top tips for_finding_the_perfect_mentor (4)

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Copyright © 2013

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All the material contained in this book is provided for educational and informational purposes only. No responsibility can be taken for any results or outcomes resulting from the use of this material.


While every attempt has been

made to provide information that

is both accurate and effective, the

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Table of Contents

1: Which describes you?

2: Who can you Trust?

3: Who will be your Mentor?

1: Which describes you?

Marketing or Selling?

Do you understand the difference?

If you are selling on line then you are destined for failure.

Sellers may make small gains in the short term but marketers make large gains in the long term.

Let me explain:

Most people start out on line without having any idea about setting up & running a business.

Sellers tend to try & use that to their own advantage, selling worthless products at inflated priced.

Most believe it will be easy, set up a website & the money will magically roll in.

If you haven't found out it won't happen yet, you haven't tried it.

You can't just try to sell directly to anyone or everyone, people are sceptical and you need to gain trust first.

You have heard so many horror stories of the 1000's of people who have tried and failed before you.


They naively thought it would be easy to do, without any sort of business plan or real direction I could be talking about any number of people from the thousands who have done exactly the same.

They searched on line for money making ideas & got caught up in the hype.

Listened to false claims of how much other people were earning and fell for it.

They were 'sold to’.

Instead of trying to learn Marketing and study successful people you go on spending, Trying to buy the 'next best thing' believing this product will be the one that changes your life forever.

If you allow the cycle to continue it may well do, bankruptcy is certainly life changing

You may be thinking, what does he know.

I've been there & done it's not something I'm proud of.

How can you stop yourself falling into the same trap?

Educate yourself, 'Learn to Earn'.

Marketers (Give value)

Good Marketers will want to give you great products, free of charge.

You must be thinking I talk nonsense, How can they give things away & make any money?

Remember what I said? Marketers make large gains in the long term.

You need to learn fast, not by spending all your money on worthless products but learning from people who give you value.

Why would they want to help you?

Let me ask you one question?

If someone helped you to get started, sharing their knowledge and giving you useful products all free of charge.

Would you like & trust that person more than others??

Sure you would, wouldn't we all??

In time, marketers will recommend products for you to buy from them. Usually their own products or training programmes that will be useful to you (Nothing in life is completely free).

They know full well that once they have 'helped you' they will are much more likely to have gained your trust & respect.

People buy from those they trust, it's human nature.

If you are perceived to give good value for money & try to help others, you are most likely to gain repeat customers.

Hope you can see the difference?

If you want success & wealth, You MUST give value first.

2: Who can you Trust?

It's a big scary place on the internet & can feel very lonely at times.

You begin with so much excitement & enthusiasm, can't wait to see the money start rolling into your bank account.

You have spent time & money to set up a website, created some great offers & started advertising.

What could possibly go wrong?

So many others are making lots of money so why shouldn't you.

If only it was that simple!!

Chances are you won't make a penny.

You may win the odd battle but you will never

win the war, especially if you are trying to fight on your own.

What I mean is, you may make a few sales but will find it very difficult to build any sort of business.

Marketing on the internet is like a battle zone & you will need to fight to succeed.

You need to find the right help & support available to you.

You NEED a Mentor.

It's not for me to say who that should be.

It's a personal choice, spend time studying successful people until you discover which of them you relate to the most.

(Don’t forget, I said study successful people. I didn't say buy their products.)

Don't worry if that doesn't make sense now, trust me & everything will become clear.

Search out groups that you have an interest in, study those who are tutoring & mentoring.

These are the type of people you want to learn from & need if you are to succeed.

I have a great mentor, 'Andrew Stark' he’s gradually built a solid Internet business in his spare time.

We both started on line around the same time back in 2005, I bought all the expensive non value products that soon left me broke & not knowing what to do, It wasn’t long before I gave up.

During that time Andrew learnt the basics of Internet Marketing and running his own business.

One major difference at that time was, he was determined to succeed & continued learning to gain the knowledge he has today.

There's No false claims or hype, Andrew gives good 'honest help & advice' He will not only tell you what to do, he takes the time & trouble to show you.

He was also kind enough to set up the technical things for me that I'm not good at.

I relate to Andrew very well because I realise & appreciate how difficult Internet Marketing can be, how determined he’s been to achieve his success.

I will recommend him every time.

Not just because he will definitely achieve great on line success for himself, I know he cares about people and wants to help others achieve their own ambitions & goals.

'Andrew Stark' is my Mentor, who will be yours?

3: Who will be your Mentor?

Previously I explained the importance of not trying to do everything yourself & the need for a mentor.

It's essential you can relate to them & have trust.


Quite simply, it may be the biggest financial decision of your life.

If you can’t afford to hire them, you definitely can’t afford not to.

You need to feel they genuinely care & have your best interests at heart.

It will make working together much easier.

They are the expert, sometimes it just takes trust.

Would it help most people to have a Mentor with massive success?

Probably Not!!

You need people that you can relate to, & they understand the level you are at now.

I work with Andrew Stark because he already knows what I will need to do.

Do thorough research before deciding on your next mentor.

Don’t wait 6 months to discover you have been conned.

It could be the difference between success & failure.

Avoid 'Chinese Whispers'

Don't try and do it alone because you think it will save money, you need to follow the formula.

You may think of asking others that invested in a mentor, please don’t, it’s false economy.

If the information gets told slightly different from one person to the next, what happens?

Chinese Whisper’s, You fail because the information given was wrong.

It's a major step forward once you find the right person.

The 'Fun' can really begin.


Mike Robertson

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