
Post on 29-Oct-2014






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Lớp Khoa học máy tính: M11CQCK02-B

Chủ đề 1: Describe your first day at school as a child

I don't remember feeling the first day at school clearly. it was a beautiful day,

shinning and windy. My mother took me to the school by bicycle. I worn a short

and a white shirt in that day. On the way to school, my mother tenderly held my

hand and looked at me fondly. The road to school now seemed quite strange to me

although in my childhood I rambled along it so many times! The other children of

my own age, in new clothes like me, were timidly accompanied by their parents to

school. A strange and inexplicable feeling bloomed in my heart. Then I had a

feeling of worry and fear when I caught sight of the imposing and gigantic

elementary school in front of me: It looked so majestic in its new colors. The

schoolyard was packed with pupils and their parents. The old pupils were playing

with marbles or with spinning tops, running up and down, talking and laughing

merrily. The headmaster and the teachers, neatly dressed, were standing under the

school verandah. My first teacher greeted us at the door with gentle smile, and first

lession is a song name " the first day go to school"

Chủ đề 2: Your favourite hobby and why you enjoy it.

Done task

Everyone must have a hobby. And me, just like them, have one, too. It may

sound a little weird and boring for a high school student like me when I say my

hobby is actually knitting.

While other young boys and girls have many interesting hobbies such as playing

sports and cooking, I would rather sit in one place and knit. Not just because I am

lazy but when you try knitting once, you will get addicted to it. I myself do not

understand why either but after trying to knit for the first time, it got my interest. I

used to find it amazing when people can only need to use two long sticks and

some balls of wool to make a scarf or even a sweater. I have seen some

professional people knitting without even look at what they are doing. At that

time, I was actually shocked and wanted to be like them. That is why I told my

mother to buy me what is needed to knit and started to learn how to knit from her.


Lớp Khoa học máy tính: M11CQCK02-B

At first I made many mistakes but now I am can work finely with it. It was fun in

my opinion.

Knitting has many advantages and that is why I enjoy doing so much. First, if

you have a lover, you can knit a sweater or a scarf for him a her, it is more

meaningful and can save a lot of your money. Second, it helps you to improve

your concentration. While knitting, you can not advert your eyes to somewhere

else or you will make mistakes and trust me, having mistakes in knitting is really

hard to fix or even worse, you have to star from all over again, except you are a

really professional one. Last but not least, it can help to keep your hands warm in

the winter. Imagine, while knitting, you have to hold on to the wool and it can

keep the heat of your hands. With all these things, knitting has become my most

favourite hobby.

People always think that knitting is just for the old ones and waste a lot time but

I do not think so. I am just a young student but I like knitting so much that I use it

to spend my free time. Just try it once and I am sure you will love it.

Chủ đề 3: How to be happier?

Do new things.

Sometimes we get bored in our lives, because everything is the same. That

can lead to never being truly content with ourselves. Challenge yourself, try new

things. Learn new things. Learn to play the piano, watch a movie you normally

wouldn't watch. Be open to change and learning more about who you are and what

you like. We are always learning more about ourselves. We don't know everything

about us, so search for more. Try new things.

Chủ đề 4: Describe your best friend and tell why you like him or her.

Inlife everyone needs friends. To me, one of my best friend is L. 

She has black hair, a broad forehead, a straight nose and bright eyes.

 She has a kind heart and is easy to get on with everybody so she is very lovely.


Lớp Khoa học máy tính: M11CQCK02-B

She is always ready to help his weak friends in their study; as a result, lots of

friends, thanks to his whole hearted help, have become good ones.

In my relation with L, I have got precious experience: thirst for learning, patience

to overcome difficulties,and filial piety.

I am very lucky to have friends like L. I love her.

Chủ đề 5: Why is necessary to learn English?

I have learnt English when I was a school boy at primary school. At that

time learning English is not important and popular as today, so I didn’t pay more

attention or spend more time learning English

However, my thought has been changed, it is necessary to learn English the

reason that English is the international language, seen to become the second

language in Vietnam, especially when Vietnam has joined WTO or other

economical organization of the world. And a lot of multinational or joint – venture

companies, factories will be built in my country that will bring about many

working opportunities for us. If I study English well, it is so helpful for my work, I

can communicate with my colleague, foreign partners easily, I which will make

my busines group up, At the same time, I can improve my knowledge. This means,

it will be easier for me to find a good job with high working standard and salary,

and creat opportunities to promote my career path.

Tôi đã học được tiếng Anh khi tôi còn là một cậu học sinh ở trường tiểu

học. Vào thời điểm đó việc học tiếng Anh không phải là quan trọng và phổ biến

như ngày hôm nay, vì vậy tôi đã không chú ý nhiều hoặc dành nhiều thời gian học

tiếng Anh.

Tuy nhiên, tôi đã thay đổi suy nghĩ, cần thiết phải học Tiếng Anh lý do rằng

tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ quốc tế, nhìn thấy sẽ trở thành ngôn ngữ thứ hai tại Việt


Lớp Khoa học máy tính: M11CQCK02-B

Nam, đặc biệt là khi Việt Nam đã gia nhập WTO, tổ chức kinh tế trên thế giới. Và

rất nhiều công ty đa quốc gia hoặc công ty liên doanh, các nhà máy sẽ được xây

dựng ở nước tôi sẽ mang lại nhiều cơ hội việc làm cho chúng tôi. Nếu tôi học tiếng

Anh, nó là hữu ích cho công việc của tôi, tôi có thể giao tiếp với đồng nghiệp của

tôi, các đối tác nước ngoài một cách dễ dàng, tôi sẽ làm việc tại nhóm của tôi,

Đồng thời, tôi có thể nâng cao kiến thức của tôi. Điều này có nghĩa là, nó sẽ dễ

dàng hơn cho tôi để tìm một công việc tốt với tiêu chuẩn làm việc và tiền lương

cao, và tạo cơ hội để thúc đẩy con đường sự nghiệp của tôi.

Chủ Đề 6: Do you like to live in an old house or moderm flat?

I like to live in an old house. A small house is in large garden. In house,

which is warm in winter and cool in summer. There is a living room, a kitchen on

the one floor and a bathroom for each floor. There are 2 bed room on two floor .

Around house are the trees and flowers. In front of house is a small quare, a alley

go into house. There is a fishpond next to the square. I can look care some animals

in the garden as chicken, dog, …. In here, I like to live peace.

Chủ đề 7: The difference between weekend and weekday activities:

There are so many differences between weekend and weekday activities. I

have many things to do on a typical weekday. Firstly, I have to wake up at 6 am,

do exercises, take some personal activities and have breakfast. My working time

always starts at 8:30 am and ends at 5:30 pm. Luckily, my house is near my office

so that I have much time to prepare to go to work. After being stressed during

working time in the company, I have to go to university to study Master of

Information Technology course. Sometimes, it is terrible on the way to university

because of traffic jam but I still feel happy and excited of learning new things and

meeting new friends. Though I often arrive at home a bit late, I try to spend at least

one hour a day on practicing on violin. By virtue of music, I find this life beautiful

and get a balance.


Lớp Khoa học máy tính: M11CQCK02-B

As you see, my weekdays are so busy and stressful. Therefore, I definitely need to

relax at the weekend. Because I no longer live with my parents, I often visit my

countryside and have warm meals with my family. I usually go out with some

close friends to find out beautiful sight-seeing places to take romantic photos. All

of us have the same hobbies so we have many kinds of things to do together. It is

really funny and happy.

Chủ đề 8. Describe the house/flat where you live?

I am an IT engineer and I am working in Hanoi capital but my hometown is

quite far from here so I need to rend a house to live. I live with my brother's


It is placed at small alley in suburb and I have to take about 20 minutes to go to


This house has 2 floors and it is as small as possible, it is about 30 meter square.

There are one sitting-room at first floor, one bath room and one bed room at

second floor.

In the first floor we separate to 3 parts, one part for my bed and my working table,

one part for eating table, 

one part for cooking because there is no kitchen in this house. But it is not

important, I feel free and relax when I stay at home.

I love this house because I have lived here for a long time, it seems belong to me.

Of course it is not exactly!

Chủ đề 9. How could you attract tourists to your town

When visitors come to your town, replies to this question can make or break their

impression of your community. If you want visitors to come back again—and say

nice things about your town to others who might come, too—you need to have

some good answers at the ready.

That means offering things to see and do that are either unique (one of a kind) or

extraordinary (other towns might have them, but yours is better). Effective


Lớp Khoa học máy tính: M11CQCK02-B

community tourism development aims to give visitors an authentic, high-quality

experience that they will remember for a long time.

The core of assessment is an inventory of existing and potential attractions that

might draw tourists to a community. Places of natural and scenic significance

should go on the list, of course. Count things like lakes, beaches, forests, prairies,

and craggy cliffs—as well as outdoor recreational activities that can be pursued in

these natural settings.

Attractions also include intangibles, such as friendly service, a safe environment,

clean air or a unique history and/or culture. These assets are valuable–not just to

visitors but to residents, too.

Chủ đề 10: Talk about an important city in your country

Hi Mary,

How have you been recently? I am writing to tell you about Hanoi – my beautiful


I was born in Hanoi, the capital city in Vietnam, the country’s center of economy,

politics, culture and society. It’s a beautiful and modern city with a lot of high

buildings. The highest one in VN is Keangnam Tower.

Hanoi is famous for numerous rivers, lakes and mountains alongside and in the

surroundings. It’s also well-knonw for typical and seasoned place of South East

Asia with 4 seasons: fresh in Spring, a bit hot in Summer, fine in Autumn and cold

in Winter. Why don’t you soon pay a visit to Hanoi next Summer holiday? You

will taste the cool and fresh air, especially when you walk in the old streets.

Besides the comfortable weather, HN has a lot of sences of beauty. The most

popular ones in HN are peaceful lakes, for example: West Lake, Truc bach, Bay

mau…. They are the green, fresh and peaceful beauty of the capital.

Water park near West Lake is another side of sigh – seeing places with all

colourful and playful water games to play. This is really suitable place for


In conclusion, HN is green and peaceful. I hope you soon visit us, visit my Hanoi,

I will take you go to enjoy its beauty and enjoy a lot of typical delicious food in


Best wishes


Lớp Khoa học máy tính: M11CQCK02-B

Thu Huong.

Chủ đề 11: What do you think of fashion today.

I think fashion's mostly a really good thing because wearing something

fashionable makes you feel good inside. However, some fashions I really hate

because...they're ugly!! but, to be honest, it depends on the sort of person you are

because if you like to follow the crowd then you'll love fashion, but if you're more

unique then maybe not. :)

I think that fashion goes in cycles... things that used to be fashionable come back

in style later. In twenty years, I think it will be still stuck in the same loop... kind

of like the Sneetches. Whenever a lot of people start following a certain trend, then

the people who think that particular trend makes them unique want to change it...

move on to the next new thing.

This not to say that there isn't some attraction to the glitter and glam of it all... I

admire some of the comfortable styles, and as the first contributor said...

sometimes wearing something that makes you feel good about yourself matters.

Chủ đề 12: Your favorite way of relaxing

The best way to forget tired, stress in the life that do what I like and I've

always done it very good. One of my many hobbies is listening to music, when I

almost feel sad I often hear some pop or ballad music, the voices are very gentle to

help me feel relaxed, or maybe a few rock song that will help me stronger.

In addition, Playing sport is also good method, I love playing tennis, this sport is

very wonderful to train my health, it helps me feel better and stronger. 

One more hobby is go out with my friend or arrange a travel. These activities will

help you to avoid troubles, problems,... in my life so it is the best way to refresh



Lớp Khoa học máy tính: M11CQCK02-B

Chủ đề 13: What do you think of the weather in Viet Nam?

The weather in Vietnam is very special. In the North, there are four

seasons. They are: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In the spring it’s very

warm and drizzly . At that time, plants grow very quickly. In the summer, the

weather becomes hot and wet. It’s showery. In the autumn, the weather becomes

cooler. The leaves turn yellow and there’re sudden and short showers in the

seventh lunar month. The winter is the coldest season in the year and the weather

is very arid.

Unlike the North , in the South, there’re only two seasons. They’re the rains and

the dry season. The rains lasts from April to November when There are many

tropical fruits and the showers are heavily but so quickly. the stream becomes a

raging torrent. On the contrary, the dry season starts in December and ends in

March, it’s not rainy but hot and dry ,so droughts always come.

Chủ đề 14: What forms of transport are the most suitable for cities? Why

Currently we can see that there are many kinds of transportation existed in

cities of Vietnam such as rail, tram, cars, ferries, buses, motorbikes, bicycle… In

my opinion, public transportation is the best way for citizens to travel around the

city and metro is one of them. Firstly, it is economic to use metro. Metro system is

built underground so that government can save a large amount of land from

building new roads and highways according to the development of population.

With the continuous increase of petrol/gasoline, people only spend a fraction of

what they would spend on their own to drive everywhere. Secondly, Citizens

always feel reliable, safe and comfortable. Because rail rides are always on

schedules and there is no way of traffic jam and accidents. As long as people plan

correctly, they should be able to get to their destination on time. Furthermore,

since you do not have to drive yourself, you are able to complete other activities

traveling on a metro rail including taking care of other business or homework, or

even catching up on sleep. Finally, it’s really good to build a sociable community.


Lớp Khoa học máy tính: M11CQCK02-B

Riding the rail may help you create friendships with other strangers. If you take

the same train every day from the same station, you get to know people around

you, which could foster new friendships. It's always great to meet new people and

become a part of their lives.

15. Do you think bicycle is still popular suitable for cities? Why? What are

the benefits of cycling to work?

I think bicycle will be still popular suitable for cities because when you

move in a city, the distance is rarely more than 10km. So, you can cycle when the

distance is less than 3km, otherwise, you can use electric bicycle. Besides, it has

many benefits. First, it is cheaper than other transport, except public transport. But

public transport has much inconvenience, you have to wait for the bus that goes to

the place you want, it usually takes lots of time. Evenly, in many cases, you must

change to other bus to get target. Second, because it uses electricity or human

power, so it hardly pollutes environment. The city’s air will be fresher if many

people using bicycle instead of motorbike or car. Third, you can escape traffic jam

quickly because bicycle is light weight and small, so you can wriggle out of it

easily. Also, when the road is not crowded, you can drive slow and relax when

you’re stressed. If your home is near office, you should cycle to work because you

can exercise lightly with it and will have a good spirit for working day. But

bicycle is just appropriate to people who don’t have to move too much. If you

aren’t in this group, I think you should use a motorbike or even car, if you have

enough money.

Chủ đề 16: Give some advantages and disadvantages of travelling by airplane?

1. Advantage:


Lớp Khoa học máy tính: M11CQCK02-B

That is fast, save time, fewer health effects due to long distance, easy time

control, safety, generally travel more to better serve and You can change the

seating suitable moment before boarding under the arrangement must be

notified prior to check-in staff.

The Quality personal service generally better than when traveling by

others (good seats, good personal service, personal entertainment spot on the

plane as video plus games plus drinks good beverage on airline quality ...)

Security in moving, passenger safety is guaranteed maximum, the book is

carried out quickly, through agents, or faster and more convenient through

many electronic site (eg: the highest support get tickets online)

2. Disadvantages:

That is high cost, a number of people with fear of heights may be obsessed

when going the plane and due to the take-off and landing abrupt elevation

changes, air pressure changes can ringing in the ears, pain in the ear.

Another thing is when the plane crashed is very easy to die, or even


Chủ đề 17: Which season do you like most? Why? 

There are 3 regions in Viet Nam: North Vietnam, South Vietnam and

middle Vietnam. The weather in each region is different. In North Vietnam, there

are 4 seasons: Summer, winter, spring and autumn but there are only 2 seasons in

South and middle Vietnam. I love winter because it is beautiful and the cold of

winter will make people near together. It is not too cold, so there isn't snow

in winter in Vietnam. Winter can be harsh and winter can be beautiful. We can

have glorious bright cold sunny days or fog and cloud and rain. One of the things I

love about winter is that when it gets dark so early, I like to snuggle up at home

with a big mug of hot chocolate or a cup of hot tea depending on my mood and

snuggle up with my big furry blankets to watch a great film.

Topic 18: Many people say that it is better living to eat than eating to live. Do

you agree. Give reasons to your answer.


Lớp Khoa học máy tính: M11CQCK02-B

I don’t agree with this idea. We should eat to live, not living to eat.

Frist, we will answer a question “ why do we need to eat food”. Our body need

energy for different activities and maintain the health. We must do something and

spend more energy everyday such as do exercise, walking, working, chatting,

playing, watching tv, typing the computer, learning, sleeping… and we even relax,

we also take energy. In addition, we sometimes have illnesses. The illness maybe

not dangerous. However, them make us tired, feel uncomfortable. In that time, we

need energy to resist the disease. And where is the energy taken? Food will give us

energy. The different kinds of food will provide the different nutrition. Vegetable

and fruit contain in many kinds of vitamin. Sea fishes contain in many kinds of

mineral. Sugar, meat, chocolate provide the most of energy. We must eat four

groups of food everyday to have enough nutrition. Besides, the supplement are

also necessary, some nutrients are not in the food we eat,we must be added.

Moreover, the proper diet will give us the good body and the longevity. In general,

we eat to satisfy body needs, maintain health, resist with the disease and have

enouggh energy to complete many things we like such as traveling, going to

overseas, having baby…

Next, we will answer a question “why we don’t live to eat”.

Nowaday, more and more people become obese and overweight as well as having

blood pressure, stroke,… the unproper diet and eating lots of fat food will

influence seriously for body. If we eat a lot of fast food, sugar, chocolate and drink

energy drinks such as pepsi, cocacola,…and eat less vegetable, fruit, we will be

stored many fat. If we just live to eat, we will be bored, unhappy, won’t have

ambitions, purpose. The life doesn’t make sense, we don’t create the real values of

the life. Besides, using the chemical to protect food, vegetable that make food

store some toxic. If we eat that food in long time, we will be ill, have cancer.

The life contains many interesting and mysterious things that is discovered . we

not only live to enjoy dishes but also find out interesting things in our life. We

need energy to make dreams become true by having the proper diet.

Therefor, we just eat to live, not live to eat.


Lớp Khoa học máy tính: M11CQCK02-B

Chủ Đề 19: More should be done to protect the natual features, such as lakes

and rivers, of the world. How far do you agree with this statement?

I strongly agree  with this statement.

These days, people are destroying the environment in many ways.They cut down

trees, litter garbage every where. Many rivers, lakes and oceans are being seriously

polluted because raw sewage, waste materials and chemicals come from factories

is pumped directly into the sea, rivers and lakes. people also use the dynamime or

electricity to catch fish. That cause the water pollution. I think everyone  must be

aware of protecting the environment and saving the natura features. The

Government should prohibit and fine heavily anyone who destoy the environment.

20. How would you compare your living standards to those of your


When I was a child, my grandparents had gone to the heaven. I don't

remember much about them and their living standards. At that time, more than 60

years ago, so I can guess how did they live.

About 60 years ago, my grandparents was living with a war, they had to fight to


They did not care about money, just focused to Independence and Freedom.

They loved our country more than themselves, they could die for big ideal for

Independence, for Freedom.

Now almost people in my generation, just think of themselves, and live without



Lớp Khoa học máy tính: M11CQCK02-B

About 60 years ago most of them used to go on foot or by bicycle to visit their

friends, now I use my motor-bike or car. They also didn't know about mobile

phone, now we can talk with our friend anywhere by mobile phone.

At their time, they used to listen to Vietnamese music with a old radio, they may

did not know how crazy fan is?

Now I usually listen to music by my laptop via Internet connection with any kind

of music on the world.

There was no Internet connection in their life time, they didn't know how to

connect with people all over the world.

Now we have a big social network and it is very interesting.

There are too much different things!!!


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