top 15 most amazing

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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Top 15 Most Amazing


  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    Top 15 Most Amazing & Exotic Houses in the World

    Article bySteph,filed underHouses & Residentialin theArchitecturecategory.

    Little boxes on the hillside arent for everyone. While some people might be content with a

    cookie-cutter home in a bland suburban neighborhood, others create truly one-of-a-kind

    homes with incredibly imaginative shapes and materials. In addition to the70 amazing

    houses around the worldthat weve featured before, here are 15 jaw-dropping examples of

    architecture from a decaying wooden skyscraper in Russia to a mushroom-shaped home in

    Cincinnati that looks like it was custom-made for Dr. Seuss.

    Bart Prince House Alu!uer!ue" #e$ Mexico
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    %images ia' BartPrince(com)

    ArchitectBart Princeis renowned for his incredibly creative approach to designing

    structures. The homes he has created look nothing like the boxy houses you and I live in;theyre quirky, theyre organic, and theyre most definitely one-of-a-kind. Prince says

    hisdesignsstart from the inside out, and that every home he builds has an idea behind it.

    Pictured are Princes own home in Albuquerque (top) and the Seymour residence in Los

    Altos, California.

    *ar al Ha+ar ,emen
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    %images ia' Trael Adentures)

    This striking rock palace is not ahotelor a museum. Its not even a primary residence.Dar

    al Hajarwas built as a summer home by Imam Yahya in the 1930s, and its a stunning

    example of rock-cut architecture. Standing at the base of this imposing structure, you have
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    to crane your neck to see the top. The palace has since been restored so that visitors can

    buy a ticket and get a breathtaking 360-degree view of the surrounding landscape.

    Bule House Tourettes-sur-.oup" /rance

  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    %image ia' Wi0imedia ommons2 /rea03 Martin)

    Thebubble houseof Tourrettes-sur-Loup, France, is only 35 years old and has yet to be

    finished, but that hasnt stopped the French ministry of culture from listing it as a historic

    monument. Designed in the 70s by Hungarian architect Antti Lovag for fashion designer

    Pierre Cardin, the bubble house isfuturisticyet organic, with lots of built-infurnitureand

    oval, convex windows. The design is meant to take optimal advantage of the volcanic Cte

    dAzur landscape, and its windows certainly provide a beautiful view of the Mediterranean.

    Wooden 403scraper Ar0hangels0" ussia
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    %images ia' The Telegraph2English ussia)

    Nikolai Sutyagin, a former gangster, began building this wooden skyscraperin

    Arkhangelsk, Russia with the intention of it being only a two-story building. But, a trip to see

    wooden houses in Japan and Norway convinced him that he hadnt used roof space

    efficiently enough, so he kept building. First I added three floors but then the house looked

    ungainly, like a mushroom, he said. So I added another and it still didnt look right so I kept

    going. What you see today is a happy accident. The multimillionaire became a pauper after

    his possessions were destroyed during a stint in prison, and the house is now decaying

    around him, but he still lives in the bottom floor with his wife.

    The 6pside-*o$n House 4z3mar0" Poland's-tallest-log-cabin.html's-tallest-log-cabin.html's-tallest-log-cabin.html's-tallest-log-cabin.html's-tallest-log-cabin.html
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    %images ia' /resh Home)

    Polish businessman and philanthropist Daniel Czapiewski builtThe Upside Down Houseas

    a statement about the Communist era and the end of the world. It took 114 days to build

    because the workers were so disoriented by the angles of the walls. It certainly attracts its

    fair share of tourists to the tiny village of Szymbark, who often become dizzy and seasick

    after just a few moments inside.

    Hang #ga 7illa *alat" 7ietnam
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    %image ia' Trael Blog)

    Looking like something out of a childs fairytale gone wrong, the bizarre-looking structure in

    Dalat, Vietnam was built by the daughter of Ho Chi Minhs right-hand man. Madame Hang

    Nga created theHang Nga Villa now known simply as Crazy House to reflect her

    interest in art and architecture. Made of concrete, the house now serves as a restaurant and

    reception area for an adjacent French colonial-stylehotelin a jolting contrast in architectural

    styles. The inside is said to be even stranger, with all the kitschy decor you can handle,

    including a giant eagle with red Christmas light eyes, for the Americans.

    Toilet-4haped House 4u$eon" 4outh 8orea
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    %images ia' euters)

    The worlds one and onlytoilet-shaped housewas built to mark the launch of the World

    Toilet Association, a campaign for more sanitary restrooms worldwide. Sim Jae-Duck,

    nicknamed Mayor Toilet, had the 4,508-square-foot concrete and glass structure built in his

    native city of Suweon, South Korea. At the center of the home is a glass-walled showcase

    loo that produces mist to make users feel more secure. Sim, who was born into a toilet and

    has made clean restrooms his lifes work, now lives in the home.

    Eliphante & Hippodome ornille" Arizona
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    %images ia' Apartment Therap3)
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    Called theEliphante house for the look of its entrance, this sculptural home was created by

    artist Michael Kahn and his wife Leda Livant with found materials over a period of 28 years.

    Eliphante and several outbuildings occupy 3 acres of land and incorporate rocks and scraps

    from construction sites. There was never any kind of floor plan for Eliphante it just sort of

    evolved. Ms. Livants residence on the property is the Hippodome, a mosaic-coveredcreation that looks like a hippo emerging from a lake.

    9nersion House Houston" Texas

    %images ia' /lic0r user 8ein :;Mara)

    When two old studio buildings owned byThe Art Leaguein Houston were set to be

    demolished, they decided to take the opportunity to turn them into a temporary art

    installation. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck sculpturally altered the two buildings, peeling

    off the exterior siding of the front building to simulate the appearance of a funnel-like vortex.
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    The opening was actually a tiny hallway (only kids could fit through it) that passed through

    the two structures and emptied out into an adjacent courtyard.

    4hoe House - 4outh A

  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    %images ia' Agilit3 #ut)

    Architect Terry Brown created this much-maligned mushroom house, an unusual piece of

    architecture situated in a rather upscale area of Cincinnati. Browns architectural style

    developed when he began experimenting with materials like wood, colored glass, shell,

    ceramics and various metals to create irregular shapes that mimic those found in nature. A

    professor of architecture and interior design at the University of Cincinnati, Brown frequently

    had to defend the unique design of the house against complaints by neighbors before

    passing away in 2008.

    /loating House 60raine
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    %images ia' Aphasia *esign)

    An optical illusion? Trick of Photoshop? Nobody really seems to know much about this

    supposedfloating barn which was reportedly located in Ukraine and may or may not still be

    standing. Cantilevered barns do exist mostly in theAppalachian regionof the United

    States but usually arent quite this dramatic looking. Real or fake, its certainly pretty


    4pace House 4ignal Mountain" Tennessee
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    %image ia' oast to oast AM)

    TheSpace Housein Signal Mountain, Tennessee was built by Curtis King and his sons in

    the 1970s and is quite a draw for curiosity seekers in the area, who have been filing by and

    taking photos for decades. Six concrete support pillars look like landing gear beneath the

    main part of the building. The Space House sold on the auction block in March 2008 but the

    buyer defaulted, so its being offered for whatever the public is willing to pay on December


    roo0ed House 4opot" Poland
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    %image ia' The World According to =oogle)

    From Poland comes another interesting building, the Crooked House. The design was

    inspired by thedrawingsof Polish artists Jan Marcin Szancer and Per Dahlberg, which have

    a whimsical and Dali-esque feel. Its not actually a house its part of a shopping complex.

    But, its very cool all the same, with its surreal angles and blue-green glass.

    Hundert$asser Haus 7ienna" Austria
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    %images ia' Wi0ipedia)

    Austrian artist Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser may not be well known

    across most of the world, but anyone who has visited Vienna knows of his iconic creation,

    theHundertwasser Haus. Its an apartment complex characterized by patchwork paint,

    undulating floors, the incorporation of vegetation and a faade with seemingly no rhyme or
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    reason to its structure. Hundertwasser reportedly took no payment for designing it,

    considering it a public service to prevent something ugly going up in its place.

    The Boot House, Mumbai, India - The state capital of Maharashtra, Mumbai boasts someincredible tourist attractions and is the perfect place to go for some authentic Indian culture.

    However, Mumbai also has some surprising hidden gems.

  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    5 Amazing Floating DreamHomes

    Sun., Apr. 8, 2012 10:10 AM EDT

    ! "a#$ael Mason

  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing



    %$ile $anging out on a #ruise s$ip #an e &uite 'un, part!ing at !our o(n $uge 'loating

    $ome (oul) e so mu#$ etter, rig$t* +$e# out t$ese in#re)ile $ouses on t$e (ater.

    An) i' !ou-re (on)ering, a $ouseoat #an e moe) 'rom pla#e to pla#e, ($ile a 'loating

    $ome is essentiall! permanentl! )o#e) in t$e pla#e ($ere it-s een uilt. Still, (e-) loe to

    lie in an! one o' t$ese spe#ta#ular )(ellings.
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing



    Location:/ation(i)e an) international )elier!

    Price:5,000 to 120,000

    Bedrooms:none open plan3


    Length:45 'eet or 8 'eet

    6ou-ll e 'loating in st!le on t$ese mo)ern $ouseoats.

    7$oto: DM 9imite)
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    Houseboats of Kashmir

    Location:ammu an) ;as$mir,

  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    1! Benetti Motor Yacht

    Location:Fort 9au)er)ale, Fla.


    Bedrooms: 5

    Bathrooms: 8

    Length:112 'eet

    Ten passengers an) seen #re( memers #an sleep in t$is intage !a#$t.7$oto: oatTra)er.#om
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    "# de S$uisito%




    Length:appro?. B5 'eet

    T$is 'aulous Duai $ouseoat #an e use) as a (eeen) $ome or eent spa#e.

    7$oto: CAr#$ite#ts

    Top 10 unusual $oli)a! $omes 'rom

    HomeA(a!.#o.uTop 10s 'or nusual Holi)a! Homes

    Top 10 Homes (it$ 9og Fires

    Top 10 Homes (it$ ar)ens

    Top 10 +astles +$ateau?

    Top 10 +$i# +it! 7a)s

    Top 10 "ooms (it$ a Gie(**http%3A/**http%3A/
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    Top 10 ol' 7roperties

    est o' ritis$

    Top 10 +os! +ottages

    Top 10 Homes (it$ Tennis +ourts

    Top 10 Homes 'or Foo)ies

    "usti# Farm$ouses

    &indmills' ca(es' con(erted churches and more $uir)* properties a(ailable

    to rent on Home+,a*-co-u)

    For t$ose in sear#$ o' a oneo'ain) e?perien#e, renting an

    unusual propert! guarantees a reall! memorale $oli)a! an)

    proi)es a rea 'rom t$e norm. T$ans to man! people u!ing an)

    renoating uni&ue properties into )ream $oli)a! $omes,

    HomeA(a!.#o.u, t$e ;-s largest $oli)a! rentals (esite, no( $as

    a (ealt$ o' e?#eptional rentals on o''er. From #ae $ouses, to oats

    an) #onerte) #$ur#$es, e?perien#e li'e 'rom a ($ole ne( angle

    %$et$er !ou are looing 'or somet$ing lu?urious an) spa#ious, &uaint an) aut$enti# or >ust

    somet$ing a little )i''erent, on HomeA(a!.#o.u !ou are oun) to 'in) a spe#ial retreat 'or !ou an)

    !our 'amil!. T$ere is an amazing #olle#tion o' &uir! $oli)a! $omes aailale to rent in Europe an)

    e!on) an), so !ou #an pi# t$e est, HomeA(a!.#o.u $as put toget$er a Top 10 o' t$e est mostunusual ones.

    So i' !ou (ant somet$ing out o' t$e or)inar! 'or !our $oli)a!, tae a loo at one o' t$e properties

    elo(, ranging 'rom a se#lu)e) (atermill in Spain an) a Dut#$ oat, to an

  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    1- &I0MILL

    etached se(en store* ,indmill ,ith heated pool' 2K

    3 Bedrooms' Sleeps 15- 4rom 6'5// per ,ee)A totall! uni&ue $oli)a! rental, t$is (in)mill $as een #ompletel! renoate) to proi)e a stunning

    $oli)a! $ome. Stan)ing imposingl! (it$in its large gar)en, t$e propert! o''ers 4B0 )egree ie(s

    stret#$ing up to 20 miles. T$e (in)mill oasts mu#$ #$ara#ter internal eams, oa 'loors, (oo)

    stoe, open 'ires an) t$e 'ormer (orings o' t$e ol) mill. T$e $uge it#$en $as Fren#$ )oors t$at

    lea) to t$e gar)en, ($i#$ 'eatures a $eate) pool an) a large I area.

    7ropert! @8440

    6- &+.78MILL

    + magical' secluded ,atermill set in

    its o,n (alle* in +ndalucia' Spain

    9 Bedrooms' Sleeps - 4rom 55 per ,ee)T$e mill is a trul! uni&ue propert!, a (on)er'ul rural retreat set in its o(n priate alle!, surroun)e)

    ! oer a $e#tare o' mature (oo)lan) an) a #onstantl! 'lo(ing rier #as#a)ing )o(n t$roug$ t$e

    'in#a 'orming numerous natural pools. T$e mill $ouse itsel' o''ers spa#ious a##ommo)ation oer

    t$ree leels an) $as een #are'ull! restore) oer seeral !ears, retaining mu#$ o' its rusti# #$arm

    t$e ol) mill (orings an) grin)ing stones are still t$ere

    7ropert! 1404
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    9- I.+LLI+0 .82LL#

    Lu;ur* trullo ,ith pri(ate pool' close to the sea in

    Puglia' Ital*

    6 Bedrooms' Sleeps !- 4rom 1'15/ per ,ee)

    %it$ restoration #omplete) in April 200@, Trullo ellissimo is rea)! to (el#ome guests to its uni&ue

    len) o' lu?ur! an) et$ni# #$arm. T$e propert!, (it$ t(o )oule e)rooms an) ea#$ (it$ its o(n en

    suite at$room (ill #om'ortal! a##ommo)ate 'our people. T(o )a!e)s o''er a))itional 'le?iilit!, i'

    re&uire). Set in its o(n olie groe, (it$ stunning terra#es, gar)ens an) a priate s(imming pool,

    Trullo ellissimo o''ers t$e i)eal lo#ation to e?plore an) en>o! t$e #ulture, 'oo) an) people o' 7uglia.

    Jriginall! t$ree separate uil)ings, t$e ol)est 400 !ears ol), ellissimo $as een s!mpat$eti#all!

    restore) an) >oine) to reeal original stone (alls, ar#$es an) aulte) #eilings.

    7ropert! 2102


    =os* ca(e house ,ith hammam's,imming pool and barbecue area'


    6 Bedrooms' Sleeps

  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    5- B#+.

    =lassical utch houseboat ,ithin ,al)ing distance of

    +msterdam cit* centre

    1 Bedroom' Sleeps o! t$e 'ree tea an) #o''ee.

    7ropert! 4025B

    !- =#0>78.7 =H28=H

    Lu;urious and spacious church

    con(ersion' Scottish Highlands' 2K

    9 Bedrooms' Sleeps 3- 4rom 55 per ,ee)

    T$is lu?urious #$ur#$ #onersion o''ers an unrialle) sel'#atering $oli)a! in t$e #oastal illage o'

    9!ster. Designe) 'or pra#ti#alit! an) #om'ort, o''ering a (elle&uippe) it#$en, 'amil!'rien)l! la!out,

    spa#ious an) lu?urious e)rooms (it$ t$eir o(n ensuite s$o(er rooms an) 'aulous galler! lounge,

    t$is uni&ue propert! o''ers t$e ultimate in lu?ur!, (armt$ an) #$arm. Appointe) (it$ &ualit! 'i?tures

    an) 'ittings, eer! e''ort $as een taen to presere t$e #$ur#$ (alls, t$e )eep (in)o( re#esses,

    #at$e)ral st!le (in)o(s an) t$e retention o' t$e original #$ur#$ eams.

    7ropert! @855
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    3- LI?H.H#2S7

    Stunning lighthouse cottage ,ith spectacular (ie,s'


    9 Bedrooms' Sleeps 5- 4rom !6/ per ,ee)

    T$is is a lu?urious )eta#$e) lig$t$ouse #ottage lo#ate) esi)e "o#$es 7oint 9ig$t$ouse. J''ering

    spe#ta#ular ie(s o' ot$ t$e Atlanti# an) t$e entran#e to +or Harour, "o#$es 7oint 9ig$t$ouse

    guar)s t$e entran#e to t$e se#on) largest natural $arour in t$e (orl). T$e propert! is part o' t$e

    9ig$t$ouse #omple? an) in#lu)es a se#ure gate) entran#e, as (ell as t$ree e)rooms, a patio (it$

    amazing ie(s o' t$e $arour an) an internal #ourt!ar).

    7ropert! 02

    - M#8#==+0 8I+

    St*lish riad ,ith pool in

    Marra)ech@s historic Medina

    5 Bedrooms' Sleeps 11- 991 per night

    St!lis$ "ia) 7orte "o!ale is set in t$e spiritual $eart o' t$e Me)ina. Dating a# to aroun) 150, t$e

    ria) $as 'ie e)rooms (it$ en suite at$rooms. "estore) ! master #ra'tsmen, tra)itional 'inis$es

    en$an#e t$e #lean lines. e#ts 'rom t$e ol) #araan routes o' Asia an)

    A'ri#a a##ent t$e ($ite e)rooms. T$ere are seeral #orners to rela? in t$e #ourt!ar) an) on t$e roo'


    7ropert! 1182@
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    - S+L. &+87H#2S7

    +n old salt ,arehouse Aust o(er the sea in ?alicia'


    1 Bedroom' Sleeps 9- 4rom 9

  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    t$at trul! stan) out 'rom t$e rest. Also, e sure to #$e# out t$ese Famous TG Homes, Famous Former

    9oersK Homes,an)Famous S#ar! Homes.An) let us no( i' !ou no( some too.

    ?uitar House

    T$is $ouse ro#s %or) $as it t$at t$is $ome in Fa!etteille, eorgia, (as #reate) ! a #ountr!

    musi# 'an in t$e 1@0s, re#eiing a##ola)es 'or its uni&ue )esign. From t$e street, it seems lie

    an! ol) ran#$st!le $ouse. ut ($en !ou ie( it 'rom aoe, it reall! )oes loo lie a guitar,

    #omplete (it$ ele#tri#al (ires strung along t$e roo' to mimi# strings. /o(, i' onl! t$ere (as a giantguitar pi#

    Shoe House

    There was an old woman who lived in a shoe... %ell, oa!, in t$is #ase it (as a#tuall! a man ($o

    o(ne) t$is oots$ape) 7enns!lania $ouse. S$oe store t!#oon Ma$lon Haines uilt t$is

    lan)mar $ome in 1@8 as an a)ertising gimmi#. T$e $ouse 'eatures a 'ront )oor (it$ a

    staine)glass portrait o' t$e o(ner $imsel', an oseration plat'orm, an) een a s$oes$ape)

    )og$ouse. Fittingl!, Ma$lon on#e use) t$e $ome as a guest $ouse, o''ering (eeen) sta!s to

    el)erl! #ouples.
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    Spite House

    A##or)ing to lo#al legen) in Alame)a, +ali'ornia, a man sol) a small par#el o' lan) a)>a#ent to $is

    $ouse, t$ining it (as too small to uil) on. n'ortunatel! 'or $im, t$e u!er turne) out to e a

    #arpenter ($o in)ee) egan uil)ing on t$e site. 7er$aps spurre) on ! t$e protests o' t$e

    $omeo(ner, t$e #arpenter 'inis$e) ($at (oul) #ome to e no(n as t$e Spite House in 18@0.Eentuall!, t$e Spite House (as oug$t ! t$e o(ner o' t$e larger $ouse an) a #onne#ting

    passage(a! (as uilt et(een t$e t(o $omes.

    +tlanta &hite House

    Doule tae eorgiaKs De;al +ount! oasts its o(n %$ite House, ($i#$ (as inspire) ($en an

    Atlanta $ome uil)er, ($o (as orn in

  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    8otating Home

    +utting e)ge, meet green#utting e)ge: T$e "otating Home >ust outsi)e o' San Diego generates

    80N o' its o(n po(er using solar panels an) $as a 'loo)ale roo' 'or 'ire prote#tion an)

    insulation3 t$at 'ee)s into a gra! (ater s!stem 'or gar)en irrigation. /ot onl! #an t$e $ouse rotate

    in eit$er )ire#tion ($ile al(a!s eing #onne#te) to all utilities, ut it een $as t(o turntales in t$e

    garage so t$e #ars neer $ae to a# out.

    +irplane House

  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    +ura#eous (alls insi)e an) out (ere a#$iee) ! spra!ing #on#rete oer rear an) (ire mes$,

    similar to a papierma#$e arts pro>e#t. 6aa, )aa, )oo

    S)inn* House

    At >ust oer 10 'eet (i)e, t$is $ouse in ostonKs /ort$ En) reall! )oes lie up to its name.

  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    Unique property


    in Skinnskatteberg, Central Sweden, Sweden

    From 88/night for 2-3 people

    Unique property

    9glu-*or< >ermatt Save

    in Zermatt, Oberwallis, Switerland

    From !3"/night for !-# people
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    Unique property

    9glu-*or< *aos Save

    in $a%os, Swiss &lps, Switerland

    From !3"/night for !-# people

    Unique property

    9glu-*or< >ugspitze Save

    in 'armis(h-)atenkir(hen, *a%aria, 'erman+

    From !"/night for !-# people
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    Unique property

    Whitepod Save

    in es 'iettes, Swiss &lps, Switerland

    From 328/night for 2-3 people

    Unique property

    4extantio =rotte della iita Save

    in .atera, *asili(ata, tal+

    From !""/night for 0p to 2 people
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    Special offer

    Unique property

    Modern Houseoat Save

    in *erlin, *erlin, 'erman+

    From !8"/night for 2-1 people

    Unique property

    4ha0ti Save

    in '0rgaon, imala+a, ndia

    From 3"/night for !-2 people
  • 7/21/2019 Top 15 Most Amazing


    Unique property

    7ine3ard etreat Save

    in 4est 5isb0r+, .artha6s 7ine+ard, nited States

    From 19/night for #-8 people

    Unique property

    Petrella =uidi .odge Save

    in Sant6&gata Feltria, e .ar(he, tal+

    From 21"/night for 2-8 people

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