topic plants by: johnathan moposita marcos tifa jose savinon class: 610

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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By: Johnathan Moposita Marcos Tifa Jose Savinon Class: 610


The effect of the amount of fertilizer on the height of the stem of a plant .


How will the amount of fertilizer affect the height of the stem ?

If the fertilizer is supposed to help plants grow then, i think that the stem's height will grow faster and healthier because fertilizer contains nutrients that helps plants grow and prosper faster .


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Like people and other forms of animal life, plants need certain nutrients to grow and prosper. Both plants and animals must have oxygen, hydrogen and carbon, all of which can be derived from air and water. Other nutrients are not quite so omnipresent, but they are nevertheless important in the healthy growth and proper functioning of all living organisms. Just as vitamin and mineral supplements help humans get the optimal level of the nutrients they need, fertilizer performs a similar function for plants. Fertilizers---both inorganic and organic---offer varied combinations of nutrients designed especially for use with specific types of plants and in specific settings. Some nutrients are more important than others, but getting all of them helps to ensure that a plant grows as well as possible. After oxygen, hydrogen and carbon, the nutrients most critical to plant growth are the so-called primary macronutrients. These are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which can be found in virtually every brand of fertilizer on the market. Secondary macronutrients include calcium, magnesium and sulfur, which are followed in importance by micronutrients.


Independent Variable: The amount of fertilizer .

Dependent Variable: The height of the stem .

Constants: The amount of seeds .


1. 3 pots . 2. A bag of fertilizer .

3. Water .4. 3 flowers .5. A spoon .

6. Seeds .


1. fill each pot with the same amount of soil [3 pots] .2. plant the same seed in each pot .3. put no fertilizer in 1 pot .4. put 1/2 teaspoon of fertilizer in another pot .5. put 1 teaspoon of fertilizer in the last pot .6. water the plants every 2 days . 7.record data the you observed .


While observing the 3 plants for about a week and a half I noticed that the 3rd plants stem (which had 1 teaspoon of fertilizer) has grown a lot faster than the 2nd plant which had 1/2 a teaspoon of fertilizer). It grew 2 1/2 in. tall. The plant with no fertilizer grew about 2 1/4 inches tall. (Jose's data)


When i was observing the plants for about 1-2 weeks i noticed that the 3 plants were growing. The difference between the 3 plants were like about a 1/2 inch. The one with 1 teaspoon was about 3-3 1/2 inches and the one with half a teaspoon was about 2 3/4 inches and the one with no fertilizer was about 2 1/2 inches tall. ( Marcos's data )


When I was observing my 3 plants I found out that one of them was growing faster than the other two. The one that was growing faster was 3 inches tall. It had 1 teaspoon of fertilizer in it. The other one , which had 1/2 a teaspoon , was about 2 1/2 inches tall. The other one that had no fertilizer was about 2 inches tall. ( Johnathan's data )


Our hypothesis was true, according to the data we collected . Fertilizer does help plants grow faster because it has nutrients that help plants grow and prosper . Our data showed us that the plants will grow faster and taller with more nutrients .


The fertilizer does help the plant grow . The nutrients make the plant healthier and then they grow taller and faster .

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