torn souls crystal cattabriga

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  • 7/27/2019 Torn Souls Crystal Cattabriga


  • 7/27/2019 Torn Souls Crystal Cattabriga


    Torn Souls

    By Crystal Cattabriga

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    All Rights Reserved

    is is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from

    thors imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, people, or events is purely

    ncidental. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners

    not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners

    y trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.

    is is a work of fiction. Any name, characters, places and incidents are products of the

    thors imagination, or used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblan

    actual events, locations, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental


    Copyright October 2012

    By Crystal Cattabriga


    yce Warrick Epps

    aphic Designer

    gina Wamba

    aeIDesign and Photography

    agging Rights

    y Tontillo-Stroube

  • 7/27/2019 Torn Souls Crystal Cattabriga



    is book is dedicated to all the children who have lost their lives from being bullied an

    es who will find the strength and courage to continue on.....

    e unspeakable acts of bulling can destroy a life. So many children are affected in the w

    d together we can make a difference. Lets be the change we want to see in the world.

    atthew Shepard

    /1/1976 10/12/1998

    hn Gettle

    /21/1988 04/16/2002

    an Patrick Halligan

    /18/1989 10/07/2003

    c. P. Twiggy Mohat

    /16/1990 03/29/2007

    heem Herrera

    /5/1997 04/06/2009

    oebe Prince

    /24/1994 01/14/2010

    Field Smalley

    /16/1998 05/13/2010

    er Clementi

    /19/1991 09/22/2010

    her Brown

    /03/1997 09/23/2010

    cholas Kelo Jr.

    /01/1997 02/23/2011

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    mey Rodemeyer

    /21/1997 09/18/2011

    mes Hubley

    96 10/15/2011

    arjorie Raymond

    96 11/28/2011

    lina Okwuone, Kimberly Linzeski, Brandon Bitner, Samantha Kelly, Caleb Nolt, Jamarcos

    ll, Ashley Rogers, Alexandria Moore, Harrison Brown, Justin Aaberg, Edward Collier,

    ssidy Joy Andel, Alexis Pilkington, Christian Taylor, Cody Barker, Felix Sacco, Scott Wa

    sse Buchsbaum, Jorndan Binion, Zach Harrington.

    ese are just some of the kids who have lost their lives from being bullied. Today marks a

    y. These are the days where well stand as one and be strong for each other.

    day I pledge to no longer stand and do nothing.

    day I pledge to be a voice for others.

    day I pledge to always have your back.

    day I will take this pledge and make a change in the world.


    Ive waited a long time for this, but then again so have so many other people in the worl

    so nervous, yet so excited. Today marks a moment in the world where history will be m

    I sit on my bed, I stare out my window. The sky is bluer than Ive ever seen it. The sun ning bright. I know I have to get moving, but yet I want to take it all in, so I get up off my

    d walk over to my window opening it up. While sticking my head out, I breathe in the war

    mmer air. Within seconds, my emotions take over hitting me like a ton of bricks, and I ca

    el tears start to fall. These are happy tears, so I dont care. I let them fall all the way dow

    uching my chin before wiping them away.

    Just as Im about to shut my window and find something casual, yet sophisticated to we

    ar my mother calling me from down stairs, Julia, honey, time to get up.

    I open my bedroom door so I dont have to yell, letting her know that Im up.

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    Are you going to eat breakfast first or get dressed? She asks in her sweet mom voice

    Im going to get dressed first, and then Ill be down. Is that okay or did you already ma

    y breakfast? I asked just to make sure she didnt already have my breakfast made. I ha

    ting breakfast when its cold.

    No, dear, youre fine. By the time you come down it should be done. Oh, and remembe

    ed to be out of the house and on the road in an hour, Julia.

    Okay, Mom, Ill be ready.

    After closing my bedroom door to get dressed, I walk over to my closet looking for the

    rfect outfit. Im not sure what to wear seeing I have so many clothes to choose from. Eve

    ce I was born both of my parents have seemed to do a good job spoiling me. Im pretty

    e reason why they continue to spoil me is because its their way of saying Sorry youre a

    y child. I remember when I was younger I would ask my parents if they would give me

    other or sister so I wouldnt grow up alone. Unfortunately, the only thing they gave me wa

    me excuse by saying Were sorry honey, but with both of us working we dont have time

    se another child.

    Dont get me wrong, I enjoy the finer things in life like any teenage girl, but Ive never be

    pular kid, so Ive always been on my own. Its taken me a long time to be comfortable w


    Moving my hangers back and forth I finally make a decision. I decide to grab my red an

    ack plaid skirt with my red blouse from the closet and lay them on my bed. Now comes th

    rdest part, deciding which way to wear my hair. If I put it in a ponytail, Id look too much

    childish school girl, so I decide leave it down. After brushing all the knots out of my hair, Iange into my outfit. I chose to wear flats rather than a heel knowing Ive never been goo

    lking in them. I dont want to take a chance of falling flat on my face. This will be the day

    l define who I am as a person and help define so many others. Everything has to be just


    Turning to look at my alarm clock, I realize I only have half an hour before we have to le

    ickly sliding my shoes on, I put on my gold earrings that my dad bought me on my thirtee

    thday and my silver charm bracelet that Alex bought me especially for this occasion. I ta

    e quick glance in my vanity mirror to make sure I look okay and then head on downstairse kitchen to eat breakfast. While waiting for Mom to finish making pancakes, Dad begins

    ad an article from the newspaper to me about city pollution. Even though some of the art

    d reads to me I find a bit boring, I always take the time to listen. Ive always admired bo

    y parents for who they are and for the careers they have. My mom works as a criminal

    wyer for a huge law firm and my dads a states attorney. Growing up theyve taught me

    and up for what I believe in and always be true to myself.

    Ive been blessed with such loving parents and Ive tried to apply everything theyve taug

    e into my life, but as a teenager its hard. When I was younger, the only thing I had to woout was eating all my vegetables, getting good grades, and remembering to brush my te

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    ce a day. Now that Im fifteen and in high school its a lot harder.

    Okay, guys, time to eat, Mom says while she slides the plate with the stack of pancak

    the table.

    Even though my mom works all kinds of crazy hours, she still finds time to do things with

    e. At least once a week, she takes me out for lunch and then we hit the mall to do a little

    opping. If I need help with school work she stops what shes doing just to help me. And w

    es not doing stuff with work or me, shes cooking, cleaning, and trying to spend time with

    d. I truly admire her.

    So, Julia, do you have everything you need for today? Mom asks.

    Yes, its all here in my folder.

    Isnt Alex supposed to be here? Or is he going to meet us? Dad asks.

    He said hed be here, but I dont know why he hasnt shown up yet.

    So why not call him, Mom suggests.

    I didnt want to jump the gun, so I figure Id give him five more minutes before calling. Al

    d I have been best friends for close to a year now. We attend the same school, and both

    the same grade except we have no classes together. Alex happened to help me out on m

    t day and weve been friends ever since. Neither one of us is popular in school, so we tr

    t stick together. While finishing the last of my pancakes, I hear the doorbell. It has to be

    ex, so I excuse myself from the table and rush to the door.

    Opening the door, there Alex stood. He has a huge grin on his face. I ask him why hes

    nning from ear to ear. Looking at me he says, You clean up pretty nice, Julia.

    Right back at you, I say while punching him in his arm. Now, come on!

    Alex follows me into the kitchen where Moms just finishing cleaning up and Dads puttin

    blue blazer.

    Look whos here! I say as I throw out my hands like Im showing Alex off.

    Good morning, Alex. Are you hungry? Mom asks.

    Honey, we dont have enough time. We need to leave any minute. Dad reminds her wh

    pping on his wrist watch with a smile.

    Oh, thats alright, Mrs. Stone. My mother made sure I ate before I left the house, but t

    u for offering, says Alex.

    Knowing it was just about time to leave, I could feel my hands start to sweat. My throat

    comes dry, so I decide to grab a bottle of water for the road and a couple of napkins for

    eaty hands. Looking over at Alex, I notice hes smiling at me. It kind of makes me feel


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    Whats up? Why are you smiling? I ask Alex.

    I dont want to say.

    Come on, now you have to tell me. I insisted.

    Well, Ive just never seen you look like a girly girl, thats all.

    I wasnt sure how to respond to the comment Alex had just made, so I politely smile and

    se the refrigerator door. My mom and dad tell us its time to head on out, so Alex and Iake our way out the door while I lock up behind me. The car ride is a quiet one. I think its

    cause everyones nerves are on edge. After a little over five hours in a car and two stops

    tween, we finally arrive. My dad decides to drop us off in front of the building while he pa

    e car.

    So this is it, Julia. Dont be nervous. Remember, youve got this. Its a done deal, Alex

    ys while trying to reassure me.

    Yes, honey. Youve come this far. Just remember to speak from the heart and be thanthe people whove stood behind you. Youre about to do a lot of good for others, giving

    second chance at hope, my mom says with a reassuring smile.

    I can see my dad coming around the corner making his way toward the building. He has

    ge smile plastered on his face. My dad and I have always been close, so whenever Ive

    essed or nervous hes the one that makes me feel better.

    Whats wrong, Julia? Dad asks with a sense of love and compassion.

    I know he worries about me. I also know that Im lucky to have him here by my side. Nonting him to see me a wreck, I put a smile on my face and say, Im a bit nervous and m

    nds are clammy, thats all.

    Where are the napkins you brought from the house? Alex chimes in.

    I forgot them in the car.

    Before I could ask my dad if he would go back to the car to get the napkins, he reaches

    pocket and pulls them out while saying I have you covered, Julia. With a feeling of com

    each out for the napkins, but not before reaching for Dad. I wrap my arms around him whwhispers in my ear, Im right here and Ill be with you every step of the way. I knew as

    on as he said those words my stomach would stop flipping and my nerves would calm a

    So, are we ready to head on in? Alex asked with his voice sounding a little shaky like


    Yes, lets get going. We only have a few more minutes before it starts, says Dad.

    You guys head on in. I want to take a minute if you dont mind? I ask while trying to hid

    e fact that I was still nervous and didnt want them to see.

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    hapter One

    My name is Julia Stone and this is my story. In order for you to better understand what

    ppened in my life, Ill have to go back one year ago. It all started the night I sat down at

    ner with my parents. My life had been turned upside down within the blink of an eye. I

    member it so well. Every day like clockwork we always ate dinner as a family at the sam

    e. The rule in our house has always been simple, wash before dinner and be seated at ting room table by six sharp.

    My parents have never really been strict with rules, but this one has always been set in

    one mainly because this is when we interact with each other. Both of my parents jobs ar

    manding, so its hard for them to forget about work when they come home. Their phones

    nstantly ringing and theyre always on their laptops. Seriously, what it comes down to is

    eyre married to their jobs. I swear on occasion while crossing the hall to use the bathroo

    e at night, Ive heard my dad mumble names and stuff about work in his sleep. Crazy, hu

    On this particular night Mom cooked her famous lasagna and homemade garlic bread we only usually cooks when theres a big announcement, so I had a feeling something was

    hile I sat patiently at the table wondering, I ran possibilities through my head. Pregnant, l

    ob, promotion, but no matter what I thought, I knew Id probably be wrong so I gave up.

    hile we ate both of my parents made small talk with me at the table, but there was no big

    nouncement. I started to think maybe Mom just wanted to change it up a little by making

    mething we hadnt had in a while.

    After wed finished eating, Mom cleared the table while Dad continued telling me about

    y. It wasnt until Mom came out of the kitchen with three small plates, some forks and a at I knew something was really up. I mean come on, pie?This was a set-up and I didnt l

    e feeling. When Mom was done cutting the pie and serving it, she sat down and said Hon

    ur dad and I want to talk to you. Her face was at ease while the words came out of her

    outh, so I knew that at least I wasnt in trouble.

    Sure, Im listening. Whats going on? I asked.

    Well, as you know your dad and I work very hard trying to give you all the things we ne

    d growing up. We want to be able to give you what you need, like money for college, a c

    d whatever else may come along. In order for us to give you that, your dad has decided

    ange careers.

    Looking over at Dad, I noticed he wasnt looking like himself. He had a look that Id neve

    en which had me worried, but I played it off before assuming the worse. So, Dad, you h

    new job. Thats great. What kind of job is it? I asked.

    Just as my mom was about to answer for him, he raised his head up from his plate and

    be the new states attorney in

    But before he could even finish his sentence, I rose from the table, walked over to him a

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    Yes, Mom, Im in the kitchen. I answered hoping she wasnt going to rip me a new one

    ting before dinner.

    It took her a few minutes before she entered the room. She looked exhausted. Her hair

    sted up and strands of hair had fallen to the sides of her face. As she placed one hand o

    e counter for balance, she reached down while lifting her left foot to pull her high heel off

    en the other. Then she tossed them in the doorway of the living room.

    Whew, Ive had a long day, she said while pulling the hair clip out of her hair.

    I can see. Do you want me to pour you something to drink? I asked.

    Actually, if you can just hand me a water out of the fridge, that would be great.

    As I handed her the water she looked at me and said, So, you know we need to talk a

    sterday, right? I was hoping she wasnt going to bring yesterday up until Dad came hom

    s already feeling bad for the way I reacted yesterday, that I didnt want to have to apolo

    ce. It would be a lot easier if they both were here, but I knew she was waiting for a

    sponse. Just as I was about to plead for forgiveness, Dad came walking through the doo

    Hey, Im home. Wheres everyone hiding? Dad asked.

    Were in the kitchen, dear. Mom replies.

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    hapter Two

    So how was everyones day? Dad asked not looking nearly as exhausted as my mom

    School was okay, but Mom looks like shes been through the ringer. I said with an inno

    ok on my face and a slight smile so Mom wouldnt think I was being wise.

    Yes, Ive had a long day, so I think tonight Ill order some pizza for dinner. Im too tiredok. Is that all right with you guys? Mom asked us both with a look on her face that said

    ease have mercy on me.

    Neither Dad nor I objected to her request. Knowing there werent many days that we at

    ordered in, it would be a nice change. For as long as I can remember my mom has alwa

    ken pride in cooking for us which Ive always enjoyed, but to be able to eat something gre

    ll thats heaven for me. Everything Mom usually cooks is from a book she ordered online

    led Eating Healthy and Living Longer. While I waited for the pizza to arrive, I excused

    yself from the kitchen so I could head to my room and do my homework. I didnt have muthank God. Mr. Brown my physics teacher was the only one who gave anything. Usually

    ve more homework, but all week Ive had mid-terms, so Ive been pretty lucky.

    Once I finished my paper I shoved it into my backpack and washed up for dinner. While

    ping my hands on the towel in the bathroom, I heard the doorbell ring, so I yelled, Ill get

    or. Rushing to open the door, I swung it open so fast that I scared the pizza boy, or sho

    y, hot pizza guy.

    OMG, was all I thought. Im pretty sure I stood in the doorway for at least ten seconds

    aring at what could only be a cruel trick from the heavens above. Ive seen some pizza

    ys/guys in my day and none of them came even close to this hottie. I was in such awe, th

    w his lips moving, but didnt hear anything he was saying. Oh, his lips.

    Um, excuse me; do I have the right house? You did order pizza, right?

    Oh, yes, I did. Wait, no, I didnt order the pizza. I mean, well, yes, but technically my

    other did. The words poured out of my mouth like a babbling brook. I couldnt believe wh

    idiot I sounded like.

    Standing in front of this guy that could only prove to be created by someone as powerfu

    od himself said, Its an even twenty five dollars.

    I could feel butterflies in my stomach as I looked directly into his deep blue eyes and sa

    ease excuse me; Ill be right back.

    Knowing he was watching me walk away, I tried to walk as casual as I could while stru

    xy. As soon as I turned the corner, I rushed off looking for my mom. Finding her in her

    droom talking on the phone I whisper, The pizzas here. I need some money.

    Covering the mouth piece on the phone she said, Your dad should be in the garage. As

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    m, Im on an important phone call.

    Racing through the kitchen which led to the door garage, I ran smack into my dad landin

    ht on my butt. Julia, are you alright? Dad asked while he reached out his hand to help m

    t up.

    Yes, Im alright, I just need some money. The pizzas here.

    In Gods creation, is that why you were running in the house? Youre out of breath, kid

    nt know better, Id say you were up to something. Are you? He asked.

    The word reallywas running through my head. Up to something? What did he think? I d

    ve time for fifty questions. I needed to grab the money and go. Heck, no one should ever

    ve a hot guy waiting. Dad, the money, I said reminding him with my hand out.

    Ill go get the pizzas, Julia. You just go sit down at the table.

    I knew it. Why couldnt Mom just have given me the money? Dad was taking away my o

    oment of happiness. I mean, really. No guy in my school came even close to this guy.

    owing Id probably never see him again, I needed to take one last look into his eyes. Sohout hesitation or even having control over the words that came out of my mouth, I shou

    ad, I got it.

    Julia, what has gotten into you? Dad asked with a firm tone in his voice.

    Um, nothing, I just know youve been on your feet all day at work. Just trying to be

    nsiderate, thats all.

    My eyes lit up when I saw him pull out his wallet and hand me the money saying, Here

    . Hurry before the pizza gets cold, Im starving, but dont run. So, with the money in hanckly walked out of the room only to race back to the door without Dad seeing.

    Here you go, tip and all, I said like a moron handing the money over.

    As he reached his hand out for the money, I could feel one of his fingers brush up again

    ne sending a small chill up the spine of my back. I could feel the hairs on my neck stand.

    ees were weak and it seemed like it was a hundred degrees in the house.

    I watched his lips move as he said, Here you go. Be careful, the bottom box is extreme

    t. Before I could say anything else to prolong his stay he said goodbye and just like that

    lked out of my life. I know I sound ridiculous, but he was the closest thing to a boy/man

    me across in a long time. My parents are very strict when it comes to any one in my life.

    t even allowed to date, which is a bummer, but then again there was no one in school tha

    en liked.

    After Mom finished her phone call we all sat at the dinner table and began devouring the

    za like it was going to be our last meal on earth. I knew that somewhere in the mix of

    atting back and forth, the whole moving thing was going to be brought up. I was prepare

    uch as I could be. I had finally come to realize that we were moving to New York and Id h

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    suck it up and deal with it. I think the biggest reason I felt sad to move was all the memo

    growing up in this house.

    When I was just four years old, Dad built me a tree house in the backyard. Even now be

    eenager I still go in it once in a while when we have a thunderstorm. Being able to sit an

    tch the lighting light up the sky while the thunder roars is still to this day exciting to me. T

    ere are the marks on my bedroom doorway. Mom would carve a little line every year to s

    e how much Ive grown, but my favorite would have to be when Dad made a walkway up

    e porch with cement. That was the day I stuck my tiny hands in it and he wrote my name

    side them, but I guess its time to leave all that behind and just hold onto those memories

    So, Julia, Dad said looking at me with a serious look on his face. I know yesterdays

    nversation about moving was shocking, but you do realize, that Ive already accepted the

    d I

    I didnt want Dad to think I was mad at him. Nor did I want my mom to feel the same wa

    I interrupted him saying, Really, its fine. I know that this is whats best for us. I also kn

    at you would never make a decision that you didnt think was a good one, so Im ready fo

    w York.

    The looks on both of my parents faces was priceless. I knew they were expecting me t

    ow another fit, but what I wasnt expecting was for my dad to get up from his chair, walk

    er to me and squeeze me so tight I thought he was going to crack a bone. Mom on the o

    nd was so happy that she suggested we go out for ice cream to celebrate. It was like th

    rld had stopped. Go out for ice cream? Okay, where is my mother and what have you d

    h her? I said to my mom with a smile.

    No, really, I think your mothers right. This calls for a celebration. What do you say, Jul

    d asked with a glow on his face that I hadnt seen in a long time. As much as I wasnt re

    the mood for celebrating, I agreed. When we arrived back home I said goodnight to my

    rents and headed for my bedroom. I was extremely exhausted from all the chatting my

    rents had with me about New York that I couldnt think straight. I needed to unwind, so I

    ew on my night clothes, crawled under my covers and grabbed the book I was reading f

    y nightstand.

    Whenever I need to escape from reality, I just open up a book and go wherever the sto

    kes me. Ive been hooked on this book called Wishless and its absolutely so good that I

    nt it to end. Ive always hated that about books. Eventually they come to an end. After

    ading for about an hour, I decided to call it a night. Tomorrow would be a new day and I

    uld have to start packing, so I stuck my bookmark into my book, placed it on my nightsta

    d shut off my light.

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    nt of the schools trophy case that displayed every jock, cheerleader, and even the ches

    bs trophies that had been won for our school. It wasnt until that moment when I started

    nk how nice it wouldve been if I had actually won something for the school I was about t

    ave. Ill be gone in a week and years from now nobody will even remember who I am.

    Just as I turned the corner I see Mr. Riley, the principal, wave his hand while standing in

    orway of his office as if I didnt know where it was. As I approached him he smiled at me

    d, Hello, Julia, please come in and take a seat, while pointing to a chair that was acros

    m his desk. My eyes followed him as he walked around his desk toward a tall black filing

    binet. With his back toward me he asked, So Julia, hows life been treating you?

    To be honest it took me a few seconds to answer him. I mean really, whose principal s

    ows life been treating you, to their student? Maybe he was trying to be hip. In any case

    s the less hip one. For some strange reason the words fumbled out of my mouth when I

    ally answered him back. I found myself staring at him, well actually his backside to be ex

    aring, not because I wondered what he wanted to talk to me about. No, I was staring

    cause in my head I was thinking that I had never realized how cute he was, but within

    conds I was telling myself, Gross, Julia. Whats wrong with you?While yelling at myse

    y head, the filing cabinet drawer banged to a close which startled me and I jumped.

    Oh, Im sorry, Julia. I didnt mean to scare you, Mr. Riley said with a calm tone in his


    No, its my fault. I was in my own little world, I said with a polite smile even though my

    art was beating out of my chest.

    Well then, Im sure youre wondering why I called you to my office.

    Sort of, I mean, did I do something wrong? I asked while trying to not look guilty just ise.

    Apparently he found my statement amusing. While chuckling he replied You do someth

    ong, Julia? No, youre one of my best students.

    I was shocked at what I had just heard. I didnt even think he knew who I was until toda

    uld tell by the look on his face that he knew I was taken aback by what he had said. I wa

    ver good at hiding my expressions on my face. Anyone who knows me can read me like

    ok when it comes to stuff like that, especially my parents. I felt like I needed to say thanu for the compliment.

    I appreciate the kind words, Mr. Riley. It sure does mean a lot to me.

    No need to thank me, Julia. Youre the one who deserves the recognition. It just shows

    at youre going to do something great in the world someday. You have a bright future ahe

    you. Im just sad I wont be the one handing you youre high school diploma in the next co

    years, he said with a genuine look upon his face.

    Oh, so you know Im leaving then? I asked.

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    I wasnt sure what to say to his question. Heck, I didnt think I was that obvious, but the

    ain, I apparently didnt hide things very well. And now that I knew by his smile and snicke

    at I wasnt in trouble I said, Trouble? I never thought I was in trouble. Come on, Dad, Im


    Yes, Julia, you are an angel. Youre my angel and thats why I picked you up a surprise

    You did? Where is it? I asked while smiling like I had just won the lottery. My dad has

    ways bought me the coolest gifts. I remember when I was five he bought me a Barbie dr

    use, ten different Barbie dolls, and a Barbie power wheel for Christmas. Then when I turn he bought me a huge stereo for my room, so I could only imagine what he bought me th


    Ill be right back. I have it in the garage, but you have to promise not to peek, he said

    s still his little girl. Of course, I agreed and played along to make him happy. Waiting

    xiously, I tried to think of what it could be. Maybe he finally broke down and bought me a

    o have my learners permit and Ill need one eventually. No, it cant be that. He said he w

    nging it in from the garage. Darn it! There goes that awesome idea. From the opposite s

    the door, my dad yelled, Are your eyes closed, Julia?

    Yes, Dad, theyre closed, I said with even more excitement now, knowing he was abo

    nd me an amazing gift.

    I wanted to peek so badly, but I didnt want to get caught, so I kept them closed. The

    ticipation was killing me and just as I thought my dad was going to tell me to open my ey

    said, Now, Julia, before I give you your present, I need you to promise me something.

    Yes, of course, whatever it is, I promise. Now, can I open my eyes? I pleaded.

    First, hold out your hands, he said.

    The longer it took, the more aggravated I was becoming. I just wanted to see what the

    rprise was already, but once again I played along, but not before hearing the front door

    en. Finally, I heard my dad whisper to me, Julia, open your eyes, hurry.

    Popping my eyes wide open, there in my dads hands was an IPhone. I couldnt believe

    mping off the chair, I wrapped my arms around him saying, Oh, Dad, youre the

    I know, Julia. Im the best dad, he said with a smile on his face while handing me theone.

    Hello, Im home, anyone here? Mom called out.

    Yes, dear, Julia and I are in the kitchen, Dad replied lovingly.

    Julia, hurry! Stick the phone in your pocket. Your mom doesnt know I bought you the

    one and you know how she hates it when I do something without discussing it with her fi

    I never really understood why Dad worried about Mom freaking out when he boughtmething. I mean, really, he does work hard and should be able to spend his money when

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    d picked up a phone for Julia.

    Holy crap was about the only words that kept running back and forth in my head. I waite

    her to say something like, You bought Julia a phone without discussing it with me first?

    stead, I couldnt believe what I was hearing. There was no yelling, or making my dad fee

    shouldnt have bought me a phone. Instead my mom smiled and said, Oh, good. Im gla

    u did. I was thinking about taking her this weekend to get one.

    My mouth kind of dropped open just a little. I was completely in shock and happy at the

    me time. Happy more for my dad knowing his butt wasnt about to be chewed off. By thek on Dads face he had been holding his breath just waiting. Slowly, I could see him exha

    und it to be a little bit funny.

    Im glad youre fine with it, honey. To tell you the truth, I was a bit nervous that youd b

    set that I didnt discuss it with you first, he said lovingly.

    No, this is a good thing. Moving to the city can be a bit scary. Ill feel a little bit better n

    at you have a phone, Julia. This way if you ever need me or your dad, youll be able to re

    Mom said as she tapped her hand on my arm.

    Alright, whos ready for dessert? Mom asked knowing even if Dad and I didnt have m

    om left wed still shove it down our faces.

    Is it brownies? No, wait, is it chocolate cake? I asked as my mouth began to water ev

    er I had just eaten dinner.

    No, its actually strawberry cheese cake, said Mom with a slight smile knowing that wa

    e of my favorite desserts. Well, anything Mom baked was my favorite.

    As I shoveled the last piece into my mouth I felt like I was going to puke, never mind ha

    move from the kitchen table. I knew I should have waited for my dinner to digest, but wh

    y ears heard cheese cake, it was over. Once I was finally able to move from my chair, I

    ped Mom clean up before heading up to my room. I thought it was the least I could do a

    e made such an awesome meal like always. Seeing it was Friday night, Id stay up a little

    er messing with my new phone while watching some TV. Everything was just about done

    e kitchen, so I scooted my way to my room, but not before my mom said, Julia, rememb

    t to stay up too late. We have a big day ahead of us.

    Yes, I know, Mom, I said with an uncertainty in my voice which caused her to look at m

    h both eyebrows raised.

    Packing, Julia. We will be packing all day tomorrow. Mom smiled.

    I know, Mom. Ill be up bright eyed and bushy tailed, I replied with a chuckle so she

    uldnt think I was being a wise guy.

    All right then, goodnight, dear.

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    e before I made it very far.

    Julia, let her sleep, he whispered while we stood next to the closed door to their bedro

    I wasnt sure why he was letting her sleep in. Slowly walking back into the kitchen I ask

    Mom sick or something?

    No, not exactly, sick. Its just; well you know how your mom hardly ever drinks unless a

    iday comes around, right? Before he could say anything else, I began to laugh my butt

    ickly, Dad put his hand over my mouth and said, Shhh, Julia.

    So what you are saying is that Mom has a hang over? I asked.

    Yes, she does and when she gets up you better not tease her, Dad said with a seriou

    ok on his face.

    Okay, I wont. So what can you cook for breakfast?

    Hmm, thats a good question. How about you and I go into town and eat at Flap Jack

    es? Dad asked with a smile as if to say, Please dont make me cook because I cant.

    Sounds like a plan. Let me just get changed and Ill be down in a minute.

    After enjoying a nice morning out with Dad, we headed back to the house. Mom was aw

    d dressed up like she was heading to the office. I was sure Mom said she had the week

    , but then again her job is demanding. I was sure Dad was going to be a little upset, so I

    ckly made my way to my room to get out from the line of fire. I didnt hear any bickering

    ck and forth. Instead I heard my mom say shed be back in a few hours and then the doo

    sed. Knowing it was safe to go back down stairs, I went looking for my dad to see what

    s up too.

    I headed straight for his bedroom where I saw him tossing some stuff into a box marke

    k. He did seem a little peeved. I wasnt sure if it was because of my mom leaving or if it

    cause my mom marked a box that read junk telling him to get rid of some of his stuff. I

    y mom, but sometimes she could be overbearing.

    Hey, Dad, Ill help if you want. My room is basically done, I said while patting his back

    pport. I knew he was trying not to show how upset he was. My parents hardly fought or

    ey did, they never did it in front of me.

    You dont have to, Julia. Wouldnt you rather go outside? He asked sounded like he re

    nted to be alone.

    Go outside? What am I supposed to do outside?

    Take a walk or pick flowers, he suggested even though he knew what hed just said

    unded silly.

    Sure, thats what Ill do. Run through the field and pick flowers, really, Dad? I said in a

    ayful but sarcastic tone.

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    ought I had no one, but I did, and he was right across the road.

    While reaching out, he wiped the tears that fell from my eyes and said, My child, you h

    good heart. Its alright. Ill see you again. You can come back and visit me anytime you w

    He was right. Id make sure to come back and visit him. When I arrived back home, Dad

    s sitting in the living room watching CNN and eating ice cream out of the carton. I was

    ocked because I knew Mom hated when he did that.

    Hey, Dad, whats up? I asked while waiting for Mom to come around the corner anynute with a bowl in her hand saying, Honey, please use a bowl, youre not an animal.

    No much, kid, just watching a little news. Where did you run off too? He asked even

    ough he seemed more involved with his ice cream.

    I went for a walk through Mr. Andrewss field just to get out of the house and on my wa

    ck I stopped to talk with him.

    Lifting his head he turned to me and said, Oh that was nice of you, Julia. You know, ev

    ce he lost his daughter hes been really lonely. He must have been happy to have compa

    Yes, he was. I mentioned to him that we were leaving for New York and that Im going

    ss living here. Do you think maybe sometime next year we can come back here and visit

    m? I asked hoping Dad would say yes, but then I realized he wasnt even really paying m

    ention to me. It seemed like nowadays my parents were so caught up in their jobs and

    oving to even listen to anything I said. I was going to ask where Mom was, but I was so

    gusted that I just went to bed.

    The next morning rolled around and I got ready for school. Usually, I could care less to

    , but I was actually happy to have a break from the craziness in my house. None of my

    achers bothered to give me homework knowing Friday would be my last day. A couple of

    my class asked where I was moving to and after telling them New York, they seemed lik

    ey were a little jealous. They were even asking if I could send them some pictures on the

    ones. One girl who had never even spoken a word to me and who was the head cheerle

    ve me her phone number and said, Oh, youre so lucky. Wish my parents were that coo

    ove us to NY. Heres my cell number. Send me some pics, k?

    What was going on? I thought. Now people want to talk to me? Now, I have phone num

    actually store in my phone? It didnt really matter though. I wasnt going to send pictures

    y of them. I was moving and would never see them again. I knew deep down they still co

    re less about me, they just wanted to see New York. I was sure none of them even knew

    t name never mind my last.

    The week passed by pretty fast. It was Friday and my last day at school. Every teache

    m each of my classes had hugged me and wished me luck at my new school which was

    e weird. I mean, dont get me wrong, to the average student who they had always paid

    ention to would consider it nice, but me, I just found it plain weird. The more I thought ab

    he more I thought it must be a policy. Its probably a code in the handbook for a teacher

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    iting. I reminded him so he wouldnt keep me any longer.

    Sure, I understand. Dont worry; I didnt have a long goodbye speech prepared. Just

    nted to wish you all the best and hopefully youll come back and visit, he said as he ope

    e door and walked with me out into the hall.

    Well, I dont know what the future holds for me, so I cant make any promises, but if I e

    come back, Ill make sure to stop on in, I said with a slight smile as I began to walk aw

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    hapter Eight

    After being on the road for three hours, Dad decided to stop so we could stretch our le

    d grab a bite to eat. There were a couple of restaurants to choose from, but Mom said w

    eded to just get something at through a drive-thru. Personally, I wanted to eat at the Cra

    rrel we saw, but I wasnt about to say so. Instead, Dad grabbed us a couple of value me

    m Burger King and headed back on the road.

    I found it quite funny that neither one of my parents bothered to turn on the radio while w

    ove. Instead they sat in silence like two strangers in a car. Maybe it was because Mom w

    ting Dad concentrate while he drove, or maybe they were just tired of talking to each oth

    any case, I was fine with it. I had my phone and I was just going to continue where Id le

    e other night while reading my book.

    I couldnt believe how interesting the story was becoming. I was so involved in the book

    dnt even realize we were stopping again. Had I been reading that long? I thought.

    Looking around I noticed we were just crossing into Pennsylvania. The sign on the side

    e highway read Pennsylvania Welcomes You,and had the name of their governor

    derneath it. I found it to be very plain unlike ours back home which read Ohio Welcome

    u to the Heart of it All!

    All right, everyone get out and stretch, Dad said while cracking his back, which sounde

    e it hurt.

    I was just glad to be out of the car for a few minutes. One of my legs had fallen asleep

    ad pins and needles going through my foot. I tried stomping it hoping it would go away, b

    nt. It just made it feel worse. It wasnt long before Mom was barking at us to get back i

    r so we could get to New York already.

    Dad filled up the car and we were back on the highway. There wasnt much to look at

    cept a lot of trees, so I dove back into my book. I think the best part about this story so

    e girl named Rose. Shes in love with a vampire, of course, named Christian. If I was eve

    e with a vampire I think itd have to be Eric Northman who stars in in the HBO series Tru

    ood. Id definitely let him turn me, so we could be together. After reading for another hou

    cided to rest my eyes even though I wanted to find out what had happened to Roses mo

    Julia, dear, wake up, were here. Mom said with the softest voice.

    I wasnt sure if I was dreaming or not, but then when I heard my mom tell me to get up

    ain while tapping on my leg, I knew it wasnt a dream. My eyes felt so heavy and my bod

    s hurting. Opening my eyes slowly, I couldnt see much except darkness.

    What time is it? I asked seeing as I fell asleep when it was still light out and now its d

    Ill tell you in a second, Dad said while he pulled his sleeve back to look at his watch.

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    d while making crying sounds to tease us.

    Is everything all set up, honey? Mom asked Dad.

    Yes, and while you guys were busy, I found a pizza place a couple of blocks from here

    abbed us a late dinner. By the way, the owner swore this would be the best New York pi

    ve ever had. I laughed when he said that and agreed that hes probably right seeing we

    ver eaten New York pizza before.

    Mom and I both laughed at Dads remark. I loved that my dad had a crazy sense of humat night we all sat on the floor and dug into what was the best pizza Id ever eaten. When

    re done we all called it a night. Tomorrow was a new start in a new place and I was fee

    tter already. Maybe Mom and Dad were right. Maybe change was good. I couldnt wait

    t up my room in the morning, but for now it was time to rest.

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    hapter Eleven

    After dinner I helped Mom clean up the kitchen and then decided to go relax in the tub.

    ought about reading a book while I was relaxing, but instead I figured Id just close my ey

    d drift away. The water started to get cold after being in there for a half an hour. I knew

    s still early and had nothing better to do, so I added more hot water and stayed in.

    I was so comfortable, that I had dozed off only to wake when I sunk under, swallowing

    ter and chocking. Trying to breathe as I coughed, I heard banging on the bathroom door

    y mom yelling ,Julia, are you all right? Julia, answer me!

    Catching my breath, I answered, Yes, Im okay, just dozed off. I knew that was the w

    ng to say to her. Now she was either not going to let me use the tub anymore or shed on

    ow me to fill it so high like I was a child. After climbing out, I rinsed off in the shower and

    essed. I feared shed be on the other side of the door when I opened it, and I was right.

    Are you all right, Julia? You scared me to death, Mom said as she touched my face.

    Yes, Im fine. Im sorry; I didnt mean to scare you, I said feeling bad that her hands w


    After Mom made sure I was okay, I headed into my bedroom. I was going to watch so

    , but I knew Id only be thinking about not being able to call Alex, so I just went to sleep.

    xt morning I woke up before my alarm clock went off. It was only five and I didnt really h

    get out of bed for another hour. I tried going back to sleep, but I couldnt so I climbed ou

    d and headed to the kitchen where I found my mom, of course, making breakfast.

    Good morning, Julia, Mom said. I made strawberry crepes. How many would you like

    e asked in such a cheery mood that it made me want to die. I mean really, whos that ch

    the morning? I thought.

    Dont be mad, but Im not that hungry. Ill just grab a yogurt.

    Thats fine, that just means theres more for your dad and you know how he loves thes

    I took my yogurt in the living room and turned on the TV. Flipping through the channels,

    opped at a show called Tabatha Takes Over. It seemed interesting, so I kept watching. JI was getting into it, Mom said it was time to get to school. Part of me was excited to b

    ng and another part of me wasnt. I couldnt wait to see Alex. I wanted to explain to him

    dnt call, but I was dreading my chemistry class. There was something about that girl,

    dget, which scared me. Maybe I was just being paranoid. In any case, Id try to make th

    st of it.

    Once in school, I caught up with Alex by his locker. I explained to him about my hand be

    eaty and smearing one of the numbers off. After hearing what I said, I wanted to crawl i

    e. I couldnt believe Id said sweaty. I thought he was going to laugh at me, but instead h

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    What? They didnt teach you how to talk back in Ohio? Let me guess, they only taught

    w to shovel crap on a farm, hick girl. What a waste. Lets go girls, Im bored.

    As Bridget and her little clan of friends walked away, I slammed my locker shut startling

    me of the students that were walking by me. I wanted to scream. I wanted to tell her to

    ave me alone, but I didnt. Instead, I just stood there. Hurrying out the door, I thanked Go

    at my dad was actually on time. Quickly, I tossed my backpack in the car and jumped in.

    Hey, kid, how was school? Did you learn anything new? Dad asked trying to make


    I didnt want him to know what had just happened. It was bad enough that I felt humiliat

    I knew is that I didnt want to go back to that school. Part of me felt like I was about to

    eak down and cry on the spot. If I did, Id definitely have to tell Dad what happened, so I

    ought of something else to get my mind off of it.

    School was alright. I did learn a couple of new things, but no need to bore you with it. W

    ould we both suffer? I said while trying to laugh a little so he wouldnt see my sadness.

    As soon as we arrived home, I rushed to my bedroom. I couldnt hold my tears in any

    ger, but I didnt want my parents to hear me, so I grabbed my pillow off my bed and hea

    my closet. Laying on the floor under my clothes that were hanging about me, I placed m

    ow over my face and cried until I heard my mom called my name and knock on my door.

    Julia, come out here, please.

    Ill be right there, I yelled back so she could hear me.

    Getting off the floor, I wiped my tears from my face. I knew as soon as I went out thereed see I was crying. There was no way to hide it. What was I going to do? I didnt want

    know and I hated the thought of lying to her, but I had no other choice. Making my way in

    e living room, she noticed immediately.

    Quickly jumping up from the couch and rushing over to me like I was badly injured she s

    h, honey, what happened?

    While looking down at my feet, I said, Its nothing. I just kicked the bottom of my bed a

    s walking by. It got me really good too.

    Julia, come sit on the couch and let me have a look.

    Oh, no! I wasnt thinking. I shouldve realized shed want to check to make sure I was al

    ht. As soon as I pulled off my sock, shed see nothing was wrong and that it wasnt even

    ying to think quickly, I had an idea. It was going to cause me actual pain, but it was bette

    an her finding out had I lied. Seconds before I reached the couch without her noticing, I to

    y foot and purposely kicked the corner of the coffee table while walking. The pain was so

    at I actually dropped to the floor yelling, Mother hummer.

    Julia, watch your mouth! Mom said like I had just really sworn.

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    Mom, I didnt say anything bad, but with all this pain, I should have.

    Bending down on her knees, she quickly pulled off my sock to see how bad it was. Pain

    s shooting up my leg and tears were slowly falling down the sides of my cheeks. Why d

    ome up with a better plan?

    Just tell me, how bad is it, Mom? I asked wondering if I might have broken it.

    Here sit up. Look, I think youll live. Its just really red and it will probably be bruised forek. Stay there, Ill get some ice, she said as if I had any intention to wander off anytime


    Mom propped me up on the couch, put a pillow under my foot and placed the bag of ice

    y toe. I sat there until dinner was done. I really wanted to get up and go in my room to ca

    ex, but I knew Mom would just yell at me for getting up, so I stayed. After dinner, I called

    ex. I invited him to come over after school on Friday, so he could meet my parents. In so

    y, I thought it would be good. This way Dad could see that he wasnt a bad guy.

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    mething that would bore us to death then we were good.

    When Mom handed me the movie my jaw dropped open. On the front cover was Ryan

    osling. I loved all of his movies, especially The Notebookwhich was based on a book wr

    one of my favorite authors. Trying to act all casual, I walked back into my room and han

    ex the movie saying, Mom said this was a good movie and that wed probably like it.

    Okay, I fibbed just a little, but Alex didnt have to know. While Alex and I sat on the bed

    tching the movie, I could see Dad pass by my room a couple of times. After the fourth ti

    used the movie, told Alex Id be back in a minute and headed toward the kitchen where Ms making homemade pizzas. Trying to stay as calm as I could, I leaned into Mom and sa

    an you please tell Dad to stop walking by my room. Its annoying and were not doing


    While smiling back at me she replied, Yes, Ill keep your Dad busy in the kitchen helpin


    Alex and I were able to finish the movie without Dad walking by a hundred more times,

    anks to Mom. Dinner was just about ready, so I showed Alex where the bathroom was sould wash up. While we ate, Dad stayed pretty quiet which was surprising. I was guessing

    om had something to do with that. Mom made small talk, but thankfully nothing that

    mbarrassed me. Once we finished eating dinner I asked Mom if she was okay with Alex a

    ng for a walk.

    As long as you guy are back within a half an hour I dont mind, she said waving her ha

    to tell us hurry before Dad finds out.

    Alex had lived in New York all his life, so he pretty much knew where everything was. W

    walked he pointed out different things and if there was a story about it, hed tell me. Iuldnt believe Central Park was only four blocks from my house. It was big and beautiful.

    So, what do you think? I remember you telling me how much you love reading outside.

    ink of this as your own getaway, Alex said as he pointed straight ahead toward a huge


    Oh, only if I had a book and more time, Id stay right under that tree and read until I wa

    own out, I said with such excitement.

    Youre too funny, Julia. Nobody would throw you out of the park, Alex said as he hip

    ecked me, almost making me fall.

    Oh, no, we have to hurry back. We have exactly four minutes to get back to my house

    y mom will have my head, I said panicking.

    I thought your dad was the strict one. Your mom seemed way cooler than your dad.

    Without hesitation, I grabbed hold of Alexs hand and started running back toward the

    use. Come on, hurry, I told him.

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    The whole time we were running, I could see him laughing. He just didnt get it. Yes, Da

    s strict, but Mom could be terrifying if she deemed it necessary. Once we reached the s

    topped to catch my breath. At one point I really thought I was going to pass out. I was

    ping that when I opened the house door Mom wouldnt be standing on the other side. We

    nt make it back on time, but we were only three minutes late. Looking at Alex, I told him

    very quiet and follow me as we slithered our way into my room.

    I thought we were in the clear, until I stepped into my room and jumped a foot high, yell

    h! This somehow had a chain reaction, and not only was I startled, but so was Alex whohoed me with a, Holy crap! I tried to stay straight faced while looking at Mom. I waited

    r to give me a lecture about not being on time, but instead she let out a burst of laughter

    ile pointing at Alex. Of course, I laughed too, but I stopped when I realized that Alex was

    ally laughing.

    No offense, Mrs. Stone, but you could have given me a heart attack. I mean, really, Im

    y fifteen, Id like to see my sixteenth birthday, Alex said while holding his hand across hi


    Oh, dear, I didnt mean to scare you. I was just trying to let Julia know that I see and kerything she does. I think Ive made my point. By the way, Alex your mom will be here in

    nutes, Mom said with a slight smile across her face as she walked out of the room.

    Come on, sit down. Im really sorry about that, but just feel lucky that it wasnt my dad,

    d just to remind Alex that my parents dont play around, especially when it comes to thei

    y daughter.

    So, Julia, how do you like living here? I mean, I know its only been a week, but do you

    better than where you are from?Its okay, I guess. There are two things that I love so far.

    Yeah, whats that?

    My new home is pretty awesome compared to my old house back in Ohio. My bedroo

    re is a lot bigger, I have a walk-in closet, and my bathroom is huge. I immediately starte

    nking about taking a bath when Alex left.

    So whats the second thing you love about being here? he said, obviously curious.

    Well, not actually love, but I do like, you. Youre a really good friend so far. I was real

    ng not to give him the wrong impression or lead him on. I wasnt really sure if he even lik

    e that way, but I didnt want him to develop feelings, and then find out too late that I only

    m as a friend.

    Dont worry, Julia, I get it. Were just friends, he said while reaching for my hand.

    Okay, seriously! I joked while pulling my hand away. You do understand what only

    ends means, right? Because if I didnt know any better, Id think that youre not getting w putting out there.

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    Alex didnt say anything for at least a couple of seconds. I was kind of scared that he w

    set that I wasnt interested, but Id wanted to be completely honest. A moment later he

    gan to laugh so hard I thought he was going to fall off my bed. I was really confused and

    nt understand what was so flipping funny.

    Relax, Julia, I was just messing with you this whole time. I get what youre throwing ou

    makes you feel any better, I only like you as a friend too.

    Alex, your moms here, my mom yelled from the living room.

    Well, its time for me to go. Guess Ill see you in school on Monday, Julia.

    Yep, but Ill call you later on if thats ok? I said hoping hed still want me to.

    Sure, that would be good, Alex said as he reached for his backpack from the floor. I

    ticed that the expression on his face seemed a little weird as he answered me. I wasnt s

    at had changed within a couple of minutes. Could it have been that I really did hurt his

    elings by telling him that I wasnt into him? Maybe he was just putting up a front. I was ho

    at things between us were not going to change. As Alex began to walk out of my room, Iought that maybe I should just ask him, but before I could, he turned back to look at me f


    Julia, I consider you my best friend even though we havent known each other that long

    ver really connected with anyone like I have with you. I hope you feel the same way. Tha

    ng said, I want you to know that you can come to me with anything and Ill always be the

    you. Lets make a promise never to keep anything from each other, he said while he

    ached out his hand for me to shake on it.

    I also consider you my best friend, Alex. Back home, I didnt really have anyone to han

    h and I wasnt popular so I just stayed to myself. Im thrilled to have you in my life, I

    pressed to him while I shook his hand in return.

    Mom called out to us again, Julia! Alexs mom is here. Did you hear me?

    Yes, were coming.

    Before Alex left, I had the pleasure of meeting his mom. She stood at least 511 with lo

    ack, straight hair and was absolutely beautiful. She kind of reminded me of a younger verCher. Of course, I didnt tell Alex that. Hed probably laugh at me. That night I called Alex

    chatted on the phone until Mom came in my room and told me it was time to get off and

    ady for bed. I didnt even realize how long Id been on the phone with him. It had been ov

    hour and it was now too late to even take a quick shower never mind a bath, so I just

    anged and went to sleep.

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    Why is that? I was intrigued to say the least.

    Because Kevin Bacons in it and Im sure hell look good in a uniform, Mom said with a

    ile on her face that grossed me out.

    Mom, really, thats just a little TMI. I was really wishing she never told me that.

    What the heck is TMI? she asked laughing.

    It means too much information. Now do you get it?

    Oh, sorry, Ill try to keep certain things to myself, Mom said as she winked which mad

    e even more uncomfortable.

    Dont get me wrong, I enjoy him in movies as well, but I really prefer his wife Kyra Sedg

    the show The Closer. Once dinner was over, Dad headed into his room while Mom and

    aned up the kitchen and then settled on the couch to watch the movie. Half way through

    om paused the movie, so I could get us both some tissues. I cried more than Mom whiletching the movie. We were both so mesmerized with the performance Kevin Bacon gave

    e movie was outstanding.

    Mom knew what to expect based on the description that the rental machine gave, so sh

    nt get as emotional as I did. The movie was so powerful that it even made me realize th

    y problems are minute compared to our soldiers and the many sacrifices they make.

    It was pretty late when the movie ended, so I said goodnight to Mom and headed for be

    e next morning Mom came knocking on my door telling me to get up. I wanted to sleep i

    owing it was Sunday, but Mom had made plans for us. Dad needed to get more work dosome big project that was supposed to take place in a couple of months. I wasnt sure

    actly where we were going, so I just threw on some jeans and a shirt. Once I was done

    ng to look somewhat decent, I met Mom out in the kitchen.

    Are you ready? Mom asked.

    I guess, but where are we going? Do I need to change or is this all right? I asked, but

    sumed that by the way Mom was dressed, what I was wearing was just fine. It was pret

    ange to see my mom dressed down and not in business clothes.

    No, you dont need to change. Youre fine, but you might want to bring a sweater. Whe

    re going is a surprise, so youll just have to find out when we get there. She then grabb

    r purse and headed toward the door.

    Still not knowing where we were heading, I grabbed a sweater out of my closet and

    owed Mom out the door. On the way, Mom stopped to grab both of us a Java Chocolate

    ip Frappuccino from Starbucks. I had never had Starbucks before. This could easily bec

    e of my favorite new drinks, but because of all the calories I would have to make sure I d

    n fifty pounds from drinking too many.

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    As Mom switched lanes to take the next exit, I noticed a sign that read Bronx Zoo. I k

    had an idea of where she was taking me, but I played as if I didnt know yet and planned

    t surprised when we pulled up. To tell the truth, I actually was kind of surprised. I just

    sumed she was going to take me to a mall to go shopping. As we approached the entran

    the zoo she turned to look at me. I think she was waiting for me to say something.

    I smiled as if I was shocked and said, Oh, the zoo! Wow! Talk about being surprised.

    Once we were parked, Mom suggested we stop and use the restroom before we starter tour through the zoo. I agreed with her. I thought I was going to burst from drinking all o

    y Frappuccino. In New York there are a lots of pot holes, so every time Mom hit one that

    uldnt avoid, I thought I was going to pee my pants.

    The first thing we did after Mom purchased the tickets was find the restroom. Then we

    gan walking around the zoo. This was the first time Id ever been to a zoo, so I thought it

    at. Throughout the day I took loads of pictures and by the end, I was beat. My feet were

    ing me and I couldnt wait until I got in the car so I could take my shoes off.

    When we arrived back home I asked Mom what was the plan for dinner because I was

    arving. Im not sure, Julia, maybe something quick and easy so I can rest my feet.

    I could see that she was struggling to pick up her feet as she climbed the stairs to the

    use. Luckily, Dad had a surprise for us when we entered the kitchen and it smelled so go

    Honey, you cooked dinner? Mom asked in shock seeing Dad never cooked. Quite fran

    dnt even realize he could cook.

    Yes, but Im not sure if it came out all right, so dont get mad if I jacked it up. He laughhe spoke, but I could see that he was actually a little nervous.

    Im so exhausted. I will eat just about anything and wont care how jacked up it is, Mo

    d as she hugged Dad.

    While Mom and Dad were distracted, I peeked inside the oven door to see what Dad

    tually made. It kind of smelled like lasagna, but I knew that was too complicated for Dad

    an who always sent me to make him grilled cheese sandwiches if Mom wasnt home. I st

    uldnt believe what I was staring at in the oven. Dad had somehow managed to make stu

    een peppers and it actually looked good. It didnt look like it was quite ready yet, so I figuad enough time to jump in the shower and change into some sweats before dinner. While

    abbed my clothes, I noticed I had left my phone on the bed the whole time I was out with

    om and I had missed a call from Alex. As much as I wanted to call Alex back right away,

    cided to shower first.

    I felt so much better after my shower, but my feet were still killing me. Just as I was ab

    call Alex, Dad came to my room to let me know that dinner would be done in about ten

    nutes. Before dialing I waited to see if Dad would actually walk away or if he was going

    and in the hall trying to listen in on my conversation. I was glad when he went back into thchen. He probably only left because he didnt want dinner to burn.

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    Alex sounded happy to hear from me. We swapped stories about our weekends. He to

    e how he went to his grandparents house for dinner and because they are old all they ev

    is repeat the same story from weeks that have passed. I tried not to laugh, but I found i

    funny. I told him that I had taken a lot of cool pictures from the zoo and that Mom had

    opped at Starbucks. I didnt get to talk as long as I wanted with Alex because Dad called

    come and eat.

    Mom and I were shocked, to say the least, at how well Dad did with dinner. It was actu

    od. He said he was going to also try making dessert, but he didnt want to push his luck,tead he ran out and bought a cake from a bakery called Mama Gs. After stuffing my fac

    s too full to eat cake, but made Dad promise me hed save me a slice before it was all g

    Dont worry, Julia, Ill make sure theres some cake left for you, he assured me.

    Okay. Do you want me to clear the table and load the dishwasher, Mom?

    Before my mother had a chance to answer me, my dad interjected by saying, I got it, J

    take care of it tonight. You just go rest. You have school tomorrow and I dont want you

    d falling asleep in class.

    I didnt understand what was going on with my dad. Did something happen to him while

    re gone for the day? Did aliens come and swap out his brain? Who was this man standin

    nt of me? Mom couldnt believe what she was hearing either. First dinner and now hes

    ering to clean up. He must have done something wrong, I thought.

    Honey, Mom said real slowly. Youre scaring me. What did you do?

    Nothing, I just had a relaxing day and thought Id pitch in. Youre always the one thatsancing it all, so I thought why not help my loving wife, Dad said chuckling as though he

    und Mom to be funny.

    Okay, if you say so, she said, still a little take back and quite possibly still suspicious.

    I chose to walk away before I woke up from what seemed to be a dream. There was n

    y I was going to argue with Dad. If he wanted to help Mom so I could go to bed, I was f

    h it. It took what seemed forever for me to fall asleep, but really after only twenty minute

    I was out cold.

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    hapter Fourteen

    For the next couple of weeks, Alex and I hung out almost every Friday after school. He

    uld always ride home with me and his mom would come pick him up around eight at nigh

    ere were times when we just hung out in my room and times when we hung out at the pa

    ither one of us were old enough to drive so we were limited to where we could go. I was

    ng to get used to living in New York City. There were so many avenues that if I was alonget lost, so I never went too far by myself. I loved the food here. Back home we didnt h

    od vendors on the streets. I found this to be convenient. My favorite vendors to eat from

    nos Pretzels, Marios Famous Hot dogs, Rons Corn Dogs on the Go, and a place called

    ls Philly Cheese Steaks.

    Living in New York has its disadvantages also. School was no better than the first day I

    arted. Bridget still wouldnt leave me alone. Nowadays she waits until I have to use one o

    throoms to bully me. Just last week while I was washing my hands in the ladies room, sh

    me in and started saying nasty things to me. I should have kept my mouth shut, but inste

    d, Why are you doing this? What is your problem?

    My problem is you. You need to stay away from Alex or else! she said as she splashe

    ter all over my white shirt. I didnt even bother to dry my hands, I just ran out of the

    throom. I could hear Bridget and the two mindless minions laughing. I didnt understand w

    ed have a problem with me hanging around Alex unless she liked him. I thought about as

    ex, but hed probably want to know why I was asking and I didnt want him to know anyth

    That day I had to have my mom bring me a new shirt. What I really wanted was to go h

    d cry into my pillow, but I couldnt without my parents finding out. When I called Mom sheked me what happened. I didnt want to lie, but I didnt want my mom going off on anyon

    old her that the faucet sprayed me. Im pretty sure she knew I wasnt being truthful to he

    that particular day she was busy and needed to get back to court so she didnt push the


    I had been living in New York for almost three months and Christmas was right around t

    rner. It has always been one of my favorite holidays, but not this year. Not unless someo

    uld grant me a miracle where Bridget was transferred out of my school for good. I wasn

    re how much more I could take. The only thing that kept me going was the fact that I gete Alex and hang out with him on Fridays after school.

    A couple of weeks before Christmas, Alexs mom had planned to take him shopping, so

    snt able to come over on Friday. Knowing how much it meant to both of us to be able to

    ng out, Alexs mom agreed to drop him off first thing in the morning on Saturday. Unlike m

    d, Alexs mom was cool with us hanging out. Mom had even told me that Alexs mom tho

    was good for her son and that she was glad he had a friend like me. That of course, mad

    el good.

    That night when Alex got home from going out with his mom, he called me. He talked no

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    p about how much he hated shopping and he didnt understand how girls could love it so

    uch. I was about to explain to him why girls love it so much until he said, Oh, and Julia.

    Yes, Alex.

    That was a rhetorical question. I really dont want to know. Girls are complicated enou

    d the more I find out about you girls, the more my head starts to hurt, he said.

    What are you trying to say? So, you think Im like most girls? I see how it is, I said.

    No. Uh, I didnt mean you in particular, Julia, he replied quickly, with a panicking sound

    voice as if I was mad.

    It was funny to hear him squirm on the phone. I didnt want him to know I was laughing,

    opped my face down into my pillow and laughed hysterically for a few seconds. Lost in th

    oment, I eventually heard his voice yelling out from the phone, Jewels! Can you hear me


    Quickly, I popped up. What did he just say? Did he just call me Jewels? He had never c

    e that before. I was always Julia. What did this mean? From all the chick-flicks Ive seen,ys who knick name their friends end up becoming more than that. No! No! No!

    Yep, Im here, I answered him, trying to sound cool.

    Youre not mad at me, right? You do know I was just kidding? I take it all back, he sai


    Mad at you for what?

    I had forgotten what were even talking about. The only thing that was running through mnd was the fact that I was now Jewels to him. I kept telling myself that I was overreactin

    knew we were just friends, so instead of making the knick name thing an issue, I just let


    Mad because I said youre like all the other girls. Because I know youre not at all and

    ats what I like about you.

    No, I could never be mad at you, Alex. I was just messing with you.

    Once Alex knew I was joking he calmed down a little. I wanted to break the tension whiemed to still be there, so I asked him what he had planned for tomorrow. Of course the

    ng he would say was, Its a surprise, but I can tell you to make sure you dress warm.

    After talking to Alex for a few more minutes, I hung up and decided to go to sleep know

    d be over early in the morning and I wanted to be up when he arrived. I tossed and turne

    a while. I tried so hard to fall asleep, but I couldnt. The anticipation of tomorrow was ki

    e. I thought maybe if I grabbed myself a snack Id be able to fall asleep, but it didnt help.

    cided to turn on my TV and set the timer.

    The next morning my alarm went off, but I didnt want to get up. Instead of hitting snooz

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    cidently shut the alarm off. I was all warm and cozy, until Mom came crashing in my room

    ying, Julia, Alex is here. Instantly, I jumped up and somehow fell off my bed.

    Mom quickly came over to help me get up off the floor. I was freaking out as I sat back

    y bed. Crap, Alex probably heard me fall. My elbow was pounding because I had fallen

    ectly onto my funny bone and it wasnt funny at all.

    Mom, do you think he heard? Do you think Alex knows I fell off my bed?

    Honey, I dont think so. Hes sitting in the living room watching TV. Hes a guy. He probnt hear anything except the TV, Mom said, trying to make me feel better.

    Oh, I hope so, I said, trying to convince myself that Mom was right.

    Are you all right? Do you need me to get you some ice for the elbow?

    No, Ill be okay, but I need to get dressed so can you go keep Alex company?

    Sure, Im on it, Mom said as she kissed the top of my head, and walked out of my roo

    Once I was completely dressed, I met Alex in the living room where he and Mom were

    tching a Lifetime movie. I surely wasnt expecting that, so I had to tease him a little. Aw

    t that cute. You and my mom have something in common. Do you want to just stay inste

    going out and we can all have ourselves a tea party? I asked while laughing.

    Ha-ha, Jewels, youre a comedian. This was already on when I sat down, Alex said

    fending his manhood.

    All right, kids, play nice, Mom interrupted while we were still poking fun at each other.

    You might want to put on a hat and some gloves. Its kind of cold out and with what we

    ng youll need them, Alex said with a not so innocent smile upon his face.

    I kind of had a feeling as to where we were going, but I didnt want to say anything to A

    d accidently spoil his surprise if I guessed right. It took me a few minutes to actually find

    oves seeing as I hardly ever wore any when I lived back home.

    All right, Im ready to go have some fun, I said while waving my hands in the air and th

    aking a woo-hoo noise.

    Mom and Alex didnt say anything to my remark. Instead they both looked at me with a

    ite smile and nodded. From their reactions, I knew I must have sounded and looked like

    mplete idiot. Before we arrived at what I was pretty sure was going to be the park, Alex

    topped off at the same bakery Dad went to called Mama Gs. It was actually a little farth

    an I intended to walk.

    While standing at the counter, Alex didnt even bother to ask me what I wanted. Instead

    t took it upon himself to order for me. Yes, Ill have two hot chocolates and two biscotti

    okies, please, he said to the little old woman behind the counter. It kind of made me

    comfortable. I felt like people only did that kind of stuff when they were either dating or

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    arried. When the lady handed us our hot chocolate and cookies, Alex turned and began to

    lk over to a little table that was in the corner to sit.

    What are you doing? I asked trying to not sound all weird.

    I just figured we could sit for a few minutes. Why, did you not want to sit?

    Well, I

    We can go. Its no big deal, Jewels.

    Cool, I just want to keep moving. Im excited to find out where youre taking me, I said

    ping he didnt suspect anything.

    While we walked Alex told me about this book he had. Its where he writes down the pla

    d like to go someday or the things hes like to do. Although it would probably take a lifeti

    do it all, he believes hell be able to accomplish it all before he dies. Even though I though

    e whole idea was pretty cool I had to mess with him.

    So, what youre saying is you have a diary.

    Actually, Julia, its a journal. Diaries are for girls and I know what youre doing.

    I didnt say anything, but I did smile. We were only a block from the park and I could he

    oples voices off in the distance. There was even Christmas music playing. I wanted to h

    d see what was going on. Waving my hand, I said, Come on, Alex. I want to see whats

    ng on at the park.

    I just drank all that hot chocolate, Julia. I dont want to run. Well be there in a few minu

    Please, oh, pretty please. Run with me, I begged like a child trying to get their way.

    Within a second, Alex took off laughing. Uh, he was messing with me and now I needed

    tch up to him.

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    hapter Fifteen

    Finally catching up with Alex, I stopped dead in my tracks. In front of us was the most

    autiful thing Id ever seen. My eyes lit up and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. The

    citement was overwhelming and I wanted to shout. There I stood watching children and t

    rents ice skate while Christmas music played on loud speakers throughout the park. It w

    e a dream.

    So, what do you think, Jewels? Alex asked with a smile plastered on his face.

    Its just so I said trying to express the range of emotions I was feeling.

    I know, right, Alex said while staring into my eyes.

    Shear panic started to set in. I could feel something happening and I started to sweat.

    nt want to, but I couldnt help it. I told myself not do, but I did it anyways. With my eyes

    sed tight, I took a step toward Alex and kissed him. It wasnt a long kiss. I quickly freake

    t as soon as I realized what I did. I couldnt take it back and I couldnt look at him. I was


    With my head down, looking toward the ground, I heard Alex say my name. I didnt wan

    say anything. No, I just wanted to go back in time and erase what had just happened. In

    nd I kept saying Oh, my Godover and over again. I thought about just running as fast a

    uld back to my house and locking the door, but I knew that wasnt going to change anyth

    While lifting my head up with his hand, Alex looked at me and said, Come on, Julia, let

    ve some fun.

    Thats it? I thought to myself. Maybe he didnt care or maybe I was a bad kisser. In any

    se I was sort of glad he didnt want to talk about what just happened. So, I dismissed it,

    owed him into the park. We walked around to the other side of the park to get skates fr

    y that was sitting in a booth. I had never ice skated before and I was a bit nervous. Sitti

    the bench, I pulled off one shoe while I tried getting the skate on and laced up. Alex had

    in no time.

    Because I was having a hard time, Alex knelt down in front of me and said, Here, put y

    ate on my knee, Ill tie it up for you.

    Once my skates were tied, he grabbed my hand to help me up. My legs were wobbly a

    down to the ground taking him with me. We both began to laugh. After Alex helped me

    , I slowly walked with him toward the rink as he held my hand.

    Are you ready? he asked.

    Do I look ready? I replied while my knees were knocking together.

    Youll be fine. Ill hold you the whole time and I wont let go, Alex said while smiling.

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    I took baby steps to get on the ice and slowly but surely I was doing better, that is, unti

    s split like Bambi and I fell. I was determined to get the hang of it, so I got back up with

    p of Alex and did it again. We spent most of the day there and by the end I wasnt quite

    pro, but I did eventually skate by myself.

    I couldnt wait to get the skates off. My feet were killing me. When I sat down to pull the

    , they were stuck. I couldnt seem to get them off. I really believed that were never comi

    I yanked and yanked and nothing happened. Alex laughed and said, Julia, it would help

    u untied them completely.

    Seriously, Alex, I did untie them, I said in a sarcastic tone.

    As I lifted my foot back on the bench, I noticed that I really didnt untie them all the way

    w I not only looked like an idiot, but I was feeling like one too. I waited for Alex to say

    mething, but he didnt. Instead, he scooted closer to me, helping me take them off. Once

    oes were back on, we returned the skates and headed home, but not before asking Alex

    ere was a bathroom nearby.

    Between the frigid cold weather and all the hot chocolate I had, I wasnt sure I would m

    all the way back to the house. I was never keen on using a public restroom, but I didnt s

    y other choice. Pointing to a gray building Alex said, Its straight ahead. Ill wait right her

    s tree.

    Okay, Ill be right back, I told him.

    I was terrified to know how badly the smell was going to be in the restroom, never mind

    w dirty it was, so I took a deep breath and entered. I didnt bother to look around. I just

    nted to hurry up and get out. Just as I unlocked the stall door, I heard girls laughing. Thes something strange and familiar about their voices. Fear set in. I didnt want to take any

    ances, so I slid the lock back across and peaked through the crack of the stall. I couldnt

    ieve my eyes. There Bridget stood, staring at herself in the mirror above the sink, applyi


    I decided to wait a minute or so, hoping her and her friends would leave, but as luck wo

    ve it they didnt. I knew I had no choice but to just open the door, so I did. With my head

    wn, I walked straight toward the door hoping they wouldnt notice me.

    Look who we have here, Bridget said while grabbing my arm.

    My body froze and I was afraid to look up. I was freaking out. I was alone in a bathroom

    h three girls who constantly bullied me in school and now I was stuck. I wanted to screa

    Alex would come running, but I didnt. What did this girl want from me? Did she want me

    g her to leave me alone or see me cry from fear? As I stood there and did nothing she

    ueezed my hand tighter while pulling me toward the side of the stall while the other two g

    ood in front of the bathroom door.

    What do you want? Stop! Youre hurting my arm, I shouted.

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    Taking a step back, Alex turned toward me and said, Wow, what happened to your fac

    Oh, this? Its nothing, I said pointing to my cheek. I didnt step to the side enough while

    ming out of the stall and I hit myself in the face with the door.

    Uh, well Im sorry for being so wise to you. I didnt know. We should get back to the ho

    you can put some ice on it, he said.

    Yes, I was thinking the same thing.Just one thing, Julia, now that I know youre somewhat accident prone, I suggest we w

    u in bubble wrap when we go out. This way I know youll be safe, Alex said as he nudge

    e, obviously trying to get me to laugh. I was in no laughing mood, even for Alex.

    When we finally arrived back to my house, Mom was all over me like I was dying. She

    nted to know what exactly happened. She suggested we go to the hospital for an x-ray.

    ed to explain to her that it wasnt as bad as it looked.

    Julia, are you sure you dont want to go to the hospital? she asked.

    Mom, I just banged it. I didnt break my face, relax. As I stood in front of the mirror in

    throom with Mom I pointed at my cheek and said, Look, its not even as red anymore, it

    e, I promise.

    Yes, but it does look like its bruising, she said.

    Turning to my mom, I reached for her hand and reassured her that I was going to be ju

    e. It would probably go away in a couple of days. She finally stopped nagging me. After A

    d gone home, I was so exhausted, sore, and sad that I didnt even stay up for dinner.stead, I changed out of my wet clothes, tossed on my warm night clothes and headed to

    om came in my room at dinner time, but I told her I was too tired to eat and promised to

    ttle extra for breakfast if she let me skip dinner.

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    hapter Sixteen

    Sunday morning, I woke up feeling depressed so I stayed in my bedroom most of the d

    e only time I left my room was when I needed to use the bathroom or eat something. I

    ayed curled up in my bed under my blankets and watched an all-day marathon ofThe Go

    rls. After dinner, I found the energy to take a shower before calling it a night.

    The next morning my alarm clock went off reminding me to get up for school. I didnt wa

    , not ever. I thought about telling Mom I didnt feel good so I could stay home, but then s

    ake a big deal out of it. Plus, I was pretty sure shed try dragging me to the doctors offic

    ich was the last place I wanted to spend part of my day. I knew I didnt have much of a

    oice, so I pushed myself to get dressed and headed off to school. The whole day, I walk

    ound in fear. Waiting, wondering, when Bridget would show up. The o

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