ood 7esse";>? a""o6in a (#t "ood 7esse" to et o#t o% (ontro" ;3? t'e s# se #ent"oosenin o% t'e tie or s#t#re app"ied to a (#t "ood 7esse" and ;4? and a ("ottinde%e(t Fno6n as )*C. *t is si ni%i(ant to state at t'is #n(t#re t'at t'e a#topsy(ond#(ted y )r. Ari$a"a on t'e ody o% Lydia did not re7ea" any #ntied or#ns#t#red (#t "ood 7esse" nor 6as t'ere any indi(ation t'at t'e tie or s#t#re o%a (#t "ood 7esse" 'ad e(o5e "oose t'ere y (a#sin t'e 'e5orr'a e. #) 2en(et'e %o""o6in pertinent portion o% )r. Ari$a"aHs testi5ony

    I@ )o(tor, in e:a5inin t'ese str#(t#res did yo# Fno6 6'et'er t'ese

    6ere s#t#red "i at#re or p"ain "i at#re A Li at#re, sir.

    @ +e 6i"" e:p"ain t'at "ater on. )id yo# re(a"" i% t'e (#t str#(t#res 6eretied y %irst s#t#rin it and t'en tyin a Fnot or t'e tie 6as5ere"y p"a(ed aro#nd t'e (#t str#(t#re and tied
  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    A * (annot re(a"", sir.

    @ As a 5atter o% %a(t, yo# (annot re(a"" e(a#se yo# did not e7enot'ered ;si(? to e:a5ine, is t'at (orre(t

    A +e"", * ot'ered eno# ' to Fno6 t'at t'ey 6ere s#t#red, sir.@ o, t'ere%ore, )o(tor, yo# 6o#"d not Fno6 6'et'er any o% t'e (#t

    str#(t#res 6ere not s#t#red or tied neit'er 6ere yo# a "e todeter5ine 6'et'er any "oose s#t#re 6as %o#nd in t'e peritonea"(a7ity

    A * (o#"d not re(a"" any "oose s#t#red ;si(?, sir.I#

    n t'e ot'er 'and, t'e %indin s o% a"" t'ree do(tors do not pre("#de t'epro a i"ity t'at )*C (a#sed t'e 'e5orr'a e and (onse #ent"y, LydiaHs deat'.)*C 6'i(' is a ("ottin de%e(t (reates a serio#s "eedin tenden(y and 6'en5assi7e )*C o((#rs as a (o5p"i(ation o% s#r ery "ea7in ra6 s#r%a(e, 5a or'e5orr'a e o((#rs. #! And as testi%ied to y de%ense 6itness, )r. B# C. Castro,'e5orr'a e d#e to )*C I(annot e pre7ented, it 6i"" 'appen to anyone,anyti5e.I #" 2e testi%ied %#rt'er

    I@.No6, #nder t'at (ir(#5stan(e one o% t'e possi i"ity as yo#5entioned in ;si(? )*C

    A. es, sir.

    @.And yo# 5entioned t'at t'is (annot e pre7ented

    A. es, sir.

    @.Can yo# e7en predi(t i% it rea""y 'appen ;si(?

    A. ossi "e, sir.

    @.Are t'ere any spe(i%i( %indin s o% a#topsy t'at 6i"" te"" yo# 6'et'ert'is patient s#%%ered a5on s#(' t'in s as )*C

    A.+e"", * did reser7e e(a#se o% t'e (ondition o% t'e patient.

    @.No6, )o(tor yo# said t'at yo# 6ent t'ro# ' t'e re(ord o% t'ede(eased Lydia /5a"i "ooFin %or t'e ('art, t'e operated ;si(?re(ords, t'e post 5orte5 %indin s on t'e 'istop'ani( ;si(?e:a5ination ased on yo#r e:a5ination o% re(ord, do(tor, (an
  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    yo# 5ore or "ess says ;si(? 6'at part are ;si(? (on(erned (o#"d'a7e een t'e (a#sed ;si(? o% deat' o% t'is Lydia /5a"i

    A.As %ar as t'e 5edi(a" re(ord is (on(ern ;si(? t'e (a#sed ;si(? o% deat'is dessi5#"ated ;si(? *ntra !as(#"ar Coa #"ation or t'e )*C 6'i('

    res#"ted to 'e5orr'a e or "eedin s, sir.@.)o(tor ased on yo#r %indin s t'en t'ere is Fno6in ;si(? t'e do(tor

    6o#"d say 6'et'er t'e do(tor 'er ;si(? 'as een ;si(? %a#"t

    A&& . MAL!E)A

    +e 6i"" 5o7ed ;si(? to striFe o#t t'e ;si(? ased on %indin t'ey #stread t'e ('art as 6e"" as t'e ot'er re(ord.

    A&& . A C/AL

    re(ise"y ased on t'is e:a5ination.

    A&& . MAL!E)A

    Not %indin , t'ere 6as no %indin 5ade.

    C /R&

    2e is on"y readin t'e re(ord.

    A&& . A C/AL

    es, sir.

    A.No, sir, t'ere is no %a#"t on t'e part o% t'e s#r9eon, sir .I 44

    &'is Co#rt 'as no re(o#rse #t to re"y on t'e e:pert testi5onies rendered yot' prose(#tion and de%ense 6itnesses t'at s# stantiate rat'er t'an (ontradi(t

    petitionerHs a""e ation t'at t'e (a#se o% LydiaHs deat' 6as )*C 6'i(', as attestedto y an e:pert 6itness, (annot e attri #ted to t'e petitionerHs %a#"t orne "i en(e. &'e pro a i"ity t'at LydiaHs deat' 6as (a#sed y )*C 6as #nre #ttedd#rin tria" and 'as en endered in t'e 5ind o% t'is Co#rt a reasona "e do# t asto t'e petitionerHs #i"t. &'#s, 'er a( #itta" o% t'e (ri5e o% re(F"ess i5pr#den(eres#"tin in 'o5i(ide. +'i"e 6e (ondo"e 6it' t'e %a5i"y o% Lydia /5a"i, o#r 'andsare o#nd y t'e di(tates o% #sti(e and %air dea"in 6'i(' 'o"d in7io"a "e t'eri 't o% an a((#sed to e pres#5ed inno(ent #nti" pro7en #i"ty eyondreasona "e do# t. Ne7ert'e"ess, t'is Co#rt %inds t'e petitioner (i7i""y "ia "e %or t
  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    deat' o% Lydia /5a"i, %or 6'i"e a (on7i(tion o% a (ri5e re #ires proo% eyondreasona "e do# t, on"y a preponderan(e o% e7iden(e is re #ired to esta "is' (i7i""ia i"ity.#$

    &'e petitioner is a do(tor in 6'ose 'ands a patient p#ts 'is "i%e and "i5 . 0orins#%%i(ien(y o% e7iden(e t'is Co#rt 6as not a "e to render a senten(e o%(on7i(tion #t it is not "ind to t'e re(F"ess and i5pr#dent 5anner in 6'i(' t'epetitioner (arried o#t 'er d#ties. A pre(io#s "i%e 'as een "ost and t'e(ir(#5stan(es "eadin t'ereto e:a(er ated t'e rie% o% t'ose "e%t e'ind. &'e'eirs o% t'e de(eased (ontin#e to %ee" t'e "oss o% t'eir 5ot'er #p to t'e presentti5e #% and t'is Co#rt is a6are t'at no a5o#nt o% (o5passion and (o55iserationnor 6ords o% erea7e5ent (an s#%%i(e to ass#a e t'e sorro6 %e"t %or t'e "oss o%"o7ed one. Certain"y, t'e a6ard o% 5ora" and e:e5p"ary da5a es in %a7or o% t'e'eirs o% Lydia /5a"i are proper in t'e instant (ase.

    +2ERE0 RE, pre5ises (onsidered, petitioner )R. N*NE!E&C2 CR/O is 'ere y AC@/*&&E) o% t'e (ri5e o% re(F"ess i5pr#den(e res#"tin in 'o5i(ide #t isordered to pay t'e 'eirs o% t'e de(eased Lydia /5a"i t'e a5o#nt o% 0*0&&2 / AN) E ; =,===.==? as (i7i" "ia i"ity, NE 2/N)RE) &2 / AN)

    E ; 1==,===.==? as 5ora" da5a es, and 0*0& &2 / AN) E; =,===.==? as e:e5p"ary da5a es.LLpr

    Let a (opy o% t'is de(ision e %#rnis'ed to t'e ro%essiona" Re #"ationCo55ission ; RC? %or appropriate a(tion.

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    0*R & )*!* * N

    [G.R. No. 14 =3. Apri" 14, >==4.]


    D E C I S I O N


    +'en t'e a((#sed-e5p"oyee a s(onds or #5ps ai", t'e #d 5ent 5eted o#te(o5es %ina" and e:e(#tory. &'e e5p"oyer (annot de%eat t'e %ina"ity o% t'e

    #d 5ent y %i"in a noti(e o% appea" on its o6n e'a"% in t'e #ise o% asFina re7ie6 o% its s# sidiary (i7i" "ia i"ity. Bot' t'e pri5ary (i7i" "ia i"ity o% t'ea((#sed-e5p"oyee and t'e s# sidiary (i7i" "ia i"ity o% t'e e5p"oyer are (arried inone sin "e de(ision t'at 'as e(o5e %ina" and e:e(#tory.

    &'e Case

    Be%ore t'is Co#rt is a etition %or Re7ie6 #nder R#"e 4 o% t'e R#"es o% Co#rt,assai"in t'e Mar(' >9, >===! and t'e Mar(' > , >==1 " Reso"#tions o% t'e Co#rto% Appea"s ;CA? in CA-GR C! No. 939=. etitionerHs appea" %ro5 t'e #d 5eo% t'e Re iona" &ria" Co#rt ;R&C? o% an 0ernando, La /nion in Cri5ina" Case > 3 6as dis5issed in t'e %irst Reso"#tion as %o""o6s

    I+2ERE0 RE, %or a"" t'e %ore oin , t'e 5otion to dis5iss is GRAN&E)and t'e appea" is ordered )* M* E).I#

    &'e se(ond Reso"#tion denied petitionerHs Motion %or Re(onsideration.$

    &'e 0a(ts*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes
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    &'e %a(ts o% t'e (ase are s#55ari$ed y t'e CA in t'is 6ise

    I n =, 44.94 as 5edi(a" e:penses and'er "oss o% in(o5e %or 3= years at 1,===.== per 5ont',

    and t'e %#rt'er s#5 o% 1==,===.== %or 5ora" da5a MA/REEN BRENNAN, t'e s#5 o% >>9,D 4.== as 'ospita"

    e:penses, do(torHs %ees o% 1 =,===.== %or t'e ort'opedi(s#r eon, >>, ==.== %or t'e [n]e#ro"o ist, an additiona"inde5nity [o%] at "east 1 =,===.== to (o7er %#t#re(orre(tion o% de%or5ity o% 'er "i5 s, and 5ora" da5a es int'e a5o#nt o% 1,===,===.== R *E BALA< , t'e s#5 o% 3, D1.4D as 5edi(a" e:penses,>,===.== as "oss o% in(o5e, and > ,===.== as 5ora"

    da5a es &ERE *&A &AM N) NG, t'e s#5 o% 19,8==.4 as 5edi(a"e:penses, 8==.== %or "oss o% in(o5e, and > ,===.== as5ora" da5a es

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    H .to =,===.== as a(t#a"da5a es %or t'e (ost o% t'e tota""y 6re(Fed 7e'i("e to t'eo6ner o% t'e eepney, t'e a5o#nt o% >>,D98.38 as a(t#a"da5a es H

    I&'e (o#rt %#rt'er r#"ed t'at [petitioner], in t'e e7ent o% t'e inso"7en(yo% a((#sed, s'a"" e "ia "e %or t'e (i7i" "ia i"ities o% t'e a((#sed. E7ident"y,

    t'e #d 5ent a ainst a((#sed 'ad e(o5e %ina" and e:e(#tory.IAd5itted"y, a((#sed 'ad #5ped ai" and re5ained at-"ar e. *t is 6ort'5ention[in ] t'at e(tion 8, R#"e 1>4 o% t'e R#"es o% Co#rt a#t'ori$est'e dis5issa" o% appea" 6'en appe""ant #5ps ai". Co#nse" %or a((#sed,a"so ad5itted"y 'ired and pro7ided y [petitioner], %i"ed a noti(e o%appea" 6'i(' 6as denied y t'e tria" (o#rt. +e a%%ir5ed t'e denia" o%t'e noti(e o% appea" %i"ed in e'a"% o% a((#sed.

    I i5#"taneo#s"y, on A# #st D, 1994, [petitioner] %i"ed its noti(e o% appea"%ro5 t'e #d 5ent o% t'e tria" (o#rt. n Apri" >9, 199 , t'e tria" (o#rt

    a7e d#e (o#rse to [petitionerHs] noti(e o% appea". n )e(e5 er 8,1998, [petitioner] %i"ed its rie%. n )e(e5 er 9, 1998, t'e %%i(e o% t'eo"i(itor Genera" re(ei7ed [a] (opy o% [petitionerHs] rie%. n

  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    reso"#tion o% May 31, 1999. n Mar(' >, 1999, [respondent] pri7ateprose(#tor %i"ed t'e instant 5otion to dis5iss.I% ;Citations o5itted?

    R#"in9 o% t'e Co#rt o% Appea"s

    &'e CA r#"ed t'at t'e instit#tion o% a (ri5ina" (ase i5p"ied t'e instit#tion a"so o%t'e (i7i" a(tion arisin %ro5 t'e o%%ense. &'#s, on(e deter5ined in t'e (ri5ina"(ase a ainst t'e a((#sed-e5p"oyee, t'e e5p"oyerHs s# sidiary (i7i" "ia i"ity as set%ort' in Arti("e 1=3 o% t'e Re7ised ena" Code e(o5es (on("#si7e anden%or(ea "e.

    &'e appe""ate (o#rt %#rt'er 'e"d t'at to a""o6 an e5p"oyer to disp#teindependent"y t'e (i7i" "ia i"ity %i:ed in t'e (ri5ina" (ase a ainst t'e a((#sed-e5p"oyee 6o#"d e to a5end, n#""i%y or de%eat a %ina" #d 5ent. in(e t'e noti(o% appea" %i"ed y t'e a((#sed 'ad a"ready een dis5issed y t'e CA, t'en t'e

    #d 5ent o% (on7i(tion and t'e a6ard o% (i7i" "ia i"ity e(a5e %ina" ande:e(#tory. *n("#ded in t'e (i7i" "ia i"ity o% t'e a((#sed 6as t'e e5p"oyerHss# sidiary "ia i"ity.

    2en(e, t'is etition. &

    &'e *ss#es

    etitioner states t'e iss#es o% t'is (ase as %o""o6s

    IA.+'et'er or not an e5p"oyer, 6'o d#ti%#""y parti(ipated in t'e de%enseo% its a((#sed-e5p"oyee, 5ay appea" t'e #d 5ent o% (on7i(tionindependent"y o% t'e a((#sed.

    IB.+'et'er or not t'e do(trines o% A"7are$ 7 . Co#rt o% Appea"s ;1 8CRA ? and#say 7 . Adi" ;1D4 CRA 494? app"y to t'e instant (ase.I'

    &'ere is rea""y on"y one iss#e. *te5 B a o7e is 5ere"y an ad #n(t to *te5 A.

    &'e Co#rtHs R#"in9

    &'e etition 'as no 5erit.

    Main *ss#e

    ropriety o% Appea" 8y t'e E5p"oyer*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes
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    ointin o#t t'at it 'ad seasona "y %i"ed a noti(e o% appea" %ro5 t'e R&C)e(ision, petitioner (ontends t'at t'e #d 5ent o% (on7i(tion a ainst t'ea((#sed-e5p"oyee 'as not attained %ina"ity. &'e %or5er insists t'at its appea"stayed t'e %ina"ity, not6it'standin t'e %a(t t'at t'e "atter 'ad #5ped ai". *ne%%e(t, petitioner ar #es t'at its appea" taFes t'e p"a(e o% t'at o% t'e a((#sed-e5p"oyee.

    +e are not pers#aded.

    Appea"s in Cri5ina" Cases

    e(tion 1 o% R#"e 1>> o% t'e >=== Re7ised R#"es o% Cri5ina" ro(ed#re statest'#s

    IAny party 5ay appea" %ro5 a #d 5ent or %ina" order, #n"ess t'ea((#sed 6i"" e p"a(ed in do# "e eopardy.I

    C"ear"y, ot' t'e a((#sed and t'e prose(#tion 5ay appea" a (ri5ina" (ase, #tt'e o7ern5ent 5ay do so on"y i% t'e a((#sed 6o#"d not t'ere y e p"a(ed indo# "e eopardy.( 0#rt'er5ore, t'e prose(#tion (annot appea" on t'e ro#ndt'at t'e a((#sed s'o#"d 'a7e een i7en a 5ore se7ere pena"ty. ) n t'e ot'er'and, t'e o%%ended parties 5ay a"so appea" t'e #d 5ent 6it' respe(t to t'eirri 't to (i7i" "ia i"ity. *% t'e a((#sed 'as t'e ri 't to appea" t'e #d 5ent o%(on7i(tion, t'e o%%ended parties s'o#"d 'a7e t'e sa5e ri 't to appea" as 5#(' o% t'e #d 5ent as is pre #di(ia" to t'e5.

    Appea" 8y t'e A((#sed +'o ===Re7ised R#"es o% Cri5ina" ro(ed#re pro7ides

    I&'e Co#rt o% Appea"s 5ay a"so, #pon 5otion o% t'e appe""ee or5ot#proprio , dis5iss t'e appea" i% t'e appe""ant es(apes %ro5 prison or(on%ine5ent, #5ps ai" or %"ees to a %orei n (o#ntry d#rin t'ependen(y o% t'e appea".I!

    &'is r#"e is ased on t'e rationa"e t'at appe""ants "ose t'eir standin in (o#rt6'en t'ey a s(ond. /n"ess t'ey s#rrender or s# 5it to t'e (o#rtHs #risdi(tion,t'ey are dee5ed to 'a7e 6ai7ed t'eir ri 't to seeF #di(ia" re"ie%."*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes
  • 8/13/2019 Torts New Cases 2


    Moreo7er, t'is do(trine app"ies not on"y to t'e a((#sed 6'o #5ps ai" d#rint'e appea", #t a"so to one 6'o does so d#rin t'e tria". === R#"es o% Cri5ina" ro(ed#re, 6'i(' 6e #ote

    IA #d 5ent o% (on7i(tion 5ay, #pon 5otion o% t'e a((#sed, e5odi%ied or set aside e%ore it e(o5es %ina" or e%ore appea" isper%e(ted. E:(ept 6'ere t'e deat' pena"ty is i5posed, a #d 5ent

    e(o5es %ina" a%ter t'e "apse o% t'e period %or per%e(tin an appea", or

    6'en t'e senten(e 'as een partia""y or tota""y satis%ied or ser7ed, or6'en t'e a((#sed 'as 6ai7ed in 6ritin 'is ri 't to appea", or 'asapp"ied %or pro ation.I

    *n t'e (ase e%ore #s, t'e a((#sed-e5p"oyee 'as es(aped and re%#sed tos#rrender to t'e proper a#t'orities t'#s, 'e is dee5ed to 'a7e a andoned 'isappea". Conse #ent"y, t'e #d 5ent a ainst 'i5 'as e(o5e %ina" ande:e(#tory. &

    Lia8i"ity o% an E5p"oyer in a 0indin9 o% G#i"t

    Arti("e 1=> o% t'e Re7ised ena" Code states t'e s# sidiary (i7i" "ia i"ities o%innFeepers, as %o""o6s

    I*n de%a#"t o% t'e persons (ri5ina""y "ia "e, innFeepers, ta7ernFeepers,and any ot'er persons or (orporations s'a"" e (i7i""y "ia "e %or (ri5es*)+AND+date%3A%5B2004+2005%5D#footnotes

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