top homeopathic remedies for gastric problem

Post on 17-Feb-2017






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Top Homeopathic Remedies for Gastric Problem

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Gastric Problem

•Having gastric problem is one of the common problem; it can be extremely be uncomfortable and embarrassing at times.

•Gas can be expelled out either by burping or passing it through the rectum. Eating is one of the main requirements and at the same time also an excitement of life. After eating meal not feeling well, therefore, it becomes difficult to live with. When the stomach feels disturbed, it is clear sign of a medical disorder

Why to choose homeopathy?

Here are the some of the good things about homeopathy:

•Homeopathy will tell you about the certain remedies for curing the heartburn and symptoms of painful acid reflux.

•It works by giving a tiny dose of a remedy whose characteristics are same as those of the person who need that remedy.

•These remedies will boosts the individual’s own vital force, or immune system and motivates the body to heal itself.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Gastric Problem

Now here are the some of the best remedies for treating the gastric problem as mentioned below:

1. Carbo Veg for gastric problem:

This remedy is perfect for the gastro-intestinal disorders especially in the case of dyspepsia and flatulence. Simplest food diverges because of the weak digestion with extreme build-up of gas in the stomach and intestine with frequent eructation. It is a good remedy for acidity.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Gastric Problem

2. Arsenicum album:

This homeopathic remedy is best for acid reflux disease which may be because of the burning pains felt in the stomach with food backing up into the esophagus, which is due to the burning pains all the way up to the throat. The symptoms may be severe, watery, burning, yellow diarrhea.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Gastric Problem

3. Pulsatilla:

The homeopathic remedy is effective for those people who feel the sensation of feeling burned in their stomach causes because of flatulence. Moreover they feel full after eating and want to loosen their clothing in order to get the relief. Their personality will become sweet, gentle, whiny and tearful.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Gastric Problem


It is one of the beneficial homeopathic remedy for bloated abdomen with constipation. Additionally it is also good for the excessive build-up of gas in abdomen along with constipation. The gas is inhibited, and fills the abdomen, which results in the extreme fullness in abdomen. If a little gas is passed, it is offensive. The abdomen will become very tight and hard. Patient will experience growling or rumbling of gas. The inhibition of gas is because of the colicky pain in abdomen. There might be less relief from pain by passing gas.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Gastric Problem

5. Phosphorus:

The homeopathic remedy is perfect for the those persons who will complain about burning pains which usually felt in the abdomen, bloating and a feeling of fullness lead by great thirst for icy cold drinks, which are vomited out shortly after becoming warm in the stomach. The person needs phosphorus when there is belching and vomiting of undigested food. The person may be mild-mannered, and seeks company and affection.

SCO 143, MDC Sector-5 Panchkula, Haryana, India

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